Optional group:
COMUNE Orientamento unico OBBLIGATORI (30 CFU) - (show)
20410383 -
The main educational goals of the course are: 1) Acquisition of knowledge on the use of microorganisms and enzymes/molecules of microbial origin for food processing, preservation and control; 2) Acquisition of basic and advanced methodologies for the selection, identification and exploitation of microorganisms of relevance in the agri-food sector; 3) Acquisition of logical means and knowledge for interrogating scientific databases, and for drafting and executing experimental protocols. The expected learning outcomes are the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the field of microbial biotechnology applied to the agri-food sector, of practical skills for the design and execution of laboratory experiments, and of critical ability to search and evaluate scientific literature data.
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing to the student: - adequate knowledge and understanding on the use of microorganisms and enzymes/molecules of microbial origin for food processing, preservation and control; - adequate applied knowledge for the selection, identification and exploitation of microorganisms of relevance in the agrifood sector, for drafting and executing experimental protocols, and for retrieving and critically reviewing relevant scientific literature from on-line databases (making judgements). During the course the following topics will be covered: • Isolation and characterization of microorganisms of relevance in agrifood. • Functional characterization of newly isolated microorganisms. • Metagenomics for the identification of enzymes of relevance in agrifood. • Biosensors in agrifood: generation and exploitation. • Standard and advanced methodologies for the enumeration of microorganisms in food matrices. • Production of recombinant proteins of interest in agrifood. • Molecular techniques for improving the activity of agrifood enzymes. • Genetic improvement of microorganisms of relevance in agrifood. • Identification of antibacterial and anti-biofilm agents. • Exploitation of natural and engineered plant growth promoting bacteria. • Natural, non-conventional and engineered yeasts for brewing. • Natural and engineered probiotics.
( reference books)
Selected topics will be available on suggested Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology books, as indicated in the following reference list. Specific research papers and experimental protocols will be provided during theoretic lessons on advanced research topics and laboratory practices. Innovative teaching will be promoted by cloud-sharing of power-point presentations illustrating the main topics of the course. Moreover, students will be encouraged to make use of web-based resources and databases to autonomously increase their knowledge on specific advanced topics. Students will be received at the best of their convenience if an appointment has been fixed at the end of the lessons or by email.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20402464 -
The course traces the origins and development of typical products of the Italian agro-food culture to the birth of Made in Italy, it is understood as the result of an economic exploitation strategy and a symbol of Italian industrial excellence. Next to the historical reconstruction we will develop the deepening of the economic importance of the Made in Italy food, with particular reference to the sector role in Italian foreign trade and its position in the global value chains.
20402464-2 -
The course traces the origins and development of typical products of the Italian agro-food culture to the birth of Made in Italy, it is understood as the result of an economic exploitation strategy and a symbol of Italian industrial excellence. Next to the historical reconstruction we will develop the deepening of the economic importance of the Made in Italy food, with particular reference to the sector role in Italian foreign trade and its position in the global value chains.
( syllabus)
The programme is organised along three routes paths:1) A brief overview of contemporary economic history with particular attention to the birth and development of the food industry and the evolution of consumption in a unified Italy, within the wider context of Italian and international industrial development;2) The transformations of agriculture and the territory - taken in its broader meaning of a combination of environmental and cultural factors. In this context. Themes such as the relationship between the industrial revolution and agriculture, water management and interventions in the territory, between the 19th and 20th centuries, will be examined in depth;3) The history of food, Italian food traditions and production techniques; focus on the peculiarities of Italian production (e.g. dairy industry, milling, canning and preserves) and the development of food and wine. The Italian way in the construction of trade exchange systems and in the development of agri-food production of excellence (e.g. the birth and affirmation success of Made in Italy brands).
( reference books)
Giovanni Rebora, Culture of the fork. A brief Histori of food in Europe, CUP, 2001 (full text is on line in SBA)
Related or supplementary learning activities
20402465 -
The course aims at providing the student insights about the latest interventions of the European Communities on the planning, management, monitoring, coordination and training in the entire production chain of food. They will be dealt with in particular the following arguments: a) modernization of the legislation in order to obtain a consistent and transparent system of rules; b) strengthening of controls going to cover the entire food chain; c) improving the efficiency of the scientific advisory system; d) allocation of responsibility for food safety to producers; e) implementation of the new certification and labeling (the new label is the EEC 1169/2011 of 12.13.2014).
