Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
Optional group:
20710442 -
( syllabus)
The Roman Forum in the Middle Ages and its churches (6th-14th centuries)
The course proposes an unprecedented journey through the Roman Forum between the 6th and 14th centuries. We will observe together how the square of the Forum in the course of these centuries changes physiognomy and undergoes a process of resemantization through the progressive Christianization of its monuments and its public spaces. We will enter inside the churches of: S. Maria Antiqua, Ss. Cosma e Damiano e la Rotonda, S. Adriano, S. Francesca Romana, S. Sebastiano al Palatino, S. Cesario in Palatio e S. Pietro in Carcere. The course will be held in the classroom and in the field with the goal of learning to read the architectural and pictorial palimpsests that characterize these monuments and to visualize how the landscape between the Capitol and the Colosseum changes over the centuries examined. We will discuss together the following topics: the transformation of the Forum from the Byzantine reconquest (6th-8th centuries) to the Rome of the Popes (8th-14th centuries); the churches of the Forum and their pictorial decoration; the religious and secular patronage; the Roman Forum and the great processions along the Via Sacra.
( reference books)
1) Coates-Stephens 2011 = R. Coates-Stephens, The Forum romanum in the byzantine period, in Marmoribus vestita. Miscellanea in onore di Federico Guidobaldi, a cura di O. Brandt e Ph. Pergola, Città del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 2011, pp. 385-408. 2) Serlorenzi 2016 = M. Serlorenzi, All'origine del Medioevo : passeggiando nel Foro romano, in Santa Maria Antiqua tra Roma e Bisanzio, a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 110-124. 3) Parlato 2000 = E. Parlato, Le icone in processione, in Arte e iconografia a Roma. Da Costantino a Cola di Rienzo, a cura di M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Milano 2000, pp. 69-92. 4) Santa Maria Antiqua - Bordi 2021 = G. Bordi, The apse wall of Santa Maria Antiqua (IV-IX centuries), in E. Rubery, G. Bordi, J. Osborne, Santa Maria Antiqua. The Sistine Chapel of the Early Middle Ages, London-Turnhout, 2021, pp. 387-422. - Bordi 2016 = in M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti (a cura di), Santa Maria Antiqua. Tra Roma e Bisanzio (Catalogo della mostra, Roma 17 marzo-11 settembre 2016), Milano, Electa, 2016, pp. 260-277; 278-287; 300-315. - Andaloro 2016 = M. Andaloro, L’imago antiqua e il ritorno nella sua chiesa, ivi, pp.190-196. - Bordino 2016 = C. Bordino, Nella cappella dei santi Anargyroi, in Santa Maria Antiqua, ivi, pp. 200-211. 5) Ss. Cosma e Damiano e Rotonda - Foletti 2015 = I. Foletti, Maranatha: spazio, liturgia e immagini nella basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano sul Foro Romano, in Setkávání. Studie o středověkém umění věnované Kláře Benešovské, Jan Chlíbec, Zoe Opacic ed., Praga, Nakladatelství Artefactum 2015, pp. 68-86. - Bordi, Quadri 2012 = G. Bordi, I. Quadri, 44. I dipinti ai Santi Cosma e Damiano, in S. Romano (a cura di), Il Duecento e la cultura gotica. 1198-1287 ca., Corpus V, Milano 2012, pp. 266-273. - Bordi 2014 = G. Bordi, Un monumento per due. Memorie di cardinali nella Rotonda dei Santi Cosma e Damiano (XII-XIII secolo), in Il potere dell’arte nel Medioevo. Studi in onore di Mario D’Onofrio, a cura di M. Gianandrea, F. Gangemi, C. Costantini, Roma, Campisano Editore, 2014, pp. 355-366. 6) Bordi 2011 = G. Bordi, Committenza laica nella chiesa di Sant’Adriano al foro romano nell’Altomedioevo, in Medioevo: i committenti, Atti del XIII Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Parma, 21-26 settembre 2010), a cura di C.A. Quintavalle, Bologna 2011, pp. 63-75. 7) S. Maria Nova / S. Francesca Romana - J. Enckell Juillard, S. Romano, 58. I mosaici dell’abside e dell’arco absidale in Santa Maria Nova, in S. Romano (a cura di), Riforma e tradizione. 