Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
metodologie e comunicazione della ricerca storica - caratterizzanti - Storia generale ed europea - (show)
20710655 -
The course aims to offer students the conceptual and methodological tools essential to understand the political, economic, social and cultural processes which presided over the development of European political systems in the 20th century. General objective of the course is to provide the student with the ability to contextualize and understand the problems of the period, with a comparative analysis between the Italian political system and the political systems of other European countries.
( syllabus)
Obiettivo del corso è analizzare la storia dei sistemi europei nella seconda metà del XX secolo dall’angolo di visuale dell’Italia, evidenziando sfide comuni e specificità nazionali.
Per ragioni burocratico-amministrative il corso è diviso in due moduli da 6 CFU ciascuno. Nonostante questa suddivisione burocratica, le lezioni seguiranno un andamento tematico comune a entrambi i moduli. La frequenza è quindi consigliata a tutti per l’intera durata del corso.
Per il MODULO UNO vanno portati i seguenti temi coi seguenti testi.
TEMA: L’Europa nella seconda metà del XX secolo e l’emergere dei movimenti populisti TESTI: - Leonardo Rapone (a cura di), "L’Europa del novecento", Carocci, 2020, da pag. 149 a pag. 436 - Marco Tarchi, L’Italia populista, Il Mulino, 2015
In più, A SCELTA, UNO dei seguenti temi, con relativi testi
TEMA: Le Brigate Rosse e il Caso Moro TESTO. Agostino Giovagnoli, "Il Caso Moro", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
TEMA: "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni internazionali tra la fine del XX secolo e l'inizio del XXI secolo" TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. I, "Fine della guerra fredda e globalizzazione" a cura di Silvio Pons, Adriano Roccucci, Federico Romero Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Federico Romero, "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni sociali di fine Novecento", pp. 15-34; - Silvio Pons, "La bipolarità italiana e la fine della Guerra Fredda", pp. 35-53, - Valerio Castronovo, "L’Italia nel mercato globale", pp. 71-83; - Antonio Varsori, "Dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino a Tangentopoli: la dimensione internazionale della crisi della Prima Repubblica”, pp. 209-222; - Daniela Preda, "Il lungo travaglio istituzionale europeo (1992-2012)", pp. 299-315
TEMA: "Mutamento sociale e cambiamento dei costumi nell'Italia tra la fine del XX e l'inizio del XXI secolo. TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. II, "Il mutamento sociale", a cura di Enrica Asquer, Emanuele Bernardi, Carlo Fumian. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Chiara Saraceno, "Famiglie, rapporti di genere e generazioni, politiche sociali", pp. 81-97 - Paolo Capuzzo, "I consumi tra economia e cultura nell’Italia del dopo boom (1973-2008)", pp. 179-197, - Emanuela Scarpellini, "Consumi e attori sociali: le nuove identità dei consumatori italiani", pp. 199-210, - Stefano Cavazza, "Consumi, società e politica in Italia (1980-2000)", pp. 211-225 - Giovanni Gozzini, "La televisione tra due repubbliche", pp. 227-242
TEMA: Il Sistema politico degli anni Ottanta, la crisi e il crollo, "Tangentopoli", l'avvento di Berlusconi, il nuovo sistema politico bipolare tra fine XX e inizio XXI secolo TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. III, "Istituzioni e politica", a cura di Simona Colarizi, Agostino Giovagnoli, Paolo Pombeni. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Simona Colarizi, "Politica e antipolitica dalla Prima alla Seconda repubblica", pp. 333-347; - Paolo Segatti, "La nascita della Lega: un capitolo di una storia che ci appartiene", pp. 351-360; - Filippo Sbrana. Nord non chiama Sud. Genesi e sviluppi della questione settentrionale", pp. 361-381 - Gianfranco Baldini, "Forza Italia: un partito unico", pp. 423-435; - Andrea Possieri, "Un riformismo incompiuto: il primo governo Prodi", pp. 509-528.
I tre volumi da cui sono estratti i saggi, oltre ad essere acquistabili nelle librerie, sono disponibili presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, la Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea di Via Caetani, nonché le biblioteche dei principali istituti culturali, la cui collocazione è immediatamente rilevabile sul sito del sistema bibliotecario Nazionale, SBN. In più, ne è stata fatta richiesta di acquisizione presso il Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo di Roma Tre.
Per il MODULO DUE, vanno studiati i seguenti temi, coi relativi testi
1) Il “Berlusconismo”, come fenomeno sociale e politico in una prospettiva comparativa internazionale TESTO: Giovanni Orsina, "Il Berlusconismo nella storia d‘Italia", Marsilio, Venezia, 2013
2) Un approfondimento sulla storia politico sociale di uno dei principali paesi europei. TESTI: portare UNO A SCELTA fra i seguenti testi: - Riccardo Brizzi, Michele Marchi, "Storia politica della Francia repubblicana", Le Monnier, 2011, dal cap. 5 alla fine; - Giulia Guazzaloca, "Storia della Gran Bretagna 1832-2014", Le Monnier, 2015, dal cap. 9 alla fine; - Gustavo Corni, "Storia della Germania", Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2017, dal cap. 8 alla fine; - Carmelo Adagio, Alfonso Botti, “Storia della Spagna democratica”, Bruno Mondadori, 2006
( reference books)
TEMA: L’Europa nella seconda metà del XX secolo e l’emergere dei movimenti populisti TESTI: - Leonardo Rapone (a cura di), "L’Europa del novecento", Carocci, 2020, da pag. 149 a pag. 436 - Marco Tarchi, L’Italia populista, Il Mulino, 2015
In più, A SCELTA, UNO dei seguenti temi, con relativi testi
TEMA: Le Brigate Rosse e il Caso Moro TESTO. Agostino Giovagnoli, "Il Caso Moro", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2005
TEMA: "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni internazionali tra la fine del XX secolo e l'inizio del XXI secolo" TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. I, "Fine della guerra fredda e globalizzazione" a cura di Silvio Pons, Adriano Roccucci, Federico Romero Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Federico Romero, "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni sociali di fine Novecento", pp. 15-34; - Silvio Pons, "La bipolarità italiana e la fine della Guerra Fredda", pp. 35-53, - Valerio Castronovo, "L’Italia nel mercato globale", pp. 71-83; - Antonio Varsori, "Dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino a Tangentopoli: la dimensione internazionale della crisi della Prima Repubblica”, pp. 209-222; - Daniela Preda, "Il lungo travaglio istituzionale europeo (1992-2012)", pp. 299-315
TEMA: "Mutamento sociale e cambiamento dei costumi nell'Italia tra la fine del XX e l'inizio del XXI secolo. TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. II, "Il mutamento sociale", a cura di Enrica Asquer, Emanuele Bernardi, Carlo Fumian. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Chiara Saraceno, "Famiglie, rapporti di genere e generazioni, politiche sociali", pp. 81-97 - Paolo Capuzzo, "I consumi tra economia e cultura nell’Italia del dopo boom (1973-2008)", pp. 179-197, - Emanuela Scarpellini, "Consumi e attori sociali: le nuove identità dei consumatori italiani", pp. 199-210, - Stefano Cavazza, "Consumi, società e politica in Italia (1980-2000)", pp. 211-225 - Giovanni Gozzini, "La televisione tra due repubbliche", pp. 227-242
TEMA: Il Sistema politico degli anni Ottanta, la crisi e il crollo, "Tangentopoli", l'avvento di Berlusconi, il nuovo sistema politico bipolare tra fine XX e inizio XXI secolo TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. III, "Istituzioni e politica", a cura di Simona Colarizi, Agostino Giovagnoli, Paolo Pombeni. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Simona Colarizi, "Politica e antipolitica dalla Prima alla Seconda repubblica", pp. 333-347; - Paolo Segatti, "La nascita della Lega: un capitolo di una storia che ci appartiene", pp. 351-360; - Filippo Sbrana. Nord non chiama Sud. Genesi e sviluppi della questione settentrionale", pp. 361-381 - Gianfranco Baldini, "Forza Italia: un partito unico", pp. 423-435; - Andrea Possieri, "Un riformismo incompiuto: il primo governo Prodi", pp. 509-528.
