Ore Lezione
Ore Eserc.
Ore Lab
Ore Studio
20110464 -
Introduction to Law
The general part of the course aims at introducing to the study of law, starting with the basic concepts of jurisprudence. The expected goal is to provide students with the understanding of the fundamental logic of the juridical phenomenon, learning how to tackle and discuss legal problems and gain a good command of legal terminology. The special part of the course aims at sketching the basic features of private law in the Western legal tradition, moving from its general concepts and then focusing on the main similarities and differences detectable among the legal traditions of civil law and common law. A particular focus is dedicated to the process of Europeanization of private law, with specific attention to the rules aiming at regulating market transactions and protecting consumers. The expected goal is to provide students the understanding of the main problematic areas that private law addresses not only at a national but especially at a supra- and trans-national level. During the course groups of students are given an assignment. The expected goal is to train students in addressing legal issues by drawing up a memorandum and/or a presentation.
( programma)
The course is divided into 2 thematic modules.
(1) General part: (i) Law and the State: private and public law. (ii) Rules, principles, and families of legal systems. (iii) Multi-level legal systems and sources of law. (iv) National and international private law. (v) European private law. (vi) Soft law and transnational private law.
(2) Special part: (i) Natural persons and legal entities. (ii) Contract law (with focus on consumer law). (iii) Tort law. (iv) Property law.
( testi)
Attending students: - General part: P. Sirena, Introduction to Private Law, 3rd ed., Bologna, il Mulino, 2021 (only the Chapters discussed in class). - Special part: further materials discussed in class and made available on the e-learning platform.
Non-attending students: - P. Sirena, Introduction to Private Law, 3rd ed., Bologna, il Mulino, 2021. - J. Hage, A. Waltermann, B. Akkermans (eds.), Introduction to Law, 2nd ed., Cham, Springer, 2017.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110465 -
Introduction to Economics
The purpose of the course is to provide students with an introduction to the analytical tools and the basic knowledge necessary to understand and interpret the economy. Starting from the microeconomic analysis of individual behavior of consumers and firms, the course will then study the effect of interactions among economic agents and the market equilibrium. The course will also introduce the main analytical tools for understanding the complexity of public sector intervention in the economy (e.g., among other topics we will focus on the role of taxes in market equilibrium as well as the role of public goods and public remedies to externalities, with emphasis on the public role in tackling environmental and climate crisis). Ultimately, the course will aim at making graduates in legal disciplines able to understand the economic impact of laws and institutions through a comprehensive understanding of the basic mechanisms driving economic systems.
( programma)
Lo scopo del corso è quello di fornire agli studenti un'introduzione agli strumenti analitici e alle conoscenze di base necessarie per comprendere e interpretare l'economia. Partendo dall'analisi microeconomica del comportamento individuale di consumatori e imprese, il corso studierà poi l'effetto delle interazioni tra gli agenti economici e l'equilibrio del mercato. Il corso introdurrà anche i principali strumenti analitici per comprendere la complessità dell'intervento del settore pubblico nell'economia (ad esempio, tra gli altri argomenti, ci concentreremo sul ruolo delle imposte nell'equilibrio di mercato, nonché sul ruolo dei beni pubblici e dei rimedi pubblici alle esternalità, con particolare attenzione al ruolo pubblico nell'affrontare le crisi ambientali e climatiche). In definitiva, il corso mira a rendere i laureati in discipline giuridiche in grado di comprendere l'impatto economico di leggi e istituzioni attraverso una comprensione completa dei meccanismi di base che guidano i sistemi economici.
( testi)
Non esiste un libro di testo per questo corso
Per alcuni aspetti legati all'analisi economica, il riferimento che può essere consultato è l'e-book The Economics of the Core Econ Project (disponibile gratuitamente):
Altri riferimenti bibliografici saranno forniti durante il corso. (Gli argomenti trattati in classe giocano un ruolo fondamentale).
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
1) Scelta primo anno Discipline giuridiche, economiche e gestionali - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110466 -
Economics of Digital Competition and Innovation
This course examines the economic principles that underlie digital competition and innovation. It begins by introducing basic microeconomic principles and then delves into exploring the strategies of firms and governments in the digital economy, along with their implications for markets, consumers, and society. The course introduces a wide range of topics, including network effects, platform competition, data privacy issues, intellectual property, and antitrust policy.
LEARNING OUTCOMES Demonstrate a fair understanding of the basic microeconomic principles that form the foundation of digital competition and innovation. Apply microeconomic concepts such as supply and demand, market structure, cost analysis, and pricing strategies to analyze and interpret the functioning of digital markets. Identify and explain the key economic drivers behind digital competition and innovation, including factors such as economies of scale, network effects, and information asymmetry. Apply economic reasoning to analyze the effects of digital competition and innovation on market outcomes, including consumer surplus, producer surplus, market efficiency, and market concentration. Evaluate the role of government intervention and regulation in digital markets from a microeconomic perspective, considering both the benefits and potential distortions they may introduce.
KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the economic principles that shape digital competition and innovation, including the key theories, concepts, and models relevant to the field. Explain the relationship between digital markets, the digital economy, and society, considering the interplay of economic factors, technological advancements, and social dynamics. Recognize and evaluate the implications of digital competition on markets, consumers, and society, including both positive and negative outcomes.
APPLYING KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING Analyze real-world case studies to digital economy, innovation and related policy interventions. Assess the effectiveness of different strategies employed by firms and governments in the digital economy. Evaluate the effects of digital competition on market outcomes, consumer welfare, innovation, and overall economic efficiency.
MAKING JUDGEMENTS Critically evaluate the economic implications of different strategies and policies in the digital economy, taking into account their potential benefits, drawbacks, and unintended consequences. Assess the ethical and social considerations associated with digital competition and innovation, weighing the trade-offs between economic efficiency, consumer welfare, privacy, equity, and societal well-being. Formulate reasoned judgments and arguments based on economic analysis, incorporating relevant evidence and counterarguments in support of specific positions or policy recommendations.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS Effectively communicate economic concepts, theories, and analysis related to digital competition and innovation, using clear and concise language that is appropriate for diverse audiences, including policymakers, industry professionals, and the general public. Present economic arguments and findings in a coherent and structured manner. Engage in discussions and debates on economic issues related to digital ecomomy and innovation.
