Optional group:
Non è possibile sostenere Neuroetica se si sostiene Etica e Comunicazione
20704053 -
The course on neuroethics is part of the teaching activities of the curriculum in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell’Azione. The course aims at introducing and discussing the basic notions of neuroethics, an interdisciplinary research field at the interplay between moral philosophy, moral psychology and cognitive (neuro)science. In particular, the course will focus on the cognitive and motivational basis of moral reasoning and judgment.
The aim of the course is to provide students with the tools for understanding, analyzing and discussing philosophical and scientific texts on the course topics, learning to navigate the contemporary debate. By the end of the course, students are supposed to have acquired a basic knowledge of the main topics in the field of neuroethics and a more in-depth knowledge of selected topics, and to be able to efficiently navigate the relevant literature.
Core compulsory activities
20710113 -
In the first part, the course aims at giving the students the basic concepts of applied ethics, with a particular focus on roboethics and the relation between ethics and communication, in particular considering films. In the second part, the course aims at providing a basic understanding of the debate on human reasoning and decision-making.
The goal of the course is that the students understand these fundamental issues of moral philosophy. At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand the essential features of these discussions.
Derived from
20710113 ETICA E COMUNICAZIONE - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 DE CARO MARIO
( syllabus)
This course aims to give the students the basic concepts of applied ethics (with a specific interest in ethics of artificial intelligence) and the relation between ethics and communication (with a specific interest in film communication).
The goal of the course is that the students understand these fundamental issues of moral philosophy. At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand the essential features of these discussions.
( reference books)
1. M. De Caro, M.F. Magni, M.S. Vaccarezza, Le sfide dell'etica (capp. 11-18) 2. M. De Caro, E. Terrone, I valori al cinema, Mondadori 3. M. Spitzer, Intelligenza artificiale, Corbaccio 2024.
The students taking the pre-exam at the end of the course will have to study a reduced program (which will be explained during the course), and write a short paper. All the other students will have to study the whole program above.
Core compulsory activities
20710100 -
In this class students will learn - the main features of verbal and non verbal communication - the cognitive substrates of human communication - the interconnection between language, perception, memory, attention, and executive functions - the neuroanatomical substrates of human communication
Core compulsory activities
20710268 -
The course aims to give students chance of acquiring analytical skills in order to identify the many factors involved in the dynamics of historical processes and understand their interconnections. The students will also develop a research method and investigation abilities in order to discover the inner complexity of the present age in its historical depth; they will be educated on how to understand otherness disclosing in the study of human events that constitute historical development.
Core compulsory activities
20710738 -
This course aims will examine the historical development of the main themes, problems and theories of behavioural sciences and neuroscience. In particular, the course aims to foster a critical understanding of the historical development of the major themes, problems, and models of scientific explanation on behavior and psychological processes, from the earliest naturalized conceptualizations to experimental psychology and contemporary neuroscience. The evolution of the behavioural sciences and neuroscience will be discussed in its relationship with the history of philosophical ideas and other human sciences such as sociology and anthropology, in its close intertwining with the natural and biological sciences. At the same time the history of the behavioural sciences and neuroscience will be situated in the context of concrete history, such as the material, economic and techological transofrmations. Particular attention will be given to the examination of the evolution of neuroscientific models of explanation of cognitive and communication processes. The course will also examine the history of the cultural and moral impact of developments of the behavioural sciences and neuroscience with particular regard to the applications of cognitive science, neuropsychopharmacology and neurotechnologies in the 20th century. The course aims to achieve these learning outcomes: 1) an organic knowledge of the major research programs, concepts, and problems of the behavioural sciences and neuroscience; 2) the ability to contextualize, analyze, and critically interpret the ideas and models of explanation of the behavioural sciences and neuroscience also in relation to other research disciplines, material history, culture, ethics, and technological evolution; 3) the historical and theoretical tools for understanding the transformations of psychological and neuroscientic models of cognitive and communication processes. 4) the lexical and conceptual tools necessary to the study of the history of the behavioural sciences, neuroscience, and for acquiring good analytical and argumentative skills in written and oral form.
The monographic part of the program this year aims to critically illustrate the history of the contribution of the behavioral sciences and neuroscience to the understanding of the nature of desire and the processes of construction of habits and their control/dyscontrol, with particular focus on the case of pathological addictions (behavioral/ substance/affective addictions).
