Optional group:
20702742 -
The course aims at introducing aspects of information technology that we expect to be of great impact for media professionals. Automated information processing enables analysis and management of information sources provided awareness of its potential and limits. New editors are creating new media and a completely new discipline has emerged: computational journalism. In this course we aim at providing basic computer skills necessary for understanding the issues related to the new media, addressing the following points: consolidate the basic knowledge of computer technology and of the methods of information science; consider specific solutions related to the automatic flow of information; to become familiar with technologies currently in use.
( syllabus)
An introduction to Data Mining and Data Journalism by means of the Python programming language.
Core compulsory activities
20702741 -
The aim of the course in "English - Advanced level" is to make students develop their ability to analyze and understand a gamut of complex texts produced by different mass media. The main focus is on what characterizes social communication through the language of journalism and advertisements.
Di Ferrante Laura
( syllabus)
This course is designed as an introduction to the study of pragmatics and discourse analysis in English language as they apply to different genres and in particular to journalistic texts. Topics include: cohesion and coherence, discourse analysis, deixis, speech acts, principle of cooperation, presupposition, pragmatic inference, politeness, and intercultural pragmatics, newspaper language. The course has both a theoretical and practical approach: the theory will serve as a tool to work hands-on on authentic texts.
( reference books)
1. Cutting, Joan (2008). Pragmatics & Discourse (2nd Edition). Routledge Press. 2. Reah, Danuta (2002). The Language of Newspapers (2nd Edition). Routledge Press. Further readings will be discussed during the course
Core compulsory activities
20709687 -
Study of the foundations of pragmatics
( syllabus)
Language as communication and action, illocutionary act, performative, Grice’s cooperation principle, inferences, implicatures, presuppositions, text and discourse, deixis, anaphora, information structure.
( reference books)
1) C. Caffi, Pragmatica. Sei lezioni, Carocci 2009. 2) C. Andorno, Linguistica testuale, Carocci, 2003 (the first three chapters).
Core compulsory activities
20709714 -
The course has two main goals. The first one is to propose an education finalized to learn the main classification methods of language disorders in pathologies such as aphasia, autism, schizophrenia. The second is to illustrate how the investigation of language disorders might be used to inform theoretical models on language functioning.
Derived from
20709714 FUNZIONI E PATOLOGIE DEL LINGUAGGIO E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 N0 ADORNETTI INES
( syllabus)
The course focuses on language pathologies, with particular attention to the deficits related to the discursive communication. Among the cases discusses, there are the communicative deficits characterizing pathologies such as autism, schizophrenia, and traumatic brain injury. In such cases, as well as in many neuropsychological and psychopathological disorders, the communicative impairments mainly concern the level of discourse and depend on deficits that primarily involve the cognitive dimension, rather than the linguistic one. Thus, the study of discourse disorders is particularly useful to investigate a more general question that is extremely relevant from a theoretical point of view: the relationships between language and cognition.
( reference books)
Mandatory book:
- Adornetti I., 2018, Patologie del linguaggio e della comunicazione. Carocci, Roma
One book among the following:
- Adornetti I., a cura di, 2015, Pragmatica del discorso e della conversazione, Corisco, Roma-Messina. - Bambini V., 2017, Il cervello pragmatico, Carocci (Le Bussole), Roma. - Surian, L., 2002, Autismo. Indagini sullo sviluppo mentale, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
Core compulsory activities
20710272 -
The course aims to illustrate how the historical perspective, the sociolinguistics, the pragmatics and the semiotics can analyze the language of advertising highlighting the lexical, syntactic and morphological features and the intercultural aspects of different texts. The linguistic variants and structures are linked to the functional aspects with the objective of explaining the meaning and the grammar of slogans, jingles and commercials. There are no prerequisites. Specific activities could be organized to support the study of the foreign students and the working students.
