Optional group:
20709755 -
At the end of this course, the student will have obtained: - An in-depth knowledge of the main theoretical questions of ethics, moral philosophy, action theory; - Knowledge of some reference texts in the philosophical-political field and of the main debates associated with them, as well as of secondary literature also in languages other than Italian; - Ability to focus on theoretical issues and to develop arguments in the analysis of problems related to political theory and to critical theory.
( syllabus)
Genealogy of the Homo Œconomicus's Autonomy
The course reconstructs the process of formation of the individual's enterprise autonomy, going back to the crisis context of 19th-century Paris. Through the interpretations of Walter Benjamin and Michel Foucault, the second module focuses on the figure of Charles Baudelaire as paradigmatic of the production process of the self.
( reference books)
- Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Napoleon (any edition). - Dario Gentili, Crisis as Art of Government, Verso, London-New York 2018. - Walter Benjamin, Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism, Verso, London-New York 1997. - Michel Foucault, “What is Enlightenment?” In The Foucault Reader, by P. Rabinow, pp. 32-50. Pantheon Books, 1984.
Core compulsory activities
20702710 -
At the end of this course the student will acquire: - A thorough knowledge of several issues concerning aesthetics and the relationships between philosophy and the arts (literature, visual arts, performing arts, architecture, film) - An extended knowledge of the most important texts of the history of aesthetics, and of the critical debate on these texts - An extended knowledge on the most recent literature on aesthetics, perception theory, ontology of art and related subjects - The ability to form an independent judgement on such topics and to expose it in oral and written form - An excellent mastery of aesthetic terminology and of the argumentative methods in the field of aesthetics and art criticism, even for educational purposes - The ability of focusing theoretical issues, analyzing information, formulating arguments in the fields of aesthetics, theory of perception, art theories, with the help of bibliographical sources, even in languages other than Italian - The ability to contextualize in historical-philosophical perspective aesthetic debates, as well as debates on art criticism and on landscape theory.
( syllabus)
Reading of two greek tragedies. General informations conecerning attic tragedy. Direct knowledge of Aristotle's Poetics. Aristotle Poetics and ancient aesthetics.
( reference books)
Aristotele, Poetica, edited by G. Paduano, Bari, Laterza U. von Wilamowitz, Che cos'è una tragedia attica, Brescia, La Scuola G. Lombardo, L'estetica antica, Bologna, Il Mulino. Sofocle, Edipo Re, every edition Euripide, Medea, every edition
Core compulsory activities
20703105 -
An indepth analysis of a pivotal notion in the history of philosophy.
( syllabus)
Marxism and Philosophy of Language
The course proposes two distinct and correlated objectives: to reconstruct the role that verbal language plays in philosophical anthropology and in the philosophy of mind of Karl Marx; evaluate the relationship between Marxism and the main trends of modern and contemporary philosophy of language.
( reference books)
Program Module A "Historical Materialism and Verbal Launguage":
P. Virno, Notes on Marx philosopher of mind and language (notes of professor). Photocopy avaible. K. Marx, Thesis on Feuerbach.Photocopy avaible. K. Marx, F. Engels, The German Ideology, Editori Riuniti, only pp. 4-39. Photocopy avaible. K. Marx, Capital, Book I, only chapter IV (“Trasformazione del denaro in capitale”) e XI (“Cooperazione”). Photocopy avaible. K. Marx, Foundamental Lineaments of Economical Policy, La Nuova Italia, 2 voll., only pp. 389-403 of 2° volume (p. 389 from “Finché il mezzo di lavoro…”; p. 403 to “…processo di vita reale”). Photocopy avaible. V. N. Volosinov, M. Bachtin, Marxism and Philosophy of Language, Piero Manni editore, only chapters: Part I, chap. III; Part II, chap. I, II, III, IV; Part III, chap. I and II.Photocopy avaible. L. S. Vygotskij, Thought and Language, Laterza, only these parts: Preface, chap. I, chap. II (to p. 60), chap. IV, chap. VII. To purchase.
