Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22901955 -
The objective of the course is to provide students with the theoretical and methodological knowledge of social service that they are connected to in a basic education in order to be able to intervene in all areas where the social worker operates. In particular, the course intends to acquire the basic aspects of the trifocal perspective in which the use of the theoretical and practical tools of the profession is placed.
At the end of the course the student has acquired an appropriate framework with regard to: - the mandates and responsibilities of the professional; - the relationship between theory and practice in social work; - the design logic and the methodology of the aid process; - the process of welcoming and taking charge.
22901955-2 -
Objectives of the course are a) to provide the informative and conceptual bases that allow to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection and b) provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector.
At the end of the course the student: - knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place today's guidelines for social protection within the framework of welfare regime types; - is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies; - has a conceptual and terminological heritage suitable for discussing the main themes of the social policy in an appropriate manner; - has learned the legal bases governing the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.
( syllabus)
Methods and techniques of social work I - A.A.2021/2022 (Annunziata Bartolomei) The course aims to deepen the professional discipline starting from the basic concepts and the specific nomenclature and to decline the theoretical references in relation to the operating practice and the methodological framework of the profession, in relation to the main interlocutors of the social worker: the individual and the family context, the community context of reference and its aggregations, public organizations, tertiary sector agencies and volunteering. The goal is to arouse in students knowledge and analysis tools that allow them to integrate their theoretical knowledge with the training experience of the internship. TOPICS - Professional social service: definitions and concepts - Duties and responsibilities of the social worker: - social complexity and integration and inclusion processes, - individual-social needs and personal-community-institutional resources - Social worker between theory and practice: reflexivity in the perspective of continuous training and learning from experience. - Theoretical references and operational perspectives in the social service: the theoretical operating models of the social service. - The help process: from the projecting logic to the methodological system (context, procedure, techniques and tools). Teaching methodology and learning checks The course includes some lectures aimed at the theoretical presentation of the contents and the use of the active methodology in experiential exercises on the theoretical and methodological contents, to develop reflective skills and tools for the conceptualization of the experience. Also, during the lessons, intermediate learning assessment are foreseen, through exercises, classroom discussions and eventual written assignments that may be included during formulation of the final evaluation. The final evaluation of the course will be in written and oral form. BIBLIOGRAPHY - Bartolomei A., Passera A.L., (2010) L’assistente sociale. Manuale di servizio sociale professionale, CieRe, Roma - Fargion S. (2013) Il metodo, Carocci, Roma - Sanfelici M., (2017) I modelli del servizio sociale. Dalla teoria all'intervento, Carocci, Roma - Sicora A., (2010) Errore e apprendimento nelle professioni d’aiuto, Maggioli It is highly recommended the use of Nuovo dizionario di servizio sociale, a cura di Annamaria Campanini, Carocci, Faber Servizio sociale, Roma, 2013 Any further indications of bibliographic material will be provided during the course.
( reference books)
BIBLIOGRAPHY - Bartolomei A., Passera A.L., (2010) L’assistente sociale. Manuale di servizio sociale professionale, CieRe, Roma - Fargion S. (2013) Il metodo, Carocci, Roma - Sanfelici M., (2017) I modelli del servizio sociale. Dalla teoria all'intervento, Carocci, Roma - Sicora A., (2010) Errore e apprendimento nelle professioni d’aiuto, Maggioli It is highly recommended the use of Nuovo dizionario di servizio sociale, a cura di Annamaria Campanini, Carocci, Faber Servizio sociale, Roma, 2013 Any further indications of bibliographic material will be provided during the course.
Core compulsory activities
22901957 -
Objectives of the course are a) to provide the informative and conceptual bases that allow to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection and b) provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector.
At the end of the course the student: - knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place today's guidelines for social protection within the framework of welfare regime types; - is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies; - has a conceptual and terminological heritage suitable for discussing the main themes of the social policy in an appropriate manner; - has learned the legal bases governing the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.
22901957-2 -
Objectives of the course are a) to provide the informative and conceptual bases that allow to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection and b) provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector.
