Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20702733 -
The course aims to present the ways in which the linguistic research analyses: 1. the structures of the verbal codes 2. the use of the languages. In the first part , the course makes the students aware of the patterns used to describe the sounds, the words, the syntax, the texts and the pragmatics, with the objective of explaining the complex nature of communication. The second part of the course is intended to clarify the different variables linked to the social aspects, the communicative skills and the media use. By the end of the course the students should be familiar with some of the technique terminology and be able to apply this knowledge to observe and explore an aspect of the linguistic variation. There are no prerequisites. Specific activities could be organized to support the study of the foreign students and the working students.
( syllabus)
The arguments of the course are the pivotal subjects common to every branch of the linguistic research. The course is divided in two parts: 1. Classification and analysis of the elements, the functions and the rules of the linguistic systems. The topics are: Phonology; Morphology; Lexicon; Syntax; Texts; 2. The main steps of the linguistic research and the different methodologies adopted between the second part of the 19th and 20th centuries: The origins; The comparative methodology; Saussure and the structuralism; Chomsky and the developments of the cognitive approach; the patterns of the sociolinguistic research.
The examinations in itinere and final are written and oral and based on the books and the excercies done during the course. In the oral test will be presented a short dissertation.
( reference books)
Simone R. Nuovi fondamenti di Linguistica. Milano, Mc Graw Hill 206. Robins R.H La Linguistica moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Basic compulsory activities
20704027 -
The course addresses the issue of the biological foundations of human language. Starting from the study of the relationship between language and brain, two specific theoretical proposals will be compared: the theoretical perspectives according to which language can not be analyzed in reference to the principles of natural selection; the models that interpret language in terms of a biological adaptation. The aim of the course is to present a hypothesis of convergence between these two proposals based on the notion of co-evolution.
( syllabus)
The lectures treat with the theme of the biological and evolutionary foundations of language. Starting from the study of the relationsheep between language and brain, two theoretical models will be compared: the theories according to which language cannot be explained in terms of natural selection and the models that explain the faculty of language as a biological adaptation.
( reference books)
- Chomsky N., 1998, Linguaggio e problemi della conoscenza, Il Mulino, Bologna. - Ferretti F., 2015, La facoltà di linguaggio. Determinati biologiche e variabilità culturale, Carocci. Roma
Basic compulsory activities
20704034 -
The course aims to help students acquire knowledge of historical processes in the contemporary age considering the interaction of world history. Moreover the students will develop a critical awareness of the historicity of political, economical, cultural and social phenomena and learn about methodological and hermeneutic trends of historical studies in the contemporary age.
( syllabus)
The course starts with an introduction to the reasons and sense of historical knowledge and aims to give students knowledge and understanding of the fundamental processes of the contemporary. Major historiographical and methodological issues will be addressed.
( reference books)
1. L. Caracciolo-A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea, Le Monnier Università, Milano 2017.
2. A book to be chosen among the reading list A): - E.J. Hobsbawm, L’età degli imperi 1875-1914, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005; - M. Del Pero, Libertà e impero. Gli Stati Uniti e il mondo 1776-2011, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2017; - W. Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi, Torino 2002; - B. Droz, Storia della decolonizzazione nel XX secolo, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2010; - O. Janz, 1914-1918. La grande guerra, Einaudi, Torino 2014; - O.V. Chlevnjuk, Stalin. Biografia di un dittatore, Mondadori, Milano 2017; - J.L. Harper, La guerra fredda. Storia di un mondo in bilico, il Mulino, Bologna 2013.
3. A book to be chosen among the reading list B): - G.L. Mosse, La nazionalizzazione delle masse. Simbolismo politico e movimenti di massa in Germania (1815-1933), il Mulino, Bologna 2009; - I. Kershaw, Hitler e l'enigma del consenso, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007; - M. Isnenghi, Il mito della grande guerra, il Mulino, Bologna 2014; - A. Riccardi, La strage dei cristiani. Mardin, gli armeni e la fine di un mondo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2016; - A. Riccardi, L’inverno più lungo. 1943-44. Pio XII, gli ebrei e i nazisti a Roma, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012; - H. Mommsen, La soluzione finale. Come si è giunti allo sterminio degli ebrei, il Mulino, Bologna 2003; - E. Gentile, Fascismo, Storia e interpretazione, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005; - A. Giovagnoli, La Repubblica degli italiani, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2016.
