Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21810348 -
Basic compulsory activities
21810374 -
acquisition of the knowledge on Earth system functioning and on the interactions between its different components (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere); develop skills for understanding the earth's physical phenomena, their origins and the reasons for their geographical distribution
Derived from
20702393-1 GEOGRAFIA I in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 MASETTI CARLA
( syllabus)
The first module (6 cfu) will provide an introduction to the knowledge of those physical environmental characteristics of our planet that constitute the natural component of the landscape. Top topics to be covered during the I Module: Basic Concepts of Astronomical Geography; The planet Earth; The representation of the Earth's surface; The lithosphere: minerals and rocks; Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic phenomena; Seismic phenomena; The Plaque Tettonica and the Evolution of the Earth; Marine hydrography; Continental hydrography; The terrestrial atmosphere; Elements and factors of the climate; Modeling the Earth's surface.
( reference books)
GEOGRAPHY I module (6 cfu) Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: -E. Lupia Palmieri, M. Parotto, Il Globo terrestre e la sua evoluzione,Edizione blu-Seconda edizione,testo unico, Milano, Zanichelli,2019 (ISBN: 978-88-08-32899-1). NB: Chapter-wise topics that are deleted: “Ambiente celeste”, “Sistema solare”, “Luna e il sistema Terra-Luna”, “Storia della Terra” and “Risorse naturali”. From the chapter dedicated to "Pianeta Terra", are TO BE DONEONLY the paragraphs on: "Forma e dimensioni della Terra", "Coordinate geografiche" and "Movimenti della Terra". The following chapters are to be done in its entirety: "La rappresentazione della superficie terrestre", "La crosta terrestre: minerali e rocce"; "La giacitura e le deformazioni delle rocce"; "I fenomeni vulcanici"; "I fenomeni sismici"; "La Tettonica delle placche"; "L’Atmosfera terrestre e i fenomeni meteorologici"; "Il clima e la biosfera"; "l’Ambiente marino"; "I ghiacciai e le acque continentali"; "Il modellamento della superficie terrestre".
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Paniere storico antropologico - Lo studente deve sostenere nel triennio 3 esami a scelta tra gli insegnamenti presenti in questo paniere - (show)
21810373 -
( syllabus)
Il corso mira a far comprendere agli studenti e alle studentesse i problemi principali del percorso storico dell’America Latina dall’età precolombiana alla fine del Novecento. A conclusione dell’insegnamento studenti e studentesse dovranno conoscere in modo approfondito i problemi e gli eventi trattati durante le lezioni ed essere in grado di contestualizzarli adeguatamente lungo l’arco cronologico considerato.
I principali temi affrontati saranno:
- Le civiltà precolombiane - "Scoperta" e conquista dell'America - La colonizzazione spagnola e portoghese - Società, cultura ed economia coloniale - Le riforme borboniche e il processo di indipendenza - La costruzione degli Stati nazionali e l'affermazione del modello primario-esportatore - La presenza inglese e nordamericana - La crisi dello Stato liberale - I rapporti con l’Europa e gli Stati Uniti negli anni Venti e Trenta - L’emergere dello Stato populista - La “grande trasformazione” dell’America Latina - La guerra fredda latinoamericana - La rivoluzione cubana - Gli anni Sessanta: crisi, riforme, rivoluzioni - Il ciclo controrivoluzionario. La Dottrina della Sicurezza Nazionale, le dittature militari e lo Stato neoliberista - Il Plan Condor e le violazioni dei Diritti Umani nel Cono Sud - La cultura popular nel XX secolo: la musica come strumento di protesta e resistenza nei regimi autoritari - Transizioni democratiche nel Cono Sud - Conflitti armati interni e processi di pace in America Centrale e in Colombia - La questione femminile in America Latina - Processi di integrazione regionale - Il passaggio di secolo
( reference books)
Gli studenti frequentanti dovranno consultare, oltre ai materiali forniti dalla docente durante il corso, il testo:
- Loris Zanatta, Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Laterza, 2017
Gli studenti non frequentanti dovranno studiare i seguenti testi:
- D. Pompejano, Storia dell'America Latina, Mondadori, 2012
- Loris Zanatta, Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Laterza, 2017
- Raffaele Nocera, Stati Uniti e America Latina dal 1823 ad oggi, Carocci
Basic compulsory activities
21810356 -
The course deals with issues relating to the history and politics of the US with special reference to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These two documents are central in the American political and social experience. Nowadays, with the radicalization of politics and presidential elections they become all the more relevant. Students will learn how the American system of government works and what are the prerogatives and duties of the president and of Congress. At the end of the semester, students will achieve a deep understanding of the most relevant aspects of American history and society with a special attention on foreign policy and the role of the US at the world level.
