Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
Affini e integrative - 12 cfu da scegliere L-ART/08 - (show)
20710583 -
Music for school inclusion
The course aims to promote students' methodological and didactic skills to conceive, design and manage inclusive learning environments. The school needs the inclusive learning environments to respond coherently to the cultural complexity that characterizes the current society. In this context, the course pursues the following educational objectives: • to know the fundamentals of special education to promote school and social inclusion, in particular for students and students with special educational needs, and to develop individualized and effective interventions to prevent exclusion and discrimination; • to understand the relevance of the "musical play" in the process of developing the identity, learning, autonomy, creativity, and participation of each student; • to develop educational-didactic skills and animation skills aimed at enhancing individual potential, personal well-being and social well-being in an inclusive school context. • to reinterpret the role of the music teachers in the context of inclusive teaching-learning processes wihin the secondary schools.
( syllabus)
The course will offer some useful tools to plan inclusive and interdisciplinary music activities. In the perspective of school inclusion, the course will deal with the organization of inclusive teaching as a fundamental variable to guarantee the quality of processes and equity in the school. Specifically, the theoretical-applicative principles that underlie the most effective organizational-didactic models will be proposed, with reference to the role of the teacher as the main factor of effective teaching. Starting from a reflection about the aims of the discipline, we will analyze the most known and significant models of organization of inclusive teaching in formal education contexts with attention to the individualization and personalization models of the teaching, also in relation to the recent contribution provided by the 'evidence-based-education. In this context, as well as in the light of the results of neuroscience, the potential of music as a methodological facilitator for the promotion of learning and participation of all students, in particular students with disabilities and with Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) will be analyzed .
The essential teaching contents are the following: - the values, the theoretical-applicative principles and the concepts that are the basis of inclusive teaching; - the characteristics of students with special educational needs; - the theoretical principles of music for inclusion; - the methods for designing an inclusive lesson based on musical experience: methodologies, tools, methods of assess and evaluation; - the role of the musician teacher as facilitator for inclusion.
( reference books)
- Rizzo A. L. (2021). Giochi musicali e disturbi dell'apprendimento. Roma: Carocci. -Rizzo A., Lietti M. T. (2013). Musica e DSA. La didattica inclusiva dalla scuola dell'infanzia al conservatorio. Milano: Rugginenti. -Miur (2012). Nuove indicazioni nazionali per il curricolo della scuola dell'infanzia e del I ciclo di istruzione.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711403 -
Didattica della canzone italiana
The aim of the course is to provide students the theoretical and methodological tools to critically understand Italian popular songs, particularly the popular songs of the post-war period, and use them for educational purposes. Studying the history of Italian songs and their composition techniques, lessons, relating to the other disciplinary fields, will delve particularly into the relationship between languages of songs and languages of poetry and into the connection of songs to history, customs and mutations of the Italian society as well as into the specific musical aspects of this form of expression. The aim of the course is therefore to prepare students to use the resources of the song for teaching, being songs, familiar to everyone for their widespread presence in contemporary society, an ideal instrument to be used in many and different educational fields.
( syllabus)
Songs have a central role in contemporary culture. Italy, in particular, owns a tradition ranging from Neapolitan Song (one of the first accomplished repertoires of Popular Music) to “canzone d’autore”, which from the ‘60s onwards, when the first “cantautori” (“singer-songwriters”) appeared, has transformed the language of a genre basically forged in the first decades of the 20th century and “re-invented” after World War II with the Sanremo Festival. The course will investigate form and content of Italian song all along its history, first of all clarifying what we mean today when we speak of “songs” within the context of mass media and popular music studies, as the word “song” can refer to countless forms of artistic expression. The aim is mainly to show how big the teaching potential songs have, starting with their controversial relationship with poetry, to probe how they mirror and stimulate social change, to analyse the discursive network they generate and to verify their value as historical documents. We will not neglect, of course, neither the interaction of songs with other forms of art, especially with graphics and images, nor the role of music industry with its commercial strategies. Great attention will be given to the relationship of Italian song with the repertoires of Italian vernacular songs, which run parallel to it, and with rock and folk music, exploring the different performance practices, vocal styles and the ways arrangements and orchestrations are thought out. As Italian song has always lived within a dense texture of interaction with the repertoires of other countries, notably France and the United States, we will meet those performers, those songwriters and those contexts that influenced it, soliciting its renewal especially with the “cantautori” of the ‘60s and ‘70s. The “canzone d’autore”, so, is going to be the core of the course, being aware that never as in that period Italian songs succeeded in conquering a space in the public sphere, a political relevance and a musical originality not to be achieved later, when the mass success of some “cantautori” reduced its liberating force and extinguished its innovative drive. It was in the ‘60s and the ‘70s, in fact, that youth culture burst out in Italy and adopted rock and “canzone d’autore” as tools to build a collective subjectivity, meant to affect the fate of a nation in a moment of deep mutation and strong social tension.
