Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20703166 -
The student will acquire the knowledge of the aspects, moments, questions, texts of the Italian linguistic history from the Origins to the present, with particular attention to the most ancient phases of our language and with particular reference to the medieval and Renaissance ones of the median area, and with specific attention to some paradigmatic cases. He will also acquire knowledge of the origins and foundations of Italian dialectology examined from a historical point of view.
20703166-1 -
The course aims to analyze in depth topics, issues and authors who, for various reasons, represent crucial turning points in the history of the Italian language. The course will focus on literary Italian (ancient and modern), but will also examine other uses and registers of the language, such as jargons, technical languages and semiliterate production, taking into account the complex geolinguistic situation of the Italian territory, where dialects and minority languages play even today an important role. With regard in particular to the earliest phases of the language, texts of outstanding interest, both in prose and in poetry, will be read and commented upon in detail. The student will therefore acquire an in-depth knowledge of the historical development of the Italian language its earliest attestations to the present. (S)He will furthermore acquire the ability to apply with confidence the methodology of linguistic analysis to literary and non-literary texts, also in a diachronic perspective.
( syllabus)
The oldest vernacular texts in the Italian-Romance area (origins-first half of the 13th century)
( reference books)
1) Ludovica Maconi, Mirko Volpi, Antichi documenti dei volgari italiani, Roma, Carocci, 2022. 2) Paolo D'Achille, Breve grammatica storica dell'italiano, 3. ed., Roma, Carocci, 2019. 3) Roberta Cella, Nino Mastruzzo, La più antica lirica italiana «Quando eu stava in le tu cathene» (Ravenna 1226), Bologna, il Mulino, 2022. Attending students can replace volume 3) with notes and materials provided in class.
Core compulsory activities
20703166-2 -
The course aims to analyze in depth topics, issues and authors who, for various reasons, represent crucial turning points in the history of the Italian language. The course will focus on literary Italian (ancient and modern), but will also examine other uses and registers of the language, such as jargons, technical languages and semiliterate production, taking into account the complex geolinguistic situation of the Italian territory, where dialects and minority languages play even today an important role. With regard in particular to the earliest phases of the language, texts of outstanding interest, both in prose and in poetry, will be read and commented upon in detail. The student will therefore acquire an in-depth knowledge of the historical development of the Italian language its earliest attestations to the present. (S)He will furthermore acquire the ability to apply with confidence the methodology of linguistic analysis to literary and non-literary texts, also in a diachronic perspective.
( syllabus)
Il modulo fa parte, insieme a quello tenuto dal prof. Paolo D’Achille, dell’insegnamento di Storia della Lingua Italiana (12 CFU: 6 + 6). Pertanto, per gli studenti della Laurea magistrale in Italianistica l’esame è unico e verte su entrambi i moduli. Gli studenti di altri corsi di LM, che abbiano nel loro piano di studi un esame da 6 CFU, possono optare tra i due moduli. TITOLO DEL MODULO
La lingua di alcuni autori del Cinquecento (Bembo, Ariosto, Machiavelli, Guicciardini)
36 ore 6 CFU
L’esame è orale e si svolgerà a fine corso. L’esame verterà sui testi in programma e sugli argomenti presentati nel corso delle lezioni. L’esame consiste in un colloquio sugli argomenti del programma al fine di verificare: 1) la profondità e l’ampiezza delle conoscenze acquisite; 2) la proprietà di linguaggio; 3) la capacità di collegare criticamente temi e problemi affrontati.
Il corso si prefigge di presentare i principali aspetti della lingua e dello stile di questi grandi autori del Rinascimento italiano. Saranno letti e commentati alcuni brani tratti dalle opere di tali autori. Si evidenzieranno le caratteristiche principali dello stile e si faranno dei confronti comparativi tra i vari autori. Alla fine del corso gli studenti avranno raggiunto una buona conoscenza dell’italiano cinquecentesco.
G. Patota, La grande bellezza dell’italiano. Il Rinascimento, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2019.
( reference books)
G. Patota, La grande bellezza dell’italiano. Il Rinascimento, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2019.
Core compulsory activities
20709852 -
The student will address one or more specialist topics. He will be presented with an example of an author's in-depth study or an important theme of Italian literature, according to the most up-to-date research perspectives. It will acquire the necessary hermeneutic tools for the analysis of texts and the application of the most appropriate methodologies to them (analysis of metric or narrative structures), in the context of a suitable preparation for advanced literary study.
( syllabus)
Il corso intende offrire una lettura delle maggiori opere di Niccolò Machiavelli.
( reference books)
TESTI: --Niccolò Machiavelli, Il Principe. Nuova edizione annotata, a cura di Gabriele Pedullà, Donzelli, Roma 2022 (integrale: introduzione, grafiche e note comprese). ISBN 9788855223041 NB: È ESSENZIALE prendere questa nuova edizione 2022, e non quella del 2013, o la editio minor 2022. Altre edizioni non saranno accettate --Niccolò Machiavelli, Discorsi sopra la prima deca di Tito Livio, a cura di Giorgio Inglese, Bur, Milano 1984 (integrale: introduzione e note comprese). --Niccolò Machiavelli, La Mandragola, a cura di Pasquale Stoppelli, Mondadori, Milano 2016 (integrale: introduzione e note comprese). --Alcuni testi di Machiavelli in Pdf
STUDI CRITICI (da leggere integralmente): --Gabriele Pedullà, On Niccolò Machiavelli: The Bonds of Politics, Columbia University Press, New York 2023. --Alcuni saggi in Pdf
LETTURE IN PIU’ PER I NON FREQUENTANTI --John P. McCormick, Democrazia machiavelliana (2011), Viella, Roma 2020. --in pdf: *Gabriele Pedullà, Giro d’Europa. Le mille vite di Dionigi di Alicarnasso (XV-XIX secolo), introduzione a Dionigi di Alicarnasso, Storia di Roma antica, a cura di Francesco Donadi e Gabriele Pedullà, Einaudi, Torino 2010, pp. LIX-CLIX. --in pdf: *Gabriele Pedullà, Athenian Democracy in Late Middle Ages and Early Humanism, e Id., Athenian Democracy in the Italian Renaissance, in Dino Piovan e Giovanni Giorgini (a cura di), Companion to the Reception of Athenian Democracy, Brill, Leiden 2020, pp. 57-152.
