Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
SCIENZE PEDAGOGICHE LM 85 - I ANNO 1 insegnamento a scelta M-PED/01 - (show)
22910042 -
The pedagogical reflexion is rooted in the philosophical tradition of educational sciences. Nevertherless the practical involvemnt of educators in the field is nowadays more and more demanding.
( syllabus)
The situation of educators in some European countries will be presented. The course provides knowledge and skills on the specificity of pedagogical consultancy and accompaniment in the educational field. Students will be introduced to the methodology of Intervention Research or Action Research and the use of a participatory approach in socio-educational contexts also in light of projects conducted in the field.
Second semester Students analyze film and cases and bring themselves issues based on their personal and professional educational experiences. They participate in consultancy simulations, first in dyads, under the supervision of the teacher and then in triads (client, consultant and observer).
( reference books)
Bronfenbrenner U. Rendere umani gli esseri umani Negri S. La consulenza pedagogica Carocci Olivieri F. Le professioni educative in Italia e in Europa. Percorsi di pedagogia Professionale. Ed. Il Papavero. Allegri Palmieri Zucca Il colloquio nel servizio sociale Carocci Pulcini E. Le passioni tra cura e giustizia Cohen- Emerique Il metodo degli shock culturali ; MAnuale di formazione per il lavoro sociale e umanitario
Film da visionare: due a scelta tra Si può fare La pazza gioia Le invisibili
English speaking students and German French and Spanish students should contact the lecturer
( syllabus)
The second semester intends to deal with the relevant issues about pedagogical counseling as a professional intervention device to be used in the different settings of the educational professions with particular attention to the individual and group dimension. The program will therefore focus on the following topics:
The pedagogue and pedagogical counseling; Action-research as a practice of assessment in socio-educational contexts; Active listening and effectiveness communication in the helping relationship; Counseling techniques in the helping relationship; Characteristics, limits and opportunities of the pedagogical setting; The professional engagement contract; The supervision of the social educator and the pedagogue.
( reference books)
Bronfenbrenner U. Rendere umani gli esseri umani data la difficile reperibilità del testo in alternativa si può leggere il testo La tutela dei bambini. Teorie e strumenti di intervento con le famiglie vulnerabili Copertina flessibile – 3 ottobre 2013 di Sara Serbati e Paola Milani Negri S. La consulenza pedagogica Carocci Olivieri F. Le professioni educative in Italia e in Europa. Percorsi di pedagogia Professionale. Ed. Il Papavero. Allegri Palmieri Zucca Il colloquio nel servizio sociale Carocci Pulcini E. Le passioni tra cura e giustizia Cohen- Emerique Il metodo degli shock culturali ; Manuale di formazione per il lavoro sociale e umanitario
Film da visionare: due a scelta tra Si può fare La pazza gioia Ti amerò per sempre
Core compulsory activities
22910076 -
To integrate knowledge about the most interesting voices of contemporary pedagogy with the results of international interdisciplinary research in order to explore the phenomenology of human expression and the problems related to pedagogical action aimed at the expressive realization of the other.
The course aims to achieve the following educational objectives for the student.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension:
- describe the epistemological field and the methodological procedures that characterize the discipline;
- to identify the problematic nodes that pertain to the discipline.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- to experiment with the methodological knowledge acquired;
- devising paths of pedagogy of expression suitable for different educational contexts.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- Linking the theoretical dimension to educational practice in the expressive field;
- Evaluate paths of pedagogy of expression in relation to different educational contexts.
In terms of communication skills:
- to convey the meaning and value of pedagogical attention to expressive dynamics;
- Contribute to the realization of educational projects that develop relational and expressive skills.
In terms of learning capacity:
- interpreting a poetic and theatrical text;
- integrate educational proposals that are inattentive to the dynamics of human expression and understanding.
( syllabus)
Education for choice in the complexity of human living This course aims to investigate through the language of art (and in particular film and theater) the problem of choice for human beings. Guided by the authors we have chosen for this research we will explore the following questions: Does science help us to choose? Does a belief in God help us to choose? How can we make choices that are truly serve our own expression? How much is it necessary to love in order to choose? When we choose are we deeply alone or are we deeply with others? And many other questions that we will discover in a shared research, until we come to the question of the course: can we educate for choice, and if so how?
( reference books)
Krzysztof Kieslowski, Il decalogo, film in 10 episodi (disponibile su Prime, o acquistabile in dvd o in streaming). Albert Camus, Tutto il teatro, editore Bompiani. Edda Ducci, L'uomo umano, editore Anicia. Gilberto Scaramuzzo, In-tendere, l’umanità sophia di Luigi Pirandello, editore Anicia.
Core compulsory activities
22910075 -
Objectives of the program are acquiring knowledge of the disciplines of intercultural and community education to allow a high capacity for analysis, interpretation and action on contexts and phenomena of a social and educational nature; the acquisition of the skills necessary for the planning and implementation of educational and social intervention programs in the fields of immigration, social exclusion and marginalization, and welfare policies in general.
