Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20710378 -
( syllabus)
Information theory and coding, elaboration and structuring. Introduction to programming languages, in particular the Python language
( reference books)
slides and handouts available on the course webpage
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
20704024 -
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the basic notions of textual linguistics. The course will introduce the students to the main typologies of texts (narrative, argumentative, descriptive), as well as to the main features of a written or oral text. At the end of the course the student will be able to produce written texts of different types, according to the theoretical and practical notions acquired during the course.
The course includes a practical part in which students can show their newly acquired abilities.
( syllabus)
The first part of the course (Laboratorio di scrittura e Linguaggio 1) will focus on the nature of texts. Students will be introduced to the basic features of texts, such as coherence, cohesion, information structure of sentences, as well as highlights on the difference between oral and written texts. The second part of the course (Laboratorio di scrittura e Linguaggio 2) will deal with other topics such as punctuation, the use of verbs in writing, relationships between text words, word formation. On a more practical side, it will also teach students how to write essays, articles as well as bibliographies.
( reference books)
Handouts given by the Teacher
Other activities
20710381 -
Starting from the analysis of the basic principles of information (definition of news, identification and verification of sources, genres, professional ethics), the laboratory aims to provide a direct knowledge of contemporary journalistic work through the creation of a simulated newsroom. Students will therefore be able to put into practice the theoretical notions acquired and take advantage of the study of real cases to create texts of different types: news articles, investigations, reports, interviews, reviews. The laboratory will also allow students to interact with industry professionals who will be invited to explore specific topics.
Carbone Maria Teresa
( syllabus)
1) Facts and news 2) War and kittens: hard news, soft news 3) Multiplication of sources and verification tools 4) Investigative journalism 5) The reportage 6) The interview 7) Around and beyond current events. Comments, columns, reviews 8) Information and privacy. Rights, responsibilities, duties 9) Analysis of the Amy Cooper / Christian Cooper case
( reference books)
1) Luca Serianni, Leggere, scrivere, argomentare, Laterza 2015 OR Claudio Giunta, Come non scrivere. Consigli ed esempi da seguire, trappole e scemenze da evitare quando si scrive in italiano, Utet 2018
2) Stefano Liberti, I signori del cibo, minimum fax 2016 OR Giacomo Pellizzari, Generazione Peter Sagan, 66thand2nd 2019 OR Carola Frediani, #Cybercrime. Attacchi globali, conseguenze locali, Hoepli 2019
Other activities
Optional group:
20704096 -
The aim of this course is to provide students with the basic notions of aesthetics (from beauty to kitsch, from ugly to sublime, from interesting to horror and terror), following their conceptual evolution and transformations from antiquity to the modern age up to the present day. One of the essential educational objectives of this course is for students to acquire solid knowledge of the aesthetics and philosophy of art and to be able to orient themselves between the various philosophical and artistic positions of the last few decades. The student will be stimulated to critically question the proposed topics in order to develop an independent capacity for analysis and sensitivity to aesthetic issues. At the end of the course, the student will be able to use with awareness the philosophical-aesthetic vocabulary and bibliographic tools useful to deepen the themes of modern and contemporary aesthetics
( syllabus)
The course aims first of all to offer an overview of the main aesthetic categories - from beautiful to ugly, from interesting to kitsch, from sublime to horror and terror - to assess their relevance in contemporary artistic practices.
In addition to this, we will explore the conception of beauty in the West and East (with particular attention to Chinese and Japanese aesthetics) and reflect on the status of images in our hyper-connected society based on the text "The fury of images" by J. Fontcuberta.
( reference books)
F. Iannelli: Dissonanze contemporanee. Arte e vita in un tempo inconciliato. Quodlibet 2010 (fino p. 206) Fontcuberta: La furia delle immagini. Note sulla postfotografia, Einaudi, 2018.
The student will have to choose between route A (Japan) and route B (China) ROUTE A D. Richie, Sull’estetica giapponese, Lindau, Torino 2009. L. Koren: Wabi-sabi. Altri pensieri. Ponte alle grazie, 2015.
