Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
20110587 -
Introduction to Digital Tecnologies
Technology is pervasive in our daily experience, but we must never forget that it is a tool at our service. We are surrounded by data, applications and digital services of all kinds and nature and we ourselves, more or less consciously, are users of these new digital technologies on a daily basis. Technology makes it possible to record, store and analyze ever-growing quantities of data, to search, book, pay for goods and services, to manage relations with the public administration, to express our opinion on the services and goods we use, to access virtual realities, to consume entertainment services whenever we want and wherever we are, to communicate for work or pleasure with anyone wherever they are. Therefore new problems of Control, Quality, Reliability, Certification, Security of the digital platforms on which we operate arise. The boundaries between social and private are more blurred, data can make us freer and more aware, or more vulnerable and orientable. Hand in hand with technology, it is necessary to develop the ability to search, integrate, elaborate, imagine and understand. And together with all this we need ethical awareness and social responsibility. In this context, great attention is paid to Artificial Intelligence and how it can be applied in different fields and how its applications are changing the world. Machine Learning in recent years has found wide areas of application, for example in the field of health. In this course we will address these issues with an approach where the questions we ask ourselves will be more important than the answers we will find, together or individually.
Conigliaro Giuseppe
( programma)
date time subjects room Monday 6 March 2023 18-20 New Paradigms for Digital Architectures 350 Tuesday 7 March 2023 18-20 New Paradigms for Data Architectures 350 Wednesday 8 March 2023 18-20 Emerging Issues - Data Privacy/Data Governance 350 Monday 13 March 2023 18-20 GDPR - Regulations & Roles 350 Tuesday 14 March 2023 18-20 Data Analysis & Design: W6H 350 Wednesday 15 March 2023 18-20 Data Modeling - ER Model 350 Monday 20 March 2023 18-20 ER Model: Identification Keys - Hierarchies 350 Tuesday 21 March 2023 18-20 ER Model: Exercises on ER Diagrams 350 Wednesday 22 March 2023 18-20 ER Model: Exercises on Trasforming ERD into Tables 350 Monday 27 March 2023 18-20 Data Warehouse-Multidimensional Model 350 Tuesday 28 March 2023 18-20 Data Warehouse-Star Schema, Snowflake Skema, Galaxy Schemas 350 Wednesday 29 March 2023 18-20 Data Warehouse-Exercises on Star/Snowflake/Galaxy Schemas 350 Monday 3 April 2023 18-20 Big Data: Definition; NoSQL models 350 Tuesday 4 April 2023 18-20 Artificial Intelligence 350 Wednesday 5 April 2023 18-20 Machine Learning 350 Monday 17 April 2023 18-20 Test on the first part of the course 350 Tuesday 18 April 2023 18-20 Presentation and discussion of the papers on the first part of the course 350 Wednesday 19 April 2023 18-20 Deep Learning & Neural Networks 350 Tuesday 2 May 2023 18-20 Deep Learning & Neural Networks 350 Wednesday 3 May 2023 18-20 Regulation on Artificial Intelligence 350 Monday 8 May 2023 18-20 BlockChain: Cryptocurrencies, Smart Contracts and Certification 350 Tuesday 9 May 2023 18-20 Digital Identity: Definition and Regulations 350 Wednesday 10 May 2023 18-20 Digital Divide: Definition and Regulations 350 Monday 15 May 2023 18-20 The Industry 4.0 national plan: Objectives and enabling technologies 350 Tuesday 16 May 2023 18-20 Digital Era: social and behavioral implications of new technologies 350 Wednesday 17 May 2023 18-20 ChatGPT: ethical, social and economic implications 350 Monday 22 May 2023 18-20 Test on the second part of the course 350 Tuesday 23 May 2023 18-20 Final Discussion about the topics of the course 350
( testi)
"The Entity Relationship Model — Toward a Unified View of Data" Peter_Pin_Shan-Chen Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA © 2002 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg Print ISBN: 978-3-642-63970-8
"Building the Data Lakehouse" Bill Inmon, Mary Levins, Ranjeet Srivastava - First Printing 2021 Copyright © 2021 by Bill Inmon, Mary Levins, and Ranjeet Srivastava ISBN, print ed. 9781634629669 ISBN, Kindle ed. 9781634629676 ISBN, ePub ed. 9781634629683 ISBN, PDF ed. 9781634629690
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110473 -
European and Comparative Data Law