( syllabus)
Objectives: The course aims to provide a critical understanding of the historical development of the main themes, problems and models of scientific explanation of behavior and psychological processes, from the earliest naturalized conceptualizations of mind and behavior to experimental psychology and contemporary neuroscience. The evolution of the sciences of behavior, mind, and neuroscience will be discussed in its relationship to the history of philosophical ideas and other human sciences such as sociology and anthropology, in its close intertwining with the natural and biological sciences, and situated in the context of concrete historical transformations of material, economic, and technological kinds. The course will also examine the history of the cultural and moral impact of developments in the behavioral sciences and neurosciences with special emphasis on the applications of neuroscience in the social and economic spheres, and neuropsychopharmacological and neurotechnological applications in the 20th century. Within the framework of this course, teaching aims to provide: An organic knowledge of the main research programs, concepts, and issues in behavioral sciences, experimental psychology, and neuroscience; The ability to contextualize, analyze, and critically interpret ideas and explanatory models in behavioral sciences and neuroscience, also in relation to other research disciplines, material history, culture, ethics, and technological evolution; The lexical and conceptual tools necessary for studying the history of behavioral sciences and neuroscience, useful for acquiring good analytical and argumentative skills in both written and oral form.
Institutional Part on the General History of Behavioral Sciences and Neurosciences:
I) History of Science and History of Psychology Why Study the History of the Sciences of the Mind Historiography of Science: Continuity and Scientific Revolutions Normal Science and Paradigms Historiography of Psychology and Neuroscience
II) Prehistory of Behavioral Sciences: Mind and Behavior in Ancient Philosophy The First Scientific Conceptions of Behavior during the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution From Descartes to the "Idéologues" Theories of Mind and Behavior in Empiricism The Advent of the Biological Perspective in Behavioral Theories: Evolutionism
III) The Birth of Experimental Psychology: From Helmholtz to Wundt The Birth of Experimental Psychology Helmholtz: Specific Nerve Energy and Unconscious Inference The Phenomenological Innatism of Ewald Hering Wilhelm Wundt and Physiological Psychology Titchener and North American Structuralism
IV) American Functionalism, Between Evolutionism and Pragmatism
V) The Psychodynamic Perspective and Psychoanalysis Introduction From Organic to Psychodynamic Conceptions of Mental Illness Janet's Theory Psychoanalysis from Freud to the 1950s Jung's Theory Adler's Theory Themes in Late 20th Century Psychoanalysis and New Topics Phenomenological Psychiatry Theories of Personality Integrated Models of Mental Health and Pathology
VI) The Behaviorist Perspective Introduction American Psychology at the Beginning of the Century: Structuralism and Functionalism Behaviorism from Watson to the 1950s Skinner and the Behaviorist Utopia Operationalism in Psychology Personality, Psychopathology, and Social Learning in the Behaviorist Perspective
VII) The Cognitive Perspective Introduction The Study of Cognitive Processes: From the Würzburg School to Bartlett Theories of Intelligence Theories of Psychological Development Piaget's Theory Probabilistic and Ecological Theories of Mental Processes Cognitivism Cognitive Science
VIII) The Historical-Cultural Perspective Introduction The Historical-Cultural Theory of Mind from Vygotsky to the 1960s Activity Theory Social Constructionism: Cultural Psychology
IX) The Biological and Neuroscientific Perspective Introduction Animal and Comparative Psychology: Ethology Early 20th Century Research on Brain Functions Bechterev's Reflexology Pavlov's Theory of Higher Nervous Activity Holistic Theories of Mind and Brain Function in the Early 20th Century Hebb's Neuroconnectionism Research on Brain Functions and Behavior: 1950-1970 Luria's Theory of Functional Brain Systems Cognitive, Affective, and Social Neurosciences
X) The Contemporary Debate Crisis of Theories or Crisis of Psychology? Empirical Verification in Psychology Common-Sense Psychology and Alternative Psychologies The Primacy of Neuroscience The Discomfort of Psychotherapy Psychology and Contemporary Society
Monographic Part: Mind, Nature, and Emotions. History of Philosophical and Scientific Thought on Emotions
The Concept of Passion from Ancient Philosophy to Empiricism The Invention of the Modern Psychological Category of Emotion The First Biological Conceptions of Emotions: Evolutionists and Darwin Somatic Theories of Emotions Emotions and Language: Constructionist Theories of Emotions The Neurobiology of Emotions Emotions and Illness: The History of Psychosomatics Modulating Emotions: The History of Psychopharmacology and Neurotechnologies for Intervening in Disturbing Emotions
( reference books)
Mecacci L. (2019). Storia della psicologia dal Novecento a oggi. Roma- Bari: Laterza (capitoli: 4; 5; 7; 8).