ROUTE B F. Cheng: Cinque meditazioni sulla bellezza. Bollati Boringhieri 2018. F. Jullien Quella strana idea di bello. Il Mulino 2012
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710037 -
L-FIL-LET/14 LITERATURE AND VISUAL ARTS (12 credits, Bachelor's Degree) The module aims to analyze the functions and the pertinence of literary writing, considered in the span of relationships that binds it to the most meaningful visual languages of the twentieth century and the first years of the new millennium: such as, above all, cinema and entire system of the figurative arts. These relationships will be established from time to time with respect to a range of social and anthropological themes considered to be of greater importance today, so as to contribute to an intellectual formation capable of being critically oriented in the complexity of our present. Above all, following a path of this type, the continuous intersection that is established today between expressive languages of different origin and function will be privileged, so that the student, at the end of the course, will be able to independently recognize the intermediate intertwining proposed continuously from the current communication system. To this end, specific previous knowledge is not required.
( syllabus)
Literature after the digital revolution
( reference books)
I. Calvino, Lezioni americane, Mondadori, Milano 2016; J. Marías, Domani nella battaglia pensa a me, Einaudi, Torino 2014. F. Moretti, A una certa distanza. Leggere i testi letterari nel nuovo millennio, Carocci Editori, Roma 2020 (a knowledge of the volume is required in the general lines to which must be added an in-depth study of a chapter chosen by the student).
(It is advisable to take the Literature and Visual Arts I and Literature and Visual Arts II exams in a single test. In this case the examination materials for the Literature and Visual Arts II module include: I. Calvino, Lezioni americane, Mondadori, Milano 2016; e F. Moretti, A una certa distanza. Leggere i testi letterari nel nuovo millennio, Carocci Editori, Roma 2020).
Filmography A. Hitchcock, Vertigo (1958); S. Kubrick, Eyes Wide Shut (1999). (This filmography is not the object of examination for those who support Literature and visual arts I and Literature and visual arts II in a single test).
Course delivery: frontal lessons; Exam Mode: written test.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710637 -
Introduzione alle scienze cognitive
The course of Introduction to Cognitive Sciences is part of the program in Communication Studies (Bachelor’s degree course) and it is included among the complementary training activities. The main goal of this course is to introduce students into basic concepts, the basic methods and the main researches in the field of cognitive science. Cognitive science is the interdisciplinary study of mind and intelligence, embracing philosophy, psychology, artificial intelligence, neuroscience, linguistics, and anthropology. After completing the course of Introduction to Cognitive Science the student should: - know the diversity of viewpoints, the controversies and the areas of nascent consensus in the field of cognitive science; - appreciate the contribution of each of the constituent disciplines; - know multiple definitions of the foundational concepts of computation and representation and be able to discuss them from multiple points of view; - have an overview of how perception, memory, language, motor control, and so forth come together to produce behavior.
( syllabus)
This course will provide an introduction to cognitive science by exploring some topics of research in this multidisciplinary field. Cognitive science is the study of cognition as information processing by complex organisms or artificial systems; thus it is not a discipline, but rather a “doctrine” that has oriented and is orienting inquiries in a number of disciplines — some descriptive and empirical (e.g., cognitive psychology, linguistics and, more recently, neuroscience), some speculative and foundational (e.g., philosophy of mind), and some both speculative and applied (e.g., artificial intelligence and robotics).
( reference books)
J. Bermudez, Cognitive Science: An Introduction to the Science of the Mind, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2020 (third edition). S. Dehaene, Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts, Viking Press, New York 2014. D. Wegner, The Illusion of Conscious Will, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA) 2018.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704028 -
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge about the modern theories of language origins. Starting from the comparison between human language and animal communication, two theoretical proposals will be discussed: on the one hand, the hypothesis according to which human language derives from the communication systems of non-human animals (of the great apes, specifically); on the other, the hypothesis according to which animal communication is not a precursor of human faculty of language.
( syllabus)
Animal communication and human language: the Cartesian tradition. Animal communication and human language: the Darwinian tradition. Can non-human animals learn human language? The case of enculturated apes. Hominid communication: vocal hypothesis vs gestural hypothesis. The model of explosion. Human communication: reading the speaker's intentions.
( reference books)
- Ferretti F., Adornetti I., 2012, Dalla comunicazione al linguaggio. Scimmie, ominidi e umani in una prospettiva darwiniana, Mondadori Università, Milano. - Adornetti I., 2016, Il linguaggio: origine ed evoluzione. Carocci, Roma.
( syllabus)
Animal communication and human language: the Cartesian tradition. Animal communication and human language: the Darwinian tradition. Can non-human animals learn human language? The case of enculturated apes. Hominid communication: vocal hypothesis vs gestural hypothesis. The model of explosion. Human communication: reading the speaker's intentions.