( reference books)
1) Marco Santoro, Effetto Tenco, Il Mulino 2010. 2) Gianni Borgna, Storia della canzone italiana, Mondadori 1992 (oppure, in alternativa, voce enciclopedica Treccani on line "La canzone d'autore in Italia" di Roberto Vecchioni e voce enciclopedica on line Treccani "Canzone, nazione, regione", di Marco Santoro, più un libro a scelta dalla bibliografia di riferimento).
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
caratterizzanti musica -Discipline dello spettacolo, della musica e della costruzione spaziale - 12 cfu a scelta - (show)
20709116 -
The course encourages the development of students’ capacity for autonomous interpretation and critical evualuation of contemporary artistic practices, especially in the field of music.
( syllabus)
Historical route: Supported by some framing lessons, the student will study independently the most significant movements and authors of the twentieth century. A short list of compositions to listen to will be provided. Focus: The course will deepen some paths in U.S. music in the second half of the 20th century, without neglecting some pioneering figures such as Charles Ives, Henry Cowell or Conlon Nancarrow.
( reference books)
ELVIDIO SURIAN, Manuale di Storia della Musica, Vol. IV (Il Novecento), Milano, Rugginenti, 2002 integrated with Musica e società, 3: dal 1830 al 2000, a cura di Virgilio Bernardoni e Paolo Fabbri, Lucca, LIM, 2016, only cap. 12; the non-musically literate will avoid the study of the more technical sections of these manuals, replacing it with GIACOMO FRONZI, Percorsi musicali del Novecento. Storie, personaggi, poetiche da Schönberg a Sciarrino, Roma, Carocci, 2021. Focus: Itinerari della musica americana, a cura di Gianmario Borio e Gabrio Taglietti, Lucca, LIM, 1996 (rist. 2022).
Core compulsory activities
20710524 -
Didactics of the History of music
The cours aims to present the main theoretical and methodological perspectives of the didactics of history of music, also with reference to the main themes of the history of dance. It also aims to provide students with a specific competence for the future teaching of the history of music in secondary schools.
( syllabus)
This course focuses on the history of music, especially on the history of western art music, from a didactic point of view, considering the following topics: a. teaching the history of music: discussion of perspectives and methods against the background of current paradigms and historiographical horizons of research in the field of historical musicology; b. features and ideas for teaching the history of music at high school level in Italy: ‘teaching of listening’ and construction of intra and interdisciplinary educational paths. c. texts, people, ideas and facts in the history of music: from the sources to the modes of the historiographic ‘narration’. A case study will be examined, taking into account the recent developments in musicological research about it and as it is rendered in the school textbooks; d. music in history, music as history. A case study linked to this topic will be considered;
( reference books)
1. Cristina Cano, Didattica della Storia della Musica, «Musica/Realtà», XV, n. 45, dicembre 1994, pp. 89-115
2. Andrea Chegai, Paolo Russo, La didattica della storia della musica, «Il Saggiatore musicale», XV, 2008, pp. 269-279
3. Giuseppina La Face Bianconi, La didattica dell’ascolto, «Musica e storia», XIV/3, 2006, pp. 511-544
4. Andrea Malvano, Da Mallarmé a Bozzetto: un percorso didattico interdisciplinare sul “Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune” di Claude Debussy, «Musica Docta», 8, 2018, pp. 127-147
5. James L. Zychowicz, Gustav Mahler’s Second Century: Achievements in Scholarship and Challenges for Research, «Notes», 67/3, 2011, pp. 457-482
6. Sulla Sesta sinfonia di Gustav Mahler: 6.a. Mario Carrozzo, Cristina Cimagalli, Storia della musica occidentale, vol. 3, Roma, Armando editore, 2009 (19991), pp. 269-277 6.b. Musiche nella storia. Dall’età di Dante alla Grande Guerra, a cura di Andrea Chegai et alii, Roma, Carocci, 2021 (20171), pp. 695-702 6.c. Gastón Fournier-Facio, L’ordine “corretto” dei movimenti centrali nella Sesta sinfonia di Mahler, in Tutto Mahler. La vita e le opere raccontate dai grandi esperti italiani, a cura di Id., Varese, Zecchini, 2023, pp. 146-159 7. Fabrizio Della Seta, Musica nella storia e musica come storia, in Educazione musicale e formazione, a cura di Giuseppina La Face Bianconi e Franco Frabboni, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2008, pp. 379-386