At the end of the course the student: - knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place today's guidelines for social protection within the framework of welfare regime types; - is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies; - has a conceptual and terminological heritage suitable for discussing the main themes of the social policy in an appropriate manner; - has learned the legal bases governing the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.
( syllabus)
The Social Policy and Social Services Legislation course consists of two modules.
The SOCIAL POLICY module intends to provide the cognitive and conceptual bases that make it possible to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection. At the end of the module the student:
- knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place the current guidelines of social protection within the framework of the types of welfare regime; - is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies; - has a suitable conceptual and terminological heritage to appropriately discuss the main issues of the social policy.
The SOCIAL SERVICES LEGISLATION module intends to provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector, with particular regard to the context of the Lazio Region. At the end of the module the student has learned the normative foundations that regulate the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.
In the first part of the course, a historical-theoretical framework of the concepts of social policy and the welfare system is proposed, the main models of which are described. The ways in which social change and the transformation of needs affect the structure of social policies are then discussed and the picture of the actors of the social protection system is presented. The transition from the welfare state to the welfare mix and the concept of local welfare is then illustrated. The policies of the social protection sector are also described (social security, health, assistance and social services) of which a general classification and profile is presented in the Italian context. Finally, the possible future scenarios of social policies in Italy are discussed.
The second part deals with the constitutional bases of the right to social assistance (Article 38 of the Constitution) and the path that between the 1970s and 1990s leads to the administrative decentralization of social assistance functions; the approval of the framework law 328/2000 for the implementation of the integrated system of interventions and social services, the main aspects of which are discussed; the reform carried out with Const. Law 3/2001 and its implications on the territorial system of social services; the development of regional legislation on social services; the system and the main elements of the Lazio regional law 11/2016, with particular reference to the principle for access to services, the definition of the essential levels of performance, the bodies that regulate the functioning and the actors involved in the system; the structure of the Lazio 2017-2019 Regional Social Plan and the contents relating to the essential levels of social benefits. In the final part, the course essentially presents some of the main national sector regulations for the area of minors and families.
( reference books)
- Ferrera M., Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019 - Franzoni F., Anconelli M., La rete dei servizi alla persona. Dalla normativa alla organizzazione, Roma, Carocci, 2021 - conoscenza di base dei seguenti riferimenti di legislazione generale con rilievo nazionale: art. 38 Cost., art. 117 Cost., artt. 128-133 d. lgs 112/98, Legge 328/2000, L. Cost. 3/2001 - basic knowledge of the following references of general legislation with national relevance: art. 38 of the Constitution, art. 117 of the Constitution, artt. 128-133 d. lgs 112/98, Law 328/2000, L. Cost. 3/2001 - basic knowledge of the following national sector regulations: Law 833/1978, Law 180/1978, Law 184/1983, Law 104/1992, Law 68/1999, Law 285/1997, Law 147/2017, law 112/2016, law 162/1998 - detailed knowledge of Regional Law 11/2016 and in particular of Chapters I, III, IV, V and VI.
Basic compulsory activities
22901958 -
The aim of the course is to provide students with concepts and knowledge useful for understanding a) the main aspects of the economic and social reality of the contemporary world and their implications in the framework of national and global transformation processes and b) development models that, overall, support the process of improving the living conditions of a company.
At the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to reflect critically on the economic processes that guide the transformations of society and on the elements that characterize the concept of development in the contemporary era
Derived from
( syllabus)
SOCIOLOGY AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Contents Introduction to the study of the social economy. Brief economic history of the formation of the world system. Basic theoretical tools for understanding contemporary economic processes. Globalization and inequality. The international financial institutions. The social construction of the market. Evolution of the concept of work. Technological innovation and employment. Analysis of human interaction in the economic field. Ethics and economics. Economic behaviour and rationality.
( reference books)
Testi d’esame:
Claudio Tognonato, Economia senza società. Oltre i limiti del mercato globale. Liguori Editore, Napoli 2014.
Immanuel Wallerstein, Comprendere il mondo. Introduzione all’analisi dei sistemi mondo, Asterios Editore, Trieste 2006.