For the monographic part Professor's handouts
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - Non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - Il Tirocinio di Ricerca può essere inserito solo se proposto dal docente - (show)
20711528 -
Teaching target
The course "Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence Applied to Language" is part of the Cognitive Science of Communication and Action training activities. The lab aims to provide students with a solid theoretical foundation of AI applied to language and a well-established ability to interact with Large Language Models (LLMs) through the most advanced prompt engineering techniques. These objectives are achieved through two phases. The first, more theoretical, involves teaching how neural networks work with a particular focus on Transformers, i.e., the architecture used in commonly used language models today such as ChatGPT. The second, practical phase involves teaching prompt engineering techniques and the student's application, including experimental application, of these techniques in the various scenarios that will be presented.
Expected accomplishments By the end of the course the student will have understood both theoretically and practically how these models work.
Theoretically he or she will have understood: - how neural networks are similar to human functioning and how they differ; - how neural networks and in particular language model neural networks (LLMs) work; and - What prompt engineering techniques should be used depending on the context and in general how to relate to these models - How they can be used in society, work, and their socio-economic implications.
Practically, the student will be able to: - Write the most appropriate prompts for the required case and know how to get the most out of language models - Understand the limitations of such models and how they can be used in a pipeline to create linguistic automations. No prior knowledge of code is necessary
Elective activities
20711265 -
What is self-control and what is emotion regulation? How do they work; what psychological and brain mechanisms do they depend on? Why is voluntary control of psychological processes, such as staying focused, resisting distractions, managing a negative emotion, inhibiting rumination or stopping the mind from wandering, so difficult? And why does voluntary control of actions often fail? That is, for what reasons do we relapse into habits we no longer want to have, into various forms of addiction, or frequently fail to contain an inappropriate impulse or the expression of a potentially harmful emotion? Are there techniques or exercises capable to improve self-control and emotion regulation? What psychological and brain mechanisms are they based on? How are they performed and what evidence of effectiveness exists in the scientific literature? The Workshop on Self-Control and Emotional Regulation. Theories and Practices, aims to provide participants with knowledge of the main theoretical elements and models of explanations of the processes of self-control and emotion regulation, between neuroscience, psychosocial science and philosophy. At the same time, the Lab aims to teach exercises and techniques useful for improving self-regulatory capacity, including several Mindfulness based practices, illustrating its scientific basis and experimental verification of effectiveness. At the end of the Workshop, the student should know and understand the main explanatory models of self-control and emotion regulation and will have a basic mastery of the principal and scientifically validated techniques, exercises and trainings for cognitive enhancement, self-control and emotional regulation. If the number of participants will be sufficient, the Workshop may involve conducting an experimental study designed for measuring the impact of training on some basic variables of self-control, mood, impulsivity, and perceived stress level.
( syllabus)
Goals What is self-control and what is emotion regulation? How do they work; what psychological and brain mechanisms do they depend on? Why is voluntary control of psychological processes, such as staying focused, resisting distractions, managing a negative emotion, restraining brooding or the mind's tendency to wander, so difficult? And why does voluntary control of actions often fail? That is, for what reasons do we fall back into habits we no longer want to have, into different forms of addiction, toward psychoactive substances, behaviors, emotionally destructive relationships? And for what reasons do we so frequently fail to contain an inappropriate impulse or expression of emotion that we know is potentially harmful? Are there techniques, training, practical exercises for developing self-control, regulating emotions more effectively, governing our habits? What psychological and brain mechanisms are they based on? How are they performed and what evidence of effectiveness exists in the scientific literature? The Course, aims to provide participants with knowledge of the main theoretical elements and models of explanations of the processes of self-control and emotion regulation, between neuroscience, psychosocial science and philosophy. At the same time, the Course aims to teach exercises and techniques useful for improving self-regulatory capacity, including several Mindfulness-based practices, illustrating their scientific basis and experimental verification of effectiveness. At the end of the Course, the student should know and understand the main explanatory models of self-control and emotion regulation and will have a basic mastery of the most popular and scientifically validated techniques, exercises and trainings for cognitive enhancement, self-control and emotion regulation.