8. Philip Gossett, Daniela Macchione, Le «edizioni distrutte» e il significato dei cori operistici nel Risorgimento, «Il Saggiatore musicale», 12/2, 2005, pp. 339-387
9. Maria Rosa De Luca, Opera, evento e storytelling. Costruire la Storia attraverso la musica d’arte, «Musica Docta», 9/1, 2019, pp. 151-171
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
ATTIVITA A SCELTA percorso MUSICA - (show)
20710608 -
The course tackles two fields of psychology, emotions and communication. As to the former, it aims at provide knowledge and research skills concerning emotional processes, their mental representation, evolution, their relationships with cognition, social interaction and communication, their role in decision, self-construction, education, learning. Concerning the latter field, the course aims at providing knowledge and research skills concerning communication in all its verbal, bodily and mediated modalities, and at deepenign mechanisms, processes of evolution of face-to-face and distance interaction, and their cognitive, affective, social functions in sincere and deceptive interpersonal, and public interaction. The knowledge provided will enlight the processes of emotion expression, communication and regulation, and on the connections of emotions and communication with the processes of reasoning, argumentation and persuasion, learning and teaching, influence between individuals and groups. The course aims at developing competences for the analysis of emotions and communication: through qualitative and quantitative methods ranging from conceptual analysis to empirical, experimental and simulative research, applications will be carried out on cognitive, affective and social aspects of interpersonal and public communication at work in education, media, politics, technology, music, entertainment. After the course the student will be endowed with theoretical nad methodological tools to conduct theoretical analysis and empirical research on emotional and communicative processes in everyday life, politics, art, and on how they are expressed in various media, from text to speech, from tv to social networks.
Derived from
20711192 PSICOLOGIA DELLE EMOZIONI E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE MULTIMODALE in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 POGGI ISABELLA
( syllabus)
Definition of Communication. In-depth study and research on the psychological processes (cognitive, affective, relational) of communication in all of its modalities: verbal and body (words and sentences, prosody and intonation, gestures, facial expression, gaze, touch, posture, proxemics, music), and technological media. Analysis of sincere and deceptive, cooperative and aggressive communication, and its uses in interpersonal interaction, at work, in education, politics, entertainment. Emotions: definition, biological and social functions, types, regulation, expression and communication. Basic emotions, image, cognitive, social, moral emotions. Their relationships with interpersonal interaction and relations, on the job, in teaching and learning, politics, art, music, entertainment.
( reference books)
Teaching material for the course “Psychology of Emotions and Multimodal Communication”, 6 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following:
A. D’Urso V. e Trentin R.: Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Laterza, Bari 2006. B. Either choice B1 or choice B2
Choice B1. Poggi I.: Psicologia della comunicazione. La mente, il corpo, gli altri. Milano, Mondadori 2022.
Choice B2. Poggi I.: Psicologia della comunicazione. La mente, il corpo, gli altri. Milano, Mondadori 2022: chapters not to read: 1 – 4, 7-8, 13-14, 23, 38. Poggi I.: Parlare con gli occhi. Lo sguardo come forma di comunicazione. Carocci, Roma 2023.