O pdf in più sono disponibili su TEAMS.
Core compulsory activities
20703625 -
The student, through individual case studies on one or more traditions, conducted starting from the direct examination of manuscript and printed witnesses, will acquire advanced philological tools and active skills to face the main ecdotic, exegetical and interpretative problems of the texts of Italian literature. Through the analysis of various types of autograph materials (sketches, zibaldoni, annotated books, etc.), the student will be able to develop further skills aimed at studying the genesis of the texts and will have the opportunity to refine the methodology of approach to the sources.
( syllabus)
HOW BOCCACCIO WORKED: AUTOGRAPHS AND EDITORIAL PATHS, SOURCES AND LIBRARY The genesis and specific moments of the compositional path of some of Boccaccio's works in prose and poetry will be analyzed from the autographs or the most relevant manuscripts in the tradition, with in-depth analysis of Boccaccio's sources and taking into account the codices in his library. Particular attention will be paid to the ‘Decameron’, the Rime and ‘Trattatello in laude di Dante’ on the side of vernacular texts, and to the ‘Buccolicum carmen’ and the ‘Genealogie deorum gentilium’ on the side of Latin texts.
( reference books)
- AA.VV., Boccaccio, a cura di M. Fiorilla e I. Iocca, Roma, Carocci, 2021: capp. IV, V, VI, VIII, XII, XIV, XV e un altro capitolo a scelta.
-* Boccaccio autore e copista, a cura T. De Robertis, C.M. Monti, M. Petoletti, G. Tanturli, S. Zamponi, Firenze, Mandragora, 2013, pp. 137-144, 171-180, 203-214, 273-275. - *L. BATTAGLIA RICCI, Scrivere un libro di novelle. Giovanni Boccaccio autore, lettore, editore, Ravenna, Longo, 2013, pp. 157-217. - *E. MORETTI, Annotazioni e correzioni al Decameron nell’Hamilton 90: Boccaccio e gli altri lettori, in Intorno a Boccaccio. Boccaccio e dintorni 2016. Atti del Seminario internazionale di studi (Certaldo Alta, 9 settembre 2016), a cura di S. Zamponi, Firenze University Press, Firenze, 2017, pp. 65-78, solo le pp. 71-78. -*M. FIORILLA, Intreccio e riscritture di fonti classiche e medievali nel Decameron: la novella di Chichibio tra le Metamorfosi di Apuleio e i Gesta Romanorum, in Santi, giullari, romanzieri, poeti, a cura di G. Crimi, L. Marcozzi, A. Pegoretti, Ravenna, Longo, 2022, 117-123. - *M. FIORILLA, La Valle delle Donne (Dec., VI Concl. 17-38) tra allusioni ovidiane (Met. III 149-182) e dantesche (Inf. V 129), in «Studi sul Boccaccio», XLIX, 2021, 457-466. -*M. FIORILLA, Giovanni Boccaccio biografo e copista di Dante: un grande progetto culturale, in «Onorevole e antico cittadino di Firenze». Il Bargello per Dante, a cura di L. Azzetta, S. Chiodo, T. De Robertis, Firenze, Mandragora, 2021, pp. 300-303. - *M. FIORILLA, La figura e le opere di Dante nel progetto intellettuale di Giovanni Boccaccio, in Idee di Dante: scrittori e critici, in «L’Ellisse», XVII/1-2, 2022, pp. 17-30. - *A. PIACENTINI, Una redazione sconosciuta del Buccolicum carmen di Giovanni Boccaccio, in «Studi sul Boccaccio», XLIX, 2021, pp. 39-100, solo le pp. 39-48, 55-62, 69-72 e 98-100.
Textes and articles marked by an asterisk will be available in photocopies along with other materials: passages of the works by Boccacccio examinated, an anthology of sources, copies of manuscripts. Notes and other material will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE).
Students who chose not to attend the course are invited to contact the lecturer.
Core compulsory activities
20703620 -
The student, already able to master the diachronic framework of contemporary literature, through the study of authors, moments and themes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will have to master the methodological tools that are not unequivocal of textual analysis, such as to allow a solid specialist knowledge. of critical knowledge in several fields of investigation: historicist, philological, linguistic, structural, metric-stylistic, rhetorical.
Derived from
20703620 LETTERATURA ITALIANA CONTEMPORANEA L.M in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 DONDERO MARCO
( syllabus)
During the course, structured in seminar format, the Novelle per un anno by Luigi Pirandello will be addressed.
( reference books)
1. Luigi Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, edition directed by Simona Costa, 4 vols., Mondadori Oscar Moderni, Milan 2021-2023. 2. Marcello Sabbatino, L'occhio del mondo. Il matrimonio nelle novelle di Pirandello, il Mulino, Bologna 2023.