Program Module B "Language, praxis and policy":
A. Gramsci, Prison Notebooks, Einaudi, only Notebook 29 "Notes on the study of Grammar. Photocopy avaible. F. Lo Piparo, Gramsci e Wittgenstein. Photocopy avaible.. L. Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, Einaudi, only ai §§ 1-32, 65-98, 198-207, 243-265. To purchase. P. Virno, La decisione come applicazione di una regola (notes on Wittgenstein). Photocopy avaible. F. Rossi Landi, Il linguaggio come lavoro e come mercato, Bompiani, only pp. 61-104. Photocopy avaible. P. Virno, Lavoro e linguaggio, in A. Zanini e U. Fadini (a cura di), Lessico postfordista, Feltrinelli, pp. 181-5. Photocopy avaible. L. S. Vygotskij, Tool an symbol in child development, in Id. The cognitive process, Bollati Boringhieri, pp. 35-51. Photocopy avaible. N. Chomsky, M. Foucault, On Human Nature. Invariante biologico e potere politico, Derive Approdi. Photocopy avaible. N. Chomsky, Language and Freedom, in Id., Language and Freedom. Behind the masks of Ideology, il Saggiatore Net, pp. 215-234. Photocopy avaible. P. Virno, When verb becomes flesh. Language and Human Nature, Bollati Boringhieri, only chap. 6° (“Natural History”). Photocopy avaible.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702742 -
The course aims at introducing aspects of information technology that we expect to be of great impact for media professionals. Automated information processing enables analysis and management of information sources provided awareness of its potential and limits. New editors are creating new media and a completely new discipline has emerged: computational journalism. In this course we aim at providing basic computer skills necessary for understanding the issues related to the new media, addressing the following points: consolidate the basic knowledge of computer technology and of the methods of information science; consider specific solutions related to the automatic flow of information; to become familiar with technologies currently in use.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709051 -
General aspects. Freudian theory of the unconscious. primary process and secondary process. Logic and biologic. Dreams, lips, symptoms and wits.. The cognitive unconscious. Specific aspects. Unconscious process and process of artistic creation. Analogy and differences. Humor as tertiary process. The freudian concept of historical true. judaism and Christianity in the sought prof Sigmund Freud. Antisemitism and Racism in the sough of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic exploration in art and literature. Psychoanalytic insights on the religious experience.
( syllabus)
General aspects. Freudian theory of the unconscious. primary process and secondary process. Logic and biologic. Dreams, lips, symptoms and wits.. The cognitive unconscious. Specific aspects. Unconscious process and process of artistic creation. Analogy and differences. Humor as tertiary process. The freudian concept of historical true. judaism and Christianity in the sought prof Sigmund Freud. Antisemitism and Racism in the sough of Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalytic exploration in art and literature. Psychoanalytic insights on the religious experience.
( reference books)
Freud S. Il disagio della civiltà. In Opere complete, Bollati Boringhieri. Freud S. L'umorismo. In Opere complete, Bollati Boringhieri. Freud S. Il motto di spirito. In Opere complete, Bollati Boringhieri. Meghnagi, S. Interpretare Freud, Venezia, Marsilio, 2003.
Seminario su Trauma psichico e memoria.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20706075 -
Il corso fornisce competenze avanzate per la lettura e l’interpretazione critica di questioni cruciali della storia politica e culturale dell’Europa moderna, letti anche sotto il profilo della produzione simbolica. Specifica attenzione viene rivolta alla storia della storiografia europea come luogo di formazione dell’idea d’Europa e di una coscienza identitaria comune.
Derived from
( syllabus)
First module (6 ECTS)
The first module intends to address the main critical and problematic nodes of early modern history in a perspective aimed at enucleating original characters and identity processes of the European continent. Particular attention will be devoted to the philosophical-political and political-institutional peculiarities that emerged in European states between the end of the 15th and the beginning of the 19th century. From the English Revolutions of the 17th Century and later with the Enlightenment and the French Revolution, parliamentary democracy, secularization, religious tolerance and the recognition of human rights became traditionally not only the key ideas of the definition of "being European", but real universal guiding principles to export and, if necessary, to impose on the rest of the globe. But can we really coincide the advent of modernity with the beginnings of the process of secularization? What was the relationship between Christian churches and modernity? What was the relationship between Catholic Church and human rights since the Lumières century?
