21210035-1 -
In line with the educational objectives of the Master’ Degree Course in Business Administration, the course of Corporate Governance and business scenario aims to provide students with the knowledge and tools useful to understand the different topics of Corporate Governance. During the course, in fact, structures, behaviours and the role of the bodies of governance are analysed. The governance, in fact, is analysed under the theoretical and operational points of view. The course also what that students have the competencies about the development of the company, as well as to create value, in line with national and international laws. A lot of time is reserved to the Corporate Social Responsibility and at its implications. At the end of the course, the student will have: - familiarity with the different aspect of both ownership and governance, as well as they can analyse and compare them; - acquired theoretical and practical notions to adopt specific management policies; - developed a complex and articulated method of understanding corporate governance and its mechanisms.
( syllabus)
1. Corporate Governance: Overview 2. Theories of Corporate Governance 3. Comparative Capitalism Models (Anglo-American, German-Japanese, Latin) 4. Governance Systems: Traditional, Monistic, and Dualistic 5. Corporate Governance in the Italian Case and in Large Foreign Companies 6. The Board of Directors: Composition, Structure, Roles, Functioning, and Best Practices 7. Internal Committees of the Board of Directors 8. Managerial Remuneration and Incentive Plans 9. Control Bodies: Composition, Structure, Roles, Functioning, and Best Practices 10. External Audit 11. Creation and Fair Distribution of Value among Stakeholders 12. The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Company Performance 13. Analysis of Practical Cases
( reference books)
Zattoni, Alessandro (2020), Corporate governance: how to design good companies, Milano: Egea.
Ciaburri Mirella
( syllabus)
1. Corporate Governance: Overview 2. Theories of Corporate Governance 3. Comparative Capitalism Models (Anglo-American, German-Japanese, Latin) 4. Governance Systems: Traditional, Monistic, and Dualistic 5. Corporate Governance in the Italian Case and in Large Foreign Companies 6. The Board of Directors: Composition, Structure, Roles, Functioning, and Best Practices 7. Internal Committees of the Board of Directors 8. Managerial Remuneration and Incentive Plans 9. Control Bodies: Composition, Structure, Roles, Functioning, and Best Practices 10. External Audit 11. Creation and Fair Distribution of Value among Stakeholders 12. The Relationship between Ownership Structure and Company Performance 13. Analysis of Practical Cases
( reference books)
Zattoni, Alessandro (2020), Corporate governance: how to design good companies, Milano: Egea.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
21201540 -
The aim of the course is to contribute to the enrichment of knowledge on the subject of government of the different types of institutions (companies, governments, institutions that make up the “private social”), analyzing in particular the relationship between social responsibility and external information which takes account of sociality. The perspective of analysis is the business administration one. The learning objectives are: • understand the relationship between social responsibility and formalized external information; • grasp the importance of the social budget as a result of an accounting process that benefits for the purposes of government, including by means of effective communication with the reference environmental context; • know how to use social budget models to interpret the concrete achievements; • become aware of the critical issues that characterize the construction of the social report. The course lasts 60 hours of lessons, distributed in 30 meetings, and in case of successful examination confers no. 9 Credits (C.F.U.).
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to contribute to the enrichment of knowledge on the subject of government of the different types of institutions (companies, governments, institutions that make up the “private social”), analyzing in particular the relationship between social responsibility and external information which takes account of sociality. The perspective of analysis is the business administration one. The learning objectives are:
• understand the relationship between social responsibility and formalized external information; • grasp the importance of the social budget as a result of an accounting process that benefits for the purposes of government, including by means of effective communication with the reference environmental context; • know how to use social budget models to interpret the concrete achievements; • become aware of the critical issues that characterize the construction of the social report.
The course lasts 60 hours of lessons, distributed in 30 meetings, and in case of successful examination confers no. 9 Credits (C.F.U.).
SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY in the enterprise in public administration in no profit private organizations Analysis of relations between the going concern profiles for a responsible judgment on government
Phases valences The tools offered by the market The “internal” instruments
The Social Balance Sheet: In the profit enterprise, in cooperatives, in public administration, in no profit organizations.
