Optional group:
20710594 -
Acquisition, for students who have already acquired the three-year degree, of tools and methods to deal with specific research projects and issues in the field of European prehistory and protohistory
( syllabus)
The course, which aims to provide students who already have a three-year degree with tools and methods to tackle specific research projects in the field of European Prehistory and Protohistory, has as its topic Places of worship, symbols and ritual activities in Europe between VI and I millennium BC The reconstruction of ritual activities for periods for which we have no historical-literary sources has always been an extraordinary challenge for scholars of prehistory and protohistory. After a series of lessons on the history of studies and the evolution of archaeological and anthropological theories on the subject, we will try to outline a panorama of the ritual and symbolic aspects of our continent between the ancient Neolithic and the first millennium BC. At the same time we will try to work with the students on three different themes: - the cultic use of natural cavities - the open-air places of worship and, more generally, offerings of objects (overall weapons and ornaments) in water, on mountain peaks, in the form of bronze hoards or as spoils of war - the built structures used for ritual activities in prehistory and protohistory, The course includes both introductory lectures and seminars for attending students in which various case studies will be examined, also with the help of experts who will be invited to present the results of their research, organizing if possible also visits to museums and / or archaeological areas.
( reference books)
M. Bernabei, R. Grifoni Cremonesi, 1995-96 I culti delle acque nella preistoria italiana, in Rivista di Scienze Preistoriche 47, 1995-96, pp. 331-366.
A.Guidi, I tempi del sacro nel Lazio protostorico, in V.Nizzo, L.La Rocca (a cura di), Antropologia e archeologia a confronto. Rappresentazioni e pratiche del sacro (Atti congr. Int. Roma 2011), Roma 2012, pp. 137-146.
M. Bettelli, Variazioni sul sole: immagini e immaginari nell’Europa protostorica, in Studi Micenei ed Egeo-Anatolici 64, 2012, pp. 185-205.
A.Guidi, Cult Activities among Central and Northern Italian Protohistoric Communities, in A.Bernard Knapp. P.van Dommelen eds., The Cambridge Prehistory of the Bronze and Iron Age Mediterranean, Cambridge 2014, pp. 635-649. D.Cocchi Genick, I luoghi di culto dell’età del rame in Italia, in Paesaggi Carimoniali. Atti Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria XI/1, Milano 2014, pp. 35-51. P.Marzatico, Paesaggi del culto nelle Alpi centro-orientali, in Paesaggi Carimoniali. Atti Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria XI/2, Milano 2014, pp. 315-332. A. Depalmas, Il paesaggio del sacro nella Sardegna nuragica. Architetture celebrative e spazi cerimoniali nei luoghi di culto e nei santuari, in Paesaggi Carimoniali. Atti Preistoria e Protostoria in Etruria XI/2, Milano 2014, pp. 481-494. A.Guidi, Religion, Art, Law, Ethnicity And State Formation In Protohistoric Italy, in Peter Attema, Jorn Seubers and Sarah Willemsen (a cura di), Early states, territories and settlements in protohistoric Central Italy (Proceedings of a specialist conference at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology of the University of Groningen, 2013), Groningen 2016, pp. 9-16. A. Cazzella, A. Guidi, Aspetti simbolici connessi con le grotte nell’Italia centro-meridionale dal Neolitico alla prima età del ferro (con A.Cazzella), in A.Maiuri (a cura di), Antrum. Riti e simbologie delle grotte nel Mediterraneo, Quaderni di studi e materiali di storia delle religioni 16, 2017, pp. 47-63. S.Stoddart, Neolithic Ritual on the Island Archipelago of Malta, in Religions 13, 2022, pp. 1-16.
I non frequentanti dovranno portare quattro testi a scelta tra quelli sopra elencati e il manuale di A.Cazzella, G.Recchia, Alle origini delle disuguaglianze. Dall'affermazione dell'economia produttiva alle prime forme di stratificazione in Italia e nelle isole adiacenti (6000-1000 a.C.), Ragusa 2021.
Core compulsory activities
19700620 -
Acquisition of knowledge and critical understanding of the formation of the Roman Empire through the system of the creation of the provinces and their administrative organization, deepening of the relationship between the provinces and the central government. Essential knowledge of the languages of ancient culture (Greek and Latin). Historical and archaeological and administrative insights finalized the acquisition of the procurement of ancient sources of research methodologies required and its critical use. Acquisitions of functional methods of research to the interdisciplinary study of the matter. We ask a knowledge of languages: English, French, German, in order to have the ability to study the course material in a foreign language. Suitable learning to further study and research
( syllabus)
Course description The organization and workings of Imperial Rome. The central administration and those of the Provinces. The army’s role.