( syllabus)
The course starts with an introduction to the reasons and sense of historical knowledge and aims to give students knowledge and understanding of the fundamental processes of the contemporary. Major historiographical and methodological issues will be addressed.
( reference books)
1. L. Caracciolo-A. Roccucci, Storia contemporanea, Le Monnier Università, Milano 2017.
2. A book to be chosen among the reading list A): - E.J. Hobsbawm, L’età degli imperi 1875-1914, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005; - M. Del Pero, Libertà e impero. Gli Stati Uniti e il mondo 1776-2011, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2017; - W. Reinhard, Storia del colonialismo, Einaudi, Torino 2002; - B. Droz, Storia della decolonizzazione nel XX secolo, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2010; - O. Janz, 1914-1918. La grande guerra, Einaudi, Torino 2014; - O.V. Chlevnjuk, Stalin. Biografia di un dittatore, Mondadori, Milano 2017; - J.L. Harper, La guerra fredda. Storia di un mondo in bilico, il Mulino, Bologna 2013.
3. A book to be chosen among the reading list B): - G.L. Mosse, La nazionalizzazione delle masse. Simbolismo politico e movimenti di massa in Germania (1815-1933), il Mulino, Bologna 2009; - I. Kershaw, Hitler e l'enigma del consenso, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007; - M. Isnenghi, Il mito della grande guerra, il Mulino, Bologna 2014; - A. Riccardi, La strage dei cristiani. Mardin, gli armeni e la fine di un mondo, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2016; - A. Riccardi, L’inverno più lungo. 1943-44. Pio XII, gli ebrei e i nazisti a Roma, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2012; - H. Mommsen, La soluzione finale. Come si è giunti allo sterminio degli ebrei, il Mulino, Bologna 2003; - E. Gentile, Fascismo, Storia e interpretazione, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005; - A. Giovagnoli, La Repubblica degli italiani, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2016.
Basic compulsory activities
20710041 -
The course aims to provide students with both theoretical and methodological tools enabling them to understand and analyze the role played by the media in modern society and in the social, cultural, and institutional transformations occurred over the last decades. By the end of the course, students are expected to have developed a full understanding of the main paradigms developed within different disciplines- with particular reference to sociology – in order to study the media, their languages, and audiences.
( syllabus)
The course is based on lessons, screenings, and textbooks. The slides showed during lessons will not be made available. Students who do not wish or can attend lessons are required to study a third book in addition to the two textbooks. The course consists of two parts, Introductory and Thematic.
INTRODUCTORY PART This part is based on the following textbook:1) Denis McQuail, Sociologia dei Media, Bologna, Il Mulino 2007. Lessons will address the following topics: - interpersonal and mediated communication - the concept of “mass”: born of modern society, rise and development of mass media - key concepts in media studies: power and identity - the “media effects” theory and its phases - Cultural Studies and Audience Studies - news and news media: newsmaking, news values, frames and framing - computer mediated communication: rise and spread of the www, digital media, digital divide - digital media and “transmedia storytelling”.
