Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910224 -
Comunicazione di rete
The frequency of the course will enable students to learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same identifying the educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning and focusing on the communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation in the relational activities. Furthermore it will be designed a personal ePortfolio in the perspective of Training and Professional Guidance.
By the study of Network Communications the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives: - Knowledge and understanding: Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same; Identify the different educational paradigms; to Know the use of ePortfolio and Coppertaive Learning online. - Applying knowledge and understanding: Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring and Coppertaive Learning online; Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio. - Making judgements: Recognize the cultural and structural obstacles to the dynamics of communication online. - Communication skills: Focus the size of communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation of relational activities; Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts; Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses. - Learning skills: Use the web to search for documentation; Develope meta-cognitive processes trough the ePortfolio adn Cooperative Learning online.
22910224-1 -
Comunicazione di rete
With regard to the specific characteristics of the degree course, the frequency of the course will enable students to develop the following skills and competences:
- Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same; - Identify the different educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view ) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning; - Recognize the structural obstacles to the dynamics of communication online; - Focus the size of communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation of relational activities; - Develop knowledge and skills in relation to online tutoring - Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring; - Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses; - Identify the characteristics that define the processes of group management in an online platform; - Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts. - Use the net to search for documentation. - Learn the ePortfolio general characteristics; - Know the specific use of ePortfolio; - Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio - Design and implement a personal ePortfolio in the perspective of Training and Professional Guidance
( syllabus)
The use of digital technologies in professional practice is now a given that peculiarly characterizes our society. ICTs are very important not only in terms of their instrumental use, but especially in relation to the size of communication and relationships that allow access opening to a space-time dimension completely flexible. The purpose of this course is precisely to provide the theoretical and practical tools to build effective online communication and to make possible the construction of a personal ePortfolio.
( reference books)
Theoretical path (6 credits) The course includes the study of the following texts: 1. Calvani A. ( 2005). Rete, comunità e conoscenza. Erickson. Trento 2. La Rocca C. (2016). Mediazione tutoriale e apprendimento in rete. Monolite. Roma 3. La Rocca C. (2020). ePortfolio. Conoscersi, presentarsi, rappresentarsi. Narrare, condividere, includere. In epoca digitale. Roma: Roma Tre Press.
Core compulsory activities
22910224-2 -
With regard to the specific characteristics of the degree course, the frequency of the course will enable students to develop the following skills and competences:
- Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same; - Identify the different educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view ) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning; - Recognize the structural obstacles to the dynamics of communication online; - Focus the size of communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation of relational activities; - Develop knowledge and skills in relation to online tutoring - Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring; - Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses; - Identify the characteristics that define the processes of group management in an online platform; - Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts. - Use the net to search for documentation. - Learn the ePortfolio general characteristics; - Know the specific use of ePortfolio; - Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio - Design and implement a personal ePortfolio in the perspective of Training and Professional Guidance
( syllabus)
The use of digital technologies in professional practice is now a given that peculiarly characterizes our society. ICTs are very important not only in terms of their instrumental use, but especially in relation to the size of communication and relationships that allow access opening to a space-time dimension completely flexible. The purpose of this course is precisely to provide the theoretical and practical tools to build effective online communication and to make possible the construction of a personal ePortfolio.
( reference books)
Theoretical path (6 credits) The course includes the study of the following texts: 1. Calvani A. ( 2005). Rete, comunità e conoscenza. Erickson. Trento 2. La Rocca C. (2016). Mediazione tutoriale e apprendimento in rete. Monolite. Roma 3. La Rocca C. (2020). ePortfolio. Conoscersi, presentarsi, rappresentarsi. Narrare, condividere, includere. In epoca digitale. Roma: Roma Tre Press.
Core compulsory activities
22910224-3 -
cooperative learning online
With regard to the specific characteristics of the degree course, the frequency of the course will enable students to develop the following skills and competences:
- Learn the general characteristics of digital training, in relation to its history and application of the same; - Identify the different educational paradigms (with particular reference to instructional and constructional point of view ) that underlie the different types of training in e-learning; - Recognize the structural obstacles to the dynamics of communication online; - Focus the size of communicative mediation online understood as support and facilitation of relational activities; - Develop knowledge and skills in relation to online tutoring - Understand and apply the practices of peer-tutoring; - Analyze situations of training in network implemented in the field by detecting strengths and weaknesses; - Identify the characteristics that define the processes of group management in an online platform; - Carrying out online group, aimed at research, study, simulation of professional contexts. - Use the net to search for documentation. - Learn the ePortfolio general characteristics; - Know the specific use of ePortfolio; - Know and use the Mahara platform for the building of ePortfolio - Design and implement a personal ePortfolio in the perspective of Training and Professional Guidance
( syllabus)
The use of digital technologies in professional practice is now a given that peculiarly characterizes our society. ICTs are very important not only in terms of their instrumental use, but especially in relation to the size of communication and relationships that allow access opening to a space-time dimension completely flexible. The purpose of this course is precisely to provide the theoretical and practical tools to build effective online communication and to make possible the construction of a personal ePortfolio.