Attending students: text 1; non-attending students: text 1 and text 2.
M - Z
Derived from
20703620 LETTERATURA ITALIANA CONTEMPORANEA L.M in Didattica dell’Italiano come Lingua Seconda (DIL2) LM-39 Nuovo canale 2 VENTURINI MONICA
( syllabus)
Pirandello and European Literature (M-Z): The aim of the course is to explore, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the relationship between Ungaretti and the European literature. The analysis of his intellectual function, will be done on the poetry but also on literary criticism, essays, teaching activities, correspondence and collaborations with magazines and newspapers.The course will have a seminary structure and the lessons will be organized so as to facilitate the discussion.
( reference books)
Exam books:
L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, Scialle nero, a cura di M. Venturini, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021 (o, in alternativa, una raccolta di uno dei seguenti volumi: 1, 2, 3 o 4).
Pirandello, a cura di B. Alfonzetti e V. Gallo, Carocci, 2023.
ANDREOLI A. (2022), Cose dell'altro mondo. Pirandello e Dante, Salerno, Roma. EAD. (2020), Diventare Pirandello. L'uomo e la maschera, Mondadori, Milano.
CÀLLARI F. (1991), Pirandello e il cinema, Marsilio, Venezia.
GANERI M. (2001), Pirandello romanziere, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli.
GENOVESE N. e GESÙ S., a cura di (1990), La musa inquietante di Pirandello: il Cinema, Bonanno, Catania.
SAVIO D. (2013), Il carnevale dei morti. Sconciature e danze macabre nella narrativa di Luigi Pirandello, Interlinea, Novara.
PUPINO A. R. (2008), Pirandello o l’arte della dissonanza, Salerno, Roma.
SICHERA A. (2005), Ecce Homo! Nomi, cifre e figure di Pirandello, Olschki, Firenze.
Complete edition: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. I, a cura di F. Tomassini e M. Venturini, introduzione di S. Costa, Mondadori, Milano, 2023
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702432 -
The student will acquire, through the study of specialized subjects, the tools of textual and critical analysis of authors and works of Italian literature related to theatrical production, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary. The acquired analytical ability on exemplary texts must make it theoretically aware of the gender connotations that distinguish the theatrical communicative experience from the literary one, and of those that on the contrary to it homologate.
( syllabus)
Italian Renaissance theatre and Ariosto’s experience
This course will investigate the main characteristics of italian theatre, between XVth and XVIth centuries; special attention will be addressed to Ariosto’s comedies: Cassaria (1508), Suppositi (1509), and Negromante (1509-10, 1519-1520).
( reference books)
Required Text Books (1 and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9)
1) Primary Works: L. Ariosto, Cassaria, 1508 (any edition; also available online: Microsoft Teams); 2) Primary Works: L. Ariosto, Suppositi, 1509) (any edition; also available online: Microsoft Teams); 3) Primary Works: L. Ariosto, Negromante (1509-1510, 1519-1520) (any edition; also available online: Microsoft Teams);
4) Criticism: *S. Ferrone, Sulle commedie in prosa dell’Ariosto, in Ludovico Ariosto. Lingua, stile e tradizione. Atti del congresso organizzato dai comuni di Reggio Emilia e Ferrara, 12-16 ottobre 1974, ed. by C. Segre, Milan, Feltrinelli, 1976, pp. 391-425; 5) Criticism: *G. Ferroni, Ariosto, Rome, Salerno Editrice, 2008, pp. 47-84; 6) Criticism: *C. Rivoletti, «E far ciò che son soliti gli astuti Servi in l’antiche comedie»: Ariosto e il «metateatro» plautino, in L’altra antichità. Autorialità e testualità nella letteratura della prima età moderna, ed. by I. Fantappiè and B. Huss, Manziana, Vecchiarelli, 2022, pp. 97-126; 7) Criticism: *C. Sartini Blum, The Shifting Role of Magic in Ariosto’s ‘Il Negromante’, in «Quaderni d’Italianistica», XIV, 1993, 2, pp. 221-238; 8) Criticism: *M. Scalabrini, La schiatta di mastro Iachelino. Una proposta per il ‘Negromante’, in «Lingua e Stile», XXXI, 1996, 1, pp. 161-175; 9) Criticism: Il teatro delle corti padane: (1478-1508), ed. by M. Bosisio, introduction by A. Bentoglio, Milan, UNICOPLI, 2019
Additional readings for non-attending students (one of the following books):
1. G. Coluccia, L’esperienza teatrale di Ludovico Ariosto, Lecce, Manni, 2001; 2. A. De Luca, Il teatro di Ludovico Ariosto, Rome, Bulzoni, 1981; 3. C. Falletti Cruciani, Il Teatro in Italia. II. Il Cinquecento e Seicento, Rome, Edizioni Studium, 1999 e 2003, pp. 13-190; 4. A. Stäuble, La commedia umanistica del Quattrocento, Florence, Olschki, 1968
Items 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will be provided by the teacher.
