Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
Optional group:
20702460 -
The student will have knowledge for the study of Greek and Latin papyrus. In the seminar context, it will also examine the examination of a large number of papyri, investigating their characteristics of form and content.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709852 -
The student will address one or more specialized topics. He will be offered an example of an in-depth study of an author or of a relevant theme of Italian literature, according to the most recent research perspectives. It will acquire the necessary hermeneutical tools for the analysis of texts and the application to them of even the most appropriate technical methodologies (analysis of metric or narrative structures), within the framework of a suitable preparation for advanced literary study..
Derived from
( syllabus)
Il corso intende analizzare nel dettaglio la vita culturale di uno dei centri principali del Rinascimento italiani: la corte dei Montefeltro a Urbino, sotto il governo di Guidubaldo (1482-1508) e di suo figlio adottivo Francesco Maria della Rovere (1508-1516), quando vi soggiornarono figure di primo piano quali Raffaello Sanzio, Polidoro Virgili, Pietro Bembo, Baldassarre Castiglione e Bernardo Dovizi da Bibbiena. La prima metà delle lezioni si soffermerà sul contesto e la relazione tra le diverse arti (letterature, teatro, pittura, musica, architettura), mentre la seconda si focalizzerà sul Cortegiano, dove quella grande esperienza viene messa in scena da uno dei suoi protagonisti, per l’appunto Castiglione, diffondendo per l’Europa il duraturo mito di Urbino.
( reference books)
TESTI (comprese introduzioni e commenti): --Pietro Bembo, Stanze (1507), a cura di Amelia Juri, Salerno, Roma 2020 --Baldassar Castiglione e Cesare Gonzaga, Rime e Tirsi (1508), a cura di Giacomo Vagni, Libri di Emil, Città di Castello, 2015 --Baldassar Castiglione, Vita di Guidubaldo duca di Urbino (1508), a cura di Uberto Motta, Salerno, Roma 2006 --Baldassar Castiglione, Il Cortegiano (1528), a cura di Walter Barberis, Einaudi, Torino 2017 --Altri materiali saranno forniti in pdf
STUDI CRITICI: --Amedeo Quondam, Baldassarre Castiglione, Viella, Roma 2024. --Altri saggi saranno forniti in pdf
FILM: --Kenneth Branagh, Molto rumore per nulla --Ermanno Olmi, Il mestiere delle armi --Roberto Rossellini, La presa di potere da parte di Luigi XIV
LETTURE IN PIU’ PER I NON FREQUENTANTI --Pietro Bembo, De Urbini ducibus (1510), a cura di Valentina Marchesi, Libri di Emil, Città di Castello, 2011 --Altri materiali saranno forniti in pdf
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( syllabus)
Dante from Vita Nova to Paradise. The course is dedicated to Dante's poetry and the development of his style. The first part includes reading, contextualization and commentary of Vita nova and part of the Rime. The second part will be occupied by the complete reading with commentary of Paradise. In addition to in-depth studies on Dante's literary language, the main hermeneutical junctions of the third canticle will be examined, also in relation to Dante's self-exegesis expressed in the Epistle to Cangrande. The course includes lectures dedicated to the reading and commentary of the proposed works, with critical insights. The final part of the course will be dedicated to the creation of critical and didactic paths on the basis of the two works considered. The course includes frontal teaching dedicated to reading and commenting on the works considered, with critical insights. The final part of the course will be dedicated to the creation of critical and educational paths based on the two works considered.
( reference books)
Texts: Dante Alighieri, Vita nova, introduzione, revisione del testo e commento di Stefano Carrai, Milano, Rizzoli, 2009. Dante Alighieri, Paradiso, a cura di G. Inglese, Roma, Carocci, 2016. Dante Alighieri, Epistola a Cangrande, a cura di L. Azzetta, Roma-Padova, Antenore, 2024. Bibliography: Stefano Carrai, Il primo libro di Dante. Un'idea della "Vita Nova", Pisa, Edizioni della Normale, 2020. Roberto Rea, Dante: guida alla Vita nuova, Roma, Carocci, 2021. Luca Marcozzi, Dante e la povertà, Roma, Carocci, 2024. One volume to be chosen among the two of the Lectura Dantis Romana, Cento canti per cento anni, III. Paradiso, Roma, Salerno editrice, 2014 (1. Canti I-XVII, or 2. Canti XVIII-XXXIII). Non-attending students will add: Roberto Antonelli, Dante poeta-giudice del mondo terreno, Roma, Viella, 2021.. Any further bibliography will be indicated on the Teams channel of the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710143 -
The course intends to provide specific tools for the study and analysis of literary texts of the Italian Middle Ages. Through the in-depth reading of a work, or group of works, the student will acquire an interpretative model based on the interweaving of different "knowledge" - historical-literary, linguistic-philological, doctrinal - particularly suitable for grasping the complex physiognomy of the literary text medieval and its peculiarities.
Derived from
20710143 LETTERATURA ITALIANA DEL MEDIOEVO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 PEGORETTI ANNA
( syllabus)
Dante's «Purgatory»
The course aims to offer a comprehensive and in-depth reading of Dante's "Purgatorio." Defined by the historian Jacques Le Goff as the "poetic triumph" of the purgatorial realm, the second cantica of the "Commedia" represents the first and most significant artistic elaboration of this afterlife zone, the existence of which had been definitively recognized by the Church only a few years earlier (1274). Special attention will be given to the ways in which the poet constructs an extremely detailed and profoundly coherent space from multiple perspectives (cosmological, theological, penitential). Its various sources will be examined, with special attention to the religious practices and the theological speculation of the time. Furthermore, the course will delve deeply into Dante's reflection on poetry in this cantica: from his encounters with Casella, the troubadour Sordello, and the classical poet Statius; to his investigation of fame and artistic progress in Canto 11, and the pivotal Cantos 24 and 26 where Dante engages with various predecessors, fully defining his own poetics and a tradition of reference.
( reference books)
Texts: - Dante, "Divina Commedia. Purgatorio", a cura di Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi, Milano, Mondadori, 1994 [and further editions] NB: the "Purgatorio" must be read in its entirety.
Critical bibliography (on Moodle): - E. Auerbach, "Sacrae scripturae sermo humilis", in Id., "Studi su Dante", Milano, Feltrinelli, 2002, pp. 167-175 [1941]; - G. Contini, "Dante come personaggio poeta", in Id., "Un’idea di Dante. Saggi danteschi", Torino, Einaudi, 20013, pp. 33-62; - A. Pegoretti, "Dal «lito diserto» al giardino. La costruzione del paesaggio nel «Purgatorio» di Dante", Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2007.
Students not attending lectures will integrate their preparation reading the following essays (on Moodle): - C. Delcorno, "Exemplum e letteratura tra Medioevo e Rinascimento", Bologna, il Mulino, 1989, Introduzione e pp. 195-227; - E. Pasquini, "Il dominio metaforico", in Id., "Dante e le figure del vero. La fabbrica della «Commedia»", Milano: Bruno Mondadori, 2001, pp. 179-217 - E. Raimondi, "Rito e storia nel primo canto del «Purgatorio»", in Id., "Metafora e storia. Studi su Dante e Petrarca", Torino: Einaudi, 1977 [1970], pp. 65-94.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710144 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of specialized knowledge on Italian Renaissance literature, through the in-depth study of an author, a work or a specific theme according to the most up-to-date research perspectives. At the end of the course the student will equip himself with the most appropriate historical, historical-literary and linguistic interpretative tools for the analysis of Renaissance literary texts and will be able to apply advanced analysis methodologies to them.
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20710144 LETTERATURA ITALIANA DEL RINASCIMENTO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 CAROCCI ANNA
( syllabus)
Renaissance is the season of the long narrative, the epic-chivalric poem (Boiardo, Ariosto, Tasso), in many ways the direct ancestor of the modern novel; but it is also an incredibly prolific season for the short story, which, starting from Boccaccio's model, acquires different forms, in verse and prose (including many antecedents and sources of Shakespeare). The course will follow the evolution and interaction between these two narrative genres and examine related issues, from the question of the open narrative (the novel, which also originated as a serial story) or closed narrative (novella incorniciata) to the success with the general public.
( reference books)
Attendig students: Handouts supplied by the professor and downloadable from Teams A book of your chice from among: - R. Bruscagli, Studi cavallereschi, Firenze, Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2003 - G. Mazzacurati, All’ombra di Dioneo: tipologie e percorsi della novella da Boccaccio a Bandello, a cura di Matteo Palumbo, Scandicci, La Nuova Italia, 1996 (in fotocopie) - M. Roggero, Le carte piene di sogni. Testi e lettori in età moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006
Non-attending students: Supplementary handouts S. Carapezza, La novella nel Cinquecento, Milano, Unicopli, 2013
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710150 -
The student will address one or more specialist topics. An example of an in-depth analysis of an author or a relevant theme of Italian literature will be proposed, according to the most up-to-date research perspectives. Students will acquire the necessary hermeneutic tools for the analysis of texts and the application to them of the most appropriate technical methodologies (analysis of metric or narrative structures), in the framework of a suitable preparatory course for advanced literary study.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710428 -
Teaching of the Italian language The student will acquire specialized skills in the field of studies on the Italian language and on the dialects spoken in Italy, with reference to their history, phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexicological structures, the evolution of these systems, social uses and structures geolinguistics, the literary language and its formal structures (including metrics), historical and synchronic lexicography and grammar, as well as the problems and methodologies of teaching the Italian language for Italians and for foreigners and the linguistic and IT analysis of texts and corpora.
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20710428 DIDATTICA DELLA LINGUA ITALIANA L.M. in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 DE ROBERTO ELISA
( syllabus)
The course is structured in two parts. The first part deals with the syntax of contemporary Italian, with particular reference to the complex sentence and its constituent parts. Through the observation of the functioning of the structures of Italian, students will acquire full awareness of syntactic mechanisms, improve their grammatical and linguistic knowledge and identify the most appropriate methodologies for the treatment of the sentence in L1 and L2 teaching. The second part is devoted to formulating language in the teaching of Italian L1 and L2, with particular reference to proverbs, collocations, idiomatic phrases and pragmatic routines. After defining the notion of formulating language and showing its pervasiveness in the language, its various realisations are reviewed and its implications in the teaching of Italian to native and non-native speakers.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710344 -
Philosophy of religions
The teaching of Philosophy of Religions is part of the related and supplementary educational activities of the Cds in Philosophical Sciences. The course aims to enable the student to acquire: 1) advanced critical thinking skills and philosophical contextualization; 2) advanced language skills and argumentative skills in relation to the topics covered in the course; 3) ability to read and analyze sources and critical debate in depth.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710531 -
History of modern philosophy
The course aims to provide students with an overview of the history of public opinion and mass culture, accompanied by a specific reflection on the transformations of contemporary society. The aim of the course is for students to acquire knowledge and understand the role of public opinion and mass culture in the history of the twentieth century. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the knowledge of the main themes of the historiographical debate on the history of public opinion and mass culture.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710735 -
Religione, società e culture nel Medioevo
The course of Religion, society and culture in the Middle Ages aims to train students in the study of religious history in the Middle Ages, with the aim of highlighting both its peculiar character within historical studies and its immersion in the medieval societies and cultures which, at the same time, it helps to forge. From a didactic and methodological point of view, the courses have a seminar character in order to encourage the active participation and original contribution of the students.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702432 -
The student will acquire, through the study of specialized themes, the tools of textual and critical analysis of authors and works of Italian literature related to theatrical production, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary. The acquired ability to analyze exemplary texts must make him theoretically aware of the genre connotations that distinguish the theatrical communicative experience from the literary one, and of those that vice versa homologate it to it.
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( syllabus)
Theatre in Northern Italy and Ariosto’s experience
This course will investigate the main characteristics of italian theatre, between XVth and XVIth centuries; special attention will be addressed to Ariosto’s comedies: Cassaria (in verse), Suppositi (in verse), and Negromante (II redacton).
