Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910026 -
Storia contemporanea
The teaching aims to ensure the knowledge about the transformation of the international order after World War II until the globalization and the end of the East-West bipolarity. The course is tailored in view of an educational goal, namely offering to students a framework for an independent and critical interpretation of the political, socio-economic and cultural patterns that have led to the determination of the foreign policy guidelines during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Sergio Maria Luisa
( syllabus)
The teaching aims to ensure the knowledge about the transformation of the international order after World War II until the globalization and the end of the East-West bipolarity.
The lessons will focus on two specific areas of the history of international relations:
1. The phases of the Cold War: US - USSR confrontation; competitive coexistence; Détente.
2. The key moments of the European Union founding process: the transatlantic relations versus the formation of the Franco-German axis; the European Coal and Steel Community and the proposed European Defense Community; the establishment of new supranational institutions.
The European Community's path will be examined from the point of view of political history (especially with regard to the transnational cooperation between political parties and trade unions) and in terms of the history of ideas, that is the analysis of the federalist thought within the twentieth century political cultures and about the importance of the religious factor on the dynamics of redefining the rules and institutions of European governance.
The course is so tailored in view of an educational goal, namely offering to students a framework for an independent and critical interpretation of the political, socio-economic and cultural patterns that have led to the determination of the foreign policy guidelines during the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
( reference books)
Un buon manuale di Storia contemporanea delle classi superiori a scelta dello studente
Carlo Felice Casula, Insegnare il Novecento. Chiavi di lettura e casi studio con percorsi di storia e cinema, Editoriale Anicia, 2014
Carlo Felice Casula, Educare alla pace e alla diversità culturale per fondare una nuova cittadinanza consapevole e solidale, in «Qtimes webmagazine11, 30 Gennaio 2016, online:
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Teledidattica I anno - lingue - (show)
22910024 -
Lingua francese
The formative objectives of the French course is to improve students’ French level through the study and the elaboration of complex texts, especially about educational topics. The students must have acquired, at the end of the course, a good pronunciation of French and the basic knowledge of grammar, lexicon and syntax; they must, through these competencies, be able to understand and use some texts about topics of education studies, written and oral.
( syllabus)
This 9 credits (9 CFU) course includes the following contents, organised in 3 units:
a quick revision of previous basic knowledge of French phonetics, grammar and syntax; a deeper approach to grammatical and syntactic contents related to the passage from an A2 level of linguistic competence to a B1 level; a gradual enrichment of vocabulary; a structured reflection on the interconnections among phonetics, orthography, morphology and syntax in French;
self-correcting exercises to be done on specific instructional websites; listening, reading and oral reproduction of mp3 files provided among the “teaching materials” and of Teacher's podcasts.
In parallel with this, reading, comprehension and vocabulary enrichment in relation to the contents of the book being studied.
( reference books)
1) As for the study and practice of grammar, any high school textbook can be used to revise the grammar topics, together with the many specific websites recommended by the Teacher during the course.
2) The following volume will be object of study and application of the linguistic tools acquired:
Marina Geat, Viviane Deviésère (a cura di), La Mer en texte, la Mer en classe. Réflexions littéraires et didactiques autour du sujet marin dans des écoles en Italie et en France, Aracne, Roma 2015.
Core compulsory activities
22910025 -
Lingua inglese
The course is meant to provide an introductory pragmatic approach to the language, showing in particular the cultural specific aspects of several different texts. The main aim of the course is to stimulate a reflection on some specific use of the language.
The educational path aims at making students already possessing a pre-intermediate language level consolidate their skills, globally responding to Common European Framework of Reference for Languages level B1-B2 (see European Language Portfolio at The tasks proposed will particularly refer to the practicing of the main linguistic constructions, the formulation of complex phrases, the enrichment of specialized vocabulary. The skills of adapting and reformulating different kinds of texts into another language will be implemented too.
( syllabus)
The reading of different types of narrative texts will allow the student to enrich his/her lexical and grammar-syntactical competences through constant exercise (pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension), stimulating the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and providing useful topics for class-work both at written and oral level. In particular, the course will focus on bullying attitudes, through the analysis of some of the first text dealing with the phenomenon in the UK. The constant use of English in the classroom will be encouraged; students will be fostered to noticing the differences and similarities between L2 and L1 also by providing and analysing different translations of the texts proposed. Pre-reading and post-reading activities, as well as reading and listening comprehension exercises will be proposed.
* N.B.: All changing concerning the program or the lessons, or any other news will be posted on the teacher’s page on the Department website. For more information or further details, or to ask for an appointment, please contact the teacher via e-mail [].
