Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20810293 -
Analisi Matematica I
Allow the acquisition of the method deductive logic and provide the basic mathematical tools of the calculation of differential and integral. Each topic will be introduced and strictly the treaty, carrying, sometimes, detailed demonstrations, and also doing large reference to physical meaning, geometric interpretation and application number. Proper methodology and a reasonable skill in the use of the concepts of calculation and its entirety and differential results will put in grade students in principle to face so easy application more topics that will take place in the following courses.
( syllabus)
Numerical sets (N, Z, Q and R), axiomatic construction of R, construction of N and principle of induction, complex numbers; elements of topology in R and Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem; real functions of real variable, limits of functions and their properties, limits of sequences, notable limits, the Napier number; continuous functions and their properties; derivative of functions and their properties, the fundamental theorems of differential calculus (Fermat, Rolle, Cauchy, Lagrange, de l'Hopital, Taylor's formula), convex / concave functions; function graph; Riemann integration and properties, integrability of continuous functions, fundamental theorem of integral calculus, integration by substitution and by parts, integration rules; numerical series, simple and absolute convergence, convergence criteria for series with positive terms and for series with any terms; Taylor series; improper integrals.
( reference books)
Analisi matematica I Marcellini-Sbordone Analisi matematica I Pagani-Salsa Esercitazioni di Matematica Marcellini-Sbordone
( syllabus)
Numerical sets (N, Z, Q and R), axiomatic construction of R, construction of N and principle of induction, complex numbers; elements of topology in R and Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem; real functions of real variable, limits of functions and their properties, limits of sequences, notable limits, the Napier number; continuous functions and their properties; derivative of functions and their properties, the fundamental theorems of differential calculus (Fermat, Rolle, Cauchy, Lagrange, de l'Hopital, Taylor's formula), convex / concave functions; function graph; Riemann integration and properties, integrability of continuous functions, fundamental theorem of integral calculus, integration by substitution and by parts, integration rules; numerical series, simple and absolute convergence, convergence criteria for series with positive terms and for series with any terms; Taylor series; improper integrals.
( reference books)
Analisi matematica I Marcellini-Sbordone Analisi matematica I Pagani-Salsa Esercitazioni di Matematica Marcellini-Sbordone
Basic compulsory activities
20810294 -
The course aims to provide an introduction to those aspects of linear mathematics and geometry needed in science and engineering.
( syllabus)
1. Linear systems: matrix associated to a linear system; the sum of matrices and multiplication by real numbers; reduced matrices; Gauss-Jordan algorithm. 2. Rows by columns product of matrices; invertible matrices; the rank of a matrix; Rouché-Capelli Theorem. 3. Geometrical vectors. Vector spaces. Subspaces. Generating vectors and linearly independent vectors. 4. Basis of a vector space: the dimension of a vector space; Grassmann's formula. 5. Linear applications: Kernel and image of a linear application. Dimension of Kernel and Image of a linear application. 6. Matrix associated to a linear application. Diagonalization of linear operators. 7. Symmetric bilinear forms. Lengths, angles, orthogonality. Orthogonal and orthonormal bases. Gram-Schmidt algorithm. 8. Quadratic forms. Spectral Theorem. Diagonalization and classification of quadratic forms in a Euclidean space. Sylvester bases and Sylvester canonical form. Vector product in a Euclidean space of dimension three. Analytic geometry in the plane and in space. Cartesian and parametric equations of linear spaces. Proper and improper sheaves of lines and planes. Determination of reciprocal position of linear varieties from their equations. Conics and quadrics.
( reference books)
Flamini-Verra "Matrici e vettori" Carocci ed.
Basic compulsory activities
20810295 -
Fondamenti di programmazione e Data Analytics
The aim of the course is to provide students with the methodological and conceptual tools for the design of algorithms and the implementation of programs for the automatic solution of problems. Specific goals are the introduction of - information technology as a discipline for the automatic solution of problems; - tools and methodologies for the design of algorithms; - fundamental concepts, methodologies and techniques of programming; - concepts and methods for the use of programs for data analytics problems At the end of the course, students will be able to tackle a programming problem in all its parts, namely: - understand, analyze and formalize the problem - designing a solution algorithm using iterative techniques - implement the algorithm in a programming language using suitable data structures and functions. - address complex data analytics problems using appropriate libraries
( syllabus)
Basic concepts: - Problems and algorithms - Computer architecture - languages and compilation - I/O, variables, constants
Operations: - Data types - Expressions - Boolean algebra
Control structures: - Selection - Iteration - Functions
Data structures: - Array - Struct
Concetti avanzati: - Libraries
( reference books)