Santangeli Valenzani Giuliano
( syllabus)
Week I Introduction and description of the course. The Revolutionary era and the independence. Focus on the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights with discussions in class and readings from the original texts. The US political system and its evolution over time.
Week II The American Civil War and its effect on American society and culture. Focus on 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. The end of the XIX century, industrialization, populism and the “Gilded Age”. American imperialism and the progressive era. The first World War and the US international role. Week III The post war period and the roaring twenties. The Great Depression, Roosevelt’s presidency and the New Deal. The Second World War. The origins of the Cold War and the new dimension in foreign politics Week IV: The booming economy and the affluent society. The rise of the American middle-class. Social and cultural revolutions in the 1950s and 1960s. Civil Rights movement and the New Frontier, the Great Society and the war in Vietnam. Counterculture and feminisms.
Week V: The 1970s, Nixon and the “crisis of confidence”. Reagan and the conservative turn in American politics. The rise of a New Right. The end of the Cold War.
Week VI: The US from the end of the Cold War to 9/11. Clinton and Bush Jr., 9/11 and its effect on politics and culture.
( reference books)
Eric Foner, Storia della libertà americana, Donzelli, 2009
Fabrizio Tonello, La costituzione degli stati uniti, Mondadori, 2010
Another additional book of your choice from the following:
a cura di Daniele Fiorentino, Il pluralismo culturale. Un dibattito americano (1915-1916), Viella, 2021
Tiziano Bonazzi, Abraham Lincoln. Un dramma americano, il Mulino, 2016
a cura di Raffaella Baritono e Elisabetta Vezzosi, Oltre il secolo americano? Gli Stati Uniti prima e dopo l'11 settembre Carocci, Roma, 2011
Arnaldo Testi Trionfo e declino dei partiti politici negli Stati Uniti, 1860-1930, Otto, 2000
Basic compulsory activities
21810376 -
History and institutions of the Muslim Countries The course will provide students with and introduction to both Islam and the history of the Muslim World, from a non-Eurocentric perspective. Special attention will be given to the evolution of the relationship between religion and politics, and to the diachronic development of the different areas of the Muslim world from the coming of Islam to the Contemporary Era, with a focus on the Middle East and North Africa.
Derived from
20710732 STORIA E ISTITUZIONI DEI PAESI ISLAMICI in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 GERVASIO GENNARO
( syllabus)
The course aims at exploring the History of the Islamic world in its genesis with a special focus on it historical origin, in order to provide the students with:
a. A methodological introduction to the history of Islam and the Muslim majority countries, aiming at a critical approach, aware of the dangers of prejudices and misrepresentations. Hence, students will be introduced to the question of Orientalism, and its persistence until today, then the question of periodization of History from an Islamic viewpoint, looking in a diachronic way, at eras of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern Region where Islam was born and developed in the first instance. b. Basic elements of Islamic studies: creed, texts, pillars, umma, jihad, Law (shari'ah). Moreover, students will study the notions of: authority, Shi'a and Sunna, Caliphate and Imamate; Dhimma; Everyday Islam. c. Outline of politico-institutional History of Islam from the Unity of the Caliphate until the fragmentation and the Ottoman Empire, highlighting the plurality of experiences of the Islamic States. d. An Introduction to the basic themes of Modern and Contemporary History of Muslim Majority Countries, with a special focus on Middle East and North Africa.
( reference books)
For those attending the course:
- Appunti delle lezioni - Lorenzo Declich, Islam in 20 parole, Bari-Roma: Laterza 2016. - Pier Giovanni Donini, Il mondo islamico. Breve storia dal Cinquecento a oggi, Bari-Roma: Economica Laterza, 2015 (o altre edizioni). - Short articles available in pdf from, including: - Anna Bozzo, L’Islàm questo sconosciuto. - EW Said, Orientalismo, “Introduzione”. - G. Endress, Introduzione alla storia del mondo musulmano, Capp. 1-3-6.