( syllabus)
The course is divided into two modules: a first general module on the certification and management of the quality system in the agri-food chain, and a second, more analytical module, focused on the aspects of "Sustainability" in the Agri-food sector. Regarding the first module: INTRODUCTION TO CERTIFICATIONS: TRANSPARENCY, TRACEABILITY AND TRACEABILITY OF PRODUCTIONS: origin of certifications; evolution of the concept of quality; food chain concept; classify the certifications; concentration of certification in EU 27 and in Italy; the quality chain and the relevant legislation. MANAGEMENT OF THE QUALITY SYSTEM IN PRODUCTIONS: The agri-food context and the relevant legislation; business system analysis; quality system configuration; quality system management; data processing of the quality system FOOD SAFETY: the search for quality in nutrition; food safety and biological, chemical and physical hazards; inspiring principles of the new European legislation on food safety; the new Regulations of the "Hygiene Package"; European legislation in the food sector; materials in contact with food products (M.O.C.A.); the national and EU regulatory framework; labeling and presentation of food products MANAGEMENT OF PROCUREMENT, SALES AND LOGISTICS: The logistic cycle and the basic inputs of the definition process; the stages of the purchasing process; supply management models; Brand loyalty, store loyalty and selection of suppliers; the effects of logistics on supplier evaluation; logistics outsourcing THE HAZARD ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL CONTROL POINTS HYGIENIC SELF-CONTROL SYSTEM (HACCP); HACCP system (tasks and functions); Importance of visual inspection; Importance of verification of stored goods and importance of its rotation; Basic hygiene rules; Evaluation and control of temperatures and microclimate; Hygiene of equipment structures; Insights on the regulatory framework; Human resources management; Relationship with the various subjects involved in the food process
( reference books)
•CHIACCHIERINI E., LUCCHETTI M.C., “Materie prime, trasformazione ed impatto ambientale” Edizioni Kappa •BUFFAGNI, BURCHI, GALLIO, TARABELLA, VARESE “Consumatori e imprese: la disciplina delle informazioni sugli alimenti: considerazioni merceologiche e normative” Giappichelli Editore •PERI, LAVELLI, MARJANI “Qualità nelle aziende e nelle filiere agroalimentari. Gestione e certificazione dei sistemi per la qualità, per la rintracciabilità e per l’igiene.” Edizione HOEPLI •Dispense a cura dei docenti
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410513 -
The main educational goals of the course are: 1) the acquisition of knowledge regarding the concepts of quality and microbiological safety of foods 2) the acquisition of basic and advanced methodologies for the selection, identification and exploitation of microorganisms of relevance in the agri-food sector 3) the acquisition of knowledge of the reference legislation for the microbiological safety of foods 4) the acquisition of logical means and knowledge for interrogating scientific databases, and for drafting and executing experimental protocols. The expected learning outcomes are the acquisition of theoretical knowledge in the field of microbiological food quality and safety, of practical skills for the design and execution of laboratory experiments, and of critical ability to search and evaluate scientific literature data.
Devirgiliis Chiara
( syllabus)
The course will illustrate the methods for the detection and quantification of the microorganisms found in food, including any pathogens in relation to the products characteristics and limitations arising from the regulations. In laboratory exercises students will perform some of the most common microbiological analysis of foods in order to determine the microbial load and the suitability or not for human consumption.
Topics covered: -Microorganisms in foods and complex microbial communities; genera of interest, virtuous, deteriorating, pathogenic activities. Distinction between food quality and safety. -Relevant microbial groups in food microbiology. Association with foods. Metabolic pathways relevant in food microbiology. Starter cultures. Microbial Food Cultures (MFC). Spontaneous fermentations: quality and safety. The QPS system -Foodborne pathogens -Microbiological analysis of foods -Control of microorganisms in foods -Shelf-life and predictive microbiology -Microbiological risk analysis -Reference methods for pathogen detection -Alternative methods for pathogen detection -Molecular techniques for identifying microorganisms: analysis of ribosomal DNA, Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis (ARDRA), Random Amplification of Polymorphic DNA (RAPD), sequencing. Culture-independent and metagenomic techniques applied to the study of complex microbial communities: Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE), Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). -Probiotics. Selection criteria for newly isolated probiotics -Cell cultures for the evaluation of probiotic activity -Biocontrol of pathogenic and spoilage bacteria: use of bacteriophages and bacteriocin-producing bacteria -The problem of antibiotic resistance and implications on the quality/safety of fermented foods -Genome editing and its applications in food microbiology. -Critical reading of scientific articles.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410188 -
The course aims to examine some classes of compounds widely used in the food industry, highlighting the correlation between chemical structure (presence of functional groups, steric characteristics and lipophilic), activities, interaction with specific receptors (organoleptic properties, sensory, etc.). And stability in various chemical and physical conditions.
( syllabus)
Cultural skills (Knowledge of): The course aims to provide students with the chemical basis of the structure, the properties, and the reactivity of the main classes of molecules present in food, as well as to illustrate the possible chemical modifications that these constituents undergo during the process cooking and / or storage. Methodological skills (How to carry out): at the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze and discuss the mechanisms of interaction and transformation of the most important macro and micro nutrient classes present in food, as well as how to carry out a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of such constituents using HPLC.
