Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22902253 -
The course aims at developing the following general learning objectives in order to develop in students the specific knowledge, skills and expertise in the human resources areas of education and in business organizations with reference to the European perspective of lifelong learning, the VET and to the demands of continuing education. The course presents the main theoretical foundations of the organization, emphasising the educational problems (in particular the company, the organizational structure, the operating systems, the different organizational forms, the development trends of the organization), the organizational shape of central structures: the central management, the personnel function (organizational structure and role); emerging perspectives in lifelong learning in observance of the Italian and European legislation and an analysis of issues related to adapting workers’ skills; an analysis of training sub-systems: training needs analysis, delivery and evaluation of results, design of the training process, basic training, specialized training, management training, different training methods and reporting systems.
22902253-2 -
To know the interconnections between Work Organization, Organizational Development and Human Resources Management, with particular attention to Lifelong Learning and CVET and be able to apply this knowledge to different professional contexts. To acquire open-minded and critical attitudes towards continuing changes in organizational life, enhancing the ability in analyzing scenarios and recognize which factors could modify the role and the professional practices of CVET in enterprises, both in the brief and long term.
Core compulsory activities
22902253-1 -
The course aims at developing the following general learning objectives in order to develop in students the specific knowledge, skills and expertise in the human resources areas of education and in business organizations with reference to the European perspective of lifelong learning, the VET and to the demands of continuing education. The course presents the main theoretical foundations of the organization, emphasising the educational problems (in particular the company, the organizational structure, the operating systems, the different organizational forms, the development trends of the organization), the organizational shape of central structures: the central management, the personnel function (organizational structure and role); emerging perspectives in lifelong learning in observance of the Italian and European legislation and an analysis of issues related to adapting workers’ skills; an analysis of training sub-systems: training needs analysis, delivery and evaluation of results, design of the training process, basic training, specialized training, management training, different training methods and reporting systems.
( syllabus)
Program Module I - Education of human resources and organizations The course is divided into three modules of 10 hours each (for a total of 30 hours). In the first module we introduce the main themes of the discipline, giving particular attention to the dimensions of the contemporary debate. The topics will cover the organizational models, the methodologies of human resources management and recruitment in different organizational contexts, the relationship between learning and knowledge with particular reference to the issue of organizational cultures and sensemaking. In the context of a reflection on the contemporary transformations of labor induced by digitalization we will study 'the theme of Industry.4 and the smart working. The second module focuses on the approach of communities of practice, as a tool for training and knowledge management in organizations. In the third area is the training in the workplace (Work-based learning) to be examined, contextualized in the European scenario and in reference to the frame work VET and CVET. In this context, we will 'also studied the issue of apprenticeship in its regulatory developments and design. It is foreseen the participation of witnesses who will share their experience with particular regard to the field of Interprofessional Funds and experience of business finance. The last area, the fourth, faces the theme of the Human Development Index (HDI the issue, the theories of Sen and Nussbaum: the capability approach and social justice). The modules will provide Students with the methodological tools to interpret the complexity of organizational development and training in the workplace and generally in public and private organizations. The course consists of lectures alternating with periods of training design and case studies. In each module there will be a workshop to exercise on issues pertaining to the module topic itself. In each workshop some works of collaborative design will be started; these works will form part of the exam.
Area 1 • The socio-organizational pedagogy of human resources and organizations: theoretical framework • Workshop on the “Analysis of knowledge” • Workshop “Smart Working: case studies” Area 2 • The theoretical approach of communities of practice • Workshop “Project Management” Area 3 • Work based learning, CVET e VET • The competency model: the construct analysis • Validation and certification of competences: the European approach (ECVET, EQF) Area 4 • The foundations of the approach Nussbaum: capabilities and educational welfare • Dimensions educational approach to habitat capability in social and educational
* Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to educational settings for children.
