Optional group:
20710159 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
20710159-1 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
( syllabus)
The course includes 2 joined modules, equivalent to 12 CFU. The two modules will investigate significant episodes in the artistic production in the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences in architectural types, decorative systems, concepts in theology and aesthetics from both areas. Therefore, both modules will be addressed, along with buildings, to mosaics, wall painting and icons from 5th to 13th centuries, investigating iconographic themes and systems, formal and stylistic structures, commissions in Rome, Constantinople, and other regions of the Byzantine empire. Visits to some historical complexes in Rome will be an integral part of the exam programme: surveys led by the professor are planned, which will be announced promptly. Direct knowledge of a group of roman churches is also required for the purpose of the exam (see list below). The active participation of students is expected with presentations in class and during visits
( reference books)
Attending students Module I History of Medieval Art Bibliography • R. Krautheimer, Architettura sacra paleocristiana e medievale e altri saggi su rinascimento e barocco, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri 1993, pp. 66-89 e figg. 10-27. • M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Arte e iconografia a Roma, Milano, Jaca Book 2000: M. Andaloro, S. Romano, L’immagine nell’abside, pp. 93-132. • M. Andaloro, L’Orizzonte tardo antico e le nuove immagini 312-468, v. I, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: F.R. Moretti e Liverani, pp. 87-91; G. Leardi, pp. 358-361; M. Viscontini, pp. 366-378 e 411-415; G. Bordi, pp. 379-407 e 416-418. • G. Gandolfo, La basilica sistina: i mosaici della navata e dell'arco trionfale, in Santa Maria Maggiore a Roma, a cura di C. Pietrangeli, Firenze 1990, pp. 85-123. • G. Curzi, I mosaici dell’Oratorio di S. Venanzio nel Battistero Lateranense: problemi storici e vicende conservative, in “Atti del V colloquio dell’AISCOM”, Ravenna 1998, pp. 267-282. • M. Andaloro, I papi e l’immagine prima e dopo Nicea, in Medioevo: immagini e ideologie, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Parma, 23-27 settembre 2002), a cura di A. C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma, Electa 2005, pp. 525-540. • S. Romano, Riforma e Tradizione. 1050-1198, v. IV, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: S. Romano, pp. 129-150 (S. Clemente, affreschi); J. Croisier, pp. 209-218 (S. Clemente, mosaico absidale); J. Croisier, pp. 305-311 (Santa Maria in Trastevere, mosaico absidale). • E. Parlato, S. Romano, Roma e il Lazio. Il Romanico, Milano, Jaca Book 2001; pp. 29-43 (S. Clemente); 60-75 (S. Maria in Trastevere); 143 (S. Cecilia in Trastevere). • M. Righetti, La nuova facies della basilica: tra Arnolfo e Cavallini, in AA.VV., Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Roma, Palombi Editori 2007, pp. 84-111. • S. Romano, Il Duecento e la cultura gotica (1198-1287 ca.), v. V, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012: K. Queijo, pp. 77-87 (San Paolo f.l.m., mosaico absidale). • S. Romano, Apogeo e fine del Medioevo.1288-1431, v. VI, Milano, Jaca Book 2017: V. Giesser, pp. 49-57 (San Giovanni in Laterano, Jacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 80-93 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, affreschi navata e controfacciata); V. Giesser, pp. 116-127 (Santa Maria Maggiore, Iacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 171-182 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, Storie della Vergine, mosaico absidale). • The following text is strongly recommended: - M. Andaloro, Atlante. Percorsi visivi, v. I, Jaca Book, Milano-Roma 2006, especially: S. Pietro; S. Paolo f.l.m.; S. Agnese f.l.m.; S. Clemente; Complesso lateranense: San Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero lateranense and Oratorio di S. Venanzio; Santa Maria Maggiore; S. Stefano Rotondo.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: - M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Roma. Arte e iconografia a Roma. Da Costantino a Cola di Rienzo, Milano, Jaca Book 2000 (whole book).
N.B. Apart from whole books, which can be either found at public libraries or bought, and additional readings for non-attending students, any other materials, including the slides, will be available at the end of the course as PDF to all the properly registered students, both attending and non-attending, on the Team channel of Storia dell’arte medievale e storia dell’arte bizantina LM a.a. 2024-2025 prof.ssa Maria Luigia Fobelli, in the section File, folder Materiale del corso.
Core compulsory activities
20710159-2 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
( syllabus)
The course includes 2 joined modules, equivalent to 12 CFU. The two modules will investigate significant episodes in the artistic production in the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences in architectural types, decorative systems, concepts in theology and aesthetics from both areas. Therefore, both modules will be addressed, along with buildings, to mosaics, wall painting and icons from 5th to 13th centuries, investigating iconographic themes and systems, formal and stylistic structures, commissions in Rome, Constantinople, and other regions of the Byzantine empire. Visits to some historical complexes in Rome will be an integral part of the exam programme: surveys led by the professor are planned, which will be announced promptly. Direct knowledge of a group of roman churches is also required for the purpose of the exam (see list below). The active participation of students is expected with presentations in class and during visits.
( reference books)
Attending students Module II History of Byzantine Art Bibliography • s. v. Costantinopoli, in Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica, II, Roma 1985, pp. 880-919. • Grabar, Plotino e l’origine dell’estetica medievale, in Idem, Le origini dell’estetica medievale, Milano, Jaca Book 2001, pp. 29-83. • W. Tatarkiewicz, L’estetica di Plotino, in Storia dell’estetica, I, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 355-366. • Idem, L’estetica dello Pseudo-Dionigi; L’estetica bizantina, in Storia dell’estetica, II, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 34-49. • R. Krautheimer, Santa Sofia e gli edifici annessi, in Architettura paleocristiana e bizantina, Torino, Einaudi 1986, pp. 239-267 e figg. 105-114. • E. Kitzinger, Alle origini dell’arte bizantina. Correnti stilistiche nel mondo mediterraneo dal III al VII secolo, trad. it., Milano, Jaca Book 2004, pp. 27-150 e figg. 35-231. • V. Lazarev, Storia della pittura bizantina, trad. it., Torino, Einaudi 1967, pp. 124-136 e 170-171; pp. 142-150, 176-178 e figg. 149-163; pp. 197-198, 255 e figg. 289-295. • M. Della Valle, Costantinopoli e il suo impero. Arte, architettura, urbanistica nel millennio bizantino, Milano, Jaca Book 2007, pp. 77-143 e figg. 74-147. • M. L. Fobelli, La recinzione presbiteriale; La strategia delle immagini; Luce e luci nella Megale Ekklesia, in Un tempio per Giustiniano. Santa Sofia di Costantinopoli e la Descrizione di Paolo Silenziario, Roma, Viella 2005, pp. 181-207, figg. 1-142. • Procopio di Cesarea, Santa Sofia di Costantinopoli, Un tempio di luce, a cura di P. Cesaretti e M. L. Fobelli, Milano, Jaca Book 2011, pp. 67-130; tavv. I-VII e figg. 1-54. • M. Andaloro, L’icona cristiana e gli artisti e schede n. 374-378, in Aurea Roma. Dalla città pagana alla città cristiana, catalogo a cura di S. Ensoli e E. La Rocca, “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, Roma 2000, pp. 416-424 e 660-663. • M. L. Fobelli, Pavel A. Florenskij e il discorso sull’icona, in L’officina dello sguardo. Scritti in onore di Maria Andaloro, v. II, Immagine, memoria, materia, a cura di G. Bordi, I. Carlettini, M. L. Fobelli, M. R. Menna, P. Pogliani, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2014, pp. 283-290. • The following text is strongly recommended: - C. Mango, Architettura bizantina, trad. it., Milano, Electa 1978, pp. 5-138.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: • A. Grabar, Le origini dell’estetica medievale, Milano, Jaca Book 2001 (whole book). • A. Iacobini, Il mosaico in Italia dall’XI all’inizio del XIII secolo: spazio, immagini, ideologia, in L’arte medievale nel contesto (300-1300). Funzioni, iconografia, tecniche, a cura di P. Piva, Milano, Jaca Book 2006, pp. 463-499 e figg. 279-310.