( reference books)
Required Text Books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7)
1) Primary Works: L. Ariosto, Cassaria, in verse (any edition; also available online: Microsoft Teams); 2) Primary Works: L. Ariosto, Suppositi, in verse) (any edition; also available online: Microsoft Teams); 3) Primary Works: L. Ariosto, Negromante (II redaction) (any edition; also available online: Microsoft Teams);
4) Criticism: *S. Ferrone, Sulle commedie in prosa dell’Ariosto, in Ludovico Ariosto. Lingua, stile e tradizione. Atti del congresso organizzato dai comuni di Reggio Emilia e Ferrara, 12-16 ottobre 1974, ed. by C. Segre, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1976, pp. 391-425; 5) Criticism: *G. Ferroni, Ariosto, Rome, Salerno Editrice, 2008, pp. 47-84; 6) Criticism: *M. Baratto, La fondazione di un genere (per un’analisi drammaturgica della commedia del Cinquecento) (1980), in Id., Da Ruzante a Pirandello. Scritti sul teatro, Napoli, Liguori, 1990. pp. 11-32; 7) Ariosto commediografo, a cura di F. Arato, P. Cosentino, P. Pellizzari, Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2024.
Additional readings for non-attending students (one of the following books):
1. G. Coluccia, L’esperienza teatrale di Ludovico Ariosto, Lecce, Manni, 2001; 2. A. De Luca, Il teatro di Ludovico Ariosto, Rome, Bulzoni, 1981; 3. C. Falletti Cruciani, Il Teatro in Italia. II. Il Cinquecento e Seicento, Rome, Edizioni Studium, 1999 e 2003, pp. 13-190; 4. A. Stäuble, La commedia umanistica del Quattrocento, Florence, Olschki, 1968
Items 1, 2, 3 4, 5, and 6 will be provided by the teacher.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710115 -
The aim of the course is to deepen students' knowledge in relation to the theory of language change and comparison, making use of the knowledge reached by the linguistic typology.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710385 -
Anthropology of Performance and cultural representations
form a figure of anthropologist who fits into the broader framework of "critical intellectual" capable of carrying out analyzes and interpretations of cases and cultural systems capable of elaborating and disseminating, on the basis of advanced scientific-disciplinary knowledge, critical reports in relation to practices social and contextual systems in which it will operate. The goal is to train the gaze to grasp the countless ideas that everyday reality offers us starting from experiences, habits, representations, up to all forms of "otherness" and difference, from those closest to those most distant in space and time. A knowledge that is even more necessary today not only to understand the changes we are experiencing, but to offer useful tools for the practice of daily life and for every form of work, starting with teachers of all levels to train future generations in coexistence between different, to participate in recognizing others as a fundamental resource. The knowledge and skills of an anthropological and anthropological-cultural nature are extremely useful for the exercise of the teaching profession of all levels as they allow the pupil to be recognized with his history and his identity and the specificities, his family contexts, while avoiding any rigid assignment of cultural belonging and any labelling. But at the same time, cultural and social anthropology offers knowledge relating to migratory processes, globalization and makes it possible to deal with the multicultural nature of the classes and to allow male and female students to measure themselves against cultural difference, activating communication channels and making the diversity of students without reductionisms, promoting integration and interculturality. And it helps to understand the phenomena related to early school leaving.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710537 -
The teaching of digital publishing is one of the training activities in the publishing field of the Master's Degree in Information, Publishing, Journalism.
Consistent with the objectives of the degree course, the teaching aims to provide students with an overall picture of the digital publishing sector, accompanied by a specific reflection on the changes in the forms of textuality, in the supports and in the forms of reading.
The aim of the course is that the participants acquire the knowledge necessary to understand and differentiate various forms of digital storytelling, the main types of digital textuality and digital reading devices.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to recognize techniques, tools and models used in the digital publishing sector, competently analyzing their main characteristics
Derived from
20710537 EDITORIA DIGITALE - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 RONCAGLIA GINO
( syllabus)
The course is organized into two main sections: Section A - Introduction to digital publishing: reading devices; mark-up and file formats; software and reading interfaces; models of content organization; multimedia, hypertexts, interactive books; digital and on-line encyclopedias; enhanced e-books; generative AI and publishing; digital book market. Section B - The readers' point of view: reading habits in the digital ecosystem; social reading; augmented reading; online reading.
( reference books)
Section A - Gino Roncaglia, La quarta rivoluzione, Laterza 2010 - Gino Roncaglia, L'architetto e l'oracolo. Forme del sapere, da Wikipedia a ChatGPT, Laterza 2023
Section B - Maurizio Vivarelli, La lettura, Editrice bibliografica 2018
Non-attending students and students not participating in project work will add - Francesca Tomasi, Organizzare la conoscenza: Digital Humanities e web semantico, Bibliografica 2022 or - Fabio Ciotti, Digital Humanities - Metodi, strumenti, saperi, Carocci 2023
A list of alternative textbooks in English is available upon request.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710678 -
introduction to environmental humanities
The course aims to offer male and female students the most recent methodological and theoretical tools of the environmental humanities (EH). Starting from an idea of environmental humanities as a post (or anti) - disciplinary arena, the course will encourage students* to think beyond disciplinary boundaries to address the environmental and social challenges of the present.
The course is divided into three parts. The introductory part is designed to provide an overview of EH through: (a) a basic knowledge of the main directions of EH; (b) an exploration of the methods used.
The second part of the course focuses on a central theme of the debate in EH, namely the Anthropocene (the age of humans) and possible alternatives. In particular, the second part focuses on the Wasteocene concept (era of waste). Finally, the third part includes a laboratory phase in which male and female students will be called to deal with a micro research/action project, to apply what they have learned in the course.
Expected learning outcomes (1) A thorough knowledge of the main schools of EH (2) A fair familiarity with the methods employed in EH
(3) An in-depth knowledge of the Anthropocene debate and its critical issues with a focus on the Wasteocene
(4) The ability to design and execute an EH micro-project/action (which also serves as a learning assessment)
(5) Develop critical analysis skills of scientific texts and other types of sources
Related or supplementary learning activities
20704014 -
the course aims to provide the basic theoretical knowledge on archives at the stage of their formation, as well as on the treatment of historical archives, linking the principles of the archival tradition to the new context determined by the evolution of information and communication technologies. It also offers an opportunity to contact historical documentation both as a first approach to the problems of historical research in the archives. The course also aims to make known the historical evolution of the archive as an institute or the archival understood not only as a system of theoretical principles but also as a material tradition of organization and preservation of documentation and to refine the knowledge of mechanisms for producing documents and verifying the evolutionary stages of the protection legislation developed over time.
Derived from
( reference books)
1) Paola Carucci - Maria Guercio, Manuale di Archivistica. Nuova edizione, Roma, Carocci 2021 (in particolare i capitoli 1-2, 5-10, 12-13) alternatively Federico Valacchi, Diventare archivisti, Milano, Bibliografica, 2023.
2) Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Gli Archivi nella società contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009.
3) Raffaele Pittella, “Hence that sense of new air”. Archival debate and historiographical developments in Italy between the early and late 20th century, in “”, vol. 15, no. 2 (May 2024), pp.1-15.
4) G. Cencetti, Sull’archivio come «universitas rerum», in «Archivi», vol. IV, fasc. I (1937), pp. 3-13; G. Cencetti, Inventario bibliografico e inventario archivistico, in «L'archiginnasio», n. XXXIV, 1-3 (1939), pp. 106-117.
5) C. Pavone, Intorno agli archivi e alle istituzioni, Roma 2004, pp. 71-75 (Ma è poi tanto pacifico che l'archivio rispecchi l’istituto? [1970]).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710916 -
The History of Medieval Societies course aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
20710916-1 -
The History of Medieval Societies course aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
Derived from
20710916 STORIA DELLE SOCIETA' MEDIEVALI in Storia e società LM-84 LORE' VITO
( syllabus)
The Iron Century. North and South in the History of Italy after the Carolingian Empire (late 9th century to early 11th century). Through participatory analysis of documents and historiography, the course aims to analyse the specific features of politics and society in the 10th century on the Italian peninsula.
( reference books)
Part I (students taking a 6 cfu exam will only study Part I texts) Paolo Cammarosano, Nobili e re. L'Italia politica dell'alto Medioevo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1998, chapters 10-15 Chris Wickham, L'eredità di Roma. Storia d'Europa dal 400 al 1000 d. C., Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014, chapters 18 e 21. Selected sources, analyzed during the lessons. Non-attending students will replace the study of selected sources analyzed during the lessons with Italia e Bisanzio alle soglie dell'anno mille: Liutprando di Cremona, ed. Massimo Oldoni, Pierangelo Ariatta, Novara, Europia, 1998.
Part II (students taking a 12 cfu examination will study the texts of Part I and Part II) V. Loré, Sulle istituzioni nel Mezzogiorno longobardo. Proposta di un modello, in "Storica", 29 (2004), pp. 27-55. V. Loré , Beni principeschi e partecipazione al potere nel Mezzogiorno longobardo, in Italia, 888-962: una svolta?, ed. M. Valenti, C. Wickham, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 15-40. A. Di Muro, Le contee longobarde e l'origine delle signorie territoriali nel Mezzogiorno, in "Archivio Storico per le province napoletane", 128 (2010), pp. 1-70. V. Loré, L'aristocrazia salernitana nell'XI secolo, in Salerno nel XII secolo. Istituzioni, società, cultura, a cura di P. Delogu, P. Peduto, Salerno, 2004, pp. 81-102. Selected sources, analyzed during the lessons. All students having to take a 12-credit examination, attending or not, are required to agree with the professor on some other readings, taken from the reference bibliography or other texts.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710916-2 -
The History of Medieval Societies course aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
Derived from
20710916 STORIA DELLE SOCIETA' MEDIEVALI in Storia e società LM-84 LORE' VITO
( syllabus)
The Iron Century. North and South in the History of Italy after the Carolingian Empire (late 9th century to early 11th century). Through participatory analysis of documents and historiography, the course aims to analyse the specific features of politics and society in the 10th century on the Italian peninsula.
( reference books)
Part I (students taking a 6 cfu exam will only study Part I texts) Paolo Cammarosano, Nobili e re. L'Italia politica dell'alto Medioevo, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1998, chapters 10-15 Chris Wickham, L'eredità di Roma. Storia d'Europa dal 400 al 1000 d. C., Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014, chapters 18 e 21. Selected sources, analyzed during the lessons. Non-attending students will replace the study of selected sources analyzed during the lessons with Italia e Bisanzio alle soglie dell'anno mille: Liutprando di Cremona, ed. Massimo Oldoni, Pierangelo Ariatta, Novara, Europia, 1998.
Part II (students taking a 12 cfu examination will study the texts of Part I and Part II) V. Loré, Sulle istituzioni nel Mezzogiorno longobardo. Proposta di un modello, in "Storica", 29 (2004), pp. 27-55. V. Loré , Beni principeschi e partecipazione al potere nel Mezzogiorno longobardo, in Italia, 888-962: una svolta?, ed. M. Valenti, C. Wickham, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013, pp. 15-40. A. Di Muro, Le contee longobarde e l'origine delle signorie territoriali nel Mezzogiorno, in "Archivio Storico per le province napoletane", 128 (2010), pp. 1-70. V. Loré, L'aristocrazia salernitana nell'XI secolo, in Salerno nel XII secolo. Istituzioni, società, cultura, a cura di P. Delogu, P. Peduto, Salerno, 2004, pp. 81-102. Selected sources, analyzed during the lessons. All students having to take a 12-credit examination, attending or not, are required to agree with the professor on some other readings, taken from the reference bibliography or other texts.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711232 -
Post-development sociology
The course aims to offer an essay of direct reading and criticism of a classic of sociology. This operation has a dual objective. The first is to allow students direct access to a milestone in sociological knowledge. The second is to provide an opportunity for training and improvement of the practice of studying a scientific text.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710372 -
Teaching of the Italian language The student will acquire specialized skills in the field of studies on the Italian language and on the dialects spoken in Italy, with reference to their history, phonetic, phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexicological structures, the evolution of these systems, social uses and structures geolinguistics, the literary language and its formal structures (including metrics), historical and synchronic lexicography and grammar, as well as the problems and methodologies of teaching the Italian language for Italians and for foreigners and the linguistic and IT analysis of texts and corpora.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710779 -
Databases and humanistic informatics
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710780 -
Management of databases for humanistic informatics
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711242 -
Derived from
( reference books)
1) Arnaldo D’Addario, Lineamenti di storia dell’archivistica (secc. XVI-XIX), in «Archivio storico italiano», 148/1 (1990), pp. 3-35.