( reference books)
Theoretical path (6 credits) The course includes the study of the following texts: 1. Calvani A. ( 2005). Rete, comunità e conoscenza. Erickson. Trento 2. La Rocca C. (2016). Mediazione tutoriale e apprendimento in rete. Monolite. Roma 3. La Rocca C. (2020). ePortfolio. Conoscersi, presentarsi, rappresentarsi. Narrare, condividere, includere. In epoca digitale. Roma: Roma Tre Press.
Core compulsory activities
22910118 -
Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding the evolution of educational models and the main educational theories.
Applying knowledge and understand: Ability to contextualize the educational models in the contemporary history.
Making the judgment: develop, through the knowledge of the history of educational models, capacity of critical interpretation.
Communication skills: Knowing and using the disciplinary lexicon.
Learning ability: Knowing how to build an autonomous path of topics.
( syllabus)
The course aims to retrace the history of educational models with particular reference to the twentieth century in a critical-reflective key. In addition, theoretical in-depth studies are planned on the alternative school model proposed by Lorenzo Milani through the experience of Barbiana and on the pedagogy model of the emancipation of Gianni Rodari.
( reference books)
F. Cambi, Le pedagogie del Novecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014 (Introduction and chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16). Scuola di Barbiana, Lettera a una professoressa. Il senso di un manifesto sulla scuola, a cura di M. Gesualdi, Firenze, Libreria Editrice Fiorentina, 2017. G. Rodari, Grammatica della fantasia. Introduzione all’arte di inventare storie, Einaudi o Einaudi Ragazzi. G. Rodari, Testi su testi. Recensioni e elzeviri da "Paese Sera-Libri", a cura di F. Bacchetti, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2007 (pp. VII-LVIII).
Reading: F. Silei, S. Massi, Il maestro, Roma, Orecchio Acerbo, 2017.
Core compulsory activities
22902259 -
Starting from the empirical approach that characterises research in education, the course will teach students to:
- learn and understand lifelong learning procedures through the study of research on adult education;
- apply qualitative and quantitative research projects aiming at studying adult education;
- make autonomous judgements on the interpretation of the research results;
- be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists;
- study and learn in an autonomous way models and procedures for adult education.
22902259-3 -
The adult literacy laboratory is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
Knowledge and understanding - getting to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; - identifying theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations;
Applying knowledge and understanding - the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); - understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC;
Learning skills - identifying the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys); - identifying similarities or differences between IALS, ALL and PIAAC international surveys;
Making judgements - analyzing the the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( syllabus)
The adult literacy workshop is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the course aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents: -most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; -theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations; -the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); -the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC; -diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys). In particular, it will propose a comparison between surveys IALS, ALL and PIAAC; -the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( reference books)
Mandatory readings: - Vertecchi, B. Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo, Milano, Angeli, 2014, pp. 41-59. - Di Francesco G., Amendola M., Mineo S., I low skilled in Italia. Evidenze dall’indagine PIAAC sulle competenze degli adulti, in “Osservatorio Isfol”, VI (2016), n. 1-2, pp. 53-67. Reperibile da - Di Francesco G., PIAAC-OCSE : rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti / ISFOL ; [a cura di Gabriella Di Francesco]. - Roma : ISFOL, c2014. - 382 p. [Document not to be studied in its whole form but to be used as a support for the class study.]
Please note that the mandatory readings must be studied entirely unless otherwise indicated. The slides discussed in class and related to the main topics of the course will be available on the e-learning platform.
Further readings: OECD (2016), The Survey of Adult Skills: Reader’s Companion, Second Edition, OECD Skills Studies,OECD Publishing, Paris. Isfol, Bastianelli M., Mineo S., (2016). Il Secondo Round dell’indagine OCSE-PIAAC: le competenze per vivere e lavorare oggi, Roma, Isfol Research Paper, 34.
Please note that the further readings are not mandatory. However, it is advisable for both attending students and non-attending students to undertake the study of these didactic materials.
Considering the different topics covered in the lessons, the lecturer will provide, as a stimulus and aid to study, handouts, articles, essays and research reports on the course website.