By the study of Intercultural and community Education the student will be able to achieve the following objectives. - Knowledge and understanding: - the possession of methodological, strategic and technical skills in relation to the functioning of the personal service networks and of the institutional apparatus involved in the socio-educational field; - the adoption of a reflective, analytical, logical, planning attitude, available both to group and network work, and to group and network design. - Applying knowledge and understanding: - - possession of organizational skills in microsystems, in the regulation of social interventions, in the management of change; - Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of organizational skills in microsystems, in the regulation of social interventions, in the management of change. - Making judgements: - ability to elaborate an autonomous judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene and take decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - Communication skills: - ability to draw up documents aimed at programming and managing services, to prepare research / monitoring / evaluation reports and to elaborate and present operational proposals for intervention. - possession of specific skills to act as an expert in the monitoring system for training interventions. - Learning skills: - acquire the skills necessary to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's, research doctorate) without prejudice to the ability to continue autonomously in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile. How to link with other teachings: The program is connected to the other programs of the pedagogical and sociological area, trough the analysis of cases, experiences and interdisciplinary services.
Derived from
22910051 Pedagogia interculturale e sociale in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 CATARCI MARCO, RICCARDI VERONICA
( syllabus)
Introduction to Social and Intercultural Education: Origins, Developments, Theories and Methods. Intercultural Education in School and Society. Educational policies in an intercultural perspective. Multilingualism, Interculturalism and Citizenship. From multicultural society to intercultural society: the role of education. Models and types of integration: assimilation, coexistence, partner coexistence. The notion of integration of immigrants Culture, culture and identity School and the Difference of Cultures. Educational strategies for social inclusion.
( reference books)
1. CATARCI M., Le forme sociali dell’educazione. Servizi, Territori, Società, Franco Angeli, Milano 2013. 2. GIANTURCO G., L’intervista qualitativa. Dal discorso al testo scritto, Guerini, Milano 2005. 3. CATARCI M., La pedagogia della liberazione di Paulo Freire. Educazione, intercultura e cambiamento sociale, Franco Angeli, Milano 2016. 4. SAYAD A., La doppia assenza. Dalle illusioni dell'emigrato alle sofferenze dell'immigrato, Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2001; 5. BURGIO G., Tra noi e i rom. Identità, conflitti, intercultura, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2015. 6. RICCARDI V., L’educazione per tutti e per tutta la vita. Il contributo pedagogico di Ettore Gelpi, ETS, Pisa 2014.
Core compulsory activities
22910077 -
Amongst the main shifting objectivies of the course on "Social History of Education" is that of history of education from the abstractness of pedagogical theories to the reality of the subject involved in the educational processes. Such discpline is, indeed, a new frontier the historical and pedagogical researches, grounded on new methodologies and new sources, and aims at understending the actual everiday life of childood, of man, of women, of persons that have of very different educational models.
( syllabus)
The social history of Education Courses's program is focused on the role of education in history with special reference to issues concerning gender (men and women) and social status differences . Special attention will be devoted to the history of family, including the social roles and the educational models that have been devoleped therein. Based on alternative sources, such as diaries biographies and autobiographies and correspondences, will be reconstructing not only the debate on education but also the real life experiences of the subjects involved in educational processes.
( reference books)
G. Lombardo Radice, Lezioni di didattica e ricordi di esperienza magistrale, a cura di L. Cantatore, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma 2022. G. Chiosso, L'educazione degli italiani. Laicità, progresso e nazione nel primo Novecento, Il Mulino, Bologna 2019. I. Baccini, La mia vita. Ricordi autobiografici, a cura di L. Cantatore, Unicopli, Milano 2004. Students are expected to show a good knowledge of the history of Italy from Unification to the advent of fascism. This can be achieved by studying any secondary school contemporary history textbook.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
SCIENZE PEDAGOGICHE LM 85 - I ANNO 1 insegnamento a scelta M-PED/03 - (show)
22910079 -
( syllabus)
The course of Orientation Education in a European perspective (12 CFU) includes a basic module (6 CFU), a Seminar (3 CFU) and a Laboratory (3 CFU)
Basic module program (6CFU) Orientation understood in the double meaning of the subject's ability to "orientate himself" in the construction of his own life plan and actions aimed at promoting full awareness of his choices, is characterized as a continuous training process. The course "Didactics of guidance in a European perspective", starting from an analysis of the models that have characterized the evolution of guidance practices in the last century, deepens the characteristics of the "training orientation" model, highlighting its connections with a modular and flexible organization of teaching with particular reference to the theme of developing strategic skills. It also analyzes the “life design” model as the current paradigm for the construction of professional life. Finally, through a comparative analysis, it deals with the study of guidance activities and services in some countries of the European Union.
Seminar title (3 CFU): The temporal perspective for orientation The seminar is based on the analysis of the volume by Zimbardo P. Boyd J., Il paradosso del tempo, Milan, Oscar Mondadori, 2009 (the text is not easily available in bookstores, therefore extracts will be provided during the lessons and on the online platform)
Laboratory: 3 CFU Title of the Workshop: Questionnaires for the assessment and self-assessment of strategic skills The workshop takes place on the faculty e-learning platform within which teaching materials and questionnaires will be available for the self-assessment of strategic skills. It ends with the delivery of a written report on the activities carried out.
