Optional group:
20710242 -
Letteratura francese III
One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. French Literature III is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literature" area. It aims at providing the students with advanced knowledge of nineteenth and twentieth century French Literature with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis at an advanced level. At the end of the module, students will reach an advanced critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context. Pre-requisite: French Literature II; French Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
Literature and Society in France, 19th-20th Century.
Exile writers (from Hugo to Zola); authors and works that are subject to judicial proceedings (from Baudelaire and Flaubert to Brasillach); an important rethinking of the role of poetry and literature (from "art pour l'art" and "J'accuse!", to Sartre’s “engagement”): the relationship of 19th-20th Century French literature to society is complex and multifaceted. The course will propose several itineraries through the way novelists and poets have conceived that relationship in their works and their theoretical reflections.
( reference books)
Course Materials
Overview Lagarde et Michard, XIXe siècle, Paris, Bordas, qualsiasi ed. J. W. Burrow, La crisi della ragione. Il pensiero europeo 1848-1914, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2002: prologo, chap. 2-4-5.
I. Novel Texts – Select three texts among: H. de Balzac, Le Père Goriot Stendhal, Le Rouge et le Noir Flaubert, Madame Bovary Zola, L’Assommoir Proust, Du côté de chez Swann
Further readings / Critical bibliography – Select three texts among: G. Lukacs, Balzac et le réalisme français, Paris, Maspero, 1979 [1935]. F. Moretti, Atlante del romanzo europeo, Torino, Einaudi, 1997. C. Ginzburg, “L’aspra verità. Una sfida di Stendhal agli storici”, in Id., Il filo e le tracce, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2006. G. Sapiro, La responsabilité de l’écrivain. Littérature, droit et morale en France (XIXe-XXe siècle), Paris, Seuil, 2011, deuxième partie (“La conquête de l’autonomie littéraire sous le Second Empire”). G. Philippe et J. Piat, La langue littéraire, Paris, Fayard, 2009, chap. 8 (“L’invention de la prose”) et 9 (“Émile Zola et la langue littéraire vers 1890”). M. Bertini, L’ombra di Vautrin. Proust lettore di Balzac, Roma, Carocci, 2019.
II. Poetry La poesia francese 1814-1914, a cura di L. Pietromarchi, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2012. Texts C. Baudelaire, I fiori del male, trad. di G. Caproni e commento di L. Pietromarchi, Venezia, Marsilio, 2008 (a selection of poems). A selection of poems by other authors will be provided during the class. Critical bibliography – Select two texts among: M. Raymond, De Baudelaire au surréalisme, qualsiasi ed., “Introduction”. G. Poulet, La poésie éclatée, qualsiasi ed. J. Starobinski, La Mélancolie au miroir, Paris, Julliard, 1989.
Core compulsory activities
20710245 -
Letterature portoghese e brasiliana III
One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures III is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literature" area. It aims at providing the students with advanced knowledge of nineteenth and twentieth century Portuguese and Brazilian Literature, and of Portuguese speaking African Countries, with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis at an advanced level. At the end of the module, students will reach an advanced critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context. Pre-requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Literatures II; Portuguese and Brazilian Languages and Translation II.
( syllabus)
The course is structured in two modules. The first one will consist in an introduction to contemporary Brazilian and Portuguese literature. The second one will analyze the Angolan literature and It will be taught by a visiting professor.
( reference books)
Modulo A Eça de Queirós, O Crime do Padre Amaro (qualuque edizione) Eça de Queirós, O Primo Basílio (qualunque edizione) Inglês de Sousa, O Missionário (qualunque edizione) Machado de Assis, Dom Casmurro (qualunque edizione) Machado de Assis, “O Primo Basílio”, in Crônicas – Crítica – Poesia – Teatro, São Paulo, Cultrix, 1961, pp. 108-123. C. Reis, Eça e Machado de Assis ou a Batalha do Realismo, in Eça e Machado, São Paulo, PUC-SP, 2005, pp. 285-302; J. C. de Castro Rocha, Machado de Assis: por uma poética da emulação, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira, 2013. S. Santiago, Eça, autor de Madame Bovary, nel vol. Uma literatura nos trópicos, Rio de Janeiro, Editora Rocco, 2000, pp. 47-65.