( reference books)
- Ferretti F., Adornetti I., 2012, Dalla comunicazione al linguaggio. Scimmie, ominidi e umani in una prospettiva darwiniana, Mondadori Università, Milano. - Adornetti I., 2016, Il linguaggio: origine ed evoluzione. Carocci, Roma.
Core compulsory activities
20704027 -
The course takes into account a particular aspect of human verbal skills - the faculty of language -, analyzing the different hypotheses that have been suggested on the topic over time.
The course aims providing students with critical tools that allow them to reflect on the general question: Is language innate or learned?
( syllabus)
The course takes into account a particular aspect of human verbal skills - the faculty of language -, analyzing the different hypotheses that have been suggested on the topic over time.
( reference books)
- Chomsky N., 1998, Linguaggio e problemi della conoscenza, Il Mulino, Bologna. - Ferretti F., 2015, La facoltà di linguaggio. Determinati biologiche e variabilità culturale, Carocci. Roma
Basic compulsory activities
20710041 -
The course aims to provide students with both theoretical and methodological tools enabling them to understand and analyze the role played by the media in modern society and in the social, cultural, institutional and technological transformations occurred over the last decades. Moreover, the course aims to prompt students to focalize their own interests, and to analyze media by reflexively drawing on their own, daily experience of them. By the end of the course, students are expected to have developed a full understanding of the main paradigms developed within different disciplines - with particular reference to sociology – in order to study the media, their languages, technologies and audiences.
( syllabus)
The first part of the course focuses on the models and forms of interpersonal communication and on the relationship between communication and social identity. In particular, the forms of pathological communication of everyday life and the social representations spread by media and social media will be analyzed. The second part of the course introduces the main theoretical perspectives of communication and media and the empirical approaches to the study of the sociology of communication. This part will deal with audience development, social transformations and media effects. A specific focus will be on computer mediated communication (CMC) and new spaces for participation and content production due to digital media.
( reference books)
a) Denis McQuail, 2007, Sociologia dei media, Il Mulino, Bologna (only the following chapters: 1. Introduzione; 2. La nascita dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa; 3. Concetti e modelli per le comunicazioni di massa; 4. Teorie dei media e teorie della società; 5. Comunicazione di massa e cultura; 6. Una nuova teoria per i nuovi media?; 15. La formazione del pubblico e l'esperienza mediale; 16. La ricerca sugli effetti; 17. Effetti socio-culturali; 18. Informazione, opinione pubblica e comunicazione politica)
b) Anna Lisa Tota, 2020, Ecologia della Parola. Il piacere della Conversazione, Einaudi, Torino.
c) Stuart Hall, 1980, "Codifica e decodifica", in Tele-visioni, a cura di A. Marinelli e G. Fatelli (2000), Meltemi, Roma, pp. 67-84 (made available to the students on Moodle platform).
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - E’ possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta al massimo 12 CFU di attività di Laboratorio, non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - (show)
20710138 -
The course aims at providing the students with the basic notions of moral philosophy, from a historical and theoretical point of view, with a particular stress on the relationship with cognitive sciences. At the end of the course, the student will be able to master the basic concepts of the conceptual galaxy of moral philosophy.
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing the students with the basic notions of moral philosophy, from a historical and theoretical point of view, with a particular stress on the relationship with cognitive sciences. In particular, it will give them the tools to understand one the most common contemporary discussions, that regarding free will. At the end of the course, the student will be able to master the basic concepts of the conceptual galaxy free will-moral responsibility.
( reference books)
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE - De Caro, Il libero arbitrio, Laterza (only the sections that the teacher will indicate in class) - De Caro e Marraffa, Scienza e morale, LUISS University Press
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO DON’T ATTEND THE COURSE OR DON'T PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE OR DON'T TRY IT - De Caro, Il libero arbitrio, Laterza (the whole book) - De Caro e Marraffa, Scienza e morale, LUISS University Press - Mele, Liberi!, Carocci
Elective activities
20704090 -
The Workshop offers the opportunity to deepen the knowledge of composers, tracks and fundamental moments in the history of music, through a series of concert-lessons. All the performances are preceded by an introductory lesson of a theoretical-critical nature. It is, at the base, a review of classical concerts, but introduced by real lessons, useful to train the public, to make the authors, styles and periods easier to be understood. It is no coincidence that monographic programs are often preferred in this perspective, precisely because they lend themselves, better than others, to the didactic part and to the introduction of certain, fundamental authors of the repertoire. The concert review therefore aims to bring students closer to the great repertoire, by listening live music and explaining this way the different genres and compositional forms.