I tre volumi da cui sono estratti i saggi, oltre ad essere acquistabili nelle librerie, sono disponibili presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, la Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea di Via Caetani, nonché le biblioteche dei principali istituti culturali, la cui collocazione è immediatamente rilevabile sul sito del sistema bibliotecario Nazionale, SBN. In più, ne è stata fatta richiesta di acquisizione presso il Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo di Roma Tre.
Per il MODULO DUE, vanno studiati i seguenti temi, coi relativi testi
1) Il “Berlusconismo”, come fenomeno sociale e politico in una prospettiva comparativa internazionale TESTO: Giovanni Orsina, "Il Berlusconismo nella storia d‘Italia", Marsilio, Venezia, 2013
2) Un approfondimento sulla storia politico sociale di uno dei principali paesi europei. TESTI: portare UNO A SCELTA fra i seguenti testi: - Riccardo Brizzi, Michele Marchi, "Storia politica della Francia repubblicana", Le Monnier, 2011, dal cap. 5 alla fine; - Giulia Guazzaloca, "Storia della Gran Bretagna 1832-2014", Le Monnier, 2015, dal cap. 9 alla fine; - Gustavo Corni, "Storia della Germania", Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2017, dal cap. 8 alla fine; - Carmelo Adagio, Alfonso Botti, “Storia della Spagna democratica”, Bruno Mondadori, 2006
Core compulsory activities
20710916 -
The course “History of Medieval societies” aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
20710916-1 -
The course “History of Medieval societies” aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
Core compulsory activities
20710916-2 -
The course “History of Medieval societies” aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
( syllabus)
Lombard Southern Italy. Power and Society, in the Ninth-Eleventh Centuries (parts one and two). The course aims to analyze, with direct use of sources and historiography, the relationships between princely powers and society in the Lombard Southern Italy, from the principality of Arechi (774) to the eleventh century: princes and aristocracy, economic bases of princely power, relations between city and territory.
( reference books)
Part one: G. Zornetta, Italia meridionale longobarda. Competizione, conflitto e potere politico a Benevento (secoli VIII-IX), Roma, Viella, 2020, capitoli 2, 3, 4; V. Loré, Uno spazio instabile. Capua e i suoi conti nella seconda meta del IX secolo, in Les élites et leurs espaces. Mobilité, rayonnement, domination (du VIe au XIe siècle), a cura di P. Depreux, F. Bougard, R. Le Jan, Turnhout, Brepols, 2007, pp. 341-360; Idem, Genesi e forme di uno spazio politico: Capua nell’alto Medioevo, in Felix Terra. Capua e la Terra di Lavoro in età longobarda, Atti del convegno internazionale (Capua-Caserta, 4-7 giugno 2015), a cura di F. Marazzi, Cerro al Volturno, Volturnia, 2017, pp. 53-64; V. Loré, La chiesa del principe. S. Massimo di Salerno nel quadro del Mezzogiorno longobardo, in Ricerca come incontro. Archeologi, paleografi e storici per Paolo Delogu, a cura di G. Barone, A. Esposito, C. Frova, Roma, Viella, 2013, pp. 103-124; dossier di fonti analizzate a lezione. Gli studenti non frequentanti sostituiranno lo studio del dossier con Erchemperto, Piccola storia dei Longobardi di Benevento, a cura di L. A. Berto, Napoli, Liguori, 2013.
Part two: V. Loré, Sulle istituzioni nel Mezzogiorno longobardo. Proposta di un modello, in "Storica", 29 (2004), pp. 27-55; V. Loré , Beni principeschi e partecipazione al potere nel Mezzogiorno longobardo, in Italia, 888-962: una svolta?, eds. M. Valenti, C. Wickham, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 15-40; A. Di Muro, Le contee longobarde e l'origine delle signorie territoriali nel Mezzogiorno, in "Archivio Storico per le province napoletane", 128 (2010), pp. 1-70; V. Loré, L'aristocrazia salernitana nell'XI secolo, in Salerno nel XII secolo. Istituzioni, società, cultura, eds. P. Delogu, P. Peduto, Salerno, 2004, pp. 81-102; V. Loré, Limiti di una tradizione documentaria. I conti, le chiese, la città (Salerno, IX-XI secolo), in "Quaderni storici", 52/1, 2017, pp. 209-234; selected sources, analyzed during the lessons. All students, attending or not, are required to agree with the teacher some other readings, from the reference bibliography or elsewhere.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
metodologie e comunicazione della ricerca storica - caratterizzanti - Storia dei paesi extraeuropei - (show)
20706076 -
History of Latin America LM
The course aims to provide the most current interpretations for understanding Latin American history, as well as indicate the access to sources of study, with a view centered on the major issues of contemporary period.