( reference books)
• P. ROMANELLI, Le Province e la loro amministrazione, in Guida allostudio della civiltà romana antica, edd. V. Ussani, F. Arnaldi, I, 1964, pp. 331-377. • F. JACQUES, J. SCHEID, Roma e il suo impero. Istituzioni, economia, religione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1992. • E. LO CASCIO, Le tecniche dell'amministrazione, in Storia di Roma, II. L'impero mediterraneo, 2. I principi e il mondo, Torino, Einaudi, 1991, pp. 119-191. • L. CRACCO RUGGINI, La città imperiale, in Storia di Roma, IV. Caratteri e morfologie, Torino, Einaudi, 1989, pp. 201-266. • MEYER-ZWIFFELHOFFER, Storia delle Province romane, Universale Paperbacks il Mulino, Bologna, 2011. • P. GROS, M. TORELLI, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1988, pp. 237-426. (reprint 2010). • G. BEJOR, M.T. GRASSI, S. MAGGI, F. SLAVAZZI, Arte e Archeologia delle Province romane, Mondadori Università, Milano, 2011.
It is recommended to attend the lectures.
Further bibliographic references and other didactic materials (in particular texts by classical authors, transcriptions of inscriptions, images) will be provided during the lectures.
STUDENTS 509/99 – Bibliographic references and didactic materials should be discussed with the Supervisor.
Core compulsory activities
20705275 -
20705275-1 -
Core compulsory activities
20705275-2 -
Core compulsory activities
20710595 -
Early Christian Archaeology 2 Course aimed to expand more deeply and in detail some aspects relevant to the discipline’s focal areas of interest. In particular, refining the bibliographical instruments debated and acquired in Course I, students will confront themselves with specific monuments, mainly of religious and funerary typology, analysing in detail not only their relationship with the context, but also their intrinsic and distinctive features.
( syllabus)
The Course aimed to provide a geographically wider overview of the catacombs of Italy, analysing in detail those of Umbria and Tuscany.
( reference books)
Bibliography will be provided during the course lessons.
Not attending students should agree a bibliography with the professor.
Core compulsory activities
20710163 -
Target of the course is to deepen the use of historical sources, archaeological and of research with the purpose to face the study (urbanistic evolution, monumental etc.) of the city of the classical world.
( syllabus)
In addition to a general part, pertaining to the urbanization of Italy in Roman times, the course focuses on the characteristics and urban developments of the cities in the northern Latium between the republican and imperial ages.. Some sample cases will be taken into consideration, in order to evaluate methods and differences in the realization of Roman cities.
( reference books)
General Topics: P. Sommella, Italia antica. L’urbanistica romana, Jouvence, Roma 1988 (pp. 17-32; 55-67; 83-92; 109-123; 143-164; 191-211: 227-250) P. Gros, L'architettura romana. Dagli inizi del III secolo a.C. alla fine dell'alto impero. I monumenti pubblici, Longanesi, Milano 2001 (pp. 28-47; 134-166; 228-242; 260-270: 504-519) P. Gros, M. Torelli, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007 (pp. 158-198; 243-270). F.E. Brown, Cosa : the making of a Roman town, Ann Arbor 1980, pp. 22-46
Lazio (general): F. Coarelli, Lazio [Guide Archeologiche Laterza] Roma-Bari pp. 124-156; 162-181; 183-193; 193-201; 308-325. D. Palombi, S. Gatti, “Le città del Lazio con mura poligonali: questioni di cronologia e urbanistica”, in Le fortificazioni arcaiche del Latium vetus e dell'Etruria meridionale (IX-VI sec. a.C.) : stratigrafia, cronologia e urbanizzazione, Bruxelles Roma 2016, pp. 233-249. Norba: S. Quilici Gigli, “Topografia, scavo, indagini geofisiche, valorizzazione. Esperienze integrate a Norba”, in Atti della Pontificia accademia romana di archeologia. Rendiconti (2019-20), pp. 291-333. Minturno: Minturnae, (a cura di F. Coarelli), Roma 1989, pp. 35-66 Minturnae. Nuovi contributi alla conoscenza della forma urbis. Giornata di studio (Roma 2011), (a cura di G.R. Bellini, H. von Hesberg), Roma 2015, pp. 13-25 M. Spanu, “Minturnae: integrazioni topografiche”, in Atlante tematico di topografia antica 32 (2022), pp. 23-43 Palestrina: L. Quilici, La struttura della città inferiore di Praeneste, in Urbanistica ed architettura dell'antica Praeneste. Atti del convegno di studi archeologici, Palestrina 16 - 17 aprile 1988, Palestrina 1989, pp. 49-67 Terracina: M.R. Coppola, “Il foro emiliano di Terracina: rilievo, analisi tecnica, vicende storiche del monumento”, in Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 96, n°1. 1984. pp. 325-377 https://www.persee.fr/doc/mefr_0223-5102_1984_num_96_1_1410 M. Valenti, “Il “capitolium” e il tempio maggiore di Terracina, due esempi di podi templari a sostruzione cava. Caratteristiche tecnico-formali, funzione e terminologia” in L’architettura del sacro in età romana. Paesaggi, modelli, forme e comunicazione. Convegno Internazionale di Studi 2013 (a cura di M. Valenti), Roma 2016, pp. 49-62 N. Cassieri, G.L. Gregori, J.-B. Refalo-Bistagne, “Le ultime acquisizioni dal teatro di Terracina e l’eccezionale iscrizione del triumviro M. Emilio Lepido”, in Mélanges de l'École française de Rome - Antiquité, 131-2 (2019) https://journals.openedition.org/mefra/9174 Ostia: C. Pavolini, Ostia [Guide Archeologiche Laterza] Roma-Bari 2006, parti da concordare.
