Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910291 -
Digital humanities ed editoria digitale
Digital Humanities and Digital Publishing
Educational objectives: The course aims to provide participants with a general knowledge of the fields of digital humanities and digital publishing, together with a more specific focus on the evolution of digital textuality, on reading and learning devices and tools, and on the editorial features of learning content. Specific laboratorial activities will be devoted to the practices of content production and curation, providing participants with a practical introduction to the main tools and methodologies used in the field.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Upon completion of the course, the participants will have acquired essential knowledge and skills in the fields of digital publishing and digital humanities, and more specific knowledge and skills on the practices of editorial production of learning content, with the ability to understand the main strategies for their organization and digital care. They will also have acquired a general understanding of the practices and of the market reality of educational digital publishing, including the main roles and competencies involved.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to apply the acquired competencies in evaluating the effectiveness and the editorial quality of digital content and in choosing the most appropriate practices for their design, production and distribution, also in the context of work teams.
Making judgments: Upon completion of the course, the participants will be able to independently and critically assess the effectiveness and features of different types of editorial and learning content, and to analyze their structural organization; they will also be able to evaluate costs and benefits in choosing between different methods of production, selection, organization of editorial content.
Communication skills: Upon completion of the course, also by means of the collaborative activities provided, the participants will be able to actively participate in a work team in the field of digital publishing, and to master the specific language used in the field.
Learning skills: Participants will acquire the skills and autonomy necessary for fostering the acquisition of new knowledge and competencies in the field, both in the context of collaborative content production activities, and through training and self-organized learning.
Modalities of connection with other courses: The course will be closely connected with the course ‘Learning design for e-learning and media education’ and with the course ‘Tools and methodologies for e-learning’. Furthermore, it will be connected, in the form of integrated learning and within the laboratory and project work activities, with the audio-video laboratory and the platform laboratory.
( syllabus)
The course is organized into four main sections (3 credits each): Section A - Introduction to digital publishing: reading devices; mark-up and file formats; software and reading interfaces; models of content organization; multimedia, hypertexts, interactive books; enhanced e-books; digital book market. Section B - The readers' point of view: reading habits in the digital ecosystem; social reading; augmented reading; online reading. Section C - Introduction to Digital Humanities. Section D - Digital publishing for teaching and learning,
( reference books)
Modulo A - Gino Roncaglia, La quarta rivoluzione, Laterza 2010 Modulo B - Maurizio Vivarelli, La lettura, Editrice bibliografica 2018 Modulo C - Daniele Silvi e Fabio Ciotti, Lezioni di informatica umanistica, Universitalia 2021 Modulo D - Gino Roncaglia, l'età della frammentazione, seconda edizione accresciuta, Laterza 2020
Non attending students and students not participating in project work will add - Tiziana Mancinelli ed Elena Pierazzo, Che cos'è un'edizione scientifica digitale, Carocci 2020
A list of alternative textbooks in English is available upon request.
Related or supplementary learning activities
22910299 -
Laboratorio piattaforme digitali
Laboratory – On-line e-learning platforms
Educational objectives: The laboratory aims to provide participants with basic operational knowledge on the functioning of some among the most popular LMS (Learning Management System) and LCMS (Learning Content Management System) platforms. The knowledge and skills acquired will allow participants to select the most suitable platforms in different teaching and learning contexts and to use them both as end users and as back office managers.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Participants will understand the basic features and functionalities and the operating principles of some among the most popular LMS and LCMS platforms. Applying knowledge and understanding: Participants will be able to apply the acquired knowledges in the management and use of the platforms used, both as user and as manager.
Making judgements: Participants will be able to evaluate, within the vast offer of e-learning platforms, the most suitable for specific teaching and learning needs and will be able to evaluate the best ways to organize and use the relevant learning content.
Communication skills: Participants will be able to illustrate the features and functionality of different platforms to non-expert teachers and students and will be able to provide competent advice on their choice and use; participants will also be able to use in the most suitable ways the communication tools offered within e-learning platforms.