Required Text Books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8) 1. Primary Works: P. Aretino, Cortigiana (1525), any editions (edition by G. Innamorati is available online); 2. Primary Works: B. Dovizi detto il Bibbiena, La Calandra, edited by G. Padoan, Padova, Antenore, 1985 (this edition is available online); 3. Primary Works: N. Machiavelli, La Mandragola, edited by P. Stoppelli, Milan, Mondadori, 2006; 4. Criticism: Il teatro a Roma prima della Cortigiana (1525) di Pietro Aretino, edited by G. Crimi, Rome, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2020; 5. Criticism: *G. Aquilecchia, La favola “Mandragola” si chiama (1971), in Id., Schede di italianistica, Torino, Einaudi, 1976, pp. 97-126;; 6. Criticism: *R. Guarino, Feste e spettacoli a Roma nel primo Rinascimento. Tradizioni, spazi, poteri, in Roma 1347-1527. Linee di un’evoluzione. Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi (Roma, 13-15 novembre 2017), a cura di M. Miglio e I. Lori Sanfilippo, Roma, Istituto storico italiano per il Medioevo, 2020, pp. 129-41; 7. Criticism: *A. Guidotti, Il doppio gioco della Calandria, in «Modern Language Notes», 104 (1989), 1, pp. 98-116; 8. Criticism: *M. Pieri, Il montaggio della commedia nel laboratorio romano, in Leone X. Finanza, mecenatismo, cultura. Atti del Convegno internazionale (Roma, 2-4 novembre 2015), 2 tt., edited by F. Cantatore et alii, Rome, Roma nel Rinascimento, 2016, I, pp. 145-66;
Items 5, 6, 7 and 8 will be provided by the teacher.
9. Criticism: C. Falletti Cruciani, Il Teatro in Italia. II. Il Cinquecento e Seicento, Rome, Edizioni Studium, 1999 e 2003, pp. 13-190.
Core compulsory activities
20710143 -
The course aims to provide specific competences fori the study and analysis of literary texts of the Italian Middle Ages. Through an in-depth reading of a work, or group of works, students will acquire an interpretative attitude based on the interweaving of different fields of knowledge - literary-historical, linguistic-philological, doctrinal and artistic - particularly appropriate to grasp the complexity of medieval literary texts and their peculiarities.
( syllabus)
Dante's «Purgatory»
The course aims to offer a comprehensive and in-depth reading of Dante's "Purgatorio." Defined by the historian Jacques Le Goff as the "poetic triumph" of the purgatorial realm, the second cantica of the "Commedia" represents the first and most significant artistic elaboration of this afterlife zone, the existence of which had been definitively recognized by the Church only a few years earlier (1274). Special attention will be given to the ways in which the poet constructs an extremely detailed and profoundly coherent space from multiple perspectives (cosmological, theological, penitential). Its various will be examined, with special attention to the religious practices of the time. Furthermore, the course will delve deeply into Dante's reflection on poetry in this cantica: from his encounters with Casella, the troubadour Sordello, and the classical poet Statius; to his investigation of fame and artistic progress in Canto 11, and the pivotal Cantos 24 and 26 where Dante engages with various predecessors, fully defining his own poetics and a tradition of reference.
( reference books)
Texts: - Dante, "Divina Commedia. Purgatorio", a cura di Anna Maria Chiavacci Leonardi, Milano, Mondadori, 2014 [first ed. 1994; reprinted several times, also in scholastic editions] NB: The cantica shall be read and studied in its entirety.
Essays: - Anna Pegoretti, Dal «lito diserto» al giardino. La costruzione del paesaggio nel «Purgatorio» di Dante, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2007. During the course, a list of reference studies will also be provided, from which students can choose which ones to prepare, also taking into account their academic background. Erasmus students and those unable to attend are kindly requested to subscribe the Moodle account of the course, where they will find all the info and materials to prepare the exam.
Core compulsory activities
20710145 -
The aim of the course is to provide master's students with the most appropriate analysis tools for reading works and issues relating to modern literature through the specific analysis of texts and the theoretical-critical study appropriate for a good interpretation
( syllabus)
Course title: The novel and history in italian modern literature
Course description: The course aims to analyze the literary narrative in its relationship with history through the analysis of novels of our tradition from Manzoni to the contemporary age. The analysis of the texts that will be analyzed will require an in-depth study and reflection on the binomial history/fiction and on the debate around the question of the boundaries and specificities of literary and historiographical narration.
( reference books)
1. Texts:
Students will have to choose, in agreement with the teacher, 2 novels of their choice, for the analysis of which critical material will be recommended during the lessons. Below are just a few of the novels and critical studies that the course will use to frame the question. The seminar dimension will include an in-depth bibliography depending on the texts and the period chosen, to allow individual or group work.
- I. Nievo, Le Confessioni d’un italiano - L. Pirandello, I vecchi e i giovani - A. Banti, Noi credevamo - Antonio Scurati, M. Il figlio del secolo, (2018) - H. Janeczek, Le rondini di montecassino (2010) - A. Pennacchi, Canale Mussolini (2010) - Monica Galfrè, Il figlio terrorista (2022)
2. Critical studies:
- Roberta Colombi, La verità della finzione. Storia e romanzo da Manzoni a Nievo, Roma, Carocci, 2022 - Giuliana Benvenuti, Il romanzo neostorico. Storia, memoria, narrazione, Roma, Carocci, 2012
Other critical studies (of which only the necessary parts will be indicated during the course):
. Il romanzo e la storia, a cura di N. Mineo,"Moderna", VIII, 1-2, 2006, - Hanna Serkowska, Dopo il romanzo storico. La storia nella letteratura italiana del '900, Pesaro, Metauro, 2012 - Scritture di resistenza, Sguardi politici dalla narrativa italiana contemporanea, a cura di C. Boscolo e S. Jossa, Roma, Carocci, 2014 - E. Piga Bruni, La lotta e il negativo. Sul romanzo storico contemporaneo, Mimesis, 2018
Non-attending students must personally agree the exam program with the teacher
Core compulsory activities
20702431 -
At the end of the course the student will acquire specialized knowledge related to the development and articulation of the critical reflection on the authors of Italian literature from the origins to our days and the tools of literary hermeneutics that will have to pragmatically exercise in an original way.