1. General neuroscience principles for understanding self-control and emotions. - Brain and mind. Between biological evolution, heredity, environment and experience - The maturation of brain circuits of emotions and voluntary control of behavior - Attention, working memory, self-control Exercises: - How do you feel? Description of affective states and enhancement of emotional literacy - The experience of (dis)control of the mind
2. We become what we repeatedly do: the plasticity of the brain and behavior - How the neuron and neurotransmission work - Neuroplasticity and learning - The different types of associative learning - Construction and fixation of habits and automatisms Exercises: - Exploring memory - Training attention with breathing
3. What is an emotion? - Emotions as adaptive programs/ Emotions as constructs - The main theories of emotion - Human history and the evolutionary incongruence of emotional programs Exercises: - Basic meditation - Well-remembered and reactivated well-being - Naming emotions (Strengthening vocabulary of emotions)
4. Emotions Regulation - Outlines of the psychobiology of emotions - Emotions and language, Recognizing and naming an emotion as implicit emotion regulation - The different possible strategies of emotion regulation, adaptive/ dysfunctional - Learning and modification of emotional response styles Exercises: - Introduction to body scan - STOP technique - Stop, Take a breath, Observe, Proceed
5. Emotions and stress - Brief history of the concept of stress, from pathophysiology, to the cognitive dimension of emotions - The mechanisms of stress - The impact of chronic stress on the brain and cognitive and executive functions Exercises: - Measuring perceived stress - Relaxation training - Diaphragmatic breathing - Gratitude journal
6. Cognitive training and contemplative practices. Mindfulness-based practices: scientific evidence and general introduction - What is Mindfulness - Risks and consequences of chronic distraction and Mind wandering - Mind wandering and negative mood - Mindfulness and emotion regulation - Mindfulness and neuroplasticity Exercises: - Basic Mindfulness Meditation - Meditation in motion
7. Voluntary control of behavior: how it works, how it discharges, how it is enhanced - The neural basis of self-control - Attention and self-control - Self-control and ego depletion (Ego depletion) Exercises: - Self-affirmation; - Implementation of intentions - Mantra Meditation
8. Voluntary control of behavior: how to strengthen it - Self-control can be trained and enhanced - Physical Exercise as a form of training self-control - Ego depletion, Mindfulness and other exercises to train the “muscle” of self-control Exercises: - Basic Mindfulness Meditation - Mindfulness meditation on emotions
9. Prosocial behaviors, cognitive empathy - Prosocial behaviors, executive functions and self-control - Prosocial behaviors, psychological health and well-being - What is empathy 1: Cognitive empathy and brain correlates Exercises: - Developing empathic communication: The technique of Reflective Listening; - Empathy Training
10. Prosocial behaviors, affective empathy and compassion - What is affective empathy and brain correlates - Empathy as embodied simulation of others' emotions - Neuroplasticity and the prosocial brain Exercises: - Compassion meditation - Feeling connected
( reference books)
Stefano Canali, Regolare le emozioni. Teorie e metodi per lo sviluppo e il potenziamento dell’autocontrollo. Carocci, Roma, 2021. Mandatory The adopted text is essential for taking the learning progress tests after each lecture and for the final test, all questions will be formulated on the contents of the adopted text
Elective activities
20710040 -
The Course provides for an introduction to the main periods, issues, and authors, in feminist and gender studies and movements. The Course is intended to the acquisition of historical and analytical tools, both in reading and in debating. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course is intended to provide an introduction to contemporary debates on the main contributions to theoretical-political research in the field of feminism and gender studies. It consists of a series of lectures dedicated to fundamental voices and positions to orient oneself in the constellation of feminisms, accompanied by workshop and group activities.