2) Elio Lodolini, Storia dell'archivistica italiana. Dal mondo antico alla metà del secolo XX, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2013 (sono da escludere dallo studio i capitoli che si riferiscono al Mondo Antico).
3) Raffaele Pittella, «A guisa di un civile arsenale». Carte giudiziarie e archivi notarili a Roma nel Settecento, in La documentazione degli organi giudiziari nell’Italia tardo/medievale e moderna, atti del convegno di studi (Siena, 15/17 settembre 208), a cura di A. Giorgi, S. Moscadelli, C. Zarrilli, Roma, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività culturali, 2012, pp. 669-767.
4) Raffaele Pittella, «Le carte di questo tabulario non presentano quel grande interesse che sarebbe ragionevole il supporre». Mito e anti/mito di Roma nella fondazione dell’Archivio storico capitolino (1870/1914), in Erudizione cittadina e fonti documentarie. Archivi e ricerca storica nell’Ottocento italiano (1840/1880), a cura di A. Giorgi, S. Moscadelli, G. M. Varanini, S. Vitali, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2019, pp. 779-815.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702760 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
Starting from the role of emotions in the orientation in the world and in the education process, as thought by Martha C. Nussbaum, the programme wants to examine the laycal and social meaning the abovesaid assigns to compassion. To that concept is contrasted the critical interpretation of Hannah Arendt (who considers Rousseau's compassion as a prereflessive and presocial feeling proper of the «humanity in dark times», to be replaced by the political category of friendship as conceived by Lessing). Following the contemporary interpretation of french and german enlightment, the course will examine Derrida's concept of lie, showing its coincidences with Rousseau's thought.
( reference books)
Hannah Arendt, On Lying and Politics: A Library of America Special Publication Paperback – Hannah Arendt, On Humanity in the darks Times, Paperback Martha C. Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions, Cambridge University Press Jacques Derrida, The Politics of Friendship Paperback
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
20702443 -
The student will acquire knowledge related to the master's level analysis of one or more Latin literary texts, with particular attention to formal aspects and seminar-like interaction with attending students.
Derived from
20702443 LETTERATURA LATINA L.M. in Italianistica LM-14 N0 LUCERI ANGELO
( syllabus)
Seneca and the power: the two faces of an intellectual between commitment and compromise. The course will offer a presentation of the literary context of Seneca's "Apokokokyntosis" and "Consolatio ad Polybium", and will proceed with the integral reading, interpretation and commentary of both works, paying particular attention to the formal aspects of style and, where present, of metric.
( reference books)
- For "Apokolokyntosis": an edition chosen among: Lucio Anneo Seneca, Apokolokyntosis, a cura di G. Vannini, Milano (Mondadori), Lucio Anneo Seneca, Apokokyntosis, introduzione, traduzione e note a cura di R. Mugellesi, Milani (Rizzoli) e Lucio Anneo Seneca, Apokokyntosis, a cura di G. Focardi, Firenze (Giunti).
- For "Consolatio ad Polybium": Lucio Anneo Seneca, Le consolazioni: a Marcia, alla madre Helvia, a Polibio, introduzione, traduzione e note di A. Traina, Milano (Rizzoli).
Core compulsory activities
20702456 -
The student will acquire advanced knowledge through the specialized level analysis of one or more medieval Latin literary texts, with specific attention to formal aspects and seminar-like interaction with the attending students.
( syllabus)
Course title: Cassiodorus' De anima
Course description: The module, of a monographic nature, intends first of all to retrace, in broad terms, the developments of a theme - that of the soul - dear to the tradition of Western thought since its beginnings, and capable, as well as incessantly nourishing philosophical and religious reflection, so to speak, of a high level, also having a singular impact on mentalities, on the imagination, on life behaviors, on the self-perception and representation of the human being in Western culture, particularly in the Latin Middle Ages. A work will then be analyzed - Cassiodorus' De anima - which enjoyed widespread success for a long time, and which, due to its eclectic character but not without traits of originality, lends itself well to providing an articulated and problematic status quaestionis on the theme , as it took shape in the early medieval centuries, before the more complete elaborations of Scholasticism. – As part of the module, exercises will also be activated aimed at orienting towards the knowledge and use of the main bibliographic and IT tools for the study and research on Middle Latin authors.
( reference books)
- MAGNI AURELII CASSIODORI De anima, cura et studio J. W. Halporn, Brepols, Turnholti 1973 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina 96, 533-575). - M. DI MARCO, Scelta e utilizzazione delle fonti nel "De anima" di Cassiodoro, in Studi e Materiali di Storia delle religioni, n.s. IX,1 (1985) 93-117; - M. DI MARCO, Note sulla simbologia dei numeri nel "De anima" di Cassiodoro, in Cassiodoro dalla Corte di Ravenna al Vivarium di Squillace. Atti del Convegno Internazionale, Squillace 25-27 ottobre 1990, a cura di S. Leanza, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli-Messina 1993, 199-212. - M. DI MARCO, Virtus adunationis. Alcuni esempi di innovazione lessicale nel De anima di Cassiodoro, in Varietate delectamur. Multifarious Approaches to Synchronic and Diachronic Variation in Latin. Selected Papers from the 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Ghent, 2022), Brepols, Turnhout 2024 (in corso di stampa). - Anima e corpo nella cultura medievale, a cura di C. Casagrande e S. Vecchio, Ed. SISMEL, Firenze 1999 (Millennio medievale, 15).
Core compulsory activities
20703349 -
knowledge of late ancient and medieval artistic production in the Mediterranean, the themes and stylistic trends of iconographic monuments both pagan and Christian; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist interlocutors and non-specialists
Core compulsory activities
20710169 -
Movements and trends in contemporary Islam
After a historical and methodological introduction, the course aims to present the most important themes and trends of the Islamic debate from the late nineteenth century to today. Among the topics addressed in the course will be: Islam and modernity; the reformism of Salafiyya; Islam and nationalism; the 'fundamentalist' current and its declinations; the feminine and feminist thought.
Derived from
20710169 Movimenti e tendenze dell'Islam contemporaneo in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GERVASIO GENNARO
( syllabus)
After a short historical and methodological introduction, students will be introduced to the most relevant themes and trends of the Islamic debate from the end of the 19th century until today. Topics covered include: Islam and modernity; the Reformist Movement (salafiyya); Islam and Nationalism; Political Islam in its declinations; Islamic Feminism. Part of the course will be dedicated to the Orientalist Representations and Distorsions of Contemporary Islam and Muslims. Eventually, students will be invited to read primary texts, among those available, according to their languages knowledge.
( reference books)
C. Texts:
1. M. Campanini, Il pensiero islamico contemporaneo, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2016. 2. P. Caridi, Hamas. Dalla resistenza al regime. Nuova edizione, Milano: Feltrinelli, 2023. 3. One of the following (see teaching mode) :
- Sayyid Qutb, La battaglia tra Islam e capitalismo, Venezia: Marcianum Press, 2016; - Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, disponibile a - Sadik al-Azm, La tragedia del diavolo. Fede, ragione e potere nel mondo arabo, Roma: LUISS Press, 2016, - Ruhollah Khomeyni, Il governo islamico, Il cerchio, 2006. - Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Islam e storia, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri - Tariq Ramadan, Islam e libertà , Torino: Einaudi, 2008 - T. Ramadan, Essere musulmano europeo, Troina (EN): Città Aperta, 2002 - T. Ramadan, Il riformismo islamico. Un secolo di rinnovamento musulmano, Troina (EN): Città Aperta, 2004. - T. Ramadan, Islam and the Arab Awakening, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. - Hasan Hanafi, La teologia islamica della liberazione, Milano: Jaca Book, 2018. - Abdou Filali-Ansary, Reformer l'Islam, Paris: La Découverte, 2004 - Mehran Kamrava (ed), The New Voices of Islam, London: IB Tauris, 2006, - Mohammed ‘Abid El-Jabri, La ragione araba, Milano: Feltrinelli, 1995, - Fatema Mernissi, Islam e democrazia, Firenze: Giunti, 2002 - F. Mernissi, L’harem e l’Occidente, Firenze: Giunti, 2006 - F. Mernissi, Le donne del profeta. La condizione femminile nell'Islam, Genova: ECIG, 1992. - Amina Wadud, Il Corano e la donna. Rileggere il testo sacro da una prospettiva di genere, Cantalupa (TO): Effata’, 2012 - Amina Wadud, Inside the Gender Jihad. Women’s Reform In Islam, Oxford: Oneworld, 2006. - ‘Ali ‘Abd el-Raziq, Islam and the Foundations of Political Power, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2012 (1925). Disponibile a: - Muhammad ‘Abduh, Trattato sull’unicità divina, Bologna: il ponte, 2003. - Asef Bayat, Making Islam Democratic, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2007 - Khaled Abou El-Fadl, Islam and the Challenge of Democracy, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2004 - Khaled Abou El-Fadl, The Great Theft, NY: Harper, 2007 - Farid Esack, Qur’an: Liberation and Pluralism, Oxford: Oneworld, 1996; - Mohammad A. Lahbabi, Il personalismo musulmano, Milano: Jaca Book, 2017. - Hamid Dabashi, Islamic Liberation Theology: Resisting the Empire, London & NY: Rouledge, 2008. - Jawdat Said, Vie islamiche alla nonviolenza, Zikkaron, 2017
Students can propose books not included above.
IMPORTANT: Students without prior knowledge of Islam, MUST read also:
- L. Declich, L’Islam in 20 parole, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2016; - P. G. Donini, Il mondo islamico. Breve storia dal ‘500 ad oggi, Roma-Bari: Laterza, ultima edizione.
or an an introductory textbook to Islam to choose among:
A. Bausani, Islam, Rizzoli, ultima edizione;
- G. Filoramo (a cura di), Islam, Laterza, ultima edizione.
- Carole Hillenbrand, Islam. Una nuova introduzione storica, Torino: Einaudi, 2016.
Core compulsory activities
20710159 -
Knowledge of the history of medieval art and Byzantine art history (IV-XIV centuries), of specific themes and problems of the discipline; ability to analyze and read works of art and their context; ability to analyze sources, written and graphic; acquisition of methodological skills that allow independent study and direct research; ability to apply the acquired knowledge in order to develop and present logical and coherent arguments; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialists and non-specialists.
20710349 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of knowledge of Greek literature, considered in its historical development, in its articulation in literary genres, against the background of economic and political evolution as well as in relation to the progressive transformations of the communication system; furthermore, through the study and translation of a short text or a limited anthological selection of various texts in the original language, students will be able to acquire hermeneutical skills, especially from a linguistic point of view, but also fundamental historical-literary notions. The course aims to provide basic knowledge and historical-literary skills in the field of Greek language and literature by addressing the literary history from the Archaic to the Hellenistic age and laying the foundations for the critical study of authors and works with particular attention to the linguistic and exegetical dimension. The course prepares students to apply the knowledge acquired competently and to express it clearly and correctly, also in view of any subsequent studies.