Modulo B – Cultura angolana I. Mata – R. Francavilla – V. Tocco (a cura di), Le letterature africane in lingua portoghese - Temi, percorsi, prospettive, Milano, Hoepli, (in via di pubblicazione) V. Russo, La resistenza continua. Il colonialismo portoghese, le lotte di liberazione e gli intellettuali italiani, Milano, Meltemi, 2020; D. Tramontano, La decolonizzazione angolana: lotta per l’indipendenza e guerra civile, in Il colore rosso dei jacaranda. A 30 anni dalle indipendenze delle ex colonie portoghesi, a cura di L. Apa e M. Zamponi, San Marino, AIEP Editore, 2005, pp. 59-73;
Handouts specially prepared by the visiting professor "will be made available to students at the beginning of the course.
Core compulsory activities
20710246 -
Letteratura inglese III
One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. English Literature III is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literatures" area. It aims at providing the students with a good knowledge of nineteenth and twentieth century English Literature with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis at an advanced level. At the end of the module, students will reach an advanced critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context.
Pre-requisite: English Literature II; English Language and Translation II
A - L
( syllabus)
This course provides a detailed analysis of some of the historical and cultural knots in English literature through the study of texts belonging to different literary genres. The course will focus on topics, contexts and textual strategies with a view to underlining the literary representation of the city of London as a site for passage, conflict, celebration, identity and transformation from the Nineteenth century to nowadays.
( reference books)
William Blake, London, Jerusalem, The Chimney Sweeper (I, II), Holy Thursday (I, II) [online]; William Wordsworth, Composed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 1802 [online]; Amy Levy, A London Plane-tree, London in July, A March Day in London [online]; Oscar Wilde, Impression du Matin, Symphony in Yellow [online]; R. L. Stevenson, The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde [any unabridged English edition] Virginia Woolf, The London Scene; Doris Lessing, “In Defence of the Underground”; “Storms”; “She” (from London Observed) Bernardine Evaristo, Hello Mum
M - Z
( syllabus)
The course "From Jane Eyre to The Eyre Affair: Expansions and Metamorphoses of the Realist Novel" aims to explore the transformations that, starting from a classic novel like Jane Eyre (1847), took place in the British literary and cultural landscape of the twentieth century. and the early 2000s. The course will cover some fundamental stages in modernist, postcolonial and postmodernist culture and aesthetics, up to the overall reconfiguration of the novel, and of the literary in general, in the age of media convergence.
( reference books)
NOVELS: Bronte Charlotte, "Jane Eyre", London and New York, Norton Critical Editions, 2016 Du Maurier Daphne, "Rebecca", London, Virago Press, 2015 [integral version only for non-attending students] Rhys Jean, "Wide Sargasso Sea", London and New York, Norton Critical Editions, 1999 Fforde Jasper, "The Eyre Affair", London, Hodder & Stoughton, 2001
Jane Eyre, directed by Robert Stevenson, 1943 "Jane Eyre", TV series directed by Susanna White, BBC production, 2007 "Rebecca", directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1940
Core compulsory activities
20710248 -
Letteratura tedesca III
One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aim at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. German Literature III is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literature" area. It aims at providing the students with advanced knowledge of late nineteenth and early twentieth century German Literature with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis at an advanced level. At the end of the module, students will reach an advanced critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context. Pre-requisite: German Literature II; German Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
The module introduces to the main charatheristics of the German theatre through a formal and tematic analysis of some classical dramatic texts and their historical-cultural contextualization.
( reference books)
G. E. Lessing, Minna von Barnhelm (Marsilio). G. E. Lessing, Emilia Galotti (Marsilio). J. W. Goethe, Ifigenia in Tauride (Marsilio). J. W. Goethe, Torquato Tasso (Marsilio). F. Schiller, I masnadieri (Mondadori) F. Schiller, Maria Stuarda (Mondadori) H. von Kleist, La brocca rotta (Garzanti) H. v. Kleist, Il principe di Homburg (Garzanti) G. Büchner, La morte di Danton (Marsilio) G. Büchner, Woyzeck (Marsilio) B. Brecht, Vita di Galileo (Einaudi) F. Dürrenmatt, La visita della vecchia signora (Einaudi) F. Dürrenmatt, I fisici (Einaudi) P. Weiss, L’istruttoria (Einaudi) P. Handke, Insulti al pubblico (Quodlibet) Heiner Müller, Anatomie Titus (L’Orma).