( reference books)
Reference books • Alessandrini G. (2016), Nuovo Manuale per l’esperto dei processi formativi. Canoni teorico-metodologici, Carocci, Roma • Alessandrini G. (2016), Smart Working. Nuove skill e competenze, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce • Alessandrini G. (2017), Atlante di Pedagogia del lavoro, FrancoAngeli, Milano (prima e terza parte) • Alessandrini G. (2019), Lavorare nelle risorse umane. Formazione e Competenze 4.0, Armando, Roma
Books of your choice (One book): • Alessandrini G. (2004), Pedagogia delle risorse umane e delle organizzazioni, Guerini, Milano (prima parte) • Alessandrini G. (2014), La “pedagogia” di Martha Nussbaum. Approccio alle capacità e sfide educative, Franco Angeli, Milano • Alessandrini G. (2013), La formazione al centro dello sviluppo umano. Crescita, lavoro, formazione, Giuffrè, Milano (prima parte) • Alessandrini G. (2007), Comunità di pratica e società della conoscenza, “Le Bussole”, Carocci, Roma • Alessandrini G. & De Natale M.L. (2015), Il dibattito sulle competenze: quale prospettiva pedagogica?, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce (Introduzione, CAP. IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII, XV, XVI) • Alessandrini G. (2014), Apprendistato, Competenze e prospettive di Occupabilità, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce (prima parte) • Alessandrini G., Pignalberi C. (2011), Comunità di pratica e Pedagogia del lavoro. Voglia di comunità in azienda, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce * You will be agreed with the teacher the choice of a classic pedagogy of human resources.
Core compulsory activities
22910118 -
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding the evolution of educational models and the main educational theories.
Applying knowledge and understand: Ability to contextualize the educational models in the contemporary history.
Making the judgment: develop, through the knowledge of the history of educational models, capacity of critical interpretation.
Communication skills: Knowing and using the disciplinary lexicon.
Learning ability: Knowing how to build an autonomous path of topics.
( syllabus)
The course aims to retrace the history of educational models with particular reference to the twentieth century in a critical-reflective key. In addition, theoretical in-depth studies are planned on the alternative school model proposed by Lorenzo Milani through the experience of Barbiana and on the pedagogy model of the emancipation of Gianni Rodari.
( reference books)
F. Cambi, Le pedagogie del Novecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014 (Introduction and chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16). Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa. Il senso di un manifesto sulla scuola, a cura di M. Gesualdi, Firenze, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 2017. G. Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all'arte di inventare storie, Einaudi o Einaudi Ragazzi. F. Silei, S. Massi, Il maestro, Roma, Orecchio Acerbo, 2017.
Core compulsory activities
22902259 -
Starting from the empirical approach that characterises research in education, the course will teach students to:
- learn and understand lifelong learning procedures through the study of research on adult education;
- apply qualitative and quantitative research projects aiming at studying adult education;
- make autonomous judgements on the interpretation of the research results;
- be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists;
- study and learn in an autonomous way models and procedures for adult education.
22902259-3 -
The adult literacy laboratory is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
Knowledge and understanding - getting to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; - identifying theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations;
Applying knowledge and understanding - the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); - understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC;
Learning skills - identifying the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys); - identifying similarities or differences between IALS, ALL and PIAAC international surveys;
Making judgements - analyzing the the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( syllabus)
Future educators, educational designers and dedicated teacher for adult learners-of age, different skills and usually discontinuous training experiences – need tools of assessment of competences validated and aimed at supporting the implementation of flexible educational strategies for continuously directing learning activities according to learners’ needs.
The adult literacy workshop is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the course aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents: -most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; -theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations; -the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); -the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC; -diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys). In particular, it will propose a comparison between surveys IALS, ALL and PIAAC; -the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
The seminar "Sources for Adult Education" will take place in the second semester and will consist of reading and commenting on the text "The Sources of a Science of Education", a work in which the pedagogist and philosopher John Dewey fights those who discredit pedagogical study because they argue that success in teaching and moral guidance of students are only the result of intuition and improvisation. For this reason, he suggests adopting methods that allow an analysis to be made of what the competent teacher does intuitively, so that his best practices can become an integral part of a shared knowledge.
( reference books)
Mandatory readings: Vertecchi, B. Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo, Milano, Angeli, 2014, pp. 41-59. Isfol, Bastianelli M., Mineo S., (2016). Il Secondo Round dell’indagine OCSE-PIAAC: le competenze per vivere e lavorare oggi, Roma, Isfol Research Paper, 34.