LEARNING SKILLS Engage in independent and self-directed learning, demonstrating the ability to acquire and integrate new knowledge and perspectives related to the economics of digital competition and innovation. Locate, evaluate, and critically analyze relevant academic literature, research papers, and industry reports to deepen understanding and support arguments. Collaborate effectively in group work and team projects, contributing actively, respecting diverse perspectives, and leveraging collective expertise to achieve shared learning objectives.
( programma)
1) Principi economici di base a) Teoria del consumo b) Teoria della produzione c) Economie di scala c) Mercati imperfetti
2) Teoria dei network sociali ed economici a) Definizione b) Principali caratteristiche c) Rappresentazione grafica
3) Innovazione a) Tipologie di innovazione b) Diffusione c) Matching market d) Fallimenti del mercato e) Politiche pubbliche per l'innovazione
4) Piattaforme digitali a) Concetti di base b) Effetti network all'interno del gruppo c) Effetti network tra gruppi d) Cosa è e cosa non è una piattaforma digitale e) I diversi tipi di piattaforma digitale
5) Effetti network nelle piattaforme digitali a) Sistemi di valutazione e revisione b) Raccomandazioni c) Costo di raccolta e analisi dei dati
6) Piattaforme digitali, strategie di prezzo e equilibrio a) Strategie di prezzo b) Piattaforme monopolistiche e distorsioni dei prezzi c) Discriminazione dei prezzi d) Strategia “freemium” e) Strategie di mercato non basate sul prezzo
7) Politiche pubbliche e regolamentazione a) Politica della concorrenza e antitrust b) Protezione dei dati e privacy c) Diritti di proprietà intellettuale d) Tassazione e) Verso un nuovo modello di regolamentazione
8) Sfide attuali e future a) Evoluzione delle piattaforme digitali b) Intelligenza artificiale c) Intelligenza artificiale e piattaforme digitali
( testi)
Selezione di capitoli da: Belleflamme, Paul, and Martin Peitz. The Economics of Platforms. Cambridge University Press, 2021. Parker, Geoffrey G.; Van Alstyne, Marshall W.; Choudary, Sangeet Paul. Platform Revolution: How Networked Markets Are Transforming the Economy and How to Make Them Work for You W. W. Norton & Company, 2016. The Economy. CORE Project. Altre letture indicate di volta in volta
Altri testi: Birke, Daniel. Social networks and their economics: Influencing consumer choice. John Wiley & Sons, 2013. Jackson, Matthew O. Social and economic networks. Vol. 3. Princeton: Princeton university press, 2008. Mansell, Robin, and William Edward Steinmueller. Advanced introduction to platform economics. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020. Varian, Hal R., Joseph Farrell, and Carl Shapiro. The economics of information technology: An introduction. Cambridge University Press, 2004.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110467 -
Economics of Globalization and Trade
The course analyses the causes and the effects of the ongoing globalization process under the perspective of international economics. Namely, the economic theory of international trade will be introduced, and the following questions will be addressed: What are the gains from trade and why do countries trade among themselves? Who benefits and who loses out from international trade? What determines the trade specialization of each country? Why is protectionism a cost and why we have multilateral trading regulations? In the second part of the course, the attention will be cast on specific issues related to globalization and international trade: International trade and protection of the environment; Migrations; Globalization and increasing economic and social inequalities within each country.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110468 -
Taxation, Economic Inequalities and Social Justice
The aim of the course is to is to provide students with a basic knowledge of (a) the extent, the evolution and the main drivers of current income and wealth inequalities acknowledging both the many dimensions of inequality and the partiality of all inequality measures; b) the main economic and ethical positions on the acceptability/unacceptability of market inequalities; c) the role of taxation, be it on income or wealth, in curtailing market inequalities in a globalized economy.
( programma)
Economic inequalities are often at the center of public debate. But, what to mean exactly by economic inequalities and how to measure them? Furthermore, assuming that not all inequalities are unacceptable, how to distinguish between unacceptable and acceptable inequalities? Which criteria can we use? And, with respect to these latter how to redress them? Finally, doesn’t redressing economic inequalities compromise efficiency and growth? The course aims at addressing these questions, focusing, among the remedies, on the role of taxation. The course is divided in 4 parts.
Part 1. The main dimensions of economic inequalities (with respect to the “what”, the “who”, the time-frame; the distinction between relative and absolute equality as well as the distinction between inequality and poverty……) and the main measures of economic inequalities.
Part 2. The main trends of economic inequalities in the OECD countries and the main drivers, with a focus on labour income and wealth.
Part 3: The main ethical justifications of economic inequalities (we will concentrate on the libertarian, the meritocratic and the different “egalitarian” arguments that have been made) and the implications for evaluating current inequalities.
Part 4. The role of taxation in curbing economic inequality. Complementarities and trade-off between efficiency and equity.
( testi)
Parts 1-2: handouts that will be made available on moodle
Part 3: Nozick: (par.2, 3, 4); Tomasi:; Roemer and Trannoy:; Granaglia: (and handouts)
Part 4: Rosen Public Finance Chapters 14 (general remarks); 15, 18, 19, 21; Word Inequality Report, Chapters 7-8.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
2) Scelta primo anno Discipline storico-giuridiche, internazionalistiche, comparatistiche e politiche -curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110551 -
Legal History
The course of Legal History aims at providing for a complex understanding of the relationship between law, society, economics, culture, and politics through time. The student will learn the basic development of law from the late antiquity to the 20th Century. The course will connect basic historical learning with specific legal-historical questioning, focussing mainly on the moments of crisis or renovation which determined the principal features of Western legal systems.