Social balance sheet models The systematic social reports
Case studies Public intervention in Italy in the field of social balance: the non-financial statement
( reference books)
BIBLIOGRAPHY L. Hinna, Come gestire la responsabilità sociale dell’impresa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2005. F. Manni, Responsabilità sociale, Economicità, Bilancio sociale - Un percorso di analisi economico-aziendale, Aracne, Roma, 2020.
Core compulsory activities
21210468 -
The course aims to provide general knowledge of public sector strategies, considering the role of politicians and managers. Starting from the different management logics of the public sector (such as the Traditional Public Administration, the New Public Management and Public Governance), the course wants to focus the attention on what are the knowledge and the tools useful to better manage public entities. The course examines the theoretical frameworks underlying public management reforms in the past thirty years, and the empirical evidence gathered. During the course, the peculiarities of the public administrations are analyzed, as well as the theories most used to study these. It will also be discussed structural issues and the purpose of governments, administrative reforms implemented to respond to environmental changes and challenges, and their impact. By the end of this course, students will have the tools to create a sound public strategy and know how to test and optimize their strategy, increase competitive advantage, and sustain long-term impact and success.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
21201540 -
The aim of the course is to contribute to the enrichment of knowledge on the subject of government of the different types of institutions (companies, governments, institutions that make up the “private social”), analyzing in particular the relationship between social responsibility and external information which takes account of sociality. The perspective of analysis is the business administration one. The learning objectives are: • understand the relationship between social responsibility and formalized external information; • grasp the importance of the social budget as a result of an accounting process that benefits for the purposes of government, including by means of effective communication with the reference environmental context; • know how to use social budget models to interpret the concrete achievements; • become aware of the critical issues that characterize the construction of the social report. The course lasts 60 hours of lessons, distributed in 30 meetings, and in case of successful examination confers no. 9 Credits (C.F.U.).
Derived from
21201540 BILANCIO SOCIALE in Economia Aziendale LM-77 MANNI FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to contribute to the enrichment of knowledge on the subject of government of the different types of institutions (companies, governments, institutions that make up the “private social”), analyzing in particular the relationship between social responsibility and external information which takes account of sociality. The perspective of analysis is the business administration one. The learning objectives are:
• understand the relationship between social responsibility and formalized external information; • grasp the importance of the social budget as a result of an accounting process that benefits for the purposes of government, including by means of effective communication with the reference environmental context; • know how to use social budget models to interpret the concrete achievements; • become aware of the critical issues that characterize the construction of the social report.
The course lasts 60 hours of lessons, distributed in 30 meetings, and in case of successful examination confers no. 9 Credits (C.F.U.).
SOCIAL RESPONSABILITY in the enterprise in public administration in no profit private organizations Analysis of relations between the going concern profiles for a responsible judgment on government
Phases valences The tools offered by the market The “internal” instruments
The Social Balance Sheet: In the profit enterprise, in cooperatives, in public administration, in no profit organizations.
Social balance sheet models The systematic social reports
Case studies Public intervention in Italy in the field of social balance: the non-financial statement
( reference books)
BIBLIOGRAPHY L. Hinna, Come gestire la responsabilità sociale dell’impresa, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milano, 2005. F. Manni, Responsabilità sociale, Economicità, Bilancio sociale - Un percorso di analisi economico-aziendale, Aracne, Roma, 2020.
Elective activities
21201542 -
This course aims to provide the students with a sound basic knowledge of the role and the main activities carried out by the banks in the investment banking business; the influence of the regulation; the organizational and management aspects; the definition, measurement and management of the typical risks. At the end of the course, the students will have developed: • an in-depth knowledge of the components of the investment banking business, their roles and functions; • ability to analyse and interpret behaviour of the bank intermediaries active in the market, also considering their regulation; • the ability to critically analyse the technical characteristics and economic profiles of the corporate finance transactions.
Derived from
( syllabus)
This course aims, first of all, to provide an overview of the role and the main activities carried out by the banks in the investment banking business. The central part of the course is dedicated to an analysis of the technical characteristics and of the economic and management profiles of the corporate finance transactions. Finally, the course presents the objectives as well as the organization and the behavioral models of bank intermediaries active in the market, also considering the role of regulation and supervision. 1. The segmentation of the banking market 2. The business of corporate & investment banking 3. The structured finance operations: the project finance 4. The leveraged buy-out 5. The securitization 6. The equity capital market services 7. The venture capital activity 8. The listing of companies and the role of financial intermediaries 9. The credit operations: from traditional formulas to complex structures 10. The bank-firm relationship
( reference books)
Fleuriet M. (2018), Investment banking explained: An insider’s guide to the industry, second edition, McGraw-Hill Education.