Core compulsory activities
20710249 -
Letteratura russa III
One of the main aims of this Course of Study is to provide students with advanced knowledge of two foreign literatures related to the two languages of their choice, paying special attention to intercultural and transcultural dynamics. The course also aims at refining their ability to interpret cultural phenomena, using the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis. Russian Literature III is among the characterizing activities of the "Foreign Literature" area. It aims at providing the students with advanced knowledge of nineteenth century to 1934 Russian Literature with special attention to intercultural dynamics and the theoretical-methodological debate; it helps students discover the tools and methodologies of literary, cultural and historical analysis at an advanced level. At the end of the module, students will reach an advanced critical ability in the interpretation of exemplary texts in the original language, as well as the necessary competence for oral rewording, translation, rewriting and adaptation in Italian of the texts themselves. They will also be able to re-elaborate and communicate disciplinary knowledge in a specialized and non-specialized intercultural context. Pre-requisite: Russian Literature II; Russian Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
Poetry movements of the first half of the 20th century: Symbolism, Futurism, Acmeism. Analysis of texts and criticism. The Revolution and the 1920s. Artistic and Literary movements. 1920s as a laboratory for genres and ideas. Writers and Power. The First Soviet Writers Congress.
( reference books)
Textbooks Storia della civiltà letteraria russa, a cura di Michele Colucci e Riccardo Picchio, Torino, UTET, 1997, v. I, pp. 763-787; v II, pp. 57-171; 224-253; 271-282; 328-336; 349-358; 363-379. Storia della letteratura russa. Il Novecento, Einaudi, Torino 1990, v. II-III (Maiakovskii, Akhmatova, Bulgakov and Pasternak). English or Russian textbook could be agreed upon with the teachers.
Readings A.P. Chekhov, Vyshenvii sad, Tri sestry A. Blok, Dvenadtsat’, Balaganchik, Neznakomka V. Maiakovskii, Oblako v shtanakh, poems analysed during the lessons A. Akhmatova, Requiem, 10 poems of the first period E. Zamiatin, My I. Il'f e E. Petrov, 12 stul'ev M. Bulgakov, Master i Margarita B. Pasternak, Doktor Zhivago
1 additional Reading: A.P. Čechov, Djadja Vanja/ Palata n. 6 M. Zoščenko, Rasskazy M.A. Bulgakov, Sobach'e serdce/Rokovye jaitsa A. Tolstoj, Aelita
Aletto Ilaria
( syllabus)
From Chekhov to the Symbolists (1860-1921). Text analysis and critical insights.
( reference books)
Teaching materials Storia della civiltà letteraria russa, a cura di Michele Colucci e Riccardo Picchio, Torino, UTET, 1997, v. I, pp. 763-787; v II, pp. 57-113. N. Rjazanovskij, Storia della Russia, (any edition), chapters from the reign of Alexander II to the October Revolution
The volumes are available at the Petrocchi Library.
- A.P. Čechov, Il giardino dei ciliegi, Tre sorelle - A. Blok, selezione di liriche, La baracchetta dei saltimbanchi, La sconosciuta, I dodici.
A reading at choice between A.P. Čechov, Zio Vanja/ Corsia n. 6
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Altre Attività - non anticipabili - (show)
20710250 -
Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (francese)
General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication. In the Text Analysis and Translation Laboratory (French) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper. Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.
Pre-requisite: French Literature II; French Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
Introduction to bibliographic research, analysis and translation of literary texts and writing of a degree thesis.
( reference books)
1. Mandatory essays.
a. Massimo Cerruti, Monica Cini, Introduzione elementare alla scrittura accademica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007. b. Massimo Bustreo, Tesi di laurea step by step, Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 2015. c. Umberto Eco, Come si fa una tesi di laurea, Milano, La nave di Teseo, 2017.
2. Recommended essays.
2.1 About bibliography: a. Andrea Capaccioni, Ricerche bibliografiche, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli editore, 2018. b. Max Giovagnoli, Come si fa una tesi di laurea con Internet e il Web, Milano, Tecniche nuove, 2009. c. Andrea Capaccioni, Le biblioteche dell’Università, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli editore, 2018.
