Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
un esame a scelta M-PED/01-III ANNO - (show)
22910189 -
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogy with b) the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of pedagogical care, education, socialization of children aged 0-6, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, cognitive styles, learning styles, expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexical, ludic styles, emotional styles, social styles, and with c) the usability of traditional and innovative educational strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, curiosity, creativity.
( syllabus)
Definition and characterization, from the viewpoint of pedagogical care, of educational and didactical processes fostered by the elaborative processes of knowledge, thinking and learning, by mental processes of identification and definition of meaning, by the use of conscious memory, by the elaboration of social experiences, by the specific processes of mediation concerned with emotions, motivations and behaviours. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational settings. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. 6 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
( reference books)
De Cicco R., Aquilani T., F. Di Luca, Innovazione e educazione Eramo G., Essere dentro Tizzano S., Nemmeno con un fiore
Core compulsory activities
22910190 -
The objectives are as follows: to acquire and develop knowledge related to the theoretical framework of adult education; to develop basic skills related to qualitative methodologies in research and design of training interventions; to promote literacy skills related to adult education.
( syllabus)
Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and historical roots of adult education - knowledge of the process related to becoming adults - in-depth knowledge of research fields and intervention in Adult Education - to understand the needs of the territory - being able to promote an educational relationship with an adult - Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning - knowledge of international indicators and national and international educational policies for the adults - the autobiography and in adult education e lifelong learning.
( reference books)
1. G. ALEANDRI, Educazione permanente nella prospettiva del lifelong e lifewide learning, Armando editore, 2011, pp. 192
2. G. ALEANDRI, I sistemi formativi nella prospettiva dell'economia globale. Per una pedagogia del lifelong learning, Armando editore, 2003, pp.208
3. G. ALEANDRI, Scritture adulte. L’autobiografia come ricerca e costruzione del sé, Armando editore, 2012, pp. 1-62
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
un esame a scelta M-DEA/M-FIL - III ANNO - (show)
22910191 -
Moral philosophy
The main objective of the course is to encourage reflection on moral experience, that is, on the ethical quality of human action, naturally oriented towards happiness. Morality is not only an art of living happily, but it is the art of discovering happiness worthy of man, that is, worthy of his humanity. In this perspective, the notion of virtue, elaborated by classical ethics and proposed again in the contemporary age, is central, as is that personal quality which allows us to give our best and to relate in a balanced way, that is, according to reason, with the world and with others. Even the notion of professionalism today is no longer understood simply as technical competence, but as authentic personal development and promotion of others, thus requiring a set of virtuous provisions that make it possible to improve work and improve oneself in work.
Derived from
22910128 Filosofia morale in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 RUSSO MARIA TERESA
( syllabus)
1. General part a) Moral, ethos, ethics, metaethics: terminological clarifications b) Man as a moral subject and the pursuit of happiness c) d) Being free: what does this mean?
2. Monographic Part
a) The notion of virtue and its rediscovery in contemporary philosophy b) Moral questions through literature c) Education and virtue
( reference books)
M. T. Russo-L. Valera, Invito al ben-essere, Aracne, Roma 2015 -P. Ricci Sindoni, L'altro, Messaggero, Padova 2016 -M. T. Russo, Esperienza ed esemplarità morale, edizioni ETS 2017 -M. Scheler, Modelli e capi, edizioni Franco Angeli 2011 -Bibliography online
Basic compulsory activities
22910167 -
The course presents the student with some of the basic concepts of descriptive statistics. It deals with the problems of synthesis (graphic and analytical) of statistical information concerning a single character detected in a population, focusing on the properties of the arithmetic mean and the concept of variability. Then we introduce the problem of the study of the relationship between two characters, distinguishing the approaches according to the level of qualitative or quantitative measurement.
A - L
( syllabus)
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Computation by Excel: statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, covariance and correlation.
( reference books)
BASICS STATISTICS (6 CFU) BOVE G., Slide delle lezioni del Corso base di Statistica, (available on-line).
MARELLA D., Esercizi e domande di riepilogo di Statistica. (available on-line).
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001. CHAPTERS AND SECTIONS TO STUDY ON CORBETTA, GASPERONI E PISATI Chap. 1: ALL Chap 2: ALL (EXCEPT: INDICE DI OMOGENEITÀ, Par. 6.) Chap 3: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 4; Par 5.) Chap. 4: ALL Chap. 5: ALL (EXCEPT: Par. 2; Par 3; CHI-QUADRATO and V DI CRAMÉR; Subpar. 4.2; Subpar. 4.3 Subpar. 4.4; Par 5)
STATISTICS INTEGRATION (3 CFU) Marella D., Dispensa sull''utilizzo di Excel, pdf manuscript available on-line.
M - Z
( syllabus)
The course is composed of two parts: 1) Basics Statistics (6 CFU) 2) Statistics (Integration) (3 CFU)
Basics Statistics (6 CFU)
Arguments considered are: frequency distributions, graphics, measure of central tendency (mean, mode, median), measure of dispersion (standard deviation, variance, variation coefficient), bivariate contingency tables, correlation analysis (covariance, correlation coefficient).