Attending and non-attending students They are expected to have direct knowledge of the following monuments in Rome: San Pietro; San Paolo f.l.m.; Santa Maria Maggiore; Santi Cosma e Damiano; Sant’Agnese f.l.m.; San Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero Lateranense and Oratorio di San Venanzio; Santo Stefano Rotondo; Santa Susanna; S. Clemente, basilica inferiore e superiore; Santa Cecilia in Trastevere; Santa Maria in Trastevere.
Core compulsory activities
20704133 -
knowledge of the history of modern art (14th-18th centuries) and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read the work of art; ability to analyze the sources; acquisition of a methodological competence that allows an independent study; ability to apply the knowledge acquired in order to devise and support arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
20704133-1 -
knowledge of the history of modern art (14th-18th centuries) and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read the work of art; ability to analyze the sources; acquisition of a methodological competence that allows an independent study; ability to apply the knowledge acquired in order to devise and support arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Core compulsory activities
20704133-2 -
knowledge of the history of modern art (14th-18th centuries) and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read the work of art; ability to analyze the sources; acquisition of a methodological competence that allows an independent study; ability to apply the knowledge acquired in order to devise and support arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
( syllabus)
The course aims to study the activity of Perino del Vaga (1501-1547) as a painter and draughtsman, through the analysis of works, the reading of sources and an examination of the history of studies and bibliography.
( reference books)
G. Vasari, Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite de’ più eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architettori nelle redazioni del 1550 e 1568, testo a cura di Rosanna Bettarini, commento secolare di Paola Barocchi, 6 voll., Firenze 1966-1987, vol. V, pp. 105-162
B. Davidson, Mostra di disegni di Perino del Vaga e la sua cerchia, catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi), Firenze 1966
E. Parma Armani, Perino del Vaga, l’anello mancante, Genova 1986
Perino del Vaga tra Raffaello e Michelangelo, catalogo della mostra (Mantova Palazzo Te, 18 marzo-10 giugno 2001), Milano 2001, 40 entries choosen by the student from n. 12, p. 106 to n. 90, p. 193 for those who need just 6 CFU; those who need 12 CFU must add to these 40 entries from n. 94, p. 200 to n. 107, p. 324.
Core compulsory activities
20710035 -
knowledge of the different types of sources related to the history of art of the XIX-XX centuries, both visual and documentary, written and oral.
20710598 -
The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
20710598-1 -
The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
( syllabus)
The Century of Picasso and Duchamp
This course explores the 20th century through the works and ideas of two key figures: Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp. Both artists revolutionized Western artistic tradition, though by following conceptually divergent paths. Picasso continuously reinvented traditional visual language, integrating a wide range of historical and cultural influences, while Duchamp subverted artistic conventions, introducing concepts such as the ready-made, which redefined the nature and function of the artwork.
The course provides tools for an in-depth understanding of the major works of Picasso and Duchamp, highlighting the contrasts and affinities between the two. It will analyze the historical and cultural contexts in which they operated, as well as how their works responded to the major events of the 20th century, from the world wars to the rise of the avant-gardes. The course will also examine the legacy of these two artists, particularly Duchamp's influence on conceptual and postmodern art, and Picasso's impact from Cubism to political art, demonstrating how their ideas continue to shape contemporary artistic discourse.
( reference books)
Essays and books
• T.J. Clark, Picasso and Truth, Princeton University Press, 2013 (PDF) • Leo Steinberg, The Philosophical Brothel; In the Algerian Room, in Id. Picasso, Chicago University Press 2022 (PDF) • Marcel Duchamp. Critica, biografia, mito, a cura di Stefano Chiodi, Electa, Milano 2009 (PDF)
Additional texts will be indicated in the course of the lectures.
Core compulsory activities
20710598-2 -
The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
( syllabus)
The Century of Picasso and Duchamp
This course explores the 20th century through the works and ideas of two key figures: Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp. Both artists revolutionized Western artistic tradition, though by following conceptually divergent paths. Picasso continuously reinvented traditional visual language, integrating a wide range of historical and cultural influences, while Duchamp subverted artistic conventions, introducing concepts such as the ready-made, which redefined the nature and function of the artwork.
The course provides tools for an in-depth understanding of the major works of Picasso and Duchamp, highlighting the contrasts and affinities between the two. It will analyze the historical and cultural contexts in which they operated, as well as how their works responded to the major events of the 20th century, from the world wars to the rise of the avant-gardes. The course will also examine the legacy of these two artists, particularly Duchamp's influence on conceptual and postmodern art, and Picasso's impact from Cubism to political art, demonstrating how their ideas continue to shape contemporary artistic discourse.
( reference books)
Essays and books
• T.J. Clark, Picasso and Truth, Princeton University Press, 2013 (PDF) • Leo Steinberg, The Philosophical Brothel; In the Algerian Room, in Id. Picasso, Chicago University Press 2022 (PDF) • Marcel Duchamp. Critica, biografia, mito, a cura di Stefano Chiodi, Electa, Milano 2009 (PDF)
Additional texts will be indicated in the course of the lectures.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710158 -
development of acquired knowledge; specific knowledge of the historical and artistic development of the medieval art (VI-XV century) acquisition of specific skills on artistic and craft production, monumental achievements of medieval age; ability to collect and interpret data; ability to analyze and read the work of art; development of a methodological competence that allows independent study; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
( syllabus)
From research to story: St Peter's in the Vatican before and after the Holy Door (8th-17th centuries) Why in the new St. Peter's of Paul V (1612) does the titulus of the Holy Door bear an inscription from the time of Gregory XIII (1575)? If it is true that every monument is a document, there must be a reason that can be investigated with the tools of historical and art-historical research. By retracing the vicissitudes of a place in the Vatican basilica charged with ritual significance, the course aims to recompose the phases and transformations of a space in the ancient basilica that has left memories and traces of itself in the new one; to experiment with different investigative strategies and to question the narration of what we discover, because only the narrative "reveals the meaning of what would otherwise remain an intolerable sequence of events".