Second module (6 ECTS)
According to the definition of the League of Nations, slavery is “the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are exercised” (September 25th 1926). Slavery had an enormous importance and impact in the early modern age, but compared to the Atlantic tract, only more recently Mediterranean slavery has received the attention it deserves from historiography. Reductions in slavery are one of the (dramatic) consequences of the stormy relations between Christian states and the Ottoman empire, with repercussions of great importance not only from a social and economic point of view, but also from a religious point of view. The second part of the course intends to focus on the consistent and significant presence of slaves, often of Islamic religion, in the Italian states of the early modern age, as well as the policies posed in this regard to religious minorities moving in the Mediterranean area, such as the moriscos, expelled from the Iberian peninsula since 1609. For the Christian European countries, the Turk is the natural catalyst of an inveterate hatred, an obscure entity ready to destroy their culture and their religion. Yet, starting from the Renaissance, between the European sovereigns (and the Pope, among them) and their archenemies also exchanges and calls for collaboration happened, which provide evidence of the permeability of the borderline between two apparently irreconcilable worlds.
( reference books)
For the first module (6 ECTS)
F. Chabod, Storia dell’idea di Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza. P. Prodi, Homo Europaeus, Bologna, Il Mulino V. Ferrone, Lo strano Illuminismo di Joseph Ratzinger. Chiesa, modernità e diritti dell’uomo, Roma-Bari, Laterza.
For the second module (6 ECTS)
S. Bono, Schiavi. Una storia mediterranea (XVI-XIX secolo), Bologna, Il Mulino. G. Fiume, Schiavitù mediterranee. Corsari, rinnegati e santi di età moderna, Milano, Mondadori. B. Pomara Saverino, Rifugiati. I moriscos e l’Italia, Firenze, Firenze University Press (il volume è scaricabile gratuitamente dalla piattaforma Open Access: http://www.fupress.com/catalogo/rifugiati/3516
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710090 -
At the end of the course students are expected to acquire the following skills: understanding of the problems of metaphysics, logic and theory of knowledge in relation to their theoretical-methodological evolution and to the different lines of contemporary debate; in-depth knowledge of texts and currents of thought dealing with these problems as well as training in the ability to discuss their specific philosophical proposals; training in the ability to elaborate the relationship between the aforementioned theoretical issues and the main developments of today's human, social, and physical-natural sciences.
( syllabus)
Knowledge, deception and self-deception. A pathway to the epistemology of the Self.
A theoretical-historical presentation of the relationship between knowledge, deception and self-deception of the epistemology of the self; a critical analysis of representative texts of the theoretical-methodological issues involved.
( reference books)
Ch. S. Peirce, "Questioni riguardo a certe pretese capacità umane" e "Alcune conseguenze di quattro incapacità" in "Opere", Torino: UTET 2005, pp. 83-105; 107-143. D. Davidson, "Soggettivo, intersoggettivo, oggettivo", Milano: Raffaele Cortina Editore 2003. A. O. Rorty, "User-Friendly Self-Deception: A Traveller’s Manual", in C. Martin (a cura di), "The Philosophy of Deception", Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 244-59. R. M. Calcaterra, G. Marchetti, G. Maddalena (a cura di), "Il pragmatismo. Dalle origini agli sviluppi contemporanei", Roma: Carocci 2015. R. M.Calcaterra, "Emozioni e sensazioni nella semiotica di Ch. S. Pierce", in Eadem, "Pragmatismo: i valori dell’esperienza", Roma: Carocci 2003, pp. 17-41 (fotocopie disponibili presso la copisteria “Copyando”).
Reccomended Texts: G. Maddalena, "Peirce", La Scuola 2015. M. Failla (a cura di), "Inganno e autoinganno", Roma: Fattore Umano Edizioni 2017. D. Davidson, "Paradoxes of Irrationality", in R. Wollheim, J. Hopkins (eds.), "Philosophical Essays on Freud", New York: Cambridge University Press 1982, pp. 289-305.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704249 -
At the end of this course, the student will have obtained: - An in-depth knowledge of the main theoretical questions of ethics, moral philosophy, action theory; - Knowledge of some reference texts in the philosophical-political and philosophical-moral field and of the main debates associated with them, as well as of secondary literature also in languages other than Italian; - Ability to focus on theoretical issues and to develop arguments in the analysis of problems related to ethical and ethical-political theory.
( syllabus)
The course will try to delineate the possible relationship between Kant's writing on history, politics and right and the concepts of "right" and "justice" in Walter Benjamin's theory of politics of the early Twenties.
We will examinate Kant's writings on history, politics and right, among them them "Metaphysical first Principles of the Doctrine of Right" (in the "Metaphisics of Moral"), "What Is Enlightenment?", "On perpetual Peace", "Idea for a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View" and others. We will relate these writings to Benjamin's writings on politics, among them the "Critique of violence" and the "Theological-political Fragment" (1920-21).