For those who take the course “Psychology of Emotions and Multimodal Communication” 12 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following: A. D’Urso V. e Trentin R.: Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Laterza, Bari 2006. B. Poggi I. (a cura di): La mente del cuore. Armando, Roma 2008. C. Poggi I.: Psicologia della comunicazione. La mente, il corpo, gli altri. Mondadori, Milano 2022. D. A text or set of text, chosen from the following items:
1. Poggi I.: Parlare con gli occhi. Lo sguardo come forma di comunicazione. Carocci, Roma 2023. 2. Nobile L. e Lombardi Vallauri E. : Onomatopea e fonosimbolismo. Carocci, Roma 2020. 3. Bonini T. e Perrotta M.: Che cos’è un podcast. Carocci, Roma 2023. 4. Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna 2005. 5. Nussbaum, M.: L’intelligenza delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2013. 6. Matarazzo O. e Zammuner V. (a cura di): La regolazione delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012. 7. Ledoux J.: Il cervello emotivo. Baldini e Castoldi, Milano 2005. 8. Damasio A.R.: Emozione e coscienza. Adelphi, Milano 2010. 9. Miceli M. e Castelfranchi C.: Expectancy and Emotion. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. 10. D’Amico A.: Intelligenza emotiva e metaemotiva. Il Mulino, Bologna. 2018. 11. Palvarini P.: Le emozioni che rendono forti. Il lavoro con le emozioni in psicoterapia. Alpes Italia. 12. Bazzanella C.: Linguistica cognitiva. Un’introduzione. Laterza, Bari 2014. 13. Levorato M.C.: Le emozioni della lettura. Mulino, Bologna, 1999. 14. Gallese V. e Guerra M.: Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze. Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015. 15. Boulez P., Changeux J.P. e Manoury P.: I neuroni magici. Musica e cervello. Carocci, Roma 2016. 16. Mado Proverbio A.: Neuroscienze cognitive della musica. Il cervello musicale tra arte e scienza. Bologna, Zanichelli 2019 17. Caruana F. e Viola M.: Come funzionano le emozioni. Bologna, Il Mulino. 18. Cavalieri R. e Chiricò D.: Parlare, segnare. Introduzione alla fisiologia e alla patologia delle lingue verbali e dei segni. Bologna, Il Mulino. 19. Benedetti F.: L’effetto placebo. Breve viaggio tra mente e corpo. Roma, Carocci 2018. 20. Viale R.: Oltre il nudge. Libertà di scelta, felicità e comportamento. Bologna, Il Mulino. 21. Mortara Garavelli B. Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche. Bari, Laterza. 22. Bambini V. Il cervello pragmatico. Roma, Carocci. 23. Nobile L. e Lombardi Vallauri E.: Onomatopea e fonosimbolismo. Roma, Carocci. 24. Ferrari M e Paladino P.: L'apprendimento della lingua straniera. Roma, Carocci.
25. The following pair of books: Arielli E. e Bottazzini P.: Idee virali. Perché i pensieri si diffondono. Bologna, Il Mulino. + Riva G.: I social network. Bologna, Il Mulino
26. The following pair of books: Cavazza N.: Pettegolezzi e reputazione. Bologna, Il Mulino. + Riva G.: Fake news: vivere e sopravvivere in un mondo post-verità. Bologna, Il Mulino
27. 4 papers on emotions to download from
28. 4 papers on multimodal communication to download from the following link
Teaching material for those who have to give the following exam: “Psychology of Emotions”, 6 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following:
A. D’Urso V. e Trentin R.: Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Laterza, Bari 2006. B. Poggi I. (a cura di): La mente del cuore. Roma, Armando 2008. C. One text or a set of texts, chosen among the following items:
1. Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna 2005. 2. Nussbaum, M.: L’intelligenza delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2013. 3. Matarazzo O. e Zammuner V. (a cura di): La regolazione delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012. 4. Ledoux J.: Il cervello emotivo. Baldini e Castoldi, Milano 2005. 5. Damasio A.R.: Emozione e coscienza. Adelphi, Milano 2010. 6. Miceli M. e Castelfranchi C.: Expectancy and Emotion. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. 7. D’Amico A.: Intelligenza emotiva e metaemotiva. Il Mulino, Bologna. 2018. 8. Palvarini P.: Le emozioni che rendono forti. Il lavoro con le emozioni in psicoterapia. Alpes Italia. 9. Levorato M.C.: Le emozioni della lettura. Mulino, Bologna, 1999. 10. Gallese V. e Guerra M.: Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze. Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015. 11. Boulez P., Changeux J.P. e Manoury P.: I neuroni magici. Musica e cervello. Carocci, Roma 2016. 12. Mado Proverbio A.: Neuroscienze cognitive della musica. Il cervello musicale tra arte e scienza. Bologna, Zanichelli 2019
13. 4 papers on emotions, to be downloaded from the following link:
Teaching material for those who have to give the following exam: “Psychology of Multimodal Communication”, 6 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following:
A. Poggi I.: Psicologia della comunicazione. La mente, il corpo, gli altri. Milano, Mondadori 2022. B. One text or set of texts, chosen within the following items:
1. Poggi I.: Parlare con gli occhi. Lo sguardo come forma di comunicazione. Carocci, Roma 2023. 2. Nobile L. e Lombardi Vallauri E. : Onomatopea e fonosimbolismo. Carocci, Roma 2020. 3. Bonini T. e Perrotta M.: Che cos’è un podcast. Carocci, Roma 2023. 4. Bazzanella C.: Linguistica cognitiva. Un’introduzione. Laterza, Bari 2014. 5. Gallese V. e Guerra M.: Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze. Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015. 6. Boulez P., Changeux J.P. e Manoury P.: I neuroni magici. Musica e cervello. Carocci, Roma 2016. 7. Cavalieri R. e Chiricò D.: Parlare, segnare. Introduzione alla fisiologia e alla patologia delle lingue verbali e dei segni. Bologna, Il Mulino. 8. Benedetti F.: L’effetto placebo. Breve viaggio tra mente e corpo. Roma, Carocci 2018. 9. Viale R.: Oltre il nudge. Libertà di scelta, felicità e comportamento. 10. Bologna, Il Mulino. Mortara Garavelli B. Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche. Bari, Laterza. 11. Bambini V. Il cervello pragmatico. Roma, Carocci. 12. Ferrari M. e Paladino P.: L'apprendimento della lingua straniera. Roma, Carocci.