( syllabus)
Main topics covered in the course: Ancient and modern historiographical issues: the modalities of the Spanish conquest. The formation of contemporary Latin America: the abolition of slavery in the nineteenth century. Latin America in the twentieth century: economy, society, institutions, culture. The current geopolitical continental situation. Debate on economic development. Environment and access to resources. The indigenous minorities.
( reference books)
The examination is composed by two part: general part; monographic part. General Part. One of the following books: -De Giuseppe M., La Bella G., Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019; -Zanatta, L., Storia dell’America latina contemporanea, Roma, Laterza, 2015 (or new edition).
Monographic part. One of the following books: -Carmagnani, M., Le connessioni mondiali e l’Atlantico 1450-1850, Torino, Einaudi, 2018. -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., La questione indigena in Perù, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010 (L’antologia di testi è parte essenziale del libro). -Rojas Mix, M., I cento nomi d’America, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2005. -Vangelista C., Scatti sugli indios. Ricerche di storia visiva, Aracne, Collana “America e Americhe. Storia, relazioni, immagini”, Roma, 2018. -Vargas Llosa, A., Libertà per l’America latina. Come porre fine a cinquecento anni di oppressione dello Stato, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007. -Nocera R., Wulzer, P., L'America Latina nella politica internazionale. Dalla fine del sistema bipolare alla crisi dell'ordine liberale, Roma, Carocci, 2020
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
metodologie e comunicazione della ricerca storica caratterizzanti discipline storiche, sociali e del territorio - (show)
20710654 -
The course aims to provide students with theoretical tools specific to anthropology to critically understand and use notions as culture, sex, gender, race, ethnicity, identity, globalization, as well develop critical tools to analyze and interpret different cultural phenomena looking also to social inequalities. Students will acquire analytical skills to interpret cultural practices, socio-economic conflicts and identities in their specific geographical and historic context.
Derived from
20710654 ANTROPOLOGIA CULTURALE E SOCIALE in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 RIBEIRO COROSSACZ VALERIA
( syllabus)
Monder Kilani, L’invenzione dell’Altro. Saggi sul discorso antropologico, Parte prima (Capitoli 1, 2, 3, ,4, 5) e della Seconda parte il capitolo 11.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Tabet, Le dita tagliate, Ediesse, 2014; - Grilli S., Zanotelli F. (a cura di), Scelte di famiglia. Tendenze della parentela nella società contemporanea, Edizioni ETS, da p.65 a p.164; - Guillaumin C., 2020, Sesso, Razza e Pratica del Potere. L’idea di Natura, Ombre Corte, solo le seguenti parti: “Pratica del potere”, “Razza e natura. Sistemi di marchi, idea di gruppi naturali”, “’Lo so, ma…’ o gli avatar della nozione di razza”; - Gribaldo, A., La Natura scomposta. Riproduzione assistita, genere, parentela. Luca Sossella editore, 2005; - Piasere L., L’antiziganismo, Quodlibet, 2015 abbinato a P. Tabet, La pelle giusta, 1998 (disponibile in ebook) - Bisogno, Francesco, Ronzon, Flora, (a cura) 2007, Altri generi. Inversioni e variazioni di genere tra culture, Il dito e la luna (volume messo a disposizione dalla docente).
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:
* Claude Lévi-Strauss (1984), "Natura e Cultura", in Le strutture elementari della parentela, Feltrinelli, pp. 39-50; * Clifford Geertz (1998), “L’impatto del concetto di cultura sul concetto di uomo”, in C. Geertz, Interpretazione di culture, Il Mulino, pp. 45-70; * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, “Sesso e genere”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Garbagnoli Sara e Perilli Vincenza, Alegre, pp. 101-112; * Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo, 1979, “Lavoro domestico e attività pubblica: sul ruolo sociale dei sessi”, in Miceli Rosaria, Oppressione della donna e ricerca antropologica, Savelli Editore, pp. 27-58; * Kim TallBear, “Fare l’amore e le relazioni oltre il sesso e la famiglia dei coloni”, in Making Kin. Fare parentele, non popolazioni, Derive Approdi, pp. 163-181. * Ribeiro Corossacz Valeria, “Brasile: criminalizzazione dell’aborto, razzismo e pratiche politiche delle donne”, in Dai nostri corpi sotto attacco. Aborto e Politica, a cura di Ilaria Boiano e Caterina Botti, Ediesse, 2019, pp. 169- 182.
Students not attending classes will also study Francesco Remotti, Contro Natura. Laterza, 2008, from p.11 to p. 26, and from p. 86 to p.191 (chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
( reference books)
Monder Kilani, L’invenzione dell’Altro. Saggi sul discorso antropologico, Parte prima (Capitoli 1, 2, 3, ,4, 5) e della Seconda parte il capitolo 11.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Tabet, Le dita tagliate, Ediesse, 2014; - Grilli S., Zanotelli F. (a cura di), Scelte di famiglia. Tendenze della parentela nella società contemporanea, Edizioni ETS, da p.65 a p.164; - Guillaumin C., 2020, Sesso, Razza e Pratica del Potere. L’idea di Natura, Ombre Corte, solo le seguenti parti: “Pratica del potere”, “Razza e natura. Sistemi di marchi, idea di gruppi naturali”, “’Lo so, ma…’ o gli avatar della nozione di razza”; - Gribaldo, A., La Natura scomposta. Riproduzione assistita, genere, parentela. Luca Sossella editore, 2005; - Piasere L., L’antiziganismo, Quodlibet, 2015 abbinato a P. Tabet, La pelle giusta, 1998 (disponibile in ebook) - Bisogno, Francesco, Ronzon, Flora, (a cura) 2007, Altri generi. Inversioni e variazioni di genere tra culture, Il dito e la luna (volume messo a disposizione dalla docente).