Please note that the mandatory readings must be studied entirely unless otherwise indicated. The slides discussed in class and related to the main topics of the course will be available on the e-learning platform.
Further readings: OECD (2016), The Survey of Adult Skills: Reader’s Companion, Second Edition, OECD Skills Studies,OECD Publishing, Paris. Di Francesco G., Amendola M., Mineo S., I low skilled in Italia. Evidenze dall’indagine PIAAC sulle competenze degli adulti, in “Osservatorio Isfol”, VI (2016), n. 1-2, pp. 53-67.
Please note that the further readings are not mandatory. However, it is advisable for both attending students and non-attending students to undertake the study of these didactic materials.
Considering the different topics covered in the lessons, the lecturer will provide, as a stimulus and aid to study, handouts, articles, essays and research reports on the course website.
Core compulsory activities
22902259-2 -
The adult literacy laboratory is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
Knowledge and understanding - getting to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; - identifying theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations;
Applying knowledge and understanding - the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); - understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC;
Learning skills - identifying the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys); - identifying similarities or differences between IALS, ALL and PIAAC international surveys;
Making judgements - analyzing the the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( syllabus)
"Experimental Education. Models and procedures for adult education" is a course for the students of "SEAFC" master's degree and is composed of a basic course (36 hours of lessons, 6 ECTS), a laboratory (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS) and a seminar (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS). The course main objective is to teach students the theoretical and procedural aspects of research in adult education. Through the analysis of research in adult education, the course will focus on the historical and theoretical bases of experimental education from the origin until now; on the procedures for defining the research field, the methods and the data collecting tools, the data analysis and interpretation, the procedures for a critical revision of the hypotheses. The laboratory and the seminar are integral parts of the course. The first will focus on international research on adult literacy; the latter will be devoted to reading and commenting on a classical text on education. The whole course (lessons + laboratory + seminar) is worth 12 ECTS.
( reference books)
- for the lessons: o C. Angelini, "Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010. o B. Vertecchi, "Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti", Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Only the last section, G. Agrusti (ed.), "Laboratorio di valutazione". o In order for students to pass the exam, it is necessary to study also the materials that will be available on, in the private area. The login codes will be communicated both during the lessons and on the professor's web page.
- for the laboratory: o B. Vertecchi (2014), "Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo", Milano, Angeli, pp. 41-59. o G. Di Francesco (2014), PIAAC-OCSE. Rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti. ISFOL. o OECD (2013), OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Publishing..
Study materials for individual exercises will be provided by the professor.
- for the seminar: o B. F. Skinner, "Tecnologia dell'insegnamento", prefazione di Pier Cesare Revoltella, Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana, 2019.
Core compulsory activities
22902259-1 -
The adult literacy laboratory is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
Knowledge and understanding - getting to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; - identifying theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations;
Applying knowledge and understanding - the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); - understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC;
Learning skills - identifying the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys); - identifying similarities or differences between IALS, ALL and PIAAC international surveys;
Making judgements - analyzing the the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( syllabus)
"Experimental Education. Models and procedures for adult education" is a course for the students of "SEAFC" master's degree and is composed of a basic course (36 hours of lessons, 6 ECTS), a laboratory (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS) and a seminar (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS). The course main objective is to teach students the theoretical and procedural aspects of research in adult education. Through the analysis of research in adult education, the course will focus on the historical and theoretical bases of experimental education from the origin until now; on the procedures for defining the research field, the methods and the data collecting tools, the data analysis and interpretation, the procedures for a critical revision of the hypotheses. The laboratory and the seminar are integral parts of the course. The first will focus on international research on adult literacy; the latter will be devoted to reading and commenting on a classical text on education. The whole course (lessons + laboratory + seminar) is worth 12 ECTS.
( reference books)
- for the lessons: o C. Angelini, "Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010. o B. Vertecchi, "Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti", Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Only the last section, G. Agrusti (ed.), "Laboratorio di valutazione". o In order for students to pass the exam, it is necessary to study also the materials that will be available on, in the private area. The login codes will be communicated both during the lessons and on the professor's web page.
