Degree Course: Policies, cooperation and development Syllabus for A.Y. 2024/2025

Italian version 

First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21801591 - DEMOGRAPHY (objectives)
- REYNAUD CECILIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-S/04  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21810349 - INSTITUTIONS OF PUBLIC LAW (objectives)
Group: A - L
- IANNUZZI ANTONIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
12  IUS/09  72  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: Paniere storico antropologico - Lo studente deve sostenere nel triennio 3 esami a scelta tra gli insegnamenti presenti in questo paniere - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: Alcuni insegnamenti a scelta dello studente consigliati dal Collegio Didattico del Cdl (2 esami per un totale di 12 CFU) - (show) Info 12               
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21810374 - GEOGRAPHY (objectives) M-GGR/01  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21810348 - POLITICAL ECONOMY (objectives)
Group: A - L
Group: M - Z
- VITTORI CLAUDIA (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SECS-P/01  72  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: Lingua a scelta - 1 ANNO - (show) Info 12               
Optional group: Paniere storico antropologico - Lo studente deve sostenere nel triennio 3 esami a scelta tra gli insegnamenti presenti in questo paniere - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: Paniere storico - (show) Info              
Optional group: Ulteriori attività formative. In questa categoria rientrano conosc. linguistiche, abilità informatiche e telematiche, tirocini formativi e stage, formazione e aggiornamento professionale, seminari e laboratori; convegni, giornate di studio - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21801551 - INTERNATIONAL LAW (objectives)
- Derived from  21801551 DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE in Scienze politiche L-36 FOCARELLI CARLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/13  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: Paniere giuridico - (show) Info              
21810355 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY (objectives)
Group: A - L
- Derived from  21810355 SOCIOLOGIA GENERALE in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 A - L ROSSI EMANUELE (syllabus)   (reference books)
Group: M - Z
- ANTONELLI FRANCESCO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SPS/07  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21801338 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY (objectives)
Group: A - L
- Derived from  21810662 STORIA CONTEMPORANEA in Governo e Amministrazione L-16 A - L CECI GIOVANNI MARIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
M-STO/04  36  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
- NUTI LEOPOLDO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  SPS/06  72  Basic compulsory activities  ITA
21810670 - ANTROPOLOGIA DELLO SVILUPPO (objectives)
- FUSASCHI MICHELA (syllabus)   (reference books)
M-DEA/01  54  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: Paniere giuridico - (show) Info              
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
- Derived from  21801312 ORGANIZZAZIONE INTERNAZIONALE E TUTELA DEI DIRITTI UMANI in Scienze politiche L-36 CARLETTI CRISTIANA (syllabus)   (reference books)
IUS/13  36  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
21810358 - DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS (objectives)
- Derived from  21810358 ECONOMIA DELLO SVILUPPO in Scienze politiche L-36 GATTA VALERIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
SECS-P/06  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: Lingua a scelta - 3 ANNO - (show) Info              
- Derived from  20702477-1 Geografia politica ed economica - 1 in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 DUMONT ISABELLE (syllabus)   (reference books)
M-GGR/02  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
21801524 - FINAL EXAM (objectives)
  48  Final examination and foreign language test  ITA