Optional group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - Non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - (show)
20710117 -
The aims of course is to analyze the different models of television information in the Italian context focusing on in-depth journalism. The formats of the news will be analyzed: news, talk shows, infotainment, reportage and documentaries. Analyzing the narrative, the "actors": journalists, anchorman, guests, stars, including the role of the public. We will also analyze the convergences with social media platforms. To complete we will make a comparison with the journalistic narrative models of the printed press and social media.
Derived from
20710117 LABORATORIO DI FOTOGIORNALISMO in Scienze della Comunicazione L-20 Delsere Laura
( syllabus)
The course aims to explore the history and present of journalistic photography, its role as a 'window on the world' in modern visual culture and in the formation of what can be considered a 'global consciousness'.
The work of the main personalities who have marked the history of photojournalism will be retraced, as well as the relationship between myth and reality of the profession, between the aspiration to objectivity and the compromises of the editorial chain, between denunciation and censorship, from its origins to the present day. From the golden age of magazines to war photography. The current crisis of the profession. The new challenges of information through images to the aestheticisation and decontextualisation of journalistic photography in the digital age.
Elements of knowledge will be provided on the themes of digital manipulation, debunking of 'hoaxes' in the age of fakenews, political storytelling and post-truth, with an emphasis on the ethics of photography, the main codes of ethics, the legal rules for the use of images and copyright.
The workshop will make students measure themselves directly with the analysis of the snapshots of the major photojournalists and the most significant magazines, enabling them to read them also in relation to the period, the economy, the figurative art and the history of the mentality of the societies in which they were taken, so as to contribute to consolidating their overall knowledge of the modern and contemporary age.
( reference books)
Dondero, Mario with Giordana, Emanuele. Lo scatto umano. Viaggio nel fotogiornalismo da Budapest a New York. Bari: Laterza, 2017
Sontag, Susan. Regarding the Pain of Others. New York: Picador, 2004
Gunthert, André. L’image partagée. La photographie numérique. Paris: Textuel, 2015 (provided to students in pdf)
Pastoureau, Michel. Dizionario dei colori del nostro tempo. Milan: Ponte alle Grazie, 2018
Lucas, Uliano and Agliani, Tatiana. La realtà e lo sguardo. Storia del fotogiornalismo in Italia. Turin: Einaudi, 2016
Capa, Robert. Slightly Out of Focus. New York: Modern Library, 2001
Alabiso, Vincent, Chuck Zoeller and Kelly Smith Tunney, eds. Flash! The Associated Press Covers the World. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1998. (preface by Peter Arnett will be provided to students in pdf)
Elective activities
20704090 -
The Workshop offers the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of composers, tracks and fundamental moments in the history of music, through a series of concert-lessons. All the performances are preceded by an introductory lesson of a theoretical-critical nature. It is, at the base, a review of classical concerts, but introduced by real lessons, useful to train the public, to make the authors, styles and periods easier to be understood. It is no coincidence that monographic programs are often preferred in this perspective, precisely because they lend themselves, better than others, to the didactic part and to the introduction of certain, fundamental authors of the repertoire. The concert review therefore aims to bring students closer to the great repertoire, by listening live music and explaining this way the different genres and compositional forms.
Elective activities
20710040 -
The Course provides for an introduction to the main periods, issues, and authors, in feminist and gender studies and movements. The Course is intended to the acquisition of historical and analytical tools, both in reading and in debating. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Feminist keywords. For a political and theoretical genealogy and an update of the latest advances in feminism, gender and difference. II semester (end of february 2021), on Fridays, 3-5.30 p.m.
