Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21801580 -
The course aims to offer a general knowledge of the fundamental lines of the modern history from the fifteenth century to the beginning of the nineteenth and to deepen its critical-interpretative learning through some historiographical itineraries on specific topics and the study of social, economic, political and cultural aspects that connect the Modern Age with the contemporary world.
( syllabus)
Il corso prenderà in esame i principali temi della storia moderna. Dalla nascita della stampa alla Riforma religiosa, dalle esplorazioni geografiche alla cosiddetta prima globalizzazione, dalla nascita dello Stato moderno alla politica dell'equilibrio di potenza tra Stati, dalla rivoluzione scientifica alla nascita delle prime repubbliche, dall'Illuminismo alla Rivoluzione francese, fino alla stagione napoleonica. Una parte monografica del corso sarà poi dedicata al tema della censura e della circolazione libraria, ovvero delle misure con cui il potere ecclesiastico cercò di controllare il flusso del libro a stampa durante i secoli centrali dell'età moderna e delle strategie attraverso le quali stampatori, autori e lettori cercarono di aggirare i provvedimenti censori.
( reference books)
Testi d'esame: - A. Prosperi, "Storia moderna e contemporanea", volume primo, Dalla Peste Nera alla guerra dei Trent'anni, Torino, Einaudi, 2000, pp. 102-470 (from chapter III to chapter XI); - A. Prosperi, P. Viola, "Storia moderna e contemporanea", volume secondo, Dalla Rivoluzione inglese alla Rivoluzione francese, Torino, Einaudi, 2000, all the chapters, excluded chapters VI-VII. - G. Caravale, Libri pericolosi. Censura e cultura italiana in età moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2022, pp. 3-237, e pp. 327-398 (chapters XV, XVI, XVII, XVIII, XIX excluded).
Core compulsory activities
21801456 -
The course is structured in two main parts.
The first part is concerned with Microeconomics, where the students will learn how markets and governance structures organize core economic activities, such as production, distribution, and consumption, and the growth of productive resources. Upon completion of this part students will be able to identify and explain economic concepts and theories related to the behavior of economic agents, markets, industry and firm structures, and government policies. Moreover, students will be able to integrate theoretical knowledge with quantitative evidence in order to explain main economic events. Students will be able to evaluate the consequences of economic activities and institutions for individual and social welfare.
The second part is concerned with Macroeconomics, where the students will learn about the determinants of macroeconomic conditions (national output, employment, inflation), causes of business cycles, and interactions of monetary and financial markets with the real economy, familiarizing themselves in the process with major economic theories of relevance.
Upon completion of the second part students will be able to identify the determinants of various macroeconomic aggregates such as output, unemployment, inflation, productivity and the major challenges associated with the measurement of these aggregates. They will be able to discuss the linkages between financial markets and the real economy, and how these linkages influence the impact of economic policies over differing time horizons. Moreover, students will be able to describe the main macroeconomic theories of short term fluctuations and long term growth in the economy and they will be able to critically evaluate the consequences of basic macroeconomic policy options under differing economic conditions within a business cycle.
M - Z
Derived from
21810348 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 M - Z VITTORI CLAUDIA
( syllabus)
MICROECONOMICS Equilibrium supply and demand Consumers and incentives Firms and incentives Perfect competition Monopoly
MACROECONOMICS The wealth of nations, macroeconomic aggregates, and aggregate income The good market The financial market AD-AS IS-LM Monetary and fiscal policies Open economy and Mundell-Fleming model
( reference books)
Daron Acemoglu, David Laibson, John A. List "Principi di Economia Politica", Pearson, 3° edizione, 2024. Macroeconomia, Mc Graw-Hill, XI Edizione 2014 [DFS] (di questo testo è disponibile una versione personalizzata per il corso a prezzo ridotto con ISBN 9781308910840)
Additional material on Moodle
Core compulsory activities
21801575 -
The course aims to study and analyze the main institutions of private law to introduce the fundamental keynotes of the matter.
A - L
( syllabus)
The program focuses on the main institutions and topics of private law, after an useful introduction: private autonomy (contract law; will); the person, family law, entities, protected interests (property law; tort law and some contracts)
( reference books)
E. del Prato, Le basi del diritto civile, ultima edizione, Giappichelli editore, except chapter 8. In the chapter 9 only the following contracts: Locazione, appalto, mandato, comodato, mutuo
An updated civil code is essential for the study of the subject.
