21210237 -
The course aims to offer students institutional elements of Public Law. The course therefore proposes to offer students a complete overview of the main issues concerning general theory, sources of law, constitutional bodies, organization and action of public administration and jurisdiction, protection of fundamental rights, with a specific focus on the economic Constitution. Studying Public Law the student will be able to achieve the following educational targets. Knowledge and understanding: - know the organization and functioning of the state; - know the production methods of law; - know the rights recognized by the Constitution, with particular regard to the economic field; Applying knowledge and understanding: - solving basic problems using legal sources. Making judgements: - evaluate the concrete functioning of institutional systems, comparing to the constitutional discipline; Communication skills: - acquire technical-legal language; Learning skills: - develop the ability to observe and judge the critical elements of the system.
A - C
( syllabus)
The legal system - The form of government - The system of sources - The constitutional level: the Constitution, the constitutional review laws and other constitutional laws - Constituted power and constituent power - Sources of primary level - The sources of secondary level - The sources of the European Union - The organization of the Parliament - The Government - The President of the Republic - The Constitutional Court - The Judiciary - Territorial autonomies - Public administration and administrative activity - Constitutional rights and freedoms
( reference books)
Exam for 9 CFU F. Modugno (edited by), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, VI edizione, 2023, excluding the following parts: CAP. I, §7 CAP. II, §§ 14, 15 e 16 CAP. III, §§ 3, 7 e 10 CAP. IV, § 11 CAP. VII, § 7 CAP. IX, §§ 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 CAP. X, §§ 7 CAP. XI, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. XII §§ 8, 9, 10 e 11.
Exam for 6 CFU F. Modugno (edited by), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, VI edizione, 2023, excluding the following parts: CAP. I, §§ 7, 9 (except pp. 99-105) e 10 CAP. II, §§ 11 (except pp. 213-222), 13 (except pp. 239-243), 14, 15 e 16 CAP. III, §§ 1, 2, 3, 7 e 10 CAP. IV, §§ 1 e 11 CAP. V, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. VII, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. VIII, §§ 3 CAP. IX, §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 CAP. X, §§ 7 CAP. XI, §§ 1, 4.1, 6 (except pp. 756-760) e 7 CAP. XII §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 12.
D - K
( syllabus)
The legal system - The form of government - The system of sources - The constitutional level: the Constitution, the constitutional review laws and other constitutional laws - Constituted power and constituent power - Sources of primary level - The sources of secondary level - The sources of the European Union - The organization of the Parliament - The Government - The President of the Republic - The Constitutional Court - The Judiciary - Territorial autonomies - Public administration and administrative activity - Constitutional rights and freedoms
( reference books)
Exam for 9 CFU F. Modugno (edited by), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, VI edizione, 2023, con esclusione delle seguenti parti: CAP. I, §7 CAP. II, §§ 14, 15 e 16 CAP. III, §§ 3, 7 e 10 CAP. IV, § 11 CAP. VII, § 7 CAP. IX, §§ 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 CAP. X, §§ 7 CAP. XI, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. XII §§ 8, 9, 10 e 11.
Exam for 6 CFU F. Modugno (edited by), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, VI edizione, 2023, con esclusione delle seguenti parti: CAP. I, §§ 7, 9 (escluse solo pp. 99-105) e 10 CAP. II, §§ 11 (escluse solo pp. 213-222), 13 (escluse solo pp. 239-243), 14, 15 e 16 CAP. III, §§ 1, 2, 3, 7 e 10 CAP. IV, §§ 1 e 11 CAP. V, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. VII, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. VIII, §§ 3 CAP. IX, §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 CAP. X, §§ 7 CAP. XI, §§ 1, 4.1, 6 (escluse solo pp. 756-760) e 7 CAP. XII §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 12.
L - P
( syllabus)
Order, Law, State. Subjective legal situations. Freedom rights and social rights. The right to protection of personal data. The principle of legality. The legal reserve. The sources of law. The division of responsibilities between the State and the Regions. Italy and the European Union. The organization of public authorities. Parliament and the legislative process. The forms of government. The Government in the Italian constitutional system. Public Administration. The president of the Republic. Independent administrative authorities. The general law on administrative proceedings. Acts and provisions of the public administration. The right of access to administrative documents. Public services. Public evidence procedures. Territorial autonomies and the rules of administrative action. Judicial protection of rights and interests. Constitutional justice. The CNEL, the State Council and the Court of Auditors
( reference books)
1) F. Modugno (a cura di), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli ed.