Those non attending must read one of the following:
- Carole Hillenbrand, Islam. Una nuova introduzione storica, Torino: Einaudi, 2016. - G. Filoramo (a cura di), Islam, Roma-Bari: Laterza, ultima edizione.
We will also consult this translation of the Qur'an: Il Corano, traduzione e cura di A. Bausani, Milano, BUR.
Basic compulsory activities
21810354 -
The History of Central-Eastern Europe and Russia embraces the study of the main political, economic and social dynamics of the countries of Central Europe, of the South-Eastern part of the continent and of Russia in contemporary age, with inevitable references also to the events of the modern age. The study of this area is particularly important for students of Political Science because like few areas in the world it allows them to analyze the processes of nation building and state building and therefore, after 1917 in Russia/Ussr and after 1945 in most of Eastern Europe, the impact that the construction of communist dictatorships had on those societies. After 1990, on the other hand, students will be able to appreciate the processes of transition to a market economy and Western-style democracy. Finally, it is worth emphasizing how today the Italian cultural and economic presence is very important in many countries of the region.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims to provide an adequate overview of the main issues of political, economic and social history that affected Russia and Central and Eastern Europe during the 19th and 20th centuries.
1) Tsarist Autocracy and the Disappearance of the Nation in Central Europe 2) The Balkans and the Ottoman Conquest 3) The Transformations of Russia up to the First World War 3) National Revival in the Balkans 3) Nationalism and Multiethnic Realities in Central Europe 4) What Modernisation? Social, economic and national issues in Eastern Europe between World War I and World War II 5) The Bolshevik Revolution. the birth of a new world 6) Stalinism and the Soviet state 7) World War II and the birth of a new limes in Europe 8) The communist system and the Cold War 9) Crisis and end of communism 10) From the Urals to Trieste... an endless transition? 11) The challenges of the new Russia and the present world.
( reference books)
G. Lami, Storia dell'Europa orientale. Da Napoleone alla prima guerra mondiale, Firenze, Le Monnier Università, 2019
Giovanna Cigliano, La Russia contemporanea. Un profilo storico, Roma, Carocci, 2013
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
Lingua a scelta - 1 ANNO - (show)
21810350 -
Canale A-L Besides analyzing some of the main grammar and morpho-syntactic structures of the English language, the course focuses on the diversity and richness of Anglo-American cultures through literature and its authors. A selection of literary works written between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries will be read and discussed in class. Special attention will be given to their formal and rhetorical characteristics as well as their historical, social, and political legacy. By promoting active participation in class, the adopted teaching method aims at improving overall language proficiency, including the ability to engage in open discussion.
Canale M-Z Besides analyzing some of the main grammar and morpho-syntactic structures of the English language, the course focuses on the literary and critical contribution by some modern and contemporary anglophone writers. In an interdisciplinary framework, the analysis of the formal features of these texts will be instrumental to connect literary and socio-cultural issues. By promoting active participation in class, the adopted teaching method envisages the improvement of language skills and the ability to engage in open discussion.
A - L
( syllabus)
First module - Focus on English Grammar
The first module deals with some of the main grammar and morpho-syntactic structures of the English language.
Second module - American Short Stories
The second module is an introduction to the diversity of American culture through short stories and their writers. The module is divided in three sections: a) 19th Century American Short Stories; b) 20th Century American Short Stories (Part 1); c) 20th Century American Short Stories (Part 2). At the end of the module, students will be able to: analyze the chronological and historical development of the American short story through its most representative authors; become familiar with the act of analyzing and interpreting short stories through appropriate theoretical and methodological frameworks, acknowledging alternative interpretations and developing critical thinking; experience how literary and cultural texts can transform one’s perception and understanding of self, other and communities.