THEMATIC PART: violence and the media. This part is based on the following textbook: E. Giomi, S. Magaraggia, Relazioni brutali. Genere e violenza nella cultura mediale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2017 - from Tom & Jerry to Eminem and Rihanna: the gender of violence - anesthetization and romanticization of violence: advertising, rap music, social media - when she is the one who kills: sci-fi, police series, docufictions
( reference books)
Textbooks for students who will be attending lessons: 1) Denis McQuail, Sociologia dei Media, Bologna, Il Mulino 2007. Elenco dei capitoli da studiare: I Introduzione; II La nascita dei mezzi di comunicazione di massa; III Concetti e modelli per la comunicazione di massa; IV Teorie dei media e teorie della società; V Comunicazione di massa e cultura; VI Una nuova teoria per i nuovi media?; XI La produzione della cultura mediale; XV La formazione del pubblico e l’esperienza mediale; XVI La ricerca sugli effetti; XVII Effetti socio-culturali; XVIII Informazione, opinione pubblica e comunicazione politica. + slides lezioni 2) E. Giomi, S. Magaraggia, Relazioni brutali. Genere e violenza nella cultura mediale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017
Textbooks for students who will not be attending lessons: 1) Denis McQuail, Sociologia dei Media, Bologna, Il Mulino 2007 (per intero) 2) E. Giomi, S. Magaraggia, Relazioni brutali. Genere e violenza nella cultura mediale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017 3) E. Menduni, G., Nencioni, M. Pannozzo, Social network. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube e gli altri: relazioni sociali, estetica, emozioni, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2017.
Basic compulsory activities
20702728 -
( syllabus)
The program is subdivided in two parts.
First part (36 hours) A) The themes of logic B) Classical Logic: propositions, proofs, main propositional connectives, quantifiers
Second part (36 hours) A) Classical logic: first-order logic, classes and sets, binary codes, boolean algebra) B) Turing machine and computability C) Axiomatization of logic
( reference books)
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20704031 -
Acquisition of history, culture and lifestyle determined by the advent of radio and television and the effects in terms of supply and of the various forms of consumption part of the users . Meetings with professionals and practitioners.
( syllabus)
The history of radio and television in Italy is an important foundation for communication and its flows but also for the construction of a shared memory, language and models. On the basis of this theorization the lessons will have a combined but distinct cut: one mainly historical, the other specifically medial with the analysis of formats, genres and narratives.
( reference books)
F. Monteleone, History of Radio and Television in Italy, Marsilio E. Menduni, Entertainment, Il Mulino A. Need, the intrusive TV. The reality of pain from Vermicino to Avetrana, Carocci. A book to choose from:
A. Bisogno, The story on TV, Carocci M. Perrotta, Making radio. Formats, programs and strategies for digital radio, Dino Audino Editore.
Core compulsory activities
20710379 -
The course aims to provide the skills required for defining communicative processes, recognising their main elements, applying the expertises acquired to the analysis of the cognitive and social aspects of public and interpersonal communication as well as at work and within the fields of education, media, politics and performing arts.
( syllabus)
Investigation of communication in all of its modalities: verbal and bodily (words and sentences, prosody and intonation, gestures, facial expression, gaze, touch, posture, proxemics), and technological media. Analysis and detection of sincere and deceptive, cooperative and aggressive communication, and its uses in interpersonal interaction, at work, in education, politics, entertainment.
( reference books)
There are four texts to take to the exam: A. Anolli I.: Fondamenti di psicologia della comunicazione. Il Mulino, Bologna 2011. B. Poggi I.: Le parole del corpo. Introduzione alla comunicazione multimodale. Carocci, Roma 2006. C. Castelfranchi C. e Poggi I.: Bugie, finzioni, sotterfugi, per una scienza dell’inganno, Carocci, Roma 2012: solo i capitoli da 1 a 13. D. A text (or series of texts) chosen from among the entries in the following list: 1. CASELLI C., MARAGNA S. e VOLTERRA V.: Linguaggio e sordità. Gesti, segni e parole nello sviluppo e nell’educazione. Il Mulino, Bologna 2007. 2. GIGLIOLI P.P., CAVICCHIOLI P. e FELE G.: Rituali di degradazione. Anatomia del processo Cusani. Mulino, Bologna, 1997. 