( syllabus)
The exact schedule of the Musical Language Wokshop will be communicated on the website of Communication Sciences
( reference books)
The teaching material, composed of abstracts and lecture notes related to the introductory lessons that will take place, will be announced during the course of the Workshop
Elective activities
20709685 -
The course aims to bring together students with authors, moments, genres and themes that characterize the italian literature of our time, from the early twentieth century. To cut and mode of interpretation that the texts wil be proposed during the course, the course provides students with the basic tools for a first contact with the works of contemporary literature.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to orient him/herself in the Italian Contemporary Literature.
( syllabus)
Italian literature and photography
( reference books)
a) Silvia Albertazzi, Letteratura e fotografia, Roma, Carocci, 2017 b) Giuseppe Carrara, Storie a vista. Retorica e poetiche del fototesto, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2020
c) plus one author, by choice, among:
Elio Vittorini, Conversazione in Sicilia [1941], illustrated by the author, edited by Maria Rizzarelli, Milano, Rizzoli, 2007
Pier Paolo Pasolini, La Divina Mimesis [1975], Milano, Mondadori, 2006
Nanni Balestrini, Blackout [1980], in Id., Le avventure della signorina Richmond e Blackout. Poesie complete volume secondo, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2016
Lalla Romano, Nuovo romanzo di figure [1986], Torino, Einaudi, 1997
Giorgio Falco and Sabrina Ragucci, Condominio Oltremare, Roma, L’orma, 2014 + Giorgio Falco, Flashover. Incendio a Venezia, with photographs by Sabrina Ragucci, Torino, Einaudi, 2020
Michele Mari, Leggenda privata, Torino, Einaudi, 2017
d) to give a context in the 20th and 21st century italian literary history: Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, vol. IV: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012; and/or La terra della prosa. Narratori italiani degli anni zero (1999-2014), edited by Andrea Cortellessa, Roma, L’orma, 2014
Elective activities
20702497 -
The course of Economic History is part of the program in Philosophy (BA level) and it is included among the complementary training activities. Providing the essential methodological tools to understand the economic history, the course outlines the formation and the development of the main capitalistic economies both in Europe and out of Europe between 19th and 20th centuries. Students are expected to analyse, understand, interpret and critically evaluate the themes analysed giving them the essential tools to overall comprehend the main economic history times since the mid-17th century. At the end of the course students are expected to acquire the following skills: - Capability to overall interpret economic and social macro-phenomenons of the main themes analysed. - Capability of historical ‘sense of direction’ concerning the main economic history themes particularly in relation to the capitalistic system. - Basic language and argumentation capabilities regarding the main themes analysed.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course outlines the formation and the development of the main capitalistic economies both in Europe and out of Europe between 19th and 20th centuries.
I. The first and second industrial revolution - The preconditions for capitalist development in modern Eastern Atlantic, Centuries 17-18th. - Expanded commercial agricultural revolution and industrial revolution in Britain in the eighteenth century. - The process of capitalist concentration in the nineteenth century and the second industrial revolution. II. Economic development in the 20th century - Industry, trade networks, financial markets on the eve of the First World War. - The economic cycles in the post-war period - The crisis of 1929 and national policies in the '30s.
( reference books)
Attending students:
G. Feliu, C. Sudrià, Introduzione alla storia economica mondiale, Padova, CADEM, 2013, capp. 1 – 11.
plus a further book:
F. Braudel, Espansione europea e capitalismo. 1450-1650, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2015. L. Conte, V. Torreggiani, Istituzioni, capitali e moneta. Storia dei sistemi finanziari contemporanei, Milano, Mondadori, 2017, Introduzione + capp. 1-3.
Non-attending students (add to above-mentioned books):
M. Fornasari, La banca, la borsa, lo Stato. Una storia della finanza (secc. XIII-XXI), Torino, Giappichelli, 2017, pp. 1-154.
Elective activities
20710652 -
The course is part of the educational activities to be chosen by students within the three-year degree course in Communication Sciences. The course aims to provide the tools to organize and write a dissertation and to acquire familiarity and practice with academic and essay writing. In terms of approach and methods, the course aims to provide students with the basic tools through practical exercises. At the end of the course, students will be able to manage the elements that enable them to organize and write a dissertation.
del Castillo Ludovica
( syllabus)
The laboratory aims to provide students with the tools to organize and write a dissertation and become familiar and practical with academic and non-fiction writing. By style and method, the course aims to provide students with the basic tools through ongoing practical exercises. At the end of the course, students will be able to master the elements that allow you to organize and write a thesis.