( reference books)
Immanuel Kant, "Scritti di storia, politica e diritto", a cura di Filippo Gonnelli, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1995. (English version) Immanuel Kant, "La metafisica dei costumi”, Parte prima, "Principi metafisici della dottrina del diritto", pp. 3-51 e paragrafi 43-62, pp. 139-195, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 1991 (or other editions). (English version) Walter Benjamin, La politica e altri scritti. Frammenti III, cura di Dario Gentili, Mimesis 2016.
Optional: "Massimiliano Tomba, La "vera politica". Kant e Benjamin: la possibilità della giustizia, Quodlibet, Macerata 2006.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703032 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709714 -
The course has two main goals. The first one is to propose an education finalized to learn the main classification methods of language disorders in pathologies such as aphasia, autism, schizophrenia. The second is to illustrate how the investigation of language disorders might be used to inform theoretical models on language functioning.
Derived from
20709714 FUNZIONI E PATOLOGIE DEL LINGUAGGIO E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 N0 ADORNETTI INES
( syllabus)
The course focuses on language pathologies, with particular attention to the deficits related to the discursive communication. Among the cases discusses, there are the communicative deficits characterizing pathologies such as autism, schizophrenia, and traumatic brain injury. In such cases, as well as in many neuropsychological and psychopathological disorders, the communicative impairments mainly concern the level of discourse and depend on deficits that primarily involve the cognitive dimension, rather than the linguistic one. Thus, the study of discourse disorders is particularly useful to investigate a more general question that is extremely relevant from a theoretical point of view: the relationships between language and cognition.
( reference books)
Mandatory book:
- Adornetti I., 2018, Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione. Carocci, Roma
One book among the following:
- Adornetti I., a cura di, 2015, Pragmatica del discorso e della conversazione, Corisco, Roma-Messina. - Bambini V., 2017, Il cervello pragmatico, Carocci (Le Bussole), Roma. - Surian, L., 2002, Autismo. Indagini sullo sviluppo mentale, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710091 -
To acquire a basic knowledge of Zermelo-Fraenkel axiomatic set theory.
( syllabus)
The course will be held during in the second semester of the academic year 2018-19 (25.02.2019 – 04.04.2019). The course is an introduction to to Linear Logic, given by two teachers Prof. Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université Lyon 3, Lyon, France) Prof. Vito Michele Abrusci (Università Roma Tre, Roma, Italia)
Program - Provability and proofs in linear logic - Semantics of provability and semantics of proofs in linear logic - Complexity and linear logic - Applications of linear logic
The program will be performed by Jean-Baptiste Joinet in the first part of course and by V. Michele Abrusci in the second part of course, under two complementary approaches
I part: Lectures given by Jean-Baptiste Joinet 25.02.2019, 13:00-16:00 28.02.2019, 11:00-14:00 04.03.2019, 13:00-16:00 07.03.2019, 11:00-14:00 11.03.2019, 13:00-14:00 14.03.2019, 11:00-14:00
II part: Lectures given by Vito Michele Abrusci 18.03.2019, 13:00-16:00 21.03.2019, 11:00-14:00 25.03.2019, 13:00-16:00 28.03.2019, 11:00-14:00 01.04.2019, 13:00-16:00 04.04.2019, 11:00-14:00
Lectures will be held at the following address Scuola di Lettere Filosofia Lingua Via Ostiense 234 Roma Metro B : Marconi
Languages: Italian and English
Participation is free. Those interested in participating are invited to communicate their name to the address vitomichele.abrusci@uniroma3.it as soon as possible.
( reference books)
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710092 -
The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of Zermelo-Fraenkel axiomatic set theory.
( syllabus)
Introduction to set theory: aggregates and sets, necessity of a theory, ordinals and cardinals, antinomies and paradoxes, main characteristics of axiomatic set theory. Zermelo’s axiomatic set theory and Zermelo-Fraenkel’s axiomatic set theory: preliminaries and conventions, Zermelo’s axioms, the replacement axiom and Zermelo-Fraenkel’s theory, extensions of the language by definition. Ordinals: orders, well-orders and well-foundedness, well-foundedness and induction principle, the ordinal numbers, well-orders and ordinals, ordinal induction (proofs and definitions), diagonal argument and limit ordinals, infinity axiom and ordinal arithmetic, hints on the use of ordinals in proof-theory. Axiom of choice: equivalent formulations (and proof of the equivalence), infinite sets and axiom of choice. Cardinals: equipotent sets and infinite sets, the cardinal numbers, cardinal arithmetic.