4 marzo 1. Federica Giardini introduce Colette Guillaumin Testo di riferimento: Sesso, razza, pratica del potere. L’idea di Natura, Ombrecorte 2020 2. Federica Castelli introduce Nicole Loraux Testo di riferimento: Il femminile e l’uomo greco, Laterza, 1991 11 marzo 1. Serena Fiorletta introduce Elsie Clews Parsons Testo di riferimento: dispense fornite dalla docente 2. Alessandra Chiricosta introduce le Kung fu Nuns, monache dell’ordine Drukpa Kagyu, del monastero della montagna Druk Amitabha, Kathmandu, Nepal. Testo di riferimento: dispense fornite dalla docente 18 marzo 1. Ingrid Colanicchia e Roberta Paoletti introducono Olympe de Gouges Testo di riferimento: Dichiarazione dei diritti della donna e della cittadina 2. Ilaria Boiano introduce Carole Pateman Testo di Riferimento: Il Contratto sessuale. I fondamenti nascosti della società moderna, Moretti e Vitali, 2015 25 marzo 1. Ilenia Caleo introduce Monique Wittig Testo: dispense fornite dalla docente 2. Angela Balzano introduce Donna Haraway Testo di riferimento: dispense fornite dalla docente 3. Lavinia Marziale introduce Alexandra Elbakyan Testo di Riferimento: dispense fornite dalla docente 1 aprile 1. Francesca Lopez introduce Julia Kristeva Testo di Riferimento: dispense fornite dalla docente 2. Isabella Pinto introduce Christa Wolf Testo di riferimento: Guasto: notizie di un giorno (1987), edizione e/o, Roma (qualsiasi anno di pubblicazione)
( reference books)
A selection of readings related to each lecture will be given at the beginning of the course
Elective activities
20710128 -
Learning Outcomes
Within the framework of the Dublin Descriptors (http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/descrittori.aspx?descr=172&IDL=2) for the second cycle, the Course has the following objectives:
The Advanced Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of Digital Marketing and its basic features. Therefore, its main learning outcomes are: Contributing to build a cultural vision of IT Understanding technological, economic and social reasons of the development of digital marketing and related issues Full understanding of the relationship between digital marketing and value Understanding the concept of disruptive innovation and its marketing implications Knowledge of digital marketing planning and implementation by organizations Knowledge of communication management in digital marketing and its evaluation tools Ability to frame digital marketing knowledge as to concepts such content, usability, user centered design, user experience design, interaction design Course topics will be dealt with constant reference to the publishing and information industry and to the imapct of IT on it. The Course will therefore include the analysis of two case histories from the publishing market.
Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course
Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)
Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of digital marketing and communication plans
Soft skills
Awareness of the complexity of digital technosphere and of its evolutionary trends Capacity of a critical and original approach in setting and solving new problems with an interdisciplinary approach Capacity to take one’s own responsibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules and of a learning community Active and inclusive listening Sharing and discussion of opinions Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving Learning from the experience of other people Digital information organization and management Clarity in oral and written communication.
( syllabus)
Course Programme Marketing as a social process: from the orientation to production to digital marketing Disruptive innovation and its marketing implications Marketing 4.0 and 5.0according to Philip Kotler , Hermawan Kartajaya and Iwan Setiawan The generation gaps and their impact on marketing Sustainability and its impact on marketing The (social) media system and its impact on the marketing changes The evolution of devices and its impact on marketing Advanced technologies and their impact on marketing Web usability definition and user centered design User experience design and interaction design Planning in digital marketing Evaluation of results Customisation, personalisation and user profiling Promotion and communication: SEO, SEM and digital PR Word of mouth and social media within the framework of the network theory Evaluation of marketing initiatives: classical and advanced tools New forms of content: infographics On- and offline integration: QR and geolocation Microdata and Big data: opportunities and threats Co-creation collaborative platforms: hitRECord and Wattpad Book between marketplace and marketspace: two case histories A (new) definition of content: The Content Challenge Content marketing: content strategy, content creation, content management.
( reference books)
Learning materials for attending students
Paola Peretti, Marketing digitale, Apogeo 2011 Chapter 16 of the book by J.P. Peter - J.H.Donnelly - C.A. Pratesi, Marketing, McGraw-Hill 2020, VII ed. Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Hoepli 2017 (also available in original edition in English: Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley 2017) Readings selected by the teacher Papers and slides illustrated during classes, to be distributed at the end of the Course Reference text for the workshop: Content Marketing Expert, to be downloaded at http://projects.paragoneurope.eu/attachments/Content%20Marketing%20CMEX/ContentMarketingHandbook.pdf.
Learning materials for non attending students
Paola Peretti, Marketing digitale, Apogeo 2011 Chapter 16 of the book by J.P. Peter - J.H.Donnelly - C.A. Pratesi, Marketing, McGraw-Hill 2020, VII ed. Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Hoepli 2017 (also available in original edition in English: Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley 2017) Readings selected by the teacher Volume / supplementary reading in replacement of the seminar, which will be chosen in consultation with the teacher.
Elective activities
20710194 -
The course has the following learning objectives: • Getting to know the historical trends characterizing contemporary age in Russian and Eurasian territories that first were part of the Russian Empire and then of the USSR; • Understanding the major questions and interpretations of Russian and Eurasian history in contemporary historiography; • Appreciating how cultural, political, religious, social, geopolitical elements have constantly been intertwined in the historical development of the area; • Becoming aware of how that characteristic ‘Russian otherness’ has been shaped in contemporary age through the relation with global events and concurrent differentiation processes .
( syllabus)
RUSSIA, AN EMPIRE The course will focus on empire as a peculiar element of continuity in contemporary Russian history despite the radical changes that the country has undergone. The unique characteristics of Russia’s imperial model will be analyzed in its various forms and manifestations, along with the diverse political strategies of Russian governors between 1800 and 1900s, from the Russian Empire through the USSR to the Russian Federation. The national question, the broader geographical dimension, the forms of government, foreign policies and international geopolitical visions will be studied in depth. The different imperial ideologies will also be examined.
