Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20110209 -
The Course has the aim to study the provisions for the protection of the worker. The Course is divided in two parts: Industrial relations and Employment relationship rights. The Industrial relations will depth origins, evolution and discipline of the Trade Unions organisations, the collective agreements, the collective bargaining, different levels of collective agreements, the strike in the Italian Costitution, Titolarity and exercise of the strike; external and internal limits to the strike; the strike in the public essential services. The course section about employment relationship will study the topics of the subordination and autonomy. Within the subordination different typologies of employment contract will be analysed: fixed-term contract, the partial time work, apprentices, job on call, the smart-working, Agency employment, The special employment contracts. Furthermore, the employment relations contents will be analysed: hiring by private and public work agencies; numeric call, nominative call; direct hiring; the gig-economy and the work by platform; Payment of salary; employees tasks and duties; The course section about autonomous work will analyse the contract for the provision of services, the sales agent contract , the coordinated and continuative collaborations. More in general, the course will be the aim to offer the knowledge of the main legal features of the labour market. More precisely the course is aiming at permitting to the future labour law advisers and experts of human resources to be aknowledged about the European and Italian labour law. Furthermore, the student will acquire the legal language and will be capable to use it in a more appropriated way. The student will have got the essential instruments to keep costantly updated
Core compulsory activities
20110210 -
The course aims at providing students with the theoretical tools for an in-depth knowledge of the following elements of the EU integration process: a) institutional structure of the European Union; b) system of sources; c) articulation of competences; d) judicial guarantee system; e) relationship between the law of the European Union and the law of the Member States; f) Union policies, with particular reference to the matters that fall within the creation of the area of freedom, security and justice.
( syllabus)
The course is divided into two parts and focuses on the analysis of the main aspects of the European integration process and the results achieved in the construction of the area of freedom, security and justice. The first part will examine the institutional structure of the Union, the source system, the decision-making process, judicial protection and the relationship between Union and national law. In this context, considerable attention will be paid to the case law of the Court of Justice. The second part will examine the most significant achievements in the construction of the area of freedom, security and justice. A review, including a seminar, will be made of the most relevant judgments of the Court of Justice.
( reference books)
The exam program is divided into two parts and involves the study of two textbooks (both mandatory) as indicated below:
Institutional part
A. Adinolfi, C. Morviducci, Elementi di diritto dell'Unione europea, Giappichelli Editore, 2023.
Monographic part:
S. Amadeo, F. Spitaleri, Il diritto dell'immigrazione e dell'asilo dell'Unione europea, II edition, 2022.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Materia Affine/Integrativa a scelta limitata(3 insegnamenti da 7 CFU) - (show)
20110219 -
Diritto, religioni, territorio
The course aims to provide a solid knowledge of the religious phenomenology in Italy; the rules that govern it; the powers of institutions and local authorities; the territorial legal forms with which confessions are structured; the activities they perform; the possible individual conflicts generated by the belonging of faith. The objective is to form a jurist able to confront with the religious problems on territorial safety; to develop actions to combat illegal conduct with a religious background, and to promote strategies to defuse the socio-cultural causes of religious conflict/illegality. All this with respect of religious freedom and other fundamental rights guaranteed by Western legal systems.
Derived from
20110219 Diritto, religioni, territorio in Scienze dei servizi giuridici L-14 BENIGNI RITA
( syllabus)
General principles on religious freedom in the Italian legal system. The competence and the action of the Ministry of the Interior, the Prefectures of the Territorial Authorities about Religion (legal recognition of the religious body; order and public security; places of worship) and other bodies and institutions operating in the territory (Institutes of punishment, Health Companies, Schools). Territorial Catholic and A-Catholic Institutions and Religious Bodies (Orthodox, Protestant, Jewish, etc.): structure and activities carried out, in particular in the social field. Relations with local institutions. The Galaxy Islam: basic notions on faith, rites, rules and ethnic-cultural practices; the legal and political divisions of the umma, the extremist movements. Italian Islam: the organizational forms of national and local level (Centres of worship and prayer, Imam); the relations with local authorities and institutions). The problems of individual integration.
( reference books)
DIRITTO E RELIGIONE IN ITALIA. Principi e temi (a cura di R. Benigni) Collana L'Unità del diritto, Roma TRE Press - open access-
Related or supplementary learning activities
20110220 -
Sicurezza e mantenimento della pace
The course on Maintenance of Peace and Security falls into the didactic activities in the field of international law offered within the Corso di laurea in Servizi giuridici per la sicurezza territoriale e informatica. The course aims at offering to students a critical knowledge of the legal framework concerning the maintenance of international peace and security, in order for them to: (i) get acquainted with the main actors (in particular, the United Nations) and the fundamental rules concerning the use of armed force, the collective security system, the law of armed conflicts and international criminal justice; (ii) have the capacity to understand current phenomena strictly linked to the overall aims of the Corso di laurea, including international terrorism, the use of cybernetic force, the status of military personnel deployed abroad, the compatibility of the use of intelligence material with international law, etc. At the end of the course, students know and understand mentioned phenomena and are able to critically assess them.