13. The following pair of books:
a. Arielli E. e Bottazzini P.: Idee virali. Perché i pensieri si diffondono. Bologna, Il Mulino. b. Riva G.: I social network. Bologna, Il Mulino
14. The following pair of books: a. Cavazza N.: Pettegolezzi e reputazione. Bologna, Il Mulino. b. Riva G.: Fake news: vivere e sopravvivere in un mondo post-verità. Bologna, Il Mulino
15. 4 articles on multimodal communication among the following, to be downloaded here:
Elective activities
20705085 -
Sources and methodologies in theatre hystory
AIMS: basic topics, methodologies and tools in theatre hystory
Derived from
( syllabus)
This course provides the students with the study of experiences and skills concerning the basic elements of composition in performing arts: Movement, Space, Expression, Rhythm. The course will treat some definitions and experiences of the expressive movement, of his formal, dynamic and symbolic values, in practices and reflections on the physical action during the first decades of the twentieth century, searching in a field shared by theatre, dance, gymnastics, visual cultures and anthropology.
( reference books)
Foreign students can study Eisenstein, Mauss and Warburg's texts in their native language versions or translations
Elective activities
20710266 -
The course aims to give the students elements of knowledge of scenic composition principles and methods, exploring the possible combinations of the different expressive elements of the theatrical work (body, word, movement, space, sound, light) in a single creative process, with reference to concrete experiences, historical and current, within the most aware theatrical research.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course will be made up of two sections:
- In the first part the course will present and analyse the principles of scenic composition through the new perspectives opened by the cognitive sciences and the theories of embodied cognition. - Then, the works and the theories of the Russians director Vsevolod Meyerhold will be analysed.
( reference books)
- Gabriele Sofia, “Le acrobazie dello spettatore. Dal teatro alle neuroscienze e ritorno”, Roma, Bulzoni, 2013.
- Vsevolod Mejerchol'd, “Sul teatro. Scritti 1907-1912”, Roma, Dino Audino Editore, 2015.
- Vsevolod Mejerchol'd, "L'Ottobre Teatrale. 1918-1939", Imola, Cue Press, 2020.
- Angelo Maria Ripellino, “Il trucco e l'anima. I maestri della regia nel teatro russo del Novecento”, Torino, Einaudi Editore, 2002.
Elective activities
20710202 -
Attività esterna proposta dall'Ateneo 1
The activity aims to provide students with the opportunity to broaden the horizon of their theoretical and practical knowledge in the entertainment sectors by comparing them with external institutions and institutions with a high cultural profile. The activity includes the organization of seminars, meetings and laboratories, with mandatory attendance and with the participation of eminent personalities active in the field of performative and audiovisual arts. The conformity of the contents, the educational objectives of the proposed external activities and the adequacy of the institutional and professional profiles of the bodies and subjects involved are established by the Dams Didactic Commission, subject to specific evaluation of the individual projects. The number of hours of attendance required by the activity cannot be less than 15 and the number of scheduled meetings cannot be less than 5.
Elective activities
20710687 -
Palladium Film Festival
The festival replaces the "Roma Tre Film Festival", which has been organized by the University of Rome 3 for fifteen years now. The new name is “Palladium Film Festival / CineMaOltre”. Palladium because it traditionally takes place at the Garbatella’s Teatro Palladium; CineMaOltre (a play on words on “cinema”, “other”, and “beyond”) because its intent is to privilege all the moments of limene, of the border, of otherness: suburbs, the need to tear down the "walls", ethnic and gender differences, experimentation in cinema, television and video, hybridizations between the other arts. Following the festival (which in the 2021 edition will take place online for obvious reasons of a pandemic), the student will be able to study the problems of the audiovisual sector in the contemporary era, following new filmmakers, seeing short and feature films, attending Masterclasses of both old and young Masters of cinema.
