Optional group:
19700620 -
Acquisition of knowledge and critical understanding of the formation of the Roman Empire through the system of the creation of the provinces and their administrative organization, deepening of the relationship between the provinces and the central government. Essential knowledge of the languages of ancient culture (Greek and Latin). Historical and archaeological and administrative insights finalized the acquisition of the procurement of ancient sources of research methodologies required and its critical use. Acquisitions of functional methods of research to the interdisciplinary study of the matter. We ask a knowledge of languages: English, French, German, in order to have the ability to study the course material in a foreign language. Suitable learning to further study and research
( syllabus)
The organization and workings of Imperial Rome. The central administration and those of the Provinces. The army’s role.
( reference books)
• P. ROMANELLI, Le Province e la loro amministrazione, in Guida allo studio della civiltà romana antica, edd. V. Ussani, F. Arnaldi, I, 1964, pp. 331-377. • F. JACQUES, J. SCHEID, Roma e il suo impero. Istituzioni, economia, religione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1992. • E. LO CASCIO, Le tecniche dell'amministrazione, in Storia di Roma, II. L'impero mediterraneo, 2. I principi e il mondo, Torino, Einaudi, 1991, pp. 119-191. • L. CRACCO RUGGINI, La città imperiale, in Storia di Roma, IV. Caratteri e morfologie, Torino, Einaudi, 1989, pp. 201-266. • E. MEYER-ZWIFFELHOFFER, Storia delle Province romane, Universale Paperbacks il Mulino, Bologna , 2011. • P. GROS, M. TORELLI, Storia dell’urbanistica. Il mondo romano, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1988, pp. 237- 426(ristampa 2010) • G. BEJOR, M.T. GRASSI, S. MAGGI, F. SLAVAZZI, Arte e Archeologia delle Province romane, Mondadori Università, Milano, 2011.
Core compulsory activities
20705275 -
ability to analyze in detail, through the entire system of available sources, the transformations of urban and rural settlements in the Middle Ages; ability to communicate research results, in oral and written form, even at a specialist level
20705275-1 -
ability to analyze in detail, through the entire system of available sources, the transformations of urban and rural settlements in the Middle Ages; ability to communicate research results, in oral and written form, even at a specialist level
( syllabus)
The first part of the course will deal with the main topics of medieval archaeology, such as the transformation of towns between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, medieval rural landscapes, the curtense system, castling, trade and production. The second part of the Medieval Archaeology course will deal in seminar form with a topic to be chosen jointly by the lecturer and students, and will take the form of the presentation and discussion of papers on texts made available to the course participants.
( reference books)
A. Augenti, Archeologia dell'Italia Medievale, Roma - Bari (editori Laterza) 2016 R. Santangeli Valenzani, L'edilizia residenziale in Italia nell'Altomedioevo, Roma (Carocci Editore) 2011
A questi testi gli studenti che, per validi motivi, non hanno potuto frequentare il corso, dovranno aggiungere: A. Augenti, Città e Porti dall'antichità al medioevo, Roma (Carocci Editore) 2010 I. Barbiera, Memorie sepolte. Tombe e identità nell'altomedioevo, Roma (Carocci Editore) 2012
Core compulsory activities
20705275-2 -
ability to analyze in detail, through the entire system of available sources, the transformations of urban and rural settlements in the Middle Ages; ability to communicate research results, in oral and written form, even at a specialist level
( syllabus)
The first part of the course will deal with the main topics of medieval archaeology, such as the transformation of towns between late antiquity and the early Middle Ages, medieval rural landscapes, the curtense system, castling, trade and production. The second part of the Medieval Archaeology course will deal in seminar form with a topic to be chosen jointly by the lecturer and students, and will take the form of the presentation and discussion of papers on texts made available to the course participants.
( reference books)
A. Augenti, Archeologia dell'Italia Medievale, Roma - Bari (editori Laterza) 2016 R. Santangeli Valenzani, L'edilizia residenziale in Italia nell'Altomedioevo, Roma (Carocci Editore) 2011
To these texts, students who, for valid reasons, could not attend the course, should add: A. Augenti, Città e Porti dall'antichità al medioevo, Roma (Carocci Editore) 2010 I. Barbiera, Memorie sepolte. Tombe e identità nell'altomedioevo, Roma (Carocci Editore) 2012
Core compulsory activities
20710163 -
Target of the course is to deepen the use of historical sources, archaeological and of research with the purpose to face the study (urbanistic evolution, monumental etc.) of the city of the classical world.