( reference books)
** Reading texts (mandatory): - Maria Edgeworth, Harrington, (ed. by Susan Manly) Broadview editions, Canada, 2004 (or online [traduzione italiana di riferimento a cura di Carla De Petris e Raffaella Leproni, Belforte ediitore, Livorno 2015] - Maria Edgeworth, Essay on Irish Bulls (any edition; online ) - Marco Catarci, Massimiliano Fiorucci (eds.), Intercultural Education in the European Context. Theories, Experiences, Challenges, Ashgate, UK/USA, 2015 ** Grammar texts (optional): - Michael VINCE, Lelio PALLINI, English Grammar Practice for Italian Students, Macmillan & Heinemann OR . M. Foley, D. Hall, MyGrammarLab (Intermediate B1/B2), Pearson Education Limited, 2012
** Dictionaries (optional): - Bilingual dictionaries: Hazon Garzanti, New Edition, OR F.Picchi, Grande dizionario Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli. - Monolingual dictionaries: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners OR Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, OR Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary
( syllabus)
* Aims of the course: Students will acquire an awareness of the use of English throughout the world, the spread of the language as a Lingua Franca and the idea of the varieties of Englishes spoken in different countries. * Description of the course: - This course is meant to provide a cultural analysis of the texts studied. A first text (Andrea Binelli’s) deals with materials concerning a reflection on English and Englishes and a study of the language itself. The texts provided on the web focus on representative historical and meta linguistic analysis on the development and importance of a language for a consequent cultural and social development of a country. Students will have to deal with these texts in order to read, understand and interpret them from a linguistic, sociological, historical and cultural point of view. - Lessons will be held in English and in Italian. Activities such as cloze tests, reading / comprehension and listening / comprehension exercises will be part of the course. Authentic materials will be used in order to provide different models of the use of English. - The books indicated in bibliography provide a fundamental reference for a general revision of English morphological and syntactic structures. The study of a grammar book corresponding to B1 level is highly recommended. - Exam: the exam consists in a reading comprehension structured on the texts available on line and on a short cloze test on the book by Andrea Binelli plus an open question on a general issue discussed in the lessons. This part of the exam is an integration to the exam of English Language 6 cfu held by professor Leproni Raffella (see specific Programme) so granting 9 CFU in total. The two parts are to be taken together.
( reference books)
** Texts: - A selection of texts by G. Orwell, T.B. Macaulay, W. Scott, R. Williams, S. Rushdie and others; -Andrea Binelli, Of Englishes and Styles—Rhetorical and Semiotic Analyses of Advertisements, Edizioni ETS, Pisa, 2012 (FIRST CHAPTER ONLY) ** GRAMMAR TEXT: Raymond Murphy, English Grammar in Use, CUP, Cambridge (3rd ed.) 2007. ** DICTIONARIES: -ITALIAN / ENGLISH: Hazon Garzanti , Nuova Edizione, or F.Picchi, Grande dizionario Inglese-Italiano/Italiano-Inglese, Hoepli. - MONOLINGUAL: Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learners oppure Oxford Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary, or Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner’s English Dictionary.
Core compulsory activities
22910021 -
Storia della Pedagogia
The course aims to: - Identify and discuss the components of teaching skills in formal and non formal education; -critically analyze the evolution of the education system and the new professional role of the teacher; - Critically compare the main theories of learning; - Describe the role of evaluation in a training process and its recursive interactions with the development of educational activities; - Acquire and use the basic methodologies for instructional design and construction of evaluation tools; - Critically examine the cognitive and social components of an environment for online training; - Develop critical reflections on course topics.
( syllabus)
The course consists of a basic course and a monographic part. The basic course aims at examining the evolution of the history of ideas on education by analyzing the thought of some amongst the most important authors who dealth with education related issues in the history of Western thought . Particular attention is given to Rousseau's thinking by reading some excerpts from "Emilio", a text which was published in 1762 and revolutionized the thought on education. The monographic part, instead, examines - in the framework of historical studies on sentimental education - the evolution of family relationships, the transition from the extended family to the conjugal-intimate one, and the real educational practices experienced within it between the Eighteenth and the Twentieth Centuries.
( reference books)
1) Saverio Santamaita, Storia dell’educazione e delle pedagogie, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 2013. 2) Jean-Jacques Rousseau, L’Emilio, (any edition), libri 1,2 3) Marzio Barbagli, Sotto lo stesso tetto. Mutamenti della famiglia in Italia dal XV al XX secolo, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2000 (chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX) 4) Francesca Borruso, Affetti familiari e modelli educativi fra Sette e Novecento, (assay on line). 5) Francesca Borruso, Metodi educativi e violenza sull’infanzia nella storia dell’educazione fra Sette e Novecento, (assay on line).