Articles and scientific contributions on specific cases will be indicated during the lessons. Considering the unavailability of some texts (for example, for the general part, volumes 1 and 2), part of the material will be made available in pdf format. Alternatively, upon request, works in foreign languages available on the market will be indicated.
Working students, or those who could not follow the course due to justified reasons, will have to bring an alternative program, agreed with the teacher.
Core compulsory activities
20710164 -
Optional group:
20710596 -
The student will get acquainted in the research sector named Mediterranean Archeology, developed in Northern Europe, and will become familiar with the theoretical approaches to Mediterranean studies and with the Mediterranean landscape long term history. In particular, he will be provided with insights on the archeology of the Greek polis and on the impact of the ancient Greek cities on their surroundings.
( syllabus)
Course 2022-2023 title: The landscape of the Greek polis. The course begins with an introduction on traditional and new trends in the study of Mediterranean History and Archaeology. Afterwards, it deals with the archaeology of the Greek landscape and in particular the archaeology of the polis in relation to its territory (chora). The following topics will be examined: the human settlement choices from the Late Bronze Age to the Geometric period; the emergence of the polis with special interest in the spatial dynamics underlying the polis system; the impact of Greek cities on the environment in regional and micro-regional contexts; the the economy and the exploitation of natural resources; the inner spatial layout of the Greek cities, with particular attention to the relationships between urban spaces and civic-social meanings and the urban space-syntax; housing archaeology and the evolution of the polis in the Hellenistic period; the relationship between access to the city and the road network; the rural dimension of the territory (chora) in its essential union with the city (asty); the role of satellite settlements; the Greek city in the Roman times and the changes in the territorial structure in the mid-term.
( reference books)
MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHY: C.Broodbank 'Il Mediterraneo: dalla preistoria alla nascita del mondo classico', piccola biblioteca Einaudi: pp.15-81, pp.524-545, (pp.573-584 non attending students only) D.Abulafia 'Il grande mare: storia del Mediterraneo', Mondadori: pp.9-17, (77-233 non attending students only) E. Farinetti, 'I paesaggi in archeologia: analisi e interpretazione': paesaggi urbani 3.2 - paesaggi rurali 3.1 - paesaggi del pastoralismo 3.6 e 3.7 - Le camere di insediamento 4.2 C. Ampolo, Elementi costitutivi e origine della città greca. 1996. L.Caliò 'Asty. Studi sulla città greca', Quazar: cap.1-2-8 (4, 9 e 10 non attending students only) O. Belvedere 'Il fenomeno urbano nel mondo greco' e L. Caliò 'La città ellenistica' https://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/il-fenomeno-urbano-nel-mondo-greco_%28Il-Mondo-dell%27Archeologia%29/ G. Daverio Rocchi: frontiere e confini nella Grecia antica, 7-17 E.Greco 'Archeologia della Magna Grecia', cap.4
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703344 -
in-depth knowledge of the history of restoration and of the theoretical and methodological problems that characterize this discipline; ability to learn independently and to deepen the discipline; extensive knowledge of the reference bibliography; ability to analyze and critically evaluate the entire cycle of conservation and restoration, through a consolidated interdisciplinary vision; ability to collect and analyze data and sources; ability to develop original ideas relating to historical events that will be the subject of ongoing exercises and possibly research at the end of the training course
Derived from
( syllabus)
The didactic program, in the first part of the course, provides a deepening of the links between the aspects of the history of artistic techniques and those of the history of restoration, and a deepening of the literature of the restoration, produced in Italy and in the different european countries, since the beginning of the eighteenth century until the thirties of the twentieth century.
( reference books)
G. C, Argan, Introduzione, voce Tecnica in Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte, Novara, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1983, vol.XIII, pp. 686-692.