Elective activities
20710416 -
The international conferences "Cinema e..." promoted and organized since 1994 by the Dipartimento Comunicazione e Spettacolo of Roma Tre University (now Fil.Co.Spe.) aim to deepen the relationship between cinema and other arts, but alsowith other critical and scientific disciplines and methodologies.
Elective activities
20702663 -
The course is aimed to explain the transformations associated with the upspring of digital technologies and cultures, particularly in the audiovisual sector. The course is taught in Italian. No prerequisite is required.
Derived from
20702663 MEDIA DIGITALI: TELEVISIONE, VIDEO, INTERNET in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 PERROTTA MARTA
( syllabus)
The course is focussed on the digitization of audio-visual media, on multimedia convergence, on videogame cultures, on the multiplication of the distribution platforms, on the multimedia storytelling, with a special attention to entertainment as a meta-genre.
( reference books)
A. Arvidsson, A. Delfanti, Introduzione ai media digitali, seconda edizione aggiornata, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016; T. Bonini, M. Perrotta, Che cos'è il podcast, Roma, Carocci, 2023;
più 3 tra questi 4 saggi:
- T. Bonini, A. Caliandro, G. Anselmi, "La diffusione della musica pop nel sistema ibrido dei media: tra piattaforme digitali e broadcaster tradizionali", Studi Culturali, XVI, 2, pp. 225-56, 2019
- T. Bonini, E. Treré, F. Murtula, “Resistenza e solidarietà algoritmica nelle piattaforme digitali Un’indagine etnografica dei gruppi di engagement su Instagram”, Studi Culturali, XIX, 2, pp. 177-206, 2022
- M. Perrotta, From Niche to Mainstream. The emergence of a podcasting culture and market in the Italian radio context. In "The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies", edited by Mia Lindberg and Jason Loviglio, London, Routledge, pp.418-428.
- N. Bilchi, Cinema e videogame. Narrazioni, estetiche, ibridazioni, Milano, Unicopli, 2019 (EXTRACT) All materials will be distributed during class.
Elective activities
20710402 -
Cinema and Technology
The course focuses on the relationship between cinema and technology, deepening its theoretical implications and its effects on the aesthetic, languages and film direction.
Elective activities
Optional group:
20705085 -
Sources and methodologies in theatre hystory
AIMS: basic topics, methodologies and tools in theatre hystory
Derived from
( syllabus)
This course provides the students with the study of experiences and skills concerning the basic elements of composition in performing arts: Movement, Space, Expression, Rhythm. The course will treat some definitions and experiences of the expressive movement, of his formal, dynamic and symbolic values, in practices and reflections on the physical action during the first decades of the twentieth century, searching in a field shared by theatre, dance, gymnastics, visual cultures and anthropology.
( reference books)
Foreign students can study Eisenstein, Mauss and Warburg's texts in their native language versions or translations
Core compulsory activities
20710266 -
The course aims to give the students elements of knowledge of scenic composition principles and methods, exploring the possible combinations of the different expressive elements of the theatrical work (body, word, movement, space, sound, light) in a single creative process, with reference to concrete experiences, historical and current, within the most aware theatrical research.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course will be made up of two sections:
- In the first part the course will present and analyse the principles of scenic composition through the new perspectives opened by the cognitive sciences and the theories of embodied cognition. - Then, the works and the theories of the Russians director Vsevolod Meyerhold will be analysed.
( reference books)
- Gabriele Sofia, “Le acrobazie dello spettatore. Dal teatro alle neuroscienze e ritorno”, Roma, Bulzoni, 2013.
- Vsevolod Mejerchol'd, “Sul teatro. Scritti 1907-1912”, Roma, Dino Audino Editore, 2015.
- Vsevolod Mejerchol'd, "L'Ottobre Teatrale. 1918-1939", Imola, Cue Press, 2020.
- Angelo Maria Ripellino, “Il trucco e l'anima. I maestri della regia nel teatro russo del Novecento”, Torino, Einaudi Editore, 2002.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
ATTIVITA' ALTRE percorso MUSICA - (show)
20710417 -
The cours aims to present the main theoretical and methodological perspectives of the didactics of history of music, also with reference to the main themes of the history of dance. It also aims to provide students with a specific competence for the future teaching of the history of music in secondary schools.