The course aims to offer an introduction to the disciplines that govern the production, control and circulation of personal and non-personal data in European and comparative law. It aims to overcome the traditional disciplinary barriers and illustrate how public law and private law define systems of governance of data as crucial assets for the information society. Among the most relevant topics, the course will deal with the relationship between data and territory, data as economic resources, data as the object of fundamental rights, data in the IoT and artificial intelligence, data and digital platforms.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
3) Scelta primo anno secondo semestre Discipline storico-giuridiche, internazionalistiche, comparatistiche e politiche - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110553 -
International Law
The course aims at providing students an introduction to the various aspects of public international law. At the end of this course, students should be proficient in the following subject areas and skills: being able to identify the international legal implications of current world events; having knowledge of the sources of international law as well as of the facts and legal reasonings of relevant international judgements; understanding the place of international law in the domestic legal systems: carrying out proper analysis on selected issues in public international law. This course will provide students with sufficient knowledge to enable them to participate actively in other, more specialized courses on Public International Law.
Erogato presso
20110171 International Law(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 A - Z SOSSAI MIRKO
( programma)
Il corso costituisce un'introduzione ai temi generali del diritto internazionale pubblico, tra i quali: le origini e i fondamenti della comunità internazionale; i soggetti di diritto internazionale: gli Stati, le organizzazioni internazionali e gli individui (compresa la questione delle immunità); le fonti del diritto internazionale: diritto consuetudinario, diritto dei trattati, principi generali del diritto; l’adattamento del diritto interno al diritto internazionale; la responsabilità internazionale dello Stato per fatto illecito; la risoluzione pacifica delle controversie (compreso il ruolo della Corte internazionale di giustizia); i principi che regolano l'uso della forza nelle relazioni internazionali (compreso il sistema di sicurezza collettiva delle Nazioni Unite e il ruolo delle organizzazioni regionali). Particolare attenzione sarà data alla nozione di sanzione nel diritto internazionale. Una serie di seminari si concentrerà su temi di attualità nel campo del diritto internazionale pubblico, compresa la protezione dei diritti umani e dell'ambiente. Alla fine di questo corso, gli studenti dovrebbero acquisire competenze nelle seguenti aree tematiche e abilità: essere in grado di identificare le implicazioni giuridiche internazionali degli eventi mondiali attuali; avere conoscenza delle fonti del diritto internazionale nonché dei fatti e delle argomentazioni giuridiche delle pertinenti sentenze internazionali; svolgere un'analisi adeguata su questioni selezionate nel diritto internazionale pubblico.
( testi)
Jan Klabbers, International Law (3rd edn, Cambridge University Press, 2021)
Moreover, the following papers (that are available on the Moodle platform):
Aust, H., & E. Nijman, J. (2021). "The emerging roles of cities in international law – introductory remarks on practice, scholarship and the Handbook". In Research Handbook on International Law and Cities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 1-15
Nesi, G. (2021). The Shifting Status of Cities in International Law? A Review, Several Questions and a Straight Answer, The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 30(1), 15-36
Sossai, M. (2021). "Invisibility of cities in classical international law". In Research Handbook on International Law and Cities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, 64-76
and one of the following papers:
du Plessis, A. (2021). " Climate change law and sustainable development". In Research Handbook on International Law and Cities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Martinez, K. (2021). In The Face of Financialization: Cities and the Human Right to Adequate Housing, The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 30(1), 107-130.