P. Mora, L. Mora, P. Philippot, La conservazione delle pitture murali, Bologna, 1999, pp. 69-172. B. Tosatti, Trattati tecnico-artistici, in "Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale", XI, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2000, pp. 316-319.
A:Conti, Storia del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d’arte, Electa, 1988: Cap. VI Venezia e Pietro Edwards, pp. 154-187; Cap. VII Tra Settecento e Ottocento, pp. 188-227; Cap. VIII Il restauro tra accademia e romanticismo, pp. 228- 275;C. IX Il restauro nell’Italia Unita, pp. 276-328.
M. Ciatti, Appunti per un manuale di storia e di teoria del restauro, EDIFIR, 2009, pp. 208-275.
M. Cardinali, M.B. De Ruggieri, C. Falcucci, Diagnostica artistica, Palombi ed. 2002, pp. 13-50.
P. Bensi, Scienziati e restauratori nell’Italia dell’Ottocento, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 25-32.
J. Anderson, Sir Charles Eastlake e i suoi restauratori italiani: Giuseppe Molteni e Raffaele Pinti, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.57-62.
C. Giannini, Giovanni Secco Suardo: gli anni del collezionismo, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.63-72.
M. Cordaro, Metodologie e tecniche del restauro nell’opera e negli scritti di Giovanni Secco Suardo: eredità, fortuna critica, innovazioni, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.73-77.
G. Bonsanti, Giovanni Secco Suardo e Ulisse Forni: tecniche e tradizioni a confronto, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.79-82.
M. Marabelli, Le scienze chimiche per la conservazione dei dipinti nell'Italia dell'Ottocento. Il trattato del Conte Secco Suardo "Il restauratore dei dipinti", in “Kermes”, n. 81, 2011.
G.Perusini, Il dibattito sulla pulitura dei dipinti della National Gallery e del Louvre alla metà dell'Ottocento: alcune considerazioni generali, in La cultura del restauro. Modelli di ricezione per la museologia e la storia dell’ arte, M. B. Failla, S. A. Meyer, C. Piva, S. Ventra (a cura di), Atti del Convegno Internazionale La cultura del restauro. Modelli di ricezione per la metodologia della storia dell’arte, Roma 2015, pp. 335-350.
M. Micheli, Il restauro dei metalli antichi dalla metà del XIX secolo agli anni Sessanta del Novecento, in 1860-1970 Il restauro archeologico in Italia. Fonti storiche e pratiche disciplinari. A cura di M. Micheli, 2015, pp. 351-403.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703341 -
knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA
( syllabus)
Course title: The Museum in the contemporary debate: traditions and contradictions
Never as intensely as today, and at any latitude in the World, the museum institution is at the center of a debate that constantly questions its traditional status as a place of conservation, study and protection of collections. This course aims to offer a broad overview of the museum and of the Museum Studies (definition, statute, structure, services, spaces, professions) and to analyze some themes dear to Critical Museology, such as decolonization, delocalization, the development of museums of memory and human rights, the relationship with social and economic sciences, etc. The second part of the course will take place in the form of seminars conducted in the museums by students based on individual research. Numerous inspections are planned in the Roman museums.
( reference books)
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has studied in depth:
a) at least one of the following texts: A Companion to Museum Studies, a cura di S. Macdonald, Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, linee guida per una museologia contemporanea, Milano Hoepli 2007 P.C. Marani, R. Pavoni, Musei, Trasformazioni di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006 M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005 D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008 D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004 A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998
b) at least one of the following texts: The Curation and Care of Museum Collection, a cura di B.A. Campbell, Ch. Baars, London ; New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 The contemporary Museum: shaping Museums for the Global Now, a cura di S. J. Knell, London, New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008 S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait (a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016 M. Ferretti e A.Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131. S. Verde, Le belle arti e i selvaggi, la scoperta dell’altro, la storia dell’arte e l’invenzione del patrimonio culturale, Venezia, Marsilio, 2019
c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course and published on the teacher's bulletin board;
d) he or she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of the following Roman museums: - Musei Capitolini - Musei Vaticani - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Barberini - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Spada - Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia - Museo di Roma - Museo Napoleonico - Museo Mario Praz - Museo della Centrale Montemartini - Museo Nazionale Romano - Museo delle Civiltà - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna - MAXXI - MACRO - Palazzo Merulana
In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose and study two further texts from points a) and / or b).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710158 -
development of acquired knowledge; specific knowledge of the historical and artistic development of the medieval art (VI-XV century) acquisition of specific skills on artistic and craft production, monumental achievements of medieval age; ability to collect and interpret data; ability to analyze and read the work of art; development of a methodological competence that allows independent study; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
( syllabus)
Early medieval sculpture in Rome: from fragment to context In Rome, between the 8th and 9th centuries, decorative models and working practices spread that, in the same centuries and to varying degrees, characterised the architectural decoration and sculpted furnishings of cult buildings in central and northern Italy and beyond. Early medieval sculpture is a territorially extensive field of research, with uncertain chronological limits and difficult to "frame" due to the fragmentary nature of the sculptures that have come down to us out of context. From a look at the gradual abandonment of the sculptural practice of ancient tradition; through an in-depth study of techniques and some early medieval outcomes in sculpture, the course proposes a reflection on the methods and strategies employed in the study of so-called "interwoven" sculpture. Sources and historiography; style, technique and colour; symbols and/or ornamentation; forms and functions; finally, description and documentation will be the topics of the module: a path in stages to experience how each object of study imposes on the researcher the "critical" construction of his or her instruments of investigation.
