Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910168 -
General education
The course aims to provide students with theoretical knowledge and skills related to:
- care, education and socialization of children from 0 to 6 years; - the analysis of individual and group educational needs; - the analysis of social and cultural reality of territories; - the use of appropriate research methods in the educational field. Through the study of General Pedagogy, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge and critical understanding of the epistemological foundations of the pedagogical disciplines, the main currents of thought and the historical and social dimensions of the educational models and of the policies of the processes of social inclusion. Applying knowledge and understanding: - understand the specificity of educational situations by analyzing them from different points of view (social, cultural, etc.) in order to adopt appropriate educational practices. Making judgements: - ability to critically analyze and elaborate educational choices in a reflective form. Communication skills: - ability to enhance and use the various formats of books and new communication and information technologies in care, education and socialization of children. Learning skills: - ability to observe the contexts and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them; - ability to access scientific literature in the sector of education, identifying reliable sources.
A - L
The workshop aims to deepen the central themes of general pedagogy within the context of the integrated 0-6 system through reflection and shared discussion of ministerial documents and guidelines, as well as an in-depth study of the key words concerning education and care in early childhood educational contexts. This work will make use of moments of debate, cooperative work and the production of written and/or multimedia material that gives an account of the in-depth work for the acquisition of a specific terminology of reference, capable of orienting future knowledge. The workshop will be a space for experimentation, in which students will be able to build moments of exchange, sharing, questions and proposals of a theoretical and practical nature with reference to the stimuli proposed.
(reference books)
M. Amadini- A. Bobbio - A.Bondioli - E. Musi, Itinerari di pedagogia dell'infanzia, Morcelliana, Brescia, 2022 (The parts of the text to be studied will be indicated at the opening of the workshop lessons)
This General Pedagogy Course intends to focus on some crucial issues relating to the pedagogical-educational dimension in its complex articulation of themes, issues and problems that are more current than ever.
(reference books)
First part. Historical introduction to General Pedagogy and its basic notions. Reference texts: • Franco Cambi, The pedagogy of the twentieth century, Laterza, 2005 1) The analysis and in-depth analysis of the fundamental issues relating to key categories such as education, training, pedagogy, instruction. 2) The question regarding the origin, nature and meaning of Educational Sciences is more crucial than ever. These became established, during the twentieth century, within a progressive and constant growth, particularly in the last decades, when a definitive and total conversion of Pedagogy into Educational Sciences was highlighted. In today's current condition, in fact, pedagogy is increasingly defined through reference to specific, multidisciplinary, extra-pedagogical knowledge: psychology, sociology, neuroscience, psychoanalysis, anthropology, linguistics, history, philosophy, etc. The pedagogical harmonization of knowledge or Educational Sciences must, therefore, be activated through a reflexivity that highlights the peculiar elements of the pedagogical, i.e. that of educating/training, which operates as a giver of meaning. 3)And it is precisely General Pedagogy, understood in its aspect of critical reflection, as a reflection on the problems of educating and training, which is called to carry out this coordination action: both by promoting the unitary elaboration of the various disciplines that are part of Educational Sciences, both by highlighting the dissonances with respect to the pedagogical, and by orienting itself in the sense of translating and integrating different languages, methods and assumptions on the common ground which is, precisely, that relating to the action of educating and of forming. In essence, General Pedagogy must carry out an action that is: a) coordination between the various sectoral disciplines that are part of Educational Sciences; b) translation of lexicons and methods born in different epistemological contexts (Psychology, Psychoanalysis, Sociology, etc.) on the "pedagogical" terrain; c) critical reflection on the problems of educating, training and caring, addressing them "in situation" (historical, social, institutional), by genre, by context (family, school, etc.), by emerging problems (social marginality, immigration, sexual difference, etc. d) analysis of the fundamental pedagogical antinomies: form-process, mind-body, identity-difference, authority-freedom, rationality-emotions, culture-profession 4)Within this perspective, Franco Cambi's text, Le pedagogie del Novecento, will provide students with the necessary and indispensable historical introduction relating to the birth and development of Pedagogy during the twentieth century, in its different orientations and directions of thought (Idealism , Marxism, Personalism, etc.), knowing full well that philosophical reflection on education was born well before, starting from Socratic-Platonic philosophy, the first true form of critical pedagogy ever. But Cambi's text puts pedagogical knowledge into dialogue with the historical, social, political and economic dimension of the entire 20th century, as well as with the history and development of educational institutions summarized in the trinomial Family, School, Society (and State), as well as projecting this pedagogical knowledge towards a constant comparison with the great social issues that are still open: the migration question, the issues of social justice, the problems relating to the school-work connection, training within the current learning environments and growth (advanced technology) typical of today's communication society, etc. Second part. Analysis of development, care and educational relationship processes in children aged 0 to 6 years. Reference texts: • Bruno Bettelheim, An almost perfect parent, Feltrinelli, 2022 • Supplementary handouts provided by the teacher during the course The other crucial point of this course is the one that specifically concerns the analysis of the psycho-pedagogical development of the child, from 0 to 6 years, as well as the related care models and practices. 