( reference books)
1. Andrea Graziosi, L’Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011; 2. Andreas Kappeler, La Russia. Storia di un impero multietnico, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 2006. 3. Gian Piero Piretto, Gli occhi di Stalin. La cultura visuale sovietica nell'era staliniana, Milano, Raffello Cortina Editore, 2010
Elective activities
20710207 -
Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis
The course is devoted to the profiling of a new field of research - through the contribution of political philosophy, aesthetics, history of economics, environmental justice, social geography, urban studies, etc.- to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools in relation to the general dimensions of “environment” and “territory”. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication.
( reference books)
A selection of readings will be suggested. Eventually students will have to write and present a short paper.
Elective activities
20710323 -
The course aims to provide students with the conceptual tools characterizing the study of language in a cognitive perspective. In particular, the course aims at providing knowledge about the processes underlying a specific aspect of language: the ability to tell stories.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- reconstruct the contemporary debate on the nature of language in the framework of cognitive science. - know the basic concepts and empirical investigations carried out in the context of the cognitive sciences of language. - read and understand experimental scientific articles dealing with issues relating to the cognitive foundations of language.
Derived from
20710271 SCIENZE COGNITIVE DEL LINGUAGGIO - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 FERRETTI FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the relationship between language and narrative from a cognitive and evolutionary point of view. In contrast to the theories considering the sentence as the essence of language, the course suggests an interpretative hypothesis based on the priority of discourse over sentence; specifically, it is suggested that the ability to tell stories is the distinctive trait both of language and human nature. The course includes experimental activities aimed at supporting the theoretical model proposed.
( reference books)
- Scott-Phillips (2017) Dì quello che hai in mente. Le origini della comunicazione umana, Carocci, Roma - Ferretti F. (in stampa), L'istinto persuasivo. Carocci, Roma
Elective activities
20710390 -
The course deals with the relationship between music and society in the following twofold aspects: a) “music as agency” in everyday life; b) the social construction of the carriers of musical texts and musicians. The first part of the course will provide to the students the analytical tools for understanding how and to what extent the music can contribute to construct the social meanings of experience, time and space. The second part will address and problematize the notion of musical genius, by showing its social aspects.
Derived from
20710390 SOCIOLOGIA DELLA MUSICA in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 TOTA ANNA LISA
( syllabus)
The course deals with the relationship between music and society focusing on the following twofold aspects: a) “music as agency” in everyday life; b) the social construction of the carriers of musical texts and musicians. The first part of the course will provide to the students the analytical tools for understanding how and to what extent the music can contribute to construct the social meanings of experience, time and space. In everyday life music can function as technology of memory, emotions, cognition, constructing for the listeners frames, within which they are asked to experience their life. There are songs that contributed to defend human rights, others that became symbols of an epoch, historically and/or politically. The second part will address and problematize the notion of musical genius, by showing its social aspects. It will focus on the relation among genius, ethnicity, gender and social class
( reference books)
1) Anna Lisa Tota (2000), Musica e vita quotidiana: la composizione musicale dell’esperienza sociale, «Konsequenz», 3-4, pp. 63-72. 2) Anna Lisa Tota (2001), When Orff meets Guiness: music in advertising as a form of cultural hybrid, «Poetics. Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts», n. 29, pp. 109-123. 3) Tia DeNora (2001), Memoria e tradizione nella costruzione del talento di Beethoven, in La memoria contesa. Studi sulla comunicazione sociale del passato, a cura di Anna Lisa Tota, Milano, Angeli, pp. 172-196. 4) Tia De Nora (2000), Corpo e genere al piano. Repertorio, tecnologia e comportamento nella Vienna di Beethoven, “Rassegna italiana di Sociologia, n. XII, n. 2, aprile –giugno, pp. 165-188. 5) Pinan Güran and Tia DeNora (2016), Remembering through music: Turkish diasporic identities in Berlin, in Anna Lisa Tota and Trever Hagen (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies, London, Routledge, pp. 233-246. 6) Tia DeNora (1999), Music as a Technology of the Self, «Poetics. Journal of Empirical Research on Literature, the Media and the Arts» (27), pp. 31-56.
Moreover, one among the following books: 7) Norbert Elias (1991), Mozart. Sociologia di un genio, Bologna, il Mulino. 8) Oliver Sacks (2007), Musicofilia. Racconti sulla musica e il cervello, Milano, Adelphi. 9) Anita Lasker Wallfish (2010), “Ereditate la verità". Memorie di una violoncellista ad Auschwiz, Milano, Mursia.
The articles (from 1 to 6) will be available for the students on the website http://filosofiacomunicazionespettacolo.uniroma3.it (see the professor's webpage).