Core compulsory activities
22902259-2 -
The adult literacy laboratory is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
Knowledge and understanding - getting to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; - identifying theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations;
Applying knowledge and understanding - the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); - understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC;
Learning skills - identifying the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys); - identifying similarities or differences between IALS, ALL and PIAAC international surveys;
Making judgements - analyzing the the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( syllabus)
"Experimental Education. Models and procedures for adult education" is a course for the students of "SEAFC" master's degree and is composed of a basic course (36 hours of lessons, 6 ECTS), a laboratory (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS) and a seminar (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS). The course main objective is to teach students the theoretical and procedural aspects of research in adult education. Through the analysis of research in adult education, the course will focus on the historical and theoretical bases of experimental education from the origin until now; on the procedures for defining the research field, the methods and the data collecting tools, the data analysis and interpretation, the procedures for a critical revision of the hypotheses. The laboratory and the seminar are integral parts of the course. The first will focus on international research on adult literacy; the latter will be devoted to reading and commenting on a classical text on education. The whole course (lessons + laboratory + seminar) is worth 12 ECTS.
( reference books)
- for the lessons: o C. Angelini, "Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010. o B. Vertecchi, "Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti", Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Only the last section, G. Agrusti (ed.), "Laboratorio di valutazione". o In order for students to pass the exam, it is necessary to study also the materials that will be available on, in the private area. The login codes will be communicated both during the lessons and on the professor's web page.
- for the laboratory: o B. Vertecchi (2014), "Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo", Milano, Angeli, pp. 41-59. o G. Di Francesco (2014), PIAAC-OCSE. Rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti. ISFOL. o OECD (2013), OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Publishing.
Study materials for individual exercises will be provided by the professor.
- for the seminar: o B. F. Skinner, "Tecnologia dell'insegnamento", prefazione di Pier Cesare Revoltella, Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana, 2019.
Core compulsory activities
22902259-1 -
The adult literacy laboratory is intended to enable students to deepen existing examples, tools analysis-methodologies-the elements necessary to the understanding of educational-pedagogical work characteristics to play with adult learners. The course also aims, through individual and small groups work, to develop students’ skills related to the design, formulation and revision of open-ended questions and formulated answers literacy assessment in adulthood. In particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
Knowledge and understanding - getting to know the most relevant international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment; - identifying theoretical and methodological foundations of international comparative surveys on adult learning with specific reference to the literacy and to the definitions provided in the framework of investigations;
Applying knowledge and understanding - the preparation and administration of the questions (types of stimulus and response, administering paper and pencil and computer based, review mode, encoding open-ends); - understanding the results of the major international comparative surveys on adult skills assessment, with particular reference to the OECD survey PIAAC;
Learning skills - identifying the diachronic perspectives in the analysis of the data available on a worldwide scale in relation to the skills of the adult population (OECD, UNESCO, World Bank data collections and surveys); - identifying similarities or differences between IALS, ALL and PIAAC international surveys;
Making judgements - analyzing the the relationship between functional literacy and ICT at the national level: critical analysis of the impact of technology on literacy and how informal and non-formal learning in adulthood.
( syllabus)
"Experimental Education. Models and procedures for adult education" is a course for the students of "SEAFC" master's degree and is composed of a basic course (36 hours of lessons, 6 ECTS), a laboratory (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS) and a seminar (18 hours of lesson, 3 ECTS). The course main objective is to teach students the theoretical and procedural aspects of research in adult education. Through the analysis of research in adult education, the course will focus on the historical and theoretical bases of experimental education from the origin until now; on the procedures for defining the research field, the methods and the data collecting tools, the data analysis and interpretation, the procedures for a critical revision of the hypotheses. The laboratory and the seminar are integral parts of the course. The first will focus on international research on adult literacy; the latter will be devoted to reading and commenting on a classical text on education. The whole course (lessons + laboratory + seminar) is worth 12 ECTS.
( reference books)
- for the lessons: o C. Angelini, "Apprendere ad apprendere e capacità di comprensione della lettura. Il caso degli studenti adulti della Facoltà di Scienze della formazione dell'Università Roma Tre", Roma, Nuova Cultura, 2010. o B. Vertecchi, "Manuale della valutazione. Analisi degli apprendimenti e dei contesti", Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003. Only the last section, G. Agrusti (ed.), "Laboratorio di valutazione". o In order for students to pass the exam, it is necessary to study also the materials that will be available on, in the private area.
- for the laboratory: o B. Vertecchi (2014), "Percorsi di ricerca educativa. Gli editoriali di Cadmo", Milano, Angeli, pp. 41-59. o G. Di Francesco (2014), PIAAC-OCSE. Rapporto nazionale sulle competenze degli adulti. ISFOL. o OECD (2013), OECD Skills Outlook 2013: First Results from the Survey of Adult Skills. OECD Publishing.
Study materials for individual exercises will be provided by the professor.
- for the seminar: o B. F. Skinner, "Tecnologia dell'insegnamento", prefazione di Pier Cesare Revoltella, Brescia: Editrice Morcelliana, 2019.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
LM-57 - A scelta dello studente - (show)
22902269 -
The course intends to provide students with the knowledge concerning the history of women’s state in the XX century. It aims at offering a historical path by rebuilding ideological roots and government policies which signed the exclusion and inclusion of women with regard to the public sphere and productive environment, with a special attention devoted to the marginalization and segregation phenomena towards a group of female categories.