Elective activities
21201474 -
The purpose of the course is to provide exhaustive knowledge and comprehension skills of the Italian system of bankruptcy proceedings. Bankrupcty Law studies the laws regulating business crisis and insolvency.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The first part of the course is intended to illustrate the general system of bankruptcy proceedings in the Italian law. The second part of the course is dedicated to procedures other than bankruptcy, such as arrangement with creditors, debt restructuring agreements, compulsory administrative liquidation, extraordinary administration of large firms in state of insolvency.
( reference books)
Sandulli D'Attorre Manuale delle procedure concorsuali Giappichelli 2016 M.SANDULLI, G.D'ATTORRE, La nuova mini-riforma della legge fallimentare, Giappichelli, Torino, 2016
Elective activities
21201522 -
The course aims to provide, in a complementary way to the concepts of marketing and economic disciplines, the framework of legal rules concerning competition, with reference to the unfair competition and antitrust rules. It also deals with the italian discipline of the distinctive signs.
Derived from
21201522 DIRITTO INDUSTRIALE in Economia e Management LM-77 SPAGNUOLO DOMENICO
( syllabus)
The subject of the course is the study of competition law, both in terms of unfair competition and antitrust law. The unfair competition examine the civil code (art. 2598 ss), the historical evolution and the international conventions (CUP). The antitrust regulations proceeds mainly on the basis of the UE provisions. A further topic of study is the trade mark.
( reference books)
Vanzetti-Di Cataldo, Manuale di Diritto Industriale, VIII edizione, 2021, Giuffrè - da p. 3 a p. 144: Concorrenza sleale - da p. 147 a p. 371: Segni distintivi - da p. 577 a p. 679: Diritto antitrust
Elective activities
21210243 -
The course aims at providing the knowledge of (i) the comparative method; (ii) the similarities and differences between Western civil law and common law legal systems; (iii) the method of economic analysis of law and its developments.
Elective activities
21210082 -
The aim of the course is twofold. The analytical models of the main problems of industrial economics, with a particular focus on the strategic interaction between firms, are the core of the first module of the teaching. The second module aims to provide students with the notions for a thorough analysis of the Italian productive system, taking into consideration issues related to firms’ organization and performance together with a close look at the specific industries’ main competitiveness indicators.
21210169 -
'International business management' deals with the international business of companies operating in today's globalized contexts. After a brief introduction on macroeconomic dynamics that impact on international markets, the course focuses on the analysis of the companies, especially those of larger size, and their decision to go international in order to maximize their value. Today more than ever, companies are more likely to relocate the value chain activities in different parts of the world, this means a greater ability to seize new opportunities for value creation, but also greater attention to governance and management of intercultural barriers. Therefore, after having explained the reasons behind the internationalization process, the Course aims to: illustrate the issues that arise at the various stages of international development; to identify the key variables that influence it; and to identify the various methods and instruments through which the process of internationalization unfolds. Students at the end of the course will be able to: 1) To know and interpret the logic and actions of the actors involved in the international context; 2) To know and discuss the basic elements concerning the international development process; 3) To know and apply the basic tools for the analysis of the attractiveness of the Country to support managerial decisions; 4) To Analyze the competitive situation of the sector and select solutions for the approach to international markets in terms of strategies, methods and penetration of the target markets.
Elective activities
21201407 -
This course aims to introduce students to use quantitative methods and techniques for effective decisions–making; model formulation and applications that are used in solving business decision problems.
Elective activities
21210468 -
The course aims to provide general knowledge of public sector strategies, considering the role of politicians and managers. Starting from the different management logics of the public sector (such as the Traditional Public Administration, the New Public Management and Public Governance), the course wants to focus the attention on what are the knowledge and the tools useful to better manage public entities. The course examines the theoretical frameworks underlying public management reforms in the past thirty years, and the empirical evidence gathered. During the course, the peculiarities of the public administrations are analyzed, as well as the theories most used to study these. It will also be discussed structural issues and the purpose of governments, administrative reforms implemented to respond to environmental changes and challenges, and their impact. By the end of this course, students will have the tools to create a sound public strategy and know how to test and optimize their strategy, increase competitive advantage, and sustain long-term impact and success.