( reference books)
Reference bibliography and material will be provided during the course.
Elective activities
20710040 -
The Course provides for an introduction to the main periods, issues, and authors, in feminist and gender studies and movements. The Course is intended to the acquisition of historical and analytical tools, both in reading and in debating. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
( syllabus)
Feminist keywords. For a political and theoretical genealogy and an update of the latest advances in feminism, gender and difference. II semester (end of february 2021), on Fridays, 2-4.30 p.m.
( reference books)
A selection of readings related to each lecture will be given at the beginning of the course
Elective activities
20710117 -
- Providing the basis for telling, to translate an event into an image as a visual synthesis of narration - Learning e difference between lies and truth in photography - Writing with light and words: practical exercises - Learning the confrontation: meetings and interviews with professionals, journalists and / or other related personalities
( syllabus)
The path of this seminar tends to provide first of all a method. Photography is not born only from the eyes, but from their dialogue with the mind and heart. It is therefore essential to understand how to feed them, how to "train" them to translate the stories to be told in the most honest way possible. We intend to provide such tools for reading reality that prepare for the construction of the story, but we also want to bring a reflection on how the latter is received, therefore on the impact. Practical examples will be illustrated, drawn from both my reports and illustrious colleagues. To make the path even more practical, the presence of some "guests" who will bring their work experience and their reflection will help: from a colleague of a national newspaper expert in the choice of images for the newspaper to an editorial journalist. I will reflect with the students on the concept of truth and lie in photojournalism, through examples that have made history and therefore on journalistic ethics. Finally, there will be practical exercises, to put into play what has been learned and to verify together the result of each single story through images and words.
( reference books)
Recommended Texts:
Susan Sontag, Davanti al dolore degli altri Mondadori Adam Hochschild, Gli spettri di Re Leopoldo, Rizzoli Reporters sans frontieres, I media dell’odio Edizioni Gruppo Abele Chinua Achebe, Il crollo Edizioni E/O Susan Meiselas, Nicaragua Pantheon Uliano Lucas La vita e nient’altro Le cultures Mario Dondero, Lo scatto umano Edizioni Laterza Mario Dondero, Catalogo della mostra Electa Michele Smargiassi, Un’autentica bugia Contrasto Luigi Ghirri, Lezioni di fotografia Quodlibet Tano D’Amico, Di cosa sono fatti i ricordi Postcart Vivian Maier, Street Photographer Edited by John Maloof Fonju Ndemesah, La radio e il machete Infinito Edizioni P. W. Singer, I signori delle mosche Feltrinelli Jean Ziegler, L’impero della vergogna Marco Tropea Editore S. Michel, M Beuret, Cinafrica Il Saggiatore Divina Commedia Stig Dagarman, Il nostro bisogno di consolazione Iperborea Scianna, Etica e giornalismo Mondadori Electa Lucas, Agliani, La realtà e lo sguardo. Storia del Fotogiornalismo in Italia Einaudi Lucas (a cura di) Storia d’Italia L’immagine fotografica 1945-2000 Einaudi 2004 Susan Linfield La luca crudele Contrasto 2013 Ryszard Kapuscinski, Il cinico non è adatto a questo mestiere, e/o 2002
Elective activities
20710626 -
The teaching aims to provide students • An introduction to the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations for sustainable development in its unity and general structure • The analysis of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) • The critical discussion of the agenda's structure and the links between its various objectives, both in terms of synergies and possible conflicts • Insights on some Agenda objectives, in connection with the specific interests and / or study plans of the individual students.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to discuss in depth the UN policies on sustainable development
Elective activities
20710207 -
Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis
The course is devoted to the profiling of a new field of research - through the contribution of political philosophy, aesthetics, history of economics, environmental justice, social geography, urban studies, etc.- to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools in relation to the general dimensions of “environment” and “territory”. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
( syllabus)
The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication.
( reference books)
A selection of readings will be suggested. Eventually students will have to write and present a short paper.
( syllabus)
The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication.
( reference books)
Different readings will be suggested.
( syllabus)
The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication.
( reference books)
Different texts will be suggested; Eventually students have to write a short paper or make a short speech.
Elective activities
20710006 -
methods of communication sciences
The course aims to: • introduce the main concepts of the methodology of research in the field of social and communication sciences; • consolidate the skills in research methodology, through the design and implementation of ethnographic investigation paths; • enhance critical analysis skills through interactive and laboratory teaching; • encourage the active participation of the students with exercises and presentations during the lessons, in order to improve their verbal abilities and communication skills.