Oomen, B. (2021). "Chapter 19: Cities, refugees and migration". In Research Handbook on International Law and Cities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing
Vinuales, J., & Lu Reimers, L. (2021). "The law of economic globalization and cities". In Research Handbook on International Law and Cities. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Sossai, M. (2022). The Place of Cities in the Evolution of International Humanitarian Law, The Italian Yearbook of International Law Online, 31(1), 227-252.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110554 -
European Union Law
Students acquire knowledge and understanding of both the Union's institutional system and the internal market law. These objectives will also be achieved through the evaluation of case law. Students will develop a critical awareness of the Union's legal system, and will be able to have autonomous judgments based in particular on the correct use of legal language. Students will also develop communication skills as regards the topics of the course with good expressive technique. In terms of learning skills, the student will be able to conduct his/her own evaluation of legal issues by putting into practice the method and learning acquired during lessons and seminars.
Erogato presso
20110195 European Union Law(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 BARATTA ROBERTO
( programma)
Parte generale: Il processo di integrazione europea; le sfere di azione dell'Unione, il quadro istituzionale, le fonti e procedure normative, il sistema di garanzie giurisdizionali; i rapporti fra il diritto dell'Unione e l'ordinamento interno. Parte speciale Il diritto del mercato interno: la nozione di mercato interno, la libera circolazione delle merci, la libera circolazione delle persone, il diritto di stabilimento e la libera prestazione di servizi.
( testi)
R. Baratta, Institutions of EU Law, Wolters Kluver, 2022
As regards, internal market law (namely, free circulation rights) cases and materials will be given to students attending the classes
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
2) Scelta primo anno Discipline storico-giuridiche, internazionalistiche, comparatistiche e politiche -curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110555 -
Comparative Legal Systems
Objectives The course aims at introducing students, with a holistic perspective, to what a legal system is, what are the main differences between them, how to compare them. They main aim is that of showing the extreme complexity of contemporary legal systems and the continuous circulation of models between them.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110472 -
Comparative Law of Digital Markets
The Course aims at conducting a comparative analysis of some of the key institutions of private law, including contract and tort, and their role in digital markets. By introducing students to the comparative methodology in the study of law, it furthers a better understanding of national law and it aims at developing critical and analytical tools through which students will be able to identify and research relevant issues in the private law of digital markets, through a direct approach to normative, jurisprudential and doctrinal sources of foreign and supranational law.
( programma)
The course aims at conducting a comparative analysis of some of the key institutions of private law and their role in digital markets. Using comparative methodology, the course analyses the digital revolution and its impact on private law, with a focus on the relationship between innovation, technology and law; existing and emerging business models in digital markets; contract and tort in digital markets.
The detailed program is available here:
( testi)
Course materials Materials, academic papers and cases for the course will be published with the class schedule and syllabus before the beginning of the course.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
4) Scelta primo anno Discipline giuridiche e analisi dei processi sociali - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110558 -
Legal Philosophy in a Global Perspective
The course is designed to provide students with the theoretical instruments necessary to confront contemporary debates on law and globalization. Students will acquire familiarity with: theoretical approaches related to globalization and the transformation of legal systems, current paradigms of transnationalism and legal pluralism, struggles for recognition and justice familiarity with critical approaches to law and globalization from post-colonial and and feminist perspectives instruments to interpret contemporary debates on rights’ recognition, redistribution and global justice
Erogato presso
20110358 Legal philosophy in a global perspective(Global legal studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 RIGO ENRICA
( programma)
The following themes will be addressed during the course: the legal globalisation; the theories of war and peace in international law; critical international law and postcolonial theory; the feminist critique to globalization; different approaches to environmental justice.
During the course, the students will be encouraged to attend seminars organised with guest speakers and to actively take part in the lessons.