Learning skills: Participants will be able to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field of e-learning platforms, and will be able to profit from user feedback in order to improve platform features and configurations.
Leonetti Francesco
( syllabus)
- Elearning Platform: definition and basic functionalities - LMS, LCMS, LXP: differences and enhancements - Analytical Comparison of the main elearning platforms open source and SaaS (Moodle. Docebo, etc) - Drill & Practice: implementation of an online course
( reference books)
References and guides of the elearning platforms used for the laboratory activities:
Riferimenti e guide delle piattaforme di elearning utilizzate per le attività di laboratorio:
Other activities
22910300 -
Laboratorio regia e montaggio audio-video
Laboratory - direction and audio-video editing
Educational objectives: The workshop aims to provide participants with basic operational knowledge on the principles of audio-video directing and editing. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow participants to use audio-video editing software for the creation of multimedia learning contents.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Participants will understand the principles of audio-video direction and editing and the basic functionalities of audio-video editing software. Applying knowledge and understanding: Participants will be able to apply this knowledge to direct and edit multimedia learning contents.
Making judgements: Participants will be able to evaluate the methods of audiovisual organization of multimedia learning contents, according to the different needs and types of such contents.
Communication skills: Participants will be able to illustrate to teachers and to the other figures involved in the production of multimedia learning contents the best strategies for good results from the point of view of the audiovisual rendering of such contents.
Learning skills: Participants will be able to further develop their knowledge and skills in the field audio-video directing and editing and will be able to profit from user feedback in order to improve the quality of their work in this field.
Calogero Arianna
( syllabus)
ELEMENTS OF DIRECTION AND SHOOTING TECHNIQUES: The shots, the visual continuity, the movements of machine, fittings, practical demonstrations.How to light a scene, types of lighting, main cinema cameras and tools support, choice of optics, focus, aperture management, ISO, balance of white. EDITING ELEMENTS WITH PREMIERE PRO: Initial project setup, creation sequence, import of audio-video clips, images, graphics and tracks musical. Software interface, main tools, levels, flow management workspace, audio sync, transitions and effects, titles, correction color. Rendering, audio-video export, knowledge of formats and codecs for different applications.
( reference books)
W. Murch, Before you could say Jack Robinson. A perspective on film editing in the digital age, Turin, Lindau, 2000 G. Millar, K. Reisz, M. Amante, The film editing technique, Turin, Lindau, 2000 G. Chandler, Film editing. The basic rules that every director or video amateur must know, Rome, Gremese, 2017 S. Scafidi, The tools of direction vol.I The basics of staging, Rome, Dino Audino, 2020 S. Scafidi,The tools of direction vol.II The techniques of staging, Rome, Dino Audino, 2020
Other activities
22910301 -
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
22910302 -
Prova finale
Final examination and foreign language test
Optional group:
Nuovo gruppo OPZIONALE - II anno - (show)
22910285 -
Arti audiovisuali per la media education
Audiovisual arts for Media Education
Educational objectives: At the end of the course, students will be able to know and understand the development of audiovisual arts and the central role they play in contemporary societies, also related to the new forms of interactive communication. Furthermore, students will possess the ability to interpret and critically analyze audiovisual texts and products, and will be aware of the educational function of media as well as the social, cultural and ethical consequences of media education.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: students will have the understanding of the significant role played by media and the knowledge of the main aspects of media education. Furthermore, students will have the necessary knowledge of the main contemporary narratives as well as the formal aspects of cinematic and audio-visual texts. Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to use and critically analyze audio-visual and cross-media documents, also in order to recognize rhetorical strategies in films and audio-visual texts.
Making judgements: students will have a critical awareness with respect to digital media and the ability to analyze audio-visual texts and narratives.
Communication skills: students will be able to interact online as well as in person, by creating networks, managing and promoting communication and information.
Learning skills: students will be able to apply the learning skills developed, in order to improve their professional knowledge.