Core compulsory activities
20710603 -
The student will be offered particular aspects of the Italian literary tradition, in the field of artistic literature and travel and memorial literature. He will deal with the complex relationship that is established between literary texts that arise both for extra-artistic needs and for specifically literary purposes, acquiring the ability to analyze exemplary texts in this sense.
( syllabus)
Literature and autobiography between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance: Iacopone da Todi - Francesco Petrarca - Giovanni Boccaccio - Benvenuto Cellini
( reference books)
Texts: Iacopone da Todi e la poesia religiosa del Duecento, a cura di P. Canettieri, Milano, BUR Rizzoli Francesco Petrarca, epistola Posteritati, Giovanni Boccaccio, dalle Rime (testi scelti saranno messi a disposizione a lezione) Benvenuto Cellini, Vita, a cura di E. Camesasca, Milano, BUR Rizzoli
Bibliography: F. Suitner, Iacopone da Todi. Poesia, mistica, rivolta nell'Italia del medioevo, Firenze, Le Lettere E. Kris, O. Kurz, La leggenda dell'artista, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri
Further information on the texts to be prepared will be provided during the lessons. Non-attending students will contact the teacher for instructions and additions to the program.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710453 -
English as an international language: methodological and didactic issues
Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to 1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation; 2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language; 3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective; 4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts; 5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.
English as an International Language: Methodological and Didactic Issues is one of the characterising modules of the programme. The course provides basic knowledge about the phenomena that have allowed the emergence of variant forms of English among native speakers, among the populations of the former British colonies, and finally among other international communities of speakers. The student is expected to develop a deeper awareness of the multifaceted nature of English as an international language, while using this language as a tool for work and metalinguistic reflection. Specific methodological skills related to the pedagogical implications of Global Englishes in the field of English language teaching will also be provided, including a critical reflection on the role of the teacher, the purpose of activity design, and different learning styles. At the end of the module students will be able to: develop lesson plans for the teaching of English in an international context; communicate in written and oral form at an advanced level, including the acquisition of socio-cultural competence.
Derived from
20710453 English as an international language: methodological and didactic issues in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 GRAZZI ENRICO
( syllabus)
English as an International Language: Methodological and Didactic Issues is one of the characterizing modules of the programme. The course provides basic knowledge about the phenomena that have allowed the emergence of variant forms of English among native speakers, among the populations of the former British colonies, and finally among other international communities of speakers. The student is expected to develop a deeper awareness of the multifaceted nature of English as an international language, while using this language as a tool for work and metalinguistic reflection. Specific methodological skills related to the pedagogical implications of Global Englishes in the field of English language teaching will also be provided, including a critical reflection on the role of the teacher, the purpose of activity design, and different learning styles. The student is expected to be able to: develop lesson plans for the teaching of English in an international context; communicate in written and oral form at an advanced level, including the acquisition of socio-cultural competence.
( reference books)
1. Nicola Galloway and Heath Rose, Introducing Global Englishes, London: Routledge, 2015. ISBN 978-0-415-83532-9
2. Additional materials will be provided during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20710450 -
Paradigmes et frontières du texte
Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to 1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation; 2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language; 3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective; 4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts; 5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.
Paradigmes et frontières du texte/ Paradigms and text boundaries is one of the characterising modules of the programme. Its aim is to foster communicative and argumentative skills in French at an advanced level in written and oral production. This will be achieved through the analysis of a wide range of literary and specialised texts. The module also introduces learners to the translation and translation analysis of the texts and specialised languages taken into consideration, with a focus on the socio-anthropological, interlinguistic and intercultural aspects related to different text typologies. At the end of the module students will be able to: critically and autonomously analyse texts; start a metalinguistic reflection; apply the linguistic, communicative and writing skills in specific work contexts (e.g. editing/translating articles, reviews, essays, brochures, etc.); communicate specific notions at an advanced level.
Derived from
20710450 Paradigmes et frontières du texte in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 MAGRELLI VALERIO
( syllabus)
Introduction to the practice of translation, with a special focus on metric translation.
( reference books)
Charles Baudelaire, I fiori del male, introduzione e traduzione di Gesualdo Bufalino, Milano, Mondadori, 1994.
Charles Baudelaire, I fiori del male, commento di Luca Pietromarchi, traduzione di Giorgio Caproni, Venezia, Marsilio, 2018.
Valerio Magrelli, La parola lingua braccata. Dimenticanze, anagrammi, traduzioni e qualche esercizio pratico, Bologna, il Mulino, 2018 (solo seconda parte: Poemi, pp. 91-208).