as an alternative
T. Groppi – A. Simoncini, Introduzione allo studio del diritto pubblico e delle sue fonti, Giappichelli ed.
2) Lecture notes prepared by the professor and available in Formonline about legal sources of the administrative activities (Law no. 241 of 1990 and its institutes: The phases of the administrative procedure; The deadline for completing the proceedings; The justification for the provision; The person responsible for the procedure; The silence of the public administration; The participation of private individuals in the proceedings and the investigative means; Effectiveness and validity of administrative acts; The defects of the administrative act; etcetera)
Q - Z
( syllabus)
The legal system - The form of government - The system of sources - The constitutional level: the Constitution, the constitutional review laws and other constitutional laws - Constituted power and constituent power - Sources of primary level - The sources of secondary level - The sources of the European Union - The organization of the Parliament - The Government - The President of the Republic - The Constitutional Court - The Judiciary - Territorial autonomies - Public administration and administrative activity - Constitutional rights and freedoms
( reference books)
STUDENTS HAVE TO ACHIEVE 9 CFU: F. Modugno (edited by), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, VI edizione, 2023, except: CAP. I, §7 CAP. II, §§ 14, 15 e 16 CAP. III, §§ 3, 7 e 10 CAP. IV, § 11 CAP. VII, § 7 CAP. IX, §§ 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 CAP. X, §§ 7 CAP. XI, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. XII §§ 8, 9, 10 e 11.
STUDENTS HAVE TO ACHIEVE 6 CFU: F. Modugno (edited by), Diritto pubblico, Giappichelli, Torino, VI edizione, 2023, except: CAP. I, §§ 7, 9 (except just pp. 99-105) e 10 CAP. II, §§ 11 (except just pp. 213-222), 13 (except just pp. 239-243), 14, 15 e 16 CAP. III, §§ 1, 2, 3, 7 e 10 CAP. IV, §§ 1 e 11 CAP. V, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. VII, §§ 1 e 7 CAP. VIII, §§ 3 CAP. IX, §§ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 e 9 CAP. X, §§ 7 CAP. XI, §§ 1, 4.1, 6 (except just pp. 756-760) e 7 CAP. XII §§ 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11 e 12.
Basic compulsory activities
21210241 -
The main aim of the course is to provide the basic elements of political economy in the fields both of microeconomics (theories of consumption, of production, of prices and market forms) and macroeconomics (determination of national income, markets of goods, money and labor, introduction to the open economy and to international economic relations).
At the end of the course, students - will have become familiar with the fundamental categories of economic analysis, also through the basic knowledge of approaches and differences within economic modeling; - will be able to focus both in a micro and macro economic key the relevance of behaviors and choices of economic agents and the interdependence between markets in determining national income.
A - C
Derived from
21210241 ECONOMIA POLITICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 D - K D'AGOSTINO GIORGIO
( syllabus)
Part I– Microeconomics: I. Economic Choice; II. Goods and services; III. Markets; IV. Economic equilibrium; V. Demand; VI. Supply; VII. Perfect competition; VIII. Imperfect competition; IX. Labor market; X. Factor markets. Part II – Macroeconomics: I. National accounting; II. The Income-expenditure model; III. Money and financial markets; IV. The IS-LM model; V. Demand-side policies; VI. Inflation and unemployment; VII. Economic growth; VIII. The open economy.
( reference books)
Saltari, Enrico, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, and Riccardo Tilli. Principi di economia politica. Carocci, 2019.
Blanchard, Olivier, Alessia AMIGHINI, and Francesco Giavazzi. "Macroeconomia. Una prospettiva europea." (2020).
D - K
( syllabus)
Part I– Microeconomics: I. Economic Choice; II. Goods and services; III. Markets; IV. Economic equilibrium; V. Demand; VI. Supply; VII. Perfect competition; VIII. Imperfect competition; IX. Labor market; X. Factor markets. Part II – Macroeconomics: I. National accounting; II. The Income-expenditure model; III. Money and financial markets; IV. The IS-LM model; V. Demand-side policies; VI. Inflation and unemployment; VII. Economic growth; VIII. The open economy.
( reference books)
Saltari, Enrico, Giovanni Di Bartolomeo, and Riccardo Tilli. Principi di economia politica. Carocci, 2019.
Blanchard, Olivier, Alessia AMIGHINI, and Francesco Giavazzi. "Macroeconomia. Una prospettiva europea." (2020).