( reference books)
Ch. Thoenes, Persistenze, ricorrenze e innovazioni nella storia della Basilica Vaticana, in Quaderni dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Architettura N.S. 57/59.2011/12, pp. 85-92. P. Liverani, San Pietro in Vaticano, in La visita alle ‘Sette chiese’, a cura di L. Pani Ermini, Roma 2000, pp. 21-45. A. Ballardini, La Basilica di San Pietro nel Medioevo, in H. Brandenburg, A. Ballardini, Ch. Thoenes, S. Pietro. Storia di un monumento, Milano 2015; pp. 34-75 e le note alle pp. 325-330. A.Ballardini, Un oratorio per la Theotokos: Giovanni VII (705-707) committente a San Pietro, in Medioevo: i committenti, XIII Convegno internazionale di studi, Parma, 21-26 settembre 2010, a cura di A.C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma 2011, pp. 98-116.
A.Ballardini, Il perduto Oratorio di Giovanni VII nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Architettura e scultura, in Santa Maria Antiqua, tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 220-233 (e relative schede)
P.Pogliani, Il perduto Oratorio di Giovanni VII nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. I mosaici, in Santa Maria Antiqua, tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 240-259 (e relative schede)
A.Ballardini, Ugo da Carpi, Veronica mostra il Volto Santo tra gli Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, scheda di catalogo, in I Santi d’Italia. La pittura devota tra Tiziano, Guercino e Carlo Maratta a cura di Daniela Porra e A. D’Amico, (Milano, Palazzo Reale, 24 marzo-4 giugno 2017), Cinisello Balsamo-Milano 2017, pp. 78-80 [nelle pagine seguenti: Considerazioni sulla tecnica di esecuzione dell’opera a cura di G. Capriotti e L. D’Alessandro, facoltativo]
A.Ballardini, Piccola ma aurea: la Porta Santa nell'antico San Pietro, in Quando la Fabbrica costruì San Pietro. Un cantiere di lavoro, di pietà cristiana e di umanità (XVI-XIX secolo), a cura di Assunta Di Sante e Simona Turriziani, Foligno 2016, pp. 19-41.
A.Ballardini, Von Iohannes VII. zu den Renaissancepäpsten. Die Öffnung der Heiligen Pforte in Alt-St.Peter, in Die Päpste und Rom zwischen Spätantike und Mittelalter. Formen der Päpstlichen Machtentfaltung (17. - 19. März 2016), Hrg. Norbert Zimmermann, Tanja Michalsky, Alfried Wieczorek, Stefan Weinfurter, Schnell & Steiner 2017, pp. 29-53 (a disposizione anche in italiano). V. Lucherini, Alfarano, Tiberio / Tiberius Alpharanus, Historiker, ad vocem in Personenlexicon zur Christlichen Archäologie, 2012, I, pp. 62-63 (a disposizione anche in italiano). M. Ceresa, Grimaldi, Giacomo, ad vocem in Dizionario Biografico degli italiani (vol. 59, 2002) http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/giacomo-grimaldi_(Dizionario-Biografico) Short collection of notes on Giacomo Grimaldi (1568-523) ed. by Antonella Ballardini
Consultation of the main manuscripts under study on the BAV website (Digitised Manuscripts Fund) is required https://opac.vatlib.it/mss/
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro G.5
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro A.64ter
Barb.lat. 2732
Barb.lat. 2733
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro H.3
Consultazione on line:
Tiberii Alpharani De Basilicae Vaticanae antiquissima et nova structura, a cura di M. Cerrati (Studi e testi, XXVI), Roma 1914.
Core compulsory activities
20710597 -
Advanced knowledge of the history of post-war art, chiefly in Italy.
( syllabus)
Reading Self-Portrait by Carla Lonzi The publication of the book Autoritratto marked the high point and conclusion of Carla Lonzi's professional activity as an art critic. Fifty-five years after its first release, and on the occasion of its republication as part of an extensive reissue of the art critic and feminist's writings, this course offers an updated and in-depth reading of a capital text of 20th-century Italian art criticism. The book is the result of the editing of a series of conversations in which an exceptionally intelligent art critic and some of the leading artists working in Italy in the 1960s are brought together in an imaginary “banquet.” Carla Accardi, Getulio Alviani, Enrico Castellani, Pietro Consagra, Luciano Fabro, Lucio Fontana, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Nigro, Giulio Paolini, Pino Pascali, Mimmo Rotella, Salvatore Scarpitta, Giulio Turcato; completing the group was Cy Twombly, who Lonzi's (written) questions had never been answered. The conversations had been recorded over the previous years, some intended from the outset for publication in a magazine or exhibition catalog, others remained unpublished, and still others caught in the context of sharing of ideas among friends. The informal nature of the conversations means that everything is talked about in the book, that the artists are questioned more often on a personal level than on a professional one, as it is also evident from the illustrative set, composed largely of photographs from family albums.
( reference books)
_ C. Lonzi, Autoritratto, in any edition: De Donato, Bari 1969; et al. edizioni, Milano 2010; Abscondita, Milano 2017; La Tartaruga, Milano 2024. The book has been translated in French (Autoportrait, JRP | Ringier, Paris 2012), English (Self-portrait, Divided Publishing, Bruxelles 2021) and German (Selbstbildnis, Gachnang & Springer, Bern 2000).
_ L. Conte, “La critica è potere”. Percorsi e momenti della critica negli anni Sessanta, in L. Conte, V. Fiorino (a cura di), La duplice radicalità: Carla Lonzi dalla critica militante al femminismo di Rivolta, ETS, Pisa 2011, pp. 87-109. _ L. Iamurri, Intorno a Autoritratto: fonti, ipotesi, riflessioni, ivi, pp. 67-86. _ L. Iamurri, Un margine che sfugge. Carla Lonzi e l’arte in Italia, 1955-1970, Quodlibet, Macerata 2016. _ T. Kittler, Reimaging the Family Album: Carla Lonzi’s Autoritratto, in F. Ventrella, G. Zapperi (eds), Feminism and Art in Postwar Italy. The Legacy of Carla Lonzi, Bloomsbury, London 2020, pp. 181-208.
Since a written paper is required for the exam, additional specific bibliography may be required. This will be indicated on a case-by-case basis in relation to the topic of the paper.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20703341 -
knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA
( syllabus)
Course title: The Museum in the contemporary debate: traditions and contradictions
Never as intensely as today, and at any latitude in the World, the museum institution is at the center of a debate that constantly questions its traditional status as a place of conservation, study and protection of collections. This course aims to offer a broad overview of the museum and of the Museum Studies (definition, statute, structure, services, spaces, professions) and to analyze some themes dear to Critical Museology, such as decolonization, delocalization, the development of museums of memory and human rights, the relationship with social and economic sciences, etc. The second part of the course will take place in the form of seminars conducted in the museums by students based on individual research. Numerous inspections are planned in the Roman museums.