Erogato presso
20110167 Legal History(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 A - Z CONTE EMANUELE
( programma)
Il principale obiettivo del corso è di cogliere alcune linee di sviluppo di lunghissimo periodo nella storia del diritto inteso come legislazione, dottrina e pratica.La conoscenza delle fonti storiche e dei contesti socio economici è necessaria per delineare queste linee di interpretazione. Durante il corso perciò saranno presentate alcune legislazioni nei loro contesti politici, alcuni caratteri della letteratura giuridica e alcune principali figure di giuristi autori di opere dottrinali. Sulla base di queste fonti storiche, alcuni aspetti degli istituti giuridici e delle teorie del diritto saranno presentati. L'arco cronologico considerato è molto ampio: dalla tarda Antichità al Medioevo, fino all'età Moderna e all'età contemporanea.
( testi)
Tamar Herzog, A Short History of European Law. The Last Two and Half Millennia, Harvard University Press, 2018
James Q. Whitman, The World Historical Significance of European Legal History: An Interim Report, in The Oxford Handbook of European Legal History, edited by Heikki Pihlajamäki, Markus D. Dubber, and Mark Godfrey Oxford University Press 2018
Other readings will be suggested during the course, and will form part of the compulsory materials for the exam.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
20110588 -
Law and the Humanities
Erogato presso
( programma)
COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course will first provide an introduction to the law and the humanities movement in general and then focus on several different, even if strictly connected, fields of study: e.g. law and literature, law and music, law and fiction, law and history, law and religion, law and truth, law and society. The course will question the traditional isolation of legal studies in analyzing law with reference to the other social sciences and, more generally, to a larger cultural context. Texts, symbols and representations, which have greatly influenced popular understanding of law, will be discussed in thematic weeks by professors coming from different parts of Italy and of the world.
COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to introduce students to the law and the humanities movement. - to investigate the benefits of interdisciplinary studies. - to develop a critical approach to legal texts. - to understand law in the wider context of social sciences - to stress the importance of the cultural context for a better understanding of law in the past as well as the present
ASSESSMENT TOOLS: Final grades will be based on: • Participation in class • Midterm written work • Final, oral exam
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Attendance in class is compulsory to be admitted to the final examination, which will cover all the topics discussed during the course.
READING MATERIAL: Every thematic week will be associated to introductory papers which will be progressively uploaded on the ‘Roma Tre’ e-learning platform.
Lessons will start on Monday 2 October 2023 at 2 p.m. The course will be held every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 2.15 to 4 p.m. and will end on Wednesday 6/12/2023.
HOW TO ENROL: To enrol in the course, please send an e-mail to the teacher at the following address:
2-4 October 2023, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: course presentation and first thematic week on “Law and Fiction” (prof. Sara Menzinger)
9-11 October, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: “Law and Music” (prof. Giorgio Resta, Emanuele Conte, Sara Menzinger, University 'Roma Tre')
16-18 October, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: “Law and Literature” (Dr. David de Concilio, University of Padua, prof. Sara Menzinger, University 'Roma Tre')
23-25 October, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: “Law and Truth: Judicial truth and medical expertise, 13th-14th cent.” (prof. Corinne Leveleux, Université d'Orléans, Sara Menzinger, University 'Roma Tre')
31 October (Tuesday, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m.), Midterm Exam (written test): students will have to answer three/four open-ended questions on the previous 4 weeks topics
6-8 November, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: "Law and the Roman Legal Legacy" (prof. Kaius Tuori, University of Helsinki, Sara Menzinger, University 'Roma Tre')
13-15 November, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: “Law and Religion” (prof. Melanie Adrian, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada)
20-22 November, 2.15 p.m. – 4 p.m.: “Law and History” (prof. Marc de Wilde, University of Amsterdam)
4-6 December: final interviews for the Law and Humanities course
( testi)
Ogni settimana tematica sarà associata a testi introduttivi che verranno progressivamente caricati sulla piattaforma di Moodle di "Roma Tre" e su cui si svolgerà la preparazione dell'esame.
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
3) Scelta primo anno Discipline storico-giuridiche, internazionalistiche, comparatistiche e politiche - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110554 -
European Union Law
Students acquire knowledge and understanding of both the Union's institutional system and the internal market law. These objectives will also be achieved through the evaluation of case law. Students will develop a critical awareness of the Union's legal system, and will be able to have autonomous judgments based in particular on the correct use of legal language. Students will also develop communication skills as regards the topics of the course with good expressive technique. In terms of learning skills, the student will be able to conduct his/her own evaluation of legal issues by putting into practice the method and learning acquired during lessons and seminars.
Erogato presso
20110195 European Union Law(Global Legal Studies) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 BARATTA ROBERTO
( programma)
R. Baratta, Institutions of EU Law, Kluwer, 2022 Riguardo alla parte speciale, ai frequentanti saranno distribuiti documenti a parte
Parte generale: Il processo di integrazione europea; le sfere di azione dell'Unione, il quadro istituzionale, le fonti e procedure normative, il sistema di garanzie giurisdizionali; i rapporti fra il diritto dell'Unione e l'ordinamento interno. Parte speciale Il diritto del mercato interno: la nozione di mercato interno, la libera circolazione delle merci, la libera circolazione delle persone, il diritto di stabilimento e la libera prestazione di servizi.
( testi)
R. Baratta, Institutions of EU Law, Wolters Kluver, 2022
As regards, internal market law (namely, free circulation rights) cases and materials will be given in class
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
4) Scelta primo anno Discipline giuridiche e analisi dei processi sociali - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110475 -
Scientific Evidence and Civil Procedure
The purpose of the course is to provide students with the basic knowledge of the fact-finding system in civil proceedings, when this assessment needs a scientific knowledge. Italian law system will be compared with Anglo-Saxon ones, in which scientific evidence experience is well grounded.
( programma)
The course aims at providing students with the most relevant notions of scientific evidence both in Italy and common law countries.
After an introduction of general principles concerning evidence gathering according to Italian civil procedure law, the course focuses on the use of the science in civil proceedings and investigates, in a comparative light:
- expert witness
- statistics
- new technologies
- mass torts
- medical science
The course is based on interactive lessons. Students are encouraged to participate in the discussion of cases and legal materials presented during the classes. Furthermore, students are requested to present cases to the class. Students’ evaluation shall be based on both class work/contribution and on an oral final exam.