Course Learning Objectives At the end of this course, students should be proficient in the following subject areas and skills: familiarity with the transformations that have occurred as a result of the shift from a state-centred paradigm of law to the current paradigm of global legal pluralism familiarity with the theoretical approaches related to globalization and the transformation of legal systems, transnationalism and struggles for recognition acquisition of instruments to interpret contemporary debates on rights’ recognition, redistribution and global justice
( testi)
Kelsen, Peace through Law, Part I and II
Schmitt, The nomos of the Earth, Part I and part IV
Papers/ articles
Kennedy, The Three Globalizazion of Law
Teubner, Global Bukowina: Legal Pluralism in the World Society
De Vito, Critical enviromental Law
Chimni, Prolegomena to a class approach to international law
de Sousa Santos, Beyond Neoliberal Governance: the World Social Forum as subaltern cosmopolitan politics and legality
Macmillan, Critical law and development
Otto, D. , Subalternity and international law: The problems of global community and the incommensurability of difference
Hilary Charlesworth, Christine Chinkin and Shelley Wright, Feminist Approaches to International Law
Fraser, N. Contradictions of Capitalism and Care
All readings will be uploaded on the e-learning platform
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110474 -
Bio Law
The course aims to offer students an in-depth look at the international ethical debate on the legal regulation of medical research and practice facing scientific and biotechnological innovation challenges. The focus of the course will be the analysis of a selection of issues and problems (experimentation on human beings, reproductive technologies, genetic counseling and gene-editing, human enhancement) that lead to a critical reconsideration of the traditional way of understanding health in the direction of a new medicine ("beyond therapy") and the demand for the recognition of new rights related to it.
( programma)
The course is going to focus on the following selected topics: - conceptions of disease: naturalism vs constructivism; - positive conceptions of health and the future of health care; - functional normality under discussion: the social model of disability; - liberal eugenics and its critics - Human enhancement: -----assisted reproductive technologies and "negative" enhancement; -----the case for/against perfection.
( testi)
Reference texts, for the final research paper and the exam preparation, will be given during classes.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110556 -
European Private Law
The course aims at providing an understanding of the process of Europeanization of private law. After a basic introduction on the institutional framework of EU law, necessary to understand its interplay with the purposes and methods of private law harmonization, the course focuses on EU Primary Sources (in particular, EU fundamental rights and freedoms, and their horizontal effects in private law matters) and EU Secondary Sources (with focus on legislative and judiciary techniques of unification and harmonization of the law). Attention is given also to the role of the European Court of Justice in the edification of EU private law and to the results of non-legislative projects of harmonization promoted at European level. The core areas of EU private law are then surveyed (contract law, with specific focus on consumer contracts; tort law, with specific focus on product liability regimes; basic issues of EU data protection law, and hints to European family and property law).
Erogato presso
20110194 European Private Law(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 THOMALE CHRIS
( programma)
Il corso prende le mosse da un inquadramento generale del Diritto Privato nella sua dimensione europea e si articola in tre moduli, il cui contenuto sarà oggetto di approfondimento di discussione nel corso delle lezioni:
I) Principi di diritto privato europeo II) Diritto derivato dell'Unione Europea III) Diritto privato comparato nell'Unione Europea.
( testi)
Primo modulo: Craig - de Bùrca, EU Law: Text, Cases, and Materials.
Secondo modulo: il materiale è disponibile sulla pagina del corso sulla piattaforma Moodle.
Terzo Modulo: Zweigert - Kötz, An Introduction to Comparative Law.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Materia a scelta (2 insegnamenti da 7CFU scelti tra quelli del curriculum) -curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
Gruppo opzionale:
Scelta di 4 insegnamenti da 7CFU Attività formative affini o integrative - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110477 -
EU Financial Law: Institutional Framework
The course aims to introduce students to the study of European regulation of the financial sector, with particular attention to the supervisory architecture. The first part of the course is devoted to illustrating the functions of the financial system and the intermediaries through which these functions are performed; the fundamental principles and objectives that govern financial regulation. The second part explores the institutional architecture of supervision in Europe, with particular attention to the Banking Union and the tasks of the European Central Bank. The decisions of the European Court of Justice are key readings to understand the regulatory framework.