- for the laboratory: o B. Vertecchi (2014), "Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo", Milano, Angeli, pp. 41-59. o G. Di Francesco (2014), PIAAC-OCSE. Rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti. ISFOL. o OECD (2013), OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Publishing..
Study materials for individual exercises will be provided by the professor.
- for the seminar: o B. F. Skinner, "Tecnologia dell'insegnamento", prefazione di Pier Cesare Revoltella, Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana, 2019.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
LM-57 - A scelta dello studente - (show)
22902269 -
The course intends to provide students with the knowledge concerning the history of women’s state in the XX century. It aims at offering a historical path by rebuilding ideological roots and government policies which signed the exclusion and inclusion of women with regard to the public sphere and productive environment, with a special attention devoted to the marginalization and segregation phenomena towards a group of female categories.
By the study of Women’s History the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge of the political-institutional scenarios characterized by the exclusion of women by the access to some fundamental rights: right to vote, to extra-domestic work, and working safeguard measures; - Understanding the ethical-legal roots perpetuating gender inequality in the second half of the XX century; - Ability to analyze the theoretical principles which have legitimized political choices by European governments in the first half of the XIX century, with a focus on the second post world war Italy.
The course of Women’s History requires knowledge of the contemporary history space time dimension and of the deep transformations on the political-institutional and socio-economic ground, occurred in the XX century. The multifaceted dimension of the course offers a great opportunity for interaction and integration with other subject matters contemplated in the comprehensive learning path (psychological, sociological, legal and pedagogical). As the gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment represents a priority in the agenda of the international community, starting from the Agenda 2030, conceived as a new global constitution, the knowledge of the history of denied rights and battles carried out by women is essential in order to understand the current female condition at global level.
( syllabus)
The course aims at revisiting the history of women’s condition in the XX century. In particular, it will be highlighted as two events which deeply marked the XIX century opening with a revolution and closing with a war, both involving women, but giving men the chance to play between inclusion/participation and exclusion/repulsion of women from questions concerning the State and the Nation. The XX century sanctions an ineludible process towards women’s emancipation. The western women have access to modernity. In particular, the issues the course aims to deal with are the following: the Great War and the question whether or not it has been the era of women or the triumph of the gender difference; the Twenties and the modern woman in the United States; women under totalitarian regimes; women in the political sphere; feminism in the Sixties/Seventies; procreation and bioethics
( reference books)
G. Duby, M. Perrot, Storia delle donne. Il Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari L. Azara, L'uso "politico del corpo femminile", Carocci, Roma 2017 M. Loconsole, Umberto Notari e il confronto tra tradizione ed emancipazione in “Intersezioni”, anno XXVIII, n.2, agosto 2018 (
Elective activities
20710099 -
To provide knowledge and competences in research on communication in all its modalities, words, body, media. To investigate the devices of face to face and distance communication, their cognitive, affective and interaction functions in sincere and deceptive uses of interpersonal, public, social and institutional interaction. To develop competences in the analysis of communication and their application in professional and research domains.
Elective activities
22902266 -
The course provides basic concepts of sampling and regression. Particular attention is devoted to the comparison of types of sampling, and to the comparison between bivariate and multivariate approaches. During the course students will be introduced to the use of statistical software for computers, solving problems in new areas, placed in interdisciplinary contexts. By autonomously managing complex knowledge, the student will learn how to make critical judgments and communicate the results obtained to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors.
By the study of STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge in the field of statistics such as to allow him an adequate approach to the problems of planning and carrying out socio-educational and socio-welfare activities. - possess advanced methodological and technical knowledge, able to allow him to reflect on even complex situations with adequate data analysis and interpretation tools. Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of skills in the use of the operating systems of the new data processing methods - competent use of communication strategies with professional partners and users. Making judgements: - elaborate an independent judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene, making decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - show reflexive abilities on their own methods of intervention, supporting their decisions with objective information. Communication skills: - drafting documents aimed at programming and managing services, preparing research / monitoring / evaluation reports and preparing and presenting operational intervention proposals. - know how to communicate in public and manage institutional communication. Learning skills: - appropriate acquisitions skills to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's degree, research doctorate) - ability to continue independently in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile.