1050-1198, Corpus IV, Milano 2006, pp. 335-343. - J. Enckell Juillard, 59. La decorazione perduta della facciata di Santa Maria Nova, ivi, pp. 344-345 - G. Bordi, Basilica di Santa Maria Nova. Il mosaico dell’abside (1143-1161), in Mosaici medievali a Roma attraverso il restauro dell’ICR 1991-2004, a cura di M. Andaloro e C. D’Angelo, Roma, Gangemi editore international 2017, pp. 327-329. - K. Queijo, 14. Il volto duecentesco dell’icona di Santa Maria Nova, in S. Romano (a cura di), Il Duecento e la cultura gotica. 1198-1287 ca., Corpus V, Milano 2012, pp. 96-97. - W. Angelelli, 18. I frammenti della decorazione della parete absidale di Santa Maria Nova, in S. Romano (a cura di), Il Duecento e la cultura gotica. 1198-1287 ca., Corpus V, Milano 2012, pp. 110-112. 8) S. Pietro in Carcere - Saggi di P. Fortini e G. Bordi in: Carcer-Tullianum. Il carcere mamertino al foro romano, a cura di P. Fortini e A. Russo, Roma-Bristol 2022 (in corso di stampa).
Further insights will be indicated during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20709782 -
The course, dedicated to students of the Master's Degree, is aimed at implementing the knowledge and critical understanding of figurative art and culture in Italy and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This is a period wrought by the studies of the last century only starting around the 1920s. The course therefore aims to provide critical and historiographical tools to address this segment of the history of art. It also intends to provide knowledge about the artists and the works performed in this period through a history of figurative production in the main Italian centers, studied both from the point of view of the client and of patronage, and, no less important, from the stylistic point of view. formal. One of the main objectives of the course is in fact the acquisition by the students of the ability of stylistic analysis and consequently of the attributive ability of the works executed in these two centuries.
( syllabus)
Caravaggio and Artemisia: Judith's challenge. A masterpiece between art, history and poetry.
( reference books)
Selected bibliography: R. Longhi, Gentileschi padre e figlia, Abscondita, 2019 Caravaggio e Artemisia: la sfida di Giuditta. Violenza e seduzione nella pittura tra Cinque e Seicento, catalogo della mostra, a cura di M. Cristina Terzaghi Paola Cosentino, Le virtù di Giuditta, Aracne, 2012 More bibliography will be indicated during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20709152 -
The course aims to provide an highly specialized knowledge about the main historical and artistic phenomena in Rome during the early modern age, investigated under the different aspects of the historical context, the historiography of the art history, and the stylistic analysis. At the end of the course, the student should be able to present the contents learned through the frontal lectures, the reading of the bibliography and the visits to the artistic monuments, with clarity and competence, demonstrating the ability to relate, through an independent judgment and a critical awareness, different historical and artistic phenomena in Rome in the early modern age.
( syllabus)
The course will investigate the great fresco decoration in Roman palaces in the Late Renaissance, from the pontificate of Paul III (1534-1549) to Sixtus V (1585-1590). Trough a selection of some case studies of the Roman Maniera, we will examine papal patronage, and that of Roman families, the artists responsible of these decorations, the iconographic programs and and the evolution of the different types of wall decorations in the Maniera age. Classes will be supported, whenever possible, by visits of the monuments considered during the course, with the active participation of the students, trough seminars and oral papers.