Elective activities
20710562 -
The course aims to deepen the authors, moments, genres and themes that caracterize the italian literature of our time, from the early twentieth century, in the context of the evolution of publishing methods in the same period.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to orient him/herself in italian contemporary publishing system.
Elective activities
20710561 -
The course aims to deepen the authors, moments, genres and themes that caracterize the italian literature of our time, from the early twentieth century, taking into account also, as much as possible, the links with the other systems of literary expression other arts, the literatures of other countries, as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help the studente to hone their reading mode.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to orient him/herself in the Italian Contemporary Literature.
( reference books)
a) Pier Paolo Pasolini, La Divina Mimesis, Milano, Mondadori, 2019
b) Pier Paolo Pasolini, Petrolio, edited by Walter Siti, Milano, Garzanti, 2022
c) Vedere, Pasolini, monographic number, edited by Andrea Cortellessa and Silvia De Laude, of «Engramma», 180, may 2021 (on line)
d) Andrea Cortellessa, Una ragione in più per andare all’Inferno, Roma, Contrasto, 2022 e) to give a context in 20th century italian literary history: Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, quarto volume: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012
Elective activities
20710539 -
The course aims to analyze in-depth journalism on television in the Italian context. The different formats of news and their distribution will be analyzed: news, talk shows, infotainment, investigative and reportage programs. Slow journalism. The languages, styles and protagonists of narration will be analyzed. Part of the course will be dedicated to understanding the concrete production of in-depth content, from the search for sources, to filming in the field and editing. And finally, their broadcasting with a focus on the role of the home audience, also considering the crucial function of the various social media platforms.
Elective activities
20710614 -
Laboratorio di tecnologia, cultura e società - LM
The seminar offers the opportunity of deepening the issues discussed during the courses of philosophy, technology and society and History of Artificial Intelligence. The objective of the seminar is to increase the critical and technical competences of students, in order to discuss political, social and philosophical problems of technological implementation in society. Students are kindly requested to actively participate to the seminar activities and at the end of the seminar, for which attending is requested, they will acquire argumentation, investigation competences as well as the capacity of building a critical discourse in written and oral form on issues under discussion during the seminar.
( syllabus)
Artificial intelligence and society: data-driven decisions and algorithmic interpretation 1) the algorithmic decision-making process. who is accountable for data-driven algorithmic decisions? previsions and probability are not 100% sure. human beings are slower than machines and less proficient with data analysis, but who can guarantee the correctness of decisions? 2) According to alan Turing machines need to predent to act like human beings. they don't have to be like them. In order for them to be intelligent they need to make mistakes. who can control which decision is the good one, in open context? We would need counter-factual reality in order to check if the decision was really the better one. 3) technology is a sociotechnical system that want to organize the external world, not to understand it. Who is in control of such a governamental system? Which are the objectives of the technological system? Which are the rules for the sharing of the same environment, that includes human beings, other living beings and socio-technical tools?
( reference books)
the reading list will be defined at the beginning of the collective seminar.
Elective activities
22910283 -
Philosophy and ethics of technology
The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
Derived from
22910283 Filosofia ed etica della tecnologia in E-Learning e media education LM-93 DE CARO MARIO
( syllabus)
The course will be divided into two parts. In the first, we will address some of the main issues of the contemporary discussion on philosophy and technology, with particular regard for the connected ethical problems: the relationship between humans and machines; the perspectives and challenges of AI; communication in the age of the internet; machines as moral patients and agents. In the second part of the course, with the help of some European Commission officials, we will debate together some of these issues.
( reference books)
1. Tamburrini, Etica delle macchine, Carocci 2. Floridi, La quarta rivoluzione, Cortina
Elective activities
20710690 -
The course is part of the training activities of the two curricula of the CdS in Environmental Humanities. The course aims to provide appropriate conceptual tools for an updated analysis of the main issues relating to the socio-environmental crisis, with particular reference to the redefinition of what is meant by politics. Within the framework of this path, the teaching aims to provide: 1) knowledge of the main contemporary debates and related approaches in their diversity; 2) the ability in contextualising, analyzing and critical reading of the considered issues; 3) the acquisition of the requested conceptual tools. At the end of the course, the acquisition of the following knowledge and understanding skills is expected: - in-depth knowledge of the principal authors in contemporary political thought; - ability in critical reading of the texts; - ability to discuss the considered issues; - acquisition of the conceptual tools requested for the analysis of contemporary phenomena - oral and written presentation and argumentation skills
Elective activities
20710653 -
The course aims at improving students’ reading and writing skills focusing on technical-scientific texts. Such skills are particularly important in research as well as in scientific dissemination. To this purpose, during the laboratory students will be guided in the critical reading of the scientific literature, to analyze the distinctive features of academic texts and the main techniques of scientific writing in the field of communication sciences. At the end of the course, students will be able to comprehend, project and write the contents of a scientific paper.