2.2 About research: a. Yves Chevrel, Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat, Guide pratique de la recherche en littérature, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2018. b. Jean-Thomas Nordmann, La Critique littéraire française du XIXe siècle (1800-1914), Paris, Le Livre de poche, 2001. c. Michel Jarrety, La Critique littéraire française du XXe siècle, Paris, PUF, coll. Que sais-je ?, 1998.
2.3 About writing: a. Claudio Giunta, Come non scrivere, Milano, Utet, 2018. b. Roberto Lesina, Il nuovo manuale di stile, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1998. c. Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 2002. d. Jean-Yves Tadié, La Critique littéraire au XXe siècle, Paris, Pocket, 1997.
( syllabus)
Introduction to bibliographic research, analysis and translation of literary texts and writing of a degree thesis.
( reference books)
1. Mandatory essays.
a. Massimo Cerruti, Monica Cini, Introduzione elementare alla scrittura accademica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007. b. Massimo Bustreo, Tesi di laurea step by step, Milano, Ulrico Hoepli, 2015. c. Umberto Eco, Come si fa una tesi di laurea, Milano, La nave di Teseo, 2017.
2. Recommended essays.
2.1 About bibliography: a. Andrea Capaccioni, Ricerche bibliografiche, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli editore, 2018. b. Max Giovagnoli, Come si fa una tesi di laurea con Internet e il Web, Milano, Tecniche nuove, 2009. c. Andrea Capaccioni, Le biblioteche dell’Università, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli editore, 2018.
2.2 About research: a. Yves Chevrel, Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat, Guide pratique de la recherche en littérature, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2018. b. Jean-Thomas Nordmann, La Critique littéraire française du XIXe siècle (1800-1914), Paris, Le Livre de poche, 2001. c. Michel Jarrety, La Critique littéraire française du XXe siècle, Paris, PUF, coll. Que sais-je ?, 1998.
2.3 About writing: a. Claudio Giunta, Come non scrivere, Milano, Utet, 2018. b. Roberto Lesina, Il nuovo manuale di stile, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1998. c. Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 2002. d. Jean-Yves Tadié, La Critique littéraire au XXe siècle, Paris, Pocket, 1997.
( syllabus)
Introduction to bibliographic research, critical methods of analysis and translation of the literary text, thesis writing.
( reference books)
1. Mandatory bibliography:
a. Massimo Cerruti, Monica Cini, Introduzione elementare alla scrittura accademica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007.
b. Massimo Bustreo, Tesi di laurea step by step, Milano, Hoepli, 2015.
c. Umberto Eco, Come si fa una tesi di laurea, Milano, La nave di Teseo, 2017.
2. Other bibliography:
a. Andrea Capaccioni, Ricerche bibliografiche, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli, 2018.
b. Max Giovagnoli, Come si fa una tesi di laurea con Internet e il Web, Milano, Tecniche nuove, 2009.
c. Andrea Capaccioni, Le biblioteche dell'università, Santarcangelo di Romagna, Maggioli, 2018.
a. Yves Chevrel, Yen-Maï Tran-Gervat, Guide pratique de la recherche en littérature, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2018.
b. Jean-Thomas Nordmann, La Critique littéraire française du XIXe siècle (1800-1914), Paris, Le Livre de poche, 2001.
c. Michel Jarrety, La Critique littéraire française du XXe siècle, Paris, PUF, coll. Que sais-je ?, 1998.
a. Claudio Giunta, Come non scrivere, Milano, Utet, 2018.
b. Roberto Lesina, Il nuovo manuale di stile, Bologna, Zanichelli, 1998.
c. Lexique des règles typographiques en usage à l'Imprimerie nationale, Paris, Imprimerie nationale, 2002.
d. Jean-Yves Tadié, La Critique littéraire au XXe siècle, Paris, Pocket, 1997.
( syllabus)
The 6 hours of the course will initiate the students in the writing of the final paper with a focus on bibliographic tools and writing techniques.
( reference books)
C. Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, Utet, 2018.
Other activities
20710251 -
Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (spagnolo)
General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication In the Text analysis and translation workshop (Spanish) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper. Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.