3. DIDEROT D.: Paradosso dell'attore. Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1974. 4. ORLETTI F.: La conversazione diseguale. Carocci, Roma, 2000. 5. LUGLI L. e MIZZAU M.: L’ascolto. Il Mulino, Bologna. 6. FELE G. e PAOLETTI I.: L’interazione in classe. Mulino, Bologna, 2003. 7. PARISI D. (a cura di): Per una educazione linguistica razionale. Mulino, Bologna, 1979. 8. POGGI I. (a cura di): Le parole nella testa. Guida a un'educazione linguistica cognitivista. Mulino, Bologna 1987 (fuori stampa; reperibile presso la Biblioteca di Scienze dell’Educazione). 9. POGGI I.: La grammatica del significato. Un itinerario didattico. Mulino, Bologna, 1989. 10. LAKOFF G.: Non pensate all'elefante. Fusi Orari, Milano, 2006. 11. Battistelli P. (a cura di): Io penso che tu pensi… Le origini della comprensione della mente. Franco Angeli, Milano1997. 12. Arcidiacono F. (a cura di): Conflitti e interazione in famiglia. Carocci, Roma 2007. 13. Bazzanella C. Linguistica cognitiva. Un’introduzione. Laterza, Bari 2014. 14. Cacciari C.: Psicologia del linguaggio. Il Mulino, Bologna 2011. 15. Domaneschi F. e Penco C.: Come non detto. Usi e abusi dei sottintesi. Laterza, Bari 2016. 16. Pennisi A. e Perconti P. (a cura di): Le scienze cognitive del linguaggio. Il Mulino, Bologna 2006. 17. Vicari S. e Caselli C. (a cura di) Neuropsicologia dello sviluppo. Il Mulino, Bologna 2007. 18. Belacchi C. e Benelli B.: Il significato delle parole. La competenza definitoria nello sviluppo tipico e atipico. Mulino, Bologna 2007. 19. Bruno N., Pavani F., Zampini M.: La percezione multisensoriale. Mulino Bologna 2010. 20. Cornoldi C., Meneghetti C., Moè A., e Zamperlin C.: Processi cognitivi, motivazione e apprendimento. Il Mulino, Bologna, 2018. Particolarmente indicato per chi è interesato alla psicologia dell'insegnamento e dell'apprendimento 21. Instead of A book in Italian, three articles in English downloaded from the following websites: (exposure in Italian)
Other examination texts as an alternative to those mentioned above may be communicated on the notice board or agreed with the teacher.
2. 6 CFU exam
For those who have to take the exam alone 6 CFU the program is as follows: 1. Rumiati R. e Lotto L. (a cura di). Introduzione alla psicologia della comunicazione. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012.
2. Poggi I.: Le parole del corpo. Introduzione alla comunicazione multimodale. Carocci, Roma 2006.
3. Castelfranchi C. e Poggi I.: Bugie, finzioni, sotterfugi, per una scienza dell’inganno, Carocci, Roma 2012: solo i capitoli da 1 a 13.
3. Integration of 6 CFU
For those who have already taken an exam in Psicologia della Comunicazione from 6 CFU and must take the integration for another 6 CFU, the program is as follows:
a. Di Giovanni P. (a cura di): Psicologia della comunicazione. Zanichelli, Bologna, 2007 (Chapters 3 to 7 inclusive).
b. Castelfranchi C. e Poggi I.: Bugie, finzioni, sotterfugi, per una scienza dell’inganno, Carocci, Roma, 1998 (Chapters 13 to the end, inclusive)
Core compulsory activities
20704037 -
The subject aims at outlining the main issues related to the theoretical-politics dimension of communication. The primary topics concern the transformation of the concepts of culture, democracy and multiculturalism, the relationship between rationality and identity, between values and interests, the perspectives on interculturality, politics and identity conflicts in global society.
Pelati Manuela
( syllabus)
"From the 19th century newspaper till metropolitan journalists" its the journalism course based on chronical elements for the beginners. During the lessons its necessary to read quickly three newspaper and three web site or blog every day. The final examination will be with a test (could be in english or spanish) written in 30 lines and a second oral part in the same day. During the lessons: the differences between hard and soft news, front page and home page, titles and text, form and content, traditional and citizen journalism. The analysis of the news begins from the actuality such as heartquote, terriristic attack and so on. What is an investigation, an interview, a campain and other examples of different kind of journalism. Contents: The structure of newspaper, the duties, the professional rules on paper, web and social network. The truth and the fake, trend topic and opinion leader. How does it work an editorial office and an editorial staff. The differences between text on paper and on web, the traditional journalist and the citizen journalist. The importance of the source of a piece of information. The path to became a professional journalist. The 5 w rule, the quote, the problems with the law.