Statistics (Integration) (3 CFU)
Arguments considered are: computation by Excel of statistical frequencies and percentages, tables, graphical representations, means and dispersion indices, covariance and correlation.
( reference books)
Basic Statistics (6CFU)
BOVE G., Lectures slides a.a. 2016-17 will be available.
MARELLA D., Exercises a.a. 2016-17 will be available.
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., Statistica per la ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2001.
Statistics (Integration) (3 CFU)
MARELLA D., Lectures slides on Excel a.a. 2016-17 will be available.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
un esame a scelta GRUPPO OPZIONALE-III ANNO - (show)
22910194 -
The course aims to provide students with a series of theoretical and practical knowledge relating to observation as a technique for detecting child behaviour, with particular reference to: its characteristics; the influence of theoretical reference frameworks; the different types of observation; the conditions that guarantee its validity and reliability; the different detection techniques (narrative descriptions, coding systems, evaluation scales, questionnaires and interviews; qsort); the tools for observing cognitive, communicative and linguistic development, social and relational, emotional. Moreover, from this knowledge the course allows the student to develop the skills required for the use of the observation of child behavior in educational contexts.
( syllabus)
The course includes lectures, exercitations, group and individual exercises - in presence and at a distance - relating to the observation as a systematic technique for collecting information on infant behavior, with reference to the changes that this method has had over time and the different types of observation. Furthermore, the characteristics of the different observational strategies, the conditions that guarantee their validity and reliability, and the practical planning for their use will be presented. To develop the skills necessary to use observation, different tools will be presented on different aspects of child development (cognitive, communicative and linguistic, social and relational, etc.).
Following topics will be presented: The observation: method and theory • Myths and reality on observation • Observation as a detection technique • Different types of observation
Observation in practice • Quality of the observer • Validity of the observation • Data recording procedures
Observational tools • Cognitive development • Communicative and linguistic development • Social and interpersonal development • Emotional development
( reference books)
Aureli T., Perucchini P., Osservare e valutare il comportamento del bambino, il Mulino, Bologna 2014 D’Odorico e Cassibba, Osservare per educare, Carocci Exercises: Cassibba e Salerni, Osservare i bambini: Tecniche ed esercizi, Carocci.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910195 -
The aim of this course is to present systematic reflections on the relationship between pedagogy and narrative, valorizing the educational potentialities of stories in the growth process of girls and childrens in the current multi-cultural contexts. Following a general presentation of the topics, narrative typologies for early childhood will be analyzed with regard to the needs of socio-educational services, promoting networks with the resources of territory.
( syllabus)
The aim of this course is to present systematic reflections on the relationship between pedagogy and narrative, valorizing the educational potentialities of stories in the growth process of girls and childrens ( 0-6 years) in the current multi-cultural and heterogeneous contexts. Following a general presentation of the topics, narrative typologies for early childhood will be analyzed with regard to the needs of socio-educational services, promoting networks with the resources of territory. With the study of Pedagogy of the narration the student will be able
Knowledge and understanding: - to know the main paradigms of the narrative in relation to representations of the forms of diversity; - to know the characteristics of the specific setting of the moment narrator and the main theoretical contributions in the field of pedagogy.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - to analyze the different narrative languages and to distinguish the different products; - to promote reading education programs.
Making judgements: - to design educational- training interventions to enhance the recognition of the need to tell/self tell in narrative setting; - to appraise the more proper narrative forms for the different contexts.
Communication skills: - to master the different expressive languages with the children aged 0-6 years; - to use different book formats.
Learning skills: - to orientate between the forms of narrative and to propose new pathways; - to identify the network links with services such as libraries and expressive-creative laboratories, enhancing the language specificity.
( reference books)
F. Cambi, C. Di Bari, D. Sarsini (2012). Il mondo dell'infanzia. Dalla scoperta, al mito, alla relazione di cura. Autori e testi. Roma: Apogeo. R. Valentino Merletti, G. Paladin, (2012). Libro fammi grande ( formato e-book). E. Fierli, G. Lancia, G. Franchi, S. Marini (2015). Leggere senza stereotipi. Percorsi educativi 0-6 anni per figurarsi il futuro. Cagli( Pu):Settenove
Lo studio dei testi va integrato con la scelta di quattro libri (un testo per ciascuno) dei percorsi di lettura proposti:
PRIMO PERCORSO – IO, TU, NOI. Suzy Lee, L’onda, Edizioni Corraini, Milano 2008. Paloma Valdivia, Quelli di sopra e quelli di sotto, Kalandra Italia, Firenze 2014. Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, Testa in su. Testa in giù, Lapis Edizioni, Roma 2016. Giovanna Zoboli, Mariachiara Di Giorgio, Professione Coccodrillo, Topipittori, Milano 2017. Florie Saint-Val, Benvenuti a Toc-Toc, Sinnos, Roma 2017.