By the study of Women’s History the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. - Knowledge of the political-institutional scenarios characterized by the exclusion of women by the access to some fundamental rights: right to vote, to extra-domestic work, and working safeguard measures; - Understanding the ethical-legal roots perpetuating gender inequality in the second half of the XX century; - Ability to analyze the theoretical principles which have legitimized political choices by European governments in the first half of the XIX century, with a focus on the second post world war Italy.
The course of Women’s History requires knowledge of the contemporary history space time dimension and of the deep transformations on the political-institutional and socio-economic ground, occurred in the XX century. The multifaceted dimension of the course offers a great opportunity for interaction and integration with other subject matters contemplated in the comprehensive learning path (psychological, sociological, legal and pedagogical). As the gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment represents a priority in the agenda of the international community, starting from the Agenda 2030, conceived as a new global constitution, the knowledge of the history of denied rights and battles carried out by women is essential in order to understand the current female condition at global level.
Derived from
22902342 STORIA DELLE DONNE in Coordinatore dei servizi educativi e dei servizi sociali LM-50 N0 AZARA LILIOSA
( syllabus)
The course aims at revisiting the history of women’s condition in the XX century. In particular, it will be highlighted as two events which deeply marked the XIX century opening with a revolution and closing with a war, both involving women, but giving men the chance to play between inclusion/participation and exclusion/repulsion of women from questions concerning the State and the Nation. The XX century sanctions an ineludible process towards women’s emancipation. The western women have access to modernity. In particular, the issues the course aims to deal with are the following: the Great War and the question whether or not it has been the era of women or the triumph of the gender difference; the Twenties and the modern woman in the United States; women under totalitarian regimes; women in the political sphere; feminism in the Sixties/Seventies; procreation and bioethics.
( reference books)
G. Duby, M. Perrot (a cura di), Storia delle donne. Il Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari L. Azara, I sensi e il pudore. L'Italia e la rivoluzione dei costumi, Donzelli, Roma 2018 L. Azara, L. Tedesco (a cura di), La donna delinquente e la prostituta, Viella, Roma 2019: the last five chapters, namely, Mary Gibson (pp. 107-122), Laura Schettini (pp.123-148), Anna Carla Valeriano (pp. 169-192), Annalisa Cegna (pp.149-168), Liliosa Azara (pp.193-216).
Elective activities
22902266 -
The course provides basic concepts of sampling and regression. Particular attention is devoted to the comparison of types of sampling, and to the comparison between bivariate and multivariate approaches. During the course students will be introduced to the use of statistical software for computers, solving problems in new areas, placed in interdisciplinary contexts. By autonomously managing complex knowledge, the student will learn how to make critical judgments and communicate the results obtained to specialists and non-specialist interlocutors.
By the study of STATISTICAL METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - have acquired in-depth disciplinary knowledge in the field of statistics such as to allow him an adequate approach to the problems of planning and carrying out socio-educational and socio-welfare activities. - possess advanced methodological and technical knowledge, able to allow him to reflect on even complex situations with adequate data analysis and interpretation tools. Applying knowledge and understanding: - possession of skills in the use of the operating systems of the new data processing methods - competent use of communication strategies with professional partners and users. Making judgements: - elaborate an independent judgment on the situations in which it is called to intervene, making decisions in complex situations, even in the face of partial data and information. - show reflexive abilities on their own methods of intervention, supporting their decisions with objective information. Communication skills: - drafting documents aimed at programming and managing services, preparing research / monitoring / evaluation reports and preparing and presenting operational intervention proposals. - know how to communicate in public and manage institutional communication. Learning skills: - appropriate acquisitions skills to allow any further post-graduate training courses (second level master's degree, research doctorate) - ability to continue independently in the process of updating the knowledge necessary for the professional profile.
( syllabus)
Arguments considered are: sampling and non sampling error, simple random sampling, cluster and stratified sampling, confidence interval, introduction to simple and multiple regression.
( reference books)
CORBETTA P., GASPERONI G., PISATI M., STATISTICA PER LA RICERCA SOCIALE, IL MULINO, BOLOGNA, 2001. Chapters and sections to study on the text of Corbetta, Gasperoni and Pisati Chapter 6: all (except piece-wise linear regression on page. 171) chapter 7: all (not function and use of ratios and not dxy section 5.) Chapter 8: all (except for section 2.3) chapter 10 all (in sections 3.1 e 3.2 excluded the formulas that do not regard the estimate of the population mean).