( reference books)
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has studied in depth:
a) at least one of the following texts: A Companion to Museum Studies, a cura di S. Macdonald, Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, Modelli museologici e museografici nell'era della digital transformation, Milano Hoepli 2023
b) at least one of the following texts: The Curation and Care of Museum Collection, a cura di B.A. Campbell, Ch. Baars, London ; New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 The contemporary Museum: shaping Museums for the Global Now, a cura di S. J. Knell, London, New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008 S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait (a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016 M. Ferretti e A.Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131. S. Verde, Le belle arti e i selvaggi, la scoperta dell’altro, la storia dell’arte e l’invenzione del patrimonio culturale, Venezia, Marsilio, 2019 P.C. Marani, R. Pavoni, Musei, Trasformazioni di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006 M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005 Musei italiani del dopoguerra (1945-1977). Ricognizioni storiche e prospettive future, a cura di Valter Curzi, Milano, Skira, 2022. D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008 D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004 A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998 R. Fontanarossa, Collezionisti e musei. Una storia culturale, Torino, Einaudi, 2022
c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course and published on the teacher's bulletin board;
d) he or she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of the following Roman museums: - Musei Capitolini - Musei Vaticani - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Barberini - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Spada - Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia - Museo di Roma - Museo Napoleonico - Museo Mario Praz - Museo della Centrale Montemartini - Museo Nazionale Romano - Museo delle Civiltà - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna - MAXXI - MACRO - Palazzo Merulana
In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose and study two further texts from points a) and / or b).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710158 -
development of acquired knowledge; specific knowledge of the historical and artistic development of the medieval art (VI-XV century) acquisition of specific skills on artistic and craft production, monumental achievements of medieval age; ability to collect and interpret data; ability to analyze and read the work of art; development of a methodological competence that allows independent study; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
( syllabus)
From research to story: St Peter's in the Vatican before and after the Holy Door (8th-17th centuries) Why in the new St. Peter's of Paul V (1612) does the titulus of the Holy Door bear an inscription from the time of Gregory XIII (1575)? If it is true that every monument is a document, there must be a reason that can be investigated with the tools of historical and art-historical research. By retracing the vicissitudes of a place in the Vatican basilica charged with ritual significance, the course aims to recompose the phases and transformations of a space in the ancient basilica that has left memories and traces of itself in the new one; to experiment with different investigative strategies and to question the narration of what we discover, because only the narrative "reveals the meaning of what would otherwise remain an intolerable sequence of events".
( reference books)
Ch. Thoenes, Persistenze, ricorrenze e innovazioni nella storia della Basilica Vaticana, in Quaderni dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Architettura N.S. 57/59.2011/12, pp. 85-92. P. Liverani, San Pietro in Vaticano, in La visita alle ‘Sette chiese’, a cura di L. Pani Ermini, Roma 2000, pp. 21-45. A. Ballardini, La Basilica di San Pietro nel Medioevo, in H. Brandenburg, A. Ballardini, Ch. Thoenes, S. Pietro. Storia di un monumento, Milano 2015; pp. 34-75 e le note alle pp. 325-330. A.Ballardini, Un oratorio per la Theotokos: Giovanni VII (705-707) committente a San Pietro, in Medioevo: i committenti, XIII Convegno internazionale di studi, Parma, 21-26 settembre 2010, a cura di A.C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma 2011, pp. 98-116.
A.Ballardini, Il perduto Oratorio di Giovanni VII nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Architettura e scultura, in Santa Maria Antiqua, tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 220-233 (e relative schede)
P.Pogliani, Il perduto Oratorio di Giovanni VII nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. I mosaici, in Santa Maria Antiqua, tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 240-259 (e relative schede)
A.Ballardini, Ugo da Carpi, Veronica mostra il Volto Santo tra gli Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, scheda di catalogo, in I Santi d’Italia. La pittura devota tra Tiziano, Guercino e Carlo Maratta a cura di Daniela Porra e A. D’Amico, (Milano, Palazzo Reale, 24 marzo-4 giugno 2017), Cinisello Balsamo-Milano 2017, pp. 78-80 [nelle pagine seguenti: Considerazioni sulla tecnica di esecuzione dell’opera a cura di G. Capriotti e L. D’Alessandro, facoltativo]
A.Ballardini, Piccola ma aurea: la Porta Santa nell'antico San Pietro, in Quando la Fabbrica costruì San Pietro. Un cantiere di lavoro, di pietà cristiana e di umanità (XVI-XIX secolo), a cura di Assunta Di Sante e Simona Turriziani, Foligno 2016, pp. 19-41.
A.Ballardini, Von Iohannes VII. zu den Renaissancepäpsten. Die Öffnung der Heiligen Pforte in Alt-St.Peter, in Die Päpste und Rom zwischen Spätantike und Mittelalter. Formen der Päpstlichen Machtentfaltung (17. - 19. März 2016), Hrg. Norbert Zimmermann, Tanja Michalsky, Alfried Wieczorek, Stefan Weinfurter, Schnell & Steiner 2017, pp. 29-53 (a disposizione anche in italiano). V. Lucherini, Alfarano, Tiberio / Tiberius Alpharanus, Historiker, ad vocem in Personenlexicon zur Christlichen Archäologie, 2012, I, pp. 62-63 (a disposizione anche in italiano). M. Ceresa, Grimaldi, Giacomo, ad vocem in Dizionario Biografico degli italiani (vol. 59, 2002) http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/giacomo-grimaldi_(Dizionario-Biografico) Short collection of notes on Giacomo Grimaldi (1568-523) ed. by Antonella Ballardini
Consultation of the main manuscripts under study on the BAV website (Digitised Manuscripts Fund) is required https://opac.vatlib.it/mss/
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro G.5
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro A.64ter
Barb.lat. 2732
Barb.lat. 2733
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro H.3
Consultazione on line:
Tiberii Alpharani De Basilicae Vaticanae antiquissima et nova structura, a cura di M. Cerrati (Studi e testi, XXVI), Roma 1914.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
20710159-1 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course includes 2 joined modules, equivalent to 12 CFU. The two modules will investigate significant episodes in the artistic production in the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences in architectural types, decorative systems, concepts in theology and aesthetics from both areas. Therefore, both modules will be addressed, along with buildings, to mosaics, wall painting and icons from 5th to 13th centuries, investigating iconographic themes and systems, formal and stylistic structures, commissions in Rome, Constantinople, and other regions of the Byzantine empire. Visits to some historical complexes in Rome will be an integral part of the exam programme: surveys led by the professor are planned, which will be announced promptly. Direct knowledge of a group of roman churches is also required for the purpose of the exam (see list below). The active participation of students is expected with presentations in class and during visits