Readings and course materials shall be provided during the course.
( testi)
Cases and materials will be provided
Attività formative caratterizzanti
Gruppo opzionale:
Materia a scelta (2 insegnamenti da 7CFU scelti tra quelli del curriculum) -curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
Gruppo opzionale:
Scelta di 4 insegnamenti da 7CFU Attività formative affini o integrative - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)
20110476 -
Comparative Competition Law
This course, taught in English, focuses on competition law from a comparative perspective (with particular reference to the European Union and the United States). It aims to provide students with the tools for understanding antitrust policies and their concrete implementation through the study of EU and U.S. legislation, case law and enforcement practice. In addition to dealing with individual cases, the course includes in-depth study of specific topics related to sectors of interest (including digital markets) and the intersections between competition law and other areas of law, such as intellectual property law. In addition, the course provides for the active participation of students in the analysis and discussion of relevant case law and in the simulation of trials.
Erogato presso
20110476 Comparative Competition Law in Scienze giuridiche banca e finanza LM/SC-GIUR COLANGELO MARGHERITA
( programma)
This course focuses on competition law from a comparative perspective (with particular reference to the European Union and the United States). It aims to provide students with the tools for understanding antitrust policies and their concrete implementation through the study of EU and US legislation, case law and enforcement practice. The course also includes in-depth analysis of specific topics related to sectors of interest (including digital markets) and the intersections between competition law and other areas of law, such as intellectual property law. More in detail, it will cover: The objectives of competition law; Essentials of US antitrust law; The role of competition rules in the EU; Market power, market definition and barriers to entry; Article 101 TFEU; Section 1 Sherman Act; Article 102 TFEU; Section 2 Sherman Act; Competition law and regulation; Public and private enforcement; Mergers (essentials)
( testi)
Course textbook:
In addition to cases examined during lessons, a selection of readings will be recommended, mainly from the following textbook:
R. Whish – D. Bailey, Competition Law, Oxford University Press 2021- selected chapters (see moodle)
20110480 -
European Environmental Law
Students acquire knowledge and understanding of the EU environmental law. These objectives will also be achieved through the study of ECJ case law. Students will develop a critical awareness of the Eu environmental law and will be able to have autonomous assessment based in particular on the correct use of legal language. Students will also develop communication skills as regards the topics of the course with good expressive technique. In terms of learning skills, the student will be able to conduct his/her own evaluation of legal issues by putting into practice the method and learning acquired during lessons and seminars.
( programma)
Il corso offrirà uno sguardo d’assieme al diritto ambientale dell’Unione, concernente le regole generali, i principi di base e i principali strumenti di diritto derivato. Il corso coprirà le strutture istituzionali dell’Unione in materia ambientale con particolare riguardo alla creazione, attuazione ed applicazione degli strumenti normativi, la partecipazione pubblica, la valutazione di impatto ambientale e la responsabilità per danni ambientali. Riguarderà inoltre i settori chiave di diritto secondario in diversi settori: i rifiuti, la conservazione delle risorse naturali e biodiversità, l’inquinamento atmosferico e le emissioni industriali, la qualità dell’acqua, l'uso di sostanze chimiche e gli OGM, e i cambiamenti climatici. Saranno trattati i rapporti tra il diritto dell'Unione, il diritto internazionale ambientale e il diritto nazionale.
( testi)
Suzanne Kingston, Veerle Heyvaert, and Aleksandra Čavoški, European Environmental Law, Cambridge University Press (2017).
Materia del docente.
20110482 -
Comparative Constitutional Law and Digital Democracy
The course introduces the most relevant topics of comparative constitutional law through their historical contextualization and by addressing the problems of contemporary societies, with special attention to the intersection with digital revolution. The course aims t these objectives through the study of actual cases, in order to highlight the intersections between systems, their convergence and divergence.
( programma)
The course introduces some of the main topics in the field of comparative constitutional law and the intersections between constitutional law and the digital revolution, with a focus on the Western legal tradition and constitutional democracy. It is organized in four modules. Module I. on State, constitutionalism(s), constitutional democracy and beyond (Lessons 1-10) presents the historical trajectory of constitutionalism towards constitutional democracy as well as the Russian and Chinese counter-models. Module II. on Crosscutting issues of constitutional democracy (Lessons 11-16) presents some relevant issues for constitutional democracies, including constitutional safeguards, horizontal and vertical separation of powers, systems of government. Module III. on Fundamental rights and the digital revolution (Lessons 18-21) focuses on Dignity, Freedom of Expression, Equality and non-discrimination, Freedom of thought and religion and on the impact of new technologies on them. Module IV. on Perspectives on digital democracy and digital constitutionalism (Lessons 22-27) investigates form a more general perspective the main challenges of the digital revolution for constitutional democracies. Lessons 17 and 28 are devoted to students’ presentations and to the final test respectively. For a meaningful participation in classes, it is essential to go through the assigned readings
I. STATE, CONSTITUTIONALISM(S), CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY AND BEYOND 1. Friday 20 October 8-10 Comparative constitutional law, constitutionalism and the digital revolution | Course structure and practical info