Core compulsory activities
20710616 -
The teaching of Didactics of modern languages falls within the scope of the basic training activities of "Philology and general and applied linguistics" of the degree course in Languages and Linguistic-Cultural Mediation, specifically the activities aimed at providing basic training in the methods and in the tools of analysis and reflection proper to language teaching. The course aims to provide: Knowledge of the phenomena that characterize the language acquisition process (first, second and foreign), with particular attention to the linguistic aspects relating to the acquisition sequences and the development of the ability to use: variability, systematicity and internal and external factors to the individual that affect the acquisition process. Knowledge of the characteristics of the interaction between native and non-native speakers, and its effects on L2 acquisition: input modifications and negotiation, role of output and feedback. Knowledge of the development process of the competence to use a foreign language, with attention to the role of the context, of the input, as well as of the learning strategies involved. Knowledge of language skills development processes, through examples relating to the various languages taught at the Department and in Italian schools, including Italian for foreigners. Development of metalinguistic reflection, in a transversal way, giving particular emphasis to the comparison between languages and the enhancement of the linguistic repertoire of the learners. Knowledge of the role of teaching in language learning, with particular reference to the main teaching methodologies developed in research, to optimize and enhance learning processes, including through the use of new digital technologies. Expected learning outcomes: students will know the research on spontaneous and guided learning of foreign languages and aspects related to the order of acquisition; will be able to carry out metalinguistic reflections; they will be aware of their own linguistic repertoire and will be able to use the comparison between languages to optimize their learning; will know the processes of learning and using the foreign language, the role of the context and of learning strategies; they will know the processes of listening, speaking, reading and writing of foreign languages and Italian L2; they will know the main methodologies and technologies for teaching.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702439 -
The student who has already followed the institutional module and the monographic module of Roman history will deepen in a specialized sense the knowledge of research methodologies and historiographical themes.
Derived from
20702439 STORIA ROMANA L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 MARCONE ARNALDO
( syllabus)
Judeophobia in the Roman Empire
The course is aimed at an in-depth analysis of the ways in which the Roman world was confronted with the Jewish culture and religion in the first three centuries of the Empire.
( reference books)
G. Geraci-A. Marcone, Storia romana (editio maior), Le Monnier, Firenze 2017 A. Angius- P. Arena- A. Marcone- Fonti per la storia romana. Economia, cultura, società, Carocci, Roma, 2023. Giulio Firpo, Le rivolte giudaiche, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2023 P. Schäfer- Giudeofobia: L'antisemitismo nel mondo antico, Carocci, Roma 2011 A. Marcone- Vespasiano, Salerno, Roma 2024
Core compulsory activities
20706075 -
The course provides advanced skills for reading and critical interpretation of crucial issues in the political and cultural history of modern Europe, also read in terms of symbolic production. Specific attention is paid to the history of European historiography as a place of formation for the idea of Europe and a common identity consciousness.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Never as in recent years has Europe been at the centre of public debate: for some it is the only lifeline against nationalism and wars, for others it is the ultimate cause of all our problems and malaises, especially economic ones. The invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin's Russia in February 2022 has then relaunched in the public discourse, in addition to the classic themes of war and peace, also that of the extension to the East of the concept of Europe, which possesses an extraordinary historical depth that goes well beyond the community institutions that have emerged since the Second World War and whose knowledge in the long diachrony is an unavoidable necessity in order to correctly place the events of our continent in the framework of world history. In the first part of the course, the focus will be on the development of the notion of Europe, thoughts on Europe and European consciousness in the long term. In the second part, the events of the migrations within the continent that originated in the early modern period for religious reasons will be explored in depth: voluntary or forced, in any case the result of the process of confessionalisation and exclusion of religious diversity, and which contributed to shaping the relationship between tolerance and intolerance in the Christian West.
( reference books)
First section: 'History of Europe: ideas, perspectives, reflections' (6 ECTS)
Reference books:
Lucien Febvre, L’Europa. Storia di una civiltà, Roma, Donzelli. Federico Chabod, Storia dell’Idea d’Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza. Additional book for students who will not attend the lessons: Egidio Ivetic, Studiare la storia del Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024
The preparation for the first part will be complemented by some essays that will be made available in PDF format in the course's Team, and their study is mandatory.
Second section: "The Europe of exoduses and migrations 'religionis causa'".
Reference books:
Nicholas Terpstra, Purezza e fede. Esuli religiosi nell’Europa moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino. Bruno Pomara Saverino, Rifugiati. I moriscos e l'Italia, Firenze, Firenze University Press, scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito:
Those who only need to take 6 ECTS are required to study the first teaching unit. IT IS POSSIBLE TO USE THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY STARTING FROM JUNE-JULY 2024, EXCLUSIVELY.
Core compulsory activities
20710655 -
The course aims to offer students the essential conceptual and methodological tools to understand the political, economic, social and cultural processes that presided over the development of European political systems in the 20th century. The general objective of the course is to provide the student with the ability to contextualize and understand the problems of the period, with a comparative analysis between the Italian political system and the political systems of other European countries.
Core compulsory activities
20710735 -
Religione, società e culture nel Medioevo
The course of Religion, society and culture in the Middle Ages aims to train students in the study of religious history in the Middle Ages, with the aim of highlighting both its peculiar character within historical studies and its immersion in the medieval societies and cultures which, at the same time, it helps to forge. From a didactic and methodological point of view, the courses have a seminar character in order to encourage the active participation and original contribution of the students.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702437 -
The student will acquire the theoretical foundations of the discipline and the ability to compare different theoretical and methodological perspectives. (S)he will also acquire analytical tools that will allow her/him to analyze real data represented by audio-visual recordings and transcripts of conversations and institutional interactions.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20702436 -
The student will learn at a theoretical level specialized knowledge related to the main modern and contemporary critical currents, with the consequent development of the capacity of original application on samples of literary texts.
( syllabus)
Criticism and the Invention of Genres'.