Derived from
20710006 METODOLOGIE DELLE SCIENZE DELLA COMUNICAZIONE in DAMS (Discipline delle Arti, della Musica e dello Spettacolo) L-3 DE FEO ANTONIETTA
( syllabus)
The course develops methodological skills in order to undertake research in the field of communication studies. The first part of the course will examine the methodological framework for the study of culture and communication. The main stages and strategies of the field research, with particular emphasis on the ethnographic method, will be explored during the second part.
( reference books)
W. Griswold, Un framework metodologico per lo studio della cultura, in M. Santoro, R. Sassatellin(a cura di), Studiare la cultura. Nuove prospettive sociologiche, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009, pp. 253-285 G. Gobo, Descrivere il mondo. Teoria e pratica del metodo etnografico in sociologia, Carocci, Roma 2001
Elective activities
20710617 -
Laboratorio di narrazioni digitali
The aim of the teaching is to provide students with the basics to inform, tell, describe facts and events on social platforms and websites.
The teaching aims to provide students with a general understanding of some of the most complex and problematic, and at the same time also the most widespread, procedures through which multiple practices of communication in the hyper-iconic, digital and social era unfold.
Social media management and storytelling exercises will be carried out during the course
( syllabus)
See under "Texts adopted"
( reference books)
• G. Celata, A. Marinelli Connecting television. Television in the time of the internet, Guerini e Associati 2012 • A. Bisogno, The intrusive TV. The reality show of pain from Vermicino to Avetrana, Carocci 2015
Elective activities
20704065 -
The course offers the basic notions of the organization of the network and of the social networks The course aims at a general understanding of big data and algorithms and of their use within social sciences and humanities The objective of the course is the introduction to the transformation of the epistemology of social sciences and humanities caused by the new methods for the organization of information The objective of the course is the understanding of the open questions in the social, political and epistemological fields of digitalization and automation of decision taking.
At the end of the course, students will be able to discuss digitalization problems and their consequences in terms of knowledge creation and organization
( syllabus)
The network as a tool for knowledge creation: Data, control and freedom. The course aims at analysing the most common devices for sharing information in order to focus on risks and opportunities. The communication technologies revolution faces a big transformation: the original open spaces are about to be substituted by private walled gardens, in which the user is welcomed as well as restrained.
The data mining activity – well-knows as big data technology – extraction of valuable pieces of information among those directly or indirectly offered by the users, represents one of the central elements of the network organization both in economical and social terms. These strategies pose not only privacy problems (as it is easily shown) but also problems relative to the knowledge model that seems to impose on humanities as well as social sciences. Such a model can be adopted, by using an epistemological approach that could foresee as well as a monitor human habits and behaviours. We speak about platform capitalism and algorithmic governamentality. They attribute to the algorithms not only the commercial choices but also the social and political decisions that are relevant for pacific, civic citizenship practices. The opacity of the algorithms risks to undermine the democratic possibilities even in western democracies.
The course is based on a critical approach on the relationships between freedom and control within the digital communication devices. It tackles the question from the point of view of the interaction between freedom opportunities and control mechanisms, which stands at the core of practices and techniques of digital apparatuses, with special regards to their social, political, epistemological dimensions. This course can be considered inside the area of critical enquiry on the philosophy of technology.
The revations about Cambridge Analytica scandal and the enforcement of the European General Data protection regulation since last may 2018 clarify the crucial importance of the understanding the scope and the relevance of who is the actor who controls and collects personal data and which are the aims of such a collection. We need to establish clearly which are the limits of these activities of personal data monitoring and extraction. The course concentrates on basic elements of information and media literacy in this area of research, in order to allow students to undertand what is at stake in the massive use of digital platforms.
( reference books)
Numerico T. (2021) Big Data e algoritmi, Carocci, Roma. Ippolita (2017) Tecnologie del dominio, Meltemi, Milano.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710026 -
L-FIL-LET/14 LITERATURE AND VISUAL ARTS (12 credits, Bachelor's Degree) The module aims to analyze the functions and the pertinence of literary writing, considered in the span of relationships that binds it to the most meaningful visual languages of the twentieth century and the first years of the new millennium: such as, above all, cinema and entire system of the figurative arts. These relationships will be established from time to time with respect to a range of social and anthropological themes considered to be of greater importance today, so as to contribute to an intellectual formation capable of being critically oriented in the complexity of our present. Above all, following a path of this type, the continuous intersection that is established today between expressive languages of different origin and function will be privileged, so that the student, at the end of the course, will be able to independently recognize the intermediate intertwining proposed continuously from the current communication system. To this end, specific previous knowledge is not required.