L - P
( syllabus)
Part I - Introduction and National accounts 0. Introduction to economics. Organization of the class 1. National accounts 2. Numbers of the economy Part II - Macroeconomics (short run, closed economy) 3. Income-expenditure model in a closed economy 4. Money and financial markets 5. IS-LM model in a closed economy Part III - Microeconomics 6. Consumption 7. Production and costs 8. Perfect competition 9. Monopoly 10. Monopolistic competition, oligopoly, introduction to game theory 11. Free competition and prices 12. Further topics in microeconomics: market failures, uncertainty, asymmetric information, antitrust policies, regulation of natural monopolies, network externalities 13. Labor market 14. Wages Part V – Macroeconomics (medium and long run, closed economy) 15. Demand and supply policies 16. Inflation and unemployment 17. Recession, inflation, deflation 18. Monetary policy rules, algebra of public debt 19. Economic growth Part V – Open economy 20. Balance of payments and exchange rates 21. Income-expenditure model in an open economy 22. IS-LM model in an open economy 23. Exchange rates regimes, European Economic and Monetary Union
( reference books)
O. Blanchard, A. Amighini, F. Giavazzi, Macroeconomia, Il Mulino, last edition, cap. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 18, 19, 20 R. H. Frank, Microeconomia, McGraw Hill Italia, last edition, cap. 3, 4, 6.2, 6.4.1, 6.4.2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6.1, 15.2, 15.7 The basic materials for studying are contained in the slide of the lectures, available on the Moodle site of the course
Q - Z
( syllabus)
Part I 1. Introduction
Parte II. Microeconomics 3. Consumer theory 4. Production theory 5. Game theory and economics of information 6. Market structure 7. Economic agents behaviour
Part II. Macroeconomics 8. The wealth of nations 9. Growth theory 10. Employment and unemployment 11. Monetary system 12. International trade 13. Open economy
( reference books)
The contents of this course can be found on any microeconomics and macroeconomics textbook for undergraduates. This course will be mostly based on: [ALL] Acemoglu, D., D. Laibson, J.A. List (2020). Principi di economia politica. Teoria ed evidenza empirica. 2a ed., Pearson.
Other suggested readings: [SNB] Samuelson, P.A., D.W. Nordhaus, C.A. Bollino (2006). Economia. Mc Graw Hill, XXI ed. [BBZ] Becchetti, L., L. Bruni, S. Zamagni (2014). Microeconomia. Un testo di economia civile. Il Mulino. [BAG] Blanchard, O., A. Amighini, F. Giavazzi (2020). Macroeconomia. Una prospettiva Europea. Il Mulino.
Basic compulsory activities
21210113 -
Statistics is a compulsory course aimed at introducing the basic techniques for the analysis of statistical data. Topics taught include displaying and describing data, basic probability theory and statistical inference. Attention will be focused on applications to business and economics. At the end of the course, the student will have: - become familiar with the main concepts and methods of descriptive statistical analysis, probability and inference; - acquired a theoretical understanding of statistical techniques and an appropriate critical sense in choosing the most suitable indicators and techniques for the analysis of data sets with specific characteristics; - developed the ability to analyse real data sets by choosing the most appropriate technique, applying it and interpreting the results.
A - C
( syllabus)
Descriptive statistics: variables and their measurement, univariate distributions, describing data with tables and graphs, measures of position, variability. Bivariate descriptive statistics: independence, association, correlation, probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables, sampling distributions Inference: estimation, hypothesis test, regression
( reference books)
A. Agresti, B. Finlay. Statistical methods for the social sciences. Pearson International Edition-4th edition (2009)
D - K
Derived from
21210113 STATISTICA in Economia e gestione aziendale L-18 A - C NACCARATO ALESSIA
( syllabus)
Descriptive statistics: variables and their measurement, univariate distributions, describing data with tables and graphs, measures of position, variability. Bivariate descriptive statistics: independence, association, correlation, probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables, sampling distributions Inference: estimation, hypothesis test, regression
( reference books)
A. Agresti, B. Finlay. Statistical methods for the social sciences. Pearson International Edition-4th edition (2009)
Q - Z
( syllabus)
Descriptive statistics: variables and their measurement, univariate distributions, describing data with tables and graphs, measures of position, variability, regression. Bivariate descriptive statistics: independence, association, correlation, probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables, sampling distributions Inference: estimation, hypothesis test.
( reference books)
A. Agresti, B. Finlay. Statistical methods for the social sciences. Pearson International Edition-4th edition (2009)
Core compulsory activities