( reference books)
Di Fabio A., Manuale di Psicologia dell'orientamento e Career counseling nel XXI secolo, Firenze, Giunti OS, 2009 Savickas M., Career counselling. Guida teorica e metodologica per il XXI secolo, Trento, Erickson, 2014 VAIRA M. (a cura di), Dalla scuola all’università. Politiche e pratiche di orientamento in sei paesi europei, Milano, LED edizioni, 2007 MARGOTTINI M., Promuovere competenze strategiche a scuola e all’università, Milano, LED edizioni, 2017 (testo open access)
Seminar: Time perspective in orientation Testo: Zimbardo P. Boyd J., Il paradosso del tempo, Milano, Oscar Mondadori, 2009
On-line laboratory: Self-assessment of strategic skills. Educational materials and questionnaires available free of charge on the platform
Core compulsory activities
22910712 -
People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts.
Through the study of " Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills ... - Understanding theories, strategies and tools regarding distributed educational leadership in educational settings. - Gaining a knowledge of multilevel representations of the educational system and understanding the relationships between the macrosystem, mesosystem and microsystem. - Learning the aspects that characterize school autonomy and the establishment of the Integrated Educational System age 0 to 6. - Learning and understanding the implications of widespread educational leadership with teaching, student learning, professional and territorial communities. - Understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of leadership.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding ... - An ability to conceive, design and evaluate educational interventions, in the perspective of promoting the exercise of democratic leadership. - An ability to promote evidence-based decision-making processes, enhancing the collection of data and information with a variety of tools and interpreting them through the triangulation of the points of view of the actors involved. - An ability to manage conflict dynamics and to promote processes of negotiation, mediation and sharing. - An ability to promote the culture of the project, of the planning and redesign in situations of uncertainty also using new technologies.
In terms of independent judgment ... - Developing the ability to collect data and information and use it to make decisions while respecting privacy and data protection. - Developing the ability to monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's actions as an educational leader. - Developing the ability to use participatory strategies and Action Research as resources to generate and disseminate educational leadership, develop learning communities, and cultivate communities of practice. - Developing the capacity to make use of in-service training and professional development as an incentive to raise the quality of educational/training processes and outcomes, to foster organizational learning.
In terms of communication skills ... - An ability to use and develop Concept Maps in public communications to synthesize educational actions, planning and decision-making processes. - Developing the expressive use of written language in educational settings, more specifically: the activities of planning, documenting and evaluating educational processes and reporting on the outcomes achieved.
In terms of learning skills ... - Being able to access scientific literature in the field, identifying reliable sources. - Being able to understand and address the dynamics of the contexts in which one operates and to reflect critically on the various dimensions that characterize them. - Being aware of the importance of learning from discussion with all the actors involved in training and management processes.
22910712-1 -
People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts.
Through the study of " Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills ... - Understanding theories, strategies and tools regarding distributed educational leadership in educational settings. - Gaining a knowledge of multilevel representations of the educational system and understanding the relationships between the macrosystem, mesosystem and microsystem. - Learning the aspects that characterize school autonomy and the establishment of the Integrated Educational System age 0 to 6. - Learning and understanding the implications of widespread educational leadership with teaching, student learning, professional and territorial communities. - Understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of leadership.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding ... - An ability to conceive, design and evaluate educational interventions, in the perspective of promoting the exercise of democratic leadership. - An ability to promote evidence-based decision-making processes, enhancing the collection of data and information with a variety of tools and interpreting them through the triangulation of the points of view of the actors involved. - An ability to manage conflict dynamics and to promote processes of negotiation, mediation and sharing. - An ability to promote the culture of the project, of the planning and redesign in situations of uncertainty also using new technologies.
In terms of independent judgment ... - Developing the ability to collect data and information and use it to make decisions while respecting privacy and data protection. - Developing the ability to monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's actions as an educational leader. - Developing the ability to use participatory strategies and Action Research as resources to generate and disseminate educational leadership, develop learning communities, and cultivate communities of practice. - Developing the capacity to make use of in-service training and professional development as an incentive to raise the quality of educational/training processes and outcomes, to foster organizational learning.
In terms of communication skills ... - An ability to use and develop Concept Maps in public communications to synthesize educational actions, planning and decision-making processes. - Developing the expressive use of written language in educational settings, more specifically: the activities of planning, documenting and evaluating educational processes and reporting on the outcomes achieved.
In terms of learning skills ... - Being able to access scientific literature in the field, identifying reliable sources. - Being able to understand and address the dynamics of the contexts in which one operates and to reflect critically on the various dimensions that characterize them. - Being aware of the importance of learning from discussion with all the actors involved in training and management processes.
( syllabus)
People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. In contexts characterized by organizational, didactic and research autonomy, a central role is played by the Head of the School or the Heads of Educational Services, who directly exercise their educational leadership, and can also generate leadership, more specifically: by encouraging the development of professional communities and communities of practice; by supporting the work of teachers and educators who assume specific responsibilities or who perform tasks and functions at the mesosystem and microsystem level (collaborators, coordinators, tutors, “instrumental” and “intermediate functions”, etc.). Educational leadership also extends to actively involving students by developing autonomy, assumption of responsibility and fostering discussion and co-responsibility between school and family and more generally with the territory. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts. The course aims in particular to develop knowledge, skills and competences related to: the use of participatory educational strategies and methodologies centered on the learning of professional communities, students and territories; the monitoring and self-evaluation of the effectiveness of their action as educational leaders; the development of critical skills to exercise educational leadership in formal and informal educational contexts; the enhancement of ICT and digital infrastructures to support educational and management processes.