( reference books)
Attending students Module I History of Medieval Art Bibliography • R. Krautheimer, Architettura sacra paleocristiana e medievale e altri saggi su rinascimento e barocco, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri 1993, pp. 66-89 e figg. 10-27. • M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Arte e iconografia a Roma, Milano, Jaca Book 2000: M. Andaloro, S. Romano, L’immagine nell’abside, pp. 93-132. • M. Andaloro, L’Orizzonte tardo antico e le nuove immagini 312-468, v. I, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: F.R. Moretti e Liverani, pp. 87-91; G. Leardi, pp. 358-361; M. Viscontini, pp. 366-378 e 411-415; G. Bordi, pp. 379-407 e 416-418. • G. Gandolfo, La basilica sistina: i mosaici della navata e dell'arco trionfale, in Santa Maria Maggiore a Roma, a cura di C. Pietrangeli, Firenze 1990, pp. 85-123. • G. Curzi, I mosaici dell’Oratorio di S. Venanzio nel Battistero Lateranense: problemi storici e vicende conservative, in “Atti del V colloquio dell’AISCOM”, Ravenna 1998, pp. 267-282. • M. Andaloro, I papi e l’immagine prima e dopo Nicea, in Medioevo: immagini e ideologie, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Parma, 23-27 settembre 2002), a cura di A. C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma, Electa 2005, pp. 525-540. • S. Romano, Riforma e Tradizione. 1050-1198, v. IV, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: S. Romano, pp. 129-150 (S. Clemente, affreschi); J. Croisier, pp. 209-218 (S. Clemente, mosaico absidale); J. Croisier, pp. 305-311 (Santa Maria in Trastevere, mosaico absidale). • E. Parlato, S. Romano, Roma e il Lazio. Il Romanico, Milano, Jaca Book 2001; pp. 29-43 (S. Clemente); 60-75 (S. Maria in Trastevere); 143 (S. Cecilia in Trastevere). • M. Righetti, La nuova facies della basilica: tra Arnolfo e Cavallini, in AA.VV., Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Roma, Palombi Editori 2007, pp. 84-111. • S. Romano, Il Duecento e la cultura gotica (1198-1287 ca.), v. V, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012: K. Queijo, pp. 77-87 (San Paolo f.l.m., mosaico absidale). • S. Romano, Apogeo e fine del Medioevo.1288-1431, v. VI, Milano, Jaca Book 2017: V. Giesser, pp. 49-57 (San Giovanni in Laterano, Jacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 80-93 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, affreschi navata e controfacciata); V. Giesser, pp. 116-127 (Santa Maria Maggiore, Iacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 171-182 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, Storie della Vergine, mosaico absidale). • The following text is strongly recommended: - M. Andaloro, Atlante. Percorsi visivi, v. I, Jaca Book, Milano-Roma 2006, especially: S. Pietro; S. Paolo f.l.m.; S. Agnese f.l.m.; S. Clemente; Complesso lateranense: San Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero lateranense and Oratorio di S. Venanzio; Santa Maria Maggiore; S. Stefano Rotondo.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: - M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Roma. Arte e iconografia a Roma. Da Costantino a Cola di Rienzo, Milano, Jaca Book 2000 (whole book).
N.B. Apart from whole books, which can be either found at public libraries or bought, and additional readings for non-attending students, any other materials, including the slides, will be available at the end of the course as PDF to all the properly registered students, both attending and non-attending, on the Team channel of Storia dell’arte medievale e storia dell’arte bizantina LM a.a. 2024-2025 prof.ssa Maria Luigia Fobelli, in the section File, folder Materiale del corso.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159-2 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Architecture and figurative programmes in Rome and Byzantium (5th-13th century) The course includes 2 joined modules, equivalent to 12 CFU. The two modules will investigate significant episodes in the artistic production in the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences in architectural types, decorative systems, concepts in theology and aesthetics from both areas. Therefore, both modules will be addressed, along with buildings, to mosaics, wall painting and icons from 5th to 13th centuries, investigating iconographic themes and systems, formal and stylistic structures, commissions in Rome, Constantinople, and other regions of the Byzantine empire. Visits to some historical complexes in Rome will be an integral part of the exam programme: surveys led by the professor are planned, which will be announced promptly. Direct knowledge of a group of roman churches is also required for the purpose of the exam (see list below). The active participation of students is expected with presentations in class and during visits.
( reference books)
Attending students Module II History of Byzantine Art Bibliography • s. v. Costantinopoli, in Enciclopedia dell’Arte Antica, II, Roma 1985, pp. 880-919. • Grabar, Plotino e l’origine dell’estetica medievale, in Idem, Le origini dell’estetica medievale, Milano, Jaca Book 2001, pp. 29-83. • W. Tatarkiewicz, L’estetica di Plotino, in Storia dell’estetica, I, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 355-366. • Idem, L’estetica dello Pseudo-Dionigi; L’estetica bizantina, in Storia dell’estetica, II, Torino, Einaudi, 1979, pp. 34-49. • R. Krautheimer, Santa Sofia e gli edifici annessi, in Architettura paleocristiana e bizantina, Torino, Einaudi 1986, pp. 239-267 e figg. 105-114. • E. Kitzinger, Alle origini dell’arte bizantina. Correnti stilistiche nel mondo mediterraneo dal III al VII secolo, trad. it., Milano, Jaca Book 2004, pp. 27-150 e figg. 35-231. • V. Lazarev, Storia della pittura bizantina, trad. it., Torino, Einaudi 1967, pp. 124-136 e 170-171; pp. 142-150, 176-178 e figg. 149-163; pp. 197-198, 255 e figg. 289-295. • M. Della Valle, Costantinopoli e il suo impero. Arte, architettura, urbanistica nel millennio bizantino, Milano, Jaca Book 2007, pp. 77-143 e figg. 74-147. • M. L. Fobelli, La recinzione presbiteriale; La strategia delle immagini; Luce e luci nella Megale Ekklesia, in Un tempio per Giustiniano. Santa Sofia di Costantinopoli e la Descrizione di Paolo Silenziario, Roma, Viella 2005, pp. 181-207, figg. 1-142. • Procopio di Cesarea, Santa Sofia di Costantinopoli, Un tempio di luce, a cura di P. Cesaretti e M. L. Fobelli, Milano, Jaca Book 2011, pp. 67-130; tavv. I-VII e figg. 1-54. • M. Andaloro, L’icona cristiana e gli artisti e schede n. 374-378, in Aurea Roma. Dalla città pagana alla città cristiana, catalogo a cura di S. Ensoli e E. La Rocca, “L’Erma” di Bretschneider, Roma 2000, pp. 416-424 e 660-663. • M. L. Fobelli, Pavel A. Florenskij e il discorso sull’icona, in L’officina dello sguardo. Scritti in onore di Maria Andaloro, v. II, Immagine, memoria, materia, a cura di G. Bordi, I. Carlettini, M. L. Fobelli, M. R. Menna, P. Pogliani, Gangemi Editore, Roma 2014, pp. 283-290. • The following text is strongly recommended: - C. Mango, Architettura bizantina, trad. it., Milano, Electa 1978, pp. 5-138.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: • A. Grabar, Le origini dell’estetica medievale, Milano, Jaca Book 2001 (whole book). • A. Iacobini, Il mosaico in Italia dall’XI all’inizio del XIII secolo: spazio, immagini, ideologia, in L’arte medievale nel contesto (300-1300). Funzioni, iconografia, tecniche, a cura di P. Piva, Milano, Jaca Book 2006, pp. 463-499 e figg. 279-310.