( reference books)
Lucy Delap, Feminisms: A Global History, Pelican 2021 + the materials relating to the workshop meeting(s) chosen for the focus study (the detailed bibliography relating to the workshop meetings will be shared in February)
For Erasmus students it is possible to write the final paper in English (or French)
Elective activities
20710207 -
Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis
The course is devoted to the profiling of a new field of research - through the contribution of political philosophy, aesthetics, history of economics, environmental justice, social geography, urban studies, etc.- to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools in relation to the general dimensions of “environment” and “territory”. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The seminar addresses issues related to the territory and the city. The story of cardinal concepts such as cities, communities, habitats, nature, territory, landscapes, and projects will be presented, discussed and updated, from different perspectives: philosophy, art, political theory, sociology, history, geography, architecture, law, economics, political ecology, communication. By january 2025 the general programme will be published.
( reference books)
A bibliographic selection accompanying the lecture topics will be provided by January 2025
Elective activities
20710383 -
The aim of the course is to introduce the themes of experimental research in the field of cognitive sciences and neurosciences. The laboratory aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge for the design, implementation and administration of experimental research protocols.
Elective activities
21810688 -
The Course aims to provide the students with extensive knowledge and to develop study and critical skills concerning the interaction between law, science and new technologies through the learning of theoretical and general aspects, the methodology necessary to identify the critical points and the analysis of the national and international context.
The Course aims to offer: - the necessary knowledge to enable the students to apply, where possible, the traditional institutions of law to the above mentioned fields; - delve into legal knowledge in order to deal with juridical-technological problematic issues proficiently - the skill to address on a practical level the issues object of study by means of the development of specific activities (practical exercises in class, moot court, presentation and discussion of case study).
Elective activities
20710737 -
The course aims to provide students with the fundamental tools to know and do news journalism today, from the role of the reporter to the contribution to investigations, up to research tools. Trainees will then be able to - Learn how to construct an investigative enquiry - Learning methods for researching sources, access to databases, relations with press offices, new media resources - Compare the right and duty of freedom of information in Italy and in the major western countries - Equip themselves with fact-checking tools in the age of disinformation and post-truths - Challenge themselves with classroom exercises - Meet reporters specialising in news (crime, legal, pink, sports, the evolution of reporting in emergencies, from terrorism to health and environmental crises).
Derived from
20710737 LABORATORIO DI GIORNALISMO DI CRONACA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 Delsere Laura
( syllabus)
The course aims to examine the history and present of news journalism today, its role in shaping public opinion, against the backdrop of a publishing market in crisis, more exposed to the pressures of audience and journalistic storytelling, in the name of infotainment.
Stories of enquiries and reporters in Italy and abroad will be retraced, exploring the role of the investigative journalist today between limits, threats and new opportunities; the selection of sources; interlocutors and research tools on the ground and online, Italian and EU databases, rights of access to institutional data (Foia and similar).
We will discuss resources from datajournalism, social media, and the implications of artificial intelligence on content production and consumption, between the digital revolution and the crisis of journalism.
A focus will be devoted to the anomalous space reserved for news in Italian news, the function of these editorial choices, between audience and censorship, and the comparison with the choices and consumption of information in other advanced democracies. We will also analyse investigative journalism and big news in the perspective of our republican history: from the role of the mafias to the strategy of tension and the 'Italian mysteries', with the emphasis on memory between newsroom and civil conscience.
Elements will be provided on the communication of public institutions, major private companies and advertisers, the role of press offices, corporate communication and crisis management, up to indirect lobbying.
The interaction of news with religious denominations (from Vatican information to relations with the Jewish community, Islamic associations and other cults) will be examined, as well as the issue of secularism. The evolution of the right to report news will be retraced: Italian deontological documents (minors, hate speech, migration, feminicides, gender equality) and EU regulations, protection of sources and whistleblowing, privacy and information rights, publication of wiretaps and press offences, threats to reporters, as well as some of the tools for verifying and debunking news, to test conspiracy and disinformation online.
The workshop will have the students directly measure themselves with reconstruction of case studies and with the writing of texts intended for the various media: from the big news to the evolution of breaking news (environmental emergencies, health, terrorism, climate change), up to current affairs pages (mafias, crime, white and constructive journalism, judicial, gossip, sport), examining styles, languages and stereotypes.