Derived from
21210468 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT IN PUBLIC SECTOR in Economia Aziendale LM-77 Santolamazza Valentina
( syllabus)
The course will provide students with an overview of the world of the public sector, specifically focusing on strategic planning and management. After introducing the public sector and explaining its peculiarities, an overview of the management paradigms and their evolution will be given to understand what changes have led to the current state of public administrations. As explained below, a specific focus will be devoted to strategic planning and management. Introduction 1. Peculiarities of Public Sector 2. Traditional Public Administration, New Public Management (NPM) and New Public Financial Management (NPFM), New Public Governance (NPG) 3. Public value 4. Strategic planning and strategic management 5. Strategy Change Cycle 6. Strategic planning process 7. Mandates and Mission 8. Assessing the environment 9. Strategic issues 10. Formulating and adopting strategies and plans 11. Establishing an effective organizational vision for the future 12. Implementing strategies and plans successfully 13. Getting started with strategic planning 14. Public sector auditing 15. Participatory budgeting
( reference books)
Most of materials are available on Teams
1. Peculiarities of Public Sector Chapter 1 - Budding, T., Grossi, G., & Tagesson, T. (Eds.). (2014). Public sector accounting. Routledge (pp-1-7)
2. Traditional Public Administration, New Public Management (NPM) and New Public Financial Management (NPFM), New Public Governance (NPG) Chapter 1 - Budding, T., Grossi, G., & Tagesson, T. (Eds.). (2014). Public sector accounting. Routledge (pp-1-7)
3. Public value https://scholar.harvard.edu/markmoore/publications/public-value-focus-strategy https://scholar.harvard.edu/markmoore/publications/creating-public-value
4. Strategic planning and strategic management Chapter 1 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
5. Strategy Change Cycle Chapter 2 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
6. Strategic planning process Chapter 3 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
7. Mandates and Mission Chapter 4 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
8. Assessing the environment Chapter 5 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
9. Strategic issues Chapter 6 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
10. Formulating and adopting strategies and plans Chapter 7 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
11. Establishing an effective organizational vision for the future Chapter 8 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
12. Implementing strategies and plans successfully Chapter 9 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
13. Getting started with strategic planning Chapter 12 - Bryson, J. M. (2018). Strategic planning for public and nonprofit organizations: A guide to strengthening and sustaining organizational achievement. John Wiley & Sons.
14. Public sector auditing Mattei, G., Grossi, G. and Guthrie A.M., J. (2021), "Exploring past, present and future trends in public sector auditing research: a literature review", Meditari Accountancy Research, Vol. 29 No. 7, pp. 94-134. Power, M. (1997), The Audit Society: Rituals of Verification, OUP, Oxford. D’Andreamatteo, A., Grossi, G., Mattei, G. and Sargiacomo, M. (2022), "The intersection between ‘The Audit Society’ and public sector corruption and fraud: – a literature review and future research agenda", Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management
15. Participatory budgeting Mattei, G., Santolamazza, V., & Grandis, F. G. (2022). Design of the participatory budget: how to turn citizens into process protagonists. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 35(3), 294-316. Mattei, G., Santolamazza, V., & Manzo,M. (forthcoming). Digitalisation and citizen engagement: comparing participatory budgeting in Rome and Barcelona, 163-183. In Grossi, G. & Vakkuri, J. Handbook on accounting and public governance. Santolamazza, V., Grossi, G., & Mattei, G. (forthcoming). The seesaw experience of Participatory Budgeting
Elective activities
21210453 -
Sustainable human development
The purpose of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge of sustainable finance. After introducing the basics of traditional finance, they will be developed, extended, and integrated, to explain how an apparently purely financial and short-term concept is indeed strongly related to environmental and social aspects, that are long-term values. The course describes why and how serving shareholders’ interest and having success in the long run require looking after environmental, social, and governance needs. It also demonstrates that stakeholders’ and shareholders’ interests are more aligned than one can think.
Elective activities