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
A scelta - (show)
22910091 -
Cultural and social Anthropology
The objectives of the training are: a) retrace some conceptual nodes of the debate and ethno-anthropological research, successful completion of the concept of race to the formulation of culture, to the deconstruction of the contradictions of multiculturalism, from the perspective of a new contemporary ethnography of the worlds; b) provide critical elements to address issues and problems of contemporary globalization as a complex Web of local and transnational processes; c) develop the perspective of studies of political anthropology, historical analysis of the contradictions related to the concept of ethnic identity as in reflections that define the scope of multiculturalism, placing them in connection with the reality of migration and in the study of the different forms in which old and new racism, along with other exclusionary practices, articulate processes of social construction of difference.
Elective activities
22910086 -
Metodi e tecniche della scrittura in educazione
General objective of the course will be that of endowing students with those tools necessary to project and write teaching and learning materials in different disciplinary and educational settings, being them formal and informal. Students will be asked to reflect on the lexicon and syntactical structures to be used for an effective teaching, according to the addressees’ profile, with specific reference both to teaching and learning and cultural and scientific communication in school and museum context. Students are asked as well to reflect on the level of difficulty of the texts proposed in order to transfer contents, on the choice of the kind of language used and to be used, and on the ways of representation of a certain content. They will have, then, to work on the analysis of the writing techniques related to the disciplinary fields identified, in projecting and defining a methodology of work and in the draft of texts for teaching and learning, solving educational problems submitted to their attention. Meta-objectives will be the possibility to increase both literacy abilities, often lacking as regards grammar and syntaxes and writing argumentation skills, critical thinking skills and creativity. To this aim the course is articulated in a main module (face to face and distance) and a creative writing lab where main tools for analysis and production of fiction texts (stories, novels and scripts) and non-fiction texts (press articles and short essays) will be explained.
( syllabus)
General objective of the course will be that of endowing students with those tools necessary to project and write teaching and learning materials in different disciplinary and educational settings, being them formal and informal. Students will be asked to reflect on the lexicon and syntactical structures to be used for an effective teaching, according to the addressees’ profile, with specific reference both to teaching and learning and cultural and scientific communication in school and museum context. Students are asked as well to reflect on the level of difficulty of the texts proposed in order to transfer contents, on the choice of the kind of language used and to be used, and on the ways of representation of a certain content. They will have, then, to work on the analysis of the writing techniques related to the disciplinary fields identified, in projecting and defining a methodology of work and in the draft of texts for teaching and learning, solving educational problems submitted to their attention. Meta-objectives will be the possibility to increase both literacy abilities, often lacking as regards grammar and syntaxes and writing argumentation skills, critical thinking skills and creativity. To this aim the course is articulated in a main module and a creative writing lab where main tools for analysis and production of fiction texts (stories, novels and scripts) and non-fiction texts (press articles and short essays) will be explained.
( reference books)
Descartes, Discourse sur la Méthode (available on the platform) POCE A., Verba sequentur. Thinking and Writing. Franco Angeli: Milano, 2017. Further references: Garavelli B.M., Prontuario di punteggiatura, Laterza: Bari, 2003, ISBN 978-88-420-7027-6 Serianni L., Leggere, scrivere, argomentare, Laterza, Bari, 2013, ISBN 978-88-581-0663-1 Serianni L., L’ora di italiano. Scuola e materie umanistiche. Laterza, Bari, ISBN 978-88-420-5994-3 Santambrogio M., Manuale di scrittura non creativa, Laterza, Bari, 2006 ISBN 978-88-420-8640-6
( syllabus)
n particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
• Learn different creative writing forms and their peculiarities • Analyse narrative structures (three-act structures, tales of travelling heroes…) • Explore the ways of applying creative writing to different media • Analyse all types of narrative mechanisms • Destructure a creative text in order to highlight its strengths and weaknesses • Use the appeal of creative texts for non-fiction • Use narrative mechanisms to make non-fiction texts flow more easily • Learn to single out and exploit the strengths of the idea underlying a text of fiction/non fiction • Use the same elements in a text of fiction as in one of non-fiction (from news to fiction and from a biography to a biopic)
( reference books)
Gotham Writers' Workshop, Lezioni di scrittura creativa. Un manuale di tecnica ed esercizi della più grande scuola di formazione americana, Dino Audino Editore, Roma, ISBN: 978-88-7527-125-1 Chatman, S., Storia e discorso. La struttura narrativa nel romanzo e nel film, Il Saggiatore, ISBN: 978-88-5650-185-8
Elective activities