( reference books)
Randall, David, The Universal Journalist. London: Plutopress 2000
2. CRIME NEWS / IN THIS SECTION A VOLUME TO BE CHOSEN FROM: (edited by Davide Bagnoli), La cronaca nera in Italia. Il perché della sua spettacolarizzazione, Temperino Rosso-Edizioni Fortini, Brescia 2016
Francesca Rizzuto, La società dell'orrore. Terrorism and communication in the age of emotional journalism, Pisa University Press 2018 (also available in e-book, e.g. in the Libraries of Rome network https://www.bibliotechediroma.it/opac/resource/la-societa-dellorrore-terrorismo-e-comunicazione-nellera-del-giornalismo-emotivo/ML_0000150254086?tabDoc=tabcata )
Enrico Deaglio, Il raccolto rosso 1982-2010, Il Saggiatore, Milan 2010
Enrico Deaglio, La bomba. 50 anni da piazza Fontana, Feltrinelli 2019
Rita Di Giovacchino, Il libro nero della Prima Repubblica, Fazi editore, Rome 2005
Giovanni Vignali, L'uomo nero e le stragi, Paper First, Rome 2021
Giovanni Fasanella-José Cereghino, Le menti del doppio Stato, Chiarelettere, Rome 2020
Giovanni Tizian, Il silenzio. Italy 1992-2022, Laterza, Bari 2022
4. SOCIAL HISTOTY / IN THIS SECTION ONE TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING VOLUMES: Paul Ginsborg, Italy and its discontents : family, civil society, state, 1980-2001, New York : Palgrave/Macmillan., 2003
Lee McIntyre, Post-Truth , Boston: The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series., 2018
Vanni Codeluppi, La vetrinizzazione sociale. Il processo di spettacolarizzazione degli individui e della società, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino 2007
Byung-Chul Han, The Expulsion of the Other: Society, Perception and Communication today, Cambridge: Polity Press., 2018
Byung-Chul Han, Infocracy: Digitization and the Crisis of Democracy, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2022
Byung-Chul Han, The Burnout Society, Stanford University Press, 2015
5. MEDIA / IN THIS SECTION ONE TO CHOOSE FROM THE FOLLOWING PAPERS OR BOOKS: Brittany Kaiser, Targeted: The Cambridge Analityca Whistleblower’s Inside Story of how Big Data, Trump, and Facebook Broke Democracy and how it Can Happen Again, New York: Harper Collins Publishers., 2019
Christian Salmon, Storytelling: Bewitching the Modern Mind, New York: Verso., 2017
Christian Salmon, La tyrannie des bouffons. Sur le pouvoir grotesque, ed. Les liens que libèrent, Paris 2020
Angelo Agostini, Giornalismi. Media e giornalisti in Italia, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012
Caterina Malavenda, Le regole dei giornalisti, Il Mulino, Bologna 2012
6. IDEAS / IN THIS SECTION ONE OF YOUR CHOICE FROM THE FOLLOWING PAPERS OR VOLUMES: Lilian Thuram, White Thinking: Behind The Mask of Racial Identity, London: Hero Publishers c/o University of Buckingham., 2021
F. Gatti, Bilal. Il mio viaggio clandestino nel mercato dei nuovi schiavi, Milano, 2007
Luciano Canfora, Fermare l’odio, Laterza, Bari 2019
Tom Nichols, The Death of Expertise: The Campaign against Establishes Knowledge and Why it Matters, Oxford University Press., 2018
Anna Foa, Gli ebrei in Italia. I primi 2000 anni, Laterza, Bari 2022
Samir Kassir, Being Arab, London-New York City: Verso Books., 2006
François Jullien, On the Universal: The Uniform, the Common and Dialogue between Cultures, Polity Publisher, University of Cambridge, 2016
François Jullien, A Treatise on Efficacy: Between Western and Chinese Thinking, University of Hawaii, 2004
Naomi Oreskes-Erik M. Conway, Merchants of Doubt, London: Bloomsbury Press., 2010
Testo Unico dei doveri del giornalista: https://www.odg.it/testo-unico-dei-doveri-del-giornalista/24288
Il Manifesto di Venezia: come raccontare il femminicidio: https://www.sindacatogiornalistiveneto.it/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/MANIFESTO-DI-VENEZIA.pdf
9. METHODS OF READING FACTS Some novels by Leonardo Sciascia and a short essay by Marc Bloch will be read during the workshop: Leonardo Sciascia, Opere 1971-1983, Bompiani, Milano 1989 (from this book we will read La scomparsa di Majorana, Il teatro della memoria, I pugnalatori)
Leonardo Sciascia, To Each Its Own, NYRB Classics, 2000
Leonardo Sciascia, The Moro Affair, NYRB Classics, 2004
Leonardo Sciascia, Equal Danger, NYRB Classics,
Leonardo Sciascia, The Day of the Owl, NYRB, 2003
Marc Bloch, Reflections of a Historian on the False News of the War (available on line: https://www.miwsr.com/2013/downloads/2013-051.pdf and among the course materials on Moodle or Teams)
Elective activities
20710194 -
The course has the following learning objectives: • Getting to know the historical trends characterizing contemporary age in Russian and Eurasian territories that first were part of the Russian Empire and then of the USSR; • Understanding the major questions and interpretations of Russian and Eurasian history in contemporary historiography; • Appreciating how cultural, political, religious, social, geopolitical elements have constantly been intertwined in the historical development of the area; • Becoming aware of how that characteristic ‘Russian otherness’ has been shaped in contemporary age through the relation with global events and concurrent differentiation processes .