( reference books)
Edgar Allan Poe, “The Tell-Tale Heart” (1843) Kate Chopin, “Desiree’s Baby” (1893) Ambrose Bierce, “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” (1890) Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1892) Susan Glaspell, “A Jury of Her Peers” (1917) Ernest Hemingway, “The Killers” (1927) Ralph Ellison, “Battle Royal” (1947) Shirley Jackson, “The Lottery” (1948) Ray Bradbury, “There Will Come Soft Rains” (1950) Joyce Carol Oates, “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” (1966) Alice Walker, “Everyday Use” (1973) Raymond Carver, “Cathedral” (1983) Louise Erdrich, “The Red Convertible” (1984) Tim O’Brien, “The Things They Carried” (1990)
The short stories listed above may be read in any edition in English.
M - Z
( syllabus)
First module: English grammar: Learning the Language The first module deals with some of the main grammar and morpho-syntactic structures of the English language. The language skills acquired by the students will be assessed at the end of the course.
Second module: Twentieth-century African-American voices The second module focuses on the literary and critical contribution by twentieth-century African-American writers. In an interdisciplinary framework, the analysis of the formal features of these texts will be instrumental to connect literary and socio-cultural issues. By promoting active participation in class, the adopted teaching method envisages the improvement of language skills and the ability to engage in open discussion.The reference material includes works of fiction, critical essays and audiovisual material.
( reference books)
For all students:
- Adriano Elia, Serena I. Volpi, Heading South with Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes, Padova,, 2021. - Adriano Elia, W.E.B. Du Bois and Langston Hughes - Two Remarkable Men, Novalogos, 2020. - Adriano Elia, La Cometa di W.E.B. Du Bois, Roma, RomaTrE-Press, 2015.
Further reference material will be given during the course.
Basic compulsory activities
21810359 -
The course is offered to students who have at least an elementary knowledge of the language. It focuses on the familiarization with authors and texts belonging to the modern and contemporary French and Francophone literary field. In particular, the analysis of significant works in the original language will allow to develop the ability to understand aspects and dynamics relating to politics, society and the economy of France and the French-speaking world from the nineteenth century to today. Expected learning outcomes: students will develop their basic language skills and will be able to rework disciplinary elements and themes in an intercultural context.
( syllabus)
The course is offered to all students.
It will focus on: “Literature, economy and society in France after the Revolution of 1848”.
The course will tackle these topics through the analysis of Émile Zola's novel “L’Assommoir” (1877).
( reference books)
1) Zola, “L’Assommoir”, introduction, notes et commentaires de Jacques Dubois, Paris, Le Livre de Poche, 1996 (or any other paperback French edition)
2) Zola, “Le roman expérimental”, dans Le roman expérimental, présentation par François-Marie Mourad, Paris, Flammarion, 2006 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
3) “Il romanzo francese dell’Ottocento”, Anna Maria Scaiola, ed., Bari, Laterza, 2008, chapter V (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
4) “Les Constitutions de la France depuis 1789”, présentation par Jacques Godechot, édition corrigée et mise à jour par Hervé Faupin, Paris, Flammarion, coll. GF, 2006, chapters IX, X, XI (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
5) Jacques Dubois, "Émile Zola", in "Les romanciers du réel", Paris, Éditions du Seuil, 2000 (available from Moodle platform or copy shop Appunti, via Chiabrera 174)
Grammar Texts (optional): 1) Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot, “Grammaire progressive du français” (niveau avancé), Paris, Clé International, 2012 Or 2) Dominique Berger, Anne Charlotte Signoret, Nerina Spicacci, “Savoir-dire, savoir-faire” (niveaux B1/B2), Bologna, Zanichelli 2008 Or 3) Françoise Bidaud, Marie-Christine Grange, “Manuel de français intermédiaire. Corso di lingua francese (B1/B1+)”, Hoepli, 2017
Basic compulsory activities
21810360 -
Deepen the study of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture to achieve a true communicative and sociocultural competence. To this end, the course is divided into three modules: the first module (language) provides for the study of the morphosyntactic functioning of Spanish (level B1 +); in the second module (phraseology and paremiology) we will deal with the formal and semantic characteristics of phraseological and paremiological units at multiple levels (morphological, syntactic, semantic, contrastive [Spanish / Italian] and, in particular, cultural). The third module provides the approach to the study of some specialty languages: sectorial (political, economic), technical-scientific (IT) and argot (social net word), through the analysis of original written texts in Spanish and listening (YouTube channel, database, corpora) of authentic oral materials. The course, structured as follows, will allow you to familiarize yourself with dynamics concerning the language, culture, politics, society and economy of the current Spanish-speaking world.