( reference books)
V.M. Abrusci, L. Tortora de Falco, Logica Volume 2- Incompletezza, teoria assiomatica degli insiemi. Springer, (2018).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710115 -
The aim of this course is to developed students’ knowledge of the theory of linguistic change as well as of comparative linguistics.
Derived from
20710115 GLOTTOLOGIA AVANZATA L.M. in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 POMPEI ANNA
( syllabus)
Advanced course on linguistic change, its mechanisms and explanations at the different levels of analysis. Grammaticalization, degrammaticalization, reanalysis and their relationship with Construction Grammar. Historical grammar of IE languages known by students. Etymology and its bibliografical instruments.
( reference books)
Benedetti, Marina, 2003, “L’etimologia fra tipologia e storia”, in M. Mancini (a cura di), Il cambiamento linguistico, Roma, Carocci, 209-262. Lazzeroni, Romano, 1995, “L’espressione dell’agente come categoria linguistica. I nomi in -tḗr e -tōr, in P. Cuzzolin (ed.), Studi di linguistica greca, Milano, Francoangeli, 165-171. Lazzeroni, Romano 2010, Nomi d’agente e composizione. Una scala di nominalità. ”, in I. Putzu – G. Paulis – G. Nieddu – P. Cuzzolin, eds., La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia. Atti del VII Incontro internazionale di linguistica greca (Cagliari, 13-15 settembre 2007), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 256-265. Marazzini ,Claudio, 2010, La lingua italiana, Bologna, il Mulino, 138-148. Pompei Anna, 2006, “Tracce di incorporazione in greco antico”, in P. Cuzzolin – M. Napoli, eds., Fonologia e tipologia lessicale nella storia della lingua greca. Atti del VI Incontro Internazionale di linguistica greca, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 216-237. Pompei Anna, 2010, “Space coding in verb-particle constructions and prefixed verbs”, in on G. Marotta – A. Lenci – L. Meini – F. Rovai, eds., Space in Language, Proceedings of the Pisa International Conference, (Pisa, 8-10 ottobre 2009), Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 401-418. Pompei Anna, 2011, “Typologie des constructions relatives en latin”, Les Études classiques, 79, 65-91. Pompei Anna – Nicola Grandi, 2012, “Per una tipologia dei composti del greco”, in I. Putzu – G. Paulis – G. Nieddu – P. Cuzzolin, eds., La morfologia del greco tra tipologia e diacronia. Atti del VII Incontro internazionale di linguistica greca (Cagliari, 13-15 settembre 2007), Milano, FrancoAngeli, 209-232. Simone, Raffaele, 1996, “Esistono verbi sintagmatici in italiano?”, Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 3, 47-61. [http://revistas.ucm.es/fll/11339527/articulos/CFIT9696110047A.PDF] Simone Raffaele, 2009, “Verbi sintagmatici come categoria e come costruzione”, in in M. Cini (ed.), I verbi sintagmatici in italiano e nelle varietà dialettali. Stato dell’arte e prospettive di ricerca, Frankfurt am Main, Peter Lang, 13-30. [http://host.uniroma3.it/laboratori/triple/Pubblicazioni_Publications_files/Simone%20in%20press%20-%20Verbi%20sintagmatici%20come%20costruzione%20e%20come%20categoria.pdf]
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710344 -
The course will focus on the pure meaning of Religion as a meeting point of all religious forms.
( syllabus)
The course aims to investigate the Conception of Religion in Hegel starting from the correspondence with Hölderlin up to the writing of the Phenomenology of the Spirit
( reference books)
Hegel- Hölderlin, Eluisis – Carteggio, Mimesis Hegel, Lo spirito del Cristianesimo e il suo destino Hegel, Fenomenologia dello spirito, pagine scelte
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704054 -
The course aims to provide students with advanced knowledge about the history of aesthetics. Specific attention will be deserved to the most significant authors in the discipline. The course also aims to provide participants with the with the acquisition of critical skills in the reading of ancient and contemporary classics of the history of the discipline.