One of the tasks of criticism has always been to group texts under genre labels, so as to be able to "grasp literary relationships that would not have been noticed in the absence of a context in which to place them" (N. Frye). Beyond the traditionally recognised canonical genres, critics, also driven by the logic of the publishing market, tend to identify new classifications and coin new names. This has been the case, in Italian fiction over the last 40 years, with the so-called 'cannibals', the New Italian Realisms, the New Italian Epic, the neo-historical novel, nonfiction autofiction, etc. How are such operations produced in the practice of literary criticism, whether militant or academic? What is the relationship between the new textual classes and canonical genres? Which and how many textual characteristics contribute to the identification of a new 'genre'? Through a number of case studies, the course will propose practical and historically attested examples of the phenomenon in the context of contemporary Italian literature.
( reference books)
F. Pappalardo, Teorie dei generi letterari
Other readings will be provided during the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710742 -
The course tends to frame literary texts, in a transnational perspective, in relationships with other semiotic codes and textual practices, in order to develop textual analysis and teaching tools applicable to literature of any language understood as a complex and dynamic system in continuous exchange with neighboring systems
( syllabus)
Writers on writing. 'An ichthyologist cannot be a fish'. This is how Viktor Sklovskij stigmatised the commonplace that would like the practice of writing to be distinct from any theoretical discourse on literature. Sklovsky was, himself, a formalist scholar - his Theory of Prose (1924) is famous - and a writer. In turn, some of the most famous contemporary storytellers - from Raymond Carver to Stephen King to Murakami Haruki - have published manuals on creative writing, often as a result of their teaching activities, which flourished in American universities. Even in Italy, well before the advent of creative writing schools, going to the workshop represented the best apprenticeship to become a writer. This was the case for Vincenzo Cerami, whose memorable debut (Un borghese piccolo piccolo, 1976) was proofread by Pier Paolo Pasolini, who had already been his teacher in secondary school. Mindful of Pasolini's magisterium, Cerami - as well as Giuseppe Pontiggia, among others - published Consigli per un giovane scrittore (1999), a book that Francesco Orlando, one of Italy's leading 20th-century literary theorists and a professor at the University of Pisa, considered worthy of appearing in his examination bibliographies. Before, however, becoming an attractive genre on the publishing market, the invitation to writing, whether poetic or narrative, declined in epistolary form or as a collection of aphorisms, had tempted some of the greatest modernist authors, including Rainer Maria Rilke and André Gide. The course, in presenting some of the most significant titles of this production, on the basis of a comparison between different cultural traditions (from Soviet Russia, to the United States, to Italy) aims at measuring the gap between practice and theory of literature in the author's handbook.
( reference books)
Two texts to be chosen from:
V. Sklovskij, Il mestiere dello scrittore e la sua tecnica R. Carver, Il mestiere di scrivere V. Cerami, Consigli a un giovane scrittore G. Pontiggia, Per scrivere bene imparate a nuotare M Haruki, Il mestiere dello scrittore
Other readings will be provided during during the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711434 -
Literature and Art in the Italian Renaissance
The aim of the course is the acquisition of specialized knowledge on Italian Renaissance literature and its relationship with the figurative arts, through the analysis of works of authors who have been active both in literary and artistic production, according to the most up-to-date research perspectives. At the end of the course the student will obtain adequate interpretative tools of historical, literary, and linguistic nature for the analysis of Renaissance literary texts connected with artistic production and will be able to apply advanced analysis methodologies on them.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
20702443 -
The student will acquire knowledge related to the master's level analysis of one or more Latin literary texts, with particular attention to formal aspects and seminar-like interaction with attending students.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702459 -
The student will have advanced knowledge of the history of Greek and Latin writing, after having examined the main writings of ancient, medieval and modern times, taking a seminar course dedicated to a specific paleographic theme.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710175 -
Theatrical culture and literary culture
This course aims to provide students an introduction with the relationships between text and performance, theater and print, actors and writers.
Derived from
( syllabus)
PROGRAMME. After a general introduction, the course will examine the presence of Shakespeare in the performances, images and teatrical practices from the twentieth century to the contemporary theatre. In the last part of the course will be practically tested the use of the tools of research in collaboration with the librarians of the Library of the Arts.
( reference books)
TEXT BOOKS: Lectures notes edit by the teacher; (available at the beginning of the course on the site W. Shakespeare, Amleto (a cura di Alessandro Serpieri, Marsilio 2001); Otello (trad. di A. Serpieri, Marsilio, 2009), Re Lear (a cura di Giorgio Melchiori , Mondadori);J.K. Stanislavskij, Otello. Note di regia, a cura di Fausto Malcovati, Dino Audino Editore.
The non-attending students must add to the program the following book: J. Kott, Skakespeare nostro contemporaneo, Feltrinelli
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710150 -
The course aims to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of various theoretical and methodological aspects of Italian linguistics and the most important tools of the discipline, so that they can acquire a thorough preparation in the main fields of linguistic research
( syllabus)
The history of our language can also be read and studied using dictionaries which have described and codified it. The module focuses on the diachronic and synchronic study of the Italian lexicon through lexicography. After having clarified the basic terms of the discipline, we will retrace the history of dictionaries in Italy, from its origins to the present day; typologies and compositional structures of some important dictionaries will be examined.
( reference books)
- V. Della Valle (2005), Dizionari italiani: storia, tipi, struttura, Roma, Carocci. - C. Marazzini (2009), L’ordine delle parole. Storia di vocabolari italiani, Bologna, il Mulino: chapters III, VI, VIII.2 and 3 (photocopies made available by the teacher.). - I. Consales (2021), Nell’officina del lessicografo. Saggi di lessicografia italiana, Roma, Aracne, 2021.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710093 -
12 cfu chosen by the student.