Derived from
20710653 LABORATORIO DI SCRITTURA SCIENTIFICA - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 CHIERA ALESSANDRA
( syllabus)
The laboratory aims at providing theoretical and practical tools for public communication and dissemination of scientific contents. To this aim, it is organized into the following main topics: - Planning a scientific paper: the development of research questions, literature research, draft, stylistic and scientific review, submission - The structure of a scientific paper: abstract, keywords, discussion of the literature, introduction of data, discussion of results, citations and references - Readability and verifiability - Quality of argumentation - Guidelines of techniques of scientific writing - The language style: accuracy, punctuation, scientific English
( reference books)
D. Gouthier, Scrivere di scienza. Esercizi e buone pratiche per divulgatori, giornalisti, insegnanti e ricercatori di oggi. Codice edizioni, Torino 2019.
Further materials provided in class.
Elective activities
20710737 -
The course aims to provide students with the fundamental tools to know and do news journalism today, from the role of the reporter to the contribution to investigations, up to research tools. Trainees will then be able to - Learn how to construct an investigative enquiry - Learning methods for researching sources, access to databases, relations with press offices, new media resources - Compare the right and duty of freedom of information in Italy and in the major western countries - Equip themselves with fact-checking tools in the age of disinformation and post-truths - Challenge themselves with classroom exercises - Meet reporters specialising in news (crime, legal, pink, sports, the evolution of reporting in emergencies, from terrorism to health and environmental crises).
Delsere Laura
( syllabus)
The course aims to explore the history and present of news journalism today, its role in society and in shaping public opinion, against the backdrop of a growing tendency towards manipulation of the news, as well as the role of the publishing market in the drift of journalistic storytelling towards the 'infotainment'.
Stories of of enquiries and investigative journalists in Italy and abroad will be retraced, exploring their role today between limits, growing threats and new opportunities; the contribution to investigations, the selection of sources; interlocutors and research tools on the ground and online, Italian and EU databases, access rights to institutional data (Foia and similar).
We will talk about resources from datajournalism, social media, and the implications of artificial intelligence on content production and consumption, between the digital revolution and the crisis of journalism.
A focus will be devoted to the anomalous role and space reserved to news in Italian news, the function of these editorial choices, between audience and censorship, the comparison with the market and the consumption of information in advanced democracies. We will also analyse investigative journalism and big news in the perspective of our republican history: from the role of the mafias to the 'strategia della tensione', from the omnipresence of the 'Italian mysteries' to the role of memory between newsroom and civil conscience.
Elements will be provided on the communication of public institutions, major private companies and advertisers, the role of press offices, corporate communication and crisis management, up to indirect lobbying. The interaction of news with religious denominations will be examined (from Vatican information to relations with the Jewish community, Islamic and other associations), as well as the issue of secularism.
The evolution of the right to report news will be covered: Italian ethical documents (minors, hate speech, migration, feminicides, gender equality) and EU regulations, protection of sources and whistleblowing, privacy and information rights, publication of wiretaps and press offences, threats to reporters, as well as some of the tools for verifying and debunking news, in the era of conspiracy and online disinformation.
The workshop will allow students to measure themselves directly with the reconstruction of case studies and the writing of texts for the various media: from the big news to the evolution of breaking news (environmental emergencies, health, terrorism, climate change), up to current affairs pages (mafias, crime, white news and constructive journalism, judiciary, gossip, sport), examining styles, languages and stereotypes.
( reference books)
TOOLS FOR THE REPORTER Randall, David, The Universal Journalist. London: Plutopress 2000
Beppe Benvenuto- Filippo Maria Battaglia, Il giornalismo d'inchiesta nell'Italia del dopoguerra, Milan, 2008.
Alessandro Barbano, Manuale di giornalismo, Laterza, 2012
Alberto Papuzzi, Professione giornalista. Le tecniche, i media, le regole, Donzelli, Rome 2010 (5ª ed.)
Caterina Malavenda, Le regole dei giornalisti, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012
Sergio Splendore, Giornalismo ibrido: come cambia la cultura giornalistica italiana, Carocci, Rome 2017
Angelo Agostini, Giornalismi. Media e giornalisti in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012.
(eds.) Marzia Antenore e Sergio Splendore, Datajournalism. Guida essenziale alle notizie fatte coi numeri, Mondadori, Milano 2017
Emilio Albertario- Giuseppe Castellini, La ricostruzione di cronaca giudiziaria nei media, in Archiviopenale.it, n. 2/2012, Pisa University Press (available in pdf among the course materials on Moodle and Teams) (edited by Davide Bagnoli), La cronaca nera in Italia. Il perché della sua spettacolarizzazione, Temperino Rosso-Edizioni Fortini, Brescia 2016.