Derived from
20704054 ESTETICA - SPECIALISTICO in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 ANGELUCCI DANIELA
( syllabus)
The course aims to deepen the relationship between literature, philosophy and politics in Gilles Deleuze's thought.
( reference books)
G. Deleuze, Marcel Proust e i segni, Einaudi, Torino. G. Deleuze, Kafka. Per una letteratura minore, Quodlibet, Macerata. G. Deleuze, C. Parnet, Conversazioni, Ombre corte, Verona G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, Mille piani. Capitalismo e schizofrenia, 1980, in particolare Introduzione: Rizoma e 4. 20 novembre 1923. Postulati della linguistica, qualsiasi edizione.
A novel among: F. Kafka, Il processo, qualsiasi edizione. M. Proust, Dalla parte di Swann, qualsiasi edizione. M. Proust, Il tempo ritrovato, qualsiasi edizione.
A film among: O. Welles, Il processo. R. Ruiz, Il tempo ritrovato. C. Akerman, La captive.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710097 -
Introduce the fundamental arguments in the debate of philosophy of technology Deepen the epistemological, ethical, political issues raised by the introduction in society of technical artifacts, including digital objects Analyze the connections between technical developments and social changes
Derived from
20710097 FILOSOFIA DELLA TECNOLOGIA - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 NUMERICO TERESA
( syllabus)
The course will address the relationships between technology, science and philosophy. Philosophy of technology is a relatively recent discipline that deals with relationships between Technology, knowledge and society. The course wants to answer to the following questions: What is technology? Is it possible to think about science without a reflexion on technology in the present technoscientific environment? Which are the relationships between society and technology? Which are the relevant changes introduced by technology in living styles? Is it possible to consider technology as neutral and value and ideology free? Technology has a relevant and permanent influence on science and on knowledge building in general but also on the definition of society and its working assets. Technical artefacts produce changes on society and are influenced by social choices, political constraints and economical investments. In this course we will discuss the importance of philosophy of technology for philosophy itself, if we accept the idea that philosophy is a research for understanding and for acting on present. If we accept this perspective we cannot ignore the importance of technology. Technology is created according to projects, objectives and standards on which society has no direct control, but technical objects have relevant consequences on the functioning of social practices including the epistemological ones.
( reference books)
Parini E. G. e Pellegrino G. (2009) (eds) S come scienza T come tecnica e riflessione sociologica, Liguori Ed., Milano, pp. 120-264. Meldolesi A. (2017) E l'uomo creò l'uomo. Crispr e la rivoluzione dell'editing genomico, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. Stiegler B.(2015) Platone digitale, Mimesis, Milano.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710113 -
The course is divided into two parts:
A. The first part of the course will offer an orientation in the contemporary discussions in neuroethics, with a particular reference to the free will and the moral responsibility issues. The question of how to communicate these discussions to the general public will be analyzed. B. The secund part will deal with some of the fundamental questions of moral philosophy by referring to movies that present those questions in a particularly stimulating and int ersting way.
Derived from
20710113 ETICA E COMUNICAZIONE - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 DE CARO MARIO
( syllabus)
The course is composed of two parts: in the first, we will discuss the contemporary debates on communication ethics, neuroethics and neurolaw; in the second, we will consider the ways in which some of the most relevant ethical and scientic problems are communicated by using films.
( reference books)
TEXTS FOR THE STUDENTS WHO ATTEND THE COURSE, WRITE THE TWO MOVIE REVIEWS, AND PASS THE TEST AT THE PRE-EXAM AT THE END OF THE COURSE (During the course, the instructor will say which parts of the following texts won't be part of the program for this group of the students):
1. Ceri, Etica della comunicazione, Il Mulino 2. Lavazza e Sartori (a cura di), Neuroetica, Il Mulino 3. Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori
TEXTS FOR ALL OTHER STUDENTS (to be studied entirely):
1. Ceri, Etica della comunicazione, Il Mulino 2. Lavazza e Sartori (a cura di), Neuroetica, Il Mulino 3. Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori 4. Terrell Bynum, "Computer and Communication Ethics", https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-computer/ 5. Roskies, Neuroethics, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/neuroethics/
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710271 -
Analysis and critical evaluation of the main theoretical models of language elaborated within cognitive sciences Evaluation of the contribution of empirical research on the comprehension of language processing.
