21201705 -
The course aim at provide students with the regulation of the Italian labour market and the rules governing the relationship between employer and employee. At the end of the course, the students will have acquired a knowledge of all the sources of labour law and the method of interpretation. Also, the students will acquire the essential legal knowledge for employee hiring, development and ending of labour relationship and the instruments to resolve the principal legal issues on human resources.
( syllabus)
The basics. The evolution of labour law and the need for progressive flexibility of the labour market: historical profiles and legislative policy. The relationship between the national and Community systems; flexicurity. Thematic partition (the discipline and organisation of the Italian labour market) includes: the European Employment Strategy, the allocation of powers State Regions in the regulation of the labour market, decentralisation and centralisation of the administrative functions of the labour market; National Agency for Active Policies; public mediation services in the labour market, from the public monopoly of placement to employment services; Private employment services, employment agencies and work administration; targeted placement of disabled people and special placements; active policies and tools to promote employment and the transition of work; vocational training and employability; administrative requirements relating to employment; inspection services and work supervision. Thematic partition b) (the discipline of inbound and outbound flexibility) includes: the articulation and flexibility of contractual types of employment and the related segmentation of the labour market up to the Dignity Decree; subordinated work and self-employment; non-standard employment relationships (term contract, part-time, intermittent, accessory) the associated work; (apprenticeship, internships and internships). Certification of employment contracts. flexibility and discipline of individual dismissal. The contract with increasing protections. The thematic partition (work in the events of transformation and decentralisation of the enterprise and in the crisis.) includes: the judicial profiles of the events and transformations of the enterprise: work in productive outsourcing (procurement, command or posting), the administration of staff. I work in networked and tail-queuing companies. Transfer of company and workers' rights. Business crisis management tools and social shocks. Collective redundancies for staff reductions and collective solidarity agreements.
( reference books)
R. Del Punta, Diritto del Lavoro, Giuffrè, 2019, 11th edition
Core compulsory activities
21210004 -
The course aims to provide students with the notions for a thorough analysis of the Italian productive system, taking into consideration issues related to firms’ organization and performance together with a close look at the specific industries’ main competitiveness indicators. Particular attention will be devoted to the impact of globalization on firms’ organization and performance. The course will make use of models and applications through a laboratory session.
( syllabus)
1. The Neo-Institutional Theory of the Firm 1.1 Overview of the neoclassical theory of the firm 1.2 Ronal Coase and the transaction cost theory 1.3 The contribution of Oliver Williamson 1.4 Quasi-Rents: Klein, Crawford, Alchian 1.5 Property Rights Theory : Grossman, Hart e Moore 2. The organization of Italian firms 2.1 From large firms and the economic miracle of the 60's to the industrial discticts of the '80s 2.2 Firms and globalization 3. Main issues 3.1 Productivity 3.2 R&D 3.3 ICT and Industry 4.0 3.4 The internationalization of the Italian economy and Italian firms 3.5 Global Value Chains 4. Laboratory session
( reference books)
Giunta A., Rossi S., 2017, Che cosa sa fare l'Italia, Rome, Laterza. Chapters: II,III, IV A reading list will be suggested during the Course and available on the course TEAMS
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Altre attività formative - (show)
21210059 -
Clinica del Lavoro
The Legal Clinic of Labour Law is a course, built on the model of "Legal Clinics", which aims to provide students with the methodological tools for developing solutions to complex legal questions relating to HR management. During the course, the study is carried out through the exam of practical cases, which will be analyzed and solved under the guidance of experts in human resource management (practicing lawyers and experts coming from employers’ associations at national level).
( syllabus)
During the course will be analyzed practical cases about different types of contracts, such as smart working, fixed-term contracts, procurement contracts, temporary agency work, apprenticeships, independent work etc. The hypothesis of conciliatory agreements and salary modification agreements will also be examined. The course aims at devoloping a good ability to analyze the contractual text, recognizing the essential requirements of the contractual type examined, also making the necessary distinctions between similar types.
( reference books)
During the course it will be used a several type of documents, such as many examples of contracts, judgements, administrative practice.
Monterossi Luisa
( syllabus)
During the course will be analyzed practical cases about different types of contracts, such as smart working, fixed-term contracts, procurement contracts, temporary agency work, apprenticeships, independent work etc. The hypothesis of conciliatory agreements and salary modification agreements will also be examined. The course aims at devoloping a good ability to analyze the contractual text, recognizing the essential requirements of the contractual type examined, also making the necessary distinctions between similar types.