Derived from
20710349 LETTERATURA GRECA I LM in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 GIUSEPPETTI MASSIMO
( syllabus)
The course “Greek Literature I LM” (“Materials for a cognitive criticism of literary texts in ancient Greece”) is intended for students who wish to combine deepening their knowledge of Ancient Greek with acquiring valid critical tools for interpreting literary texts. The course includes: (A) a series of lectures aimed at illustrating the assumptions and methods of a cognitive-based literary criticism calibrated on the forms of ancient Greek literature; (B) reading, translation, and commentary in class on a selection of texts (both in poetry and prose). Part of the texts to be worked on in class will be assigned to students so that they can be the subject of personal elaboration and presentation in class. Attendance at the course is optional. Attending students must ensure attendance at at least two-thirds of the classes (24 out of 36 hours). For attending students, a reduction of the program is provided (see section C in Bibliography).
( reference books)
(A) An essential bibliography will be indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the course; it is strongly recommended to study T. Cave, Thinking with Literature: Towards a Cognitive Criticism (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2016); (B) The selection of texts to be examined in the course will be distributed by the teacher through e-learning channels (Teams); (C) M. Fantuzzi - R. L. Hunter, Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry (CUP: Cambridge 2004). Attending students are not required to prepare on this volume.
Core compulsory activities
20710595 -
The Course of Christian Archeology 2 intends to study with greater care and detail some of the aspects connected with the areas of investigation of the discipline. In particular, by refining the bibliographic elements already discussed and acquired during the three-year module, the student will be called to deal with specific monumental realities, mostly with a cultic and funerary vocation, analyzing in detail both their relationship with the context, as well as the their intrinsic and main characteristics
Core compulsory activities
20710442 -
basic knowledge and understanding of the history of medieval art in its chronological development (IV-XIV centuries); ability to read the work of art; ability to communicate information and ideas orally
Core compulsory activities
20702454 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of advanced knowledge and the refinement of the skills previously acquired in the field of Greek literature. Through the study and translation of a text or a selection of different texts in the original language according to a path of research and investigation proposed on the same from various points of view (historical, literary, philological and performative or dramaturgical), also through laboratory or seminar experiences, the student will be able to acquire a wide-ranging critical and philological methodological competence that allows him to face the exegesis of
20702454-1 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of advanced knowledge and the refinement of the skills previously acquired in the field of Greek literature. Through the study and translation of a text or a selection of different texts in the original language according to a path of research and investigation proposed on the same from various points of view (historical, literary, philological and performative or dramaturgical), also through laboratory or seminar experiences, the student will be able to acquire a wide-ranging critical and philological methodological competence that allows him to face the exegesis of
Core compulsory activities
20702454-2 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of advanced knowledge and the refinement of the skills previously acquired in the field of Greek literature. Through the study and translation of a text or a selection of different texts in the original language according to a path of research and investigation proposed on the same from various points of view (historical, literary, philological and performative or dramaturgical), also through laboratory or seminar experiences, the student will be able to acquire a wide-ranging critical and philological methodological competence that allows him to face the exegesis of
Core compulsory activities
20710436 -
The course aims to provide in-depth knowledge of the various dimensions in which the teaching of the ancient Greek language and civilization takes place. The student, who will already have a previous knowledge of the Greek language, will be led to acquire mastery in the field of theories, concepts and methods of current teaching practices. Based on the analysis of a selection of texts, the student will also be led to the concrete elaboration of a historical-literary path that can be used according to different educational strategies.
Derived from
20710436 DIDATTICA DEL GRECO L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 GIUSEPPETTI MASSIMO
( syllabus)
The course aims to provide essential tools for critically and consciously addressing the contents and the challenges posed by the teaching of Ancient Greek in secondary schools today. The lessons will follow two main thematic strands: (A) The regulatory framework governing the teaching of Greek language and literature in secondary schools; (B) Methodologies and tools, especially digital ones, useful for developing educational pathways (for themes, literary genres, and historical-cultural contexts); in this context, the reference texts will be Plato's Protagoras and Phaedrus. Attendance at the course is optional. Attending students must ensure attendance at at least two-thirds of the classes (24 out of 36 hours). For attending students, a reduction of the program is provided (see section C in Bibliography).
( reference books)
For sections A and B, the bibliographic material will be provided to students by the teacher at the beginning of the lessons; (C) a choice of one volume among: F. Carta Piras, Didattica della lingua e della letteratura greca. Materiali per la didattica del greco e per la funzione docente (Sandhi: Ortacesus 2011); L. Canfora – U. Cardinale (eds.), Disegnare il futuro con intelligenza antica. L’insegnamento del latino e del greco antico in Italia e nel mondo (Il Mulino: Bologna 2012); R. Oniga – U. Cardinale (eds.), Lingue antiche e moderne dai licei alle università (Il Mulino: Bologna 2012). Attending students are not required to prepare this part of the bibliography
Core compulsory activities
20702455 -
The student will acquire advanced knowledge through: 1) the philological commentary of selected passages; 2) the analysis of the same steps following different paths - linguistic, historical-literary, anthropological -from time to time on the 'permanence' of gender in specific areas of our culture (students will be active in this part of the course, which is configured as a research laboratory); 3) the commentary on passages by great authors of Latin literature in the light of the critical-exegetical writings of eminent contemporary philologists.
20702455-1 -
The student will acquire advanced knowledge through: 1) the philological commentary of selected passages; 2) the analysis of the same steps following different paths - linguistic, historical-literary, anthropological -from time to time on the 'permanence' of gender in specific areas of our culture (students will be active in this part of the course, which is configured as a research laboratory); 3) the commentary on passages by great authors of Latin literature in the light of the critical-exegetical writings of eminent contemporary philologists.
Core compulsory activities
20702455-2 -
The student will acquire advanced knowledge through: 1) the philological commentary of selected passages; 2) the analysis of the same steps following different paths - linguistic, historical-literary, anthropological -from time to time on the 'permanence' of gender in specific areas of our culture (students will be active in this part of the course, which is configured as a research laboratory); 3) the commentary on passages by great authors of Latin literature in the light of the critical-exegetical writings of eminent contemporary philologists.
Core compulsory activities
20702461 -
The student will acquire notions on some aspects of phonetics, morphology and historical syntax, to arrive at an easier understanding of the structures and dynamics of the Latin language, also with regard to a better knowledge of Italian. Through the knowledge, albeit essential, of historical phonetics, the student will also acquire those notions of prosody, which constitute a necessary basis for the reading of prose texts and also for the study of Latin metrics.
Core compulsory activities
20702450 -
The student will acquire advanced knowledge through: 1) the philological commentary of selected passages; 2) the analysis of the same steps following different paths - linguistic, historical-literary, anthropological -from time to time on the 'permanence' of gender in specific areas of our culture (students will be active in this part of the course, which is configured as a research laboratory); 3) the commentary on passages by great authors of Latin literature in the light of the critical-exegetical writings of eminent contemporary philologists.
Derived from
20702450 FILOLOGIA LATINA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 DE NONNO MARIO
( syllabus)
- Outlines of the manuscript transmission and principles of textual criticism of Latin literary texts.
- "Cruel Venus”: Seneca's "Phaedra". The course will offer a presentation of the literary context of Latin tragedy, and will proceed to philological reading, interpretation and commentary of the entire text of the senecan drama, paying particular attention to aspects of manuscript tradition and ecdotics, as well as poetic form (relationship with the models , with particular attention to Euripides' "Hippolytus", metre, style).
( reference books)
- - P. Chiesa, La trasmissione dei testi latini. Storia e metodo critico, Roma (Carocci); - M. De Nonno, Transmission and Textual Criticism, in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Studies, edd. A. Barchiesi & W. Scheidel, Oxford University Press, pp. 31-48 [photocopies of this work will be made available on line ] - P. Maas, La critica del testo. Traduzione a cura di G. Ziffer, Roma (Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura).
- Seneca, Fedra, introduzione, traduzione e commento a cura di A. Casamento, ed. Carocci
Core compulsory activities
20710439 -
he aim of the course is to promote the acquisition of historical and historical-cultural notions and of the methodological tools that allow students of the master's degree to draw on the heritage of Byzantine civilization and to deal with the different aspects of the millennium of Byzantium, which extends between late antiquity and the end of what in the West is called medieval, and of the historical and ideological afterlife of the Byzantine state in the political thought of the modern and contemporary age.
( syllabus)
1453: The 55 Days that Changed the World (“Ci sono luoghi in cui la storia è inevitabile come un incidente automobilistico — luoghi in cui la geografia provoca la storia. Uno è Istanbul, alias Costantinopoli, alias Bisanzio”. Iosif Brodskij) Byzantine History and Civilisation LM module, which primarily targets Art History; Archaeology; Religions, Cultures, History; History and Society; Philology, Literatures and History of Antiquity students, examines the fall of Constantinople by the Ottoman Turks on 29 May 1453, following fifty-five days of siege led by the young and ambitious Sultan Mehmet II Fatih. A topographical survey of the Byzantine capital will be provided in the course: Using maps, a faithful reconstruction of the city on the eve of its fall will be presented, highlighting the defensive structures, including the great Theodosian walls, the sea walls around the Sea of Marmara and the Golden Horn, and the walls surrounding the imperial palace of the Blacherne.; finally, the harbour, which was barred to enemy ships in the event of an attack by stretching a long chain from Constantinople to Pera/Galata in front). After that, the course will clearly reconstruct the various phases of the siege and the final battle, illustrating the findings of the research conducted by the chair of Byzantinistics at Roma Tre and corroborated by articles published and presentations given in national and international scientific contexts. These findings contradict the widely held view that the victory of the Turks was inevitable, due to superior numerical strength and armament, or even due to the "will to fall" (Braudel) of an exhausted Byzantium on a political level. For the conclusion of the course, students will have the opportunity to attend an educational trip to the Peloponnese, in particular to the archaeological site of Mystras (Unesco heritage site since 1989), organized in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institute of Athens and the Ephorate of Antiquities of Lakonia. The main purpose of the event will be to present on site to the participants various elements illustrated during the course of the lectures.
( reference books)
MANDATORY TEXTS - S. Ronchey, Lo Stato bizantino, Torino, Einaudi, 2002 - A. Pertusi (a c. di), La caduta di Costantinopoli, 2 voll., Fondazione Lorenzo Valla / Mondadori, Milano 1976
Core compulsory activities
20703159 -
The student through the reading of one or more authors will deepen the knowledge of Greek literature and the socio-cultural phenomena that condition the formation, dynamism, transformation and continuity of his literary genres.
Derived from
20703159 LETTERATURA GRECA II L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 COZZOLI ADELE TERESA
( syllabus)
The bucolic epos. The Theocritus’ bucolic Idylls M. M:.Palumbo con note di L. Bettarini, Teocrito. Idilli e Epigrammi, Milano 2021, BUR. Adele Teresa Cozzoli, Poeta e Filologo. Studi di poesia ellenistica, Roma 2012 (Herder edizioni) G. Serrao, La poesia bucolica: realtà campeste e stilizzazione letteraria in L. Moretti, G. Serrao, M. Torelli, L. Franchi dell’Orto, Storia e Civiltà dei Greci, La Cultura ellenistica, 9, Bompiani, Milano 2000, pp. 180-199 Per la metrica si consiglia: B. Gentili-L. Lomiento, Metrica e ritmica. Storie delle forme poetiche nella Grecia antica, Mondadori Università 2003, 3-95; Maria Chiara Martinelli, Gli Strumenti del Poeta, Cappelli editore 1995
( reference books)
M. M: Palumbo con note di L. Bettarini, Teocrito. Idilli e Epigrammi, Milano 2021, BUR. Adele Teresa Cozzoli, Poeta e Filologo. Studi di poesia ellenistica, Roma 2012 (Herder edizioni) G. Serrao, La poesia bucolica: realtà campeste e stilizzazione letteraria in L. Moretti, G. Serrao, M. Torelli, L. Franchi dell’Orto, Storia e Civiltà dei Greci, La Cultura ellenistica, 9, Bompiani, Milano 2000, pp. 180-199 Per la metrica si consiglia: B. Gentili-L. Lomiento, Metrica e ritmica. Storie delle forme poetiche nella Grecia antica, Mondadori Università 2003, 3-95; Maria Chiara Martinelli, Gli Strumenti del Poeta, Cappelli editore 1995
Core compulsory activities
20703625 -
The student, through monographic paths on one or more traditions, conducted starting from the direct examination of manuscript and printed witnesses, will acquire advanced philological tools and active skills to address the main ecdotic problems, exegetical and interpretive texts of Italian literature. Through the analysis of various types of autograph work materials (sketches, zibaldoni, annotated books, etc.), you will develop additional skills aimed at the study of the genesis of texts and will have the opportunity to refine the methodology of approach to sources.