( reference books)
Both "Giornalismo digitale" by Sergio Bulzoni and "Giornalismi e società" by Francesco Giorgino will be replace by text on the web in english. Text and video be the italian 'Ordine dei Giornalismi about rules and duties will be replace by those of each country
Core compulsory activities
20704065 -
Familiarize with the basic theoretical questions raised by communication technology diffusion Identify the crucial concepts that allowed the development and organization of the digital communication devices Introduce the critical questions about the digital management of information, and the consequent organization of knowledge
( syllabus)
The network as a tool for knowledge creation: Data, control and freedom. The course aims at analysing the most common devices for sharing information in order to focus on risks and opportunities. The communication technologies revolution faces a big transformation: the original open spaces are about to be substituted by private walled gardens, in which the user is welcomed as well as restrained.
The data mining activity – well-knows as big data technology – extraction of valuable pieces of information among those directly or indirectly offered by the users, represents one of the central elements of the network organization both in economical and social terms. These strategies pose not only privacy problems (as it is easily shown) but also problems relative to the knowledge model that seems to impose on humanities as well as social sciences. Such a model can be adopted, by using an epistemological approach that could foresee as well as a monitor human habits and behaviours. We speak about platform capitalism and algorithmic governamentality. They attribute to the algorithms not only the commercial choices but also the social and political decisions that are relevant for pacific, civic citizenship practices. The opacity of the algorithms risks to undermine the democratic possibilities even in western democracies.
The course is based on a critical approach on the relationships between freedom and control within the digital communication devices. It tackles the question from the point of view of the interaction between freedom opportunities and control mechanisms, which stands at the core of practices and techniques of digital apparatuses, with special regards to their social, political, epistemological dimensions. This course can be considered inside the area of critical enquiry on the philosophy of technology.
The recent revelations about Cambridge Analytica scandal and the enforcement of the European General Data protection regulation since last may 2018 clarify the crucial importance of the understanding the scope and the relevance of who is the actor who controls and collects personal data and which are the aims of such a collection. We need to establish clearly which are the limits of these activities of personal data monitoring and extraction. The course concentrates on basic elements of information and media literacy in this area of research, in order to allow students to undertand what is at stake in the massive use of digital platforms.
( reference books)
Lovink G. (2016) the abyss of social media, Polity press, London. Numerico T. (et al.), (2015) The digital humanist, Punctum Press, Brooklyn, cap. I-II e cap. V Ippolita (2017) Tecnologie del dominio, Meltemi, Milano.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - E’ possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta al massimo 12 CFU di attività di Laboratorio, non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - (show)
20704090 -
The workshop provides an opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge of composers, songs and nodal points of the history of music, by attending an exhibition of 12 lecture-concerts. In all the concerts, with the presence of both important artists of young professionals, the performance will be preceded by a theoretical and critical lesson. The workshop aims to introduce students to the great repertoire of art music, by live listening and through the study of different genres and compositional forms.
( syllabus)
( reference books)
Elective activities
20710117 -
Give to the students knowledge and abilities in order to tell by pictures, through a theoretical and practical iter focusing on:
- reportage - work and experiences of the most important photo-reporters - building a way to look into the world in order to tell it by pictures - how to approach other's stories - meeting and interviewing testimonials - writing with words and writing with light
( syllabus)
The course of this seminar tends to provide a method. Photography comes from a dialogue with eyes, mind and heart. We will illustrate practical examples taken from both my report and distinguished colleagues. In class some guests will tell their experiences. Finally, practical exercises will not be lacking to deepen what has been learned.
( reference books)
- frontal lessons with reflections and debates with the students - projection of videos and photographs - examples of reportage - list of reference photojournalists - practical exits - possible visit to a photojournalism exhibition - list of optional texts to deepen topics covered
Elective activities
20710192 -
The course aims to acquire knowledge of the main methods and techniques of qualitative and quantitative research in the context of social, political and economic sciences.