Attending and non-attending students They are expected to have direct knowledge of the following monuments in Rome: San Pietro; San Paolo f.l.m.; Santa Maria Maggiore; Santi Cosma e Damiano; Sant’Agnese f.l.m.; San Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero Lateranense and Oratorio di San Venanzio; Santo Stefano Rotondo; Santa Susanna; S. Clemente, basilica inferiore e superiore; Santa Cecilia in Trastevere; Santa Maria in Trastevere.
N.B. Apart from whole books, which can be either found at public libraries or bought, and additional readings for non-attending students, any other materials, including the slides, will be available at the end of the course as PDF to all the properly registered students, both attending and non-attending, on the Team channel of Storia dell’arte medievale e storia dell’arte bizantina LM a.a. 2024-2025 prof.ssa Maria Luigia Fobelli, in the section File, folder Materiale del corso.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704133 -
knowledge of the history of modern art (14th-18th centuries) and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read the work of art; ability to analyze the sources; acquisition of a methodological competence that allows an independent study; ability to apply the knowledge acquired in order to devise and support arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
20704133-1 -
knowledge of the history of modern art (14th-18th centuries) and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read the work of art; ability to analyze the sources; acquisition of a methodological competence that allows an independent study; ability to apply the knowledge acquired in order to devise and support arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20704133-1 STORIA DELL'ARTE MODERNA in Storia dell'arte LM-89 GINZBURG SILVIA
( syllabus)
The course aims to study the activity of Perino del Vaga (1501-1547) as a painter and draughtsman, through the analysis of works, the reading of sources and an examination of the history of studies and bibliography.
( reference books)
G. Vasari, Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite de’ più eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architettori nelle redazioni del 1550 e 1568, testo a cura di Rosanna Bettarini, commento secolare di Paola Barocchi, 6 voll., Firenze 1966-1987, vol. V, pp. 105-162
B. Davidson, Mostra di disegni di Perino del Vaga e la sua cerchia, catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi), Firenze 1966
E. Parma Armani, Perino del Vaga, l’anello mancante, Genova 1986
Perino del Vaga tra Raffaello e Michelangelo, catalogo della mostra (Mantova Palazzo Te, 18 marzo-10 giugno 2001), Milano 2001, 40 entries choosen by the student from n. 12, p. 106 to n. 90, p. 193 for those who need just 6 CFU; those who need 12 CFU must add to these 40 entries from n. 94, p. 200 to n. 107, p. 324.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704133-2 -
knowledge of the history of modern art (14th-18th centuries) and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read the work of art; ability to analyze the sources; acquisition of a methodological competence that allows an independent study; ability to apply the knowledge acquired in order to devise and support arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20704133-2 STORIA DELL'ARTE MODERNA in Storia dell'arte LM-89 GINZBURG SILVIA
( syllabus)
The course aims to study the activity of Perino del Vaga (1501-1547) as a painter and draughtsman, through the analysis of works, the reading of sources and an examination of the history of studies and bibliography.
( reference books)
G. Vasari, Giorgio Vasari, Le Vite de’ più eccellenti Pittori, Scultori e Architettori nelle redazioni del 1550 e 1568, testo a cura di Rosanna Bettarini, commento secolare di Paola Barocchi, 6 voll., Firenze 1966-1987, vol. V, pp. 105-162
B. Davidson, Mostra di disegni di Perino del Vaga e la sua cerchia, catalogo della mostra (Firenze, Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi), Firenze 1966
E. Parma Armani, Perino del Vaga, l’anello mancante, Genova 1986
Perino del Vaga tra Raffaello e Michelangelo, catalogo della mostra (Mantova Palazzo Te, 18 marzo-10 giugno 2001), Milano 2001, 40 entries choosen by the student from n. 12, p. 106 to n. 90, p. 193 for those who need just 6 CFU; those who need 12 CFU must add to these 40 entries from n. 94, p. 200 to n. 107, p. 324.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710443 -
Students who attend this course will acquire knowledge of the History of Flemish and Dutch Art in the early modern age, especially with regard to the aspects of the Social History of Art, History of Patronage and Collecting. Students will be given the opportunity to learn about the sites, the artists, the standard works of the History of Flemish and Dutch Art in the seventeenth century and the ability to use the main tools for the interpretation of the data (sources and historiographical debate).They will also be able to apply the method acquired in the art-historical investigation to other authors, works and contexts than those dealt with in class. They will also be able to communicate their knowledge, acquiring specialised vocabulary. Finally, the students of the course will be able to acquire a study method based on the specificity of the historical-artistic discipline aimed at interpreting and commenting analytically works and contexts of the modern age.
( syllabus)
Michael Sweerts (1618-1656) and the Rome of the Bamboccianti
Born in Brussels and died in Goa, India, living in Rome for at least a decade, Michael Sweerts is a very interesting figure in seventeenth-century European figurative culture. The course will examine his artistic production, the context within which he works. It will take place largely in churches, museums, public and private collections in the city of Rome, comparing his work with that of his contemporaries, active during the pontificate of Innocent X Pamphili.
( reference books)
Preparation for the exam requires in-depth, critical and informed study of.
(a) at least one of two texts of your choice: G. Kieft, I Paesi Bassi settentrionali: arte, mestiere e committenza nel secolo d'oro, in La pittura nei Paesi Bassi, a cura di B.W.Meijer, Milano, Electa, 1997, tomo II, pp. 409-522 (disponibile su Teams) or Mariette Westermann, The Art of the Dutch Republic. 1585-1718, New York, Harry Abrams, 1996 (available for purchase online for a very modest amount).
(b) at least one of the following texts of your choice (or all of them):
Svetlana Alpers, Art of Description. Science and Painting in the Dutch Seventeenth Century; Simon Shama, The Embarrassment of Riches; Svetlana Alpers, Rembrandt's Enterprise: The Studio and the Market, 1995; Daniel Arasse, L' Ambition de Vermeer, 1993; Marco Mascolo, Rembrandt. Un artista nell'Europa del Seicento, Rome, Carocci, 2021; Les bas-fonds du baroque: la Rome du vice et de la misere, cataloge dirigée par F. Cappelletti et A. Lemoine, 2014.