1) Of fundamental importance will be the theme constituted by the mother-child relationship, as well as the family and parental context of reference which Psychoanalysis, in particular, has placed in due importance through decades of research and scientific investigations of indispensable value: from the contributions of René Spitz and Margaret Mahler to those of Donald Winnicott and John Bowlby (always against the background of the tradition inaugurated by Freud and differently declined by scholars such as Melanie Klein and Anna Freud, etc.), without ignoring the precious suggestions coming from Self Psychology, with the studies of Heinz Kohut and Daniel Stern, in particular. Regarding what has just been written, the teacher (Prof. Giosi) will provide adequate indications and explanations: a) Both within the lessons carried out b) Both through short but significant PDF handouts, shared by the teacher on the Formonline platform, which students can easily download and view. c) Both, as anticipated before, from the fundamental text of a great psychoanalyst and pedagogist of the twentieth century, Bruno Bettelheim, "An almost perfect parent". This text by Bettelheim places the recognition of other people's difference as a value in itself, to be safeguarded and reaffirmed within the educational relationship and pedagogical reflection itself. And this is constantly highlighted by Bettelheim, throughout the entire course of the book, precisely in light of the (negative) tendency, almost physiologically present in the educational space, to "normalize", to "conform", to "homologize" behaviors and the ways of being of children, first, of adolescents, then. It is a text that revolves around the principle of "taking care", starting from the centrality recognized to empathy, as well as fragility and vulnerability, the latter understood as non-negative, but potentially active and constructive aspects within the educational relationship. Particular importance is also assigned, by Bettelheim, to the dimension of play as an element of fundamental importance for the growth and development of the child's personality. Part Three. Imagination, play, creativity within childhood development Reference texts: • Marco Giosi, Imagining childhood. Pedagogy, play, creativity, Anicia, Rome, 2024 (In press) 1) A further topic of reference will be that constituted by the dimension that links Game-Imagination-Creativity together, from 0-6 years up to subsequent phases of growth and maturation, as it was analyzed and conceived by the most important authors of the twentieth century and beyond: Montessori, Piaget, Vygotskij, Winnicott, Rodari, Bruner, through the study of M. Giosi's text: "Imagining childhood. Pedagogy, play, creativity. The role assigned by Vygotsky is of fundamental importance (but, within a different perspective , also by Winnicott and, certainly, by Rodari), to play and creativity as primary factors aimed at promoting more complex and open care and education practices on the front of the crucial aesthetic experience as a central factor in the growth of the child. Based on the study of this text, the following key categories relating to child development will be analysed: development of perception and attention mastery of memory and thought relationship between language and thought interaction between learning and development role of play and creativity in the growth of the child development of fantasy/imagination See, Touch, Listen Narrative principle and construction of the Self Franco Cambi, Le pedagogie del Novecento, Laterza, 2005
Marco Giosi, Immaginare l’infanzia. Pedagogia, gioco, creatività, Anicia, Roma, 2024 (In corso di stampa) Bruno Bettelheim, Un genitore quasi perfetto, Feltrinelli, 2022
M - Z
The course aims to initiate students to the study of themes and problems of general Pedagogy, with particular attention to the pedagogical and educational reflection that emerged during the twentieth century. Some significant constructs of the pedagogical discourse will be examined in depth, in comparison with the Socratic lesson: education and paideia, ethics and moral action, practice of care and self-care, communication and dialogic relationship.
(reference books)
Part of the program will be dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children. A. Broccoli, Dialogare, Morcelliana, Brescia 2021;
Platone, Apologia di Socrate, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005 (edizione consigliata); M. Attinà, A. Broccoli. V. Rossini (a cura di), Percorsi inattuali dell'educazione. Suggestioni, idee, proposte, Anicia, Roma 2023. Of this volume, read and study only the following parts: - PRESENTAZIONE DI F. MATTEI; - INTRODUZIONE ALLA PRIMA PARTE DI M. ATTINA' E UN CAPITOLO A SCELTA DELLA PRIMA PARTE; - INTRODUZIONE ALLA SECONDA PARTE DI A. BROCCOLI E UN CAPITOLO A SCELTA DELLA SECONDA PARTE, - INTRODUZIONE ALLA TERZA PARTE DI V. ROSSINI E UN CAPITOLO A SCELTA DELLA TERZA PARTE. Per il Laboratorio obbligatorio (3 CFU): M. Amadini, Crescere partecipando. Contesti e prospettive educative per il sistema integrato 0-6, Scholé, Brescia 2020 Compulsory materials and exercises will also be available on Form on Line THE PROGRAM IS VALID FOR THREE ACADEMIC YEARS |
9 | M-PED/01 | 54 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910172 -
Design and organize educational activities in childcare services, preparing appropriate interventions for users and territory; use educational-didactic strategies and methodologies oriented to the promotion of skills, respecting the times and styles of development and learning of each; monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's educational activity; develop critical skills for quality assessment of early childhood interventions; use computer tools and new technologies applied to educational contexts.
By the study of "Instructional design and evaluation processes" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding - Understand theories and operational skills of methodological-didactic nature related to the planning, organization, implementation, documentation and evaluation of educational interventions - Understand models, tools and strategies for observing children in socio-cultural and educational contexts. Applying knowledge and understanding - Design, plan and evaluate educational interventions, recognizing their theoretical assumptions and intervention logics, coherent with the needs of children in different contexts - Know how to detect data with a variety of tools, also using technologies for recording, processing and transmitting information. Making judgements - Develop the ability to document, observe and detect information that allows an ecological, dynamic, orientative evaluation - Develop the capacity of the research-action potentials as a functional strategy to increase the quality of the educational and training processes and results, to the professional development of educators and teachers and to organizational learning. Communication skills - Acquire the expressive use of written language in the educational field with particular reference to the design, documentation and evaluation of educational processes and reporting of the results achieved Learning skills - Be able to observe the contexts in which they operate and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them - Be able to access the scientific literature of the sector, identifying reliable sources - Be aware of the importance of learning from the comparison with operators and experts of the same professional profile and with the other figures operating in the sector.