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:
Dispensa Natura/cultura * Claude Lévi-Strauss (1984), "Natura e Cultura", in Le strutture elementari della parentela, Feltrinelli, pp. 39-50; * Clifford Geertz (1998), “L’impatto del concetto di cultura sul concetto di uomo”, in C. Geertz, Interpretazione di culture, Il Mulino, pp. 45-70; * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, “Sesso e genere”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Garbagnoli Sara e Perilli Vincenza, Alegre, pp. 101-112; * Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo, 1979, “Lavoro domestico e attività pubblica: sul ruolo sociale dei sessi”, in Miceli Rosaria, Oppressione della donna e ricerca antropologica, Savelli Editore, pp. 27-58; * Kim TallBear, “Fare l’amore e le relazioni oltre il sesso e la famiglia dei coloni”, in Making Kin. Fare parentele, non popolazioni, Derive Approdi, pp. 163-181. * Ribeiro Corossacz Valeria, “Brasile: criminalizzazione dell’aborto, razzismo e pratiche politiche delle donne”, in Dai nostri corpi sotto attacco. Aborto e Politica, a cura di Ilaria Boiano e Caterina Botti, Ediesse, 2019, pp. 169- 182.
Students not attending classes will also study Francesco Remotti, Contro Natura. Laterza, 2008, from p.11 to p. 26, and from p. 86 to p.191 (chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11).
Core compulsory activities
20710063 -
The master's course allows you to acquire specific analytical skills to read and critically evaluate the sources relating to travel from a geographical point of view. Understand strengths, limitations and defects of the sources used and usable by Geography in order to reconstruct the environmental, social and cultural frameworks of the past. Understand and enhance the cultural context in which the odeporic sources were created and the importance of the biographies of their authors. Draw information from these sources, even if not explicitly provided, and organize the geographic data as a function of a cognitive question, a goal (scientific, practical).
( syllabus)
Travel’s reports of the past are a preferred source for the construction of geographical thought and culture. Particularly between the late Middle Ages and Modern Age, travel’s relations allows to retrace the complex process of widening of Europeans’ geographical horizon. In western society the relationship between geography and travel’s reports has changed over the centuries, to the need to sort and reprocess the information gathered, to create a geographical knowledge built on valid rules, correlations between phenomena and rational criteria for classification. During the course will be analyzed practices of travel, travelers and travel’s reports, in their various types. Will also be considered some examples of travel’s reports that, throughout history, have marked the collective imagination and the construction of the world’s modern image. Testimony of travel’s experiences, travel literature has become ever more an instrument of knowledge of the territory and of human communities, through understanding the other and the elsewhere, but also the culture that looks at the other and at the space, for as this was and still is organized on the basis of many human needs (exploration, knowledge, tourism, etc.).
( reference books)
The exam program will be valid from the 2023 summer session. Not attending - Guglielmo Scaramellini, La geografia dei viaggiatori. Raffigurazioni individuali e immagini collettive nei resoconti di viaggio, Milano, Unicopli, 1993 o 1998, solo la Parte seconda, pp. 55-111. - Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Dall’esperienza del viaggio al sapere geografico, in Geotema, n° 8 (1997), Il viaggio come fonte di conoscenze geografiche, pp. 3-12 ( - Annalisa D'Ascenzo, Annalisa D'Ascenzo, Il viaggio prima del viaggio. Credenze, miti e desideri dalle esperienze odeporiche terrestri a quelle extraterrestri, in Annalisa D'Ascenzo (a cura di), I viaggi e la modernità. Dalle grandi esplorazioni geografiche ai mondi extraterrestri, Roma, CISGE – Centro Italiano per gli Studi Storico-Geografici, 2021,
Attending Materials provided during the lessons.
Core compulsory activities
20710580 -
The course of history of capitalism is part of the program in Philosophical Sciences (MA level) and is included among the characterizing training activities. The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of some aspects of the essential issues and debates connected to the field of the History of Capitalism. The course provides students with essential knowledge of the capitalist society. Specifically, the course analyses the the evolution of this economic system at national, European and international level from the decline of the Middle Age to the crisis of 2008. Students are expected to analyse, understand, interpret and critically evaluate the themes analysed giving them the essential tools to overall comprehend the main times of the history of capitalism until the XXI century. Students are expected to acquire the following skills: - Advanced capability to overall interpret economic and social macro-phenomenons of the main themes analysed; - Advanced capability of historical ‘sense of direction’ concerning the main themes of the history of capitalism; - Language and argumentation capabilities regarding the main themes analyses.
Derived from
20710580 STORIA DEL CAPITALISMO in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 CONTE GIAMPAOLO
( syllabus)
Through a critical-thinking approach, the course analyzes the emergence of capitalism in the medieval age up to contemporary society by covering the main forms of capitalism (merchant, industrial and financial) and the thought of Smith, Marx, Weber, Schumpeter, Keynes and Hayek.
( reference books)
Attending students
Geoffrey Ingham, Capitalismo, Einaudi, Torino 2010. Giampaolo Conte, Riformare i vinti. Storia e critica delle riforme liberal-capitaliste, Guerini e Associati, Milano 2022.
Non-attending students (only one of these):
F. Braudel, La dinamica del capitalismo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2016. J. Kocka, Capitalismo, una breve storia, Carocci, Roma 2017. P. Bowles, Il capitalismo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009. L. Pellicani, La genesi del capitalismo e le origini della modernità, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2013 (NO capitoli 2, 3, 8 e 10). L. Gallino, Finanzacapitalismo, Einaudi, Torino 2013. B. Milanovic, Capitalismo contro capitalismo. La sfida che deciderà il nostro futuro, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2020. G. Claeys, Marx e il marxismo, Einaudi, Torino 2020.
Core compulsory activities
20710686 -
The course of Ethnography aims to provide epistemological and methodological skills in the field of ethnography as a reflective tool and a privileged technique for the description and interpretation of socio-cultural processes and phenomena. The course will provide students with critical skills in the specifically anthropological field for the analysis of conflicts that may occur during the fieldwork experience and transformation of them into a scientific knowledge.
