Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20810204 -
Dynamics and Control of Complex Systems
Provide to the students methodologies and techniques for the analysis and modeling of linear time-invariant systems by focusing on the state-space representation. Provide the knowledge for the design of feedback control systems. Derive the state-space model of Multi-Input Multi-Output systems. Provide the knowledge of the structural properties of MIMO dynamical models and the asymptotic observer for the eigenvalue assignment problem and the regulation problem. Provide the students with basic concepts for the analysis of nonlinear system.
( syllabus)
Linear Systems 1. INTRODUCTION TO LINEAR SYSTEMS 1.1. Modelling 1.2. State-Space Representation 2. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 2.1. Linear Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients 2.2. Exponential Matrix 2.3. Free Evolution 2.4. Forced Evolution 3. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN REPRESENTATIONS 3.1. From State-Spate to Transfer Function 3.2. From Transfer Function to State-Spate 4. MODAL DECOMPOSITION 4.1. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors 4.2. Coordinate Transformation 4.3. Diagonalization and Jordanization 5. STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES 5.1. Controllability and Observability 5.2. Controllability and Observability Kalman Forms 5.3. Kalman Canonical Decomposition 7. EIGENVALUE ASSIGNMENT PROBLEM 7.1. Eigenvalue assignment using state feedback 7.1.1. Assignment Theorem (SISO/MIMO) 7.1.2. Assignment Unicity Theorem (SISO) 7.2. Stabilization Problem 7.3. State Asymptotic Observer 7.4. Separation Principle 7.5. Eigenvalue placement using output feedback 8. LINEAR OUTPUT REGULATION PROBLEM 8.1. Full-Information Problem 8.2. Error-Feedback Problem Nonlinear Systems 9. INTRODUCTION TO NONLINEAR SYSTEMS 9.1. Fundamental Properties 9.2. Lipschitz Condition 9.3. Existence and Unicity of Solution 9.4. Comparison Lemma 10. LYAPUNOV STABILITY 10.1. Autonomous Systems 10.2. Stability Definition 10.3. Stability Theorem (Direct Criterion) 10.4. Chetaev Instability Theorem 10.5. Lyapunov Control Functions (Krasovskii) 10.6. Invariance Principle (LaSalla Theorem) 10.7. Stability Theorem for Linear Systems (Indirect Criterion)
( reference books)
Linear Systems 1. An Introduction to Linear Control Systems, Thomas E. Fortmann, Konrad L. Hitz 2. Lecture Notes ( 3. Sistemi di controllo (Vol. 2), Alberto Isidori
Nonlinear Systems 1. Nonlinear Systems (3rd Edition), Hassan K. Khalil
Core compulsory activities
20802112 -
It gives a formal instruments to model information flows and to optimize the operation management of production systems, in particular of flexible manufacturing systems.
( syllabus)
Discrete event simulation, a fundamental methodology for evaluating the performance of complex systems (computational, telecommunications, traffic, etc.)
The topics covered can be grouped into the following three phases: - Construction of a model of a real system: - "Execution" of a simulation model - Analysis of simulation results:
( reference books)
Teacher's material uploaded to the teams
Core compulsory activities
20810399 -
Company Economics and Strategy
Basic knowledge of the financial economic language by which the internal and external company relations and strategies are expressed. Developing of economic and financial evaluation of company operations. Analysis of interactions among internal organizational structures and analysis of financial and economic results drivers and measures.