( syllabus)
Module I: Language Grammar contents: Revision de los tiempos de pasado del indicative Revision de los tiempos del imperativo Conectores del discurso Pretérito Perfecto de Subjuntivo, Pretérito Imperfecto de Subjuntivo, Pretérito Pluscuamperfecto de Subjuntivo: Morfología y usos Repaso del Condicional Simple Condicional Compuesto. Morphology and usos Los relativos adverbiales Por y para Oraciones independientes: contraste indicative / subjunctive Oraciones relativas: indicative / subjunctive contraste Oraciones sustantivas: verbos de percepción, pensamiento, verbos de sentimiento, deseo, voluntad, verbos de mandate, ruego, prohibición ... Ser, estar, parecer + que: contraste indicative / subjunctive Oraciones adversativas Oraciones causales Consecutive Oraciones Oraciones finales Oraciones condicionales Oraciones concesivas Oraciones temporales Oraciones de way Oraciones de lugar Comparative Oraciones Verbos de change Note: the language module concerns the grammatical and morphosyntactic contents that students will have to study in order to pass the written test (B1+) intended for all students. We recommend the following manual:
Maria Vittoria Calvi, ¡ENHORABUENA! Curso y gramática de español para italófonos. Niveles B1 B2, Second edition, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2020. Module II: Phraseology and Paremiology Theoretical contents: Historia del nacimiento del estudio de las unidades phraseológicas y paremiológicas Máximos exponentes Definición de las UF Characteristics of the UF (idiomaticidad, fijación, sentido figurado, brevedad, presencia de arcaísmos ... Classification of the UF Las locuciones Las colocaciones Las paremias Los enunciados phraseológicos Contrastive análisis Ejemplos y practical application TEXT FOR THE PREPARATION FOR THE EXAM: Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, Apuntes de phraseología, paremiología, traducción y didáctica del español, Avant editorial, Barcelona, 2017. Alessia A. S. Ruggeri, Who says woman. . . says it all! Aprende a conocer a la mujer a través de las unidades phraseológicas italianas y del léxico común, Editorial Académica Española, Riga, 2020. Introducción First part: phraseology, paremiology and didáctica Chapter 1: phraseology and culture in the didáctica del español 1.1. Introducción 1.2. ¿Por qué se ought to study the phraseology? 1.3. Lexicultura y frasecultura Conclusiones Chapter 2: traducción de las unidades phraseológicas 2.1. introducción 2.2. las unidades phraseológicas como pretextos del acto de habla 2.3. traducción de las unidades phraseológicas Conclusiones Chapter 3: the metáfora en las unidades phraseológicas 3.1. Introducción 3.2. Phraseología y metáfora 3.3. Metáforas de la vida cotidiana 3.5. Las paremias en los diálogos de la vida cotidiana Conclusiones Chapter 4: the archaism and the recreation of the paremias 4.1. Introducción 4.2. El refrán y el arcaísmo 4.3. The paremiológic creation Conclusiones
Chapter 5: the brevedad en las paremias and el microrrelato 5.1. Introducción 5.2. Definición de brevedad 5.3. La brevedad en las paremias Conclusiones
Fifth part: phraseología y lenguajes especiales Chapter 16: los lenguajes especiales: el lenguaje político 16.1. Introducción 16.2. Los lenguajes especiales: características 16.3. El lenguaje político 16.4. Characteristics of the political lenguaje 16.4.1. the sintaxis 16.4.2. el léxico 16.4.3. the metaphor 16.5. Otros rasgos del lenguaje político 16.5.1. el contexto Conclusiones finales Module III Culture The module focuses on the study of special languages and political language. The characteristics and analysis of the political discourse. REFERENCE TEXT: Messina Fajardo, L. A., El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milan, 2016.