M - Z
( syllabus)
First unit: General theory
Sources of private law. Effectiveness of law in time and space. Law interpretation. Legal analogy. Legal subjectivity. Capacity. Classification of subjective legal situations. Acquisition and extinction of sujective legal situations. Notes on the protection of subjective rights. Legal protection of factual situations. Legal entities.
Second unit: Obligations
The notion of obligation. The system of obligation's sources. The typical obligations. Subjective active and passive modifications. Fulfillment of the obligations. Methods for extinguishing obligations other than fulfillment. Liability due to defalt. The asset guarantee and the means for retaining the same. Tort liability and liability due to illicit behaviour.
Third unit: The contract
The notion of the parties' freedom to negotiate. Negotiating and non-negotiating acts. Typical or non-typical nature of negotiating process. The notion of contract. Contracts concluded by mutual agreement and contracts requiring the delivery of parties' subject matter. The essential elements. Ancillary elements. Direct and indirect representation. Interpretation of the contract. Invalidity of negotiations. Cancellation. Termination. Simulation. Consumer protection. Notes on the most important typical contracts (The sale and purchase. The mandate. The procurement. The carriage. The granting of usage. The loan. The donation).
( reference books)
Francesco Macario, Introduzione al diritto privato, Il Mulino, 2021. Italian civil code.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
21810456 -
The course is offered to students who have at least an elementary knowledge of the language. It focuses on the familiarization with authors and texts belonging to the modern and contemporary French and Francophone literary field. In particular, the analysis of significant works in the original language will allow to develop the ability to understand aspects and dynamics relating to politics, society and the economy of France and the French-speaking world from the nineteenth century to today. Expected learning outcomes: students will develop their basic language skills and will be able to rework disciplinary elements and themes in an intercultural context.
A - L
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course will tackle this topic through the analysis of the novel by Albert Camus “La Peste” (1947).
( reference books)
1) Albert Camus, “La Peste”, Paris, Gallimard, 1947 (or any other paperback French edition)
2) Pierre-Louis Rey, “Camus: l’homme révolté”, Paris, Gallimard, 2006, 95 p. (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) Alessia Berardi, “«La Peste» d’Albert Camus: une analyse de la société coloniale algérienne à travers le prisme de l’épidémie”, «Il Tolomeo», n° 22, 2020, pp. 187-202 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional): 1) Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau avancé), Paris, Clé International, 2012 Or 2) Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux B1/B2), Bologna, Zanichelli 2008 3) Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, “Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)”, Milano, Hoepli, 2017
Camus’s novel and grammar texts are available from: Feltrinelli Bookstore, Via V. E. Orlando, 78/81 Roma.
M - Z
Derived from
( syllabus)
The program is divided into three parts. A first theoretical part will illustrate, in a diachronic key, the morphosyntactic foundations of modern French and some essential phases in the evolution of the French language. A second part will focus on institutional relations between France and the French-speaking world, with particular attention paid to the question of language in the French-speaking South (Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific region). Finally, a third part will focus on the linguistic and discursive analysis of enunciation in the transnational context and will be carried out on a selection of authentic texts indicated in the program and available on Moodle. All texts studied in class will be part of the exam. As Level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is an essential requirement to register the final exam grade, students who need to pass the B1 test are recommended to check well in advance the class schedule and the exam dates at the Roma Tre University Language Center (CLA). Those students who already have a language certificate of the above-mentioned level are invited to contact the University Language Center for possible validation of such certificate.
( reference books)
General textbook: 1) Michel Tétu, Qu’est-ce que la francophonie, Vanvers, Hachette, [1997] 2019, pp. 13-21, 37-81 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
Chapters on the history of French language in France: 2) Françoise Gadet, Ralph Ludwig, Le français au contact d'autres langues, Paris, Éditions Ophrys, 2015, pp. 25-41 (downloadable on Moodle). 3) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, pp. 22-35 + pagine del cap. 3 fornite su Moodle (downloadable on Moodle, compulsory for non-attending students).
Chapters on the French language in the French-speaking world: 4) Françoise Gadet, La variation sociale en français, Paris, Ophrys, 2007, pp. 13-33 (downloadable on Moodle, to all students). 5) Lise Gauvin, La fabrique de la langue. De François Rabelais à Réjean Ducharme, Paris, Seuil, 2004, ch. VII (downloadable on Moodle, to all students).