( syllabus)
Theoretical lectures on the following macro-themes: - The contemporary media landscape and the concept of re-mediation - The convergent and participatory culture - New generations and the contemporary media landscape - Media Literacy Education
( reference books)
D. Buckingham, The Media Education Manifesto, 2020. A. Buonauro; V. Domenici, Le nuove generazioni nel paesaggio mediale contemporaneo, Armando, 2021.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Nuovo gruppo OPZIONALE - II anno a scelta dello studente - (show)
22910293 -
Psicologia della percezione e delle arti
Psychology of perception and of the arts
Educational objectives: The aim is to provide the skills to understand the content of images and works of art, through the perception analysis of the structural and compositional characteristics of the object. Another aim is to be able to use this knowledge and to apply it, through a critical analysis, to the observation of new media digital contexts. Lastly, the capacity to communicate the knowledge learned to other people.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding:
The graduates student will be able to understand the languages used in various media. He will be aware of the cognitive and affective processes underlying the different forms of communication in digital media. He will demonstrate competence in different communication contexts, in understanding languages and in the user/media relationship
Applying knowledge and understanding: The graduate student will be able to apply the learned knowledge in the use of different forms of digital technologies in different communication contexts: training and learning processes, comparison between the different forms of traditional and multimedia languages. He will be able to apply the knowledge learned in the integrated design of the different forms of communication that takes into account images, text, symbols in a multimedia context.
Making judgements: The graduate student will be equipped with knowledge and skills that demonstrate independence of evaluation and judgment in the understanding and the interpretation of the various multimedia languages. He should be able to have a critical sense and possibly innovative capacity in the activities he will face.
Communication skills: The graduate student will be able to communicate efficiently in the various sectors in which he will plan interventions. An important aspect is to be able to manage networks of experts in both face-to-face and online activities. He will have different languages (verbal, visual, etc.) that will allow him to fully express his thoughts and the analysis of the systems he will use.
Learning skills: The graduate student will be able to use different methods, taught during the course, to update his/her knowledge in lifelong learning. This learning abilities must be demonstrated during the course of study and subsequently will allow him/her to apply the knowledge to the different systems that it will be used.
Modalities of connection with other courses: It would be advisable that the student had followed courses in Psychology of Education and Multimedia Learning, History of Education and Communication Processes and Sociology of Digital Media.
( syllabus)
The course is an introduction to the Psychology theoretical, methodological and research approaches, to understand the cognitive process of visual perception and psychology applied to the arts. Basic elements to understand the functioning of our brain with particular reference to sensation and perception. The course aims to address the theme of art and make it, if possible, more understandable through a psychological perspective. Structural and compositional characteristics of the artistic object will be addressed. The necessary skills will also be provided for the psychological analysis of the art object and the aesthetic experience with reference also to museum both through studies conducted and through specific visits in the museum context. The psychological approach to the world of the arts will also be discussed: the artist, the object of art and the user. Four main topics will be: psychoanalysis of art, Gestalt psychology, experimental aesthetics and neuroesthetics. Art, perception and visual communication: structural characteristics (line, shape and color), compositional characteristics (symmetry, balance, space, dynamism, expression). The relationship between visual and auditory perception: images and music.
( reference books)
Mastandrea, S. (2017), “Psicologia della percezione”, Carocci. Mastandrea, S. (2015), “Psicologia dell’arte”, Carocci.