Derived from
20110220 Sicurezza e mantenimento della pace in Scienze dei servizi giuridici L-14 RICCARDI ALICE
( syllabus)
The course introduces students to the basic rules concerning the maintenance of peace and international security. The course is divided into four parts. It considers the fundamental legal characteristics of the following issues: (i) use of force in international law; (ii) the United Nations collective security system; (iii) law of armed conflicts; (iv) repression of crimes under international law. In particular, each part addresses the following topics:
Part I: use of armed force in international law: - Prohibition of the use of armed force in international law - Self-defence and humanitarian intervention - Focus on use of force and cybernetic attacks
Part II: the United Nations collective security system: - Use of armed force authorized by the United Nations - Peacekeeping operations - Focus on measures to counter international terrorism
Part III: law of armed conflicts: - International armed conflicts - Non-international armed conflicts - Focus on troops sent abroad and on their status
Part IV: international criminal justice: - War crimes, crimes against humanity, the crime of genocide and the crime of aggression - International criminal courts and tribunals - Focus on terrorism as a crime under international law
( reference books)
Natalino Ronzitti, Diritto internazionale dei conflitti armati, G. Giappichelli Editore, 2017
Related or supplementary learning activities
20110223 -
Diritto e legislazione antimafia
The main aim of the course is to reflect critically on the anti-mafia legislation, used by the Italian legislator to face one of the most serious crimes against the democratic order and social development of our country. At the end of the course the students will have acquired knowledge of the sociological, historical and legal aspects of the mafia phenomenon and will be able to identify the peculiar traits of Mafia-type criminal organizations.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
Materia a scelta(2 insegnamenti da 6 CFU tra quelli proposti) - (show)
20110218 -
Sicurezza e diritto alla protezione dei dati personali
The teaching of "Security and Protection of Personal Data - Privacy Legal Clinic" (7 CFU), within the scientific-disciplinary sector IUS/09 "Institutions of Public Law", aims to involve students in carrying out practical activities, based on the theoretical notions that will be provided to them in the first part of the course, according to the "learning by doing" method, also through a series of simulations carried out in the classroom.
The importance of this teaching is the awareness that the protection of data, their secure processing and the security of the networks and tools with which the data are processed are now a priority.
Cyber attacks and the security aspects of data and information have long been one of the main tools for conducting hostile activities to the detriment of every public and private operator of national, international and strategic importance.
In recent years, both in Italy and abroad, the defence of data and information has been viewed with growing concern, and efforts have been made to regulate the protection of cyberspace and databases of national and strategic interest, as well as critical infrastructures and the overall national security perimeter.
In this context, the security of personal data, information the right to the protection of personal data, codified at the legislative level in the European Regulation No. 679/2016 in several Recitals and in Article
32 as well as in other points of the GDPR as well as in the Code on the Protection of Personal Data (Legislative Decree No. 196/2003), represents an important point both for the principle of confidentiality and protection of the individual's data and for the protection of databases from the attacks (not only cyber) to which they are often subjected. At the same time, all cybersecurity legislation also represents a fundamental and ambitious objective that can only be achieved through the creation of a national strategic framework for the security of cyberspace.
A comprehensive protection strategy that balances the protection of citizens' rights and the security of databases in a fair and transparent manner.
Therefore, the right to privacy, understood both as the protection of confidentiality and the protection of personal data, has now become firmly established in law.
The course aims to deepen the study of individual IT security topics, both technical and legal. The lectures are not only theoretical, but above all are conducted in a practical and applicative manner with classroom demonstrations (also participated in by the students through group work with targeted workshops) on IT security management tools and classroom simulations. There will be insights into the realities of business and public administration with analysis of critical profiles. What is happening in the world of IT security, what are the old and new threats, will be discussed. Particular space will be given to the strategies to be adopted by the various professional roles that will be indispensable in the future to compete with the legal and technical challenges that await us and our young people.
Topics such as:
-general concepts of data security and computer security and their reflection in the legal provisions of our legal system, also with reference to the typical conduct of cyber attacks and the importance of the Human Factor, illegal activities against the computer domicile, personal data and information;
Elective activities
Optional group:
Attività formative: devi scegliere fino al raggiungimento di 3 crediti. - (show)
Optional group:
Lingua (idoneità B1) - (show)