( syllabus)
Baths and Houses Rome and Ostia: evolution of architectural typologies. After a first part concerning the evolution of the city in Roman Italy (and its architectural, juridical etc. aspects) with the analysis of some sample cases, the course proposes to deal with the theme of thermal baths and houses in Rome and Ostia. The general aspects of these architectural typologies (construction, characteristics and evolution) and their relationship with history and the town will be examined.
( reference books)
General Section: * (Roman Town-Planning in Italy): P. Sommella, Italia antica. L’urbanistica romana, Jouvence, Roma 1988 (pp. 17-32; 55-67; 83-92; 109-123; 143-164; 191-211: 227-250) P. Gros, L'architettura romana. Dagli inizi del III secolo a.C. alla fine dell'alto impero. I monumenti pubblici, Longanesi, Milano 2001 (pp. 28-47; 134-166; 228-242; 260-270: 504-519)
**(Technical-constructive aspects of Roman baths): F. Yegul, Baths and Bathing in Classical Antiquity, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1992, pp. 6-29; 48-91; 128-180; 356-395. I. Nielsen, Thermae et balnea: the architecture and cultural history of Roman public baths, Aarhus, Aarhus University Press, 1993, pp. 6-36; 122-138. A.L. Foulché, “Les Balnea de Rome à travers la Forma Vrbis Severiana et les Catalogues Régionnaires”, in MEFRA 123/2 (2011), pp. 597-611. [https://journals.openedition.org/mefra/452] M. Spanu, “Terme urbane romane e approvvigionamento idrico”, in AMNIS. L’acqua dalla materialità alla parola. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Università di Pisa, 1-3 dicembre 2021), Sesto Fiorentino 2022, pp. 89-98
*** (Ostia) G. Poccardi, "Thermes et bains de l'Ostie antique", J.-P. Descoeudres (ed.), Ostie - port et porte de la Rome antique, Geneve 2001, pp. 161-171. C. Pavolini, Ostia [Guide Archeologiche Laterza] Roma-Bari 2006 M. Turci, “ Lo sviluppo del settore costiero della città di Ostia tra III e VI secolo d.C.. Keryx, 2020, 6, pp.131-171 [https://hal.science/hal-03523163v1]
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20703343 -
basic knowledge of the history of the discipline and related technical aspects. ability to understand the typology of artistic and historical underwater heritage; basic knowledge about in situ conservation and retrieval of finds; basic knowledge of conservative restoration and parameters for museum display, ability to communicate ideas and information in written and oral form to specialists and non
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711424 -
The course aims to provide the methodological tools to plan archaeological projects which include public involvement and active participation of local communities, starting with experiences and case studies, from national and international contexts. The course will lead to the achievement of skills to plan participatory projects and realize archaeological communication strategies.
( syllabus)
The course starts with the history of Public Archeology studies in the international context, from the first experiences to its evolution, to get to the recent developments in the italian context. During the lessons, the main themes and key points related to Public Archeology will be dealt with, such as archaeology and communication, the concept of cultural heritage (tangible and intangible), the Faro convention, the participatory archaeology (objectives and strategies). The course will illustrate the main strategies to achieve the methodological tools aimed to plan and activate Public Archeology projects, integrated with scientific research, which have a concrete impact on cultural heritage valorization, through sustainable policies to be planned with local authorities and community: for the protection, history knowledge and use of the territory.
( reference books)
G. Volpe, Archeologia pubblica. Metodi, tecniche, esperienze, Roma 2020.
A. Augenti, A come archeologia. 10 grandi scoperte per ricostruire la storia, Roma 2018.
A. Chavarría Arnau, La ricerca partecipata nell’archeologia del futuro, in L’archeologia pubblica prima e dopo l’archeologia pubblica, Il Capitale Culturale, Supplemento 9/2019, pp. 369-387.