André Gorz, L'immateriale. Conoscenza, valore e capitale, Bollati Boringhieri
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Insegnamenti a scelta dello studente II anno L39 - (show)
22902482 -
Objectives of the course are a) to provide basic notions on the fundamental concepts of social and cultural anthropology and on the main issues that are today at the center of the debate and b) to provide conceptual tools useful for reasoning autonomously and critically on issues and problems related to contemporary globalization as a complex intertwining of local and transnational processes.
At the end of the course the student has: - a knowledge of the main anthropological theories, with the ability to contextualize their historical-scientific development - a knowledge of the main concepts of cultural and social anthropology.
Derived from
22902482 ANTROPOLOGIA CULTURALE E SOCIALE (6 CFU L39) in Educatore di nido e dei servizi per l'infanzia L-19 PINELLI BARBARA
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing students with methods and concepts of social and cultural anthropology. In the contemporary world, the anthropological perspective is set up as a critical study aiming at understanding cultural diversity and similarities, processes building belonging, inequalities, differences, hierarchies, and forms of power. The reflections and the ethnographic examples will be mainly addressed: gender, body, and violence; migrations, borders, and generations.
The course’s first part will put at the core classical and constitutive notions of this discipline, such as society, gender, culture, power, body, and institutions, to follow the development of the contemporary anthropological debate. This part will be the basis to analyse the cultural transmission processes and the construction of the subject by looking at the relations between generations, mainly when these same processes and construction of the subject occur in social marginality and political vulnerability conditions. Ethnographic accounts and anthropological methodology allow students to face these debates concretely and to focus on some issues: the nexus between migration and generations: body, gender, and violence; the long-term reverberations of the migration processes and the exposure to violence, especially on the ways in which they affect the construction of the subject, and social and education relations. Starting with notions explored, the course aims to provide a) a knowledge of anthropological perspectives and their main concepts to develop an ability to understand currents of thought in their historical and social dimensions. They are helpful b) in applying such knowledge, theories, and concepts to develop a reflexive, autonomous and critical gaze on the main topics of contemporary. The ethnographic method and ethnographic examples will encourage a participatory method to understand the ‘otherness’, becoming helpful means to develop a comparative and non-ethnocentric perspective, together with micro-macro levels of analysis.
( reference books)
1) Ugo Fabietti, 2015. Elementi di antropologia culturale. Mondadori, Milano (chapters indicated)
Parte prima: Genesi e struttura dell’antropologia culturale (Capitoli 1, 2, 3); Parte terza: Comunicazione e conoscenza (Capitoli 1, 2, 3); Parte quinta: Il sé e l’altro (Capitoli 1, 2, 3); Parte settima: Esperienza religiosa e pratica rituale (Capitoli 1, 2, 3); Parte ottava: Creatività culturale ed espressione estetica (Capitoli 1, 2, 3); Parte nona: Risorse e potere (Capitoli 1, 2, 3).
2) A text of your choice (the books can be read in their original version - where available):
a) Agier, Michel (2020). Lo straniero che viene. Ripensare l’ospitalità. Raffaello Cortina. Milano. b) Bourgois, Philippe e Schonberg, Jeff (2011). Reietti e fuorilegge. Antropologia della violenza nella metropoli americana. DeriveApprodi, Roma. c) Bourgois, Philippe (2005). Cercando rispetto. Drug economy e cultura di strada. DeriveApprodi. Roma. d) Fassin, Didier (2013). La forza dell’ordine. Antropologia della polizia nelle periferie urbane. La Linea, Bologna. e) Wacquant, Loic (2016). I reietti della città. Ghetto, periferia, stato. ETS. f) Fusaschi, Michela. (2011). Quando il corpo è delle altre. Retoriche della pietà e umanitarismo-spettacolo. Bollati Boringhieri. g) Khosravi, Shahram (2019). Io sono confine. Elèuthera. h) Ravenda, Andrea (2018). Carbone. Inquinamento industriale, salute e politica a Brindisi. Meltemi.
3) A text of your choice (the books can be read in their original version - where available):
a) John Berger – Il settimo uomo. Contrasto. b) Marco Omizzolo – Per motivi di giustizia. People. c) Adichie Ngozi Chimamande – Americanah. Einaudi. d) Behrouz Boochani – Nessun amico se non le montagne. add editore e) Ben Lawrence – La città delle spine. Nove vite nel campo profughi più grande del mondo. Brioschi.