Pre-requisite: Spanish Literature II or Spanish-American Literature II; Spanish Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developing a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, UTET, 2018. To be understood as REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, Utet, 2018.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Reference bibliography Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, UTET, 2018.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, UTET, 2018. To be considered as REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, Utet, 2018.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc.
Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively.
The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research.
Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research.
Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, Utet, 2018.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, Utet, 2018.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Reference Bibliography Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, UTET, 2018.
( syllabus)
General introduction. Formal indications on the structure of the paper: extension, layout, how to make citations, etc. Bibliographic citation system (autor/ date), how to use notes effectively. The Roma Tre Discovery bibliographic database. Practical bibliographic research exercises. Presentation of other databases available online useful for literary research. Use of online dictionaries, use of corpora and databases available online for linguistic and translation research. Proposals and hypoteses for developement of a paper on literary, cultural and linguistic-translation themes.
( reference books)
Serena Fornasiero, Silvana Tamiozzo Goldmann, Scrivere l'italiano. Galateo della comunicazione scritta, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2013. Claudio Giunta, Come NON scrivere, Torino, UTET, 2018. To be considered as REFERENCE BIBLIOGRAPHY.
Other activities
20710252 -
Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (portoghese)
General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication. In the Text analysis and translation workshop (Portuguese and Brazilian), the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper. Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.
Pre-requisite: Portuguese and Brazilian Literature II; Portuguese and Brazilian Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
The workshop aims to strengthen students' skills in the writing of academic texts and in the literary and translanguaging analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian literary texts. A first cycle of lessons will be devoted to the methods of writing an academic paper (bibliographical research, citation of sources, editorial rules, etc.); a second cycle of lessons will focus on the specificities of literary texts from culturally non-hegemonic areas. Finally, a third cycle of lessons will be devoted to literary translation. During the exercises, students will have to put into practice the acquired skills, analysing and translating autonomously passages of Portuguese and Brazilian authors of the 19th century.
( reference books)
A. Azevedo, “Casa de Pensão” (qualunque edizione) A. Berman, “La traduzione e la lettera o l'albergo della lontananza”, Macerata, Quodlibet 2003 U. Eco, “Dire quasi la stessa cosa”, Milano, Bompiani, 2003. (Capitoli 4 e 5) U. Eco, “Come si fa una tesi di laurea. Le materie umanistiche”, Milano, Bompiani, 2001 J. M. Eça de Queirós, “O Primo Basílio”, (qualunque edizione) J. C. de Castro Rocha, “Culturas Shakespearianas. Teoria mimética e os desafios da mímesis em circustâncias não hegemônicas”, São Paulo, Realizações Editora, 2017, cap. 4 (Poéticas da emulação), pp. 185-258.
( syllabus)
The workshop aims to strengthen students' skills in the writing of academic texts and in the literary and translanguaging analysis of Portuguese and Brazilian literary texts. A first cycle of lessons will be devoted to the methods of writing an academic paper (bibliographical research, citation of sources, editorial rules, etc.); a second cycle of lessons will focus on the specificities of literary texts from culturally non-hegemonic areas. Finally, a third cycle of lessons will be devoted to literary translation. During the exercises, students will have to put into practice the acquired skills, analysing and translating autonomously passages of Portuguese and Brazilian authors of the 19th century.
( reference books)
A. Azevedo, “Casa de Pensão” (qualunque edizione) A. Berman, “La traduzione e la lettera o l'albergo della lontananza”, Macerata, Quodlibet 2003 U. Eco, “Dire quasi la stessa cosa”, Milano, Bompiani, 2003. (Capitoli 4 e 5) U. Eco, “Come si fa una tesi di laurea. Le materie umanistiche”, Milano, Bompiani, 2001 J. M. Eça de Queirós, “O Primo Basílio”, (qualunque edizione) J. C. de Castro Rocha, “Culturas Shakespearianas. Teoria mimética e os desafios da mímesis em circustâncias não hegemônicas”, São Paulo, Realizações Editora, 2017, cap. 4 (Poéticas da emulação), pp. 185-258.
Other activities
20710253 -
Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (inglese)
General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication. In the Text Analysis and Translation Laboratory (English) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper. Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.
