Degree Course: Environmental Humanities Syllabus for A.Y. 2021/2022

Italian version 

Curriculum unico LM-1
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
20710688 - ANTRPOLOGY, CULTURE, ENVIROMENTAL (objectives)  
20710688-1 - MODULO 1 (objectives)
- DE MATTEIS STEFANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
M-DEA/01  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: caratterizzanti LM 1 - discipline storico geografiche e filosofiche - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: LM 1 caratterizzanti - discipline sociologiche statistiche e pedagogiche - (show) Info              
20709755 - Moral philosophy (objectives)
- Derived from  20709755 FILOSOFIA MORALE - L.M. in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 N0 GENTILI DARIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  M-FIL/03  72  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 1 - Affini 1 - (show) Info              
Optional group: LM1 Affini 2 - (show) Info 18               
12    36  Elective activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 1 - Ulteriori attività ambito F - (show) Info              
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional group: LM 1 - caratterizzanti discipline demoetnoantropologiche - (show) Info              
20710688 - ANTRPOLOGY, CULTURE, ENVIROMENTAL (objectives)  
20710688-2 - MODULO 2 (objectives)
- Derived from  20710385 ANTROPOLOGIA DELLE RAPPRESENTAZIONI E DELLE PERFORMANCE CULTURALI in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 DE MATTEIS STEFANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
M-DEA/01  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20710688-3 - MODULO 3 (objectives)
- Derived from  20710396 LABORATORIO DI ANTROPOLOGIA DEI PROCESSI RITUALI E SIMBOLICI in DAMS Teatro, musica, danza LM-65 DE MATTEIS STEFANO (syllabus)   (reference books)
M-DEA/01  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: caratterizzanti LM 1 - discipline storico geografiche e filosofiche - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: LM 1 caratterizzanti - discipline sociologiche statistiche e pedagogiche - (show) Info              
Optional group: LM 1 - Affini 1 - (show) Info              
Optional group: LM1 Affini 2 - (show) Info 18               
Optional group: LM 1 - Ulteriori attività ambito F - (show) Info              
20710676 - MA 1 - MA 19 dissertation
18    Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Curriculum unico LM-19
First semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional group: LM 19 caratterizzanti discipline storico-sociali, giuridico-economiche, politologiche e delle relazioni internazionali 1 - (show) Info              
20706075 - History of Europe and the Mediterranean (objectives)
- Derived from  20706075 STORIA DELL'EUROPA E DEL MEDITERRANEO in Storia e società LM-84 BROGGIO PAOLO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  M-STO/02  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 19 - caratterizzanti - discipline storicp-sociali, giuridico-economiche, politologiche e delle relazioni internazionali 3 - (show) Info              
20709755 - Moral philosophy (objectives)
- Derived from  20709755 FILOSOFIA MORALE - L.M. in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 N0 GENTILI DARIO (syllabus)   (reference books)
12  M-FIL/03  72  Core compulsory activities  ITA
20710389 - Visual Communication (objectives)
- Derived from  20710389 COMUNICAZIONE VISUALE in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 TOTA ANNA LISA (syllabus)   (reference books)
SPS/08  36  Core compulsory activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 19 affini 1 - (show) Info              
20710749 - CULTURAL ANTROPOLOGY MA (objectives)  
- PRIMO MODULO (objectives) M-DEA/01  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 19 affini 2 - (show) Info 12               
12    36  Elective activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 1 - Ulteriori attività ambito F - (show) Info              
Second semester
Course Credits Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code Contact Hours Exercise Hours Laboratory Hours Personal Study Hours Type of Activity Language
Optional group: LM 19 caratterizzanti discipline storico-sociali, giuridico-economiche, politologiche e delle relazioni internazionali 1 - (show) Info              
Optional group: LM 19 caratterizzanti - discipline storico-sociali, giuridico-economiche, politologiche e delle relazioni internazionali 2 - (show) Info              
Optional group: LM 19 caratterizzanti discipline metodologiche, informatiche e dei linguaggi - (show) Info              
Optional group: LM 19 affini 1 - (show) Info              
20710749 - CULTURAL ANTROPOLOGY MA (objectives)  
- SECONDO MODULO (objectives) M-DEA/01  Related or supplementary learning activities  ITA
Optional group: LM 19 affini 2 - (show) Info 12               
20710676 - MA 1 - MA 19 dissertation
18    Final examination and foreign language test  ITA
Optional group: LM 1 - Ulteriori attività ambito F - (show) Info