From Francophonie to Françafrique: 6) Discours d'Onésime Reclus (fragments) + critical reading from Pinhas (downloadable on Moodle, to all students). 7) AA.VV., L'Empire qui ne veut pas mourir. Une histoire de la Françafrique, Paris, Seuil, 2021, pp. 22-25, 44-61, 145-146, 441-449, (downloadable on Moodle, to all students; compulsory pages for non-attending students indicated on Moodle)
ONLY L37. Compulsory for 12 CFU exam: Tzvetan Todorov, Nous et les autres. La réflexion française sur la diversité humaine, Paris, Seuil, 1989, pp. 21-34, 133-194 (downloadable on Moodle).
TO ALL STUDENTS. One book of your choice (only to be purchased: 10% discount at the Stendhal French bookshop for all Roma Tre students): - Frantz Fanon, Peau noire, masques blancs, 1952 (analysed passages available on Moodle) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle - Fatou Diome, Le Ventre de l'Atlantique (2003) OR Marianne porte plainte! (Albin Michel: 2017) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle - Gaël Faye, Petit pays (2016) + downloadable critical reading on Moodle
Grammar manuals recommended for developing language skills (not requested at the examination): - Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, "Grammaire progressive du français (niveau avancé)", Paris, Clé International, 2012. Or - Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, "Savoir-dire, savoir-faire (niveaux B1/B2)", Zanichelli 2008. or - Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, "Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)", Hoepli, 2017 (downloadable materials and "corrigés" on the official website).
For beginners (A1/A2): - Berger/Spicacci/Bergamaschi, "Savoir-dire Savoir-faire (A1/A2/B1)", Zanichelli, 2016 (materiale multimediale e «corrigés» scaricabili dal sito ufficiale); or - Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, Jean-Pierre Seghi, "Manuel de français. Corso di lingua francese (A1/A2)", Hoepli, 2012 (CD audio + mp3).
Basic compulsory activities
21801137 -
Deepen the study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture to achieve a true communicative and sociocultural competence. To this end, the course is divided into three modules: the first module (language) provides for the study of the morphosyntactic functioning of Spanish (level B1 +); in the second module (phraseology and paremiology) we will deal with the formal and semantic characteristics of phraseological and paremiological units at multiple levels (morphological, syntactic, semantic, contrastive [Spanish / Italian] and, in particular, cultural). The third module provides the approach to the study of some specialty languages: sectorial (political, economic), technical-scientific (IT) and argot (social net word), through the analysis of original written texts in Spanish and listening (YouTube channel, database, corpora) of authentic oral materials. The course, structured as follows, will allow you to familiarize yourself with dynamics concerning the language, culture, politics, society and economy of the current Spanish- speaking world.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Course Content
Module I: Language
Grammatical content:
Revisión de los tiempos de pasado del indicativo Revisión de los tiempos del imperativo Conectores del discurso Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo, Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo, Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo: Morfología y usos Repaso del Condicional Simple Condicional Compuesto. Morfología y usos Los relativos adverbiales Por y para Oraciones independientes: contraste indicativo/subjuntivo Oraciones relativas: contraste indicativo/subjuntivo Oraciones sustantivas: verbos de percepción, pensamiento, verbos de sentimiento, deseo, voluntad, verbos de mandato, ruego, prohibición … Ser, estar, parecer + que: contraste indicativo/subjuntivo Oraciones adversativas Oraciones causales Oraciones consecutivas Oraciones finales Oraciones condicionales Oraciones concesivas Oraciones temporales Oraciones de modo Oraciones de lugar Oraciones comparativas Verbos de cambio
Please kindly note: the language module covers the grammatical and morphosyntactic content that students must study to pass the written test (B1) intended for all students. The following textbook is recommended: Maria Vittoria Calvi, ¡ENHORABUENA! Curso y gramática de español para italófonos. Niveles B1 B2, Seconda edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2020.
Module II: Phraseology and Paremiology Theoretical content:
Historia del nacimiento del estudio de las unidades fraseológicas y paremiológicas Máximos exponentes Definición de las UF Características de las UF (idiomaticidad, fijación, sentido figurado, brevedad, presencia de arcaísmos … Clasificación de las UF Las locuciones Las colocaciones Las paremias Los enunciados fraseológicos Análisis contrastivo Ejemplos y aplicación práctica TEXT PROVIDED FOR EXAM PREPARATION:
Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, Apuntes de fraseología, paremiología, traducción y didáctica del español, Avant editorial, Barcelona, 2017.