The course "Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" takes place in the first and second semester and is structured in the following manner: Professor Giovanni Moretti (6 CFU Main Module in person + 3 CFU Seminars activities carried out both online and in person), Dr. Arianna Lodovica Morini (3 CFU laboratory activities carried out both online and in person)
Module - Basic course (6 CFU): 36 hours of face-to-face lessons. During the lessons, the themes characterizing the course are presented and specific topics of interest are explored through reflection and discussion activities. Indications are given regarding texts, digital resources and materials useful for the study. The face-to-face lessons are held with dialogue teaching methods and with the use of materials (scientific contributions, case studies, videos, concept maps, self-assessment tests, etc.).
Lessons start Basic course: October 2022, first - second semester Lessons timetable: Classroom at the new educational center in via Principe Amedeo, n ° 184
Module - Seminar - (3 CFU): 18 hours of seminar activities carried out both face-to-face and online. During the activities some themes that characterize the Course "Educational Leadership and Didactic Organization" are explored. Individual or small group activities are planned, with analysis of cases and emblematic documents and use of tools. Seminar activities foresee the preparation of synthetic written productions. Seminar activities start from November 2022.
Module - The Laboratory course (3 credits) includes 18 hours of laboratory activities carried out both online and in person. The Laboratory through case studies and context simulation activities, deepens specific contents of educational leadership, with particular reference to the resolution of problematic situations and uncertainty. To implement the activities of the Laboratory course, students may choose one of the options below:
1) Online group work The course involves the creation of peer work groups that will be given specific assignments to be carried out within a certain due date. Through the online platform students inform the teacher that they want to participate in the work groups. The teacher sets up the work groups and assigns each group the work to be carried out and indicates the operating procedures to be followed. All the indications for the development of the in-depth course (activities, timing and methods) will be presented in detail on the Moodle online platform of the course Educational leadership and Didactic Organization:
2) Those who are unable to participate in group activities will be provided with supplementary group or individual activities, which will be agreed upon at least 5 weeks before the date on which the student intends to take the final exam. This is an in-depth critical study of a topic of the course with the production of a written paper. Students agree with the teacher a course’s theme to analyse thoroughly and the operative modalities that will have to be followed.
"In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: the teaching activities will be carried out through the integrated use of the online environment of the Department of Education, Formonline, and of the online platform indicated by the University to carry out video conferencing in synchronous ".
METHOD OF EVALUATION: Ongoing evaluation / final oral exam
Formative assessment in itinere (General Course): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and reflection on the issues addressed in the basic course.
Formative assessment in itinere (Seminar): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and will be evaluated in a formative way the synthetic written productions required within the Seminar.
Formative assessment in itinere (Laboratory): questionnaires will be administered to reflect on one's own skills in the form of self-assessment, peer self-assessment activities will be carried out, and the work carried out individually and in small groups within the Laboratory will be evaluated in a formative way.
Final Assessment of the Course: the final exam of the entire course is one, it takes the form of an oral interview, which also includes the presentation-discussion of the work carried out in the Seminar (in-person and online activities) and in the Laboratory (activities in blended mode both online and in-person). Access to the final exam is subject to compliance with what has been agreed in the Formative Pact. "In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: the final exam will be held in the form of a remote oral interview, using the online platform indicated by the University "
( reference books)
- Moretti, G. (2022). La leadership educativa situata: conoscere il contesto e cooperare. Roma: Anicia. - Domenici G., Moretti G. (a cura di) (2011). Leadership educativa e autonomia scolastica. Il governo dei processi formativi e gestionali nella scuola di oggi. Roma: Armando Editore. - Leithwood, K, Seashore Louis K. (2022). Leadership educativa e apprendimento degli studenti. Implicazioni per le politiche e per le pratiche formative. Roma: Anicia. - Goleman. D. (2016). Essere Leader. Guidare gli altri grazie all’intelligenza emotiva. Rizzoli: Milano.
Core compulsory activities
22910712-2 -
People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts.
Through the study of " Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills ... - Understanding theories, strategies and tools regarding distributed educational leadership in educational settings. - Gaining a knowledge of multilevel representations of the educational system and understanding the relationships between the macrosystem, mesosystem and microsystem. - Learning the aspects that characterize school autonomy and the establishment of the Integrated Educational System age 0 to 6. - Learning and understanding the implications of widespread educational leadership with teaching, student learning, professional and territorial communities. - Understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of leadership.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding ... - An ability to conceive, design and evaluate educational interventions, in the perspective of promoting the exercise of democratic leadership. - An ability to promote evidence-based decision-making processes, enhancing the collection of data and information with a variety of tools and interpreting them through the triangulation of the points of view of the actors involved. - An ability to manage conflict dynamics and to promote processes of negotiation, mediation and sharing. - An ability to promote the culture of the project, of the planning and redesign in situations of uncertainty also using new technologies.