The course is divided into 3 main sections: Part 1: an overview of the principal classes of molecules (sugars, polysaccharides, lipids, proteins) that are present in food. The chemical properties of such substances dramatically condition the most important chemical and physical features of every food. Part 2: the various substances are going to be gathered and addressed with respect the kind of contribution given to each food (i.e. colours, flavouring, vitamins, preservatives, poisonous compounds, minerals). Part 3: Water.
Practical experiences will also be carried out (Chromatography: separation of β-carotene from chlorophyll from spinach pesto; Solvent extraction: how to separate acid, basic and neutral substances; HPLC: Quantitative analysis of caffeine; GC-MS: Qualitative analysis of lipids; Synthesis of Banana essence
( reference books)
Libri di testo: Tom P Coultate in "La chimica degli Alimenti", Zanichelli Paolo Cabras, Aldo Martelli in " Chimica degli Alimenti", Piccin Patrizia Cappelli, Vanna Vannucchi in "Principi di Chimica degli Alimenti", Zanichelli
Lecture notes and bibliographical references will be provided
Related or supplementary learning activities
20402454 -
The course aims to analyze the agriculture and agri-food sector's role in the processes of growth and development, with particular reference to two aspects: 1) the manner in which the development of the agri-food sector have an impact on food security, referring to different contexts development and, therefore, understood both in terms of quantity (little or too much nutrition) and qualitative (good or bad nutrition and wholesomeness of food); 2) the manner in which this role is manifested in the Italian and the related economic and social consequences.
( syllabus)
The following topics will be addressed during the year: Food security: definitions, dimensions, quantification of the phenomenon Food waste: definitions, quantification of the phenomenon and implications consumer behaviours and eating habits Evolution of Italian agriculture: structure, governance, policies Diversification of agriculture EU: Institutions and Policies Evolution of the Community Agricultural Policy (CAP) Rural development Policy Current CAP programming
( reference books)
slides and materials provided by the teacher
Related or supplementary learning activities
20402462 -
The course aims to illustrate the character of the main food crops, highlighting their change over time depending on the transformation from agricultural to industrial society.
( syllabus)
This course first settles the framework of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the history of food cultures. In particular, the class will focus on the economic, cultural, and social features that have marked the imaginary and the use of food in the contemporary age. The first part of the course (6 hours) is devoted to the introduction of the theoretical and methodological aspects of cultural history and the history of material cultures. The second part of the course (6 hours) addresses the long-term historical changes of agriculture in the contemporary age. The third part of the course (18 hours) is concerned with the history of Italian food culture with particular attention to Mediterranean food cultures. The fourth part of the course (18 hours) is focused on four aspects on the cultural relations between food and society: food and the environment, food and inequalities, food and wright, food and religions.
( reference books)
Main reference text:
Alberto Capatti e Massimo Montanari, La cucina italiana. Storia di una cultura, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2017, 424 p., € 14,00.
A book to be chosen from:
Piero Bevilacqua, Il cibo e la terra. Agricoltura, ambiente e salute negli scenari del nuovo millennio, Roma, Donzelli, 2018, 215 pp., € 11,00.
Alberto De Bernardi, Il paese dei maccheroni. Storia sociale della pasta, Roma, Donzelli, 2019, 262 pp., € 30,00.
Massimo Montanari (a cura di), Cucina politica. Il linguaggio del cibo fra pratiche sociali e rappresentazioni ideologiche, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2021, 328 pp., € 19,00
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410510 -
The course aims to provide a detailed examination of industrial chains "elective" gastronomic excellence (Cereal derivatives, olive oil, dairy products, vegetable preserves, honey, meat products, nervine drinks ).
( syllabus)
With regard to Module II, the origins, processing technologies and typical characteristics of the products most commonly used by catering companies will be treated, with insights regarding the methods, production and storage techniques (pasteurization, sterilization, refrigeration, etc.) of the following supply chains: Meat and cured meat, Typical dairy poducts, Balsamic vinegar, Olive oil, Seed oils and margarines, Eggs and egg products, Dried fruit.
COURSE PROGRAM The concept of typical food: DOP, IGT, STG. Illustration of the Atlas of Typical Products "Food, Wine & Spirits" of the Qualivita Foundation. Meat and cured meat. Types, composition and quality of beef, pigmeat and poultrymeat. The slaughtering process. Cutting and processing of carcases for the production of fresh and frozen meat. Canned meat. Characteristics and industrial processes of production of cured meats. Preservation and alteration of cured meats. Typical dairy products. Milk and its derivatives. Unit operations in the industrial production of cheeses. Types of cheeses. Main defects and alterations. Balsamic vinegar. Balsamic vinegar and traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Olive oil Classification and types of vegetable oils. Raw materials and production process of extra virgin olive oil. Plant engineering for the industrial production of extra virgin olive oil. Alterations of oils. Hydrolytic and oxidative rancidity. Seed oils and margarines. Oil extraction. Main seed oils. Definition of margarine and its composition. Hydrogenation of oils. Preparation and classification. Eggs and egg products. Structure and chemical composition. Classification and conservation. Egg products. Main defects and alterations. Dried fruit. Types of fruits. Figs, apricots and dried plums. Dried oilseeds.