Introducción Primera parte: fraseología, paremiología y didáctica Capítulo 1: fraseología y cultura en la didáctica del español 1.1. Introducción 1.2. ¿por qué se debe estudiar la fraseología? 1.3. Lexicultura y frasecultura Conclusiones Capítulo 2: traducción de las unidades fraseológicas 2.1. introducción 2.2. las unidades fraseológicas como pretextos del acto de habla 2.3. traducción de las unidades fraseológicas Conclusiones Capítulo 3: la metáfora en las unidades fraseológicas 3.1. Introducción 3.2. Fraseología y metáfora 3.3. Metáforas de la vida cotidiana 3.5. Las paremias en los diálogos de la vida cotidiana Conclusiones Capítulo 4: el arcaísmo y la recreación de las paremias 4.1. Introducción 4.2. El refrán y el arcaísmo 4.3. La creación paremiológica Conclusiones
Capítulo 5: la brevedad en las paremias y en el microrrelato 5.1. Introducción 5.2. Definición de brevedad 5.3. La brevedad en las paremias Conclusiones
Quinta parte: fraseología y lenguajes especiales
Capítulo 16: los lenguajes especiales: el lenguaje político 16.1. Introducción 16.2. Los lenguajes especiales: características 16.3. El lenguaje político 16.4. Características del lenguaje político 16.4.1. la sintaxis 16.4.2. el léxico 16.4.3. la metáfora 16.5. Otros rasgos del lenguaje político 16.5.1. el contexto Conclusiones finales
RECOMMENDED TEXTS FOR FURTHER STUDY Alessia A. S. Ruggeri, Chi dice donna. . . dice tutto! Aprende a conocer a la mujer a través de las unidades fraseológicas italianas y del léxico común, Editorial Académica Española, Riga, 2020. María Prieto, Modismos y metáforas culturales, Edinumen, Madrid, 2007. Gordana Vranic, Hablar por los codos, Edelsa, Madrid, 2008.
Module III Culture
The module focuses on the study of special languages and political languages. The characteristics and analysis of political discourse.
REFERENCE TEXT: Messina Fajardo, L. A., El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milano, 2016.
Introducción El discurso político: herramientas de análisis
CAPÍTULO 1 LOS LENGUAJES ESPECIALES. EL LENGUAJE POLÍTICO 1.1. Los lenguajes especiales: características 1.2 El lenguaje político 1.3 Características del lenguaje político 1.3.1 La sintaxis 1.3.2 El léxico 1.3.3 La metáfora 1.3.4 Otros rasgos del lenguaje político 1.3.5 El contexto CAPÍTULO 2 UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS Unidad 1. Fernando Lugo. El lenguaje político. Definición (1) Unidad 2. José Mujica. El lenguaje político. Definición (2) Unidad 3. Rafael Correa. El discurso político. La persuasión Unidad 4. Nicolás Maduro. La clasificación del lenguaje político Unidad 5. Álvaro Uribe. El discurso de investidura Unidad 6. Pablo Iglesia. Análisis textual y el discurso político Unidad 7. Hugo Chávez. El insulto y la descalificación Unidad 8. José Luis Zapatero. Fraseología y discurso político Unidad 9. Fidel Castro. Paremias y discurso político. El eslogan político Unidad 10. Salvador Allende. Análisis retórico de un discurso de Salvador Allende
Note: attending students will have to present a group work in PowerPoint concerning the program of Module II (Phraseology) and Module III (Political language) [Horizontal teaching]. These works will be evaluated as exemptions and must be agreed in advance with the teacher. Non-attending students will have to study the books on the programme. As far as Module II (Phraseology) is concerned, they will have to learn a suitable number of phraseologisms (locutions, collocations, paremias), as well as explain their meaning, correspondence in Italian, origin, register of use and indicate examples of other similar structures (synonyms). As regards Module III (Political language) they will have to study the text in the program and will have to answer the exercises present.
( reference books)
Module I Maria Vittoria Calvi, ¡ENHORABUENA! Curso y gramática de español para italófonos. Niveles B1 B2, Seconda edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2020. Module II Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, Apuntes de fraseología, paremiología, traducción y didáctica del español, Avant editorial, Barcelona, 2017. Module III Cultura Messina Fajardo, L. A., El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milano, 2016.