In terms of independent judgment ... - Developing the ability to collect data and information and use it to make decisions while respecting privacy and data protection. - Developing the ability to monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's actions as an educational leader. - Developing the ability to use participatory strategies and Action Research as resources to generate and disseminate educational leadership, develop learning communities, and cultivate communities of practice. - Developing the capacity to make use of in-service training and professional development as an incentive to raise the quality of educational/training processes and outcomes, to foster organizational learning.
In terms of communication skills ... - An ability to use and develop Concept Maps in public communications to synthesize educational actions, planning and decision-making processes. - Developing the expressive use of written language in educational settings, more specifically: the activities of planning, documenting and evaluating educational processes and reporting on the outcomes achieved.
In terms of learning skills ... - Being able to access scientific literature in the field, identifying reliable sources. - Being able to understand and address the dynamics of the contexts in which one operates and to reflect critically on the various dimensions that characterize them. - Being aware of the importance of learning from discussion with all the actors involved in training and management processes.
( syllabus)
People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. In contexts characterized by organizational, didactic and research autonomy, a central role is played by the Head of the School or the Heads of Educational Services, who directly exercise their educational leadership, and can also generate leadership, more specifically: by encouraging the development of professional communities and communities of practice; by supporting the work of teachers and educators who assume specific responsibilities or who perform tasks and functions at the mesosystem and microsystem level (collaborators, coordinators, tutors, “instrumental” and “intermediate functions”, etc.). Educational leadership also extends to actively involving students by developing autonomy, assumption of responsibility and fostering discussion and co-responsibility between school and family and more generally with the territory. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts. The course aims in particular to develop knowledge, skills and competences related to: the use of participatory educational strategies and methodologies centered on the learning of professional communities, students and territories; the monitoring and self-evaluation of the effectiveness of their action as educational leaders; the development of critical skills to exercise educational leadership in formal and informal educational contexts; the enhancement of ICT and digital infrastructures to support educational and management processes.
The course "Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" takes place in the first and second semester and is structured in the following manner: Professor Giovanni Moretti (6 CFU Main Module in person + 3 CFU Seminars activities carried out both online and in person), Dr. Arianna Lodovica Morini (3 CFU laboratory activities carried out both online and in person)
Module - Basic course (6 CFU): 36 hours of face-to-face lessons.
During the lessons, the themes characterizing the course are presented and specific topics of interest are explored through reflection and discussion activities. Indications are given regarding texts, digital resources and materials useful for the study. The face-to-face lessons are held with dialogue teaching methods and with the use of materials (scientific contributions, case studies, videos, concept maps, self-assessment tests, etc.).
Lessons start Basic course: October 2022, first - second semester Lessons timetable: Classroom at the new educational center in via Principe Amedeo, n ° 184
Module - Seminar - (3 CFU): 18 hours of seminar activities carried out both face-to-face and online. During the activities some themes that characterize the Course "Educational Leadership and Didactic Organization" are explored. Individual or small group activities are planned, with analysis of cases and emblematic documents and use of tools. Seminar activities foresee the preparation of synthetic written productions. Seminar activities start from November 2022.
Module - The Laboratory course (3 credits) includes 18 hours of laboratory activities carried out both online and in person. The Laboratory through case studies and context simulation activities, deepens specific contents of educational leadership, with particular reference to the resolution of problematic situations and uncertainty. To implement the activities of the Laboratory course, students may choose one of the options below:
1) Online group work The course involves the creation of peer work groups that will be given specific assignments to be carried out within a certain due date. Through the online platform students inform the teacher that they want to participate in the work groups. The teacher sets up the work groups and assigns each group the work to be carried out and indicates the operating procedures to be followed. All the indications for the development of the in-depth course (activities, timing and methods) will be presented in detail on the Moodle online platform of the course Educational leadership and Didactic Organization:
2) Those who are unable to participate in group activities will be provided with supplementary group or individual activities, which will be agreed upon at least 5 weeks before the date on which the student intends to take the final exam. This is an in-depth critical study of a topic of the course with the production of a written paper. Students agree with the teacher a course’s theme to analyse thoroughly and the operative modalities that will have to be followed.
"In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following modalities will be applied: the teaching activities will be carried out through the integrated use of the online environment of the Department of Education, Formonline, and of the online platform indicated by the University to carry out video conferencing in synchronous ".
METHOD OF EVALUATION: Ongoing evaluation / final oral exam
Formative assessment in itinere (General Course): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and reflection on the issues addressed in the basic course.
Formative assessment in itinere (Seminar): written formative tests will be administered in itinere with the function of self-assessment and will be evaluated in a formative way the synthetic written productions required within the Seminar.
Formative assessment in itinere (Laboratory): questionnaires will be administered to reflect on one's own skills in the form of self-assessment, peer self-assessment activities will be carried out, and the work carried out individually and in small groups within the Laboratory will be evaluated in a formative way.
Final Assessment of the Course: the final exam of the entire course is one, it takes the form of an oral interview, which also includes the presentation-discussion of the work carried out in the Seminar (in-person and online activities) and in the Laboratory (activities in blended mode both online and in-person). Access to the final exam is subject to compliance with what has been agreed in the Formative Pact.