Elective activities
20711649 -
The course aims to deepen the authors, moments, genres and themes that caracterize the italian literature of our time, from the early twentieth century, taking into account also, as much as possible, the links with the other systems of literary expression other arts, the literatures of other countries, as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help the studente to hone their reading mode.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to orient him/herself in the Italian Contemporary Literature.
Derived from
20711649 LETTERATURA ITALIANA CONTEMPORANEA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 CORTELLESSA ANDREA
( syllabus)
Travelling, seeing. Manganelli, Arbasino
( reference books)
a) Giorgio Manganelli, Esperimento con l’India, Milano, Adelphi, 1992 and/or Id., La favola pitagorica, Milano, Adelphi, 2005 and/or Id., L’isola pianeta, Milano, Adelphi, 2006 + Viaggio in Africa, Adelphi 2018
b) Giorgio Manganelli, Emigrazioni oniriche. Scritti sulle arti, Milano, Adelphi, 2023
c) Alberto Arbasino, Il meraviglioso, anzi, Milano, Garzanti, 1985 and/or Id., Le muse a Los Angeles, Milano, Adelphi, 2000 + Id., Ritratti italiani, Milano, Adelphi, 2014 and/or Ritratti e immagini, Milano, Adelphi 2016
Alberto Arbasino, Fratelli d’Italia, Milano, Adelphi, 1993 (or further editions)
d) Andrea Cortellessa, Filologia fantastica. Ipotizzare, Manganelli, Ancona, Argolibri 2022
Andrea Cortellessa, Il libro è altrove. Ventisei piccole monografie su Giorgio Manganelli, Roma, Luca Sossella, 2020 e) Arbasino A-Z, a cura di Andrea Cortellessa, Milano, Electa, 2023
f) Luigi Marfè, Oltre la «fine dei viaggi». I resoconti dell’altrove nella letteratura contemporanea, Olschki 2009
f) to give a context in 20th and 21st century italian literary history: Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, quarto volume: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012
Elective activities
Optional group:
20710322 -
The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of methods, tools and approaches characterizing sociolinguistics, taking also into account the epistemological problems concerning its adjacency to other branches of linguistic and social knowledge. At the end of the course, students will write an essay showing their competence in gathering data and analyzing them in sociolinguistic perspective.
Core compulsory activities
20704054 -
The course aims to provide students with advanced knowledge of the vocabulary and the fundamental problems of aesthetics. Specific attention will be deserved to some of the most significant authors in the discipline. Students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to discuss and to develop arguments both in a theorical and in a historical perspective. Students are expected to acquire the following skills: Advanced critical thinking on aesthetics; Advanced language and argumentation skills about the topic of the course; Capacity to read and analyse texts about Aesthetics; Oral and/or written presentation (Italian or English)
( syllabus)
The course will address the Aesthetics of Gilles Deleuze.