Erogato presso
20110477 EU Financial Law: Institutional Framework
( programma)
Il corso si propone di introdurre gli studenti allo studio della regolamentazione europea del settore finanziario. La prima parte del corso è dedicata alla illustrazione delle funzioni del sistema finanziario e degli intermediari attraverso i quali tali funzioni vengono svolte; dei principi e degli obiettivi fondamentali che regolano la regolamentazione finanziaria.
La seconda parte approfondisce le strategie normative per raggiungere questi obiettivi e l'evoluzione del processo di armonizzazione delle leggi nel settore finanziario e l'architettura istituzionale della supervisione sulla finanza in Europa. Particolare attenzione è dedicata alle pronunce della Corte di Giustizia europea che hanno stabilito importanti principi nella definizione dell'architettura istituzionale delle autorità europee e di tutela dei diritti degli investitori.
( testi)
John Armour, Dan Awrey, Paul Davies, Luca Enriques, Jeffrey N. Gordon, Colin Mayer, and Jennifer Payne, Principles of Financial Regulation, First edition – Oxford University Press – 2016.
20110478 -
Intellectual Property Law
In this course we will examine the relevant international and European law governing the two major areas of intellectual property, patents and copyright with a view to understanding their role in regulating technological development. The course will focus on the way in which the law understands and balances the competing rights of technology creators, technology users and the owners of intellectual property rights in that technology. It will examine the extent to which the balance achieved by intellectual property law favours societal interests in technological innovation.
20110479 -
European Private International Law
The course aims to focus on the private international law aspects regulated by the law of the European Union in relation to civil and commercial matters, non-contractual obligations, matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, as well as in matters of succession. Therefore, the course is intended to provide students with additional tools concerning legal analysis with respect to substantive and procedural disciplines with particular attention to the perspective of the European integration.
De Stefano Carlo
( programma)
Principles, methods and techniques of private international law.
Jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters.
The European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims.
The law applicable to contractual obligations.
The law applicable to non-contractual obligations.
Jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility, and international child abduction.
Jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and the creation of a European Certificate of Succession.
( testi)
Michael Bogdan & Marta Pertegás Sender, "Concise Introduction to EU Private International Law", Europa Law Publishing, 4th edition, 2019 (ISBN: 9789089522085).
20110483 -
Extreme Speech and Digital Media
The course is intended to provide students with an in-depth analysis of a crucial topic in the normative framework of contemporary constitutional democracy, as well as in the public opinion. Students will be encouraged in engaging in critical discussions amongst them, and with the invited speakers (which will be expected to provide a methodologically and substantially diverse approach to the topic).
( programma)
The course will provide a critical introduction to various forms of extreme speech (hate speech, racism, pornography, blasphemy, Holocaust denialism, etc.) that nowadays pervade the public discourse through digital media. This will also require an analysis of the moral and political justifications of the principle of freedom of expression, and of its place in contemporary constitutonal democracies. While the principle of freedom of speech requires tolerance for dissent, harsh criticism, and disagreeable forms of expression, it is clear that extreme speech raises important theoretical and practical questions in a well-ordered society. For each form of extreme speech, the course will provide an in-depth analysis of existing legislation as well as of the relevant case law.
( testi)
the syllabus will be available on the e-learning website of the course
20110585 -
Advanced Administrative Law
The Course consists of lectures and case law discussions, meant to encourage active students’ participation. Each case will be examined in the context of its specific jurisdiction and through comparative overview. Students’ evaluation will be based on class work, oral presentations and comments, and a final exam. Academic papers, cases and materials will be made available in class and on the website.
Erogato presso
20110166 Advanced administrative law(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 A - Z NAPOLITANO GIULIO
( programma)
Il corso è diviso in cinque sezioni: I. General overview of the most important systems of administrative law around the world. II. The role of government, public powers and human rights. III. Delegation, expertise and contracting out. IV. The regulation of administrative action. Cost-benefit analysis, administrative procedures and transparency. V. Judicial review and administrative litigation.