Visit to: Sant'Agnese f.le.m; Catacombe di San Sebastiano; San Clemente; Santa Prassede. Need to know: Museo Nazionale Crypta Balbi; Museo dell'Alto Medioevo.
( reference books)
Bibliography: R. Coates-Stephens, La vita delle statue nella Roma tardoantica, in Santa Maria Antiqua tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 130-151
M. Prusac Lindhagen, I ritratti del V e del VI secolo, in Santa Maria Antiqua tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti,Milano 2016, pp. 160-177
H. Brandenburg, Sarcofagi tardoantichi, paleocristiani e altomedievali, Atti della giornata tematica dei Seminari di Archeologia Cristiana (École Française de Rome – 8 maggio 2002), pp. 1-34
F. Bisconti, La rinascita dei sarcofagi. Alcune considerazioni alla luce dei restauri dei sarcofagi di S. Sebastiano, in Rivista di Archeologia Cristiana, 95 (2019), pp. 11-34.
A.Ballardini, Scolpire a Roma: dalla rinuncia al 3D alla riorganizzazione delle officine, in R. Santangeli Valenzani, Roma altomedievale. Paesaggio urbano, società e cultura (secoli V - X), Roma Carocci editore, c.s.
A.Ballardini, Scultura a Roma: standards qualitativi e committenza (VIII secolo), in L’VIII secolo: un secolo inquieto, Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Cividale del Friuli, 4-7 dicembre 2008, a cura di V. Pace, Cividale del Friuli 2010, pp. 141-148.
A.Ballardini, Scultura per l’arredo liturgico nella Roma di Pasquale I: tra modelli paleocristiani e Flechtwerk, in Medioevo: arte e storia, X Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Parma, 18-22 settembre 2007, a cura di A.C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma 2008, pp. 225-246.
A.Ballardini, Scultura in pezzi: appunti sulla scultura alto medievale di Santa Prassede, in Svmma. Revista de Cultures Medievals, 9 (2017), pp. 5-20 (https://www.raco.cat/index.php/SVMMA/article/view/328534)
A.Ballardini, Scolpire a Roma per Pasquale I (817-824)? L'oratorio di San Zenone, in S. Ammirati, A. Ballardini, G. Bordi (a cura di), Grata più delle stelle. Pasquale I e la Roma del suo tempo, vol. 2, Roma: Efesto editore (Arte in questione, 2) 2020, pp. 16-51.
Sculpting Techniques: W.Wootton, B.Russel, P. Rockwell, 1) StoneworkingTechniques and Process 2) Stoneworking, Tools and Toolmarks, in The Art of Making in Antiquity, Stoneworking in the Roman World (consultabile in http://www.artofmaking.ac.uk/) (in particolare per gli strumenti di lavoro + video)
M. Pfanner, Marmor, Steinmetze, Bildhauer und Werkstätten. Überlegungen zur Herstellung antiken und karolinischer Marmorwerke, in K. Roth-Rubi, H. R. Sennhauser, Die Frühe Marmorskulptur Aus Dem Kloster St. Johann in Müstair, Ostfildern: Thorbecke, 2015, Textband, pp. 300-311 (disponibile in TRADUZIONE)
Liturgical Fornitures: A.Ballardini, Le recinzioni presbiteriali a Roma (VI-VIII secolo): una ricognizione, in A. Adrian (éd.), Le chancel de Saint-Pierre-aux-Nonnains, Actes du colloque, (Metz, 27-29 avril 2017), Cinisello Balsano: Silvana Editoriale 2021, pp. 142-55.
A.Ballardini, M. Caperna, A Santa Prassede, nella Gerusalemme nuova. L’assetto architettonico dello spazio absidale, l’arredo e la disposizione liturgica, in C. Bordino, C. Croci, V. Sulovsky (eds.), Rome on the Borders. Visual Cultures During the Carolingian Transition, in Convivium supplementum, Brno: Masarykova univerzita 2020, pp. 176-205.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159 -
20710159-1 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702461 -
The course aims to cover the main aspects of the historical evolution of the Latin language, from pre-literary epigraphic evidence to post-classical production. Students will reflect on the peculiarities of the various registers of the Latin language in relation to texts of different types and periods. At the end of the course, they will be able to recognise the processes of language evolution and apply the main elements of historical grammar and metrics to the analysis of texts, in order to set an original critical discourse on a Latin text, contextualising it in the historical period and defining its register of use.