A - L
The course “Instructional design and evaluation processes” is carried out with interactive teaching methods and takes into account the connection that exists between the educational planning and the interventions carried out over time. The teaching explores some issues useful for defining the educational system between 0-6 years old. The key topics of the course are useful to design quality educational experiences, the curriculum, the educational relationship (adult-child, peer to peer and peer to adult), the space-time environment, the game. The course includes tools to identify information, design, documents and narrate the educational experience: concept maps, the observation grids, the questionnaire, the logbook, the observation and exploration of the space.
(reference books)
The teaching illustrates the basic elements of planning for children from 0 to 3 years old and defines macro and micro-design formats. With a view to promoting and qualifying educational continuity in the zerosei integrated system and developing the vertical curriculum, the following are presented: some strategic devices (peer tutoring, shared reading, reality tasks); some quality and participatory research practices (Research-Action and Research-Training); the dynamics of the working group, the methods of coordination and the exercise of educational leadership. - Anna Bondioli, Donatella Savio (2018). Educare l’Infanzia. Temi chiave per i servizi 0-6. Roma: Carocci.
- Giovanni Moretti, Bianca Briceag (2023). Qualità e continuità educativa nel sistema integrato zerosei. Organizzazione didattica e processi valutativi. Roma: Anicia. - Michael Tomasello (2010). Altruisti nati. Perché cooperiamo fin da piccoli. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. Lettura del documento: Orientamenti nazionali per i servizi educativi per l'infanzia, Ministero dell'Istruzione (2022).
M - Z
The course aims to provide theoretical and practical elements for the design, implementation and evaluation of educational and evaluative projects and interventions in children's educational contexts, through the use of appropriate educational and didactic strategies and methodologies oriented towards full development of the potential, respecting the times and styles of growth and learning of each child. It is also proposed a reflection on the use of digital technologies in didactic planning for the 0-6 sector.
(reference books)
The course also provides for the activation of paths for reflection and self-assessment of the knowledge and skills acquired during attendance and with the help of comparison with authoritative witnesses. The lessons in presence will cover topics related to the following texts:
1. Mantovani S., Ferri P., (2008). Digital Kids. Come i bambini usano i computer e come potrebbero usarlo genitori e insegnanti. Milano: Rizzoli ETAS 2. Mantovani S., Siva C., Freschi E. (2016). Didattica e nido d’infanzia. Metodi e pratiche d’intervento educativo. Parma: edizioni junior. 3. Bondioli A., Savio D., Gobbetto B., TRA 0-6. Uno strumento per riflettere sul percorso educativo 0-6. San Paolo d’Argon (BG): Zeroseiup |
6 | M-PED/03 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910173 -
The course aims to provide the basic scientific-disciplinary skills, concerning the study of the main functions (cognitive, emotional and motor) through which the individual interacts with the environment. It also offers basic knowledge about the history of psychology and the methods and techniques of psychological research. Through laboratory activities and seminars, students will be able to make direct experience of the techniques of investigation applied to topics relevant in educational settings.
By the study of General Psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding - Understand the epistemological basis of General Psychology; - Understand the main theoretical approaches and methods for the study of cognitive and affective systems; - Understand the research methodology of General Psychology; Applying knowledge and understanding - Apply knowledge on typical cognitive functioning in educational settings; - Use research methodology and ethics knowledge to design, implement and discuss research data in educational settings Making judgements - -Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between the different approaches for educational scopes; - -Conceptualize theoretical approaches on cognition according to the modern perspective of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience; Communication skills - Read and understand a scientific article; - Disseminate research data to expert (colleagues, professionals, clinicians) and non-expert (e.g., parents) audiences; Learning skills: - Apply research methods to foster problem solving in educational contexts (e.g., bibliographic search skills, hypothesis formulation and testing, data analysis, etc.) - Promote the use of scientific research in educational settings.
A - L
The first part of the course will address the historical foundation of Psychology as a scientific discipline, the principal theoretical approaches and the research methods of psychology. The second part will deepen understanding of the cognitive and affective functioning within the framework offered by experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The third part of the course will focus on application of theory and procedures of general psychology through laboratory activities.