Pre-requisite: English Literature II or American-English Literature II; English Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
During the first class the teacher will assign to the students a topic for her final paper, based on the main interests each of them has developed during the undergraduate course.
In the classroom we will follow a threeforld strategy: first I will show how to outline the position of the author/work within its literary and cultural context; then I will attract their attention to how the individual author has replicated, manipulated or subverted the convention of the particular literary genre she has adopted; I will explain how to extract from the mass of biographical information those most perminent for the purpose; and, finally, I will have them practice variour interpretive tools.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
To obtain their ECTS credits, students are required to attend at least 70% of classes."
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop. Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop. Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards required for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop.
( syllabus)
The laboratory is divided into two main didactic activities: 1) plenary lessons and 2) small group workshops. 1. The plenary lessons are aimed at providing some guidance for students who, at the end of their three-year formative period are expected to conform their writing to the standards expected for a final essay. The lessons will focus on its formal, cognitive and linguistic features while pointing out the main steps of the writing process (main conventions of academic writing, editorial guidelines, thematic cores, both printed and online resources for academic research). 2. The workshops focus on the theoretical and practical activities targeted at linguistic and literary analyses of cultural, and literary texts. The aim is to underline the basic role of analysis in the final essay in light of different methodological perspectives brought to bear on a variety of formal and structural aspects of the texts.
( reference books)
The texts for the analysis and translation will be made available during the workshop. Neil Murray and Geraldine Hughes, Writing Up Your University Assignments And Research Projects, Open University Press, 2008 (Roma Tre Discovery https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/uniroma3-ebooks/reader.action?docID=345139
Other activities
20710254 -
Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (tedesco)
General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication. In the Text analysis and translation workshop (German) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper. Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.
Pre-requisite: German Literature II; German Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
The workshop is made up of 2 activities: • Prof. Giovanni Sampaolo – Comparison of Italian and German editing standards and their use in translation (18 hours) • Prof. Ute Weidenhiller – Translation of poetry (12 hours)
( reference books)
The course materials will be made available online at the beginning of the activities of the workshop
( syllabus)
The workshop is made up of 2 activities: • Prof. Giovanni Sampaolo – The tools of translation. Dictionaries of Italian, German, bilingual dictionaries, other lexical, phraseological, stylistic encyclopedic reference works; using online resources, hypertextual dictionaries, corpora and others. The practice of translation: working methods. Comparison of Italian and German editing standards (18 hours) • Prof. Ute Weidenhiller – Translation of poetry (12 hours)
( reference books)
The teaching materials will be made available online at the beginning of the activities of the workshop.
Other activities
20710255 -
Laboratorio analisi del testo e traduzione (russo)
General aim: to provide students with tools and methodologies to make judgments and promote an independent approach to the critical interpretation and translation of literary text. The Laboratory for text analysis and translation initiates the student to the drafting of the final paper through the application of the knowledge and skills acquired in the Course of Study, in particular at: practising reading, critical analysis and translation into Italian of texts in foreign language; helping the students to reach a good written, in both Italian and foreign language; practising the rewriting and adaptation of texts, in both languages, also in a transmedia perspective; employing argumentative strategies in the different fields of intercultural communication. In the Text analysis and translation workshop (Russian) the student applies the skills and abilities acquired in the subjects of specialisation, with particular reference to critical analysis and translation of texts from the original language into Italian. This activity aims at consolidating the ability to work independently in order to write the final paper. Students will be able to use bibliographic and technological tools to write the final paper; analyse texts and data and draw critical conclusions.
Pre-requisite: Russian Literature II; Russian Language and Translation II
( syllabus)
Meetings focus on: PC use for writing the thesis Use of the University's bibliographic resources Use of Italian and Russian bibliographic resources Tools and methodologies for the analysis, translation of the narrative and poetic text Introduction to literary criticism Introduction to archive research
( reference books)
The materials needed to perform the activities will be uploaded to the MOODLE platform.
( syllabus)
The meetings will focus on:
National bibliographic resources: OPAC SBN catalog; Compile a bibliography; Read and discuss a specialist article; Write an abstract; Translation from Russian to Italian of a narrative text; Translation from Russian into Italian of a poetic text; Translation from Russian to Italian of an essay text.
( reference books)
The course material will be provided in class or uploaded on the Moodle platform.
Other activities