2. Wednesday 25 October 14-16 State, Constitutionalism, rights: three traditions
3. Thursday 26 October 14-16 From liberal to constitutional democracy: values and principles
4. Friday 27 October 8-10 From liberal to constitutional democracy: society, economy, and history
5. Wednesday 1 November 14-16 The crisis of constitutional democracy
6. Thursday 2 November 14-16 Crisis of constitutional democracy: crisis of the State?
7. Wednesday 8 November 14-16 Beyond the Western legal tradition
8. Thursday 9 November 14-16 The State beyond the western legal tradition: Russia
9. Friday 10 November 8-10 The State beyond the western legal tradition: China
10. Friday 10 November 10-12 Guest lecture by Shu Zghang (Deakin Law School), Introduction to Chinese Law
II. CROSSCUTTING ISSUES OF CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRACY 11. Wednesday 15 November 14-16 Constitutional safeguards I: constitutional review
12. Thursday 16 November 14-16 Constitutional safeguards II: Amending the Constitution
13. Friday 17 November 8-10 Separation(s) of powers and the political question doctrine
14. Wednesday 22 November 14-16 Legislative-executive relations and systems of government: parliamentarism
15. Thursday 23 November 14-16 Legislative-executive relations and systems of government: presidentialism and semi-presidentialism
16. Friday 24 November 8-10 Federalizing processes and vertical separation of powers
17. Wednesday 29 November 14-16 Student presentations (20 minutes each)
III. FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND THE DIGITAL REVOLUTION 18. Thursday 30 November 14-16 From rights to dignity
19. Friday 1 December 8-10 Freedom of Expression
20. Wednesday 6 December 14-16 Equality and non-discrimination
21. Thursday 7 December 14-16 Religious freedom - Guest lecture
22. Wednesday 13 December 14-16 Elections
23. Thursday 14 December 14-16 Parliaments
24. Friday 15 December 8-10 Guest lecture by Peng Guo - The digital and public power
25. Wednesday 20 December 14-16 The digital and private powers: regulating platforms
26. Thursday 21 December 14-16 Data sovereignty and digital constitutionalism
27. Friday 22 December 8-10 Digital constitutionalism in Europe and across the Atlantic
V. FINAL TEST 28. Friday 22 December 10-12 Written essay
( testi)
A. Buratti, Westernm Constitutionalism, History, Institutions, Comparative Law, Springer, 2019 Readings will be listed in the syllabus and provided through the e-learning platform.
20110501 -
European International Bio Law
The course aims at shedding light on the many ways in which the law governs human life at its different stages, from conception to death. In this framework it also analyzes and discusses the “legal construction” of human bodies and sexuality with particular attention to European law.
( programma)
Il Corso ha ad oggetto il governo della vita umana attraverso il diritto, dal concepimento al fine-vita. Lo studio include l’analisi dei modi in cui i dispositivi giuridici “costruiscono” i corpi e la sessualità. In questo quadro complessivo particolare attenzione è dedicata al diritto europeo. Il corso si articola in cinque parti: 1. Introduzione al biodiritto; 2. Il regime giuridico delle parti del corpo, dei tessuti e dei geni umani; 3. La procreazione e le tecniche di riproduzione medicalmente assistita; 4. La costruzione giuridica del corpo sessualizzato; 5. Aspetti giuridici del rapporto medico/paziente e fine-vita.
( testi)
Introduction: 1 S. Rodotà, NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND HUMAN RIGHTS FACTS, INTERPRETATIONS, PERSPECTIVES, in Comparative Law Rev., Vol. 11/2, p. 6 ss. (14 pagine) 2 S. Rodotà, OF MACHINES AND MEN: THE ROAD TO IDENTITY. SCÈNES FOR A DISCUSSION, in Comp. Law. Rev., 2(2020); 3 S. Rodota, Cultural Models and the Future of Bioethics, 10 J. CONTEMP. HEALTH L. & POL'y 33 (1994).
The legal regulation of body parts: 1) Radhika Rao, Genes and Spleens: Property, Contract, or Privacy Rights in the Human Body?, 35 Journal of Law 371 (2007). Available at: (10 pagine); 2) Assoc. for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., 569 U.S. 576 (2013) al link 3) G. Resta, The Case against the Privatization of Knowledge: Some Thoughts on the Myriad Genetics Controversy
Human Procreation and reproductive Technologies: a) Abortion: 1) Tamara Hervey, Tiyash Banerjee, Abortion rights in EU law: recent developments, in BioLaw Journal, Special Issue 1/2023; 2) Roe v. Wade; 3) R. B. Siegel, ....
Reproductive Technologies: 1) R. Rao, Egg-Freezing, Uterine Transplants, and In Vitro Gametogenesis: Disruptive or Normalizing Reproductive Technologies?, 22 HOUS. J. HEALTH L. & POL’Y 121 (2022); 2) In the Matter of Baby M. 3) Menneson v. France, European Court of Human Rights 4) C. Cossutta, Maternal relations, feminism and surrogate motherhood in the Italian context, Modern Italy, 2018 Vol. 23, No. 2, 215–226
The Construction of the Sexual Body: 1) S. Osella, Reinforcing the binary and disciplining the subject: The constitutional right to gender recognition in the Italian case law; 2) Bondage case, European Court of Human Rights; 3) P. Kotiswaran, The Laws of Social Reproduction: A Lesson in Appropriation
Health care and End of life: 1) Lambert case, European Court of Human Rights (2015); 2) Mortier v. Belgium, European Court of Human Rights (2022); 3) Gristina, Giuseppe, Busatta, Lucia & Piccinni, Mariassunta (2018). ITALIAN LAW ON INFORMED CONSENT AND ADVANCE DIRECTIVES: ITS IMPACT ON INTENSIVE CARE UNITS AND THE EUROPEAN LEGAL FRAMEWORK. Minerva Anestesiologica. 85. 10.23736/S0375-9393.18.13179-8.