Rita Di Giovacchino, Anatomia del caso Cogne, in Delitti Privati, Fazi, Rome 2007, pp.217-420
Emanuele Bellano, Cioccolato amaro, video-investigation, Rai 'Report', 23 October 2017 (available on line: https://www.rai.it/programmi/report/inchieste/Cioccolato-amaro-562322ec-204f-4c79-a9db-5e65f194bbfa.html)
METHODS OF READING FACTS Leonardo Sciascia, Opere 1971-1983, Bompiani, Milano 1989 (from this book we will read La scomparsa di Majorana, Il teatro della memoria, I pugnalatori) Leonardo Sciascia, To Each Its Own, NYRB Classics, 2000 Leonardo Sciascia, The Moro Affair, NYRB Classics, 2004 Leonardo Sciascia, Equal Danger, NYRB Classics, Leonardo Sciascia, The Day of the Owl, NYRB, 2003 Marc Bloch, Reflections of a Historian on the False News of the War (available on line: https://www.miwsr.com/2013/downloads/2013-051.pdf and among the course materials on Moodle or Teams)
THE ITALY CASE (THE ITALIAN EXCEPTION) IN THIS SECTION ONE TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING ESSAYS: Enrico Deaglio, Il raccolto rosso 1982-2010, Il Saggiatore, Milan 2010 Enrico Deaglio, La bomba. 50 anni di Piazza Fontana, Feltrinelli 2019 Rita Di Giovacchino, Il libro nero della Prima Repubblica, Fazi editore, Rome 2005 Giovanni Vignali, L'uomo nero e le stragi, Paper First, Rome 2021 Giovanni Fasanella-José Cereghino, Le menti del doppio Stato, Chiarelettere, Rome 2020
ELEMENTS OF SOCIAL HISTORY IN THIS SECTION ONE TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING ESSAYS: Paul Ginsborg, Italy and its discontents : family, civil society, state, 1980-2001, New York : Palgrave/Macmillan., 2003 Lee McIntyre, Post-Truth , Boston: The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series., 2018 Francesca Rizzuto, La società dell'orrore. Terrorism and communication in the era of emotional journalism, Pisa University Press 2018 Vanni Codeluppi, La vetrinizzazione sociale. Il processo di spettacolarizzazione degli individui e della società, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2007 Byung-Chul Han, The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception and Communication today, Cambridge: Polity Press., 2018
MEDIA IN THIS SECTION ONE TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING PAPERS OR BOOKS: Mario Morcellini, Digital media absolute sovereigns? How do they affect politics and society, 20 January 2022, in Agendadigitale.eu (available in pdf among the course materials on Moodle and Teams) Brittany Kaiser, Targeted: The cambridge Analityca Whistleblower’s Inside Story of how Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and how it Can Happen Again, New York: Harper Collins Publishers., 2019 Christian Salmon, Storytelling: Bewitching the Modern Mind, New York: Verso., 2017 Christian Salmon, La tyrannie des bouffons. Sur le pouvoir grotesque, ed. Les liens que libèrent, Paris 2020 Barbara Sgarzi, Social media Journalism, Apogeo, Adria 2016 IDEAS IN THIS SECTION TWO TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING PAPERS OR BOOKS: Tiziana Caponio - Teresa Cappiali, The persistent issue of refugees in 'Italian Politics, vol. 32, issue 1, Berghahn Books 2017 (available in pdf among the course materials on Moodle and Teams) Lilian Thuram, White Thinking: Behind The Mask of Racial Identity, London: Hero Publishers c/o University of Buckingham., 2021 F. Gatti, Bilal. Il mio viaggio clandestino nel mercato dei nuovi schiavi, Milano, 2007 Fabio Deotto, L'altro mondo. La vita in un pianeta che cambia, Bompiani, Milan 2021 Luciano Canfora, Fermare l’odio, Laterza, Bari 2019 Tom Nichols, The Death of Expertise: The Campaign against Establishes Knowledge and Why it Matters, Oxford University Press., 2018 Tom Stafford, Why Bad News Dominates The Headlines, in BBC Future, 29 July 2014 (available online: https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20140728-why-is-all-the-news-bad) Bryson Hull, Journalistic objectivity is fiction - and that's just fine, in Center for Digital Ethics & Policy, Loyola University- Chicago IL, 23 January 2017 (available online: http://digitalethics.org/essays/journalistic-objectivity-fiction/ and among the course materials on Moodle and Teams) Aa.Vv., The future of investigative journalism (3rd Report of Section 2010-12, House of Lords, Select Committee in Communications), HL Paper 256, London, House of Lords, 2012 (available online: https://publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201012/ldselect/ldcomuni/256/25602.htm and among the course materials on Moodle and Teams)
ETHICAL CHARTERS Testo Unico dei doveri del giornalista: https://www.odg.toscana.it/allegati_leggi/Testo%20unico%20dei%20doveri%20del%20giornalista%20-%202021.pdf (also available among the course materials on Moodle or Teams)
The Venice Manifesto: how to report on feminicide https://www.lauradebenedetti.it/manifesto-venezia-testo-completo/ (also available among the course materials on Moodle or Teams)
Elective activities
20710626 -