Basic compulsory activities
21810466 -
The course, which is for students with a basic knowledge of German (Level A2-B1), aims at: a) providing and strengthening grammatical skills through the detailed analysis of German morphological and syntactic structures; b) increasing the student’s vocabulary by enhancing the understanding and the ability to read texts related to politics, history and law; c) exploring political-cultural and historical-cultural aspects of the German-speaking world.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
POLITICA CONTEMPORANEA - A scelta paniere paniere socio-politologico - (show)
21810457 -
The course investigates the relationship between law, politics and social change in history and in the present day, starting from the theoretical and empirical foundation of the modern State. Among the issues analysed through a socio-legal and socio-political perspective: the State, property, justice, the family, punishment, labour, human rights, migration, the crisis of representation, social conflicts, public administration, processes of neo-liberalisation, citizenship, political and civic participation and populism.
( syllabus)
The course will be divided into three modules: -In the first module, some crucial thematic issues for socio-juridical change will be addressed: the State; Justice; the penalty; the work; migrations. - In the second module, crucial thematic issues for socio-political change will be addressed: the role of power, democracy and participation; the role of public administrations; ideologies and political cultures. - In the third module we will study and analyze the relationships between law, politics and society in the processes of neoliberalization.
( reference books)
G. Campesi, L. Pannarale, I. Pupolizio, Sociologia del diritto, Firenze, Le Monnier (solo i capitoli 1, 3, 6, 7, 9) F. de Nardis, Sociologia politica. Per comprendere i fenomeni politici contemporanei, Milano, Mc Graw Hill (solo i capitoli 4, 8, 11 e solo dalla Seconda Edizione) F. Chicchi, A. Simone, La società della prestazione, Ediesse, Roma. F. Chicchi, A. Simone, Il soggetto imprevisto. Neoliberalizzazione, pandemia e società della prestazione, Meltemi, Milano. N.B.: PER CHI FA L'ESAME DA 6 CREDITI SI PORTANO SOLO I PRIMI DUE TESTI, PER TUTTI GLI ALTRI L'INTERO PROGRAMMA.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
POLITICA CONTEMPORANEA - A scelta paniere storico - (show)
21810373 -
The training objective of the course is to offer students the essential coordinates for the reconstruction, in the light of the most recent historiography, of the historical development of Latin America in the more general context of the events that characterize the history of the West. As part of this path, the teaching aims to stimulate the students' ability to contextualize, analyze, interpret the events and processes analyzed and to acquire good display skills in written and oral form.
Expected results
At the end of the course, the student must know adequately the events and problems treated during the lessons and contextualize them adequately along the chronological period considered and in relation to the countries that are part of Latin America.
Derived from
21810373 STORIA E ISTITUZIONI DELL'AMERICA LATINA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 FOTIA LAURA
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing students with an understanding of the history of Latin America from the processes of independence to the to the 2000s. At the end of the course, students will have an in-depth knowledge of the problems and events dealt with during the lessons and to be able to appropriately contextualize them over the chronological period studied.
The course addresses (among others) these key topics:
- The idea of Latin America - The process of independence - The construction of national states and the affirmation of the primary-export model - The English and North American presence - Migrations and Latin America - The Crisis of the Liberal State - Relations with Europe and the United States in the 1920s and 1930s - The emergence of the populist state - The 'great transformation' of Latin America - Cold War and Latin America - The Cuban Revolution - The 1960s: crises, reforms, revolutions - The counter-revolutionary cycle. The National Security Doctrine, military dictatorships and the neo-liberal state - The Plan Condor and human rights violations in the Southern Cone - Democratic transitions - Internal armed conflicts and peace processes in Central America and Colombia - The indigenous question - Regional integration processes - The turn of the century and the challenges of the new millennium
( reference books)
Attending students should study the text:
- Loris Zanatta, Storia dell'America Latina contemporanea, Laterza, 2017 ss.