Elective activities
20710560 -
To provide knowledge in the definition and analysis of emotional processes, of their mental and neural representation, of their evolution, of their relationships with cognition, social interaction and communication, and of their role in decision, construction of the self, and learning processes. To provide knowledge and competences in research on communication in all its modalities, words, body, media. To investigate the devices of face to face and distance communication, their cognitive, affective and interaction functions in sincere and deceptive usies of interpersonal, public, social anc institutional interaction. To develop competences in the analysis of communication and their application to professional and research domains concerning interpersonal and public communication on the work, in education, media, politics, technology, music, entertainment. To analyse the role of communication in its modalities within the psychological processes of reasoning, argumentation and persuasion, of emotional regulation, of teaching and learning, of social influence between individuals and groups.
Derived from
20710560 PSICOLOGIA DELLE EMOZIONI E DELLA COMUNICAZIONE MULTIMODALE- LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 POGGI ISABELLA
( syllabus)
Emotions: definition, biological and social functions, types, regulation, expression and communication. Basic emotions, image, cognitive, social, moral emotions. Their relationships with interpersonal interaction and relations, on the job, in teaching and learning, politics, art, music, entertainment. In-depth study and research on the psychological processes (cognitive, affective, relational) of communication in all of its modalities: verbal and body (words and sentences, prosody and intonation, gestures, facial expression, gaze, touch, posture, proxemics, music), and technological media. Analysis and detection of sincere and deceptive, cooperative and aggressive communication, and its uses in interpersonal interaction, at work, in education, politics, entertainment.
( reference books)
Teaching material for students who take the whole course, 12 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following:
A. D’Urso V. e Trentin R.: Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Laterza, Bari 2006. B. Poggi I. (a cura di): La mente del cuore. Armando, Roma 2008.
OR ELSE, in case book B is sold out:
Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale + 3 papers downloaded from:
C. Lotto L. e Rumiati R. (a cura di). Introduzione alla psicologia della comunicazione. Il Mulino, Bologna 2019 (nuova edizione): esclusi i capitoli 3, 4, 5, 10, 11. D. Poggi I. e D’Errico F.: Comunicazione multimodale e influenza sociale. Il corpo e il potere. Carocci, Roma 2020. E. Castelfranchi C. e Poggi I.: Bugie, finzioni, sotterfugi, per una scienza dell’inganno, Carocci, Roma 2012. F. Un testo o insieme di testi, a scelta fra i punti del seguente elenco:
1. Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna 2005. 2. Nussbaum, M.: L’intelligenza delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2013. 3. Matarazzo O. e Zammuner V. (a cura di): La regolazione delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012. 4. Ledoux J.: Il cervello emotivo. Baldini e Castoldi, Milano 2005. 5. Damasio A.R.: Emozione e coscienza. Adelphi, Milano 2010. 6. Miceli M. e Castelfranchi C.: Expectancy and Emotion. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. 7. D’Amico A.: Intelligenza emotiva e metaemotiva. Il Mulino, Bologna. 2018. 8. Palvarini P.: Le emozioni che rendono forti. Il lavoro con le emozioni in psicoterapia. Alpes Italia. 9. Bazzanella C.: Linguistica cognitiva. Un’introduzione. Laterza, Bari 2014. 10. Levorato M.C.: Le emozioni della lettura. Mulino, Bologna, 1999. 11. Gallese V. e Guerra M.: Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze. Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015. 12. Boulez P., Changeux J.P. e Manoury P.: I neuroni magici. Musica e cervello. Carocci, Roma 2016. 13. Mado Proverbio A.: Neuroscienze cognitive della musica. Il cervello musicale tra arte e scienza. Bologna, Zanichelli 2019 14. Cavalieri R. e Chiricò D.: Parlare, segnare. Introduzione alla fisiologia e alla patologia delle lingue verbali e dei segni. Bologna, Il Mulino. 15. Benedetti F.: L’effetto placebo. Breve viaggio tra mente e corpo. Roma, Carocci 2018. 16. Viale R.: Oltre il nudge. Libertà di scelta, felicità e comportamento. Bologna, Il Mulino. 17. Mortara Garavelli B. Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche. Bari, Laterza. 18. Bambini V. Il cervello pragmatico. Roma, Carocci. 19. Nobile L. e Lombardi Vallauri E.: Onomatopea e fonosimbolismo. Roma, Carocci. 20. Ferrari M e Paladino P.: L'apprendimento della lingua straniera. Roma, Carocci.
21. Both the following books: Arielli E. e Bottazzini P.: Idee virali. Perché i pensieri si diffondono. Bologna, Il Mulino. Riva G.: I social network. Bologna, Il Mulino
22. Both the following books: Cavazza N.: Pettegolezzi e reputazione. Bologna, Il Mulino. Riva G.: Fake news: vivere e sopravvivere in un mondo post-verità. Bologna, Il Mulino
23. 4 papers on emotions (different from those possibly chosen as to point B above) to download from the following links:
24. 4 papers on multimodal communication to download from the following links:
Other texts can be substituted for those at item F. upon agreement with the teacher.