( reference books)
1) D. Angelucci, Là fuori. La filosofia e il reale, Ombrecorte, Verona. 2) A group of texts of your choice from the following, devoted to literature (a), painting (b), or film (c).
a) G. Deleuze, Proust e i segni, Einaudi, Torino. G. Deleuze, F. Guattari, Kafka. Per una letteratura minore, Quodlibet, Macerata. G. Deleuze, Claire Parnet, Conversazioni, Ombrecorte, Verona. soltanto il capitolo II G. Deleuze, La letteratura e la vita in Critica e Clinica, Cortina, MIlano (Fotocopie fornite dalla docente)
b) G. Deleuze, Logica della sensazione, Quodlibet, Macerata G. Deleuze, Corso sulla pittura, Einaudi, Torino.
c) G. Deleuze, Immagine-movimento , Ubulibri, Milano. G. Deleuze, Immagine-tempo, Ubilibri, MIlano.
Core compulsory activities
20709714 -
The course has two main goals. The first one is to propose an education finalized to learn the main classification methods of language disorders in pathologies such as aphasia, autism, schizophrenia. The second is to illustrate how the investigation of language disorders might be used to inform theoretical models on language functioning.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to: a) use knowledge on linguistic pathologies to reflect on the more general issue of the cognitive plausibility of the theoretical models proposed to account for the functioning of language; b) read and understand experimental scientific articles written in English dealing with issues relating to the cognitive foundations of language.
( syllabus)
The functions of language: cognitive vs. communicative function The (classical) cognitive science of language Modularity of mind
Levels of language processing Microanalysis deficits: aphasias Broca's aphasia Wernicke's aphasia
The pragmatics of language Pragmatic disorders: autism spectrum disorder
Pragmatics of discourse Schizophrenia Traumatic brain injury
( reference books)
!! Syllabus valid from June 2025 exam session unique for all students (no difference between attending and non-attending students) !!!
[-- Those taking the exam in the January-February 2025 session should refer to syllabus 2023-24]
1 book + 2 articles:
(Book 1) Adornetti I. (2018) Pathologies of language and communication. Carocci, Rome.
(Article 1) will be communicated at the beginning of the course
(Article 2) will be communicated at the beginning of the course
Core compulsory activities
20710609 -
Word design and advertising - LM -
The course aims to define the Adv Language as a powerful tool of verbal-iconic design. A series of teaching/learning activities complete the presentation of the cognitive models and the explication of the grammar that, marking slogans, headlines, jingles, captions and trademarks, change the objects we live by. In this perspective the creative and innovative Adv Language is described as a perceptive transformer code, that has to understood through the different phases of project, realization, and representation. In this process the activities of naming regarding the products and the promotional messages are a fundamental strategy of conceptual construction. With the course, the students also acquire the specific skill for transcribing them in a repository and analyzing complex icono-texts as the tv commercial and that of using their a-grammatical rules and their non-senses in a coherent and creative way. The course is divided in three parts: 1.From the spatial design to the word design; 2.The grammar of the Adv Language between rules and semantic mappings; 3. The adv language around the bod mail-order catalogues and the trademarks of Cosmetics, Fashion, Food and Sport. Workshops, experiments and surveys improve the theorical study with aapplied training.
Core compulsory activities
20710075 -
The course aims to illustrate how the historical perspective, the sociolinguistics, the pragmatics and the semiotics can analyze the language of newspapers highlighting the lexical, syntactic and morphological features and the intercultural aspects of different texts. A part of course will focus on the cognitive paradigm, the titles and the metaphors. There are no prerequisites. Specific activities could be organized to support the study of the foreign students and the working students.
Derived from
20710075 LINGUISTICA E GIORNALISMO - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 CATRICALA' MARIA
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to provide the knowledge and the skills adequate to analyze, to compare, and to value the different kinds of texts and the diverse levels of messages structured in the pages of the newspapers. The fil rouge of their 30.000 words printed every day and read by millions of people can be understood only considering a series of constructional facets of the discourse, its inferential valence and conceptual interfaces. The rhetorical figures, as well as the various kinds of sentences, the lexical configurations and the idiomatic expressions are described in the light of the Critical Discourse Analysis and in that of the Cognitive Linguistics.
( reference books)
Catricalà Linguistica e Giornalismo Moirand I discorsi giornalistici Radden G. - Dirven R. Cognitive English Grammar Catricalà Giornalismo di moda
Core compulsory activities