A. Bellini, A. Guidi, "Linguaggio C. Una guida alla programmazione con elementi di Python", VI Edizione, McGraw-Hill.
( syllabus)
* Basic concepts *
Problems and algorithms
Computer architecture
Languages and Compilation
I / O, variables and constants
* Operations *
Types of data
Boolean algebra
* Control structures *
* Data structures *
* Advanced concepts *
Integrated development environments
The course uses the C and Python programming languages.
( reference books)
A. Bellini, A. Guidi, "Linguaggio C. Una guida alla programmazione con elementi di Python", VI Edizione, McGraw-Hill.
Basic compulsory activities
20202021 -
B2 level of linguistic knowledge of the English language
Final examination and foreign language test
Optional group:
Laboratori per Ulteriori abilità formative - (show)
20810386 -
Avionics for air navigation
The students will be provided with knowledge concerning: (i) the tools are used to govern the movement of an aircraft and their evolution during the past decades; (ii) systems integration and its impact on the evolution of aircraft piloting and re-definition of the operating environment in which increased capacity and flexibility of airspace correspond to increased flight safety.
( syllabus)
Air navigation in the context of air transport: peculiarities, navigation techniques. Flight instruments and their evolution: analogue, electromechanical, electronic instruments. Instruments for controlling the direction of the aircraft: magnetic compass, its limits and errors; gyroscopic directional; gyromagnetic telecompass; solid state magnetometers. Altitude control instruments: ICAO standard atmosphere, true altitudes and pressure altitudes: barometric altimeter; continuous wave radio altimeter; Air Data Computer. Speed control instruments: Pitot – static system, thermometric probes; variometer, anemometer, machmeter. Short/medium range radio aids: NDB/ADF system and VOR/DME system: operating principle, localization exercises. Inertial navigation systems: operating principle, block diagram. GPS satellite system: operating principle, constitution, performance. Avionics in the evolution of air navigation: RNAV area navigation, Performance based navigation PBN. CNS/ATM environment. Augmentation systems, the role of the computer in navigation and flight management systems FMS.
( reference books)
Chris Binns, Aircraft Systems – Instruments, Communications, Navigation and Control, John Wiley & Sons - IEEE Press, Hoboken 2019
Other activities
20810387 -
Air traffic management
The students will be provided with knowledge concerning: (i) principles of Air Traffic Control (from the concept of separation to clearance); (ii) flight instrument procedures (departure, cruise, any waiting and arrival); (iii) from control to traffic management (from tactical to flow control with RADAR and ADS-based automated systems); (iv) trajectory optimization techniques in congested areas (from those defined by classic radio aids to RNAV and RNP routes); (v) examples of control and airspace evolution (free routes, use of TCAS and ADS).
( syllabus)
Aeronautical Altitudes definitions of the different ways of reporting the altitude in the different phases of the flight. Airspace organization, definitions, shape, graphic symbols used to represent them on aeronautical charts and their classification. Air Traffic Services and competent authorities, objectives. Rules of the Air, General Rules, Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Principles of air traffic control from the concept of separation to that of authorization clearance Instrumental flight procedures (departure, cruise, any holdings and arrival) From control to traffic management (from tactical to flow control with automatic systems based on RADAR and ADS) Trajectory optimization techniques in congested areas (from those defined by classic radio aids to RNAV routes and RNPs) Examples of evolution of control and airspace (free routes, use of TCAS and ADS)
( reference books)
Annexes to the Chicago Convention Main ICAO documents Notes
Other activities
20810388 -
Human Factor Commercial Aviation Models to Tackle the New Work Complexity Challenge: Team as a Crew
Provide the student with the ability to acquire the use of Human Factor models. Complete competence is obtained thanks to a process of progressive accumulation in which each segment of the training cycle provides the basis and prerequisites for subsequent growth.
Susini Andrea
( syllabus)
The course of study will cover the following topics: 1) Short outline about Human Factor; 2) Communication model; 3) Leadership model; 4) Teamwork model; 5) Problem Solving & Decision Making models; 6) Workload Management model
( reference books)
After completion of each module a PDF regarding a short description of models discussed will be issued to each student.