THE MANDATORY PARTS ARE: Introducción El discurso político: herramientas de análisis CHAPTER 1 LOS LENGUAJES ESPECIALES. EL LENGUAJE POLITICO 1.1. Los lenguajes especiales: características 1.2 El lenguaje político 1.3 características del lenguaje político 1.3.1 The sintaxis 1.3.2 El léxico 1.3.3 The metaphor 1.3.4 Otros rasgos del lenguaje político 1.3.5 El contexto CHAPTER 2 UNIDADES DIDÁCTICAS Unidad 1. Fernando Lugo. El lenguaje político. Definición (1) Unidad 2. José Mujica. El lenguaje político. Definición (2) Unidad 3. Rafael Correa. El discurso político. The persuasión Unidad 4. Nicolás Maduro. The clasificación del lenguaje político Unidad 5. Álvaro Uribe. El discurso de investidura Unidad 6. Pablo Iglesia. Análisis textual y el discurso político Unidad 7. Hugo Chávez. El insulto y la descalificación Unidad 8. José Luis Zapatero. Phraseología y discurso político Unidad 9. Fidel Castro. Paremias y discurso político. El eslogan político Unidad 10. Salvador Allende. Análisis retórico de un discurso de Salvador Allende
( reference books)
Maria Vittoria Calvi, ¡ENHORABUENA! Curso y gramática de español para italófonos. Niveles B1 B2, Seconda edizione, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2020. Alessia A. S. Ruggeri, Chi dice donna. . . dice tutto! Aprende a conocer a la mujer a través de las unidades fraseológicas italianas y del léxico común, Editorial Académica Española, Riga, 2020. Luisa A. Messina Fajardo, El lenguaje político. Características y análisis del discurso político, Maggioli editore / Apogeo education, Milano, 2016. (vedere sopra le parti obbligatorie).
Basic compulsory activities
21810361 -
The course, which is for students with a basic knowledge of German (Level A2-B1), aims at: a) providing and strengthening grammatical skills through the detailed analysis of German morphological and syntactic structures; b) increasing the student’s vocabulary by enhancing the understanding and the ability to read texts related to politics, history and law; c) exploring political-cultural and historical-cultural aspects of the German-speaking world.
( syllabus)
The course consists of two parts: German grammar and German Regional Studies (Landeskunde). 1. German Grammar and its structure and syntax. Course materials consist of extensive vocabulary-building exercises and texts that address a broad range of cultural topics. 2. The coursebook “Zur Orientierung” covers the political, social and cultural history of Germany from the Nazi “Third Reich” to the present. Among the themes that we explore are the radical transformations of the country after the Berlin Wall.
( reference books)
H. DREYER , R. SCHMITT, Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik. Die Gelbe Aktuell, Verlag für Deutsch Zur Orientierung, Basiswissen Deutschland, Hueber Verlag
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
Alcuni insegnamenti a scelta dello studente consigliati dal Collegio Didattico del Cdl (2 esami per un totale di 12 CFU) - (show)
21801558 -
Nonviolent communication and the internet
The main objective of this course is to create a critical consciousness on the use of everyday communication tools, forms, and practices, from orality to digital media. In the first part of the course students will be introduced to the main paradigms, methodologies and works of the sociology and history of media. We will read and discuss passages from the manual written by Mario Ricciardi, "La comunicazione. Maestri e paradigmi" (Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2012). Students will have to write weekly responses on the assigned readings and engage in both online and offline discussions guided by the instructor. In the second part of the course, these prevalently Western theories and authors will be reexamined and criticized in the light of completely different approaches. We will introduce the concept of “nonviolent communication”, elaborated and practiced, between others, by the Mahatma Gandhi. Writers, intellectuals, social and political activists like Danilo Dolci, Aldo Capitini, Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon, Houria Bouteldja, Lanza Del Vasto, Vandana Shiva and others will be the starting point for analyzing and finally deconstructing the aggressive and manipulative Western communication forms and techniques that dominate the present media scenario. This analysis will lead us to address critically our own everyday online interactions as to understand how the digital dimension can transform and manipulate our emotions, ideas, cognitive habits, etc. and guide our behaviors and actions towards specific commercial, political, and cultural objectives. At this point students will be asked to create and experiment with nonviolent forms of communication, both verbally and online. The final objective will be to create new communication codes and practices that can help students to discover and express their own creative potential and accomplish an autonomous capacity to communicate effectively and peacefully in the real world.