Teaching material for students who only take the course of “Psychology of Emotions”, 6 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following:
A. D’Urso V. e Trentin R.: Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Laterza, Bari 2006. B. Poggi I. (a cura di): La mente del cuore. Armando, Roma 2008. OR ELSE, in case book B is sold out:
Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale + 3 papers downloaded from:
C. One text or set of texts, chosen among the following:
1. Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna 2005. 2. Nussbaum, M.: L’intelligenza delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2013. 3. Matarazzo O. e Zammuner V. (a cura di): La regolazione delle emozioni. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012. 4. Ledoux J.: Il cervello emotivo. Baldini e Castoldi, Milano 2005. 5. Damasio A.R.: Emozione e coscienza. Adelphi, Milano 2010. 6. Miceli M. e Castelfranchi C.: Expectancy and Emotion. Oxford University Press, Oxford 2013. 7. D’Amico A.: Intelligenza emotiva e metaemotiva. Il Mulino, Bologna. 2018. 8. Palvarini P.: Le emozioni che rendono forti. Il lavoro con le emozioni in psicoterapia. Alpes Italia. 9. Levorato M.C.: Le emozioni della lettura. Mulino, Bologna, 1999. 10. Gallese V. e Guerra M.: Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze. Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015. 11. Boulez P., Changeux J.P. e Manoury P.: I neuroni magici. Musica e cervello. Carocci, Roma 2016. 12. Mado Proverbio A.: Neuroscienze cognitive della musica. Il cervello musicale tra arte e scienza. Bologna, Zanichelli 2019
13. 4 papers about emotions (different from those possibly chosen as to point B above), among the following, to download from:
Other texts can be substituted for those at item C. upon agreement with the teacher.
Teaching material for students who only take the course of “Psychology of Multimodal Communication”, 6 Credits The items to be studied for the oral exam are the following:
A. Lotto L. and Rumiati R. (a cura di). Introduzione alla psicologia della comunicazione. Il Mulino, Bologna 2019 (nuova edizione): except for chapters 3, 4, 5, 10, 11. B. Poggi I. and D’Errico F.: Comunicazione multimodale e influenza sociale. Il corpo e il potere.. Carocci, Roma 2020. C. Castelfranchi C. e Poggi I.: Bugie, finzioni, sotterfugi, per una scienza dell’inganno, Carocci, Roma 2012. D. One text or set of texts, chosen among the following items:
1. Bazzanella C.: Linguistica cognitiva. Un’introduzione. Laterza, Bari 2014. 2. Gallese V. e Guerra M.: Lo schermo empatico. Cinema e neuroscienze. Raffaello Cortina, Milano 2015. 3. Boulez P., Changeux J.P. e Manoury P.: I neuroni magici. Musica e cervello. Carocci, Roma 2016. 4. Cavalieri R. e Chiricò D.: Parlare, segnare. Introduzione alla fisiologia e alla patologia delle lingue verbali e dei segni. Bologna, Il Mulino. 5. Benedetti F.: L’effetto placebo. Breve viaggio tra mente e corpo. Roma, Carocci 2018. 6. Viale R.: Oltre il nudge. Libertà di scelta, felicità e comportamento. Bologna, Il Mulino 7. Both of the following texts: 8. Arielli E. e Bottazzini P.: Idee virali. Perché i pensieri si diffondono. Bologna, Il Mulino. 9. Riva G.: I social network. Bologna, Il Mulino. 10. Mortara Garavelli B. Il parlar figurato. Manualetto di figure retoriche. Bari, Laterza. 11. Bambini V. Il cervello pragmatico. Roma, Carocci. 12. Nobile L. e Lombardi Vallauri E.: Onomatopea e fonosimbolismo. Roma, Carocci. 13. Ferrari M e Paladino P.: L'apprendimento della lingua straniera. Roma, Carocci.
14. Both the following texts: Cavazza N.: Pettegolezzi e reputazione. Bologna, Il Mulino. Riva G.: Fake news: vivere e sopravvivere in un mondo post-verità. Bologna, Il Mulino
15. 4 papers about multimodal communication, chosen among the following, to download from:
Other texts can be substituted for those at item C. upon agreement with the teacher.
Teaching material for students who take the course of “Psychology of Emotions and Multimodal Communication” for 6 credits only
A. D’Urso V. e Trentin R.: Introduzione alla psicologia delle emozioni. Laterza, Bari 2006. B. Poggi I. (a cura di): La mente del cuore. Armando, Roma 2008. OR ELSE, in case book B is sold out:
Castelfranchi C.: Che figura. Emozioni e immagine sociale + 3 papers downloaded from:
C. Lotto L. e Rumiati R. (a cura di). Introduzione alla psicologia della comunicazione. Il Mulino, Bologna 2019 (nuova edizione): esclusi i capitoli 3, 4, 5, 10, 11. D. Poggi I.: Le parole del corpo. Introduzione alla comunicazione multimodale. Carocci, Roma 2006.