( syllabus)
- Vivere l’Etnografia, a cura di Cappelletto, Seid, 2009.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Abu-Lughod, L., Sentimenti velati. Onore e poesia in una società beduina, Bollati Boringhieri, 2004. - Ribeiro Corossacz V., Bianchezza e mascolinità, Meltemi, 2015; - Malinowski B., Argonauti del Pacifico Occidentale. Bollati Boringhieri, 2011; - Ruth Behar e Deborah A. Gordon, editors, 1995, Women writing culture, i seguenti capitoli: Introduction (pp. 1-29), capitolo 8 (pp. 166-185) e capitolo 9 (pp. 186-206); - Tsing Lowenhaupt, A. Il fungo alla fine del mondo. La possibilità di vivere nelle rovine del capitalismo. Keller, 2021; - James Clifford, I frutti puri impazziscono, Bollati Boringhieri, 1999, Introduzione e parte Prima - Wekker Gloria, 2006, The politics of passion: women's sexual culture in the afro-surinamese diaspora, Columbia University Press, solo i seguenti capitoli: capitolo 1 (pp. 1-54) e capitolo 2 (pp. 55-82).
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:
* Michela Fusaschi, 2018, “L’etnografia attraversata dal genere. Uno sguardo storico e pratico-politico sulle soggettività”, in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, n.2, pp. 387-401; * Alice Bellagamba, “Antropologia, femminismo e studi di genere. Esperienze straniere e italiane”, in Gli studi delle donne in Italia, a cura di Paola di Cori e Donatella Barazzetti, Carocci, 2001, pp. 97-117; * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, "Critiche epistemologiche sulla problematica dei sessi nel discorso etno-antropologico", in dwf, numero 10-11, 1989, pp. 8-54. * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, “Sesso e genere”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Garbagnoli Sara e Perilli Vincenza, Alegre, pp. 101-112; * Louise Lamphere, “Unofficial Histories: A Vision of Anthropology from the Margins”, American Anthropologist, Vol. 106, No. 1, 2004, pp. 126-139.
Students not attending classes will study also Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Pearson, 2020, First and Second parts.
( reference books)
- Vivere l’Etnografia, a cura di Cappelletto, Seid, 2009.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Abu-Lughod, L., Sentimenti velati. Onore e poesia in una società beduina, Bollati Boringhieri, 2004. - Ribeiro Corossacz V., Bianchezza e mascolinità, Meltemi, 2015; - Malinowski B., Argonauti del Pacifico Occidentale. Bollati Boringhieri, 2011; - Ruth Behar e Deborah A. Gordon, editors, 1995, Women writing culture, i seguenti capitoli: Introduction (pp. 1-29), capitolo 8 (pp. 166-185) e capitolo 9 (pp. 186-206); - Tsing Lowenhaupt, A. Il fungo alla fine del mondo. La possibilità di vivere nelle rovine del capitalismo. Keller, 2021; - James Clifford, I frutti puri impazziscono, Bollati Boringhieri, 1999, Introduzione e parte Prima - Wekker Gloria, 2006, The politics of passion: women's sexual culture in the afro-surinamese diaspora, Columbia University Press, solo i seguenti capitoli: capitolo 1 (pp. 1-54) e capitolo 2 (pp. 55-82).
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with the following essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class:
* Michela Fusaschi, 2018, “L’etnografia attraversata dal genere. Uno sguardo storico e pratico-politico sulle soggettività”, in Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, n.2, pp. 387-401; * Alice Bellagamba, “Antropologia, femminismo e studi di genere. Esperienze straniere e italiane”, in Gli studi delle donne in Italia, a cura di Paola di Cori e Donatella Barazzetti, Carocci, 2001, pp. 97-117; * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, "Critiche epistemologiche sulla problematica dei sessi nel discorso etno-antropologico", in dwf, numero 10-11, 1989, pp. 8-54. * Nicole-Claude Mathieu, “Sesso e genere”, in Non si nasce donna. Percorsi, testi e contesti del femminismo materialista in Francia, a cura di Garbagnoli Sara e Perilli Vincenza, Alegre, pp. 101-112; * Louise Lamphere, “Unofficial Histories: A Vision of Anthropology from the Margins”, American Anthropologist, Vol. 106, No. 1, 2004, pp. 126-139.
Students not attending classes will study also Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Pearson, 2020, First and Second parts.
Core compulsory activities
20710647 -
History of religion - A MA
( syllabus)
This course aims to offer a deep knowledge e about the history of some subjects and approaches about religion and in particular about authors, works and approaches on the study of the relationship between religion and space (form the geography of religion to the geography of religions)
We will discuss competences about theories, concepts, terminology and methodologies in the study of religions places and the localization of the sacred in the space, through materiality and relations of planning
This course provides students with theoretical knowledge of religious space/site, but also with results of some empirical researches about religious sites in spaces that are increasingly heterogeneous because of human migration and diaspora phenomena. The main case study that will be examined is case of shared religious places, in urban and extra-urban spaces.
( reference books)
Attending students:
1. course notes, materials and handouts 2. G. Filoramo, M. Giorda, N. Spineto, Manuale di scienze della religione, Morcelliana, Brescia 2019.
3. C. Russo, A. Saggioro, Roma città plurale, Bulzoni 2018 Oppure Geertz Armin W., Approcci cognitivi ed evoluzionistici alla religione Patron 2020 Oppure M.Giorda, M. Burchardt, Materializzare la tolleranza: luoghi multireligiosi tra conflitto e adattamento. “Annali di Studi Religiosi” 20, 2019 (open access - on line). G. Lapis, Dopo le “religioni mondiali”, Morcelliana 2022
Non-attending students will replace item 1 with a book of their choice from among
D. Albera, M. Couroucli, I luoghi sacri comuni ai monoteismi. Tra cristianesimo, ebraismo e islam. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013. G. Filoramo, Che cosa è la religione, Einaudi, Torino 2004.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
metodologie e comunicazione della ricerca storica - caratterizzanti - fonti, metodologia, tecniche e strumenti della ricerca storica - (show)
20711242 -
The aim of the course is to allow students to acquire specific knowledge in reference to the different role played by archives from the ancient to the contemporary worlds, and the use made of them as the political, legal, social and cultural contexts in which the texts were produced has changed. Specifically, particular attention will be paid to the way in which the forms and structure of the archives have changed over time and how the methods of their conservation and transmission have evolved. Attention will also focus on the change in the character of the bodies charged with their custody and the role attributed to them within the apparatus of power as well as, more generally, the society of which they were an expression.
( syllabus)
The course examines, from a diachronic perspective, the methods of production, conservation and transmission of archives; the functions and competences attributed to archivists within the political, juridical, social and cultural contexts of which they were an expression; the relationship between the history of archives and the history of institutions. There will also be seminars at city archival institutes and the intervention of experts in the sector.