( reference books)
During the course a selection of documents, such as many examples of contracts, judgements, administrative practical cases, will be used.
Other activities
21201444 -
Derived from
21201444 BUSINESS ENGLISH in Economia e Management LM-77 N0 Chiarella Morgan
( syllabus)
grammar: modals, conditionals, idioms, relative clauses, determiners and quantifiers, the passive, making comparisons, making predictions, cause and effect, referring and sequencing, prepositions, reported speech.
writing: emails, memos, reports
modern business life topics: brands, competition, leadership, team-building, independence, public and provate sectors, entering new markets,
( reference books)
Best Practice - Upper Intermediate Business English in a Global Context
Other activities
21201321 -
Other activities
21210029 -
Other activities
21201511 -
The course aims at providing students with basic knowledge of statistical analysis software tools such as Matlab. The final objective of the course is to ensure that students, at the end of the teaching activity, are able to perform some of the main statistical applications and, in the case of applications not developed within the course, to being able to learn independently the knowledge necessary for the development of such applications.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Introduction. Elements of Matlab. Arithmetic operators: Logical and relational operators Variables: assignment of variables, local and global variables. Vectors: how to create a vector, row and column vectors, operations with vectors and access to the elements of a vector. Matrices: how to create a matrix, square and rectangular matrices, identity and diagonal matrices, operations with matrices and access to the elements of a matrix. Polynomials and solutions of linear systems. Flow controls and conditional statements: if comparison structure, switch comparison structure. For and while loops. Programming elements: scripts and functions, how to write and execute a function, how to write scripts. Introduction to the use of 1-D charts. Import data from files and file management. Import data from Excel sheets and .csv files Principles of discrete sequence analysis. Sequence operations, convolutions and discrete linear correlations, correlograms. Principles of descriptive statistics: characteristic parameters, parameter estimates, historical series and discrete series, histograms. Statistical applications: time series, averaging, volatility and higher order moments. Graph of historical time series and statistical analysis through moments, histograms and normal fitting.
Moodle: https://economia.el.uniroma3.it/course/index.php?categoryid=5
( reference books)
Slides provided by the professor Databases of financial time series: - www.quandl.com - yahoo finance - U.S Dept. of Energy Useful links: - GNU OCTAVE for Windows, Linux, and MacOs X - jMathLab for Linux - FreeMat for Windows, Linux, and MacOs X - R software for Windows, Linux, and MacOs X - MATLAB® / R Reference, by David Hiebeler (June, 2014). - Econometrics and Economics in Matlab. - "An Introduction to Matlab for Econometrics", by J. C. Frain, TEP Working Paper No. 0110, February 2010.
Other activities
21210143 -
European Social Law
( syllabus)
International & European Institutions: the development of ESL Regulatory Techniques Free movement for workers Freedom of Establishment & Posted Workers directive Posting of Workers Collective bargaining in the EU Collective bargaining and the right to strike under the ECHR Solidarity and Conflict in the European Social Law: looking for an identity Scope of employment, precarious or ‘atypical’ work Vertical disintegration and casual work Business Reorganisation Equality & Protection against discrimination EU Antidiscrimination Law in Action Working time
( reference books)
EU Employment Law, Fourth Edition, Oxford University Press, 2012 (only Part I – Introduction, pp. 1-88) European Labour Law, Intersentia, 2019. Materials of European Social Law, Egea, 2020 – Prof. Gramano
Other activities
21210180 -
Analisi dei dati per il mercato del lavoro
L' obiettivo del corso è di fornire agli studenti le tecniche e gli strumenti per la raccolta, gestione, organizzazione ed elaborazione di dati relativi al mercato del lavoro e del sistema di welfare. Il corso intende fornire le nozioni di base delle tecniche di data management e di garantire una formazione pratica finalizzata all’utilizzo di software specifici (tra cui Excel e Stata). Le lezioni saranno svolte anche mediante esercitazioni pratiche sulle principali fonti di dati aggregati in serie storica, su serie spaziali e su microdati campionari. Saranno inoltre affrontate le principali problematiche relative alla raccolta di dati su internet (web scraping) e alla realizzazione di indagini mediante questionari on line. Saranno fornite indicazioni per la comprensione e la elaborazione autonoma di analisi empirica di alcuni fenomeni economici relativi al mercato del lavoro e del sistema di welfare in Italia. Particolare attenzione sarà rivolta alle tecniche di data visualization attraverso l’utilizzo del software Tableau. Saranno inoltre forniti alcuni primi fondamenti per la misurazione e la simulazione di alternative di policy negli ambiti di interesse del corso."
Other activities