Elective activities
22910255 -
Modern theories of education and pedagogy of expression
Bridging a) the voices of present pedagogical research b) with the results of international interdisciplinary research in the field of educational processes of children, adolescents and with a specific attention to adults, of education, with a specific attention to genre, individual and intercultural differences, of expressive / communicational / linguistic / lexi-cal, ludic styles, cognitive styles, learning styles, social styles, c) with the usability of traditional and innovative educa-tional strategies and methodologies promoting wellbeing, development of identity, autonomy, participation, orientation and self-orientation, creativity, active interaction, expressive appropriateness, lexical and semantic pedagogical appro-priateness, d) with the analytic, logic, reflexive reading of social and educational phenomena, e) with the elaboration of educational and socio-educational projects aiming at integration and inclusion within societies and labour markets, f) with methodological and technical competences supporting the ability of monitoring and distinguishing the evaluation from the assessment of human resources and of the designed lifelong learning educational projects, g) with the clear knowledge of strengths and weaknesses of national and international educational policies.
By the study of Modern theories of education and pedagogy of expression (Exchange Program) the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives. Knowledge and understanding: - defining and identifying the epistemological and methodological subject field; - adopting a reflexive, observative, analytical, logical, projectual attitude and approach, able to define and deepen disciplinary and interdisciplinary links; - knowing the contents and objectives of traditional and innovative pedagogical approaches promoting the idea of projectuality as valorisation of the individual and of its reference micro-groups; - knowing the usability of traditional and innovative strategies and methodologies, techniques and tools promoting the idea of inclusion and integration within societies and labour markets as one of the main pedagogical objectives and contents; - knowing the tools of the educational policies for inclusion and integration; - knowing the usability of the tools that allow effective educational relationships; - adopting an educational approach based on listening and on the ability in translating an educational need into an educational goal; - knowing the role and function of present educational agencies; - knowing the results of national and international research on the specific objectives of inclusive education. Applying knowledge and understanding: - analysing and deepening the meanings of the best educational and training practices with specific reference to consolidated pedagogical strategies and methods; - being available to networking and group-working; - being aware of his ethical and professional responsibility, of the need of being reliable and credible; - being able to build inclusive contexts for children, adolescents, adults with cognitive and social difficulties; - identifying and generalizing educational phenomena and processes, their contents and the impact they produce on learning, social, expressive, communicational styles; - reading, grasping, identifying, defining educational and socialisation needs within life contexts; - assessing the quality of the educational and cognitive processes fostered in different educational settings; - identifying, explaining, commenting, detailing the effects produced by changes on learning styles. Making judgements: - linking pedagogical theory to learning processes; - assessing the usability of strategies, methods, techniques, operational tools for the valorisation of reliable pedagogical approaches; - using a systemic thinking. Communication skills: - using effective interaction strategies within traditional educational settings and parallel school; - listening to and understanding the needs communicated by children, adolescents, adults within operational settings implementing educational activities, training, socialisation, expression, communication, orientation, self-orientation; - adopting projectual styles based on a pedagogical thinking and a reliable educational action; - adopting a pedagogic lexicon based on keywords able to define and explain meanings, processes and objectives; - significantly interacting in a L2 and knowing its pedagogical vocabulary. Learning skills: - being available to participate in different scientific and cultural research contexts and networks; - understanding the meaning of present educational challenges; - valorising the sense of pedagogical approaches able to support the perspective of inclusive education and didactics; - interacting within traditional educational settings and within parallel school, with the aim of supporting the perspective of lifelong and lifewide learning.
( syllabus)
Methodological, ethical, technical problems concerned with education and training; valorisation of human resources as a professional model; the educational communication as an active strategy in different cultural, social, professional settings and processes. Transferrable professional models in socio-educational settings. Organizational and projectual strategies based on the network model. Performance flexibility and expertise in programming and interacting within systems. 12 scheduled seminars are concerned with specific issues; these seminars have a different and specific work programme.
( reference books)
Piccione V.A., The new pedagogical settings (pp. 11-116) Piccione V.A., Minors and new universal rights (pp. 37-62, 251-282) Piccione V.A., Present youngsters' educational needs and innovative approaches in teaching, "Revista de Psicología y Educación”, 2016, XI, II, pp. 65-83
Elective activities
22910306 -
Metodi, strategie e strumenti della ricerca didatica
Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate.