(reference books)
Main contents: 1) Historical introduction and research methods: It will be illustrated the historical origins of psychology as a scientific discipline, as well as the classic theoretical frameworks to the study of psychology. The research methods of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience will also be presented. 2) Brain and behavior: It will be introduced some basic concepts about the functioning of the brain, discussing how this knowledge has influenced the study of behavior in psychology. 3) Sensation and perception: Presentation of the main theoretical models to the study of sensation and perception; In-depth analysis of the mechanisms that control perception across sensory modalities for understanding our environment. 4) Attention: Introduction to the main theoretical models and mechanisms involved in the process of selecting information from the environment for subsequent processing. 5) Conditioning and learning: Introduction to the main theoretical models and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that make it possible learning processes. 6) Memory: Introduction to the main theoretical models (i.e., memory systems) and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that regulate the processing, storage and retrieval of information. 7) Thinking and reasoning: Introduction to the main theoretical models and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that fulfil functions related to concept formation, decision making and problem solving. 8) Language: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of language functions that allow communication and sharing of knowledge. 9) Intelligence: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of the factors that determine intelligence, the component of the intelligence and instruments for measuring intelligence. 10) Motivation: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of the main forms of motivation that guide the individual behavior. 11) Emotions: Introduction to the main theoretical models and mechanisms by which affective systems modulate human behavior. 13) Personality: Introduction to the main theoretical models describing and defining personality. Required textbooks:
1) Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O. (2020 -in corso di stampa- Edizione italiana a cura di Stefano Mastandrea e Sabrina Fagioli). Psicologia generale. UTET 2) Di Pietro, Salvato (2021). La competenza socio-affettiva in età prescolare Students’ online resources: All relevant information will be available at this webpage. Additional online facilities including other recommended readings, internet websites and other materials are available on the “Formonline” platform.
M - Z
The aim of this course is to provide knowledge and promote skills that will allow a student to critically examine the different theoretical models available in the field of experimental psychology, and the tools to identify meaningful psychological variables in the context of education and training. The course also aims to promote the development of a student's sensitivity in recognizing the psychological needs of others, a fundamental ability in any supporting relationship.
(reference books)
The first part of the course will introduce the history of psychology as a scientific subject, the main theoretical approaches, and research methods. The second part will focus on the investigation of cognitive and affective processes from the perspective of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Detailed programme: 1) Introduction to psychology and research methods. 2) Brain and behaviour. 3) Sensations and reality. 4) Attention. 5) Perception. 6) Conditioning and learning. 7) Memory. 8) Thought and mental imagery. 9) Language and communication. 10) Intelligence. 11) Motivation. 12) Emotions. 13) Personality. 1) Coon D., Mitterer J.O., Martini T.S. (2020 - Edizione italiana a cura di Stefano Mastandrea e Sabrina Fagioli). Psicologia generale. Terza Edizione. UTET, Torino.
2) Di Pietro M., Salviato C. (2021). La competenza socio-affettiva in età prescolare. Carocci, Roma. The materials presented during lectures or in the Lab will be made available to students on the "formonline" platform, therefore no copy shop is authorized to sell them, and no site - outside the official channels of the University - is authorized to their dissemination. |
9 | M-PSI/01 | 54 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910166 -
Computer skills
The course aims to provide knowledge and skills that allow the students to use the computer as a tool for the automation of the most common and elementary activities related to information processing.
- Knowledge and understanding: Computer knowledge, understanting of the potentiality of the computer, knowledge of the information coding - Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to use the computer and the tool for computing fo information processing and communication - Making judgements: The ability to understand the potential that any computing device (smartphone, laptop, PC, ecc) isable to do independeently fro the future evolution of the market - Learning skills: be able to adapt to the changes in the future of the market and of the technology.
- ICT basic concepts: Algorithms and computation theory, Information encoding, Hardware, Software, Networks, communication and information technologies.
(reference books)
- Computer use: Operating systems, File system, Tools and Printing. - Spreadsheet: Using excel, Cells, Managing spreadsheets, Arithmetic formula and functions, Text and number formatting, Graphs. - Online collaboration: remote storage and on-line forms. - Elementary python programming Informatica di Base. Mauro Mezzini, Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, seconda edizione 2020
See also course pages on Formonline platform |
3 | INF/01 | 18 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910165 -
The course aims to offer a general overview of the main aspects of the contemporary world, with special regard to Italy and Europe. The course will underline the cultural history and especially the history of racism and the integration issues and challenges, relating to people coming from different cultures and religions. In line with the general goals of the CdS, the course will deepen the dynamics of inclusion/exclusion in Italy and Europe.
Knowledge and understanding - Understand the main aspects of the contemporary history - Understand and be able to use the categories of the contemporary history Applying knowledge and understanding - Understand the socio-economic and cultural dynamics of the contemporary history - Understand the importance of the cultural history in the contemporary world Making judgements - Be able to link Italian history to global history - Be able to use historical knowledge to understand contemporary events Communication skills - Be able to describe the historical issues discussed during the course Learning skills - Be able to use the historiographical tools in an analysis of the contemporary society.
A - L
The course examines the fundamental moments and aspects in contemporary 19th and 20th century history, starting with the revolutionary risings of 1948 and the formation of the European nation states, up to recent events. Special attention will be given to World History and to framing events in a global perspective. The topics of minorities and international migrations in our age, particularly to and from Italy, will be the focus of specific in-depth analysis.
(reference books)
Detailed descriptions: Credits 1-2: The general characteristics of the contemporary age. The European nineteenth century and the formation of modern political cultures. The transition from the old regime society to the rule of law. Constitutionalism. Liberalism, socialism, nationalism. Mass society. The apogee of the European projection in the world. Colonialism and imperialism. Democratic ideals. International relations from the "Concert", to arbitration, to power politics. Liberal Italy. The second industrial revolution. The elicating factors of the First World War. Cfu 3-4: Europe 1914-1945: a continent destroys itself. Outcomes of the First World War: the triumph of nations and the disappearance of empires. The spread of the authoritarian and totalitarian contagion. Characteristics of illiberal regimes in Italy and Germany. Racism in Europe: origins and manifestations. The crisis of 1929. Towards a new European and world war. The second world war, characteristics and development. The Shoah. The world enters the nuclear age. Cfu 5-6: The new international order after the Second World War: bipolarism, the Iron Curtain, "second world", cold war. Republican Italy. The great questions of the contemporary world: the phenomenon of migration. TEXTBOOK: L. Caracciolo-A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea. Dal mondo europeo al mondo senza centro, Ed. le Monnier Università 2017.