( testi)
Letture richieste come obbligatorie per il corso
Napolitano, Giulio, “Comparative Administrative Law. Cases and Problems.” (2019).
Letture preliminari consigliate
Bignami, Francesca. "Comparative Administrative Law." The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Law (2012): 145-170. Boughey, Janina. "Administrative Law: The Next Frontier for Comparative Law." International and Comparative Law Quarterly 62.01 (2013): 55-95. Napolitano, Giulio, “The Transformations of Comparative Administrative Law.” Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico (2017): 997-1003
Letture addizionali ed ulteriori
Rose-Ackerman, Susan, Peter L. Lindseth, and Blake Emerson (editors), “Comparative Administrative Law”, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, second edition, 2017.
Le letture obbligatorie e quelle preliminari e addizionali consigliate saranno disponibili sulla piattaforma Elearning
20110590 -
International Arbitration
Course Learning Objectives • To understand the basic practical and historical reasons for the development of international arbitration as a means of dispute resolution in international trade and foreign direct investment. • To develop a thorough knowledge of the main international instruments for the harmonisation of international arbitration worldwide. • To understand the importance of the lex arbitri and to acquire a satisfactory degree of familiarity with the provisions of several domestic/international arbitration statutes. • To become familiar with the different available types of arbitration. • To understand the fundamental principles governing the validity of arbitration agreements. • To identify scope and limits of the jurisdiction of arbitral tribunals. • To acquire the ability to draft different arbitration clauses in the presence of different scenarios. • To acquire the ability to analyse pre-drafted arbitration clauses and to identify potential difficulties. • To become acquainted with the main issues relating to the conduct of arbitration proceedings in different jurisdictions and under the arbitration rules of different arbitral institutions. • To acquire the practical ability to prepare written submissions and to develop sufficient skills to perform basic oral advocacy tasks. • To become familiar with the main issues connected to the gathering of evidence in international arbitration. • To develop sufficient knowledge on recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. • To become familiar with the main peculiarities of foreign investment arbitration.
20110592 -
International Human Rights Law
The course is aimed at familiarising participants with the legal issues relating to the protection of human rights at the international (universal and regional) level, and enabling them to acquire and/or develop the skills of identifying, evaluating and using international human rights law material, so as to employ this competence within international (governmental or non-governmental) organisations, national ministries and other institutions, national and international courts and tribunals, and the practice of domestic and international law. The approach taken will be to provide information about the essential elements of international human rights law – conceptual, institutional and substantive – in an interactive and flexible manner. Specifically, students will be directed to: recognise and interpret the main sources of substantive human rights law; examine the nature and scope of human rights obligations; identify the main international institutions for the protection of human rights and evaluate their performance; and critically consider current issues facing the protection of human rights internationally.
Erogato presso
20110592 International Human Rights Law in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 PALMISANO GIUSEPPE
( programma)
The following topics will progressively be covered during the course:
1) Introduction to International Human rights Law (IHRL). Historical Overview of the Development of IHRL. 2) Human Rights as Part of International Law. The Sources of International Human Rights Law: - human rights as customary international law; human rights as general principles of international law; human rights and jus cogens; human rights and international soft law. - human rights as treaty law. Limitations, derogations and reservations to human rights treaty obligations: generalities. The interpretation of human rights treaties. 3) An overview of the substantive content of human rights in international law. ‘Generations’ of human rights and the distinction between civil/political rights and economic/social rights. Human rights as indivisible, interdependent, interrelated and mutually reinforcing rights. 4) Nature and typologies of State obligations under human rights treaties. The tri-partite typology of ‘respect, protect and fulfil’. Immediately prescriptive obligations and obligations of progressive realization. 5) International oversight and protection of human rights: universal and regional systems and bodies. 6) The UN system: the two International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights, and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the UN treaty bodies and individual communications. 7) The UN Human Rights Council, the Universal Periodic Review, and other UN mechanisms. 8) The European system: the Council of Europe; the European Convention of Human Rights and the Strasbourg Court; the European Social Charter and the European Committee of Social Rights. 9) The European mechanisms for the protection of human rights. Lodging an application with the European Court of Human Rights. The collective complaints procedure provided for by the European Social Charter. 10) Human rights and international criminal responsibility of individuals: the role of international criminal courts and tribunals in prosecuting crimes against human rights. 11) Human rights and State responsibility for internationally wrongful acts: content and implementation of the responsibility of the State for the violation of human rights obligations under general international law. Use of force and protection of human rights. The “responsibility to protect” doctrine. 12) Use of force and protection of human rights. The “responsibility to protect” doctrine. Humanitarian intervention. The protection of human rights in armed conflicts and the rules of international humanitarian law.