( syllabus)
PART ONE: The company balance sheet
The flow-rate model for representing business dynamics. - The residual rights of the owners of the enterprise to the wealth produced: the dual aspect principle and the analysis of the sources and uses of resources The objectives and cognitive limits of accounting: - the accounting principles; - accounting systems and accounting methods The Balance Sheet and the Profit and Loss Account: - Fixed assets and depreciation, net working capital. - Inventories and cost of sales - The Cash Flow Statement and cash flow analysis: the derivation of cash flows. - Income Statement reclassifications
Balance sheet analysis: profitability, profitability, efficiency and financial indicators
Reference text R.Anthony, D. F. Hawkins, D. Macrì, K.A. Merchant. The Balance Sheet. Economic analysis for decision making and performance reporting. McGraw-Hill - XV edition. Chapters 1 to 11
SECOND PART: Sustainability in strategic business management
The enterprise as a complex and sustainable system - Founding principles and corporate sustainability - The role of stakeholders in addressing sustainability: Agenda 2030-Global Compact-European Union Green Paper, sustainable finance; - Sustainable strategic management: articulation of strategy - values - objectives - choices resulting from internal and contextual conditions - SWOT analysis; - Activities and relations for defining a strategy - the value chain and the chain of relations
The context relevant to the enterprise - market and sector analysis - Description of the competitive context: Porter's five competitive forces model - Strategic groupings
Sustainable business model - Concept of value and shared value - The circular business model paradigm in the principles of the green economy
Sustainable business model - concept of value and shared value; - The circular business model paradigm in the principles of the green economy
Sustainable strategic management
- Competitive advantage: concept, determinants and durability - Cost advantage, differentiation and focus - Competitive strategies: cost leadership, differentiation, focus - Collaboration strategies: strategic alliances - Growth strategies: integration, diversification, internationalisation - Environmental and social value creation strategies: impact of environmental and social strategies on competitive advantage; areas of intervention - Strategic and sustainability plan: elaboration and contents
Reference text Matteo Caroli, Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw-Hill - 2021
( reference books)
R.Anthony, D. F. Hawkins, D. Macrì, K.A. Merchant. Il Bilancio. Analisi economiche per le decisioni e la comunicazione della performance. McGraw-Hill – XV edizione. Capitoli da 1 a 11
Matteo Caroli, Economia e gestione sostenibile delle imprese, McGraw-Hill – 2021 Capitoli 1, 2, 4, 5, 6
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
Curriculum Automazione dei Sistemi Complessi: I ANNO uno a scelta tra tre insegnamenti - (show)
20810208 -
Decision Support Systems and Analytics
The aim of the course is to present the main theoretical and methodological tools for modeling decisions and for identifying the best decision support strategies. The course also aims at providing the skills on how to use the available data in analytical prescriptive models, how to read the results provided by the adopted models and how to interpret them to propose appropriate solutions to complex management problems.
( syllabus)
Overview on decision making and Decision Support Systems (DSS). Model Driven DSS. Mathematical modeling (examples of LP, ILP, and NLP formulations). Basics on computational complexity. Introduction to Business Analytics. Predictive analytics, optimal classification trees, examples. Prescriptive analytics. Heuristic algorithms: constructive heuristics, local search, variable depth local search, Tabu Search, Simulated Annealing, genetic algorithms, hints to other metaheuristics. Robust Optimization. Study of real world cases (optimization of the flows in the distribution of frozen food, optimization of staff shifts in hospital departments, optimial routing for the collection of material for laboratory analysis, optimal management of the warehouse of a company that deals with online sales, ....).
( reference books)
1. Modelli e metodi decisionali in condizioni di incertezza e rischio, di G. Ghiani, R. Musmanno (a cura di), McGraw-Hill Education, 2009. 2. Slides e notes given by the lecturer
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
Curriculum Automazione dei Sistemi Complessi I anno : uno a scelta tra quattro insegnamenti - (show)
20801961 -
The course intend to provide: (1) competencies about a generic modern operating system, (2) competencies about the structure of a unix operating system, and specifically about linux, (3) knowledge about methodologies adopted for solving problems within the management of a modern operating system, (4) ability in the use a unix platform as a user, (5) ability in programming a unix system (scripting), (6) basic ability in system programming
Core compulsory activities
20801686 -
Presentation of models, methods and tools for the definition, design and development of software systems that manage large sets of data. A student who has passed the course will be able to: (i) develop software applications that make use of databases of even high complexity, (i) design and built autonomously databases of medium complexity, and (iii) be involved in the project and development of large databases of high complexity.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Curriculum Automazione dei Sistemi Complessi: I ANNO due a scelta tra cinque insegnamenti - (show)
20801761 -
Provide the notions and develop the logics necessary to understand the formal description and the actual functioning of firms and institutions, and their evolutionary tendencies related to the evolution of their operating environment. Introducing to organizational analysis, bringing the student to be able to think about the relationships between market, strategy, structure and processes from a total quality perspective and taking into account people's organizational behaviors and motivations.
Core compulsory activities
20810207 -
Present the main aspects of the measures and technologies to build modern control systems based on transductors, data extraction and data processing. To present, in particular, processing of sensory data, estimation techniques for auto and cross-correlation, test signal generation, FFT based harmonic response estimation, as well as the techniques and components at the basis of the actuators of electric engines.
Core compulsory activities