(c) texts related to Michael Sweerts that will be made available in the file on Teams(the advice of course is always to read them all); including G. Briganti, Il mito della “finestra aperta,” in G. Briganti, L. Trezzani, L. Laureati, I Bamboccianti. Pittori della vita quotidiana a Roma nel Seicento, Bozzi, Rome 1983, pp. 1-36; G. Capitelli, Bambocciate in L'Arte. Protagonists, Themes, Masterpieces, Paths, edited by G.C.Sciolla, 6 vols., Turin 2003; Eadem, Una testimonianza documentaria per il primo nucleo della raccolta del principe Camillo Pamphilj, in I capolavori della collezione Doria Pamphilj. Da Tiziano a Velázquez, exhibition catalog (Milan, Fondazione Arte e Civiltà, September 28-December 8, 1996), Skira, Milan 1996, pp. 57-80. (d) Teaching materials, consisting of the ppts of the slides projected in class and available on Teams.
Non-attending students should add to this syllabus (with the exception of items d and e which are precluded from them) the in-depth study of at least two other texts from those listed in (b).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710035 -
knowledge of the different types of sources related to the history of art of the XIX-XX centuries, both visual and documentary, written and oral.
20710598 -
The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
20710598-1 -
The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The Century of Picasso and Duchamp
This course explores the 20th century through the works and ideas of two key figures: Pablo Picasso and Marcel Duchamp. Both artists revolutionized Western artistic tradition, though by following conceptually divergent paths. Picasso continuously reinvented traditional visual language, integrating a wide range of historical and cultural influences, while Duchamp subverted artistic conventions, introducing concepts such as the ready-made, which redefined the nature and function of the artwork.
The course provides tools for an in-depth understanding of the major works of Picasso and Duchamp, highlighting the contrasts and affinities between the two. It will analyze the historical and cultural contexts in which they operated, as well as how their works responded to the major events of the 20th century, from the world wars to the rise of the avant-gardes. The course will also examine the legacy of these two artists, particularly Duchamp's influence on conceptual and postmodern art, and Picasso's impact from Cubism to political art, demonstrating how their ideas continue to shape contemporary artistic discourse.
( reference books)
Essays and books
• T.J. Clark, Picasso and Truth, Princeton University Press, 2013 (PDF) • Leo Steinberg, The Philosophical Brothel; In the Algerian Room, in Id. Picasso, Chicago University Press 2022 (PDF) • Marcel Duchamp. Critica, biografia, mito, a cura di Stefano Chiodi, Electa, Milano 2009 (PDF)
Additional texts will be indicated in the course of the lectures.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710598-2 -
The course aims at acquiring autonomous historical analysis and critical interpretation of the artistic phenomena of the contemporary age, with particular regard to the interactions between artistic production and theoretical and aesthetic reflection.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710597 -
Advanced knowledge of the history of post-war art, chiefly in Italy.
( syllabus)
Reading Self-Portrait by Carla Lonzi The publication of the book Autoritratto marked the high point and conclusion of Carla Lonzi's professional activity as an art critic. Fifty-five years after its first release, and on the occasion of its republication as part of an extensive reissue of the art critic and feminist's writings, this course offers an updated and in-depth reading of a capital text of 20th-century Italian art criticism. The book is the result of the editing of a series of conversations in which an exceptionally intelligent art critic and some of the leading artists working in Italy in the 1960s are brought together in an imaginary “banquet.” Carla Accardi, Getulio Alviani, Enrico Castellani, Pietro Consagra, Luciano Fabro, Lucio Fontana, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Nigro, Giulio Paolini, Pino Pascali, Mimmo Rotella, Salvatore Scarpitta, Giulio Turcato; completing the group was Cy Twombly, who Lonzi's (written) questions had never been answered. The conversations had been recorded over the previous years, some intended from the outset for publication in a magazine or exhibition catalog, others remained unpublished, and still others caught in the context of sharing of ideas among friends. The informal nature of the conversations means that everything is talked about in the book, that the artists are questioned more often on a personal level than on a professional one, as it is also evident from the illustrative set, composed largely of photographs from family albums.
( reference books)
_ C. Lonzi, Autoritratto, in any edition: De Donato, Bari 1969; et al. edizioni, Milano 2010; Abscondita, Milano 2017; La Tartaruga, Milano 2024. The book has been translated in French (Autoportrait, JRP | Ringier, Paris 2012), English (Self-portrait, Divided Publishing, Bruxelles 2021) and German (Selbstbildnis, Gachnang & Springer, Bern 2000).
_ L. Conte, “La critica è potere”. Percorsi e momenti della critica negli anni Sessanta, in L. Conte, V. Fiorino (a cura di), La duplice radicalità: Carla Lonzi dalla critica militante al femminismo di Rivolta, ETS, Pisa 2011, pp. 87-109. _ L. Iamurri, Intorno a Autoritratto: fonti, ipotesi, riflessioni, ivi, pp. 67-86. _ L. Iamurri, Un margine che sfugge. Carla Lonzi e l’arte in Italia, 1955-1970, Quodlibet, Macerata 2016. _ T. Kittler, Reimaging the Family Album: Carla Lonzi’s Autoritratto, in F. Ventrella, G. Zapperi (eds), Feminism and Art in Postwar Italy. The Legacy of Carla Lonzi, Bloomsbury, London 2020, pp. 181-208.
Since a written paper is required for the exam, additional specific bibliography may be required. This will be indicated on a case-by-case basis in relation to the topic of the paper.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711269 -
Cultural anthropology and ethnography
20711269-1 -
form 1
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711269-2 -
Form 2
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702710 -
The teaching of Aesthetics falls within the scope of the characterising educational activities of the Cds in Philosophical Sciences. At the end of this course the student will acquire - a thorough knowledge of various theoretical issues related to aesthetics and to the relationship between philosophy and the arts (literature, visual arts, performing arts, architecture, cinema) - knowledge of the most important texts in the history of aesthetics and the critical debates associated with them, -a knowledge of the most recent literature on aesthetics, the theory of perception, and the ontology of art - the ability to form an autonomous judgement on these issues and themes and to present this in written and oral form - excellent command of vocabulary and specific modes of argumentation in the field of aesthetics and art criticism, also for teaching purposes - ability to focus on theoretical issues, analyse information and formulate arguments in the fields of aesthetics, the theory of perception and the main artistic theories, also by referring to specialised bibliographic material, possibly in languages other than Italian - ability to historico-philosophical contextualisation of debates on aesthetics, theories of the arts, landscape.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702466 -
Acquisition of in-depth and detailed knowledge of relevant issues in the history of early Christianity through the analysis of sources of different types and comparison with secondary literature. Acquisition of the scientific research tools and methodological principles necessary for reading the sources. Ability to express and communicate autonomous judgements on the issues analysed in a clear form.