The teaching aims to provide students • An introduction to the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations for sustainable development in its unity and general structure • The analysis of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) • The critical discussion of the agenda's structure and the links between its various objectives, both in terms of synergies and possible conflicts • Insights on some Agenda objectives, in connection with the specific interests and / or study plans of the individual students.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to discuss in depth the UN policies on sustainable development
( syllabus)
The course is divided into two parts: • 12-15 conferences on Agenda 2030 and an e-learning podcast by ASviS (Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile) see the ongioing programme - https://www.uniroma3.it/articoli/roma-tre-per-lo-sviluppo-sostenibile-un-corso-multidisciplinare-sullagenda-2030-anno-accademico-2021-2022-182054/
• a specific part, carried out under the supervision of the teacher, to deepen particular topics or objectives of the Agenda through selected readings and the development of a written paper
( reference books)
E-learning teaching module prepared by ASviS (Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development) https://asvis.it/ Selected bibliography agreed with the teacher
Elective activities
Optional group:
20702741 -
The course is aimed at providing students with knowledge of the morphological, syntactic, semantic and lexical properties of the English language, as well as skills and competences corresponding to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. At the end of the course, students will be able to recognise and use correctly skills and language structures corresponding to the B2 level of the Common European Framework of Reference for languages.
Core compulsory activities
20709687 -
The course aims to provide students with an in-depth analysis of the main topics of pragmatics and to discuss the relationship between discourse and text. At the end of the course students will be able to analyze conversations and written texts related to most of the problematic aspects of discourse grammar and of text linguistics.
( syllabus)
Language as communication and action, illocutionary act, performative, Grice’s cooperation principle, inferences, implicatures, presuppositions, text and discourse, deixis, anaphora, information structure.
( reference books)
1) C. Caffi, Pragmatica. Sei lezioni, Carocci 2009. 2) C. Andorno, Linguistica testuale, Carocci, 2003.
Core compulsory activities
20710322 -
The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of methods, tools and approaches characterizing sociolinguistics, taking also into account the epistemological problems concerning its adjacency to other branches of linguistic and social knowledge. At the end of the course, students will write an essay showing their competence in gathering data and analyzing them in sociolinguistic perspective.
( syllabus)
This is an introductive course to sociolinguistics. The epistemological setting of this branch of knowledge will be discussed, and its basic elements and tools will be introduced. Specific attention will be paid to two major sociolinguistic approaches, i.e. correlational and interactional sociolinguistics.
( reference books)
Berruto, G. – M. Cerruti, (2019), II ed., Manuale di sociolinguistica, Torino, UTET
Additional material will be provided during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20709714 -
The course has two main goals. The first one is to propose an education finalized to learn the main classification methods of language disorders in pathologies such as aphasia, autism, schizophrenia. The second is to illustrate how the investigation of language disorders might be used to inform theoretical models on language functioning.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to: a) use knowledge on linguistic pathologies to reflect on the more general issue of the cognitive plausibility of the theoretical models proposed to account for the functioning of language; b) read and understand experimental scientific articles written in English dealing with issues relating to the cognitive foundations of language.
Derived from
20709714 FUNZIONI E PATOLOGIE DEL LINGUAGGIO E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 N0 ADORNETTI INES
( syllabus)
The course focuses on language pathologies, with particular attention to the deficits related to the discursive communication. Among the cases discusses, there are the communicative deficits characterizing pathologies such as autism, schizophrenia, and traumatic brain injury. In such cases, as well as in many neuropsychological and psychopathological disorders, the communicative impairments mainly concern the level of discourse and depend on deficits that primarily involve the cognitive dimension, rather than the linguistic one. Thus, the study of discourse disorders is particularly useful to investigate a more general question that is extremely relevant from a theoretical point of view: the relationships between language and cognition.
( reference books)
1) Adornetti I. (2018) Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione. Carocci, Roma
2) Adornetti, I., Chiera, A., Deriu, V., Altavilla, D., Valeri, G., Marini, A., ... & Ferretti, F. (2020). L'elaborazione delle storie nel disturbo dello spettro autistico: il caso delle narrazioni visive. Sistemi intelligenti, 32(3), 623-647.