Derived from
20702461 STORIA DELLA LINGUA LATINA L.M. in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 LUCERI ANGELO
( syllabus)
On the basis of documents and contemporary testimonies to the different linguistic phenomena, the course will illustrate some aspects of linguistic communication in Latin, considered in its diachronic development (from protohistory to the Romance) and in its various registers (standard and informal). The reading and analysis of various texts regarding Latin epistular genre is aimed at providing the tools to grasp the specificities of the historical evolution of the Latin language and to identify its morphosyntactic and stylistic peculiarities. For this purpose the course consists of: (1) A number of lessons minded in particular to offer an overview of the history of the Latin language from its origins up to the 6th century A.D., through the reconstruction of its evolution in the dimension of language of everyday use and literary language; (2) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of Latin epistolary texts in prose (from Cicero, Seneca, Pliny the Younger, Fronto, Symmachus, Sidonius Apollinaris) and in poetry (Claudian).
( reference books)
As far as point 1: - (a) F. Berardi, Le vie del latino. Storia della lingua latina con elementi di grammatica storica, Galatina, Congedo Editore, 2021 (2a ediz.). - (b) Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course.
As far as point 2: - (a) A. Fusi - A. Luceri, Gli epistolari, in A. Fusi-A. Luceri-P. Parroni-G. Piras (edited by), Lo Spazio Letterario di Roma antica, vol. VII (I Testi. 2 – Prosa), Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2012, pp. 505-596. - (b) Claudio Claudiano, Carmina minora 19, 22, 23, 31, 40 e 41 [selected pages from M.L. Ricci, Claudii Claudiani Carmina minora, Bari, Edipuglia, 2001]
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text:
- Elena Malaspina, La comunicazione linguistica in latino. Testimonianze e documenti, Seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata con la collaborazione di Ermanno Malaspina, Alessandria, Ediz. dell’Orso, 2014.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21002013 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The major aim of the course is to present students with a critical assessment of different theories of restoration, by considering that all theories are linked to a particular moment in history and, above all, that contemporary theory of restoration – including the charters for conservation, programmes and the principles guiding the preservation – has to be considered as a possible interpretation of the past and not as a definitive scientific achievement. Lectures are focused on the history of restoration from the late eighteenth century until the twentieth century in Italy and in Europe. Many examples from Rome are used to highlight the different ways of interpretation and actualization of the historical heritage. The students will work on the construction of a type of “observatory” of contemporary restoration, through analysis and critical assessment of ongoing work on architectural heritage in Rome.
( reference books)
The adopted texts are selected by the students and agreed with the teacher within the list of the reference bibliography
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710439 -
The aim of the course is to promote the acquisition of historical and cultural-historical notions and methodological tools that enable students of the Master's degree to draw on the heritage of Byzantine civilisation and to deal with the various aspects of the Byzantine millennium, which stretches between the Late Antiquity and the end of what in the West is known as the Middle Ages, and of the historical and ideological transcendence of the Byzantine state in the political thought of the modern and contemporary age.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702448 -
The student will be introduced to the advanced study of Latin epigraphy through the exegesis of epigraphic documents that are useful for investigating aspects of the Roman and Romanised world.
Derived from
20702448 EPIGRAFIA LATINA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 PORENA PIERFRANCESCO
( syllabus)
Pierfrancesco PORENA, Latin Epigraphy (Master degree) (36 hours - 6 ECTS) DISCIPLINARY FIELD: L-ANT/03
“From Turia to Paulina. Latin inscriptions about Roman women. Voices of Roman women in Latin inscriptions”.
Roman women emerge in our sources mainly through the point of view of men, who attempted to standardise them in Latin and Greek learned literature in prose and verse, and in legal literature. But the communicative density of Latin inscriptions conceals and reveals, as in a game of the said and unsaid, the richness of the Roman female universe. An immense and long-lived universe, populated by aristocrats, Roman citizens and foreigners, slaves and freedwomen, children, wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, old women and widows. Beneath a supeficially immobile reality, epigraphy whispers instincts and draws asymmetrical sensibilities in perpetual tension between submission to fathers, the inevitable reproductive duty, and the evolution of a society in which even men were prisoners of unquestionable models.
( reference books)
Attending Students: Handouts (PDFs) and materials provided by the teacher at the beginning of the course and during the lessons.