( syllabus)
During the course the main methods and techniques of quali-quantitative research in the field of social, political and economic sciences will be illustrated. In particular, the following topics will be tackled: - Brief history of marketing and public opinion research; - Main tools applied to the analysis and the study of marketing; - Main tools applied to the analysis and study of public opinion; - Focus on: the setting of the questionnaire and the importance of the questions; - Focus on: The Mystery Client and the Mystery Shopper; - Quantitative research: the C.A.TI methodology; - Quantitative research: the C.A.W.I. methodology; - Quantitative research: the C.A.P.I. methodology; - Qualitative research: focus groups; - Qualitative research: in-depth interviews; - The editing of the presentation of the results: from the graphs to the comment of the data.
( reference books)
N. Piepoli, R. Baldassari, L’opinione degli italiani, annuario 2018, ATON Edizioni ROMA
L. Gigliuto, Come si promuove la città, FRANCOANGELI, Milano 2014.
Elective activities
Optional group:
20704024 -
The laboratory aims to provide the tools and abilities required to conceive, sketch out and develop an argomentative text.
( syllabus)
The Laboratory focuses on two aspects of academic and professional writing. The first one concerns the stages of writing process (e.g., planning, editing). The second one concerns the specific features of some text types (e.g., descriptive, narrative, argumentative texts). For each stage of the writing process, and for each text type analyzed, students will provide written exercises.
( reference books)
There aren't any texts of exam preparation.
Other activities
20710380 -
The laboratory aims to translate into operational terms, through a wide range of types of writing, the skills being acquired by students in the field of media.
Donzelli Elisa
( syllabus)
The laboratory aims to provide students with practical and theoretical tools for the development of skills and reading skills, interpretation and writing of a text in its many forms and styles.
The lessons will be articulated according to three points: - In a first part of the course, theoretical and interpretative elements will be introduced that aim to describe and investigate the meaning, the opportunity and the pleasure that writing has in relation to the spoken language, culture, action and thought of contemporary living .
- In a second phase, information and basic indications will be provided concerning the structure, style, grammar, punctuation, genres and different functions of a text.
- The second part of each lesson of the laboratory, dedicated to individual and group exercises, intends to offer students brief examples of writing focused on the innovativeness of communication with the reader and on the originality of the writer's point of view. Will be proposed texts, or extracts of texts, in the context of the narration of the real, of journalism and travel reportage, of the relationship between writing and visual arts, of reading and reviewing a book or a film, a show or a concert, of reflection and arguments on matters of custom and society. Writing simulation tests will follow.
( reference books)
I. Calvino, Lezioni americane, Mondadori, Milano 2017 (prima ed. 1993).
D. Maraini, Amata scrittura, Bur, Milano 2000.
R. Luperini, P. Cataldi, L. Marchiani, F. Marchese, Il nuovo ‘La scrittura e l’interpretazione’ - La scrittura: guida alla composizione, Palumbo Editore, Palermo 2011 (red edition; first part Guida alla composizione).
Other activities
20202021 -
Level B1 of english knowledge
Final examination and foreign language test
20709896 -
The course aims at providing students with the methodology to analyze linguistic tools that create persuasion and to build effective argumentative texts. The most important figures of speech will be analyzed and classified. Basic elements of argumentation theory will be introduced, with special reference to advertising and journalistic texts.
( syllabus)
This is an introductive course to the persuasion strategies, that can help to uphold and confirm one’s own opinion. The major landmarks in the development of the debate between dialectics and rhetoric will be mentioned, and the basic elements of argumentation theory as well as the most relevant figures of speech will be analyzed. In addition to theoretical notions, practice exercises will coach students to recognize persuasion strategies in the texts, with special regard to advertising and journalistic ones.
( reference books)
1. Mortara Garavelli, Bice, Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 2011. 2. Lo Cascio, Enzo, Persuadere e convincere oggi. Nuovo manuale dell'argomentazione, Academia, Milano, 2009 (chapters 1-5, 7, 11-12; 12 only §§ 12.1, 12.6-12.7).
Basic compulsory activities