Elective activities
22910177 -
The course provides students with knowledge of authors and main concepts of social pedagogy (education and society, educational and cultural needs, promotion of well-being, prevention of discomfort and educational emergencies, continuous training, association for parenting, interculturalism, anti-racism) with particular reference to early childhood. The course peovides also in-depth information on the main authors of the 900. The different topics covered will be framed in the broader debate on pedagogical knowledge in relation to other disciplinary areas. In the laboratory the students will be involved in activities aimed at integrating theory and practice and between biography and profession also in preparation for the internship experience.
At the end of the course the student: - will acquire knowledge about the authors and currents of thought relevant in the history of social pedagogy (Greek philosophers, religions and societies, great utopias, militant pedagogies, early childhood educators, etc..) and the problems that characterize the discipline today with particular reference to early childhood (rights and duties, care, respect for diversity, hospitality and relationship, play, support for parenting, biographical thinking); - acquire basic research and intervention skills in the field of pedagogical and social research (action research). Thanks to the laboratory, students will have the opportunity to retrace their educational experience and to lay the foundations for consciously facing their professional future.
Derived from
22910177 PEDAGOGIA SOCIALE in Educatore di nido e dei servizi per l'infanzia L-19 ALUFFI PENTINI ANNA, OLIVIERI FABIO
( syllabus)
Students will acquire knowledge of authors and of relevant currents of thought in the history of social pedagogy and of the problems that characterize the discipline today (role of the educator) with particular reference to early childhood (childhood cultures, educational deprivation, territoriality, rights and duties, care, respect for diversity, contact making and relationship, parenting skills, play). Students will also have the opportunity to acquire basic research and intervention skills in the field of pedagogical and social research (action research).
( reference books)
per gli studenti Erasmus sarà possibile concordare dei testi in lingua diversa dall'italiano
NB Erasmus Students may discuss 2 books (B and C) in english an 1 in italian (A) A) Santerini Milena Pedagogia socio-culturale Mondadori Università 2019) Celine Alvarez Sherab Chodzin (2019) The natural laws of childrens: why children thrive when we understand how their brain are wired, Shambhala, Boulder C) Raccomandation of Council of Europe and other documents available during the semester
The laboratory will be held by dr. Fabio Olivieri who will communicate the program on his bulletin board and how to register for the laboratory In any case, the text to study for those who do not attend the workshop is: D) Cristofolini F. Gaggioli A. La felicità si impara (anche) a scuola. Una guida all'educazione positiva e integrata. Editore Pearson 2021
German French and Spanish students should contact the lecturer
Elective activities
20802038 -
Industrial experience
Objectives of the activities - which are carried out at external contracted structures - are those of a) helping the student to reflect on the motivations and expectations with respect to the choice of the degree course and the professional future; b) to foster the development of observation and reflection skills on the relational dynamics that are determined in the field both with users and with other operators; c) promote a first contact with the tools and practices of professional work carried out in the field; d) sustain a reflective process on the activities that are tested in the field.
At the end of the activity the student: - has investigated and verified the reasons for choosing his professional future - he began to orientate himself in social service techniques - observed and tested the role and functions of the social worker in the social services system
( syllabus)
Training goals First trainee-ship is the first field experience for the students, in the services in which social workers apply themselves. In this path, students have a double support, from both an external social worker and an academic tutor. Specific training goals will be: - let the student thinks on her/his own motivations and expectations on her/his university choices and on her/his professional future; - let grow the student's capacity to reflect on the relations dynamics, with other social operators, users, and with all the others relations that she/he could start during the progress of the social service where she/he is inserted. Then share her/his worries, doubts, and expectations on her/his experience; - consolidate the capacity of the student to work in team and to learn through the group exercitations; - promote the connection between theory and practice and stimulate in the students an exploratory approach with curiosity and interest in the profession and in the social ambit; - encourage the comparison, the sharing and the discussions of situations and events in common verified during the practical experience of the students.