Derived from
( syllabus)
THE FIGURE AND WORKS OF DANTE BETWEEN BOCCACCIO AND PETRARCH The course aims to focus on the reception of Dante’s figure and works in Boccaccio and Petrarch, a crucial issue that also deeply involves the cultural projects of the two writers. Great space will be devoted to the ‘Trattatello in laude di Dante’ on the Boccaccio side, to the ‘Familiare’ XXI 15 and the ‘Senile’ V 2 on the Petrarchan side. Particular attention will be paid to the Dante manuscripts in the libraries of Boccaccio and Petrarch and to the takes on the ‘Comedy’ in their great vernacular masterpieces, ‘Decameron’ and ‘Canzoniere’. Other texts, as "Carmina' and 'Esposizioni sopra la Commedia' by Boccaccio, 'Rerum memorandarum libri and 'Triumphi' by Petrarch, will be taken in account.
( reference books)
- * G. BOCCACCIO, Trattatello in laude di Dante, in Le vite di Dante tra XIV e XVI secolo, a cura di M. BERTÉ e M. FIORILLA, Iconografia dantesca, a cura di S. CHIODO e I. VALENTE, Roma, Salerno Editrice 2017, pp. 11-154: scelta di passi che saranno letti e commentati durante le lezioni. - * F. PETRARCA, Fam., XXI 15, in ID., Prose, a cura di G. Martellotti, P.G. Ricci, E. Carrara, E. Bianchi, Milano, Napoli, Ricciardi, 1955, pp. 1002-1014. - * F. PETRARCA, Sen. V 2, in ID., Res seniles (LIbri V-VIII), a cura di S. RIZZO con la collaborazione di M. BERTE', Firenze, Le Lettere, 2009, pp. 31-51.
- * M. ARIANI, «Quid incognitum»: Petrarca versus Dante?, in «L’Ellisse», XVII/1-2, 2022, pp. 9-1, pp. 77-91. -* L. AZZETTA, Il culto di Dante, in Boccaccio, a cura di M. FIORILLA e I. IOCCA, Roma Carocci, 2021, pp. 313-333. - * M. BERTE', I marginalia petrarcheschi alla 'Commedia', in «RIvista di Studi Danteschi» , XXIII/1, 2032, pp. 102-141. - * S. FINAZZI, Boccaccio riflette sul latino di Dante: 'Par.' XV 28-30, in Il Dante di Boccaccio, Atti del Convegno (Certaldo Alta, 9-10 dicembre 2021), a cura di N. TONELLI, Firenze, Olschki, 2024, pp. - * M. FIORILLA, Tracce petrarchesche nella biografia dantesca di Giovanni Boccaccio, in «L’Ellisse», XII/1, 2017, pp. 41-60. - *M. FIORILLA, Carlo Martello tra storia e geografia: un possibile dialogo con Petrarca, in ID., Lettura del canto VIII del ‘Paradiso’, in «Filologia e critica», a. XLIX, 2019, pp. 18-24. - * M. FIORILLA, Giovanni Boccaccio biografo e copista di Dante: un grande progetto culturale, in «Onorevole e antico cittadino di Firenze». Il Bargello per Dante, a cura di L. AZZETTA, S. CHIODO, T. DE ROBERTIS, Firenze, Mandragora, 2021, pp. 300-303. - * M. FIORILLA, La figura e le opere di Dante nel progetto intellettuale di Giovanni Boccaccio, in «L’Ellisse», XVII/1-2, 2022, pp. 17-30 - * M. SANTAGATA, Presenze di Dante "comico” nel 'Canzoniere' del Petrarca, in «Giornale storico della letteratura italiana», CXLVI, 1969, 163-211;
Texts and Articles (marked by an asterisk) will be included in the Dispense del corso (course materials assembled by the lecturer), together with a selection of passages from 'Commedia', 'Decameron' and 'Canzoniere'. Passages of the works by Boccacccio and Petrarca examinated, an anthology of sources, copies of manuscripts will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE and TEAMS).
Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly. Students unable to attend are required to contact the lecturer.
Core compulsory activities
20709152 -
The course aims to provide highly specialized knowledge on the main historical-artistic phenomena in Rome in the modern age, addressed under the different aspects of the framework in their historical context, the historical-historical traditionartistic, industry historiography and attribution. The student must be able, at the end of the course, to clearly and competently explain the contents learned through lectures, reading the bibliography and visits to monuments, demonstrating to be able to relate the various historical phenomena-present in Rome in the modern age, with autonomy of judgment and critical awareness.
Core compulsory activities
20709782 -
The course, dedicated to students of the Master’s Degree, is aimed at implementing the knowledge and critical understanding of art and figurative culture in Italy and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This is a period beaten by the studies of the last century only from about the twenties. The course aims to provide the critical and historiographical tools to address this segment of art history. It also aims to provide knowledge about artists and works performed in this period through a history of figurative production in the main Italian centers, studied both from the point of view of patronage and patronage, both, no less important, stylistically and formally speaking. One of the main objectives of the course is in fact the acquisition by students of the ability of stylistic analysis and consequently the ability to attribute the works performed in these two centuries.
Core compulsory activities
20711211 -
Storia dell'Ebraismo LM
The texts of the Hebrew Bible want to trace a path in the memory of a people and of the world that lives: recent research indicates the creation of this "history" as a point of arrival and not of departure of the ancient Jewish literary tradition; different literary genres and different currents of thought contributed to this creative process. In the course we will start from the relationship between biblical narrative and history of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah (as can be reconstructed from sources and archaeology) to touch on other essential issues in the study of the scriptures: the canonical text in the light of the parallel traditions, the myth in the Bible and what functions it performs, the comparison with the historiographical traditions of the Mediterranean civilizations, both oriental and classical.
( syllabus)
Moses the Egyptian. Texts and images of a myth.
This course aims to explore the narrative traditions about Moses against the background of Egyptian history and culture as perceived in antiquity and as revealed by modern research.
( reference books)
Notes and texts distributed during lessons.
Core compulsory activities
20710170 -
The course will address the evolution of Islamic political doctrine, with a focus on contemporary phenomena such as jihadism, Salafism, political Islam, post-Islamism, and the relationship between opposing Islamic parties and government in a wide range of contexts. These themes will be analyzed looking at how local contexts, analyzed through a historical lens, intersect with transregional phenomena, triggered by new media and migration
Derived from
20710170 History and politics of the Middle East and North Africa in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GERVASIO GENNARO
( syllabus)
The course examines the historical and political trajectory of the Middle East and North Africa from the Colonial Era until today. The students will be introduced to the debate on Orientalism, its role in the colonial era, and its relevance until today. A particular focus will be on the post-colonial era. Among the topics covered there will be: State formation, the role of ideologies (both secular and religious) in the shaping of the region, the intra-regional and international relations of the Region and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Students are expected to actively participate to the course. All the available teaching materials, the announcements and all that is related to this course will be posted on the course webpage (
( reference books)
R. Owen, State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, Routledge: London & New York: 2004. J. Chalcraft, “The Arab Uprisings of 2011 in Historical Perspective” in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History, 2016 (available as a pdf file on the course website). G. Achcar, “The Seasons after the Arab Spring”, Le Monde Diplomatique, June 2019 (available as a pdf file on the course website). A. Shatz, "Israel's Descent", London Review of Books, June 2024, as a pdf file on the course website)
One of the following:
G. Achcar, The People Want. A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, London: Saqi, 2013. G. Achcar, Morbid Symptoms. Relapse in the Arab Uprisings, London: Saqi, 2016. L. Anceschi, G. Gervasio & A. Teti (eds), Informal Power in the Greater Middle East. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge, 2014 & 2016. M. Aouragh & H. Hamouchene (eds), The Arab Uprisings. A Decade of Struggles, TNI & RLS, 2021, available online at: The Arab uprisings: A decade of struggles - Longreads A. Bayat, Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2017. A. Bayat, Revolutionary Life. The Everyday of the Arab Spring, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2021 F. Cavatorta & L. Storm (eds), Political Parties in the Arab World: Continuity and Change, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. S. Cook, False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017. Corrao FM - Redaelli R (eds), States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean. Perspectives on the New Centrality in a Changing Region, PalgraveMacMillan, 2021. F. A. Gerges, ISIS: A History, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2017. Sune Haugbolle and Mark LeVine (eds.), Altered States: The Remaking of the Political in the Arab World, London, Routledge, 2022. Marc Owen Jones, Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Deception, Disinformation and Social Media, Hurst/Oxford University Press, 2022. A. Khalil (ed), Gender, Women and the Arab Spring, London & NY: Routledge, 2015. H. Kraetzschmar & P. Rivetti (eds), Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. Mark LeVine, We'll Play till We Die: Journeys across a Decade of Revolutionary Music in the Muslim World, University of California Press, 2022. Shamiran Mako and Valentine M. Moghadam, After the Arab Uprisings: Progress and Stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. R. Owen, The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2014. J. Saab (ed.), A region in revolt: Mapping the recent uprisings in North Africa and West Asia, Ottawa: Daraja Press, 2020. R. Stephan and Mounira M. Charrad (eds), Women Rising: In and Beyond the Arab Spring: New York, New York University Press, 2020. I. Szmolka (ed.), Political Change in the Middle East and North Africa: After the Arab Spring, Edinburgh, Edinburgh UP, 2017. Ch. Tripp, The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013.
IMPORTANT! Students without any prior knowledge of the History of the MENA, must read one of the following textbooks:
W. Cleveland & M. Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, Boulder: Westview Press, 2016, Betty Anderson, A History of the Modern Middle East, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2016.
Core compulsory activities
20711184 -
he teaching of Lingua 1 (non-European language) is part of the basic training activities of the "Languages of study and cultures of the respective countries" of the degree course in Languages and Linguistic-Cultural Mediation, specifically the activities aimed at providing effective operational skills at the pre-established levels for the non-European language, as well as theoretical knowledge on the main characteristics of the foreign language. The course aims to provide: Acquisition of skills equivalent to level A2 for all abilities - v. European Reference Framework 2018 ( through reception, production, interaction and written and oral mediation activities and related strategies. Introduction to metalinguistic reflection also in a comparative key: structural and typological, sociolinguistic aspects, elements of the history of the language. Introduction to the knowledge and use of some lexicographic resources. Application of acquired knowledge to short texts. Expected learning outcomes: students will be able to use the non-European language at a level equivalent to level A2 of the CEFR, will be able to use the relative communication strategies; will be able to carry out metalinguistic reflection activities in a comparative key; they will know and begin to use, at a basic level, some lexicographic resources; they will begin to apply the acquired knowledge to the analysis of short texts in the language.
Derived from
20711184 LINGUA CINESE 1 LM in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 LOMBARDI ROSA
( syllabus)
Translation Course Translation Module Acquisition of theoretical tools and the ability to apply appropriate translation strategies depending on the type of text and the problems involved. Development of linguistic reflection and translation strategies by practising reading, analysing and translating different types of texts.