( syllabus)
Literature after the digital revolution
( reference books)
A. Mazzarella, La grande rete della scrittura. La letteratura dopo la rivoluzione digitale, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2008. I. Calvino, Palomar, Mondadori, Milano 2016. M. Kundera, L’identità, Adelphi, Milano 2001.
Filmografia I. Bergman, Il posto delle fragole (1957); A. e L. Wachowski, Matrix (1999).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704032 -
Learning Outcomes
Within the framework of the Dublin Descriptors (, the Course has the following objectives:
Knowledge The Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of the fundamental elements of Marketing, within the frame of its historical evolution and systematization. The Course will also take in due consideration the most recent developments of Marketing related to changes in lifestyles, to the impact of the Information Technology and of disruptive innovation, to sustainability and brand activism with its relations to the organizazional purpose. It therefore aims at:
Understanding of the marketing approach, the marketing management process and their relations with the value concept Understanding of the key factors in strategy design and implementation, and of relationships between strategies and marketing planning Knowledge about the main marketing tools and their interrelations Deeper knowledge about communication tools and processes, with particular reference to the relations between marketing communication and other forms of communication, and to the role of IT in designing strategic, management, production and communication processes developed by organizations.
Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course
Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (further acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)
Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of marketing and communication plans, with particular reference to the role of IT and to the relationships with the organizational environment
Soft skills
Capacity to build a learning community and take one’s own responsibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules Active listening Sharing and discussion of opinions Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving Learning from the experience of other people Information organisation and management Clarity in oral and written communication
( syllabus)
Course Program
The marketing approach and the concept of value Consumer and Neoconsumer; The purchasing behavior of the consumer and of the organizations Market segmentation and personas Marketing research and its role Strategic planning and marketing planning Marketing decisions about product and the value co-creation Marketing decisions about service; The integration product-service Marketing decisions about price; The Currency concept Marketing decisions about product placement and selling networks management; The Channel concept Brand management as a key factor of value creation; Brand Activism and its relations with purpose The management of marketing communication and the integrated corporate communication Information Technology, disruptive innovation and the marketing process The selling process and its various forms; The omnichannel customer experience Marketing planning History and recent developments of marketing.
( reference books)
Learning materials for attending students
J.P. Peter - J.H. Donnelly - C.A. Pratesi, Marketing, McGraw-Hill 2017, VII ed. (excluding chapter 13 on Selling and sales networks management and chapter 18 on International marketing) Selected readings specifically chosen for students of the BA Courses in Scienze della Comunicazione, Ingegneria (Gestionale e Informatica), Lingue e culture straniere Papers and slides, to be distributed via email at the end of the Course
Learning materials for non attending students
J.P. Peter - J.H. Donnelly - C.A. Pratesi, Marketing, McGraw-Hill 2017, VII ed. (all, including chapters 13 and 18) Selected readings specifically chosen for students of the BA Courses in Scienze della Comunicazione, Ingegneria (Gestionale e Informatica), Lingue e culture straniere One of the following books (descriptions of all titles are avalable at Lavinia Bifulco, Che cos'è una organizzazione, 2012 Alessandro Bollo, Il marketing della cultura, Carocci 2019 Romano Cappellari, Marketing della moda e dei prodotti lifestyle, Carocci 2016 Ida Castiglioni, La comunicazione interculturale: competenze e pratiche, Carocci 2005 Enrico R. Lehmann, Come si realizza una campagna pubblicitaria, Carocci 2014 Nicolette Mandarano, Musei e media digitali, Carocci 2019 Paola Stringa, Che cos'è la disintermediazione, Carocci 2017 Paola Stringa, Spin doctoring e strategie di comunicazione politica, Carocci 2009 Ilaria Ventura, Che cos’è il packaging, Carocci 2014 or another text to be chosen together with the teacher, according to scientific and/or professional interests of the student.
N.B. - Students who will not attend lessons are requested to send a mail to the address, in order to inform the teacher and to evaluate the opportunity of defining a specific program.
Core compulsory activities
20710184 -
To provide instruments to analyze the historical processes that led to the constitution of contemporary Europe, with particular reference to the passage of the two World Wars; to acquire the knowledge of the historiographic debate on the building of the European identity; to be able to understand the political, social and cultural dynamics of contemporary Europe.