The exam program will consist of the following chapters of the textbook: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 23. Moreover, all students shall study one the following two books: - E. Gentile, Il fascismo in tre capitoli, Laterza, 2009 - F. Bettanin, La Russia, l'Ucraina e la guerra in Europa. Storia e scenari, Donzelli, 2022
M - Z
The course examines the fundamental moments and aspects of contemporary history of the 19th and 20th centuries starting from the revolutionary upheavals of 1848 to the formation of the European national states up to recent years. Particular attention will be paid to World History, that is, history in a global perspective.
(reference books)
Specific focuses will be dedicated to the topic of minorities and international migrations in the contemporary age, especially those that have involved Italy. Detailed description: Credits 1-2: The general characteristics of the contemporary age. Nineteenth century Europe and the formation of modern political cultures. The transition from the ancient regime society to the rule of law. Constitutionalism. Liberalism, socialism, nationalism. Mass society. The apogee of European projection in the world. Colonialism and imperialism. Democratic ideals. International relations from the "Concert" to arbitration to power politics. Liberal Italy. The Second Industrial Revolution. The precursors of the First World War. CFU 3-4: Europe 1914-1945: a continent destroys itself. Outcomes of the First World War: the triumph of nations and the disappearance of empires. The spread of authoritarian and totalitarian contagion. Characteristics of illiberal regimes in Italy and Germany. Racism in Europe: origins and manifestations. The crisis of 1929. Towards a new European and world war. The Second World War, characteristics and progress. The Holocaust. The world enters the nuclear age. Credits 5-6: The new international order after the Second World War: bipolarism, iron curtain, "second world", cold war. Republican Italy. The great questions of the contemporary world: the phenomenon of migration. Manual: Lucio Caracciolo, Adriano Roccucci, Storia contemporanea, Le Monnier-Mondadori, 2017
All students must bring the following chapters of the Manual to the exam: 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17,18, 19, 20, 21, 23. Plus a book of your choice: - E. Gentile, Il fascismo in tre capitoli, Laterza, 2009; - I. Diamanti - M. Lazar, Popolocrazia. La metamorfosi delle nostre democrazie, Laterza, 2020 |
6 | M-STO/04 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910174 -
The course aims to offer theories, techniques and methods for motor education aimed in particular at the early childhood age group. Knowledge of motor development with reference to the developmental age.
The student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: -to acquire basic knowledge about motor activities with particular attention to psycho-physical development and motor learning in developmental age; -to diversify the educational proposals to be applied to the age group 0-6 to consolidate and strengthen types of educational intervention through movement.
Part of the programme is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to childhood education contexts.
(reference books)
- The pedagogical value of the body and movement in recreational and motor activities. - Motor development: the ontogenesis and evolution of the basic motor patterns in evolutionary age. - Psychomotor education in its various aspects and the relationships between body growth, neuromotor and psychic development. - The acquisition of motor skills, the description of postural patterns and the development of co-ordinative and conditional abilities in the developmental age. - Motor activity and autonomy: socio-intellectual, emotional and moral development. - Teaching strategies, teaching styles and interdisciplinary approaches. - The first forms of gesture applied to micro and mini-sports. - Motor learning and executive functions. - Routes and design of recreational activities at ages 0-6. - Roles and competences of educators in different educational contexts and services. - Observation and assessment of motor skills at nursery school. - Educational setting: space, time, struments and tools. - Motor education and education: environmental, sensory, road, citizenship and intercultural, health and food. - Supplement background and symbolic recreational activities in preschool settings. - Outdoor Learning Education - Outdoor Adventure Education. Coco D. (2023). Pedagogia della corporeità e sviluppo morale. Roma: Anicia. (Green Cover)
Ceciliani A. (2016). Gioco e movimento al nido. Roma: Carocci. Other publications will be recommended during the course Only for further information consult the text Colella D., Ladogana M., Monacis D., (2023). Il gioco nelle attività motorie in età evolutiva. Bari: Progedit. |
6 | M-EDF/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910178 -
The course aims to develop students’ understanding of key concepts and basic principles of experimental educational research design and methodology, considering its ethical implications and reflecting on its philosophical underpinnings and quality. Students will be introduced to the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field, to the construction of structured tests, to the use of educational technologies and to the main national and international surveys on ECEC.
- Knowledge and understanding: be able to know and understand the basic concepts of experimental research in the field of education; be able to know the theoretical and methodological foundations of evaluation in education. - Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyse the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field; be able to read and interpret the results of experimental research in the educational field. - Making judgements: be able to distinguish between different approaches to experimental research in the field of education; be able to identify strengths and weaknesses of different methods that can be used in experimental research in the field of education. - Communication skills: be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists. - Learning skills: be able to demonstrate the skills necessary to undertake experimental research studies in education with a high degree of autonomy.