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: sampling and non sampling error, simple random sampling, cluster and stratified sampling, confidence interval, introduction to simple and multiple regression.
( reference books)
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., STATISTICA PER LA RICERCA SOCIALE, IL MULINO, BOLOGNA, 2001. Chapters and sections to study on the text of Corbetta, Gasperoni and Pisati Chapter 6: all (except piece-wise linear regression on page. 171) chapter 7: all (not function and use of ratios and not dxy section 5.) Chapter 8: all (except for section 2.3) chapter 10 all (in sections 3.1 e 3.2 excluded the formulas that do not regard the estimate of the population mean).
Elective activities
22910223 -
Storia dell'europa e delle istituzioni comunitarie
The teaching of European history pursues the general objective of the Degree Course, namely to train professionals endowed with autonomous and critical reasoning skills in relation to complex problems, also within the scope of the legal-regulatory aspects related to international processes. In this perspective, the teaching aims to enable educators to incorporate an EU dimension into their activity, to acquire knowledge, values, skills and competences, empowering them to think critically and form well-informed and balanced opinions, by practicing core European values of social inclusion and European and international solidarity. To that end, the teaching of European History aims to provide the student with a thorough preparation about the historical, cultural and juridical foundations of the European Union. This course also is designed to promote greater awareness of the role of the Union European as one of the most important players in an international, global and interdependent scenario, and to promote a critical reflection on the EU, its governance and decision-making processes, and on how it affects the citizens of the Member States and their democratic participation. Expected learning outcomes: knowledge of the most crucial political-cultural and institutional junctions in the history of community integration; ability to understand the dynamics and transformation processes of European society; autonomous, creative and innovative thinking on the main historical and social events of contemporary Europe and ability to express complex political, social and juridical situations by acquiring new communication skills.
( syllabus)
The course will be structured into three parts:
1) Analysis of the key moments of the European Union founding process: the transatlantic relations versus the formation of the Franco-German axis; the European Coal and Steel Community and the proposed European Defense Community; the establishment of new supranational institutions. The course will examine European Community's path first from the point of view of political history (especially with regard to the transnational cooperation between political parties and trade unions). Secondly, the course will take into account the history of ideas that is the analysis of the federalist thought within the twentieth century political cultures and about the importance of the religious factor on the dynamics of redefining the rules and institutions of European governance.
2) Analysis of the EU legal order, the evolution of the structure and functions of the main European institutions (Commission, European Parliament, Council, ECB and Luxembourg Court), integration theories and techniques (federalism, functionalism, neo-functionalism) and multi-level governance models. This analysis is designed to offer a reasoned and practical analysis of community construction, its crisis and development possibilities.
3) Evaluation of the limits and of the critical aspects of the mechanisms of European governance, with particular reference to the managing migration flows. The course will examine the following issues:
The Dublin Regulation, that is the EU law that determines which EU Member State is responsible for the examination of an application for asylum; The policies related to the institutional developments of the Lisbon Treaty, which introduces a new legal basis for the promotion of integration measures; The GAMM (Global approach to migration and mobility, adopted by the Commission in 2011); The Strategic Guidelines of June 2014 (Stockholm Program); The European Agenda on Migration.
( reference books)
For attending students
Piero S. Graglia, L'Unione europea. Perché stare ancora insieme, Il Mulino 2019
For non-attending students
Piero S. Graglia, L'Unione europea. Perché stare ancora insieme, Il Mulino 2019 [ultima edizione]
Enrica Rigo, Europa di confine: trasformazioni della cittadinanza nell'Unione allargata, Meltemi Editore srl 2007
Leonardo Rapone, Storia dell'integrazione europea, Carocci, ristampa 3^, 2018
Elective activities
22910114 -
The course provides basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics. Particular attention is devoted to the concepts of hypothesis tests for one and two samples and one way analysis of variance.
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: population, sample, point estimation. Hypothesis tests for one and two samples, one way analysis of variance.
( reference books)
MARELLA D. Lectures slides a.a. 2018-2019 will be available AGRESTI A., FINLAY B. Statistica per le scienze sociali, Pearson (2015)
Elective activities