Other activities
20810390 -
UAS (Drones) and U-Space
The student will learn the fundamental elements related to the following topics: (i) EU regulations concerning unmanned aircraft operations and "Operation- Centric" principle; (ii) main solutions for the use of UAS aircraft in the European context; (iii) items related to obtaining operating authorizations and attestations of ability to pilot UAS; (iv) major design requirements and related verification for unmanned aircraft; (v) EU regulations governing the integration of unmanned aircraft into airspace; (vi) National Strategic Plan for Advanced Air Mobility 2021-2030; (vii) knowledge of the new Advanced Air Mobility and Innovative Mobility and related services; (viii) impact of AI and autonomy in the new air mobility.
Tripaldi Carmela
( syllabus)
1. The complexity of the civil aviation system and emerging technologies 2. EU UAS regulatory framework and the operation centric approach 3. Operational authorizations and relevant use cases for UAS operation within Europe 4. Description of main UAS systems and operational scenarios 5. UAS design requirements for open/specific category 6. UAS pilot certification of competence 7. EU regulations for the integration of unmanned aircraft into airspace 8. Innovative air services and the impact of AI and autonomy in the new air mobility
( reference books)
Documentations published in moodle
Other activities
20810391 -
EU regulatory system for the certification and continuing airworthiness of aircraft
The student will learn the fundamental elements related to the following topics: (i) international and EU regulations related to certification of aircraft and components and related management for Continuing Airwhortiness; (ii) principles of enterprise certification in aviation; (iii) main items regarding certification methods for aircraft and aircraft components; (iv) main items concerning production methods of aircraft and aircraft components; (v) main items concerning maintenance methods of aircraft and aircraft components; (v) principles of risk analysis applied to aeronautical engineering
Praitano Massimo
( syllabus)
1) HISTORICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE LEGISLATION AND ITS STRUCTURE - ICAO and the Chicago Conference - European Union and its legislative processes - EASA - EASA regulations process - The basic regulation 2018/1139 - Implementing Regulations 748/2012 and 1321/2014
2) INITIAL AIRWORTHINESS – REG 748/2012 - How it fits into the EASA regulations - Definitions - ALTMOC - Structure - Cover regulation - Annex I – Section A – Sub A, general requirements - Annex I – Section A – Sub B to SUB E, how a new aeronautical “product” is born - Annex I – Section A – Sub F, G and J, the organisations - Annex I – Section A – Sub H and I, certificates of an aircraft - Annex I – Section A – Sub K, M, O and P, specific activities (parts, ETSO repairs and flight permits) - Annex I – Section A – Sub Q, “And who am I?”
3) INITIAL CERTIFICATION OF AN AIRCRAFT - The CS and their structure - CS 23 and 25 airplanes - CS 27 and 29 helicopters - CS-E engines - CS ETSO - OSD - Other CS - AMC and AC - Recognized technical standards (EUROCAE, RTCA, etc.)
4) CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS – REG 1321/2014 - The concept of Airworthiness - Structure - Annex I&Vb – PART M and ML, how to maintain airworthiness - Annex II – PART 145, maintenance organisations - Annex III – PART 66, who can carry out maintenance - Annex IV – PART 147, trainers - Annex Va – PART T, “foreign” planes - Annex Vc & Vd – PART CAMO and CAO, the management of airplanes
5) CHECKS AND ASSESSMENTS BY THE AUTHORITY - Why EASA and why NAA? - Who is responsible for what? - With which authority? - Surveillance plans - Finding Observation and corrective actions
6) THE CHALLENGES OF THE NEW REGULATIONS - The drones - Suborbital vehicles - e-VTOL remotely piloted vehicles
7) Practical example of developing a new project (Today I woke up and I thought about building an airplane...)
( reference books)
No reference bibliography. Presentation of the teacher. Regulation text that could be found on official istitutional websites.
Other activities
Optional group:
Laboratori per Ulteriori abilità formative - (show)
20810384 -
Additive Manufacturing
The student will learn the fundamental elements related to the following topics: (i) EU regulations concerning certification of aircraft and components and related management for Continuing Airwhortiness; (ii) principles of aircraft parts and components design with focus on AM technology; (iii) crucial items regarding manufacturing methods of components with AM; (iv) overview of nondestructive methods used in aviation; (v) qualification of components produced by Additive Manufacturing; (vi) knowledge of the new methodology with the state-of-the-art; (vii) potential impact of AM on the production of aircraft components.