A - L
The course aims to provide students with the conceptual tools and essential skills to understand, design and evaluate research interventions in the educational field. The course contents will be focused on the founding nodes of the discipline and their impact and application in terms of the educator's professionalism.
(reference books)
At the end of the course students will be able to - distinguish the main basic concepts of educational research methodology; - know the implementation phases of a qualitative and quantitative research process; - know the main survey and intervention strategies and techniques in the educational field, as well as the tools used for data collection, coding and analysis. Detailed programme of the Course: the phases of a research project; identification of the research topic; definition of research questions; analysis of the bibliography on the research topic; choice of hypotheses and indicators; research design; data collection, analysis and restitution. 1. LUCISANO P., SALERNI A., Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione, Carocci, 2022.
2. CARDO, C., VILA, B., VEGA, S. (2016), Giochi e esperimenti al nido. Attività di manipolazione, esplorazione e scoperta Trento: Erickson.
M - Z
(reference books)
1. LUCISANO P., SALERNI A., Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione, Carocci, 2022.
2. CARDO, C., VILA, B., VEGA, S. (2016), Giochi e esperimenti al nido. Attività di manipolazione, esplorazione e scoperta Trento: Erickson. |
9 | M-PED/04 | 54 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910181 -
The course provides students with theoretical knowledge on human development in different domains (cognitive, social, emotional) and operational tools to apply that knowledge to the educational context, with particular reference to age group 0-6.
The course provides students with theoretical and applied knowledge on research methods used in developmental psychology. The course of Developmental psychology aims at achieving the following objectives. Knowledge and understanding of: - the main theoretical models on development processes; - the cognitive, social, and emotional development in the age 0-6; - the psychological processes involved in the educational contexts. Applying knowledge and understanding: - ability to analyze educational situations according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes; - ability to recognize the level of cognitive, social, affective and emotional in the age 0-6; - ability to analyze educational contexts according to the theoretical frameworks and involved psychological processes. Making judgements: - aptitude to find connections between psychological theories and educational situations; - aptitude for interpreting individual needs in psychological terms; - aptitude for self-evaluation of behaviors and skills as an education practitioner. Communication skills: - master the specific scientific language. Learning skills: - attitude to life-long learning on the psychological aspects involved in the educational practice; - to master the specific scientific language. THIS EXAM IS PREPARATORY TO THE LABORATORY FOR PSYCHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF CHILD BEHAVIOUR. |
9 | M-PSI/04 | 54 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910726 -
Pedagogy and didactics for inclusion
- Know the fundamentals of pedagogy and didactics to promote inclusion and develop effective interventions to prevent exclusion and discrimination.
- Understand the importance of the design and management of inclusive learning environments to promote the process of development of identity, autonomy, creativity and curiosity - Develop educational and teaching skills aimed at the enhancement of individual potential and personal and social well-being in an inclusive context. Expected learning outcomes consistent with the "Dublin descriptors" indicated in the frameworks of the SUA form (FRAMEWORKS A.4.b.1 - A4.c). Through the study of the course, the student will be able to achieve the following learning objectives: In terms of knowledge and understanding skills - Know and understand the epistemological and methodological field of inclusive pedagogy and didactics. - To know methods of educational intervention centered on the use of both verbal and non-verbal languages. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding - Apply acquired knowledge to build inclusive contexts for all with attention to affective-relational and cognitive aspects - Design, evaluate and document educational interventions with a view to continuous improvement of inclusive processes - Apply techniques consistent with specific situations. In terms of autonomy of judgment - Develop awareness of the ethical and educational responsibility related to the exercise of the educational function and the consequent duties towards children, families, the institution where they work and the territory. - Acquire the ability to evaluate situations and educational actions on the basis of appropriate documentation in order to make appropriate educational decisions. In terms of communication skills - Develop awareness of the expressive use of verbal and non-verbal languages, in the activities of education and socialization of children, in relationships with families, with other educators and with the operators of the integrated system of services. In terms of learning skills - To develop skills, attitudes and expertise in order to respond appropriately to the multiple and diverse needs of children, in a dynamic training perspective. - To be able to observe the contexts in which they operate and to be able to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them.
A - L
The Course aims to develop the necessary professional competences for high quality integration processes in the educational inclusive context of the day nursery. Through the elaboration of didactic planning skills in an inclusive environment, the course presents expressiveness, narrative practices, outdoor education, the Atelier method, and communities of practice as effective means for the education and participation of all the children.
(reference books)
• De Angelis, B. (2017). L’azione didattica come prevenzione dell’esclusione. Un cantiere aperto sui metodi e sulle pratiche per la scuola di tutti. Milano: FrancoAngeli.
• De Rossi, M., Restiglian, E. (2013). Narrazione e documentazione educativa. Percorsi per la prima infanzia. Tascabili Faber. • Botes, P. (2023). Emozioni e movimento nella didattica della lingua. Prospettive teatrali e drammapedagogiche. FrancoAngeli.
M - Z
The course consists in a Basic Course and a Workshop.