The program also includes insights on: The rights of the child; The rights of persons with disabilities; Fundamental rights under EU law; The European Pillar of Social Rights.
( testi)
Recommended textbooks:
D. Shelton, Advanced Introduction To International Human Rights Law. 2nd edition. Cheltenham - UK: E. Elgar, 2020. G. Palmisano, Collective Complaints As a Means for Protecting Social Rights in Europe. Anthem Press, London/New York/Melbourne/Delhi, 2022.
Further readings (including selected articles and excerpts from relevant literature) will be suggested during the course.
20110594 -
Law and Gender
Students will be familiar with the different theoretical approaches that address the relation between law and gender: from the critiques of the neutrality of the legal subject, to the discussion on intersectionality, to the relation between care, social reproduction and exploitation. Students will also acquire knowledge of the penal instrument contrasting violence against women at national and European and will critically address the issue gender representation in the media.
Erogato presso
20110594 Law and Gender in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 RIGO ENRICA
( programma)
Il corso "Law and Gender", svolto in lingua in inglese, si propone di indagare la rilevanza del concetto di genere nel dibattito giuridico, privilegiando la prospettiva filosofica e quella penalistica.
Programma sintetico:
Making trouble: a difficult definition of gender Histories and theories of feminism The gender of modernity Making rights from below: the CEDAW Criminal Law and Gender: general framework Gender violence: the crime of stalking
Gender, anti-discrimination law and human rights Culturally motivated crimes Gender, migrations and human rights Gender and social reproduction Theory
Sexual orientation and politics Gender violence: the crime of sexual violence Pornography and law
( testi)
Angela Davis, Women, Race and Class
other readings will be suggested during cLasses
20110486 -
Economic Analysis of International Commercial Contracts
The course aims at: - introducing students to the foundations and the main topics of the Economic Analysis of Law, and to the “Law and Economics” methodology - providing students with the necessary tools to evaluate the efficiency of legal rules with regard to Contract Law - understanding the economic function of international commercial contracts - evaluating what is the most efficient allocation of remote risks in the different types of international commercial contracts - identifying the economic rationale of the most important clauses in international commercial contracts - identifying the economic rationale of the different doctrines governing unforeseen supervening events and changes of circumstances in the common law and the civil law systems
Erogato presso
20110486 Economic Analysis of International Commercial Contracts in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 ROJAS ELGUETA GIACOMO
( programma)
The purpose of the course is twofold: (i) to provide the tools to analyze the legal phenomenon through the economic lens and, more specifically, through the notions of neoclassical economics, and (ii) to offer an in-depth economic analysis of contract law and, more specifically, of international commercial contracts.
The predictive ability of the economic reasoning allows one to determine which incentives are placed on individuals by different laws and, consequently, which effects should be reasonably expected from the adoption of a certain rule. The “Law and Economics” method aims at selecting efficient rules capable of maximizing the social welfare.
Besides the methodological issues, the course covers the main topics of the Economic Analysis of Contract Law. In particular, after explaining the interaction between the “Law and Economics” method and Contract Law, the course will focus on the scope and function of international commercial contracts, offering an economic analysis of their most important clauses.