( syllabus)
The main features of the course are relating to the following arguments: -the theorical debat around the advertising language; -the analisys of the patterns of this important tool of communication. The messages are examined at the light of the most important concepts of the textual and pragmatic studies , as cohesion, coherence,implicatures, rhetorical strategies; -the structural characteristics of brand-names and on line order selling: comparison of texts in differtnt languages.
( reference books)
Baldini M. Il linguaggio pubblicitario.Fantaparole, Roma, Armando, 1996. Capozzi M.R. Il linguagio della pubblicità, Milano, Franco Angeli. Catricalà M. One thousand and one ways of reading a brand, , in press.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - E’ possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta al massimo 6 CFU di attività di Laboratorio, non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - (show)
20708659 -
The course aims to deepen the authors , moments , genres and themes that characterize the Italian literature of our time , from the early twentieth century , taking into account also , as much as possible , the links with the other systems of literary expression , other arts , the literatures of other countries , as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help , the student , to hone their reading mode .
( syllabus)
Italian literature and photography
( reference books)
a) Silvia Albertazzi, Letteratura e fotografia, Roma, Carocci, 2017 b) Fototesti. Letteratura e cultura visuale, a cura di Michele Cometa e Roberta Coglitore, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2016
c) plus one author, by choice, among:
Elio Vittorini, Conversazione in Sicilia [1941], illustrated by the authore, edited by Maria Rizzarelli, Milano, Rizzoli, 2007
Gianni Celati, Il chiodo in testa [1974] e La bottega dei mimi [1977], in Id., Animazioni e incantamenti, a cura di Nunzia Palmieri, Roma, L’orma, 2017 + Verso la foce [1984], Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011
Pier Paolo Pasolini, La Divina Mimesis [1975], Milano, Mondadori, 2006
Nanni Balestrini, Blackout [1980], in Id., Poesie complete volume secondo, Roma, DeriveApprodi, 2016
Lalla Romano, Nuovo romanzo di figure [1986], Torino, Einaudi, 1997
d) plus one author, by choice, among:
Tommaso Pincio, Lo spazio sfinito [2000], Roma, minimum fax, 2010
Sara Ventroni, Nel Gasometro, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2006 + Ead., La sommersione, Torino, Aragno, 2016
Walter Siti, Autopsia dell’ossessione, Milano, Mondadori, 2010
Antonella Anedda, La vita dei dettagli, Roma, Donzelli, 2009
Giorgio Falco e Sabrina Ragucci, Condominio Oltremare, Roma, L’orma, 2014
Giorgio Agamben, Autoritratto nello studio, Roma, nottetempo, 2017
Michele Mari, Leggenda privata, Torino, Einaudi, 2017
e) to give a context in the 20th and 21st century italian literary history: Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, vol. IV: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012; and/or La terra della prosa. Narratori italiani degli anni zero (1999-2014), edited by Andrea Cortellessa, Roma, L’orma, 2014
Elective activities
20710108 -
The course aims to train students to major themes of contemporary geopolitics, with particular attention to the dimension of communication and information processes.
Derived from
20710123 GEOPOLITICA ECONOMICA in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 SABATINI GAETANO
( syllabus)
The course deals with the processes of cooperation for development and the formation of trade regional agreements in Latin American, in the Mediterranean area, in the Near and Far East areas from the early twentieth century to the present.
( reference books)
The course will be organized in seminars: the material to be studied will be distributed by the teacher during the lessons; the students not attending the course are requested to contact the teacher to agree on the texts on which to prepare for the exam.
Elective activities
20710040 -
Dedicated to the keywords of feminism from the seventies until today , the seminar aims to provide the tools to address both elementary and fundamental rhetoric is more advanced analysis of the contemporary. Speaking of a gap in the academic education , but also on the discontinuity in the memory of the struggle and the knowledge produced by women , the initiative is aimed at those who want to learn , update , discuss , have tools for action.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Feminist keywords. For a political and theoretical genealogy and an update of the latest advances in feminism, gender and difference.