(reference books)
Basic Course (6CFU): The Course aims to develop the professional skills necessary for the context of the integrated 0-6 system to be made inclusive. Through the development of didactic design skills for an inclusive environment, the course proposes play and narrative practices as effective ways for all children to learn and participate. Workshop (3 CFU): The workshop aims to explore the specific contents of special pedagogy within the educational context dedicated to early childhood. During the workshop, students will experience moments of shared reflection and debate (also thanks to the presence of scholars/experts in early childhood issues). In addition, students will work in groups, producing written and/or multimedia works that will give an account of the in-depth study they have carried out and that will be able to guide them in their future profession. Basic Course (6ECTS):
BIANQUIN N. e BULGARELLI D. (2022). Nido d'infanzia e progettazione educativa individualizzata. Progettare l''inclusione attraverso il PEI su base ICF. Trento: Erickson; BRAGA P. e MORGANDI T. (2021). Giocare al nido e nella scuola dell’infanzia. Roma: Carocci.CESARO A. (2015). Asilo nido e integrazione del bambino con disabilità. Roma: Carocci; DE ANGELIS B. (2017). L’azione didattica come prevenzione dell’esclusione. Un cantiere aperto sui metodi e sulle pratiche per la scuola di tutti. Milano: FrancoAngeli. Workshop (3ECTS): BIANQUIN N. (2022). Universal Design for Learning nell'educazione alla prima infanzia. Perfezionarsi all'inclusione con progettazioni proattive, flessibili e multimodali. BaMbini, 28-31. FRISO V. (2022). UDL e deficit visivo. I libri tattili illustrati come mediatori plurisensoriali. BaMbini, 43-47. GUERINI I., MONTANARI M., RUZZANTE G., TRAVAGLINI A. (2022). I cortometraggi animati quali mediatori educativi per l’inclusione: alcune riflessioni critiche. Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion, X, 1, 73‐85. |
9 | M-PED/03 | 54 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910188 -
Acquisition of knowledge and operational skills related to observation as a technique to analyze infant behaviour, focusing on communicative and linguistic behavior.
By the study of Observational method in developmental psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: Knowledge of method, techniques, tools for the psychological observation of children behaviors. - Applying knowledge and understanding: Capacity to apply the observational techniques for analyzing the children communicative and linguistic development. - Making judgements: Ability to choose the adequate techniques and assess the appropriateness of the observation procedures used. - Communication skills: Master the specific language of observational methods. - Learning skills: Attitude to life-long learning on the observational methods apply in psychology.
A - F
(reference books)
Observation in practice • Definition of behavior observation • Systematic observation • Data recording techniques Assessment tools for communicative and linguistic development • Presentation of communicative-linguistic development tool • Tabulation exercise • Identification of the development profile Aureli T., Perucchini P., (2014) Observing and evaluating child behavior, il Mulino, Bologna. Study chapter 1, paragraph 3 (from page 32 to page 58) and chapter 2.
This text has online material accessible on the platform By purchasing the paper volume you can access the edition on Pandoracampus for 6 months using the code on the second cover page. It is also possible to purchase online-only access to the entire book or a selection of chapters directly on the platform. Caselli M.C., Bello A., Rinaldi P., Stefanini S., Pasqualetti P. (2015). Il primo vocabolario del bambino: Gesti, Parole Frasi, Franco Angeli, Milano (chap 1; chap. 2, par 4, 5 and 7 ; chap 4 - par. 1, 2; chap. 5, par. 1 and 2.1).
O - Z
Observation in practice
(reference books)
• Definition of behavior observation • Systematic observation • Data recording techniques Assessment tools for communicative and linguistic development • Presentation of communicative-linguistic development tool • Tabulation exercise • Identification of the development profile Aureli T., Perucchini P., (2014) Observing and evaluating child behavior, il Mulino, Bologna. Study chapter 1, paragraph 3 (from page 32 to page 58) and chapter 2.
This text has online material accessible on the platform By purchasing the paper volume you can access the edition on Pandoracampus for 6 months using the code on the second cover page. It is also possible to purchase online-only access to the entire book or a selection of chapters directly on the platform. Caselli M.C., Bello A., Rinaldi P., Stefanini S., Pasqualetti P. (2015). Il primo vocabolario del bambino: Gesti, Parole Frasi, Franco Angeli, Milano (chap 1; chap. 2, par 4, 5 and 7 ; chap 4 - par. 1, 2; chap. 5, par. 1 and 2.1).
G - N
(reference books)
Observation in practice • Definition of behavior observation • Systematic observation • Data recording techniques Assessment tools for communicative and linguistic development • Presentation of communicative-linguistic development tool • Tabulation exercise • Identification of the development profile Aureli T., Perucchini P., (2014) Observing and evaluating child behavior, il Mulino, Bologna. Study chapter 1, paragraph 3 (from page 32 to page 58) and chapter 2.
This text has online material accessible on the platform By purchasing the paper volume you can access the edition on Pandoracampus for 6 months using the code on the second cover page. It is also possible to purchase online-only access to the entire book or a selection of chapters directly on the platform. Caselli M.C., Bello A., Rinaldi P., Stefanini S., Pasqualetti P. (2015). Il primo vocabolario del bambino: Gesti, Parole Frasi, Franco Angeli, Milano (chap 1; chap. 2, par 4, 5 and 7 ; chap 4 - par. 1, 2; chap. 5, par. 1 and 2.1). |
3 | M-PSI/04 | 18 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910167 -
The course promotes the learning and use of appropriate methods of statistical analysis for the investigation in the educational field. In this context the use of tools, also of the IT type, is developed, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. The basic concepts of descriptive statistics are presented. The problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of the statistical information concerning a single variable or pairs of variables detected in a population are treated, distinguishing the approaches according to the qualitative or quantitative level of measurement.