Non-attending Students: - A. Buonopane, Manuale di epigrafia latina, NUOVA EDIZIONE, Roma (Carocci) 2020 (contiene link con la traduzione italiana dei testi epigrafici esaminati). [mandatory]; - Terme di Diocleziano. La collezione epigrafica, edited by R. Friggeri, M.G. Granino Cecere, G. Gregori, Milan (Electa) 2012 [757 pp. - € 46,00]: mandatory study of Room I + 4 Rooms of your choice. Exercises: Visit to the 'Epigraphic Collection' (The Museum of Written Communication in the Roman World) of the National Roman Museum at the Baths of Diocletian in Rome.
Texts for specific non-attending programmes can be agreed with the teacher.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702466 -
Acquisition of in-depth and detailed knowledge of relevant issues in the history of early Christianity through the analysis of sources of different types and comparison with secondary literature. Acquisition of the scientific research tools and methodological principles necessary for reading the sources. Ability to express and communicate autonomous judgements on the issues analysed in a clear form.
Derived from
20702466 STORIA DEL CRISTIANESIMO ANTICO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 NOCE CARLA
( syllabus)
Course title 2022-2023 The Garden of Eden, earthly paradise and/or heavenly paradise. Semester: I, 6 CFU In the Genesis 2: 8-16 account, the Lord creates a garden in Eden, where every fruit tree flourishes and where both the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil are found. We all know how the story later ended, how Adam and Eve were banished from this earthly paradise for disobeying the divine command and eating the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge. Eden, however, continued to remain firmly rooted in the late antique and medieval imagination as a place of delights, located sometimes in a remote and inaccessible location on earth, sometimes in the heavens, either clearly distinct from the heavenly paradise or instead confused with the latter, depending on the different conceptions of the authors who spoke about it. The course, through the analysis of a variety of sources (educational trips are also planned) and the presentation of some significant historiographical approaches to the theme, seeks to explore the rich symbolism of the Garden of Eden elaborated in the ancient and early medieval Christian world and its reflection in monastic spirituality, as well as in Christian iconography and in the architecture of sacred spaces.
( reference books)
Attending students Bibliographic material will be indicated and provided during the course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410624 -
Quaternary Stratigraphy and Paleoclimate
The aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of geological, stratigraphic and palaeontological issues relating to the last 2.5 million years of the Earth's history and in particular the most recent part of the Pleistocene (last 780,000 years), proposing multidisciplinary study approaches.
Derived from
20410624 Stratigrafia e paleoclima del quaternario in Geologia del Territorio e delle Risorse LM-74 GLIOZZI ELSA, FREZZOTTI MASSIMO
( syllabus)
Historical definition of Quaternary: paleontological and climatic criteria. Historic excursus on the Plio-Quaternary chronostratigraphy. The Plio-Quaternary boundary. Ages and Stages of the marine Quaternary. GSSP and the most relevant Quaternary marine Italian successions. The Anthropocene. The Plio-Pleistocene successions in the Rome surroundings. Quaternary isotopic stratigraphy. Quaternary magnetostratigraphy. Quaternary dating methods. Plio-Quaternary marine biostratigraphy: planktonic and benthonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, marine molluscs and ostracods (concept of “northern” and “senegalese” guests). History of the continental Plio-Quaternary stratigraphy. Plio-Quaternary biochronology based on large and small mammals, freshwater molluscs and non-marine ostracods. Pollen stratigraphy and climatic stratigraphy. Examples of relevant continental quaternary records in central Italy: the Plio-Quaternary deposits of the Roman Campaign; the intermontane basins in central Italy (Tiberino and l’Aquila basins). Causes of the Quaternary climatic changes. Astronomical theory of climate changes. Precessional ond obliquity cycles, 40 ka and 100 ka glacial and interglacial cycles. Gelasian and Pleistocene glaciations. Historical palaeoclimatology during Holocene. Oxygen isotopes in the oceanic and ice cores. Changes of CO2 and CH4 concentrations. The Holocene and the ice cores. The Anthropocene. Sea-level oscillations during Quaternary: the eustatic curves. Historical chronology of Plio-Quaternary glaciations. Illustration of the most relevant glacial deposits on Alps and Apennines.
( reference books)
Pdf and copies of recent specialistic scientific publications given by the teacher
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702459 -
The student will have an advanced knowledge of the history of both Greek and Latin script, after examining the main scripts of ancient, medieval and modern times, by taking a seminar course devoted to a specific palaeographic topic.