( reference books)
Bruno Osimo, Propedeutica della traduzione, Hoepli, 2002 -Bruno Osimo, Manuale del Traduttore, Hoepli, 2004 - Reading texts uploaded on Teams
Recommended texts: Franca Cavagnoli, La voce del testo, Feltrinelli, 2012 Silvia Pozzi, Il carattere e la lettera, Hoepli, 2022
Core compulsory activities
20711182 -
he teaching of non-European languages 1 LM falls within the scope of the educational activities characterizing the Master's Degree Course in Modern Languages for International Communication and, specifically, among the transversal and foundational activities aimed at deepening knowledge and skills in the linguistic and within the cultural and textual heritage of the study languages. The course aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the specific knowledge and methodological and analytical skills of the specific sector, with the consolidation of those already acquired during the three-year study cycle. Based on the proficiency levels envisaged for entry and in view of reaching a level equivalent to B2+ for all proficiencies envisaged at the end of the second year, the course is aimed at consolidating and strengthening entry levels and deepening of linguistic, sociolinguistic, metalinguistic and pragmatic skills in the language being studied in contexts of international communication. In particular, the following will be explored: a) ability to analyze written (literary and cultural), oral and multimedia genres and text types; b) knowledge and understanding of the theoretical and applied aspects of mediation and translation processes; b.1) analysis, translation and production of short texts belonging to various textual genres and produced in various sectoral fields (laboratory); c) application of the acquired knowledge to different text types; d) mediation skills (oral and written) in multilingual and multicultural contexts of interaction; e) knowledge and use of IT tools for corpus analysis (written, spoken and multimedia texts); f) ability to plan short research courses on the language(s) of study; f.1) research analysis and use of IT tools (eg corpora software) related to the language of study (laboratory). Expected learning outcomes: students will have linguistic, sociolinguistic, metalinguistic and pragmatic skills in the target language in international communication contexts; they will be able to interact in the language even in specialized fields, to analyze written, oral and multimedia textual genres and typologies, to understand the processes of mediation and translation; they will have mediation skills in multilingual and multicultural contexts of interaction, to plan short research courses on the language of study; they will know the IT tools for analyzing corpora.
Derived from
20711182 LINGUA ARABA 1 LM in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 LANCIONI GIULIANO
( syllabus)
The course focuses on Arabic computational lexicography.
The main subjects of the course are:
- general corpus building issues; - linguistic specific features of Arabic lexicography; - socio-linguistic levels of the Arabic language; - variation management in Arabic lexicography; - are unified or mixed dictionaries possible? - systems for the electronic coding of Arabic dictionaries.
( reference books)
Baalbaki, Ramzi. The Arabic lexicographical tradition: from the 2nd/8th to the 12th/18th century. Handbook of Oriental studies. Section 1, the Near and Middle East, volume 107. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2014.
Lancioni, Giuliano. «Sull’ordinamento dei dizionari arabi classici». In In memoria di Francesco Gabrieli, suppl. no. 2 to Rivista degli Studi Orientali 71, 113–27. Roma: Bardi, 1997.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702439 -
The student will deepen their study and research experience by addressing a specific subject of the subject.
Derived from
20702439 STORIA ROMANA L.M. in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 ANGIUS ANDREA
( syllabus)
During the course we will focus on the most significant developments involving the civilization that flourished in the area now occupied by the city of Rome from the 8th century BCE onward. In particular, the course aims to examine the main aspects concerning its cultural and socioeconomic history, cross-referencing the evidence preserved through the historical-antiquarian tradition with archaeological data: under the lens will be in particular the dynamics of conflict, exchanges with other communities, the formation of the Roman community and its institutions, the role of religion. The reconstruction of the earliest history of Roman civilization poses numerous problems in terms of methodology and interpretation of the sources, which over the centuries have fueled very heated debates that are still alive today: the main discussions and the different positions that have emerged within them will be the subject of specific examination, in order to introduce students to the dynamics of scientific confrontation in the field of antiquarian historiography
Core compulsory activities
20703019 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
War, Violence and Society: Narratives of the American Civil War and Constructions of National Identity
The course aims to show how cinema can be a source for historical knowledge, a tool for narrating the past and an agent of history. It is a source for historical knowledge of the present in which the film was filmed and processed: it provides us with information about the ideas and values of the society that produced it.
From the origins, cinema has been inspired by historical contents and events for its productions. The audience has always shown keen curiosity and interest in historical events narrated on screen. The course aims to show how cinema can be: a source for historical knowledge, an instrument to tell the past and an agent of history. Cinema is a source for the historical knowledge of the present in which the film has been shot and processed: it provides us with information on ideas and values of the producing society. On the other hand, when we talk about cinema as an instrument to narrate the past, we refer to the public use of history, a field in which historians have to compete with other professional figures.
Finally, cinema can be considered an agent of history when studying its capability to influence and construct behaviours, trends, passions and identities. Understanding the various languages and representations can be an essential tool for historians working in the field of cultural and social history interested in the transmission of values, ideas and representations of the historical past of different eras.
The course focuses on the film and television portrayal of ‘War, Violence and Society’, contextualising it in the period of the American Civil War (1861-1865)' and exploring aspects of the different identity narratives related to the warring parties and the overcoming of the war in a newly reunified national scene.
To this end, the following films and products for television will be analysed; students will have to see and analyse 10 of the following films.
The teaching is organised in seminars, the students will work in teams by deepening topics, readings and ideas related to the films indicated and to a bibliography agreed with the teacher.
• Victor Fleming, Gone with the Wind, 1939 • John Ford, The Horse Soldiers, 1959 • Edward Zwick, Glory, 1989 • Sergio Leone, Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo, 1966 • Steven Spielberg, Lincoln, 2012 • Clint Eastwood, The Outlaw Josey Wales, 1976 • Martin Scorsese, The gangs of New York, 2002 • Anthony Minghella, Cold Mountain, 2003 • Quentin Tarantino, The Hateful Eight, 2015 • Gary Ross, Free State of Jones, 2016 • Sofia Coppola, The Beguiled, 2017 • Antoine Fuqua, Emancipation, 2022 • John Amiel, Sommersby, 1993 • Kevin Costner, Dances with Wolves, 1990 • D. W. Griffith, The Birth of a Nation, 1915
( reference books)
Readings for the exam:
A) Both the books:
• Cortini L. (a cura di), Le fonti audiovisive per la storia e la didattica, Effigi, Arcidosso, 2014, pp. 39-60; 97-118 • A. Scurati, Guerra. Narrazioni e culture nella tradizione occidentale, Donzelli, Roma 2003.
B) One book of your choice between:
• Iaccio P., Cinema e storia. Percorsi, immagini, testimonianze, Liguori, Napoli 2000 • Miro Gori G. (a cura di), La storia al cinema. Ricostruzione del passato e interpretazione del presente, Bulzoni, Roma, 1994 • Ortoleva P., Cinema e storia. Scene dal passato, Loescher, Torino, 1991 • Sorlin P., I figli di Nadar, Einaudi, Torino, 2000 • Munslow A., Narrative and History, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, 2007
For historical contextualization, it is recommended reading one of the following texts (available at public libraries), to which can be added other texts chosen by the student: • Leander Stillwell, La Guerra Civile americana nelle memorie di un soldato comune, Liberty Bell, 2017 • Luraghi R., La guerra civile americana. Le ragioni e i protagonisti del primo conflitto industriale, Milano, BUR, 2013 • Levine B., La guerra civile americana. Una nuova storia, Torino, Einaudi, 2023 • Foner E., Storia degli Stati Uniti d'America. La «libertà americana» dalle origini a oggi, Roma, Donzelli, 2017 • Hobsbawm E. J., Nazioni e nazionalismi. Programma, mito, realtà, Torino, Einaudi, 2002 • Bhabha H. K., (a cura di), Nazione e narrazione, Milano, Meltemi, 2020 • Renan E., Che cos'è una nazione?, Roma, Donzelli, 2004 • Balibar E., Wallerstein I., Razza, nazione, classe. Le identità ambigue, Trieste, Asterios, 2020 • Anderson B., Comunità immaginate. Origini e diffusione dei nazionalismi, Roma-Bari, Laterza 2018 • Chabod F., L’idea di nazione, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2021 • Rosso S. (a cura di), Le frontiere del far west. Forme di rappresentazione del grande mito americano, Milano, Shake edizioni, 2008 • Cartosio B., Verso Ovest. Storia e mitologia del Far West, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2020
Non-attending students must agree a program with the teacher by sending an email to:
Core compulsory activities
20707004 -
The course analyzes how public communication works, providing the analytical categories necessary to analyze the ways in which public discourse is formed.
Core compulsory activities
20710344 -
The teaching of Philosophy of Religions is part of the related and supplementary educational activities of the Cds in Philosophical Sciences. The course aims to enable the student to acquire: 1) advanced critical thinking skills and philosophical contextualization; 2) advanced language skills and argumentative skills in relation to the topics covered in the course; 3) ability to read and analyze sources and critical debate in depth.
Core compulsory activities
20704249 -
At the end of the course the student will have: - knowledge of the main theoretical questions in the philosophy of history and in the ethical and political areas; - knowledge of some reference texts within the philosophy of history and the main debates associated with them; - knowledge and understanding of interdisciplinary issues related to the relationship between philosophy and history. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding The student acquires: - ability to focus on theoretical issues and develop arguments in the analysis of problems related to the philosophy of history and related issues of ethics and philosophy of the politics.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course will present and discuss some fundamental questions of contemporary moral philosophy. The course is divided into four parts, respectively focusing on themes in (1) moral psychology (investigating how people make moral decisions and judgments); (2) ethics (investigating what ought to be done from a moral point of view); applied ethics (investigating how general moral principles ought to be applied to specific areas of practical life); (4) metaethics (investigating the nature and meaning of moral belies and values). Among the themes that will be discussed: free will and moral responsibility, moral luck, objectivism and relativism of morals, normativity, end of life issues. The goal of the course is that students learn to easily navigate the contemporary debate in moral philosophy, gaining an in-depth knowledge of some of its most important topics and methods.
( reference books)
Written exam, please check "Moodle-Annunci" for info and get in touch with the instructor in case of doubts FOR STUDENTS WHO ATTEND THE COURSE, THE PROGRAM INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING TEXTS: 1. J. Wolff (2020), An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, W. W. Norton & Company (only the parts indicated by the instructor) 2. H. Frankfurt (1969), "Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 66, No. 23 (Dec. 4, 1969), pp. 829-839 3. T. Nagel (1979), "Moral luck", available in Nagel, Thomas, 1979, Mortal Questions, New York: Cambridge University Press 4. P. Foot, "The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of the Double Effect" in Virtues and Vices (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978) (originally appeared in the Oxford Review, Number 5, 1967.)
Written exam, please check "Moodle-Annunci" for info and get in touch with the instructor in case of doubts FOR STUDENTS WHO DO NOT ATTEND THE COURSE, THE PROGRAM INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING TEXTS: 1. J. Wolff (2020), An Introduction to Moral Philosophy, W. W. Norton & Company. 2. H. Frankfurt (1969), "Alternate Possibilities and Moral Responsibility", The Journal of Philosophy, Vol. 66, No. 23 (Dec. 4, 1969), pp. 829-839 3. T. Nagel (1979), "Moral luck", available in Nagel, Thomas, 1979, Mortal Questions, New York: Cambridge University Press 4. P. Foot, "The Problem of Abortion and the Doctrine of the Double Effect" in Virtues and Vices (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1978) (originally appeared in the Oxford Review, Number 5, 1967.)