"In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, all the provisions governing the conduction of teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented. In particular, the following methods will be applied: the final exam will be held in the form of a remote oral interview, using the online platform indicated by the University "
( reference books)
- Moretti, G. (2022). La leadership educativa situata: conoscere il contesto e cooperare. Roma: Anicia. (In corso di pubblicazione). - Domenici G., Moretti G. (a cura di) (2011). Leadership educativa e autonomia scolastica. Il governo dei processi formativi e gestionali nella scuola di oggi. Roma: Armando Editore. - Leithwood, K, Seashore Louis K. (2022). Leadership educativa e apprendimento degli studenti. Implicazioni per le politiche e per le pratiche formative. Roma: Anicia. - Goleman. D. (2016). Essere Leader. Guidare gli altri grazie all’intelligenza emotiva. Rizzoli: Milano.
Core compulsory activities
22910712-3 -
People who hold leadership roles and functions in educational contexts play a strategic role in enhancing the teaching-learning processes and in promoting the improvement of the overall quality of the educational offer. The course examines the widespread or distributed educational leadership and takes a detailed look at its implications for teaching organization and learning, in the perspective of ensuring quality, sustainability, effectiveness, inclusiveness and especially the active practice of democratic leadership in educational contexts.
Through the study of " Educational leadership and Didactic Organization" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills ... - Understanding theories, strategies and tools regarding distributed educational leadership in educational settings. - Gaining a knowledge of multilevel representations of the educational system and understanding the relationships between the macrosystem, mesosystem and microsystem. - Learning the aspects that characterize school autonomy and the establishment of the Integrated Educational System age 0 to 6. - Learning and understanding the implications of widespread educational leadership with teaching, student learning, professional and territorial communities. - Understanding the importance of the emotional dimension of leadership.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding ... - An ability to conceive, design and evaluate educational interventions, in the perspective of promoting the exercise of democratic leadership. - An ability to promote evidence-based decision-making processes, enhancing the collection of data and information with a variety of tools and interpreting them through the triangulation of the points of view of the actors involved. - An ability to manage conflict dynamics and to promote processes of negotiation, mediation and sharing. - An ability to promote the culture of the project, of the planning and redesign in situations of uncertainty also using new technologies.
In terms of independent judgment ... - Developing the ability to collect data and information and use it to make decisions while respecting privacy and data protection. - Developing the ability to monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's actions as an educational leader. - Developing the ability to use participatory strategies and Action Research as resources to generate and disseminate educational leadership, develop learning communities, and cultivate communities of practice. - Developing the capacity to make use of in-service training and professional development as an incentive to raise the quality of educational/training processes and outcomes, to foster organizational learning.
In terms of communication skills ... - An ability to use and develop Concept Maps in public communications to synthesize educational actions, planning and decision-making processes. - Developing the expressive use of written language in educational settings, more specifically: the activities of planning, documenting and evaluating educational processes and reporting on the outcomes achieved.
In terms of learning skills ... - Being able to access scientific literature in the field, identifying reliable sources. - Being able to understand and address the dynamics of the contexts in which one operates and to reflect critically on the various dimensions that characterize them. - Being aware of the importance of learning from discussion with all the actors involved in training and management processes.
( syllabus)
Module - Basic course (6 CFU): 36 hours of classroom lessons. During the lectures, indications will be given about texts, websites and materials useful to deepen specific topics of interest; materials will be presented through reflection and comparison activities (scientific contributions, case studies, videos, conceptual maps, self-assessment tests, etc.). Lessons start Basic course: October 2022, first - second semester Class Schedule:
Classroom: via principe Amedeo, n°184
( reference books)
- Moretti, G. (2022). La leadership educativa situata: conoscere il contesto e cooperare. Roma: Anicia. - Domenici G., Moretti G. (a cura di) (2011). Leadership educativa e autonomia scolastica. Il governo dei processi formativi e gestionali nella scuola di oggi. Roma: Armando Editore. - Leithwood, K, Seashore Louis K. (2022). Leadership educativa e apprendimento degli studenti. Implicazioni per le politiche e per le pratiche formative. Roma: Anicia. - Goleman. D. (2016). Essere Leader. Guidare gli altri grazie all’intelligenza emotiva. Rizzoli: Milano.
Core compulsory activities
22910711 -
Know and understand the theoretical foundations of inclusive education. (Knowledge and understanding)
• Apply the acquired knowledge to address and solve problems related to school inclusion • Understand and apply the developed skills in a situation. (Knowledge and understanding skills applied)
• Knowing how to express own point of view about school inclusion and the about effectiveness of music therapy experiences at school based on data, experiences and scientific sources. (Autonomy of judgment)
• Being able to interact, within an integrated system, with various interlocutors (teachers, family, specialists, etc.) for the comparison and search for solutions in the field of school inclusion. (Communication skills)
• Develop the ability to learn additional teaching methods for inclusion, including through music therapy (Ability to learn)
Optional group:
LM-85 - A scelta dello studente - (show)
22902269 -
The course intends to provide students with the knowledge concerning the history of women’s state in the XX century. It aims at offering a historical path by rebuilding ideological roots and government policies which signed the exclusion and inclusion of women with regard to the public sphere and productive environment, with a special attention devoted to the marginalization and segregation phenomena towards a group of female categories.
By the study of Women’s History the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge of the political-institutional scenarios characterized by the exclusion of women by the access to some fundamental rights: right to vote, to extra-domestic work, and working safeguard measures; - Understanding the ethical-legal roots perpetuating gender inequality in the second half of the XX century; - Ability to analyze the theoretical principles which have legitimized political choices by European governments in the first half of the XIX century, with a focus on the second post world war Italy.