SECONDO PERCORSO – NEL MONDO, SENZA CONFINI. Daniela Valente, Ilaria Bochicchio, Adrian vuole andare a scuola, Edizioni Coccole e Caccole, Castrovillari (CS) 2012. Claude K. Dubois, Akim corre, Babalibri, Milano 2014. Irena Kobald, freya Blackwood Freya, Una coperta di parole, Mondadori, Milano 2015. Louise Spilsbury, Hanane Kai, Bambini nel mondo. I conflitti globali, EDT, Torino 2018. Louise Spilsbury, Hanane Kai, Bambini nel mondo. La povertà e la fame, EDT, Torino 2018. Kate Milner, Il mio nome non è Rifugiato, Les Mots Libres, Bologna 2018.
TERZO PERCORSO – SENZA STEREOTIPI Un testo a scelta di quelli citati nel testo Elena Fierli, Giovanna Lancia, Giulia Franchi, Sara Marini, Leggere senza stereotipi. Percorsi educativi 0-6 anni per figurarsi il futuro, Settenove, Cagli (Pu) 2017.
Nicole De Cock, Aan de overkant (On the far side), Gottmer Publishing Group, Haarlem 2006. Aaron BecKer, Journey, Candlewick Press, Sormeville, 2013, (trad. it. Viaggio, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2014). JI Hyeon Lee, La piscina, Orecchio Acerbo, Roma 2015. Amy Nielander, La gara delle coccinelle, Terre di Mezzo, Milano 2016. Mac Barnett e Jon Klassen, Filo Magico, Terre di Mezzo, Milano 2016. Ljerka Rebrovic, Ivana Pipal, Città blu, città gialla, Terre di Mezzo, Milano, 2017.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
esami a scelta, tra cui consigliati-III ANNO - (show)
22910197 -
Increase the knowledge of significant examples of French children's literature in the French and Francophone areas. Urge reflection on educational and civic values in connection with some historical-cultural specificities of the French-speaking areas. Analyze the texts on the basis of the narrative characteristics useful in education, with particular reference to the problems inherent to childhood and adolescence, to the difficulties inherent in growth, family life, issues of social difficulty and migration.
( syllabus)
Teaching programme The programme includes 6 authors and/or texts, representing three main categories of French literature designed or used for children:
1) The great classics Charles Perrault, from the Tales of Mother Goose (Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelin, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Bluebeard, Cat in Boots).
Jean de La Fontaine, from the Fables (The cicada and the ant, the wolf and the fox, the wolf and the stork, the wolf and the painter, the cock and the fox, the sick lion and the fox).
2) the visionary literature of the 19th century, between exploration and new technologies Jules Verne, 20,000 leagues under the sea, children's version.
3) children's literature in the face of the great problems of the contemporary world: the world war, the Shoah and emigration.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince
Tomi Ungerer, Otto. Autobiography of a teddy bear
Azouz Begag, The island of Siloo
( reference books)
Charles Perrault, available pdf texts
Jean de La Fontaine , available pdf texts Jules Verne, 20.000 leghe sotto i mari, Dami publisher. Also available in ebook format on the site
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Il Piccolo Principe, available pdf texts
Tomi Ungerer, Otto. Autobiografia di un orsacchiotto, Mondadori Oscar Junior
Azouz Begag, L’isola di Siloo, AIEP Editore, available on paper or ebook
Elective activities
22902570 -
Musicology, history and sociology of music
Goal of teaching is to develop in the student a specific feeling and a critical awareness of music as a basic human form of expression.
Derived from
22902570 MUSICOLOGIA, STORIA E SOCIOLOGIA DELLA MUSICA ( L39/40) in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 POZZI RAFFAELE
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to provide the students with basic methodologies and knowledge in the fields of Musicology, History and Sociology of Music. The course programme is divided in two parts: the first is devoted to the fundamentals of music theory (acoustics, notation, musical forms etc.) and to a survey of musical history connected with listening and analysis of exemplary works of both written art music and non-written traditions; the second one, monographic, is focused on the following subject: Innovation in TV broadcasting: Luciano Berio’s C’è musica & musica. Examination: Students will be assessed by means of a written test. The examination textbooks are the following: O KAROLYI, Grammatica della musica, Torino, Einaudi, 1967 and reprinted versions; A Survey of history of Western music, in Musica, Le Garzantine, Milano, Garzanti 1996 and updated editions, pp. 1009-1042; L. BERIO, C’è musica & musica, 2 DVD + book, ed. by A. I. DE BENEDICTIS, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2013.
( reference books)
O. KAROLYI, Grammatica della musica, Torino, Einaudi, 1967 e successive ristampe; Profilo storico della musica in Occidente, in Musica, collana Le Garzantine, Milano, Garzanti,1996 o successive edizioni aggiornate, pp. 1009-1042; L. BERIO, C’è musica & musica, 2 DVD + libro, a cura di A. I. DE BENEDICTIS, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2013.
Elective activities