Core compulsory activities
20710113 -
In the first part, the course aims to provide students/students with the basics of neuroethics; in the second, it deals with the relations of ethics and communication, with particular attention to cinema. The purpose of the teaching is that participants understand these two fundamental themes of moral philosophy. At the end of the course, the student/student will be able to understand the fundamental concepts of these issues
Derived from
20710113 ETICA E COMUNICAZIONE - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 DE CARO MARIO
( syllabus)
This course aims to give the students the basic concepts of applied ethics (with a specific interest in ethics of artificial intelligence) and the relation between ethics and communication (with a specific interest in film communication).
The goal of the course is that the students understand these fundamental issues of moral philosophy. At the end of the course, the students will be able to understand the essential features of these discussions.
( reference books)
1. M. De Caro, M.F. Magni, M.S. Vaccarezza, Le sfide dell'etica (capp. 11-18) 2. M. De Caro, E. Terrone, I valori al cinema, Mondadori 3. M. Spitzer, Intelligenza artificiale, Corbaccio 2024.
The students taking the pre-exam at the end of the course will have to study a reduced program (which will be explained during the course), and write a short paper. All the other students will have to study the whole program above.
Core compulsory activities
20710531 -
History of modern philosophy
The course aims to provide students with an overview of the history of public opinion and mass culture, accompanied by a specific reflection on the transformations of contemporary society. The aim of the course is for students to acquire knowledge and understand the role of public opinion and mass culture in the history of the twentieth century. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the knowledge of the main themes of the historiographical debate on the history of public opinion and mass culture.
Core compulsory activities
20702716 -
At the end of the course the student will have acquired in-depth knowledge of at least one classic of ancient thought, in relation to the theoretical and historical-philosophical questions posed by it, as well as the international critical debate on the subject. The student will have acquired: - ability to read and analyse sources in the light of critical debate; - advanced critical thinking and historical-philosophical contextualisation; - ability to write arguments, prepare and edit texts; - oral presentation and argumentation skills.
Core compulsory activities
20706084 -
Module 1 Introduction to the analysis of the relationship between cultural systems and production of the territory. To provide useful tools and concepts for the interpretation of the dynamics of cultural enhancement in the use of space. Module 2 Experimenting with forms of interpretation of the dynamics and geocultural approaches both in the real territory and in forms of literary, visual, artistic representation etc.
Core compulsory activities
20710063 -
The Master’s degree course allows you to acquire specific analytical skills to read and critically evaluate travel-related sources from a geographical point of view. Understanding the merits, limits and defects of the sources used and usable by Geography in order to reconstruct environmental, social and cultural frameworks of the past. Understand and value the cultural context in which the Odeporic sources were made and the importance of the biographies of their authors. To draw information from such sources, even if not explicitly provided, and to organize geographical data according to a demand for knowledge, a goal (scientific, practical).
Derived from
( syllabus)
Travel’s reports of the past are a preferred source for the construction of geographical thought and culture. Particularly between the late Middle Ages and Modern Age, travel’s relations allows to retrace the complex process of widening of Europeans’ geographical horizon. In western society the relationship between geography and travel’s reports has changed over the centuries, to the need to sort and reprocess the information gathered, to create a geographical knowledge built on valid rules, correlations between phenomena and rational criteria for classification. During the course will be analyzed practices of travel, travelers and travel’s reports, in their various types. Will also be considered some examples of travel’s reports that, throughout history, have marked the collective imagination and the construction of the world’s modern image. Testimony of travel’s experiences, travel literature has become ever more an instrument of knowledge of the territory and of human communities, through understanding the other and the elsewhere, but also the culture that looks at the other and at the space, for as this was and still is organized on the basis of many human needs (exploration, knowledge, tourism, etc.).
( reference books)
The exam program will be valid from the 2025 summer session.
Not attending - Guglielmo Scaramellini, La geografia dei viaggiatori. Raffigurazioni individuali e immagini collettive nei resoconti di viaggio, Milano, Unicopli, 1993 o 1998, solo la Parte seconda, pp. 55-111. - Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Dall’esperienza del viaggio al sapere geografico, in Geotema, n° 8 (1997), Il viaggio come fonte di conoscenze geografiche, pp. 3-12 ( - Annalisa D'Ascenzo, Il viaggio prima del viaggio. Credenze, miti e desideri dalle esperienze odeporiche terrestri a quelle extraterrestri, in Annalisa D’Ascenzo (a cura di), I viaggi e la modernità. Dalle grandi esplorazioni geografiche ai mondi extraterrestri, Roma, CISGE, 2021, pp. 265-297 (
Core compulsory activities
20706075 -
At the end of the course the student will have: The course provides advanced skills for reading and critical interpretation of crucial issues of the political and cultural history of modern Europe, also read in terms of symbolic production. Specific attention is paid to the history of European historiography as a place of formation of the idea of Europe and of a common identity consciousness.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Never before in recent years has the idea of Europe been at the center of public debate: for some, it is the only lifeline against nationalism and war; for others, it is the ultimate cause of all our problems and woes, especially economic ones. The invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin's Russia in February 2022 has not only revived the classic themes of war and peace in public discourse but also brought back into focus the issue of the eastern expansion of the concept of Europe, a question with extraordinary historical depth. Only a profound understanding of the long-term history of European civilization and its interactions with other civilizations around the globe can allow us to decode issues that only superficially appear to be purely contemporary. In the first part of the course, we will focus on the evolution of the notion of Europe, the various thoughts about Europe, and the long-term development of European consciousness. In the second part, we will delve into the phenomenon of exodus and internal migrations within the continent for religious reasons: whether voluntary or forced, they are the dramatic outcome of the process of confessionalization and the construction of modern statehood, characterized by the pursuit of purity through the expulsion and marginalization of religious diversity
( reference books)
First section: 'History of Europe: ideas, perspectives, reflections' (6 ECTS)
Reference books:
Lucien Febvre, L’Europa. Storia di una civiltà, Roma, Donzelli. Federico Chabod, Storia dell’Idea d’Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza. Additional book for students who will not attend the lessons: Egidio Ivetic, Studiare la storia del Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024
Second section: "The Europe of exoduses and migrations 'religionis causa'".
Reference books:
Nicholas Terpstra, Purezza e fede. Esuli religiosi nell’Europa moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino. Bruno Pomara Saverino, Rifugiati. I moriscos e l'Italia, Firenze, Firenze University Press, scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito:
Those who only need to take 6 ECTS are required to study the first teaching unit. IT IS POSSIBLE TO USE THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY STARTING FROM JUNE-JULY 2025, EXCLUSIVELY.
Core compulsory activities
20710612 -
Filosofia politica contemporanea - LM
The teaching of political philosophy is part of the basic educational activities of the CdS in Philosophy. The course provides an introduction to authors and authors of political thought. From year to year, a problematic area and a text to be explored will be identified. The student will be able to apply the knowledge acquired in discussion and argumentation both in a theoretical perspective and in a historical-philosophical perspective. At the end of the course the student will have acquired: -) ability to analyze and interpret philosophical texts; -) language and argumentative properties; -) ability to contextualize the knowledge acquired in the field of philosophical debate.
Derived from
20710612 FILOSOFIA POLITICA CONTEMPORANEA - LM in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 GIARDINI FEDERICA
( reference books)
Bruno Latour, Riassemblare il sociale. Actor-Network theory, Meltemi 2022, cap. 4 *** Donna Haraway, Chthulucene. Sopravvivere su un pianeta infetto, Nero 2019 *** Günther Teubner, Ibridi ed attanti. Attori collettivi ed enti non umani nella società e nel diritto, Mimesis 2015, cap. 1 *** S. Barca, Forze di riproduzione, Edizioni ambiente 2024
Letture introduttive: F. Giardini, Assemblaggio. Una mappatura - Cosmopolitiche. Ripensare la politica a partire dal Chosmos A. Ghelfi, Terrestre, Chthulucene, Cosmopolitica *** - Ecologia e politica in mondi più che umani *** G. Pierazzuoli, Una Cosmo-politica per Gaia***
*** Testi disponibili a questo link:
Core compulsory activities
20710639 -
History of the Age of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation MD
The course intends to deepen some significant themes of European history between the end of the fifteenth century and the first half of the seventeenth century. Particular attention will be paid to the religious, political, cultural and social conflicts that have led, through the birth, affirmation and development of the Protestant churches, to the fracture of Christianity, but also to the attempts that have been undertaken to reduce and heal this fracture
Core compulsory activities
20710655 -
The course aims to offer students the essential conceptual and methodological tools to understand the political, economic, social and cultural processes that presided over the development of European political systems in the 20th century. The general objective of the course is to provide the student with the ability to contextualize and understand the problems of the period, with a comparative analysis between the Italian political system and the political systems of other European countries.
Core compulsory activities
20710735 -
Religione, società e culture nel Medioevo
The course of Religion, society and culture in the Middle Ages aims to train students in the study of religious history in the Middle Ages, with the aim of highlighting both its peculiar character within historical studies and its immersion in the medieval societies and cultures which, at the same time, it helps to forge. From a didactic and methodological point of view, the courses have a seminar character in order to encourage the active participation and original contribution of the students.
Core compulsory activities
20710656 -
The History of Conflicts and Cultural Diplomacy course aims to explore the role of culture in the context of international relations, especially in situations of crisis, tensions and wars. The main purpose is to provide students with the analytical tools useful for understanding the different characteristics assumed by war, based both on the evolution of military policy and conflict management, and on the different forms of propaganda, promotion of one's image to the abroad, public and cultural diplomacy. At the center of the investigation will therefore be the relationship between hard power and soft power starting from the nineteenth century up to the present day. A part of the course will be dedicated to a specific case study that next year will concern Italy between the two world wars.
Core compulsory activities
20710662 -
The course intends to provide the methodological elements for the analysis of individual and collective memory construction processes and for all public (and political) uses of the past.
In particular, we will discuss those historiographical currents which, especially in Italy, constitute the theoretical foundations of the discipline: oral history and cultural history.
Finally, some examples of "good practices" in Public History will also be provided.
Core compulsory activities
20710694 -
The module analyzes the ways in which artistic and cultural institutions contribute, on the one hand, to producing the careers of objects and artists and, on the other, to prefiguring the same processes of consumption. It offers male and female students a multiplicity of theoretical and empirical tools at the same time, to understand the artistic phenomena and the social components that make them possible.
Derived from
20710694 SOCIOLOGIA DELL'ARTE in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 TOTA ANNA LISA
( syllabus)
In contemporary societies the arts affect the public discourse, becoming agency of social transformation and contributing to the creation of new cultural meanings, laboratory for the civil society, space and place for shaping the collective and public memories of controversial events, arenas where gender identities, ethnicity and social classes are socially constructed. The first part of the course will aim at studying artistic production and politics of cultural consumption. It will focus on the following topics: theories of the "author's death", theories of reception, art as social practice, the institutional definitions of artistic value, cases of " non-recognition " and plagiarism, politics of genius, canonization and practices of social exclusion, theories of cultural capital, relationship between art and advertising, the role of social media in the production of artistic reputations and in relation to the "arts worlds", artistic intermediation processes and their social effects. The second part will concern art institutions. It will address the following topics: activism, art and the public sphere, cancel culture, monuments in the urban space, art as memory technology, cultural consumption of the past and the role of the arts in shaping the public memory of very contested pasts, sociology of museums and politics of museum exhibition, representation of ethnic identities in museums, museums as technology of gender, multimedia arts.
( reference books)
1) Vera L. Zolberg, (2011) Constructing a Sociology of the Arts, Cambridge University Press, New York. 2) Anna Lisa Tota, and Trever Hagen (2016), Routledge International Handbook of Memory Studies, (eds.), Routledge, London chapters n. 1, 2, 6, 19, 30, and 31.
Core compulsory activities
20705170 -
Political Communication
The course aims to provide students with the critical knowledge and tools to understand the changes taking place in the models and forms of participation in the modern public scene, resulting from the ever closer interaction between the political system and its actors on the one hand and between the media and communication system on the other.