( syllabus)
The first part of the course will deal with the European identity and the process of the birth of the idea of Europe, while the second will focus on the main topics of European history in the 20th century: empires and nations, wars and revolutions, democracy and totalitarianism, the Cold War and the division between East and West, new balance after 1989.
( reference books)
Tony Judt, Postwar. La nostra storia 1945-2005, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2017 (first, second and third parts) Federico Chabod, Storia dell'idea d'Europa, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007
Core compulsory activities
20709897 -
The course aims to give students chance of acquiring analytical skills in order to identify the many factors involved in the dynamics of historical processes and understand their interconnections. The students will also develop a research method and investigation abilities in order to discover the inner complexity of the present age in its historical depth; they will be educated on how to understand otherness disclosing in the study of human events that constitute historical development.
( syllabus)
The main lines of Italy’s history (1861-1994). The module aims to tackle, with a reading of the long run, the most important issues in the history of Italy from the Unification to the crisis of the 1980s and early 1990s. Attention will be devoted to the features of the Italian political system and the different forms of political communication.
( reference books)
Aurelio Lepre e Claudia Petraccone, Storia d'Italia dall'Unità a oggi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2008. Giovanni Gozzini, La mutazione individualista. Gli italiani e la televisione 1954-2011, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011.
Core compulsory activities
20710321 -
The course aims to provide the students with an introduction to semantics and pragmatics as independent levels of analysis but interrelated. Basic notions of syntax will be introduced to allow students to understand the notions related to the processing of sentences and lexical items. At the end of the course students will be able to understand and analyze words, sentences and utterances on the basis of the acquisition of the theoretical concepts.
( syllabus)
Basic notions on syntax and sentence semantics, definitions of semantics, word semantics, definition of pragmatics, linguistic and situational context, information structure, speech acts, presuppositions and implicatures.
( reference books)
1) Mereu Lunella, La semantica della frase, Carocci (all chapters except chapt. 6). 2) Raffaele Simone, Nuovi fondamenti di Linguistica, McGrae-Hill (only chapt. 14 on semantics). 3) Andorno Cecilia, Che cos’è la pragmatica, Carocci editore (up to chapt. 6 included).
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
20704024 -
The aim of the course is to provide the students with the basic notions of textual linguistics. The course will introduce the students to the main typologies of texts (narrative, argumentative, descriptive), as well as to the main features of a written or oral text. At the end of the course the student will be able to produce written texts of different types, according to the theoretical and practical notions acquired during the course.
The course includes a practical part in which students can show their newly acquired abilities.
( syllabus)
The first part of the course (Laboratorio di scrittura e Linguaggio 1) will focus on the nature of texts. Students will be introduced to the basic features of texts, such as coherence, cohesion, information structure of sentences, as well as highlights on the difference between oral and written texts. The second part of the course (Laboratorio di scrittura e Linguaggio 2) will deal with other topics such as punctuation, the use of verbs in writing, relationships between text words, word formation. On a more practical side, it will also teach students how to write essays, articles as well as bibliographies.
( reference books)
Handouts given by the Teacher
Other activities
20710381 -
Starting from the analysis of the basic principles of information (definition of news, identification and verification of sources, genres, professional ethics), the laboratory aims to provide a direct knowledge of contemporary journalistic work through the creation of a simulated newsroom. Students will therefore be able to put into practice the theoretical notions acquired and take advantage of the study of real cases to create texts of different types: news articles, investigations, reports, interviews, reviews. The laboratory will also allow students to interact with industry professionals who will be invited to explore specific topics.
Carbone Maria Teresa
( syllabus)
1) Facts and news 2) War and kittens: hard news, soft news 3) Multiplication of sources and verification tools 4) Investigative journalism 5) The reportage 6) The interview 7) Around and beyond current events. Comments, columns, reviews 8) Information and privacy. Rights, responsibilities, duties 9) Analysis of the Amy Cooper / Christian Cooper case
( reference books)
1) Luca Serianni, Leggere, scrivere, argomentare, Laterza 2015 OR Claudio Giunta, Come non scrivere. Consigli ed esempi da seguire, trappole e scemenze da evitare quando si scrive in italiano, Utet 2018
2) Stefano Liberti, I signori del cibo, minimum fax 2016 OR Giacomo Pellizzari, Generazione Peter Sagan, 66thand2nd 2019 OR Carola Frediani, #Cybercrime. Attacchi globali, conseguenze locali, Hoepli 2019
Other activities