Derived from
20710271 SCIENZE COGNITIVE DEL LINGUAGGIO - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 FERRETTI FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The lectures treat with the issue of the language faculty by taking into account the interpretive models prevalent in cognitive sciences. In an evolutionary perspective that takes into account the empirical results from cognitive psychology, cognitive ethology and neurosciences, the lectures deal with the biocognitive foundation of language and how it is relevant for the study of human nature.
( reference books)
2 mandatory books: - Ferretti F., 2015, La facoltà di linguaggio. Determinanti biologiche e variabilità culturale. Carocci, Roma. - Scott-Phillips, 2017, Dì quello che hai in mente. Le origini della comunicazione umana, Carocci, Roma
2 books among: - Berwick R., Chomsky N., 2016, Perché solo noi: Linguaggio ed evoluzione, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. - Caruana F., Borghi A., 2016, Il cervello in azione, Il Mulino, Bologna. - Chiera A., 2015, Appesi a un filo. La comunicazione in bilico tra comprensione e fraintendimento, Le Lettere, Firenze. - Donald M., 2011, Evoluzione della mente. Per una teoria darwiniana della coscienza. Bollati Boringhieri, Torino. - Ferretti F. (in stampa), Linguaggio e narrazione, Carocci, Roma (TESTO IN USCITA NEL MESE DI MARZO 2019).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710346 -
Taking a cue from the attack of Theodor W. Adorno on Heidegger, the course will focus on the concepts of “being” and “event” by framing them in the dispute around the “storic time”.
( syllabus)
Course articulation: 1) genealogy of the body (machine, organism, code) 2) genealogy of the mind (soul, spirit, consciousness) 3) Geist and Mind 4) matter and memory: body as unconscious 5) coded bodies: from mechanic robot to anthropomorphic androids
( reference books)
G. Marramao, The Passion of the Present (Bollati Boringhieri) + one of the following texts: Heidegger, Identity and Difference(Adelphi) A. Damasio, Alla ricerca di Spinoza (Adelphi) Ph. K. Dick, Esegesi (Fanucci)
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710410 -
The student should demonstrate that he possesses knowledge and skills aimed at recognizing the “image” of the human being in the different philosophical perspectives in order to delineate its identity and specificity in various historical, cultural and political-institutional contexts.
( syllabus)
From the Natural to the Artificial: the philosophical Anthropology of Arnod Gehlen
( reference books)
A. A. Gehlen, L’uomo. La sua natura e il suo posto nel mondo, Mimesis, Milano 2010 B. A. Gehlen, L’uomo nell’era della tecnica, a cura di M.T. Pansera, Armando, Roma 2003 M.T. Pansera, Tecnica, Guida, Napoli 2013
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710408 -
Didactiics of philosophy
This course aims: • to critically investigate the didactic-cultural relevance and impact of philosophy teaching as well as the specific role played by the teacher in schools and in the interaction between schools, universities, the working world and civil society to promote skills of global citizenship and critical thinking (problem rising, posing and solving); • to provide a critical analysis of the main methodologies developed in the research in didactics of philosophy, of the conceptual, epistemological and didactic knots of teaching and learning according to the development of semiotic skills as well as of the widening of expressive and cognitive potential in the specific disciplinary field; • to stimulate the development of activities for teaching philosophy, keeping in mind the need to strengthen language and consolidate the linguistic practices necessary to achieve the goals of training and education in the discipline of interest; • to analyze the potential offered by an interdisciplinary teaching of philosophy capable of being in constant dialogue with other forms of knowledge: philosophy and science, philosophy and art, philosophy and history, philosophy and public discussion; • to consider the synergies generated by the wise use of technological and multimedia tools as well as by the use of cinematographic and digital products as a support to traditional teaching and theoretical-critical analysis of the classics of Western philosophy; • to reflect on the potential and criticality of the use of technological tools for teaching and learning philosophy at the time of Digital Humanities (retrieval of sources and bibliography, construction of a philosophical lexicon, semantic enrichment and e-learning); • to illustrate principles and methodologies for the construction of a philosophical curriculum able to stimulate and strengthen critical thinking, the ability to argue, competences of active and democratic citizenship and sensitivity to understand the complexity of the human being in an increasingly multicultural society (valorisation of intercultural education, respect for differences, inclusive openness to disabilities).