Additional bibliography will be provided during the course.
For non-attending students:
In addition to these texts, non-attending students will be required to add:
F. Baratti, Ecomusei, paesaggi e comunità. Esperienze, progetti e ricerche nel Salento, Milano 2012.
S. Pallecchi, Ritessere e raccontare. Appunti sulla comunicazione dell’archeologia, Sesto Fiorentino 2023.
F. Ripanti, Italian public archaeology on fieldwork: an overview, in Archeostorie. Journal of Public Archaeology 1, 2017, pp. 93-104.
M. Valenti, Appunti, grezzi, per un’agenda di Archeologia Pubblica in Italia, in J.Moreland, J.Mitchell, B.Leal (eds.), Encounters, Excavations and Argosies Essays for Richard Hodges, Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, 2017, pp. 314-328.
E. Zanini, Archeologia pubblica: dalla pratica della condivisione alla ricerca della sostenibilità, in D. Malfitana (a cura di), Archeologia quo vadis? Riflessioni metodologiche sul futuro di una disciplina, Catania 2018, pp. 175-189.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703341 -
knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA
( syllabus)
Course title: The Museum in the contemporary debate: traditions and contradictions
Never as intensely as today, and at any latitude in the World, the museum institution is at the center of a debate that constantly questions its traditional status as a place of conservation, study and protection of collections. This course aims to offer a broad overview of the museum and of the Museum Studies (definition, statute, structure, services, spaces, professions) and to analyze some themes dear to Critical Museology, such as decolonization, delocalization, the development of museums of memory and human rights, the relationship with social and economic sciences, etc. The second part of the course will take place in the form of seminars conducted in the museums by students based on individual research. Numerous inspections are planned in the Roman museums.
( reference books)
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has studied in depth:
a) at least one of the following texts: A Companion to Museum Studies, a cura di S. Macdonald, Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, Modelli museologici e museografici nell'era della digital transformation, Milano Hoepli 2023
b) at least one of the following texts: The Curation and Care of Museum Collection, a cura di B.A. Campbell, Ch. Baars, London ; New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 The contemporary Museum: shaping Museums for the Global Now, a cura di S. J. Knell, London, New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008 S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait (a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016 M. Ferretti e A.Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131. S. Verde, Le belle arti e i selvaggi, la scoperta dell’altro, la storia dell’arte e l’invenzione del patrimonio culturale, Venezia, Marsilio, 2019 P.C. Marani, R. Pavoni, Musei, Trasformazioni di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006 M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005 Musei italiani del dopoguerra (1945-1977). Ricognizioni storiche e prospettive future, a cura di Valter Curzi, Milano, Skira, 2022. D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008 D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004 A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998 R. Fontanarossa, Collezionisti e musei. Una storia culturale, Torino, Einaudi, 2022
c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course and published on the teacher's bulletin board;
d) he or she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of the following Roman museums: - Musei Capitolini - Musei Vaticani - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Barberini - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Spada - Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia - Museo di Roma - Museo Napoleonico - Museo Mario Praz - Museo della Centrale Montemartini - Museo Nazionale Romano - Museo delle Civiltà - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna - MAXXI - MACRO - Palazzo Merulana
In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose and study two further texts from points a) and / or b).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710158 -
development of acquired knowledge; specific knowledge of the historical and artistic development of the medieval art (VI-XV century) acquisition of specific skills on artistic and craft production, monumental achievements of medieval age; ability to collect and interpret data; ability to analyze and read the work of art; development of a methodological competence that allows independent study; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
( syllabus)
From research to story: St Peter's in the Vatican before and after the Holy Door (8th-17th centuries) Why in the new St. Peter's of Paul V (1612) does the titulus of the Holy Door bear an inscription from the time of Gregory XIII (1575)? If it is true that every monument is a document, there must be a reason that can be investigated with the tools of historical and art-historical research. By retracing the vicissitudes of a place in the Vatican basilica charged with ritual significance, the course aims to recompose the phases and transformations of a space in the ancient basilica that has left memories and traces of itself in the new one; to experiment with different investigative strategies and to question the narration of what we discover, because only the narrative "reveals the meaning of what would otherwise remain an intolerable sequence of events".