( reference books)
- Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Archivi e memoria storica, Bologna, il Mulino, 1987;
- E. Lodolini, Storia dell'archivistica italiana. Dal mondo antico alla metà del secolo XX, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013.
Non-attending students will also study the following articles:
- Arnaldo D’Addario, Lineamenti di storia dell’archivistica (secc. XVI-XIX), in «Archivio storico italiano», 148/1 (1990), pp. 3-35;
- Guido Melis, Il deposito della memoria. L'evoluzione degli archivi amministrativi nella storia italiana, in "Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato", LXI (2001), pp. 208-224.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
metodologie e comunicazione della ricerca storica - affini 1 - (show)
20710620 -
The goal of this course is to bring students closer to the history of medieval culture by illustrating the most recent debates on the problem of "culture" and analyzing cultural dynamics and processes (literacy, schooling, reading, text production and conservation) within a broad historical framework, therefore in their deepest links with politics, society, economics and religion.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710735 -
Religione, società e culture nel Medioevo
The class want to train students on the study of religious history in Middle Ages, with the aim to underline his peculiar character as part of historical studies and his role within medieval societies and cultures which helps to form. From the methodological and didactical point of view the lessons are seminars in which students can participate actively and give their original contribution.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20707004 -
In the Early Modern Age, the themes of war, peace and negotiation with internal and external actors of the different political communities were particularly important and they extended from the European continent to the non-European worlds. It was a phenomenon that involved the society as a whole and not only diplomats and soldiers. The tools and practices adopted by the societies of the ancien régime constructed a complex web of actions and theories that ranged from the construction of the diplomatic system to private negotiation in and out of the judicial sphere.
( syllabus)
How to get out of war: strategies of negotiation and peacemaking in the Early Modern Age In the Early Modern Age, the themes of war, peace and negotiation with internal and external actors of the different political communities were particularly important and they extended from the European continent to the non-European worlds. It was a phenomenon that involved the society as a whole and not only diplomats and soldiers. The tools and practices adopted by the societies of the ancien régime constructed a complex web of actions and theories that ranged from the construction of the diplomatic system to private negotiation in and out of the judicial sphere.
The class will explore the issues of negotiation, pacification, and warfare in early modern societies, analysing paths and strategies of bargaining and peacemaking between Europe and the Americas and exploring theories and practices of warfare.
The course will also include a reading of Immanuel Kant's Perpetual Peace (1795) as a summa of the experience gained in previous centuries.
( reference books)
Three books from the following list: A) Both the following books: • Arcangeli, Che cos’è la storia culturale, Carocci, Roma 2007 • M. Merluzzi, La pacificazione del regno: Negoziazione e creazione del consenso in Perù (1533-1581), Viella, Roma 2021
B) One book of your choice within the following: • P. Broggio e M. P. Paoli, «Stringere la pace». Teorie e pratiche della conciliazione nell’Europa moderna (secoli XV-XVIII), 2011 • G. Brunelli, La guerra in età moderna, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2021 • F. Cantù, L’immagine del nemico, Storia, ideologia e rappresentazione tra età moderna e contemporanea, Viella Roma 2009 • V. Favarò, Pratiche negoziali e reti di potere. Carmine Nicola Caracciolo tra Europa e America (1694-1725), Rubettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2020 • V. Lavenia, Dio in uniforme. Cappellani, catechesi cattolica e soldati in età moderna, Il mulino, Bologna 2018 • P. Volpini, Ambasciatori nella prima età moderna tra corti italiane ed europee, Sapienza Università editrice, Roma 2022
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711243 -
Religion and Society in Global Perspective
( syllabus)
Syllabus TBA
Course Content
Presented within the frame of Religion and Society in Global Perspective, this course explores social, historical, and religious change focusing on western Europe in its relationship with the world. Particular attention will be paid to the Renaissance, Religious Reforms, and the Age of Discovery, starting with the late antique and medieval premises for religious and cultural change, and exploring the transformation of religious/magical beliefs and doctrines, systems of power, identity formation and forms of dissent. The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level religious and cultural history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern European religious history in global perspective. The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves a written essay about set primary and secondary readings, an oral presentation, and a final oral exam.
( reference books)
All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710639 -
History of the Age of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation MD
The course proposes to explore some of the significant themes of European history between the late 15th century and the first half of the 17th century. Special attention will paid to religious, political and social, structures, which lead to the birth, affirmation and development of the Protestant movement, to the fracture of Christianity and to attempts that were made to limit and heal this fracture.
( syllabus)
Reformation and the history of religious toleration
( reference books)
Testi di riferimento
1) L. Felici, La Riforma protestante nell'Europa del Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci 2) D. Cantimori, Eretici italiani del Cinquecento, Torino, Einaudi
3) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti: - M. Firpo, Juan de Valdés e la Riforma nell'Italia del Cinquecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza - L. Addante, Eretici e libertini nel Cinquecento italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza - G. Caravale, Il profeta disarmato. L'eresia di Francesco Pucci nell'Europa del Cinquecento, Bologna, il Mulino - L. Biasiori, L'eresia di un umanista. Celio Secondo Curione nell'Europa del Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710640 -
teaching of history
The course offers students the main methods of teaching History in the various degrees of Education, while focusing on the role and objectives that History must set itself not only within the University, but also in the more general civil and social context.
( reference books)
Texts adopted • Walter Panciera, Andrea Zannini, Didattica della storia. Manuale per la formazione degli insegnanti, Mondadori/Le Monnier 2013. • Marc Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Einaudi 2009, pp. 3-168. • Maurizio Ridolfi, Verso la Public History. Fare e raccontare storia nel tempo presente, Pacini, 2017 • Pietro Corrao, Paolo Viola, Introduzione agli studi di storia, Donzelli 2005
Non-attending students must add a text of their choice from the following: • Joan W. Scott, Genere politica e storia, Viella 2013 • Sebastian Conrad, Storia globale. Un’introduzione, Carocci 2020 • Elena Papadia, La forza dei sentimenti. Anarchici e socialisti in Italia (1870-1900), il Mulino 2019
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710656 -
The course of History of Conflict and Cultural Diplomacy offers an overview of the rule that culture plays in relationships between states, particularly in time of crises, tensions and wars. By combining frontal teaching, group work and individual presentations, the course will introduce students to the different characteristics of war, and to the different forms of propaganda, including the tools used to promote its image abroad and the public diplomacy. The core of the investigation will be the balance between soft power and hard power, from the 19th Century until the present day.