Derived from
20702466 STORIA DEL CRISTIANESIMO ANTICO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 NOCE CARLA
( syllabus)
Course Title: Saint Sebastian: Between Legend and Devotion
Course Description: This course aims to reconstruct the early phases of the veneration of the (bi)martyr saint, Saint Sebastian. He is first recorded in the Depositio martyrum of 354, with a commemoration date of January 20, noting his burial on the Via Appia ad catacumbas, where the Memoria Apostolorum was located (later known as the Basilica Apostolorum under Constantine). Subsequently, he is briefly mentioned by Ambrose in his Commentary on Psalm 118 and ultimately becomes the central figure in the Passio Sancti Sebastiani, written between 430 and 450 by Arnobius the Younger, an African monk contemporary with Augustine, residing in the monastery established next to the Basilica Apostolorum. The course will particularly focus on analyzing this text, which enjoyed significant popularity. Students interested in exploring further may participate in a storytelling workshop with professional actors, who, alongside the course instructor, are engaged in a project to enhance the Basilica of Saint Sebastian in celebration of the Jubilee. This workshop aims to immerse students in the performative dimension characteristic of many ancient and medieval hagiographical texts.
( reference books)
Michael Lapidge (ed.), The Roman Martyrs, Oxford 2018. Further bibliography willl be provided during the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710600 -
The student will acquire: an in-depth and detailed knowledge of the characteristics of Christian literary production of the first five centuries; the ability to apply the methodology of philological and literary research to unfamiliar sources; the ability to collect and interpret the acquired data, as well as to integrate them with an autonomous use of scientific research tools, arriving at complex evaluations; the ability to express and communicate the conclusions of the study and research activity in a clear and scientifically correct manner.
Derived from
in Religioni, Culture, Storia LM-64 D'ANNA ALBERTO
( syllabus)
First semester. Time: 6 hours/week: Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, 12 to 2 p.m. Location: Sala riunioni di Mondo Antico. Beginning: Wednesday, October 2, 2024.
Course title 2024-2025: Roman Traditions and Apostolic Legends: Nereus and Achilleus, Processus and Martinianus and their passiones.
Some of the Roman passiones (5th-7th centuries) dedicated to martyred saints venerated in the Urbs intersect the events narrated in them with legends about Peter and Paul and the final part of their lives. The Passion of Saints Nereus and Achilleus and the Passion of Saints Processus and Martinianus will be explored in the course, according to various perspectives of investigation and with the active involvement of students. The course is seminar-based in nature and involves the active participation of students.
( reference books)
Lecture materials (including critical editions of texts read in class) will be provided by the teacher.
General section. For students who have never taken an exam in Ancient Christian Literature: M. SIMONETTI - E. PRINZIVALLI, Storia della letteratura cristiana antica, Bologna: EDB, 2022. For students who have already taken exams in Ancient Christian Literature: H.Y. GAMBLE, Libri e lettori nella chiesa antica, Brescia: Paideia, 2006.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709116 -
The course aims at the acquisition of autonomous skills of historical analysis and critical interpretation of artistic phenomena, especially in the field of music, of the contemporary age
Derived from
( syllabus)
Historical route: The student will study independently the most significant movements and authors of the twentieth century. A short list of compositions to listen to will be provided. Focus: The course will deepen some paths in 20th century Italian music, with particular attention to the musical context in Rome.
( reference books)
Historical route: ELVIDIO SURIAN, Manuale di Storia della Musica, Vol. IV (Il Novecento, solo parti selezionate), Milano, Rugginenti, 2002 integrated with Musica e società, 3: dal 1830 al 2000, a cura di Virgilio Bernardoni e Paolo Fabbri, Lucca, LIM, 2016, il solo cap. 12; Gthe non-musically literate will avoid the study of the more technical sections of these manuals, replacing it with GIACOMO FRONZI, Percorsi musicali del Novecento. Storie, personaggi, poetiche da Schönberg a Sciarrino, Roma, Carocci, 2021. Focus: JEAN NOEL VON DER WEID, La musica del XX secolo, Ricordi – LIM [Le sfere], Milano, 2002; pp. 158-166 [Italia], pp. 325-331 [Nono]; pp. 337-340 [Berio] e pp. 432-460 [Musica italiana 1945-1999] Texts and further handouts will be made available, together with their list, on the Moodle platform.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20706094 -
The teaching of Romance Philology 1 LM falls within the scope of the related and supplementary educational activities of the Master's Degree Course in Modern Languages for International Communication, and specifically among the related activities aimed at deepening skills in the field of linguistics and knowledge in the cultural and textual heritage of the languages of study. The course aims to provide an in-depth study of the specific knowledge and methodological and analytical skills proper to the specific sector, with consolidation of those already acquired during the three-year study cycle; attainment of a solid preparation in the areas of the history of ancient and medieval languages and literatures in their transition towards modern forms. Expected learning outcomes: students will have in-depth specific knowledge and methodological skills proper to the sector; they will have a solid preparation in the history of ancient and medieval languages and literatures.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710402 -
Cinema and Technology
Derived from
20710402 CINEMA E TECNOLOGIA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 UVA CHRISTIAN
( syllabus)
Contemporary animation as new dominant logic of moving images.
Paying particular attention to the conjunction between theories and practices, the course will focus on styles of the new animation products looking firstly at the dialectic between innovation and tradition, but also between aesthetic and narrative forms coming from different cultural paradigms. Without forgetting the way in which animation software is also used in live action cinema, the course will highlight how the concept of "re-animation" should also be understood as revitalization and problematization, carried out by animation itself, of historical, political and cultural issues involving new moving images.
( reference books)
C. Uva (a cura di), Il cinema d'animazione. Gli scenari contemporanei dal cartoon al videogame, Carocci, Roma 2023.
C. Uva, Il sistema Pixar, Il Mulino, Bologna 2017.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711633 -
Sources and methodologies in theatre and dance history
Derived from
20711633 Fonti e metodologie della storia del teatro e della danza in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 GUARINO RAIMONDO
( syllabus)
BODIES/MEDIA: FIGURES, ENERGY, MOTIONS Starting from Eisenstein's assessments about Meyerhold and biomechanics, the course tackles the definitions and techiques of motion and expression in the first half of the 20th century moving across the fields of visual arts, cinema and anthropology.
( reference books)
Any edition of W.Benjamin,The Work of Art in the Age of mechanical reproduction. S. M. Eisenstein, The Film form, Faber and Faber. Meyerhold, Eisenstein and Biomechanics: Actor Training in Revolutionary Russia, ed. by AIma Law
Related or supplementary learning activities
19700620 -
in-depth knowledge of urban development strategies and dynamics, of interaction relationships between different cultural components; ability to analyze the sources; ability to interpret data, ability to communicate the acquired knowledge to specialists and others
Related or supplementary learning activities
20705275 -
ability to analyze in detail, through the entire system of available sources, the transformations of urban and rural settlements in the Middle Ages; ability to communicate research results, in oral and written form, even at a specialist level
20705275-1 -
ability to analyze in detail, through the entire system of available sources, the transformations of urban and rural settlements in the Middle Ages; ability to communicate research results, in oral and written form, even at a specialist level
Related or supplementary learning activities
20705275-2 -
ability to analyze in detail, through the entire system of available sources, the transformations of urban and rural settlements in the Middle Ages; ability to communicate research results, in oral and written form, even at a specialist level
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711661 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711660 -
Related or supplementary learning activities