The course of Women’s History requires knowledge of the contemporary history space time dimension and of the deep transformations on the political-institutional and socio-economic ground, occurred in the XX century. The multifaceted dimension of the course offers a great opportunity for interaction and integration with other subject matters contemplated in the comprehensive learning path (psychological, sociological, legal and pedagogical). As the gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment represents a priority in the agenda of the international community, starting from the Agenda 2030, conceived as a new global constitution, the knowledge of the history of denied rights and battles carried out by women is essential in order to understand the current female condition at global level.
Derived from
22902342 STORIA DELLE DONNE in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 N0 AZARA LILIOSA
( syllabus)
The course aims at revisiting the history of women’s condition in the XX century. In particular, it will be highlighted as two events which deeply marked the XIX century opening with a revolution and closing with a war, both involving women, but giving men the chance to play between inclusion/participation and exclusion/repulsion of women from questions concerning the State and the Nation. The XX century sanctions an ineludible process towards women’s emancipation. The western women have access to modernity. In particular, the issues the course aims to deal with are the following: the Great War and the question whether or not it has been the era of women or the triumph of the gender difference; the Twenties and the modern woman in the United States; women under totalitarian regimes; women in the political sphere; feminism in the Sixties/Seventies; procreation and bioethics.
( reference books)
G. Duby, M. Perrot (a cura di), Storia delle donne. Il Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari L. Azara, I sensi e il pudore. L'Italia e la rivoluzione dei costumi, Donzelli, Roma 2018 L. Azara, L. Tedesco (a cura di), La donna delinquente e la prostituta, Viella, Roma 2019: the last five chapters, namely, Mary Gibson (pp. 107-122), Laura Schettini (pp.123-148), Anna Carla Valeriano (pp. 169-192), Annalisa Cegna (pp.149-168), Liliosa Azara (pp.193-216).
Elective activities
22902266 -
The course provides basic concepts of sampling and regression. Particular attention is devoted to the comparison of types of sampling, and to the comparison between bivariate and multivariate approaches. During the course students will be introduced to the use of statistical software for computers, solving problems in new areas, placed in interdisciplinary contexts. By autonomously managing complex knowledge, the student will learn how to make critical judgments and communicate the results obtained to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors.
By the study of STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge in the field of statistics such as to allow him an adequate approach to the problems of planning and carrying out socio-educational and socio-welfare activities. - possess advanced methodological and technical knowledge, able to allow him to reflect on even complex situations with adequate data analysis and interpretation tools. Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of skills in the use of the operating systems of the new data processing methods - competent use of communication strategies with professional partners and users. Making judgements: - elaborate an independent judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene, making decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - show reflexive abilities on their own methods of intervention, supporting their decisions with objective information. Communication skills: - drafting documents aimed at programming and managing services, preparing research / monitoring / evaluation reports and preparing and presenting operational intervention proposals. - know how to communicate in public and manage institutional communication. Learning skills: - appropriate acquisitions skills to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's degree, research doctorate) - ability to continue independently in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile.
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: sampling and non sampling error, simple random sampling, cluster and stratified sampling, confidence interval, introduction to simple and multiple regression.
( reference books)
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., STATISTICA PER LA RICERCA SOCIALE, IL MULINO, BOLOGNA, 2001. Chapters and sections to study on the text of Corbetta, Gasperoni and Pisati Chapter 6: all (except piece-wise linear regression on page. 171) chapter 7: all (not function and use of ratios and not dxy section 5.) Chapter 8: all (except for section 2.3) chapter 10 all (in sections 3.1 e 3.2 excluded the formulas that do not regard the estimate of the population mean).
Elective activities
22910255 -
Modern theories of education and pedagogy of expression
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogical research b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of educational processes of children, adolescents and with a specific attention to adults, of education, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, of expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexi-cal, ludic styles, cognitive styles, learning styles, social styles, c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educa-tional strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, orientation and self-orientation, creativity, active interaction, expressive appropriateness, lexical and semantic pedagogical appro-priateness, d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena, e) with the elaboration of educational and socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion within societies and labour markets, f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of human resources and of the designed lifelong learning educational projects, g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international educational policies.
By the study of Modern theories of education and pedagogy of expression (Exchange Program) the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, observative, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches promoting the idea of projectuality as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools promoting the idea of inclusion and integration within societies and labour markets as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the tools of the educational policies for inclusion and integration; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational agencies; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the best educational and training practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need of being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, adults with cognitive and social difficulties; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on learning, social, expressive, communicational styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining educational and socialisation needs within life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on learning styles. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel school; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by children, adolescents, adults within operational settings implementing educational activities, training, socialisation, expression, communication, orientation, self-orientation; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic lexicon based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in different scientific and cultural research contexts and networks; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education and didactics; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning.