Derived from
20710656 STORIA DEI CONFLITTI E DIPLOMAZIA CULTURALE in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 BENADUSI LORENZO
( reference books)
1) Tommaso Detti (a cura di), Le guerre in un mondo globale, Viella, Roma 2017 2) Joseph S. Nye Junior, Smart power, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012 (since page 134) 3) Gaetano Castellini Curiel, Soft power e l’arte della diplomazia culturale, Le Lettere, Firenze 2021
A book of your choice: a) James Sheehan, L’età post-eroica: guerra e pace nell'Europa contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009 b) Mario Isnenghi, Le guerre degli italiani. Parole, immagini, ricordi, 1848-1945, il Mulino, Bologna 2015 c) Lorenzo Benadusi, Ufficiale e gentiluomo. Virtù civili e valori militari in Italia, 1896-1918, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015 d) George Mosse, Le guerre mondiali. Dalla tragedia al mito dei caduti, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018 e) Silvia Salvatici, Nel nome degli altri. Storia dell’umanitarismo internazionale, il Mulino, Bologna 2015 f) Sergio Marelli, ONG: una storia da raccontare. Dal volontariato alle multinazionali della solidarietà, Carocci, Roma 2015 g) Carlo Felice Casula, Liliosa Azara, Unesco 1945-2005. Un’utopia necessaria: scienza, educazione e cultura nel secolo mondo, Città aperta, Troina 2005, p. 302 h) Victoria De Grazia, L’impero irresistibile. La società dei consumi americani alla conquista del mondo, Einaudi, Torino 2020 i) Enzo Traverso, Il secolo armato. Interpretare le violenze del Novecento, Feltrinelli, Milano 2012 j) Jeremy Black, Le guerre nel mondo contemporaneo, il Mulino, Bologna 2006 k) Nicola Sbetti, Giochi diplomatici. Sport e politica estera nell’Italia del secondo dopoguerra, Viella, Roma 2020 l) Michael L. Krenn, The History of United States Cultural Diplomacy: 1770 to the present day, Bloomsbury, London 2017
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710662 -
The course aims to provide the elements of method for the analysis of the construction of individual and collective memory and for all public (and political) uses of the past.
In particular, we will discuss those historiographical currents which, especially in Italy, constitute the theoretical basis of the discipline: oral history and cultural history.
Finally, some examples of "good practices" of Public History will also be provided.
( syllabus)
The course aims to provide the methodical elements for the analysis of the processes of construction of individual and collective memory and for all public (and political) uses of the past.
In particular, we will discuss those historiographical currents which, especially in Italy, constitute the theoretical basis of the discipline: oral history and cultural history.
Finally, some examples of "good practices" of Public History will also be provided.
( reference books)
A cura di P. Bertella Farnetti - L. Bertucelli -A. Botti Public history. Discussioni e pratiche ed. Mimesis 2017
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710492 -
the course will provide a specialisation in twenty and twenty one centuries mass society and a detaileknoledge of the political and social development in this period.
( syllabus)
The consumption of popular culture and policies aimed at influencing popular culture became increasingly salient in 20th century Western societies. Also Italian political parties and governments became aware of the importance of controlling and manipulating popular culture, and started developing sophisticated and effective forms of propaganda. Concurrently, popular culture itself became politically engaged, as militancy started to be conveyed in various forms of popular art, as writings, drawings, songs, radio and TV broadcasts and movies. The relationship between propaganda from above and popular cultures from below must not be interpreted in terms of a rigid opposition, but rather of a conflictual relationship capable of influencing each other. The course aims at providing a general overview of the main trends in the history of italian popular culture from the early to the late 20th century, as well as at introducing students to key arguments in historical scientific research on the topic. In this way, students will develop skills to critically read, think, discuss and write about a set of historiographical arguments and a multiplicity of historical evidence. In this sense, the course will detect how mass communication, literature and the visual arts determined the attitudes, moods and mentality of Italian society during the twentieth century. The first part of the course will focus on the analysis of the concepts of "Popular Culture", "Propaganda", “Consensus Building” and "Political Religion”, with special references to the so-said “cultural turn”, which changed many perspectives in Contemporary History. The second part of the course will deal with the role of Italian media as, at one hand, a pillar of ideological consensus and social stability and, to the other, as antidote to social conformism and State power. The connection between Italian Media, Popular Culture and Political History will be stressed through main periods of Italian history, observing continuity and fractures from Liberal Italy to Fascist regime and from the Cold War to the Second Italian Republic.
( reference books)
Students attending AND not attenting classes will have to refer to the following essays for the final oral exam:
- R. Moro, Mosse, the Cultural Turn, and the Cruces of Modern Historiography, (in George L. Mosse’s Italy, pp. 131-136)
- Holt N. Parker, Toward a Definition of Popular Culture, in “History and Theory”, May 2011, v. 50, pp. 147-170
- John Storey, Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, Cap. 1, "What is Popular Culture", pp. 1-16
In the oral exam, Students attending classes have to refer also on lessons contents. Students not attending classes must to refer instead to the following textbook:
- Matthew Hibberd, The Media in Italy: Press, Cinema and Broadcasting from Unification to Digital, New York, 2008.
In the last part of the course and before oral exam Students attending classes will have to present a paper on one of the following “blocks”. Students not attending classes will have to choose one of the “blocks” for their oral exams as well, besides essays and textbook suggested above.