( reference books)
Ch. Thoenes, Persistenze, ricorrenze e innovazioni nella storia della Basilica Vaticana, in Quaderni dell’Istituto di Storia dell’Architettura N.S. 57/59.2011/12, pp. 85-92. P. Liverani, San Pietro in Vaticano, in La visita alle ‘Sette chiese’, a cura di L. Pani Ermini, Roma 2000, pp. 21-45. A. Ballardini, La Basilica di San Pietro nel Medioevo, in H. Brandenburg, A. Ballardini, Ch. Thoenes, S. Pietro. Storia di un monumento, Milano 2015; pp. 34-75 e le note alle pp. 325-330. A.Ballardini, Un oratorio per la Theotokos: Giovanni VII (705-707) committente a San Pietro, in Medioevo: i committenti, XIII Convegno internazionale di studi, Parma, 21-26 settembre 2010, a cura di A.C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma 2011, pp. 98-116.
A.Ballardini, Il perduto Oratorio di Giovanni VII nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. Architettura e scultura, in Santa Maria Antiqua, tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 220-233 (e relative schede)
P.Pogliani, Il perduto Oratorio di Giovanni VII nella Basilica di San Pietro in Vaticano. I mosaici, in Santa Maria Antiqua, tra Roma e Bisanzio, Catalogo della mostra a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 240-259 (e relative schede)
A.Ballardini, Ugo da Carpi, Veronica mostra il Volto Santo tra gli Apostoli Pietro e Paolo, scheda di catalogo, in I Santi d’Italia. La pittura devota tra Tiziano, Guercino e Carlo Maratta a cura di Daniela Porra e A. D’Amico, (Milano, Palazzo Reale, 24 marzo-4 giugno 2017), Cinisello Balsamo-Milano 2017, pp. 78-80 [nelle pagine seguenti: Considerazioni sulla tecnica di esecuzione dell’opera a cura di G. Capriotti e L. D’Alessandro, facoltativo]
A.Ballardini, Piccola ma aurea: la Porta Santa nell'antico San Pietro, in Quando la Fabbrica costruì San Pietro. Un cantiere di lavoro, di pietà cristiana e di umanità (XVI-XIX secolo), a cura di Assunta Di Sante e Simona Turriziani, Foligno 2016, pp. 19-41.
A.Ballardini, Von Iohannes VII. zu den Renaissancepäpsten. Die Öffnung der Heiligen Pforte in Alt-St.Peter, in Die Päpste und Rom zwischen Spätantike und Mittelalter. Formen der Päpstlichen Machtentfaltung (17. - 19. März 2016), Hrg. Norbert Zimmermann, Tanja Michalsky, Alfried Wieczorek, Stefan Weinfurter, Schnell & Steiner 2017, pp. 29-53 (a disposizione anche in italiano). V. Lucherini, Alfarano, Tiberio / Tiberius Alpharanus, Historiker, ad vocem in Personenlexicon zur Christlichen Archäologie, 2012, I, pp. 62-63 (a disposizione anche in italiano). M. Ceresa, Grimaldi, Giacomo, ad vocem in Dizionario Biografico degli italiani (vol. 59, 2002) http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia/giacomo-grimaldi_(Dizionario-Biografico) Short collection of notes on Giacomo Grimaldi (1568-523) ed. by Antonella Ballardini
Consultation of the main manuscripts under study on the BAV website (Digitised Manuscripts Fund) is required https://opac.vatlib.it/mss/
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro G.5
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro A.64ter
Barb.lat. 2732
Barb.lat. 2733
Arch.Cap.S.Pietro H.3
Consultazione on line:
Tiberii Alpharani De Basilicae Vaticanae antiquissima et nova structura, a cura di M. Cerrati (Studi e testi, XXVI), Roma 1914.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
20710159-1 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course includes 2 joined modules, equivalent to 12 CFU. The two modules will investigate significant episodes in the artistic production in the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences in architectural types, decorative systems, concepts in theology and aesthetics from both areas. Therefore, both modules will be addressed, along with buildings, to mosaics, wall painting and icons from 5th to 13th centuries, investigating iconographic themes and systems, formal and stylistic structures, commissions in Rome, Constantinople, and other regions of the Byzantine empire. Visits to some historical complexes in Rome will be an integral part of the exam programme: surveys led by the professor are planned, which will be announced promptly. Direct knowledge of a group of roman churches is also required for the purpose of the exam (see list below). The active participation of students is expected with presentations in class and during visits
( reference books)