( syllabus)
The course deals especially with a series of texts directly or indirectly linked to the theme of philosophical or aesthetic education in Western philosophy of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries – from Kant, Hegel and Nietzsche to Arendt, Lyotard and Danto – in order to compare them with the particular attitude of conceiving philosophy as a way of life in China and Japan. The theoretical texts will be accompanied by eight films that problematize some great questions about education, existence and freedom of thought.
( reference books)
a) - I. Kant: Che cosa significa orientarsi nel pensiero? Mimesis, Milano 2015. - G.W.F. Hegel: La Scuola. Discorsi e relazioni, Norimberga 1808-1816, Ed. Riuniti, Roma 1993, pp. 43-98.
b) - F. Nietzsche: Schopenhauer come educatore, Adelphi, Milano 1985. - H. Arendt, Socrate, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015.
c) - J. F. Lyotard, Pourquoi philosopher? Presses Universitaires de France 2015 - A.C. Danto: "The Artworld," Journal of Philosophy 61 (1964), 571-584.
d) - F. Jullien, De l'Être au vivre, Lexique euro-chinois de la pensée, Gallimard, 2015, (students may choose three chapters) - D. Richie, A Tractate on Japanese Aesthetics, Stone Bridge Press, 2007.
Students (whether attending or not) should choose one text from each session (a, b, c, d) for a total of four texts. In addition, the attending students will have to choose one of the following texts (both compulsory for the non attending students):
E. Morin, Enseigner à vivre. Manifeste pour changer l'éducation, Actes Sud Editions, 2014.
M.C. Nussbaum: Cultivating Humanity. A Classical Defense of Reform in Liberal Education. Harvard University Press 1998.
The following films will be shown in the classroom, followed by a debate and accompanied by a critical reflection questionnaire (which must also be watched by non-attendants):
Doubt (2008) by John Patrick Shanley Entre les murs (2008) by Laurent Cantet When Nietzsche wept (2007) by Pinchas Perry Hannah Arendt (2013) by Margarethe von Trotta The Tree of Life (2011) by Terrence Malick The square (2017) by Ruben Östlund Balzac et la petite tailleuse chinoise (2002) by Dai Sijie An (2015) by Naomi Kawase
Related or supplementary learning activities
20708659 -
The course aims to deepen the authors , moments , genres and themes that characterize the Italian literature of our time , from the early twentieth century , taking into account also , as much as possible , the links with the other systems of literary expression , other arts , the literatures of other countries , as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help , the student , to hone their reading mode .
Derived from
20708659 LETTERATURA ITALIANA CONTEMPORANEA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 CORTELLESSA ANDREA
( syllabus)
Italian literature and photography
( reference books)
a) Silvia Albertazzi, Letteratura e fotografia, Roma, Carocci, 2017 b) Fototesti. Letteratura e cultura visuale, a cura di Michele Cometa e Roberta Coglitore, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2016
c) plus one author, by choice, among:
Elio Vittorini, Conversazione in Sicilia [1941], illustrated by the authore, edited by Maria Rizzarelli, Milano, Rizzoli, 2007
Gianni Celati, Il chiodo in testa [1974] e La bottega dei mimi [1977], in Id., Animazioni e incantamenti, a cura di Nunzia Palmieri, Roma, L’orma, 2017 + Verso la foce [1984], Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011
Pier Paolo Pasolini, La Divina Mimesis [1975], Milano, Mondadori, 2006
Nanni Balestrini, Blackout [1980], in Id., Poesie complete volume secondo, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2016
Lalla Romano, Nuovo romanzo di figure [1986], Torino, Einaudi, 1997
d) plus one author, by choice, among:
Tommaso Pincio, Lo spazio sfinito [2000], Roma, minimum fax, 2010
Sara Ventroni, Nel Gasometro, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2006 + Ead., La sommersione, Torino, Aragno, 2016
Walter Siti, Autopsia dell’ossessione, Milano, Mondadori, 2010
Antonella Anedda, La vita dei dettagli, Roma, Donzelli, 2009
Giorgio Falco e Sabrina Ragucci, Condominio Oltremare, Roma, L’orma, 2014
Giorgio Agamben, Autoritratto nello studio, Roma, nottetempo, 2017
Michele Mari, Leggenda privata, Torino, Einaudi, 2017
e) to give a context in the 20th and 21st century italian literary history: Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, vol. IV: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012; and/or La terra della prosa. Narratori italiani degli anni zero (1999-2014), edited by Andrea Cortellessa, Roma, L’orma, 2014
Related or supplementary learning activities