The Laboratory promotes the learning of IT tools, suitable both for the collection of information and for their evaluation. It is proposed to provide students with the tools for the application of the main statistical methods through the Excel spreadsheet. Knowledge and understanding - to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - to distinguish the various theoretical fields with reference to univariate and bivariate descriptive approaches. Applying knowledge and understanding - analyze empirical context by identifying the type of information to be collected; - formalize the data matrix and analyze it with the appropriate statistical methods. Making judgements - linking statistical theory to school situations; - quantitatively evaluate pedagogical innovations. Communication skills - evaluate quantitatively the educational processes; - report the results achieved. Learning skills - exercise availability for scientific research in school settings; - access the statistical literature in education, identifying reliable sources.
(reference books)
Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), statistical ratios , bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient). STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Exercises on empirical data regarding statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, variation percentages and index numbers, covariance and correlation. BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU)
BOVE G., Slide delle lezioni del Corso base di Statistica, (available on-line). MARELLA D., Esercizi e domande di riepilogo di Statistica. (available on-line). CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001. CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO STUDY ON CORBETTA, GASPERONI E PISATI Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5) STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Marella D., Dispensa Laboratorio Statistica, pdf manuscript available on-line. |
9 | SECS-S/01 | 54 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910192 -
Aim of the study is the mode of organization and operation of the public administrations, with particular regard to the scholastic and socio-educational sphere. Analysis of decision-making processes related to the social and cultural reality of the territories. Recognition of legislation concerning educational agencies. History, theory and practice of public authorities. Evaluation of public policies at local level. Institutional relationships between the State and the associated organizations. Legal framework for interventions aimed at promoting social inclusion and preventing distress and social bias.
- Knowledge and understanding: to define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; to know the public authorities system in the national, European and international context. - Applying knowledge and understanding: to analyze the administrative tools aimed to satisfy individual and group educational needs; to examine in the specific context the legislative and organizational processes. - Making judgements: to apply the theoretical precepts to the concrete solutions supplied by the political decision maker; to evaluate regulatory innovations. - Communication skills: to use communication strategies in social and professional contexts; to develop the competence in finding personalized solutions according to the specific questions. - Learning skills: to put in practice the aptitude for empirical research in working contexts; to lead the carrying out of scientific studies in the search for solutions to concrete problems, with particular reference to families, schools and various services of the integrated educational system.
Order, Law, State. The organization of public authorities. The sources of law. Freedom rights and social rights. The right to protection of personal data. The division of responsibilities between the State and the Regions. Principles and rules of administrative proceedings. Accurate analysis of Law no. 241/1990. Public administration documents. The right of access to administrative documents. Territorial autonomies and the rules of administrative action. Public services and public contracts. The economic Constitution and the impact of European law. The regulation of property. Financial education and savings protection. Protection of rights and circuit of guarantees. Taxation, public finance and budget balance. Market regulation and protection of competition. Activities, functions and sanctions of the Agcm.
(reference books)
Study of the public administrations’ organization and operation, with particular regard to the socio-educational sphere. Analysis of decision-making processes related to the social and cultural reality of the territories. Recognition of legislation concerning educational agencies. History, theory and practice of public authorities. Evaluation of public policies at local level. Institutional relationships between the State and the associated organizations. Legal framework for interventions aimed at promoting social inclusion and preventing distress and social bias. Administrative rules and sources of the law: Article 117 of the Italian Constitution. 1) T. Groppi - A. Simoncini, Introduzione allo studio del diritto pubblico e delle sue fonti, Giappichelli editore, 2019;
in addition 2) V. Lopilato, Manuale di diritto amministrativo, I - Parte generale, Terza edizione, Estratto "Procedimento amministrativo, Provvedimento amministrativo, Accordi pubblici", Giappichelli editore, 2021; as an alternative 2) Lecture notes prepared by the professor and available in Formonline about legal sources of the administrative activities (Law no. 241 of 1990 and its institutes: The phases of the administrative procedure; The deadline for completing the proceedings; The justification for the provision; The person responsible for the procedure; The silence of the public administration; The participation of private individuals in the proceedings and the investigative means; Effectiveness and validity of administrative acts; The defects of the administrative act; etcetera) |
6 | IUS/09 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910198 -
The educational offer of the Course of Study includes a compulsory curricular internship of 14 cfu (350 hours), divided into 2 CFU (50 hours) of internal internship and 12 CFU (300 hours) of external internship.
The internal internship can be carried out starting from the first year and includes guided theoretical-practical activities to be performed within the Department. The external internship takes place starting from the third year and is characterized by practical activities in the field for orientation and training purposes; it is usually carried out outside the University, in particular in nurseries and facilities where educational activities are carried out for the 0-6 year olds in agreement with the University itself. |
ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
22910199 -
The final examination consists in the preparation and discussion by the student of a thesis work of:
- development, deepening and theoretical and methodological systematization of the external internship experience through the preparation of a paper that expresses the ability to reflect on the experiential and working situations carried out without neglecting the theoretical dimension; - critical and comparative analysis of theories, methodologies, techniques also on the basis of empirical, observational and experimental investigations related to a topic relevant to the characteristics of the course of study. |
4 | - | - | - | - | Final examination and foreign language test | ITA |