Other activities
20710393 -
The course aims at providing the knowledge of basic and applied acoustics and lighting with particular regard to halls design. The course will supply, on one hand, the needed tools to face the problems of indoor and outdoor acoustic protection, on the other hand, it will deal with the design of halls acoustics and lighting quality (theaters, concert halls, conference rooms, etc.).
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing the knowledge of acoustics and lighting with particular regard to the applications in the field of architectural design and construction components. The course will supply, on one hand, the needed tools to face the problem of indoor and outdoor environments’ sound and acoustic protection, on the other hand, it will deal with the design of the halls’ acoustics and lighting quality (theaters, concert halls, conference rooms, etc.). Moreover, the course aims to give the ground needed to address the applied acoustics and lighting problems, such as noise assessment and control and proper indoor lighting design, considering both Standards and technical aspects.
( reference books)
Material provided by the lecturer.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
attività caratterizzanti - discipline linguistiche e letterarie percorso Musica -6 cfu a scelta - (show)
20709115 -
The aim of the course will be to introduce students to the thought and works of Stéphane Mallarmé, in a perspective that links them to the great season of decadentism and symbolism. In fact, the greatness of this author is becoming more and more evident, both on a poetic-literary level and on a theoretical and anthropological one, as well as in the more specific field of translation.
( syllabus)
Starting with an examination of Stéphane Mallarmé's work in prose and verse, the course proposes a close analysis of the texts, placing these works within their historical-literary context.
( reference books)
Mallarmé, Poesie e prose, tr. A. Guerrini – V. Ramacciotti, Garzanti, 2005 Mallarmé, Poesie, tr. C. De Carolis, Marsilio, 2017 M. Luzi, Studio su Mallarmé, Solfanelli, 2018.
Core compulsory activities
20710322 -
The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of methods, tools and approaches characterizing sociolinguistics, taking also into account the epistemological problems concerning its adjacency to other branches of linguistic and social knowledge. At the end of the course, students will write an essay showing their competence in gathering data and analyzing them in sociolinguistic perspective.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702665 -
The teaching of "Movements and authors of the cinema" is part of the training activities characterizing the master's degree course in "Cinema, television and multimedia production". Its intent is to deal with particularly significant periods, themes, styles, works and authors in the history of national and international cinema. The course aims to provide methodological tools and in-depth knowledge in the field of history and aesthetics, to stimulate the ability to critically confront the documental sources, and to acquire a skill in analyzing filmic texts.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702663 -
The course is aimed to explain the transformations associated with the upspring of digital technologies and cultures, particularly in the audiovisual sector. The course is taught in Italian. No prerequisite is required.
Derived from
20702663 MEDIA DIGITALI: TELEVISIONE, VIDEO, INTERNET in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 PERROTTA MARTA
( syllabus)
The course is focussed on the digitization of audio-visual media, on multimedia convergence, on videogame cultures, on the multiplication of the distribution platforms, on the multimedia storytelling, with a special attention to entertainment as a meta-genre.
( reference books)
A. Arvidsson, A. Delfanti, Introduzione ai media digitali, seconda edizione aggiornata, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016; T. Bonini, M. Perrotta, Che cos'è il podcast, Roma, Carocci, 2023;
più 3 tra questi 4 saggi:
- T. Bonini, A. Caliandro, G. Anselmi, "La diffusione della musica pop nel sistema ibrido dei media: tra piattaforme digitali e broadcaster tradizionali", Studi Culturali, XVI, 2, pp. 225-56, 2019
- T. Bonini, E. Treré, F. Murtula, “Resistenza e solidarietà algoritmica nelle piattaforme digitali Un’indagine etnografica dei gruppi di engagement su Instagram”, Studi Culturali, XIX, 2, pp. 177-206, 2022
- M. Perrotta, From Niche to Mainstream. The emergence of a podcasting culture and market in the Italian radio context. In "The Routledge Companion to Radio and Podcast Studies", edited by Mia Lindberg and Jason Loviglio, London, Routledge, pp.418-428.
- N. Bilchi, Cinema e videogame. Narrazioni, estetiche, ibridazioni, Milano, Unicopli, 2019 (EXTRACT) All materials will be distributed during class.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710402 -
Cinema and Technology
The course focuses on the relationship between cinema and technology, deepening its theoretical implications and its effects on the aesthetic, languages and film direction.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710391 -
Analysis and Didactics of Music Performance
Unit 1. The course aims to give a fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of musical performance and of its teaching, both in historical and stylistic perspective. The relationships with extra-musical elements (literature, cinema, theatre, figurative arts), in the perspective of an interdisciplinary teaching, will be analyzed, with specific regard to the role of the teacher.