Students will have to write a paper on one of the following book:
Gioconda Belli, La donna abitata (1988) - any edition Mario Vargas Llosa, Tempi duri (2020) - any edition Marco Bechis, La solitudine di un sovversivo (2021) - any edition Massimo Carlotto, Le irregolari. Buenos Aires Horror Tour (1998) - any edition
Non-attending students will have to study the following texts:
- Loris Zanatta, Storia dell'America Latina contemporanea, Laterza
- Raffaele Nocera, Stati Uniti e America Latina dal 1823 ad oggi, Carocci
- Laura Fotia (a cura di), Le politiche dell'odio nel Novecento americano, Nova Delphi 2020
Related or supplementary learning activities
21810356 -
The course deals with issues relating to the history and politics of the US with special reference to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These two documents are central in the American political and social experience. Nowadays, with the radicalization of politics and presidential elections they become all the more relevant. Students will learn how the American system of government works and what are the prerogatives and duties of the president and of Congress. At the end of the semester, students will achieve a deep understanding of the most relevant aspects of American history and society with a special attention on foreign policy and the role of the US at the world level.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course deals with issues relating to the history and politics of the US with special reference to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These two documents are central in the American political and social experience. Nowadays, with the radicalization of politics and presidential elections they become all the more relevant. Students will learn how the American system of government works and what are the prerogatives and duties of the president and of Congress. At the end of the semester, students will achieve a deep understanding of the most relevant aspects of American history and society with a special attention on foreign policy and the role of the US at the world level.
Module I Week 1: introduzione al corso e illustrazione dei principali temi trattati. Istituzioni ed elezioni in prospettiva storica. La Dichiarazione di Indipendenza degli Stati Uniti d’America. Libertà e repubblicanesimo.
Week 2: La Costituzione: il Congresso e le sue funzioni. Discussione sui compiti e ruoli dei tre organi del governo. La politica americana oggi e le sue radici storiche. La trasformazione del concetto di libertà.
Week 3: L’Ottocento. Federazione, Unione, Nazione. La società e la politica americane e la loro trasformazione. La Guerra Civile e la Ricostruzione. La frontiera e l’espansione degli Stati Uniti.
Week 4: Le sfide politiche degli Stati Uniti contemporanei. Le elezioni del 2024: prospettive e temi principali.
Module II Week 1: Il ruolo degli Stati Uniti a livello internazionale tra la fine dell’Ottocento e l’inizio del Novecento. La società di massa e il nuovo concetto di libertà.
Week 2: L’età progressista, il New Deal e la guerra mondiale. Affermazione degli Stati Uniti come grande potenza. Le nuove libertà americane
Week 3: Il movimento dei diritti civili, la crisi degli anni settanta e la trasformazione della società. Il nuovo millennio. 9/11. Il paese diviso e la radicalizzazione della politica: da Obama a Biden. Il 6/1/21.
( reference books)
Eric Foner, Storia degli Stati Uniti d'America. La «libertà americana» dalle origini a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2017. Francesco Clementi e Gianluca Passarelli, Eleggere il Presidente: Gli Stati Uniti da Roosevelt a oggi, Venezia, Marsilio, 2020. La Dichiarazione di indipendenza degli Stati Uniti d’America (Qualunque edizione)
La Costituzione degli Stati Uniti d’America.
One book among the following:
Tiziano Bonazzi, Abraham Lincoln. Un dramma americano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016.
Michael Cox, Agonie dell'impero. Il potere americano da Clinton a Biden, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2022
Daniele Fiorentino, Il Pluralismo culturale, Roma, Viella, 2021.
Jonathan Scott Holloway, Breve storia degli afroamericani, Bologna, Marsilio, 2022.
Arnaldo Testi, Stelle e strisce. Storia di una bandiera, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri, 2003.
Non attendion students must prepare also: La Costituzione degli Stati Uniti, a cura di Fabrizio Tonello, Milano, Bruno Mondadori, 2010
Related or supplementary learning activities
21810464 -
The course intends to provide undergraduate students with a broad overview of the evolution of the international system in the twentieth century, focusing in particular on the Second World war, the rise of the Cold war and its stabilization, the key crises of the bipolar confrontation, its final years and the collapse of the Soviet Union (1939-1991)
Related or supplementary learning activities
21810354 -
The History of Central-Eastern Europe and Russia embraces the study of the main political, economic and social dynamics of the countries of Central Europe, of the South-Eastern part of the continent and of Russia in contemporary age, with inevitable references also to the events of the modern age. The study of this area is particularly important for students of Political Science because like few areas in the world it allows them to analyze the processes of nation building and state building and therefore, after 1917 in Russia/Ussr and after 1945 in most of Eastern Europe, the impact that the construction of communist dictatorships had on those societies. After 1990, on the other hand, students will be able to appreciate the processes of transition to a market economy and Western-style democracy. Finally, it is worth emphasizing how today the Italian cultural and economic presence is very important in many countries of the region.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims to provide an adequate overview of the main issues of political, economic and social history that affected Russia and Central and Eastern Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries.