Elective activities
22910295 -
Diritto penale dell’informatica
Criminal Law of Information Technology
Educational objectives: The course aims to ensure knowledge of cyber-criminality phenomena and of the criminal law of Information Technology currently in force in Italy, with particular regard to the different categories of offenses provided for in the criminal code or in complementary legislation, to the criminal liability of internet service providers, website operators, online newspapers or blogs, both as individuals and as collective entities pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: the student will know the structure of the different categories of cybercrimes and the related responsibilities of natural and legal persons Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will be able to understand the issues underlying the application of different cybercrimes and the articulation of the related responsibilities as addressed by the most recent jurisprudence
Making judgements: the student will acquire autonomy of orientation and critical analysis skills in relation to criminal liability for cybercrimes so as to be able to make judgments on the adequacy of the current regulatory framework and on any regulatory intervention needs
Communication skills: the student will be able to promote, through effective communication processes, knowledge of cybercrime phenomena and the analysis of the related risks for natural and legal persons
Learning skills: the student will be able to identify, find and critically analyze regulatory texts, doctrinal sources and case law (leading cases) on computer crimes with particular regard to the most topical issues
( syllabus)
Premised the reconstruction of the criteria for the attribution of criminal responsibility and administrative offense of the entity pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, the course has as its object the analysis of the structure of the following cases committed online and on the network: property crimes; family and relationship crimes; child pornography and sexual offenses; falsification of an electronic document; communications offenses; web defamation; computer damage; privacy offenses.
( reference books)
Diritto penale dell'informatica. Reati della rete e sulla rete, a cura di C. Parodi e V. Sellaroli, Giuffré, Milano, 2020 (pagg. 103-235; 279-442; 487-518; 595-680).
Elective activities
22910296 -
Diritto amministrativo delle nuove tecnologie
Administrative law and new technologies
Educational objectives: The course aims at providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the administrative system in which they will work, having regard to the organization and activities of public administrations, also in the light of the issues which arise from the use of the new technologies, and in particular the E-government, E-governance, the tools provided by the Italian Code of digital administration and the protection of the privacy in constant dialog with European Union law.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course, the students will have knowledge and understanding of the administrative system in which they are called to operate, having particular regard to the issues raised by the use of new technologies, through the study of legal texts, doctrinal elaborations and the analysis of specific cases. Applying knowledge and understanding: At the end of the course the students will be able to adequately understand the Italian administrative reality also in the context of the European integration process, as well as to deal with a legal text on which they will be able to carry out a critical analysis.
Making judgements: The course aims at developing the ability to understand and evaluate the Italian administrative system also in the light of the use of new technologies, favoring the acquisition of a critical analysis capacity regarding individual legal texts as well as administrative law as a whole
Communication skills: The course aims at developing the acquisition of a technical-legal language skill, in the more general context the use of new technologies in public administration activities, also in their relationship with the citizens.
Learning skills: The course aims to develop the ability to use the legal instrument in order to obtain a greater and autonomous understanding of the reality, also in the workplace, within an increasingly technological context.
( syllabus)
The first part of the course is dedicated to the fundamentals of administrative law: - The development of administrative law - Public administration and its law: the characteristics of administrative law - The principles of the administrative action - The administrative procedure: structural and functional profiles, participatory institutions, forms and instruments of simplification, the PNRR - Administrative transparency and the various forms of access to documents.
The second part of the course deals, more specifically, with the issue related to the use of new technologies between Italian and EU law: - Digital administration, e-government and open-government - The digitilalisation process of the public administrations in Italy: outline - Bodies responsible for the control and development of the digitalization process: the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), the Department of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the digital transition, the Minister for technological innovation, Sogei - Digital citizenship and the right to use technologies - Administrative procedure, administrative provision and digital technologies - Digitalisation and the European market: The green pass, the SOLVIT network for resolving disputes between citizens and public administrations, the Internal Market Information System (IMI) and the European Professional Card.
( reference books)
All texts and materials are available on-line (formonline - moodle). In case of problems in finding the materials, please send an e-mail to Professor Lottini at her institutional address.
The mandatory materials (for students who attend the lectures and for students who do not attend the lectures) are: 1. a set of slides titled 'administrative law 1' 2. M. Lottini, Digital administration, e-government and open-government 3. M. Lottini, The SOLVIT network: a tool for resolving cross-border disputes, in Italian Journal of Community Public Law, 6, 2006 4. M. Lottini, European green pass: cooperation and new technologies in the single market, Ceridap, 1/2022.
Elective activities