20110557 -
20110593 -
Law of International Organizations
The purpose of the course is to provide an introduction to the principles and norms of international law applicable to the inter-governmental organisations (IGOs). It discusses the essential topics of the law of international organisations, including powers, privileges and immunities, as well as membership rules, institutional structures, and accountability. There is a focus on the United Nations system, as the paradigmatic IGO, including the activities of the specialised agencies based in Rome. Special emphasis is placed on the interaction between universalism and regionalism. IGOs have developed into a pervasive phenomenon: a fundamental objective of the course is to develop a critical understanding of their impact vis-à-vis the current global challenges (economic and financial crises, migration, armed conflicts, disarmament, natural disasters, epidemics). At the end of this course, students should be proficient in the following subject areas and skills: • being familiar with the historical development and the theoretical approaches related to international organisations law • understanding the concept of international organisation, as well as those of the legal personality and legal capacities, under international and national law. • having knowledge of the global and regional systems • carrying out proper analysis on selected issues • performing legal research and writing in English in the area of international organisations law
Erogato presso
20110593 Law of International Organizations in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 SOSSAI MIRKO
( programma)
Le organizzazioni internazionali sono una componente essenziale della moderna vita di relazione internazionale, sia per il loro numero, la varietà e complessità, sia per l’erosione dei poteri statali in vantaggio di questi enti. Il corso si propone di fornire un'introduzione ai principi e alle norme di diritto internazionale applicabili alle organizzazioni internazionali intergovernative (OIG). Per quanto si proponga di offrire una prospettiva di carattere generale, il corso non potrà non soffermarsi in special modo sull'Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite, come paradigma delle OIG. Il corso si avvarrà anche di contributi esterni di consiglieri giuridici di organizzazioni internazionali e altri esperti in materia e cercherà di facilitare l’interazione con gli studenti nell’esame dei temi trattati. Il Corso si articola in dieci diverse aree tematiche: 1. Le organizzazioni inter-governative 2. membership, sistema di voto 3. il carattere giuridico del trattato istitutivo 4. la personalità internazionale delle organizzazioni internazionali 5. la dottrina dei poteri 6. Gli atti delle organizzazioni internazionali: fonte del diritto internazionale? 7. Gli accordi conclusi dalle organizzazioni internazionali 8. Le sanzioni e misure di carattere militare 9. organizzazioni internazionali e tecnologie digitali 10. La responsabilità delle organizzazioni internazionali
( testi)
J. Klabbers, An Introduction to International Organizations Law, 4th ed., Cambridge UP, 2022
20110485 -
Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum
The course aims to train students in immigration and asylum law, combining theoretical and hands-on approaches, according to a methodology known as learning by doing in the long-standing tradition of U.S. clinical legal education. The purpose of the course is to provide students with adequate knowledge of Italian, European, and international laws on migration and asylum, focusing on the most relevant aspects for the daily lives of migrants and asylum seekers. The lessons are practice-oriented and start from the requests from the clients of the Clinic’s legal service (sportello legale). The second module provides an introduction to the critical debate on migration and borders in order to acquire theoretical tools for the critical reflection on migration and migration policies. Finally, the internship at the Clinic's legal service is a necessary completion of the educational experience, and it is required for students to earn university credits (CFU). The internship facilitates direct contact with clients and allows students to follow up on the case from the identification of the relevant legal issue, under the supervision of the professor and expert lawyers. The internship enables students to acquire and develop hands-on legal knowledge and practical/professional skills, as well as to deal with the law as it is applied in everyday reality and see first-hand the gap between law in action and the law in books.
Erogato presso
20110485 Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 Caprioglio Carlo
( programma)
Il corso:
La Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum è un corso opzionale da 7 CFU, suddiviso in tre modulo, a presenza obbligatoria.
Il primo modulo include 24 ore di lezioni dedicate al diritto dell'immigrazione e della protezione internazionale, sia nazionale che sovranazionale.
Il secondo modulo, composto da 24 ore seminariali, offre agli studenti una introduzione agli studi critici sulla cittadinanza, i confini e le migrazioni.
Il terzo modulo è costituito da 8 ore di pratica presso lo Sportello legale della Clinica, dove gli e le studenti sono coinvolti in attività pratiche di orientamento ai diritti su casi reali e a contatto con l'utenza della Clinica, sotto la supervisione di avvocati esperti.
Il progetto:
Fondata nel 2010, la Legal Clinic on Migration and Asylum (Clinica del Diritto dell'Immigrazione e della Cittadinanza) è uno dei primi programmi di clinica legale istituiti in Italia. Il progetto combina apprendimento sperimentale, ricerca e impegno sociale.
Per la prima volta in Italia, nel 2012 la Legal Clinic ha istituito uno “Sportello Legale” pubblico in cui gli e le studenti di giurisprudenza sono direttamente coinvolti nel fornire informazioni e assistenza legale a migranti e richiedenti asilo sotto la supervisione di avvocati specializzati in materia. Ogni anno, lo Sportello segue una media di 120 casi in materia di protezione internazionale, cittadinanza, ricongiungimento familiare e riconoscimento dei titoli di studio esteri asilo. Grazie al sostegno di fondazioni private e finanziamenti europei, la Clinica eroga borse di studio annuali che consentono agli studenti selezionati di collaborare con lo Sportello come Junior Assistant e tutor dei nuovi studenti.
Sin dalla sua istituzione, la Clinica ha portato avanti diversi progetti di ricerca e advocacy che hanno avuto un impatto a livello nazionale e internazionale. Tra il 2014 e il 2016 la Clinica ha coordinato il progetto “Lexilium”, una ricerca nazionale sulle decisioni giudiziarie in materia di detenzione dei migranti. I risultati della ricerca sono stati citati nel rapporto della International Commission of Jurists del 2014 "'Undocumented' Justice for Migrants in Italy’”. Successivamente, la Clinica è stata intervistata dal Gruppo di esperti sulla tratta del Consiglio d'Europa (Greta) e dal Relatore speciale delle Nazioni Unite sul diritto al cibo. Nel 2022, la collaborazione con il relatore speciale delle Nazioni Unite sulla situazione dei difensori dei diritti umani ha portato a una dichiarazione congiunta di tre relatori speciali delle Nazioni Unite che ha chiesto al Governo italiano di interrompere le politiche di criminalizzazione delle attività in solidarietà con le persone migranti.
La Clinica è parte della Rete Italiana delle Cliniche Legali e della Rete Europea per la Formazione Clinica (ENCLE) e collabora con diversi studi legali, ONG e associazioni a livello nazionale e internazionale.
( testi)
Non è previsto lo studio di manuali. Il docente fornirà agli e alle studenti dei materiali a supporto della didattica e delle attività clinico-legali.
20110595 -
International Humanitarian Law (Legal Clinic)
The International Humanitarian Law Legal Clinic aims to involve students in the elaboration of reports and other researches on behalf of relevant institutions in this ares. It contributes to foster the professional capacity of students.