Core compulsory activities
20709120 -
public communication
The course analyzes how public communication works, providing the analytical categories needed to analyze the ways public discourse is formed
Derived from
20709120 COMUNICAZIONE PUBBLICA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 DE FEO ANTONIETTA
( syllabus)
The course is divided in two parts: the first one is a general introduction on the basic concepts of public communication. The included topics are: the Forms and Devices of Public Communication, the Relationship between Power and Communication, the Features of the Public Space as a space of discussion articulated on Global Communication Networks. The first part will mainly include frontal lessons supported by PowerPoint presentations. The second part of the course explores the relationship between public communication and the media. The media will be approached as spaces of negotiation between civil society and the institutions, in which public knowledge is created and reproduced. In particular, the role of the ecosystem of digital platforms and social media will be addressed. Interested students can take part in laboratory activities focused on case studies on how old and new media platforms contribute to the narration of public and political phenomena.
( reference books)
Below are the exam texts presented in the suggested order of reading:
1) M. Castells (2017), Comunicazione e potere. UBE Paperback, Milano 2017 (nuova edizione). The following chapters: - Le reti digitali e la cultura dell’autonomia; - Il potere nella società in rete - La comunicazione nell'età digitale - Intervenire sulle reti di comunicazione: politica mediatica, politica dello scandalo e crisi della democrazia (up to paragraph “L’impatto politico della politica dello scandalo” INCLUDED) - Riprogrammare le reti di comunicazione: movimenti sociali, politica insorgente e nuovo spazio pubblico (up to paragraph “Scaldarsi per il riscaldamento globale: il movimento ecologista e la nuova cultura della natura INCLUDED).
2) José van Dijck and Thomas Poell (2013), Understanding Social Media Logic, in Media and Communication, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 2–14 3) José van Dijck (2012), Facebook and the engineering of connectivity: A multi-layered approach to social media platforms, in Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies 19(2), pp. 141-155 4) José Van Dijck, Thomas Poell, Martijn De Waal (2019), Il sistema dell’informazione (capitolo terzo) in “Platform Society. Valori pubblici e società connessa”, Edizione Italiana a cura di Giovanni Boccia Artieri e Alberto Marinelli, Guerini, Milano, pp. 103-142. 5) Thomas Poell, José van Dijck (2018), Social Media and new protest movements. In The SAGE Handbook of Social Media, 546-561, edited by Jean Burgess, Alice Marwick & Thomas Poell, London, Sage.
Core compulsory activities
20702760 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
Starting from the role of emotions in the orientation in the world and in the education process, as thought by Martha C. Nussbaum, the programme wants to examine the laycal and social meaning the abovesaid assigns to compassion. To that concept is contrasted the critical interpretation of Hannah Arendt (who considers Rousseau's compassion as a prereflessive and presocial feeling proper of the «humanity in dark times», to be replaced by the political category of friendship as conceived by Lessing). Following the contemporary interpretation of french and german enlightment, the course will examine Derrida's concept of lie, showing its coincidences with Rousseau's thought.
( reference books)
Hannah Arendt, On Lying and Politics: A Library of America Special Publication Paperback – Hannah Arendt, On Humanity in the darks Times, Paperback Martha C. Nussbaum, Upheavals of Thought: The Intelligence of Emotions, Cambridge University Press Jacques Derrida, The Politics of Friendship Paperback
Core compulsory activities
20702462 -
The student will acquire a complete autonomy in identifying, collecting, interpreting and critically using the historical documentation and the bibliography related to a given research topic.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Laboratori - (show)
20710069 -
Computer workshop for ancient world studies
Purpose. The Laboratory introduces to the knowledge of the main IT resources for historical and philological studies on Classics, Late Antiquity and Middle Ages.
Derived from
( syllabus)
For Bachelor and Master's degree students. Second semester. Hours: one meeting per week will be held, lasting three academic hours, Laboratorio Informatico of the Area di Mondo Antico (LISA). Course start: March 2025. The mode of the course delivery will depend on the University regulations in force at the time. In any case, since it is a laboratory, which requires direct teacher-student interaction, there is NO registration of meetings and attendance (in the possible modes) is mandatory.
The Laboratory introduces to the knowledge of the main informatic resources for the historical and philological studies related to Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. - Introduction. Word-processor features. Multilingual keyboards; writing in ancient Greek. - Creation of a scientific bibliography; methods of citation. Tools for bibliographic research: bibliographic repertories; on-line consultation of catalogues (OPAC); on-line consultation of books and periodicals (open access and by subscription); on-line reviews. - Analysis of literary texts: text databases; electronic dictionaries; software for text analysis and lexical research on Greek and Latin texts. - Research of epigraphic and papyraceous sources; research and consultation of manuscripts.
( reference books)
The teacher provides the didactic materials necessary for the carrying out of the Laboratory.
Other activities
20710199 -
The student, through examples and practical exercises on traditions (mono and pluritestimoniali) of texts of Italian literature, will deepen the knowledge of ecdotic tools aimed at the constitution of a critical edition, both in the field of reconstructive philology and in that of philology of author. The theoretical and practical character of the Laboratory, with the active participation of each student, requires a programmed number of 25 students.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The student, through examples and practical exercises on traditions (mono and pluritestimoniali) of texts of Italian literature, will deepen the knowledge of ecdotic tools aimed at the constitution of a critical edition, both in the field of reconstructive philology and in that of authorial philology. The theoretical and practical character of the Laboratory, with the active participation of each student, requires a programmed number of 25 students.
Applications for enrollment (both for bachelor's and master's degree students) can be sent by e-mail to, from 7th January to the last week of February 2025. For a better organization of enrollments and activities, students interested in participating are requested to indicate the following essential data in their e-mails: 1) matriculation number; 2) course of study; 3) philological exams already taken and/or philological courses already attended.
( reference books)
At the beginning of the lessons, the materials needed to carry out the practical exercises and any additional bibliography will be indicated and provided to the students.
Other activities
20710441 -
The workshop aims to be a preparatory aid in facilitating the study of religions, given the increasing importance they have assumed in the contemporary world. The main aim is to enable students to read the religious phenomenon in its fundamental expressions and subsequently to undertake more complex specialist studies. It is intended to provide students with the keys to reading, hermeneutic, cultural and linguistic methods and instruments, which are useful for understanding the religious fact in its present-day manifestations, in its historical developments -since Antiquity- and in its spread throughout the world.
Other activities
20711632 -
Laboratorio "Vuoti di memoria" Storie narrazioni, rappresentazioni delle teche RAI LM
"Blanks of memory" is a television program created by Loredana Rotondo in the early 2000s to bring attention to forgotten figures, or at least slipped on the margins of public discourse. Over the course of some years, 20 episodes of about 35 minutes each have been dedicated, among others, to Goliarda Sapienza, Amelia Rosselli, Danilo Dolci, Carla Lonzi, Aldo Capitini. These are documentaries built mainly on visual and textual sources of various origins, and on interviews aimed at placing the protagonists and the protagonists within their network of relationships. The workshop aims, through a series of meetings dedicated to the viewing of documentaries and their analysis, to deepen the practices related to the use of visual, textual and oral sources, fundamental for the work of historical reconstruction.
Derived from
20711632 Laboratorio "Vuoti di memoria" Storie narrazioni, rappresentazioni delle teche RAI LM in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 IAMURRI LAURA, FORTINI LAURA, MERLUZZI MANFREDI
( syllabus)
“Vuoti di memoria” (“Voids of Memory”) is a TV program conceived by Loredana Rotondo in the early 2000s to bring attention back to some figures either forgotten or slipped to the margins of public discourse. Over the course of several years, 20 episodes of about 35 minutes each were produced. These documentaries are built primarily on both visual and textual sources, and on interviews aiming to situate the protagonists within their network of relationships. Ten episodes were selected for the workshop, dedicated to the following figures: Carla Lonzi Giuseppe De Santis Paola Levi Montalcini Amelia Rosselli Goliarda Sapienza Bruno Munari Cristina Campo Annibale Ruccello Gino Martinoli Danilo Dolci The workshop is organized in a series of meetings centered on the screening of documentaries and their analysis. It intends to deepen practices related to the use of visual, textual and oral sources, fundamental to the work of historical reconstruction. The workshop is curated by Professors Laura Fortini, Laura Iamurri and Manfredi Merluzzi.
( reference books)
The ten documentaries of the series “Vuoti di memoria” will be available on the Teche Rai. Focused readings will be made available on the e-learning platform of the Department of Humanities.
Other activities
20711650 -
Laboratorio di analisi delle piattaforme digitali: standard tecnologici vs diversità linguistico-culturali
The aim of this workshop is to introduce students to the phenomenon of the platformization of knowledge and languages. Examples and technological models will be analyzed in order to understand their limits and po-tential with respect to the preservation of biocultural diversity. The scope of this practical work will be to de-velop a critical awareness on the use of digital tools and stimulate an active participation in the processes of cultural, semiotic and political transformation we are experiencing today.
Derived from
20711650 Laboratorio di analisi delle piattaforme digitali: standard tecnologici vs diversità linguistico-culturali in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 FIORMONTE DOMENICO
( syllabus)
Dominance has never been achieved solely through the recognition and display of superior technological or military might. Knowledge is power, and it exercises its influence, as Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci put it, in the field of cultural hegemony, establishing the boundaries of what knowledge is and is not. Information, education and cultural and scientific production form the deep level of geopolitical interaction. Now, for the first time in history, this complex set of ideologies, practices and interchange has converged into a unified medium of production, access and diffusion: the web and its tools. From Edward Snowden's revelations in 2013 to the Cambridge Analytica-Facebook scandal in 2018, from the pandemic to the contemporary war on fake news, the web and its sister technologies have become the ground on which to exercise control over politics and health, train new generations, disseminate scientific results, influence economic choices and challenge social norms. The cultural, aesthetic, social, juridical, economic and other structures that characterized the history of humanity up to the early years of the 21st century have been swept away by a new subject-object: the empire of the platforms. The purpose of this course is to introduce students to these issues, trying to develop a critical awareness of the use of digital tools and to stimulate active participation in the revolutionary processes we are experiencing today.
Workshop assigments and discussions will be based on the volume authored by Mario Ricciardi, "Communico. Linguaggi, immagini, algoritmi" (Rome, TAB Edizioni, 2021). Students will have to write weekly responses on the assigned readings and engage in both online and offline discussions guided by the instructor.
( reference books)
The instructor will make available selected passages and/or chapters from the following list of texts (1 an 5 are also available in English):
1) Shoshana Zuboff (2019), Il capitalismo della sorveglianza. Il futuro dell'umanità nell'era dei nuovi poteri, Roma, LUISS. 2) Gabriele Balbi e Paolo Magaudda (2014), Storia dei media digitali. Rivoluzioni e continuità. Roma-Bari, Laterza. 3) Sergio Bellucci (2019), L'industria dei sensi. Roma, Harpo. 4) Teresa Numerico (2021), Big data e algoritmi. Prospettive critiche. Roma, Carocci. 5) Guillame Pitron (2019), La guerra dei metalli rari. Il lato oscuro della transizione digitale. Roma, LUISS.
Other activities
20704166 -
The Master Course provides for the assignment of credits to the student who participates in the activities of internships and internships organized by the course itself or by public and private bodies and institutions officially recognized by the Course.
Other activities
Optional group:
20710601 -
late ancient philology
The student will acquire: in-depth and detailed knowledge of the characters and problems of the Latin and Greek literary texts composed in late antiquity; ability to apply the methodology of philological research to unfamiliar sources; ability to collect and interpret the acquired data, as well as to integrate them with an autonomous use of scientific research instruments, resulting in complex evaluations; ability to express and communicate the conclusions of the study and research activity in a clear and scientifically correct way.
Core compulsory activities