Attending students Module I History of Medieval Art Bibliography • R. Krautheimer, Architettura sacra paleocristiana e medievale e altri saggi su rinascimento e barocco, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri 1993, pp. 66-89 e figg. 10-27. • M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Arte e iconografia a Roma, Milano, Jaca Book 2000: M. Andaloro, S. Romano, L’immagine nell’abside, pp. 93-132. • M. Andaloro, L’Orizzonte tardo antico e le nuove immagini 312-468, v. I, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: F.R. Moretti e Liverani, pp. 87-91; G. Leardi, pp. 358-361; M. Viscontini, pp. 366-378 e 411-415; G. Bordi, pp. 379-407 e 416-418. • G. Gandolfo, La basilica sistina: i mosaici della navata e dell'arco trionfale, in Santa Maria Maggiore a Roma, a cura di C. Pietrangeli, Firenze 1990, pp. 85-123. • G. Curzi, I mosaici dell’Oratorio di S. Venanzio nel Battistero Lateranense: problemi storici e vicende conservative, in “Atti del V colloquio dell’AISCOM”, Ravenna 1998, pp. 267-282. • M. Andaloro, I papi e l’immagine prima e dopo Nicea, in Medioevo: immagini e ideologie, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Parma, 23-27 settembre 2002), a cura di A. C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma, Electa 2005, pp. 525-540. • S. Romano, Riforma e Tradizione. 1050-1198, v. IV, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: S. Romano, pp. 129-150 (S. Clemente, affreschi); J. Croisier, pp. 209-218 (S. Clemente, mosaico absidale); J. Croisier, pp. 305-311 (Santa Maria in Trastevere, mosaico absidale). • E. Parlato, S. Romano, Roma e il Lazio. Il Romanico, Milano, Jaca Book 2001; pp. 29-43 (S. Clemente); 60-75 (S. Maria in Trastevere); 143 (S. Cecilia in Trastevere). • M. Righetti, La nuova facies della basilica: tra Arnolfo e Cavallini, in AA.VV., Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Roma, Palombi Editori 2007, pp. 84-111. • S. Romano, Il Duecento e la cultura gotica (1198-1287 ca.), v. V, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012: K. Queijo, pp. 77-87 (San Paolo f.l.m., mosaico absidale). • S. Romano, Apogeo e fine del Medioevo.1288-1431, v. VI, Milano, Jaca Book 2017: V. Giesser, pp. 49-57 (San Giovanni in Laterano, Jacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 80-93 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, affreschi navata e controfacciata); V. Giesser, pp. 116-127 (Santa Maria Maggiore, Iacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 171-182 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, Storie della Vergine, mosaico absidale). • The following text is strongly recommended: - M. Andaloro, Atlante. Percorsi visivi, v. I, Jaca Book, Milano-Roma 2006, especially: S. Pietro; S. Paolo f.l.m.; S. Agnese f.l.m.; S. Clemente; Complesso lateranense: San Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero lateranense and Oratorio di S. Venanzio; Santa Maria Maggiore; S. Stefano Rotondo.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: - M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Roma. Arte e iconografia a Roma. Da Costantino a Cola di Rienzo, Milano, Jaca Book 2000 (whole book).
N.B. Apart from whole books, which can be either found at public libraries or bought, and additional readings for non-attending students, any other materials, including the slides, will be available at the end of the course as PDF to all the properly registered students, both attending and non-attending, on the Team channel of Storia dell’arte medievale e storia dell’arte bizantina LM a.a. 2024-2025 prof.ssa Maria Luigia Fobelli, in the section File, folder Materiale del corso.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702461 -
The course aims to cover the main aspects of the historical evolution of the Latin language, from pre-literary epigraphic evidence to post-classical production. Students will reflect on the peculiarities of the various registers of the Latin language in relation to texts of different types and periods. At the end of the course, they will be able to recognise the processes of language evolution and apply the main elements of historical grammar and metrics to the analysis of texts, in order to set an original critical discourse on a Latin text, contextualising it in the historical period and defining its register of use.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702448 -
The student will be introduced to the advanced study of Latin epigraphy through the exegesis of epigraphic documents that are useful for investigating aspects of the Roman and Romanised world.