Knowledge and understanding: - know the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach). - know the methods of educational research - know techniques and tools for data collection - understand the role of educational research for the growth of school quality and pedagogical culture - understand the theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research
Applying knowledge and understanding: - identify objectives, perspectives and strategies of didactic research - detect, analyze, interpret and represent the data
Making judgements: - construct research-based problem solving hypotheses - evaluate the impact of research results on educational contexts
Communication skills: - draw up a research report in a form that can be understood by teachers and educators - simulate survey paths in groups
Learning skills: - acquire a professional approach based on research and informed by research - be able to access the relevant scientific literature
( syllabus)
Doing research is an essential knowledge tool in the educational professions. The course aims to give knowledge and skills related to the methodologies and techniques of empirical research in the educational-teaching field in order to find the most appropriate and effective solutions to the problems that educators and trainers encounter in the context in which they operate. Thematic cores: - research and educational professions - theoretical foundations and peculiarities of didactic research - the reference paradigms of research in education (quantitative approach and qualitative approach) - research planning - methods and strategies of didactic research - techniques and tools for data collection
( reference books)
- CALONGHI L. (a cura di) (Ristampa 2017). NEL BOSCO DI CHIRONE. Contributi per l’identificazione della ricerca didattica. Napoli: TECNODID - BENVENUTO G. (2015). Stili e metodi della ricerca educativa. ROMA: CAROCCI
Elective activities
22902253 -
The course aims at developing the following general learning objectives in order to develop in students the specific knowledge, skills and expertise in the human resources areas of education and in business organizations with reference to the European perspective of lifelong learning, the VET and to the demands of continuing education. The course presents the main theoretical foundations of the organization, emphasising the educational problems (in particular the company, the organizational structure, the operating systems, the different organizational forms, the development trends of the organization), the organizational shape of central structures: the central management, the personnel function (organizational structure and role); emerging perspectives in lifelong learning in observance of the Italian and European legislation and an analysis of issues related to adapting workers’ skills; an analysis of training sub-systems: training needs analysis, delivery and evaluation of results, design of the training process, basic training, specialized training, management training, different training methods and reporting systems.
22902253-2 -
To know the interconnections between Work Organization, Organizational Development and Human Resources Management, with particular attention to Lifelong Learning and CVET and be able to apply this knowledge to different professional contexts. To acquire open-minded and critical attitudes towards continuing changes in organizational life, enhancing the ability in analyzing scenarios and recognize which factors could modify the role and the professional practices of CVET in enterprises, both in the brief and long term.
( syllabus)
➢ Historical evolution of organizational studies: theories of organization and development of organizational models ➢ From the concept of organization as a "machine" to new explanatory paradigms (cognitive and cultural approaches) ➢ The relationship between individual and organization: attunements and antinomies ➢ The people in the contexts of production and the dynamics of collaboration and competition. Elements of Human Resource Management ➢ Variables strategic organizational systems: training, communication and evaluation. In particular: the evolution of the concept of communication in business organizations. ➢ The training process: analysis of needs and planning of interventions; implementation of the training plan and evaluation of the activities with respect to the objectives Lifelong learning adult education: theories and practices in corporate organizations
( reference books)
Benini R., Dafano F. (2020), The Right Place – Eurilink University Press, Roma (Part II: Human Factor and its evolutionary management, from pag. 107 to pag 282);
Dafano F. (2014), Individual and Organization: suggestions and interpretation keys, Aracne Editrice, Roma (excluding chapter IV "Human communication and individual experience in the organizational dimension and VI" Integrity ");
Dafano F. edited by Cecchini G. (2020) Lessons of Organization– Teaching text, made available by the teacher;
Suggested texts to expand the preparation (optional):
- Knowles M. (1996), Adult education as autobiography. The path of an educator between experience and ideas, Raffaello Cortina, Milan
- Cocozza A. (2009), Diversity management and enhancement of human resources, Working Papers Nuovi Lavori, rivista quadrimestrale n. 2, anno II del 22 Dicembre 2009.
Core compulsory activities
22910222 -
Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione
The goal of this class is the development in the students of the competence and the critical sensitivity for managing the educational process based on the cooperation, both in adults and in children, through the knowledge of the principles, dynamics, strategies and tools for enhancing cooperation in several contexts such as learning or education groups and in dual relationships.
Lonigro Antonia
( syllabus)
The course will analyze the concepts of cooperation, from the first manifestations of cooperative behavior that can be observed spontaneously in early childhood up to the promotion of cooperative dynamics in educational and training interventions at later ages. In particular, the lessons, after an introduction dedicated to interpersonal motivational systems, will focus on the psychological mechanisms underlying prosocial and cooperative behaviors and on the role that such behaviors play as the foundation of integration and interculturality. Furthermore, methods to concretely improve dialogue and effectively manage conflicts will also be analyzed. The course will end with the presentation of the constitutive elements of the interventions in the educational and training contexts.
( reference books)
Gordon, T. (1991). Insegnanti efficaci. Firenze: Giunti. Tomasello, M. (2010). Altruisti nati. Perché cooperiamo fin da piccoli. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. Torre, E. M. (2014). Dalla progettazione alla valutazione. Modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori. Roma: Carocci Faber.
Core compulsory activities