( reference books)
Introductory readings suggested: - A. Cavarero, F. Restaino, Le filosofie femministe, Mondadori, Milano 2002; Il pensiero femminista. Un approccio teorico, 78-115. - A. Rossi Doria, “Ipotesi per una storia del neofemminismo italiano” In Dare forma al silenzio. Scritti di storia politica delle donne, Viella, Roma 2007, pp. 243-265. Libreria delle donne di Milano, Non credere di avere dei diritti, Rosenberg & Sellier 1987 J. Scott, Il “genere”: un utile categoria di analisi storica In "Rivista di storia contemporanea", n. 4, 1987 (http://www.iaphitalia.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/scoti.pdf) - Robert J. C. Young, “Introduzione. Montaggio” In Id. Introduzione al post-colonialismo, Meltemi, Roma 2005, pp. 7-15.
Bibliografia suddivisa per lezioni
Femminismo A. Davis, Donne, razza e classe, Alegre 2018 O. De Gouges, Dichiarazione dei diritti delle donne e delle cittadine. F. Giardini, Politica dei corpi sessuati F. Giardini, La differenza sessuale tra pensiero e teoria F. Giardini, Simone de Beauvoir. Il secondo sesso, un’introduzione Rivolta Femminile, Manifesto di Rivolta Femminile, Rivolta femminile, 1970 Non una di Meno, Piano femminista contro la violenza maschile sulle donne e la violenza di genere.
Esclusione A. Simone, Sessismo Democratico. L'uso strumentale delle donne nel neoliberismo (Mimesis 2012). A. Simone, I talenti delle donne (Einaudi 2014). A. Simone, La società della prestazione (Ediesse 2017)
Stereotipo M. Buonanno, Il prisma dei generi, immagini di donne in TV (FrancoAngeli, 2014) L. Corradi, Specchio delle sue brame (Ediesse 2012) E. Giomi, Quaderno di appunti di Gender e Media (Pigreco, 2015)
Colonialismo Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Femminismo senza frontiere, Ombre Corte, 2012 Trinh Thi Minh Ha, Woman, Native, Other. Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism, Indiana University Press 1989 A. Chiricosta, Filosofia Interculturale e Valori Asiatici O-barra- O
Immaginazione R. Braidotti, Trasposizioni. Sull’etica nomade, Luca Sossella Editore, Roma 2008, pp. 167-205. M. Gatens, G. Lloyd, Collective Imaginings. Spinoza, Past and Present, Routledge, London and New York 1999, pp. 65-69.
Forza F. Giardini, a cura di, Sensibili Guerriere. Sulla forza femminile, Iacobelli 2011 - Scaricabile al sito: https://www.academia.edu/3643769/Sensibili_guerriere._Sulla_forza_femminile_Jacobelli_Roma_2011 A. Chiricosta “Mulier, Femina, Virgo, Virago”, Babelonline, 1/2 2016 (disponibile on line) A. Chiricosta “Marzialista postumana. Una praticante di Taijiquan legge Il Postumano di Rosi Braidotti” DWF, Rome, n.2/ 2014 A. Chiricosta: "Corpi di Forza. Una lettura interculturale, femminista, marzialista della violenza di genere" http://www.oloselogos.it/articoli-qigong/corpi-di-forza-una-lettura-interculturale-femminista-marzialista-della-violenza-di-genere/?print=print
Elective activities
20710128 -
Within the framework of the Dublin Descriptors (http://www.quadrodeititoli.it/descrittori.aspx?descr=172&IDL=2), the Course has the following objectives:
The Advanced Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of Digital Marketing and its basic features. Therefore, its main learning outcomes are: Contributing to build a cultural vision of IT Understanding technological, economic and social reasons of the development of digital marketing and related issues Full understanding of the relationship between digital marketing and value Understanding the concept of disruptive innovation and its marketing implications Knowledge of digital marketing planning and implementation by organizations Knowledge of communication management in digital marketing and its evaluation tools Ability to frame digital marketing knowledge as to concepts such content, usability, user centered design, user experience design, interaction design Course topics will be dealt with constant reference to the publishing and information industry. The Course will therefore include a workshop in which changes in book cover in marketplace and marketspace will be explored.
Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course
Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)
Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of digital marketing and communication plans
Soft skills
Awareness of the complexity of digital technosphere and of its evolutionary trends Capacity of a critical and original approach in setting and solving new problems with an interdisciplinary approach Capacity to take one’s own responsibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules and of a learning community Active and inclusive listening Sharing and discussion of opinions Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving Learning from the experience of other people Digital information organization and management Clarity in oral and written communication.
( syllabus)
Marketing as a social process: from the orientation to production to digital marketing Marketing 4.0 according to Philip Kotler The (social) media system and its impact on the marketing changes The evolution of devices and its impact on marketing A new concept for content: The Content Challenge Web usability definition and user centered design User experience design and interaction design Planning in digital marketing Evaluation of results Customisation, personalisation and user profiling Promotion and communication: SEO, SEM and digital PR Word of mouth and social media within the framework of the network theory Evaluation of marketing initiatives: classical and advanced tools New forms of content: infographics On- and offline integration: QR and geolocation Microdata and Big data: opportunities and threats Co-creation collaborative platforms: hitRECord and Wattpad The book between marketplace and marketspace: two case histories
( reference books)
Paola Peretti, Marketing digitale, Apogeo 2011 Techno-Z FH Forschung & Entwicklung GmbH, The Content Challenge.Electronic Publishing and the New Content Industries, Report to the European Commission DG XIII/E, Salzburg, 1997 Readings selected by the professor (both for attending and non attending students) Papers and slides (only for attending students), to be distributed via email at the end of the Course The Course will include two interventions by professionals/managers of digital marketing.
N.B. - Students who will not attend classes are requested to send a mail to the address sabina.addamiano@gmail.com at least 3 months before the beginning of the session in which they want to make the exam, in order to inform the teacher and to evaluate the opportunity of defining a specific program.
Elective activities
20710194 -
The course has the following learning objectives: • Getting to know the historical trends characterizing contemporary age in Russian and Eurasian territories that first were part of the Russian Empire and then of the USSR; • Understanding the major questions and interpretations of Russian and Eurasian history in contemporary historiography; • Appreciating how cultural, political, religious, social, geopolitical elements have constantly been intertwined in the historical development of the area; • Becoming aware of how that characteristic ‘Russian otherness’ has been shaped in contemporary age through the relation with global events and concurrent differentiation processes .
( syllabus)
RUSSIA, AN EMPIRE The course will focus on empire as a peculiar element of continuity in contemporary Russian history despite the radical changes that the country has undergone. The unique characteristics of Russia’s imperial model will be analyzed in its various forms and manifestations, along with the diverse political strategies of Russian governors between 1800 and 1900s, from the Russian Empire through the USSR to the Russian Federation. The national question, the broader geographical dimension, the forms of government, foreign policies and international geopolitical visions will be studied in depth. The different imperial ideologies will also be examined.
( reference books)
1. Andrea Graziosi, L’Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011; 2. Andreas Kappeler, La Russia. Storia di un impero multietnico, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 2006.
Elective activities
20710207 -
Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis
Territory is a multidisciplinary notion, requiring both a cartography and an overlapping of different disciplinary and practical approaches social policies and alternative economies, e.g. The course is devoted to the profiling of a new field of research, through the contribution of political philosophy, esthetics, history of economics, environmental justice, social geography, urban studies, etc.
Elective activities
20710323 -
Analysis and critical evaluation of the main theoretical models of language elaborated within cognitive sciences Evaluation of the contribution of empirical research on the comprehension of language processing.