Derived from
20702448 EPIGRAFIA LATINA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 ANGIUS ANDREA
( syllabus)
This course is devoted to the earliest epigraphic evidence in Latin, from the earliest 8th-century attestations up to the finds of the early Republican age. These inscriptions convey invaluable information about many aspects related to language, private life and political culture in the early centuries of Rome, enabling us to grasp fragments of otherwise obscure processes and phenomena. Only rarely and with much effort is it possible to compare the information conveyed by archaic epigraphy with clues handed down by sources of a different nature: for this reason, the study of the oldest Latin inscriptions confronts the historian with the need to make every minute detail worth it in order to gather clues useful for reconstructing the sociocultural context within which the inscriptions were produced. This means that although the techniques and methodologies are the same as those used in the study of more recent inscriptions, archaic epigraphy requires a different and specific application of them - greater weight is given, for example, to linguistic aspects - to which students will be introduced in the course of the lectures.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702466 -
Acquisition of in-depth and detailed knowledge of relevant issues in the history of early Christianity through the analysis of sources of different types and comparison with secondary literature. Acquisition of the scientific research tools and methodological principles necessary for reading the sources. Ability to express and communicate autonomous judgements on the issues analysed in a clear form.
Derived from
20702466 STORIA DEL CRISTIANESIMO ANTICO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 NOCE CARLA
( syllabus)
Course Title: Saint Sebastian: Between Legend and Devotion
Course Description: This course aims to reconstruct the early phases of the veneration of the (bi)martyr saint, Saint Sebastian. He is first recorded in the Depositio martyrum of 354, with a commemoration date of January 20, noting his burial on the Via Appia ad catacumbas, where the Memoria Apostolorum was located (later known as the Basilica Apostolorum under Constantine). Subsequently, he is briefly mentioned by Ambrose in his Commentary on Psalm 118 and ultimately becomes the central figure in the Passio Sancti Sebastiani, written between 430 and 450 by Arnobius the Younger, an African monk contemporary with Augustine, residing in the monastery established next to the Basilica Apostolorum. The course will particularly focus on analyzing this text, which enjoyed significant popularity. Students interested in exploring further may participate in a storytelling workshop with professional actors, who, alongside the course instructor, are engaged in a project to enhance the Basilica of Saint Sebastian in celebration of the Jubilee. This workshop aims to immerse students in the performative dimension characteristic of many ancient and medieval hagiographical texts.
( reference books)
Michael Lapidge (ed.), The Roman Martyrs, Oxford 2018. Further bibliography willl be provided during the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410624 -
Quaternary Stratigraphy and Paleoclimate
The aim of the course is to provide students with in-depth knowledge of geological, stratigraphic and palaeontological issues relating to the last 2.5 million years of the Earth's history and in particular the most recent part of the Pleistocene (last 780,000 years), proposing multidisciplinary study approaches.