Derived from
( syllabus)
In the first part of the course students will be introduced to the main paradigms, methodologies and works of the sociology and history of media. We will read and discuss passages from the manual written by Mario Ricciardi, “Communico. Linguaggi, immagini, algoritimi" (TAB edizioni, 2021). Students will have to write weekly reading responses on the assigned readings and engage in both online and offline discussions guided by the instructor. In the second part of the course, these prevalently Western theories and authors will be reexamined and criticized in the light of completely different approaches. We will introduce the concept of “nonviolent communication”, elaborated and practiced, between others, by the Mahatma Gandhi. Writers, intellectuals, social and political activists like Danilo Dolci, Aldo Capitini, Paulo Freire, Frantz Fanon, Houria Bouteldja, Marshall B. Rosenberg, Lanza Del Vasto, Vandana Shiva and others will be the starting point for analyzing and finally deconstructing the aggressive and manipulative Western communication forms and techniques that dominate the present media scenario. The third part of the course will be a practical hands-on session. Students will be asked to analyze their own online interactions, as to identify implicit and explicit "violent codes" (i.e. culturally inappropriate expressions or biases, etc.) in their online language and posts. Finally, they will have to create and experiment with nonviolent forms of communication that could be presented or delivered both orally and online.
( reference books)
Required readings (for all students)
1) Mario Ricciardi, “Communico. Linguaggi, immagini, algoritmi”, TAB, Roma, 2021. 2) Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Hind Swaraj or Indian Home Rule, 1909. (Available free of charge from: 3) Marshall B. Rosenberg, “Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life”, Puddle Dancer Press, 2015. 4) Aldo Capitini, "Le ragioni della nonviolenza. Antologia degli scritti", Pisa, ETS.
Elective activities
Optional group:
Paniere storico (SSD MSTO/02) - (show)
21810447 -
This course provides to give the students a general knowledge about themes, methodologies, sources concerning early modern history and modern history, from the second-half of the XV century to the second-half of the XIX century. By focusing on the interactions and connections between local and global, the aims of this course is also to analyse the main issues of this period from a political, social and cultural perspective.
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the main themes of early modern history and modern history (from XV century to XIX century), with particular attention to the historiographic categories, the use of sources and the interpretative approaches of the historians. The different political, cultural, social, economic and religious aspects of the modern age will be studied from a local and global outlook, with a certain regard to the relations between the Italian peninsula, the European continent and extra-European realities.
( reference books)
Books for the exam:
A) G. Dall'Olio, Storia moderna. I temi e le fonti, Roma, Carocci (students have to study the section introductions and read the source materials)
B) Students also have to study one of the following textbooks: C. Capra, Storia moderna (1492-1848), Firenze, Le Monnier R. Ago - V. Vidotto, Storia moderna, Roma - Bari, Laterza L. Mascilli Migliorini. L’età moderna. Una storia globale, Roma - Bari, Laterza
Basic compulsory activities
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First, to provide a basic historical framework to understand the complex processes of internazionalization that took place in the early modern period (c. 1450-1800), and contributed to development of a permanent system of geopolitical, economic and trans-cultural interaction among the world’s different countries and societies. Second, to introduce students to the key historiographical debates on globalization and global history, familiarising them with the main concepts, terminology and theories involved in these debates, so as to to develop a critical approach to history, its narratives, and its methodological features.
( syllabus)
The course has a twofold objective: to provide a basic historical background on the complex processes of internationalization that, in the centuries of the modern age (c. 1450-1800), contributed to determine the first stable forms of geopolitical interconnection, economic interdependence and cross-cultural interaction between different parts of the world; to introduce students to the historiographical debate on globalization and global history, stimulating - through the comparison of different interpretations, proposals for periodization and methodologies - the adoption of a critical and conscious approach to history, its narratives and its problems.
( reference books)
Charles H. Parker, Relazioni globali nell'età moderna 1400-1800, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2012 S. Conrad, Storia globale. Un'introduzione, Roma, Carocci, 2015 J. Osterhammel, N.P. Petersson, Storia della globalizzazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
Ulteriori attività formative. In questa categoria rientrano conosc. linguistiche, abilità informatiche e telematiche, tirocini formativi e stage, formazione e aggiornamento professionale, seminari e laboratori; convegni, giornate di studio - (show)