Elective activities
20702749 -
The student will acquire the knowledge of the aspects, moments, questions, texts of the Italian linguistic history from the Origins to the present, with particular attention to the most ancient phases of our language and with particular reference to the medieval and Renaissance ones of the median area, and with specific attention to some paradigmatic cases. He will also acquire knowledge of the origins and foundations of Italian dialectology examined from a historical point of view.
Elective activities
20710389 -
The course deals with the analysis of images. It refers specifically to the social factors intervening in the construction of their meanings. The first part of the course will provide analytical and methodological tolls to the students in order to analyse the images and, more specifically, the photos. The second part of the course will focus on the social and public use of images, especially in relation to photos of controversial pasts (wars, natural disasters, violence, terroristic attacks).
Derived from
20710389 COMUNICAZIONE VISUALE in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 TOTA ANNA LISA
( syllabus)
The course deals with the study and analysis of images and it refers particularly to the social aspects that affect the meaning construction. The first part of the course will provide the analytical and methodological tools to analyze images and, specially, photos (Roland Barthes' and Susan Sontag's theories will be considered). The second part will focus on the public and social uses of photos, devoting a special attention to the images of controversial pasts (wars, natural disasters, violence, terrorist attacks). Moreover the following topics will be illustrated: a) the relation between memory and photography; b) the digital photography; c) selfie and social identities; d) photography as art.
( reference books)
1) Roland Barthes (1979), La camera chiara. Nota sulla fotografia, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, Torino. 2) Susan Sontag (1973), On Photography, Chapter 1 "In Plato's Cave, RosettaBooks, New York, pp. 1-19. 3) David Bate (2017), Il primo libro di fotografia, Capitolo 7 "Fotografia e Arte", Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, Torino, pp. 193-211. 4) Barbie Zelizer (2004), The Voice of the Visual in Memory, in Phillips R. Kendall (Hg.), Framing Public Memory, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, pp. 157-186. 5) Anna Lisa Tota (2013), A Photo that Matter: The Memorial Clock in Bologna and its Invented Tradition , in Olga Shevchenko (ed.), Double Exposure: Memory and Photography, Transaction Publishers, pp. 41-64. 6) André Gunthert (2016), L'immagine condivisa. La Fotografia digitale, soltanto capitoli 11 e 12, Contrasto Edizioni, Roma, pp. 135-173. 7) Susie Linfield, La luce crudele. Fotografia e violenza politica, Contrasto Edizioni, pp. 10-46. 8) Nicholas Mirzoeff (2002), Introduzione alla cultura visuale, Capitolo Secondo, Meltemi, Roma, pp. 111-144.
The articles and essays will be available for the students on the website www.filcospe.it (personal webpage).
Elective activities
20709120 -
public communication
The course focuses on the public communication and it provides to the students the analytical tools necessary to analyze how the public discourse is socially constructed and culturally shaped.
Derived from
20709120 COMUNICAZIONE PUBBLICA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 DE FEO ANTONIETTA
( syllabus)
The course is divided in two. The first part is a general introduction to the basic concepts of public communication. The topics included are: Forms and Devices of Public Communication, Features of the Public Space in Global Communication Networks, and the Development of Public Opinion. The second part of the course explores the relationship between public communication and the media. The media will be approached as a space for negotiation between civil society and institutions. Students can take part in workshop exercises focused on case studies on how old and new media platforms contribute to the narratives of public phenomena.
( reference books)
M. Castells (2017), Comunicazione e potere. UBE Paperback, Milano 2017 (nuova edizione) (Capitoli: Le reti digitali e la cultura dell’autonomia; Il potere nella società in rete; Intervenire sulle reti di comunicazione: politica mediatica, politica dello scandalo e crisi della democrazia; Riprogrammare le reti di comunicazione: movimenti sociali, politica insorgente e nuovo spazio pubblico).
Elective activities