( syllabus)
Methodological, ethical, technical problems concerned with education and training; valorisation of human resources as a professional model; the educational communication as an active strategy in different cultural, social, professional settings and processes. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational settings. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. Performance flexibility and expertise in programming and interacting within systems. 12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
( reference books)
Piccione V.A., The new pedagogical settings (pp. 11-116) Piccione V.A., Minors and new universal rights (pp. 37-62, 251-282) Piccione V.A., Present youngsters' educational needs and innovative approaches in teaching, "Revista de Psicología y Educación”, 2016, XI, II, pp. 65-83
Elective activities
22910705 -
Training Philosophy
The course aims at providing students with theoretical-critical knowledge and the ability to understand themes and problems related to the Philosophy of Education, analyzing the different perspectives of analysis and investigating their epistemological status. The primary objective will also be to grasp the central link between the theoretical dimension and the concrete experience of education and self formation, through the exercise of philosophical thought oriented to languages, models and practices in self formation contexts. Through the study of Philosophy of Education, the student will be able to develop the necessary skills to understand, interpret and deal with the problems associated with human formation and achieve the following educational objectives:
in terms of knowledge and understanding - define and identify the epistemological and methodological scope of the discipline; - understand the educational meaning and significance of human education;
in terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - analyze the relationship between Philosophy, General Pedagogy, Philosophy of Education and Self Formation; - identify the conceptual and operational tools to move easily in the double theoretical and practical-operational dimension that underlies the Philosophy of Education;
in terms of autonomy of judgment: - elaborate critical thinking relative to concrete situations in human formation; - identify and analyze tools, occasions and events related to human formation;
in terms of communication skills: - critically observe and interpret the dialogical and relational dynamics of various formation contexts; - make pedagogical theories interact profitably with the educational complexity of the contemporary world;
in terms of learning skills: - to know how to grasp the theoretical-operational proposals related to self formation, examining their strengths and possible criticalities; - access critically the scientific literature of reference, evaluating in advance the reliability of the sources.
( syllabus)
The course aims to critically analyze some themes and problems inherent in the Philosophy of Education and Training, with particular regard to the relationship between the theoretical dimension and concrete situations of the training experience. In this case, the dialogical and communicative dimensions of education, which have always been central elements of every educational relationship, will be the object of analysis. Part of the program will be devoted to the relationship between training and knowledge in the contemporary context.
( reference books)
F. Cambi, L. Toschi, La comunicazione formativa. Strutture, percorsi, frontiere, Apogeo, Milano 2006; A. Broccoli, Dialogare, Scholé, Brescia 2021; M. C. Nussbaum, Non per profitto. Perché le democrazie hanno bisogno della cultura umanistica, il Mulino, Milano 2011.
Elective activities
22910708 -
Educational research, teaching of writing and handwriting
Knowledge and understanding - Getting to know the debate about the teaching and learning of handwriting; - getting to know the various approaches to the teaching and learning of handwriting; - getting to know the most recent approaches to the teaching and learning of handwriting.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Understanding correct and wrong aspects in the development of the graphic gesture; - understanding, through a critical analysis of doodling and manuscripts, aspects related to the correct learning of handwriting.
Making judgements - Reflecting on the contemporary approaches to the teaching and learning of handwriting.
22910713 -
Metodi, strategie e strumenti della ricerca didattica
Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate.
Knowledge and understanding: - know the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach). - know the methods of educational research - know techniques and tools for data collection - understand the role of educational research for the growth of school quality and pedagogical culture - understand the theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
Applying knowledge and understanding: - identify objectives, perspectives and strategies of didactic research - detect, analyze, interpret and represent the data
Making judgements: - construct research-based problem solving hypotheses - evaluate the impact of research results on educational contexts
Communication skills: - draw up a research report in a form that can be understood by teachers and educators - simulate survey paths in groups
Learning skills: - acquire a professional approach based on research and informed by research - be able to access the relevant scientific literature
( syllabus)
Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate. Thematic cores: - research and educational professions - theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research - the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach) - research planning - methods and strategies of didactic research - techniques and tools for data collection
( reference books)
- CALONGHI L. (a cura di) (Ristampa 2017). NEL BOSCO DI CHIRONE. Contributi per l’identificazione della ricerca didattica. Napoli: TECNODID - BENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCI
Elective activities
22910222 -
Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione
The goal of this class is the development in the students of the competence and the critical sensitivity for managing the educational process based on the cooperation, both in adults and in children, through the knowledge of the principles, dynamics, strategies and tools for enhancing cooperation in several contexts such as learning or education groups and in dual relationships.
( syllabus)
The course will analyze the concepts of cooperation, from the first manifestations of cooperative behavior that can be observed spontaneously in early childhood up to the promotion of cooperative dynamics in educational and training interventions at later ages. In particular, the lessons, after an introduction dedicated to interpersonal motivational systems, will focus on the psychological mechanisms underlying prosocial and cooperative behaviors and on the role that such behaviors play as the foundation of integration and interculturality. Furthermore, methods to concretely improve dialogue and effectively manage conflicts will also be analyzed. The course will end with the presentation of the constitutive elements of the interventions in the educational and training contexts.
( reference books)
Gordon, T. (1991). Insegnanti efficaci. Firenze: Giunti. Tomasello, M. (2010). Altruisti nati. Perché cooperiamo fin da piccoli. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. Torre, E. M. (2022). Dalla progettazione alla valutazione. Modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori. Roma: Carocci Faber.
Core compulsory activities