3) Li, X., Hu, D., Deng, W., Tao, Q., Hu, Y., Yang, X., ... & Zhang, X. (2017). Pragmatic ability deficit in schizophrenia and associated theory of mind and executive function. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2164.
Core compulsory activities
20710075 -
The course aims to present the fundamental criteria and rules of the cognitive linguistics applied in the analysis of the journalistic discourse. The purpose of the teaching/learning activities is the critical study of the the linguistic research trends focused on the mass media communication and, in particular, on the lexicon and the rhetorical figures present in the magazines and in the newspapers. In the same time, the relationships between grammar and semantic values are illustrated at the light of the holistic model of conceptualization and construction. The course is divided in three sections: 1. Descriptions of the bibliographical references; 2. The cognitive linguistics: frames, prototypes and profilings. 3. Corpora analysis and ontologies linked to journalistic texts for special purposes present or not in internet. Workshops, experiments and surveys complete the lessons face to face for improving a theorical and applied training.
( syllabus)
1.-Short excursus of the different traditional approaches
2. The newspapers corpora and the web journalism 3. THINGS, IDENTIES and ACTIVITIES: from the corpora to the conceptual representations
4. Media and social bias: racism and discrimination between written, spoken and comunicative frames
( reference books)
Catricalà M. La linguistca cognitiva del giornalismo di moda , forthcoming publication Freddi M. La lingusitca dei corpora, 2014
Van Dijk T. Ideologie. Discorso e costruzione sociale del pregiudizio, 2004
Core compulsory activities
20710609 -
Word design and advertising - LM -
The course aims to define the Adv Language as a powerful tool of verbal-iconic design. A series of teaching/learning activities complete the presentation of the cognitive models and the explication of the grammar that, marking slogans, headlines, jingles, captions and trademarks, change the objects we live by. In this perspective the creative and innovative Adv Language is described as a perceptive transformer code, that has to understood through the different phases of project, realization, and representation. In this process the activities of naming regarding the products and the promotional messages are a fundamental strategy of conceptual construction. With the course, the students also acquire the specific skill for transcribing them in a repository and analyzing complex icono-texts as the tv commercial and that of using their a-grammatical rules and their non-senses in a coherent and creative way. The course is divided in three parts: 1.From the spatial design to the word design; 2.The grammar of the Adv Language between rules and semantic mappings; 3. The adv language around the bod mail-order catalogues and the trademarks of Cosmetics, Fashion, Food and Sport. Workshops, experiments and surveys improve the theorical study with aapplied training.
( syllabus)
The new title of the course “Linguistics, media and advertising” is based on a specific idea of the linguistic and the iconic configuration of the advertising messages. Over the enormous combinations of images and words, that have been elaborated between sense/nonsense, blends and portmanteau words, weasel words and implicatures, neologisms and mysterious and complex brands, it is possible to find, to count and to describe some constant rules, restrains and schemas, that command every communicative process addressed by the art directors and the copy-writers to the consumers and to the other kinds of advs targets. These rules can be ascribed to the relevant chapter of Design, and for this the course is divided in three parts: - The first part aims to explain what is adverting and to list and to illustrate the different typologies of advertising (commercial, political, institutional, advocacy, etc.), the diverse kinds of the advertisements (from posters to folders, commercials to pitch-spot, etc.) and their elements (from headline to body copy or jingle, etc.); - In the second part, the concept of design is described in the light of the cognitive pattern, the imagery definition, the visual word paradigm and the textual theory. The idea of design as process aimed to project and to create new objects and identities is fundamental for explaining the sense of texts without coherence and cohesion, as wel as those of advertising. - In the third, but not least part, the particular phonological, morphological, lexical, syntactic and rhetorical features of the advertising messages will be analyzed examining a series of examples, classified on the base of a single trait: e.g., the kind of product, the typology of consumer, the identity of the narrator, etc. The lexical aspects and the brand names are analyzed in-depth, from several points of view, evaluating the importance of naming, as one of the most relevant strategy for creating connotative identities and the so called top ten. On this topic. it is analized the change of the old strategies linkef to interent impact-
( reference books)
Catricalà M. One thousand and one way for reading a brand, Quaderni Simbolon, Milella Lecce. ( chap. Baldini Le parole della pubblicità, Armando, Roma. Capozzi M.R. La comunicazione pubblicitaria, FrancoAngeli , Milano.
Chosen pages Brincat G. L’italiano e la creatività: insegne dei negozi e slogan pubblicitari, in Percorsi linguistici, in onore di V. Orioles , Forum. Udine pp. 93-104 Cotticelli Kurras. Gli studi sul linguaggio pubblicitario, in Percorsi linguistici, in onore di V. Orioles , Forum, Udine pp.145-158. Minestroni L. La pubblicità nonostante i mass media . Mondadori for the
Core compulsory activities