Finally, the course will analyze the different contractual remedies to supervening events, an area of contract law that is on the forefront of the legal discourse, both from an academic and practical perspective, as a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the rise of armed conflicts and the consequent imposition of international sanctions.
( testi)
A selection of readings from various sources will be used as indicated during the semester and will be sent by the Professor ahead of classes.
20110552 -
Civil Procedure Law II
The course completes the analysis of Civil Procedure Law I (in Italian) and aims to transfer a very specific knowledge about the roots and the development of European legislation in civil procedural matters.
Erogato presso
20110170 Civil Procedure Law II(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 A - Z FRADEANI FRANCESCO
( programma)
L'introduzione del corso riguarda le radici e lo sviluppo della legislazione europea in materia processuale civile. Il corso sarà diviso in due parti. Il primo riguarda i temi principali dei principi transnazionali relativi alle norme europee di procedura civile elaborati dall'Istituto di diritto europeo (ELI) e dall'Istituto internazionale per l'unificazione del diritto privato (UNIDROIT). La seconda parte riguarda lo studio di alcune delle più importanti norme processuali europee in materia civile, distinguendo i procedimenti di aggiudicazione da quelli di esecuzione. Particolare enfasi è data al Regolamento (CE) n. 4/2009 del Consiglio, del 18 dicembre 2008, relativo alla competenza, alla legge applicabile, al riconoscimento e all'esecuzione delle decisioni e alla cooperazione in materia di obbligazioni alimentari; Regolamento (CE) n. 2201/2003 del Consiglio, del 27 novembre 2003, relativo alla competenza, al riconoscimento e all'esecuzione delle decisioni in materia matrimoniale e in materia di responsabilità genitoriale, che abroga il regolamento (CE) n. Regolamento (UE) n. 650/2012 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 4 luglio 2012, relativo alla competenza, alla legge applicabile, al riconoscimento e all'esecuzione delle decisioni, all'accettazione e all'esecuzione degli atti pubblici in materia di successioni e all'istituzione di un certificato europeo di Successione; regolamento (CE) n. 805/2004 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 21 aprile 2004, che istituisce un titolo esecutivo europeo per i crediti non contestati; Regolamento (CE) n. 1896/2006 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 12 dicembre 2006, che istituisce un procedimento europeo di ingiunzione di pagamento; Regolamento (CE) n. 1206/2001 del Consiglio, del 28 maggio 2001, relativo alla cooperazione tra i giudici degli Stati membri nell'assunzione delle prove in materia civile o commerciale; Regolamento (CE) n. 861/2007 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, dell'11 luglio 2007, che istituisce un procedimento europeo per le controversie di modesta entità; Regolamento (CE) n. 1393/2007 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 13 novembre 2007, relativo alla notificazione e alla comunicazione negli Stati membri degli atti giudiziari ed extragiudiziali in materia civile o commerciale (notificazione e comunicazione degli atti) e che abroga il regolamento (CE) del Consiglio n. 1348/2000; Regolamento (UE) n. 655/2014 del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio, del 15 maggio 2014, che istituisce una procedura di ordine europeo di sequestro conservativo di un conto per agevolare il recupero transfrontaliero dei crediti in materia civile e commerciale: regolamento (UE) n. 111/2019 concernente la competenza giurisdizionale, il riconoscimento e l'esecuzione delle decisioni in materia matrimoniale e in materia di responsabilità genitoriale e sulla sottrazione internazionale di minori.
( testi)
1) Vesna Rijavec, Wendy Kennett, Tomaž Keresteš, Tjaša Ivanc (Ed. by), Remedies Concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements: Brussels I Recast, 2018, Kluwer Law International;
2) Eli-Unidroit Model European Rules of Civil Procedure from Transnational Principles to European Rules of Civil Procedure, 2021, Oxford University Press *.
* Il testo di questo libro è scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito internet
20110591 -
European Union Transport Law