Praitano Massimo
( syllabus)
basic knowledge of the behavior of materials under load (stress and strain) used in the aeronautical field, principles of sizing of simple structures, principles of metallurgy of metals, classical subtractive and additive mechanical processing, principles of non-destructive testing, principles of fatigue behavior of the materials, production defects, additive manufacturing with description of the current state of development and future developments.
( reference books)
Class presentation and handouts
Other activities
Optional group:
Laboratori per Esami a scelta dello studente - (show)
20810386 -
Avionics for air navigation
The students will be provided with knowledge concerning: (i) the tools are used to govern the movement of an aircraft and their evolution during the past decades; (ii) systems integration and its impact on the evolution of aircraft piloting and re-definition of the operating environment in which increased capacity and flexibility of airspace correspond to increased flight safety.
( syllabus)
Air navigation in the context of air transport: peculiarities, navigation techniques. Flight instruments and their evolution: analogue, electromechanical, electronic instruments. Instruments for controlling the direction of the aircraft: magnetic compass, its limits and errors; gyroscopic directional; gyromagnetic telecompass; solid state magnetometers. Altitude control instruments: ICAO standard atmosphere, true altitudes and pressure altitudes: barometric altimeter; continuous wave radio altimeter; Air Data Computer. Speed control instruments: Pitot – static system, thermometric probes; variometer, anemometer, machmeter. Short/medium range radio aids: NDB/ADF system and VOR/DME system: operating principle, localization exercises. Inertial navigation systems: operating principle, block diagram. GPS satellite system: operating principle, constitution, performance. Avionics in the evolution of air navigation: RNAV area navigation, Performance based navigation PBN. CNS/ATM environment. Augmentation systems, the role of the computer in navigation and flight management systems FMS.
( reference books)
Chris Binns, Aircraft Systems – Instruments, Communications, Navigation and Control, John Wiley & Sons - IEEE Press, Hoboken 2019
Elective activities
20810387 -
Air traffic management
The students will be provided with knowledge concerning: (i) principles of Air Traffic Control (from the concept of separation to clearance); (ii) flight instrument procedures (departure, cruise, any waiting and arrival); (iii) from control to traffic management (from tactical to flow control with RADAR and ADS-based automated systems); (iv) trajectory optimization techniques in congested areas (from those defined by classic radio aids to RNAV and RNP routes); (v) examples of control and airspace evolution (free routes, use of TCAS and ADS).
( syllabus)
Aeronautical Altitudes definitions of the different ways of reporting the altitude in the different phases of the flight. Airspace organization, definitions, shape, graphic symbols used to represent them on aeronautical charts and their classification. Air Traffic Services and competent authorities, objectives. Rules of the Air, General Rules, Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR). Principles of air traffic control from the concept of separation to that of authorization clearance Instrumental flight procedures (departure, cruise, any holdings and arrival) From control to traffic management (from tactical to flow control with automatic systems based on RADAR and ADS) Trajectory optimization techniques in congested areas (from those defined by classic radio aids to RNAV routes and RNPs) Examples of evolution of control and airspace (free routes, use of TCAS and ADS)
( reference books)
Annexes to the Chicago Convention Main ICAO documents Notes
Elective activities
20810388 -
Human Factor Commercial Aviation Models to Tackle the New Work Complexity Challenge: Team as a Crew
Provide the student with the ability to acquire the use of Human Factor models. Complete competence is obtained thanks to a process of progressive accumulation in which each segment of the training cycle provides the basis and prerequisites for subsequent growth.
Susini Andrea
( syllabus)
The course of study will cover the following topics: 1) Short outline about Human Factor; 2) Communication model; 3) Leadership model; 4) Teamwork model; 5) Problem Solving & Decision Making models; 6) Workload Management model
( reference books)
After completion of each module a PDF regarding a short description of models discussed will be issued to each student.
Elective activities
20810390 -
UAS (Drones) and U-Space
The student will learn the fundamental elements related to the following topics: (i) EU regulations concerning unmanned aircraft operations and "Operation- Centric" principle; (ii) main solutions for the use of UAS aircraft in the European context; (iii) items related to obtaining operating authorizations and attestations of ability to pilot UAS; (iv) major design requirements and related verification for unmanned aircraft; (v) EU regulations governing the integration of unmanned aircraft into airspace; (vi) National Strategic Plan for Advanced Air Mobility 2021-2030; (vii) knowledge of the new Advanced Air Mobility and Innovative Mobility and related services; (viii) impact of AI and autonomy in the new air mobility.