Erogato presso
20110595 International Humanitarian Law (Legal Clinic) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 BARTOLINI GIULIO
( programma)
Course description: The “International Humanitarian Law Legal Clinic” (IHL Legal Clinic) has been established in 2016 to permit students to acquire a sound knowledge on international humanitarian law, cooperate on a pro bono basis on projects with leading international and national institutions operating in this area and develop significant skills and a humanitarian-oriented approach beneficial for their competences, future professional activities and civil awareness. The IHL Legal Clinic is an optional course (7 CFU) opens to students from Roma Tre and those involved in exchange programmes (eg. Erasmus) qualifying for a final mark. The working language is English (students can also qualify for ‘Lingua giuridica’).
So far students involved in the Roma Tre IHL Legal Clinic have provided support to some of the most relevant international and domestic stakeholders as: The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC); Amnesty International; NATO (Allied Command Operations Legal Office at SHAPE); the Italian Red Cross, IHL Commission; the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (see below ‘Past Projects’).
In 2023/2024 students of the IHL Legal Clinic will: A) Acquire a sound knowledge of international humanitarian law through introductory lectures. B) Be involved in research and practice-oriented projects projects commissioned by relevant stakeholders as International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the NATO (Allied Command Operations Legal Office at SHAPE). See below for further details: ‘2023 Projects’; C) Be part of the IHL Red Project, managed in cooperation with the IHL Legal Clinics of Roma Tre, Leiden (Netherlands) and Bochum (Germany) as part of the EU-funded Project KA2. Students will have the unique opportunity to take part in a IHL legal clinics exchange conference organized by Roma Tre University, Leiden and Bochum to take place in Rome (3 days in April or May 2024) to present their projects and attend IHL conferences and events with students of other IHL legal clinics. Costs will be covered by Roma Tre University.
A selection process will permit to identify interested students due to some limits related to the management of the IHL Legal Clinic – eg. max. around 10/12 students (see below ‘relevant dates and application process’). Any student enrolled at the Department of Law (including Erasmus students or other foreign students involved in exchange projects) are invited to join the selection process.
Course Learning Objectives • To provide students with a proper understanding of international humanitarian law and its relevance in the regulation of armed conflicts. A preliminary set of lectures managed by Prof. Bartolini will permit students to get familiar with international humanitarian law and issues of public international law relevant for this course. It is not required for students to have previously attended courses on international humanitarian law or public international law. • To permit students to professionally interact with international institutions acting in the area of international humanitarian law through the participation in research projects and clinical activities commissioned by organizations partners to the Roma Tre IHL Legal Clinic • The IHL Legal Clinic is inspired by a ‘learning by doing’ approach permitting students to develop their competences in legal research, drafting, writing and organization of activities, to facilitate the transfer of theoretical analysis into a practical and humanitarian-oriented perspective.
Course Learning Activities: To achieve the above objectives, students will have to: • Actively participate in the projects of the IHL Legal Clinic; • Acquire a sound knowledge of international humanitarian law also through the textbook. • Engage in class discussions/debates.
Assessment tools and attendance policy: Students will be assessed on the basis of their contribution to the projects carried out the IHL Legal Clinic and through a final review of their knowledge on international humanitarian law. Projects developed by the IHL Legal Clinic also require students to prepare draft reports and other preliminary material to be presented in class. Students are expected to participate in all classes.
2022/2023 Projects and activities of the IHL Legal Clinic: The IHL Legal Clinic will be managed in two phases: A) Students will get familiar with international humanitarian law: Prof. Bartolini will manage a series of lectures aimed to make students familiar with international humanitarian law (October-mid November 2023 see calendar below). Presentations by external speakers as officers of the Armed Forces will also be arranged. Students will be required to get familiar with the textbook: Nils Melzer, International Humanitarian Law. A Comprehensive Introduction (downloadable here). Relevant sections of the textbook will be discussed in class.
B) Clinical activities: From mid-November onwards, students will start to manage research projects involving relevant stakeholders. In particular students will work on: - Partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross: “International Humanitarian Law in Action” database ( Students elaborate reports aimed at identifying real case-studies on compliance with international by States and organized armed groups based on open-access information. The ICRC has received positive feed-backs on this new instrument, to be used in training and dissemination activities for armed forces/organized armed groups, students and civil society, and has made reference to it in the 2018 statement to the UN Security Council open debate on protection of civilians in armed conflict. - The partnership with the NATO Legal Office at SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers in Europe) will imply cooperation in the activities of LAWFAS (Legal Advisors Worktop Functional Area System), an on-line platform managed within the NATO’s website aimed to facilitate document researches and ensure an easy access to all the relevant information for the legal community of several thousands of military officers and legal advisers linked with this on-line system from NATO countries and partner countries. Students are involved in the elaboration of desk-studies on relevant developments in international humanitarian law, as complemented by document materials, finally uploaded in the LAWFAS website ( and circulate to the NATO legal community through specific newsletters. Past topics managed by the Roma Tre IHL Legal Clinic could be consulted below. C) Participation in the IHL Red Project, managed in cooperation with the IHL Legal Clinics of Roma Tre, Leiden (Netherlands) and Bochum (Germany) as part of the EU-funded Project KA2. Students will have the unique opportunity to take part in a IHL exchange conference organized by Roma Tre University in cooperation with Bochum and Leiden IHL Legal Clinics (3 days in April or May 2024) to present their projects and attend IHL conferences and events involving leading experts. Costs of participation of students in this exchange conference will be covered by Roma Tre University
( testi)
Nils Melzer, International Humanitarian Law. A Comprehensive Introduction (free fownload)
20110596 -
Advanced International Law (Moot Court Competition)
The course offers students skills training in research, analysis, legal writing and advocacy through the participation in an international law moot court competition. Students will learn to present a well-structured argument, both in writing and orally. At the end of this course, students will be able to: - undertake international legal research - analyse and synthesise international legal information and materials - apply and interpret international law with respect to complex issues, either individually or as part of a team - prepare appropriate and practical written and oral arguments for a specialist legal audience - reflect on their abilities to effectively undertake legal work as a member of a team.