Block 1: Poetry and Journalism in Early XX Century - Pierluigi Allotti, The Style of a Revolutionary Journalist (in Mussolini 1883-1915. Triumph and Transformation of Revolutionary Socialist, pp. 225-256) - Enrico Serventi Longhi, The Triumph of the Noble People: Gabriele d’Annunzio and Populism between literature and politics (in “Qualestoria”)
Block 2: Totalitarian Radio and Music - Philip V. Cannistraro, The Radio in Fascist Italy (in “Journal of European Studies, vol. 2, 1972, pp.127-154) - Marilisa Merolla, Jazz and Fascism: Contradictions and Ambivalences in the Diffusion of Jazz Music under the Italian Fascist Dictatorship (1925-1935) (in Jazz and Totalitarism, pp. 31-44)
Block 3: PostWar Italian Cinema and Glamour -- Maurizio Zinni, Entertainment, Politics and Colonial Identity in Post-War Italian and British Cinema (1945-1960) (in Images of Colonialism and Decolonisation in Italian Media, pp- 67-80) - Stephen Gundle, Hollywood Glamour and Mass Consuption in Postwar Italy, (in “Journal of Cold War Studies”, vol. 4 n. 3, 2002, pp. 95-118)
Block 4: Women and 70’s -Andrea Hayek, A Room of One’s Own. Feminist Intersections between Space, Women’s Writing and Radical Bookselling in Milan (1968-1986) (in “Italian Studies”, vol. 73:1, pp. 81-97) - Ruth Glynn, Press Representation of Italian Women Terrorist (in Women, Terrorism, and Trauma in Italian Culture pp. 39-72)
Block 5: TV fiction and Popular Culture - Mauro Resmini, ‘Il senso dell'intreccio’: History, Totality, and Collective Agency in Romanzo criminale (in “The Italianist”, vol. 36(2), pp. 243-265) - Luca Barra, Massimo Scaglioni, Saints, Cops and Camorristi. Editorial Policies and Production Models of Italian TV Fiction, (in “International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, vo. 1, spring 2015, pp. 65-76)
Block 6: Berlusconi and the Second Republic - Cinzia Padovani, ‘Berlusconi’s Italy’: the media between structure and agency (in “Modern Italy”, vol. 20:1, pp. 41-57) - Philip Schlesinger, Berlusconi Phenomenon (in Culture and Conflict in Postwar Italy,
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711246 -
The course will address the study of the interaction between the technological, economic and political dynamics of human development and those of the natural world, from the 'first' industrial revolution to the beginning of the 21st century.
Bonfreschi Lucia
( syllabus)
The course will address the study of the interaction between the technological, economic and political dynamics of human development and those of the natural world, from the 'first' industrial revolution to the beginning of the 21st century. The course will focus in particular on the period 1945-2000, from which the following subjects will be analysed: the birth of associations for the conservation of the environment; the rise of ecological protest, environmentalist movements and animalism; the development of green cultures and parties in Europe; and the unfolding of the scientific and political debate on climate change. The course will focus on the Italian case: both on environmental and health emergencies in the history of the second half of the 20th century, and on the environmentalist movements and parties that arose and their political course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
metodologie e comunicazione della ricerca storica - affini 2 - (show)
20705275 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and the history of Byzantine art (IV-XIV centuries), of themes and specific problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze the written and graphic sources; acquisition of methodological skills that enable independent study and research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and expose logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
20710442 -
Knowledge of the history of mediaeval art in Rome, of themes and problems specific to the discipline; ability to analyse and read works of art and their context; ability to analyse sources, both written and graphic; acquisition of methodological skills that enable autonomous study and direct research
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709781 -
Knowledge of the main methodological approaches related to the history and theory of photography; ability to investigate photographic objects in their production and conservation contexts; ability to conduct art-historical research on photographers and on photographic archives, collections, institutions and publications; ability to share problems and research results in the various fields of scientific, educational and informative communication.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711232 -
Post-development sociology
The course has a monographic character and aims to meet some reflections and practices beyond the crisis of the "development era".
Derived from
20711232 SOCIOLOGIA DEL DOPO-SVILUPPO in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 ROMANO ONOFRIO
( syllabus)
The course has a monographic character and aims at meeting some reflections on the ecological, anthropological, social, economic and political crisis of the "development era", focusing on the relation North-South. We will explore, specifically, the "alternatives to development" represented by Franco Cassano’s “Southern thought" and the project for degrowth, in the declination elaborated by Serge Latouche.
( reference books)
1. Cassano F., “Tre modi di vedere il Sud”, Il Mulino, Bologna 2009.
2. Cassano F., "Il pensiero meridiano", Laterza, Bari 2021.
3. Latouche S., “La scommessa della decrescita”, Feltrinelli, Milano 2014.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710683 -
Final examination and foreign language test
20710685 -
Student's free choice disciplines present in the University's educational offer.
Elective activities
Optional group:
ambito F - (show)
20707007 -
Read the Mediterranean: sources and new technologies to monitor the Arab world
Other activities
20704008 -
The course aims to present the various ways in which history is "communicated" and told, analyzing various types of sources - including photography, audiovisuals, novels, official documents, material sources. Through the analysis of them, students will be invited to think about the relationship between the source and the narration of the story, and about the different genres that can be used (essay, review, journalistic article, short story). There will be written exercises guided by the teacher during the lessons; a final contribution is required.
Other activities
20710574 -
Comprendere e interpretare la storia contemporanea. Immagini, strumenti, analisi.
series of seminars to understand and interpret contemporary history.
Other activities
20711218 -
Tirocinio presso il Palazzo del Quirinale
internship at the Quirinal Palace.
Other activities
20711290 -
Laboratorio di "Letteratura odeporica"
( syllabus)
Reading of one or more emblematic texts of odeporic literature, commentary and group analysis of emerging themes
( reference books)
The group reading text is identified during the lessons of the Geography and Travel Literature course on the basis of annual contingencies (publications of texts, sources and commentary apparatus, celebrations, anniversaries, etc.)
Other activities
20711248 -
SEMINARIO Noi, l'altro e l'altrove
workshop: conferences
Other activities
20711293 -
Laboratorio di "Storia orale"
The course aims to provide participants with a basic theoretical knowledge of oral history and to give their opportunity to practice an interview working in a team.
Derived from
20711293 Laboratorio di "Storia orale" in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 CARUSI PAOLO
( syllabus)
Some issues relating to the use of oral sources for contemporary history will be addressed, retracing the experiences gained in different Italian contexts starting from the fifties and sixties of the twentieth century. Particular attention will be paid to the construction of the interview, its uses for research, archival conservation and intersections with other disciplines, including public history. In agreement with the teacher, each student will record an interview which they will then have to transcribe and discuss in an essay.
( reference books)
- Bruno Bonomo, Voci della memoria. L’uso delle fonti orali nella ricerca storica, Carocci, 2013. - Alessandro Portelli, Storie orali. Racconto, immaginazione, dialogo, Donzelli, 2007. - Texts in pdf that will be provided during the course.
Other activities
20711396 -
Workshop Racism and anti-racism
workshop: conferences
Other activities