Elective activities
20705042 -
The final exam of the LM-14 Master Course provides for the presentation and discussion of a written paper written under the guidance of a supervisor and a co-supervisor.
Final examination and foreign language test
Optional group:
Ulteriori abilità - laboratori - (show)
20710714 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The laboratory aims above all to introduce students to the knowledge of ancient historiography in its main lines of development. Through the direct examination of some authors and their texts, the specificities of ancient historical thought and its method of investigation will be highlighted: the reading of some pages from the first book of Appian's Civil Wars, in particular, will allow us to understand how the narration of ancient historians is often problematic vis-à-vis historical reconstruction and must therefore always be evaluated with a critical eye, with the aid of the tools of modern historical science.
( reference books)
Attending students:
1. K. Meister, La storiografia greca, Laterza 1992 (and later reissues) 2. G. Zecchini, Storia della storiografia romana, Laterza 2016 (and later reissues)
Non-attending students:
1. M. Bettalli (ed.), Introduzione alla storiografia greca, Carocci 2009 (and later reissues) 2. G. Zecchini, Storia della storiografia romana, Laterza 2016 (and later reissues) 3. To choose between: - A. Marcone (ed.), Sallustio e la storiografia tardo repubblicana, Le Monnier 2021, pp. 1-102, 149-157 - D. Musti (ed.), La storiografia greca. Guida storica e critica, Laterza 1979 , pp. VII-90
Other activities
20710069 -
Computer workshop for ancient world studies
( syllabus)
For Bachelor and Master's degree students. Second semester. Hours: one meeting per week will be held, lasting three academic hours, Laboratorio Informatico of the Area di Mondo Antico (LISA). Course start: March 2024. The mode of the course delivery will depend on the University regulations in force at the time. In any case, since it is a laboratory, which requires direct teacher-student interaction, there is NO registration of meetings and attendance (in the possible modes) is mandatory.
The Laboratory introduces to the knowledge of the main informatic resources for the historical and philological studies related to Antiquity, Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages.
- Introduction. Word-processor features. Multilingual keyboards; writing in ancient Greek.
- Creation of a scientific bibliography; methods of citation. Tools for bibliographic research: bibliographic repertories; on-line consultation of catalogues (OPAC); on-line consultation of books and periodicals (open access and by subscription); on-line reviews.
- Analysis of literary texts: text databases; electronic dictionaries; software for text analysis and lexical research on Greek and Latin texts.
- Research of epigraphic and papyraceous sources; research and consultation of manuscripts.
( reference books)
The teacher provides the didactic materials necessary for the carrying out of the Laboratory.
Other activities
20710071 -
Other activities
20710199 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The student, through examples and practical exercises on traditions (mono and pluritestimoniali) of texts of Italian literature, will deepen the knowledge of ecdotic tools aimed at the constitution of a critical edition, both in the field of reconstructive philology and in that of authorial philology. The theoretical and practical character of the Laboratory, with the active participation of each student, requires a programmed number of 25 students.
Applications for enrollment (both for bachelor's and master's degree students) can be sent by e-mail to, from 8th January to the last week of February 2024. For a better organization of enrollments and activities, students interested in participating are requested to indicate the following essential data in their e-mails: 1) matriculation number; 2) course of study; 3) philological exams already taken and/or philological courses already attended.
( reference books)
At the beginning of the lessons, the materials needed to carry out the practical exercises and any additional bibliography will be indicated and provided to the students.
Other activities
20710441 -
Other activities
20711398 -
Il ruolo delle donne nell'editoria del XX secolo
The workshop intends to combine reflection on the category of gender in the didactics of Italian L1 and L2 (understood in its structural and cultural aspects) with the rediscovery and valorisation of sources relating to the history of women and feminism, with particular reference to digitisation and metadata techniques. During the workshop there will be opportunities to meet with teachers and operators of third sector associations and with scholars from other disciplines who have conducted studies or developed teaching practices attentive to the dimension of gender and interculture.
( syllabus)
Conceived within the framework of the departmental digital project 'Noi Donne. From paper to the web". the course proposes to study in depth some aspects, figures and moments of women's participation in 20th century Italian publishing (both in the field of journalism and literature, and in the school and extracurricular sector), valorising sources and protagonists through digitalisation and the elaboration of didactic contents to be proposed in 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools. Three distinct training moments are planned, which will enable participants 1) to confront themselves with scholars and scholars on the subject through a seminar day, which they will have to help organise; 2) to revise what they have learnt by setting up learning units on the topics addressed, especially from the perspective of language and literary education; 3) to acquire the necessary skills to digitise and create metadata useful for the use of the issues of the journal "Noi Donne".
( syllabus)
Conceived within the framework of the departmental digital project 'Noi Donne. From paper to the web". the course proposes to study in depth some aspects, figures and moments of women's participation in 20th century Italian publishing (both in the field of journalism and literature, and in the school and extracurricular sector), valorising sources and protagonists through digitalisation and the elaboration of didactic contents to be proposed in 1st and 2nd grade secondary schools. Three distinct training moments are planned, which will enable participants 1) to confront themselves with scholars and scholars on the subject through a seminar day, which they will have to help organise; 2) to revise what they have learnt by setting up learning units on the topics addressed, especially from the perspective of language and literary education; 3) to acquire the necessary skills to digitise and create metadata useful for the use of the issues of the journal "Noi Donne".
( reference books)
Powerpoint and "Noi donne"
Other activities