Course program During the talks and the lectures, the operative reality and the territorial distribution of the services who gave the availability to host trainees, will be showed to the students; lectures on specific aspects of trainee-ship will be made, to promote the pursue of training goals.
( reference books)
Consultation texts: BINI L., Documentazione e servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma, 2003. DELLAVALLE M., Il tirocinio nella formazione al servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma, 2011. RICCUCCI M., Scrivere per il servizio sociale, Carocci, Roma, 2009.
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910018 -
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to a) be able to orient themselves in the panorama of individual and group processes (dispositions, attitudes, communication) that are at the base of social interaction and b) to know how to use these skills to interpret the social reality of everyday life, in application fields such as health promotion, environmental education and social sustainability.
At the end of the course the student has: - knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of social cognition; - knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the psychological-social field; - knowledge and understanding of the concept of social attitude In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding the student knows - to distinguish naive social psychology from knowledge of social behavior accumulated through empirical research; - apply the models of social interaction for the interpretation of the main contexts of daily life in which social interaction takes place; - apply the construct of attitude for the evaluation and interpretation of the preferences expressed by individuals in the course of social interaction.
22910018-1 -
The teaching aims to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to know how to orient themselves in the panorama of individual and group processes (dispositions, attitudes, communication) at the basis of social interaction, and to know how to use These skills to interpret the social reality of everyday life, in fields of application such as the promotion of health, environmental education and social sustainability.
With the study of social psychology and attitudes the student will be able to achieve the following training goals. In Terms of knowledge and ability to understand: • Knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of social cognition; • Knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the psychological and social field; • Knowledge and understanding of the concept of social attitude
In terms of the ability to apply knowledge and understanding: • To distinguish naïve social psychology from knowledge of social behaviour accumulated through empirical research; • Apply the models of social interaction for the interpretation of the main contexts of daily life in which the social interaction takes place. • Apply the attitude construct for the evaluation and interpretation of the preferences expressed by individuals in the course of social interaction.
In terms of autonomy of judgement: • Distinguishing between different approaches and worldviews at the basis of psychosocial research; • Interpreting the phenomena of social cognition in the light of theoretical models and empirical studies of social psychology. • Distinguishing explicit and implicit mechanisms in the formation and expression of social attitudes.
In Terms of Communicative skills: • Synthesize and present in an effective way the main mechanisms of functioning of social interaction and social attitudes.
In Terms of Learning skills: • Deepen their knowledge using texts and models elaborated within the behavioral sciences and social sciences and in the measurement of social attitudes.
Derived from
22910142 Psicologia sociale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 CARRUS GIUSEPPE
( syllabus)
Theories and research methods in social psychology. Knowledge and perception of the social world. Social cognition. Dual models and implicit social cognition. Attitudes, stereotypes, and prejudice. Social relations: small group processes and intergroup relations. Communication, persuasion and social influence. Applied social psychology: health, environment and sustainable development.
( reference books)
- Hogg e Vaughan. Psicologia sociale. Pearson Editore - Passafaro, Carrus, Pirchio. I bambini e l’ecologia: Aspetti psicologici dell’educazione ambientale. Carocci editore
Core compulsory activities
22910018-2 -
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and skills that allow the student to a) be able to orient themselves in the panorama of individual and group processes (dispositions, attitudes, communication) that are at the base of social interaction and b) to know how to use these skills to interpret the social reality of everyday life, in application fields such as health promotion, environmental education and social sustainability.
At the end of the course the student has: - knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts of social cognition; - knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and methodological foundations of empirical research in the psychological-social field; - knowledge and understanding of the concept of social attitude In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding the student knows - to distinguish naive social psychology from knowledge of social behavior accumulated through empirical research; - apply the models of social interaction for the interpretation of the main contexts of daily life in which social interaction takes place; - apply the construct of attitude for the evaluation and interpretation of the preferences expressed by individuals in the course of social interaction.
( syllabus)
Attitudes: definitions and structure. Persuasion and attitude change. Measurement of attitudes. Attitude-behaviour relations. Practical implications
( reference books)
- Cavazza. Psicologia degli atteggiamenti e delle opinioni. il Mulino
Core compulsory activities