1) Tsarist Autocracy and the Disappearance of the Nation in Central Europe 2) The Balkans and the Ottoman Conquest 3) The Transformations of Russia up to the First World War 3) National Revival in the Balkans 3) Nationalism and Multiethnic Realities in Central Europe 4) What Modernisation? Social, economic and national issues in Eastern Europe between World War I and World War II 5) The Bolshevik Revolution. the birth of a new world 6) Stalinism and the Soviet state 7) World War II and the birth of a new limes in Europe 8) The communist system and the Cold War 9) Crisis and end of communism 10) From the Urals to Trieste... an endless transition? 11) The challenges of the new Russia and the present world.
( reference books)
G. Lami, Storia dell'Europa orientale. Da Napoleone alla prima guerra mondiale, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2019
Giovanna Cigliano, La Russia contemporanea. Un profilo storico, Roma, Carocci, 2013
Stefano Bottoni, Un altro Novecento. L'Europa orientale dal 1919 a oggi, Roma, Carocci, 2021. Students attending will need to study the pages starting with the second chapter. Non-attending students will add the entire volume: Stefano Bottoni, Un altro Novecento. L'Europa orientale dal 1919 a oggi, Roma, Carocci, 2021
Related or supplementary learning activities
21801064 -
The course aims to acquire the basic scientific-disciplinary skills aimed at identifying the main historical issues that characterize European history in the Early Modern Age. The objective, in particular, is to develop in students the critical knowledge of the main cultural, religious and political moments that marked the transition from the Europe of the religious wars to the Europe of religious and political tolerance. The aim of the course is to teach the students to understand the complexity of historical phenomena and the intertwining of its institutional, political, religious, social and cultural dimensions.
Derived from
21801064 STORIA DELL'EUROPA in Scienze politiche L-36 CARAVALE GIORGIO
( syllabus)
Nel corso saranno affrontati i seguenti temi: Storia d’Europa e storia dell’idea di Europa – La periodizzazione dell’età moderna – I caratteri originari. Riforme e rivoluzioni, stati e imperi, confessionalizzazione e tolleranza – Genealogie del moderno e paradigma eurocentrico – Storia d’Europa e storia globale – L’idea d’Europa. La genesi storica di un concetto –L’idea di Europa tra storia, geografia e mito – Oriente e Occidente. Barbarie e civiltà – Il concetto di Eurasia – Europa e Russia tra medioevo ed età moderna – “Radici” dell’Europa e identità europea: storia, usi e abusi di un concetto pericoloso – I primi progetti di unione europea in età moderna.
( reference books)
Attending students: For the general part: - C. Malandrino, S. Quirico, L’idea di Europa. Storie e prospettive, Roma, Carocci, 2020, capitoli 1-3.1 (pp. 1-68); - A. Zannini, Storia minima d’Europa. Dal Neolitico a oggi, Bologna, il Mulino, 2019, capitoli 1-14 (pp. 1-237). For the monographical part and the class-presentation: - One more text to be chosen among those proposed by the teacher at the beginning of the course.
Non-attending students: - F. Chabod, Storia dell’idea di Europa, a cura di E. Sestan e A. Saitta, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2020 (I ed. 1961) - C. Malandrino, S. Quirico, L’idea di Europa. Storie e prospettive, Roma, Carocci, 2020, capitoli 1-3.1 (pp. 1-68); - A. Zannini, Storia minima d’Europa. Dal Neolitico a oggi, Bologna, il Mulino, 2019, capitoli 1-14. One more text to be chosen among the following: - L. Febvre, L’Europa. Storia di una civiltà, Roma, Donzelli, 2019 (I ed. 1999); - A. Saitta, Due storie d’Europa, a cura di A. Guerra, Roma, Università La Sapienza, 2018; - M. Verga, Storie d’Europa, Roma, Carocci, 2004; - P. Viola, L’Europa moderna. Storia di un’identità, Torino, Einaudi, 2004.
Related or supplementary learning activities