Unit 2. The course aims to provide fundamental knowledge on the history of music education between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, with particular reference to the teaching of instruments and singing. The different approaches that are used modernly for the teaching of musical interpretation will also be explored
20710391-1 -
Analysis and Didactics of Music Performance 1
The course aims to give a fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of musical performance and of its teaching, both in historical and stylistic perspective. The relationships with extra-musical elements (literature, cinema, theatre, figurative arts), in the perspective of an interdisciplinary teaching, will be analyzed, with specific regard to the role of the teacher.
( syllabus)
The course deals with the theory and the analysis of musical performance, both in terms of a specifically musicological approach (vocal and instrumental performance practices from the Baroque to the twentieth century), and on that of cultural history. In particular, it will be examined the figure of Maria Callas, also in the relations with the social context and with other arts (literature, theater, cinema, art, media).
( reference books)
- Selected essays which will be communicated at the beginning of the lessons - "Mille e una Callas. Voci e studi", a cura di Luca Aversano e Jacopo Pellegrini, II ed., Quodlibet, Macerata 2017.
Additional materials for student non attending the lessons: One book of free choice among: Enrico Careri, Studi su esecuzione e interpretazione. Vivaldi, Schubert, E.A. Mario, Lim, Lucca 2014; Arturo Toscanini: il direttore e l'artista mediatico, a cura di Marco Capra e Ivano Cavallini, Lim, Lucca 2011; Davide Bertotti, Il direttore d'orchestra da Wagner a Furtwängler : l'illustre aberrazione, L’epos, Palermo 2005; Hans-Heinrich Unger, Musica e retorica fra XVI e XVIII secolo, a cura di Elisabetta Zoni, Alinea Editrice, Firenze 2003; Ivano Cavallini, Il direttore d’orchestra. Genesi e storia di un’arte, Marsilio, Venezia 1998; Piero Rattalino, Storia del pianoforte, Il Saggiatore, Milano 2008; Bernard Sherman, Interviste sulla musica antica. Dal canto gregoriano a Monteverdi, Edt, Torino 2002; Free improvisation: history and perspectives, a cura di A. Sbordoni e A. Rostagno, Lucca, LIM, 2018.
Core compulsory activities
20710391-2 -
Analysis and Didactics of Music Performance 2
The course aims to provide fundamental knowledge on the history of music education between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries, with particular reference to the teaching of instruments and singing. The different approaches that are used modernly for the teaching of musical interpretation will also be explored
( syllabus)
The topic of the course will be the history of teaching musical instruments and singing between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. The lessons will also deal with the different approaches to the interpretation of music practiced today at the international level.
( reference books)
- Selection of essays indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the lessons (available in the copy shop); - Carla Cuomo, Dall'ascolto all'esecuzione. Orientamenti per la pedagogia e la didattica della musica, Milano, FrancoAngeli 2018 - John Rink (a cura di), L' esecuzione musicale: guida, analisi, prospettive (Cambridge 2002), edizione italiana di Stefano Leoni, Milano, Rugginenti 2008.
In addition for non-attending students, a book chosen from: - Piero Rattalino, L' interpretazione pianistica nel postmoderno, Milano, Rugginenti 2017 - Guido Salvetti, Le sonate per pianoforte e violoncello di Johannes Brahms. Contesto, testo, interpretazione, Lucca, Lim 2005 -Alfonso Alberti, Le sonate di Claude Debussy. Contesto, testo, interpretazione, Lucca, Lim 2008 - Maria Grazia Sità - Corrado Vitale, I Quartetti di Béla Bartók, Lucca, Lim 2012 - Vania Del Maso, Teoria e Pratica della Musica Italiana del Rinascimento, Lucca, LIM, 2017.
Core compulsory activities
20703008 -
Final dissertation
Final examination and foreign language test
Optional group:
Abilità linguistiche obbligatorie - (show)
20711416 -
CLA Spanish B2
To enable the student to use fluently, in written and oral form, SPANISH language in addition to Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons.
Other activities
20711417 -
CLA German B2
To enable the student to use fluently, in written and oral form, GERMAN language, in addition to Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons.
Other activities
20711415 -
CLA French B2
To enable the student to use fluently, in written and oral form, FRENCH language , in addition to Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons.
Other activities
20711414 -
CLA English B2
To enable the student to use fluently, in written and oral form, ENGLISH language , in addition to Italian, with reference also to disciplinary lexicons.
Other activities