Erogato presso
20110596 Advanced International Law (Moot Court Competition) in GIURISPRUDENZA LMG/01 SOSSAI MIRKO
( programma)
Questo corso offre agli studenti l'opportunità di lavorare su questioni complesse e innovative del diritto internazionale attraverso la preparazione e la partecipazione a un'importante competizione di diritto internazionale. Nel corso del corso, gli studenti svilupperanno e perfezioneranno capacità avanzate di ricerca giuridica e di difesa. Le competizioni di moot includono di solito la Philip C Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition, la più importante competizione mondiale di mooting in diritto internazionale. Gli studenti dovranno partecipare a sessioni sulla metodologia di ricerca, per poi intraprendere un'intensa attività di ricerca nel diritto internazionale, preparare contributi scritti e sviluppare contributi orali che verranno poi perfezionati attraverso la pratica del mooting. Al termine di questo corso, gli studenti saranno in grado di: - intraprendere una ricerca giuridica internazionale - analizzare e sintetizzare informazioni e materiali giuridici internazionali - applicare il diritto internazionale a questioni complesse e sviluppare una attitudine critica al diritto da una prospettiva pratica, sia individualmente che come parte di un gruppo di lavoro - preparare argomentazioni scritte e orali appropriate e pratiche per un pubblico specializzato - riflettere sulle proprie capacità di intraprendere efficacemente aanalisi giuridiche come membro di un team.
( testi)
Gli studenti riceveranno il materiale didattico necessario, compresi alcuni testi sulla metodologia della ricerca giuridica
20110591 -
European Union Transport Law
20110650 -
Canon Law
Il Corso è una introduzione generale al diritto canonico. Esso si propone, attraverso lo studio delle principali nozioni storico-giuridiche del diritto canonico, la comprensione delle principali caratteristiche della Chiesa e del suo sistema giuridico con particolare riferimento alla vigente legislazione.
Erogato presso
20110359 Canon Law(Global legal studies)
( programma)
Il corso introduce alle principali norme dell'ordinamento canonico. Esso sarà così strutturato: breve storia del diritto canonico; le basi del diritto canonico; natura e struttura del Codice di diritto canonico e differenze tra la codificazione latina e orientale; le norme generali; struttura del popolo di Dio; la suprema autorità della Chiesa e la struttura organizzativa ecclesiale; la funzione di insegnare; i sacramenti con particolare attenzione al matrimonio ed ai processi per la dichiarazione di nullità; il sistema penale canonico. Obiettivo del corso è la comprensione delle principali caratteristiche riguardanti la Chiesa ed il suo sistema giuridico.
( testi)
Il docente fornirà il materiale necessario per lo studio e lo svolgimento della prova finale
20110693 -
Advanced International Arbitration (Vis Moot)
The course aims to develop the skills of students in legal analysis and research aimed at the resolution of practical problems in international business disputes settled through arbitration. The course is focused on the participation of the students to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (written memorials, oral hearings, pre-moots, finals in Vienna). The course provides students with specialized skills to approach complex practical legal problems as counsel, develop advocacy and accomplish teamwork.
( programma)
The course aims to develop the skills of students in legal analysis and research aimed at the resolution of practical problems in international business disputes settled through arbitration.
The course is focused on the participation of the students to the Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (written memorials, oral hearings, pre-moots, finals in Vienna).
The course provides students with specialized skills to approach complex practical legal problems as counsel, develop advocacy and accomplish teamwork.
( testi)
Jörg Risse, Markus Altenkirch, Ragnar Herbst, Annette Keilmann, Lisa Reiser, "The Complete (but Unofficial) Guide to the Willem C Vis Commercial Arbitration Moot", Beck/Hart/Nomos, 6th edition, 2021.
20110684 -
Chinese Law
Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamentals of Chinese law, including the structure of the legal system and the role of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in international law. Analyze the origins and principles of Chinese legal thought and its evolution throughout history. Develop an understanding of the Chinese legal environment, including how it differs from and interacts with other legal systems. Understand the role of doctrine and some basic principles of the legal system. Become familiar with the main civil, commercial, and administrative regulations in China. Understand the impact of international and regional organizations on the development of Chinese law. Develop the necessary skills to analyze legal problems, conduct legal research, and present written and oral arguments related to Chinese law.
Erogato presso
( programma)
The Course aims to address the following contents: - Historical and geopolitical picture of China Evaluation of peculiarities and criticalities - The Chinese legal system: between civil and common law - Evolution of the Chinese legal system: from the dynasty period up to the codification - Chinese language: peculiarities of legal terminology and translation problems - Sources of the Chinese law: sources of production, sources of knowledge - Role of jurisprudence: the Guiding Cases - China's accession to the WTO - Constitutional law - General principles of the civil law - Contract Law - Direct and indirect forms of investments - Intellectual property: Trademark Law and Patent law - Chinese judicial system
( testi)
Materials and handouts will be distributed during the lecture. Reference texts will also be provided.
20110694 -
Roman Law
The Roman Law course will be carried out through the analysis and discussion of specific cases. In particular, problems arising from each case will be treated in a diachronic comparative perspective, making comparisons between the approach adopted by Roman jurists and the contemporary legal regime, with specific regard to the Italian and other European legal systems. The first part of the course will be focused to an in-depth study of the casuistic method, in relation with the analysis of the role of the “regula iuris” held in the Roman jurisprudence, which followed the development of the Roman legal system up to the post-classical period. With specific regard to the evolution of the sources of Roman law, the study will take a close look at the main stages of history of jurisprudence. The second part will be focused to the study of specific problems of the contractual area: specially well be treated the creation of legal protection of the buyer and the leaser for the defects f the thing, through the analysis of jurisprudential solutions about concret casuistic.
Gruppo opzionale:
Tirocinio: Ulteriori attività formative (art. 10, comma 5, lettera d) Tirocini formativi e di orientamento - curriculum "Law Technologies and Society" - (visualizza)