Tripaldi Carmela
( syllabus)
1. The complexity of the civil aviation system and emerging technologies 2. EU UAS regulatory framework and the operation centric approach 3. Operational authorizations and relevant use cases for UAS operation within Europe 4. Description of main UAS systems and operational scenarios 5. UAS design requirements for open/specific category 6. UAS pilot certification of competence 7. EU regulations for the integration of unmanned aircraft into airspace 8. Innovative air services and the impact of AI and autonomy in the new air mobility
( reference books)
Documentations published in moodle
Elective activities
20810391 -
EU regulatory system for the certification and continuing airworthiness of aircraft
The student will learn the fundamental elements related to the following topics: (i) international and EU regulations related to certification of aircraft and components and related management for Continuing Airwhortiness; (ii) principles of enterprise certification in aviation; (iii) main items regarding certification methods for aircraft and aircraft components; (iv) main items concerning production methods of aircraft and aircraft components; (v) main items concerning maintenance methods of aircraft and aircraft components; (v) principles of risk analysis applied to aeronautical engineering
Praitano Massimo
( syllabus)
1) HISTORICAL PRINCIPLES OF THE LEGISLATION AND ITS STRUCTURE - ICAO and the Chicago Conference - European Union and its legislative processes - EASA - EASA regulations process - The basic regulation 2018/1139 - Implementing Regulations 748/2012 and 1321/2014
2) INITIAL AIRWORTHINESS – REG 748/2012 - How it fits into the EASA regulations - Definitions - ALTMOC - Structure - Cover regulation - Annex I – Section A – Sub A, general requirements - Annex I – Section A – Sub B to SUB E, how a new aeronautical “product” is born - Annex I – Section A – Sub F, G and J, the organisations - Annex I – Section A – Sub H and I, certificates of an aircraft - Annex I – Section A – Sub K, M, O and P, specific activities (parts, ETSO repairs and flight permits) - Annex I – Section A – Sub Q, “And who am I?”
3) INITIAL CERTIFICATION OF AN AIRCRAFT - The CS and their structure - CS 23 and 25 airplanes - CS 27 and 29 helicopters - CS-E engines - CS ETSO - OSD - Other CS - AMC and AC - Recognized technical standards (EUROCAE, RTCA, etc.)
4) CONTINUING AIRWORTHINESS – REG 1321/2014 - The concept of Airworthiness - Structure - Annex I&Vb – PART M and ML, how to maintain airworthiness - Annex II – PART 145, maintenance organisations - Annex III – PART 66, who can carry out maintenance - Annex IV – PART 147, trainers - Annex Va – PART T, “foreign” planes - Annex Vc & Vd – PART CAMO and CAO, the management of airplanes
5) CHECKS AND ASSESSMENTS BY THE AUTHORITY - Why EASA and why NAA? - Who is responsible for what? - With which authority? - Surveillance plans - Finding Observation and corrective actions
6) THE CHALLENGES OF THE NEW REGULATIONS - The drones - Suborbital vehicles - e-VTOL remotely piloted vehicles
7) Practical example of developing a new project (Today I woke up and I thought about building an airplane...)
( reference books)
No reference bibliography. Presentation of the teacher. Regulation text that could be found on official istitutional websites.
Elective activities
Optional group:
Laboratori per Esami a scelta dello studente - (show)
20810384 -
Additive Manufacturing
The student will learn the fundamental elements related to the following topics: (i) EU regulations concerning certification of aircraft and components and related management for Continuing Airwhortiness; (ii) principles of aircraft parts and components design with focus on AM technology; (iii) crucial items regarding manufacturing methods of components with AM; (iv) overview of nondestructive methods used in aviation; (v) qualification of components produced by Additive Manufacturing; (vi) knowledge of the new methodology with the state-of-the-art; (vii) potential impact of AM on the production of aircraft components.
Praitano Massimo
( syllabus)
basic knowledge of the behavior of materials under load (stress and strain) used in the aeronautical field, principles of sizing of simple structures, principles of metallurgy of metals, classical subtractive and additive mechanical processing, principles of non-destructive testing, principles of fatigue behavior of the materials, production defects, additive manufacturing with description of the current state of development and future developments.
( reference books)
Class presentation and handouts
Elective activities