Derived from
20410624 Stratigrafia e paleoclima del quaternario in Geologia e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-74 GLIOZZI ELSA
( syllabus)
Historical definition of Quaternary: paleontological and climatic criteria. Historic excursus on the Plio-Quaternary chronostratigraphy. The Plio-Quaternary boundary. Ages and Stages of the marine Quaternary. GSSP and the most relevant Quaternary marine Italian successions. The Holocene and the ice cores. Historical palaeoclimatology during Holocene. The Anthropocene. The Anthropocene. The Plio-Pleistocene successions in the Rome surroundings. Quaternary isotopic stratigraphy. Sea-level oscillations during Quaternary: the eustatic curves.Quaternary magnetostratigraphy. Quaternary dating methods. Plio-Quaternary marine biostratigraphy: planktonic and benthonic foraminifers, calcareous nannofossils, marine molluscs and ostracods (concept of “northern” and “senegalese” guests). History of the continental Plio-Quaternary stratigraphy. Causes of the Quaternary climatic changes. Astronomical theory of climate changes. Precessional ond obliquity cycles, 40 ka and 100 ka glacial and interglacial cycles. Gelasian and Pleistocene glaciations. The Middle Pleistocene Transition. Illustration of the most relevant glacial deposits on Alps and Apennines. Plio-Quaternary biochronology based on large and small mammals, freshwater molluscs and non-marine ostracods. Pollen stratigraphy and climatic stratigraphy. Man and industry. Archaeogeological analyses. Examples of relevant continental quaternary records in central Italy: the Plio-Quaternary deposits of the Roman Campaign; the intermontane basins in central Italy (Tiberino and l’Aquila basins).
( reference books)
Pdf and copies of recent specialistic scientific publications given by the teacher
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702459 -
The student will have an advanced knowledge of the history of both Greek and Latin script, after examining the main scripts of ancient, medieval and modern times, by taking a seminar course devoted to a specific palaeographic topic.
Derived from
20702459 PALEOGRAFIA L.M. in Religioni, Culture, Storia LM-64 N0 AMMIRATI SERENA
( syllabus)
The course aims to address the study of the characteristics of Latin and Greek manuscripts, with particular regard to their value for philological and historical-cultural studies. In this regard, both the external characteristics of manuscripts will be examined (material techniques for the preparation of the book as a physical object, methods and tools for its preparation, with regard to the professional figures involved in the production process), and the cultural panorama of the times and places of origin of manuscript books. Therefore, each aspect will be illustrated by choosing a reference manuscript witness. This course will include both the examination of reproductions of manuscripts, in paper and electronic format, and the direct examination of manuscripts and writing materials, through visits to archives and libraries.
( reference books)
The final exam will include the knowledge of the material provided during lessons and the discussion of one subject which the student will decide to study in depth. In addition students are required to study the following texts: • M. Maniaci, Breve storia del libro manoscritto, Roma, Carocci, 2019; • M. L. Agati, Il libro manoscritto da Oriente a Occidente. Per una codicologia comparata, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Roma 2009 (a selection of chapters); • M. Cursi, Le forme del libro. Dalla tavoletta cerata all’e-book, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016, cap. III (pp. 97-160); • Two articles among those presented during the course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711269 -
Cultural anthropology and ethnography
20711269-1 -
form 1
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711269-2 -
Form 2
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410727 -
Systematic and Environmental Botany
Derived from
20410727 Botanica Sistematica e Ambientale in Biodiversità e Tutela dell'Ambiente LM-6 CESCHIN SIMONA, Salerno Giovanni
( syllabus)
Plant biodiversity: importance of its knowledge and its multiple uses. Systematics, taxonomic criteria and categories, nomenclature rules. Illustration of the main techniques of sampling, collection and identification of vascular plants. Methods for the preparation of herbarium samples. Analyses of the main characters with taxonomic value: roots, stem, leaves, flowers, pollen, fruits, seeds. General and systematic characters of ancestral and fossil Pteridophytes, actual Pteridophytes, Gimnospermae, Angiosperms-Dicotyledons, Angiosperms-Monocotyledons. Main morpho-structural differences of plant organisms in relation to their adaptations to different environment types (mountain, coast, dune, lake, river, rock, wall, city). Definition of the most representative and dominant species of the main plant communities of the Italian landscape. Laboratory activities on the use of dichotomous keys, and exploration of the plant biodiversity by analysing spontaneous species for officinal and food use. Didactic excursions within Rome city and Lazio.
( reference books)
Pdfs of the lessons performed during the course and the using of the following books:
Judd, Campbell, Kellogg, Stevens, Donoghue. Botanica sistematica. Un approccio filogenetico. PICCIN Pasqua, Abbate, Forni. Botanica generale e Diversità vegetale. PICCIN
The teacher receives Mon, Wed, Fri from 12.00 to 13.00 by appointment via email: simona.ceschin@uniroma3.it
Related or supplementary learning activities