Derived from
20702459 PALEOGRAFIA L.M. in Storia dell'arte LM-89 AMMIRATI SERENA
( syllabus)
The course aims to address the study of the characteristics of Latin and Greek manuscripts, with particular regard to their value for philological and historical-cultural studies. In this regard, both the external characteristics of manuscripts will be examined (material techniques for the preparation of the book as a physical object, methods and tools for its preparation, with regard to the professional figures involved in the production process), and the cultural panorama of the times and places of origin of manuscript books. Therefore, each aspect will be illustrated by choosing a reference manuscript witness. This course will include both the examination of reproductions of manuscripts, in paper and electronic format, and the direct examination of manuscripts and writing materials, through visits to archives and libraries.
( reference books)
The final exam will include the knowledge of the material provided during lessons and the discussion of one subject which the student will decide to study in depth. In addition students are required to study the following texts: • M. Maniaci, Breve storia del libro manoscritto, Roma, Carocci, 2019; • M. L. Agati, Il libro manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente. Per una codicologia comparata, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2009 (a selection of chapters); • M. Cursi, Le forme del libro. Dalla tavoletta cerata all’e-book, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016, cap. III (pp. 97-160); • Two articles among those presented during the course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20705170 -
Political Communication
The course aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical tools to understand the changes taking place in the models and forms of participation in the modern public arena, resulting from the increasingly close interaction between the political system and its actors on the one hand and the media and communication system on the other. Part of the course is devoted to the study of iconographic, aesthetic and symbolic propaganda materials and the development of the critical skills necessary for their analysis and contextualisation.
Derived from
20705170 COMUNICAZIONE POLITICA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 N0 NOVELLI EDOARDO
( syllabus)
The first part of the course is dedicated to the transformations taking place within the modern public and political scene and to the most relevant theoretical contributions in political communication. The main areas of transformation of Italian political communication and its actors and the evolution of electoral campaigns will be examined. The second part, dedicated to visual politics, analyzes the history and evolution of political graphics and aesthetic codes of Italian political propaganda from 1945 to today and the contacts and influences with the main artistic currents. This part includes the analysis and study of new aesthetics related to the spread of digital communication and the use of social networks. An integral part of the course is the viewing and analysis of a wide range of original audiovisual propaganda materials such as films, commercials, television programs, posters, and web cards, which constitute teaching materials and the subject of examination. In the case of electoral campaigns during the teaching period, it is possible to activate their monitoring by involving the students actively and directly.
( reference books)
Syllabus - E. Novelli, Le campagne elettorali in Italia, Laterza, Roma 2018. - E. Novelli. I Manifesti Politici, Carocci, Roma 2021, forthcoming, available from October 2021 - P. Gribaudo, I partiti digitali, Il Mulino 2020
Participation in the "Laboratory for the design and analysis of platforms and digital archives", if not registered in the curriculum as "external activities" (equivalent to 3 CFU), exempts from Gerbaudo's book.
* The following websites and Tv programmes contain materials and documents illustrated in class and have to be considered audiovisual supports of the course: –www.archivispotpolitici.it – www.politicaltalkshow.it – “Mi consenta” La Grande Storia, Rai Tre: https://www.raiplay.it/video/2010/07/Mi-consenta---I-politici-e-la-Tv---La-Grande-Storia-7ed9b459-9b06-41c5-8fd4-0bd9a3f997f3.html
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710694 -
The module analyses the ways in which artistic and cultural institutions contribute, on the one hand, to producing the careers of objects and artists and, on the other, to prefiguring consumption processes themselves. It offers students a variety of theoretical and empirical tools at the same time to understand artistic phenomena and the social components that make them possible.
Derived from
20710694 SOCIOLOGIA DELL'ARTE in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 TOTA ANNA LISA
( syllabus)
In contemporary societies the arts affect the public discourse, becoming agency of social and cultural meanings, laboratory for the civil society, space and place for shaping the collective and public memories of controversial events, arenas where gender identities, ethnicity and social classes are socially constructed. The first part of the course will aim at studying artistic production and politics of cultural consumption. It will focus on the following topics: theories of the "author's death", theories of reception, art as social practice, the institutional definitions of artistic value, cases of " non-recognition " and plagiarism, politics of genius, canonization and practices of social exclusion, theories of cultural capital, relationship between art and advertising, the role of social media in the production of artistic reputations and in relation to the "arts worlds", artistic intermediation processes and their social effects. The second part will concern art institutions. It will address the following topics: art and the public sphere, monuments in the urban space, art as memory technology, cultural consumption of the past and the role of the cinema in shaping the public memory of very contested pasts, sociology of museums and politics of museum exhibition, representation of ethnic identities in museums, museums as technology of gender, multimedia arts.
( reference books)
1) Anna Lisa Tota e Antonietta De Feo (2019), Sociologia delle arti. Musei, memoria e performance digitali, Carocci, Roma. 2) Anna Lisa Tota, Lia Luchetti e Trever Hagen (2018) (a cura di) Sociologie della memoria. Verso un’ecologia del passato, Carocci, Roma.
Related or supplementary learning activities