( reference books)
• Lecture notes by the teacher • P. Cappelli, V. Vannucchi - Principi di chimica degli alimenti. Conservazione, Trasformazioni, Normativa. - Ed. Zanichelli • Atlante dei prodotti tipici “Food, Wine & Spirits” Fondazione Qualivita
( syllabus)
The course will cover the following topics: - Definition and characteristics of cereals and pseudocereals - Processing properties of cereal flours - Techniques and technologies of grinding -Technologies for malting and beer production - Technologies and characteristics of typical cereal-based products: • Pasta • Bread • Pizza • Bakery products • Other typical cereal-based foods in Italy DOP, IGP, STG
- Technologies for Gluten-free products - Technologies for Breakfast cereals -Cereal-based functional and innovative foods
( reference books)
Kulp K., Ponte J.G., 2000. Handbook of Cereal Science and Technology. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York. Gobetti, M., Rizzello C.G. Biotechnology of leavened baked products. Second edition. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana. Zanichelli, 2023 Daghetta. Technological and nutritional aspects of food products.. I temi della nutrizione, Istituto Danone, Milano, 1997. D.J.R. Manley. Technology of biscuits, crackers and cookies, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2000. Cappelli P., Vannucchi V. Food chemistry. Conservation - Transformations - Regulations. Second ed,, Zanichelli, 2024 Teaching material provided by lecturer
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410514 -
The course aims to get the student to acquire the techniques and the use of the equipment and sensors necessary for the production of food and wine and food products, to evaluate their quality, as well as to acquire skills in developing techniques and solutions for achieve quality and yield improvements of production.
( syllabus)
First Part: Metrological Section Concept of Measure and its Philosophical Interpretation, Definition of the Concept of Quality, Definition of Measure, General Algorithm for Measures, Concept of Uncertainty, Measure Scales: Identity, Ordinal and Extensive, No-Direct Measures, International Measurement System, Standard, Measure Methods, Instrumentation. Concepts of Sensor and Trasducer, Examples of Sensors, Examples and Applications of Sensors in the Agro-Food Chain, Introduction to the Analogical and Digital Measurement Chain, the Monitoring, the Feedback, Typical Instrumentation for Agro-Food Applications. Introduction to Organoleptic Metrology, Quality Food Evaluation, Realization of an Example of Survey Module for Organoleptic Test, Test for the Quality Food Evaluation.
Second Part: Chemical Section Definition and fundamental quantities: response, sensitivity, reversibility, resolution, noise, limit of detection, accuracy and reproducibility, drift. Sensors and dosimeters: differences and characteristics. Chemistry related to the sensing mechanisms: VOCs (Volatile organics compounds), gas-solid, liquid-solid interactions. The electronic nose and the technologies related to the Gas Sensing: Metal Oxide Semiconductor Sensors (MOS), Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM), Surface Acoustic Wave sensors (SAW), Amperometric sensors, Optical sensors, Pellistor sensors, Conductive Organic Polymer sensors. Applications of the electronic nose: eg. discrimination of origin of wines, authenticity of dairy products, discrimination of coffee based on the volatile fraction, aging of fish products based on the detection of amines, aging of fruit and meat on the volatile fraction, classification of EVO oils etc. The electronic tongue and the technologies related to sensors in liquid: potentiometric sensors, arrays of voltammetric sensors, optical sensors. Applications of electronic tongue: monitoring of commercial water samples, detection of the organic fraction in fruit-based drinks, studies of the origin of tea. Spectroscopic techniques as a validation tool in the food and wine field
( reference books)
Slides provided by the Professor.
( syllabus)
Scientific method. The Atom. Chemical bond. Ionic bond. Covalent bond (VB). VSEPR. Hybridization. Dative bond. Resonance. Nomenclature and chemical structures. Mole, weight composition, minimal and molecular formula. States of aggregation of the matter. The gas. Gas laws. Ideal and real gas. Liquids and Solids. Chemical reactions. Stoichiometry. Redox reactions. Acid-Base reactions. The solutions: concentration and vapor tension. Colligative properties. Basics of chemical kinetics Thermodynamics I and II Principle. III Principle. Gibbs Free Energy and spontaneity of a chemical reaction. Chemical equilibrium. Acids and Bases. Equilibria and pH calculation. Saline hydrolysis and tampons. laboratory exercises
Attività formative affini ed integrative
Attività formative affini ed integrative