( reference books)
G. Sapori, Maestri, botteghe, équipes nei palazzi romani: Perino del Vaga, Salviati, Vasari e Zuccari, in “Bollettino d’arte” (Numero speciale: Palazzi del Cinquecento a Roma, a cura di G. Sapori, C. Conforti), 2016, pp. 1-52. G. Sapori, Decorare i palazzi da Raffaello a Zuccari, Roma 2020, pp. 59-75 (chapters 3 e 4). Frustrations about Friezes: Themes, Functions, Accessibility, in Frises peintes. Les décors des villas et palais au Cinquecento, actes du colloque international a sous la direction de A. Lemoine, A. Fenech Kroke, Roma, Accademia di Francia, 16-17 dicembre 2011, Paris 2017, pp. 27-41.
Castel Sant’Angelo: E. Gaudioso, F. Aliberti Gaudioso, Gli affreschi di Paolo III a Castel Sant’Angelo. Progetto ed esecuzione, exhibition cat., Roma 1981-82, Roma 1981, I, pp. 23-46; II, pp. 104-117.
Palazzo della Cancelleria: Palazzo della Cancelleria in Oltre Raffaello. Aspetti della cultura figurativa del Cinquecento romano, Roma 1984, pp. 127-142. C. Robertson, Il Gran Cardinale Alessandro Farnese Patron of the Arts, New Haven-London 1992, pp. 53-74. J. Kliemann, Gesta Dipinte. La grande decorazione nelle dimore italiane dal Quattrocento al Seicento, Cinisello Balsamo 1993, pp. 35-68.
Palazzo Farnese: I. Cheney, Le premiéres décorations: Daniele da Volterra, Salviati et les frères Zuccari, in Le Palais Farnèse, I.1, Roma 1981, pp. 243-267. J. Kliemann, L’immagine di Paolo III come pacificatore. Osservazioni sul “salotto dipinto”, in Francesco Salviati e la Bella Maniera, ed. by C. Goguel, Ph. Costamagna. M. Hochmann, Roma 2001, pp. 287-310. C. Acidini Luchinat, Taddeo e Federico Zuccari fratelli pittori, I, Firenze 1998, pp. 244-255.
Palazzo Spada Capodiferro: Palazzo Spada. Arte e Storia, Roma 1992, pp. 25-38. Palazzo Spada. Le decorazioni restaurate, Milano 1995, pp. 13-31. S. Urcioli, Palazzo Spada, Roma 2017.
Palazzo Ricci Sacchetti: J. de Jong, An important Patron and an Unknown Artist: Giovanni Ricci, Ponsio Jacquio, and the Decoration of the Palazzo Ricci Sacchetti in Rome, in “Art Bulletin”, 74 (1992), pp. 135-156. V. Catalucci, La decorazione del piano nobile del palazzo Ricci Sacchetti a Roma, in “Ricerche di Storia dell’arte”, 91-92, 2007 (Reverse engineering. Un nuovo approccio allo studio dei grandi cicli rinascimentali), pp. 93-105. N. Dacos, Artisti stranieri a Roma nel ‘500: il decoro di palazzo Ricci Sacchetti, Milano 2016, pp. 11-20.
Appartamento di Belvedere di Pio IV: P. Tosini, Federico Zuccari, Pirro Ligorio e Pio IV: la sala del Buon Governo nell'Appartamento di Belvedere in Vaticano, in “Storia dell’arte”, 86 (1996), pp. 13-38.
Villa d’Este a Tivoli: D. R. Coffin, Villa d’Este at Tivoli, Princeton 1960, pp. 41-68. P. Tosini, Girolamo Muziano e la nascita del paesaggio alla veneta nella Villa d’Este a Tivoli: con alcune osservazioni su Federico Zuccari, Livio Agresti, Cesare Nebbia, Giovanni de’ Vecchi e altri, in “Rivista dell’Istituto di Archeologia e Storia dell’arte”, 22, 1999 (2000), pp. 189-231.
Palazzo Farnese di Caprarola: I. Faldi, Il palazzo Farnese di Caprarola, Torino 1981, pp. 15-72; 93-96; 136-137; 177-178; 209-210; 241-242; 261-263; 283-284; 305-307. P. Tosini, entry with bibliographical updates about Caprarola.
Galleria Carte Geografiche: L. Gambi, M. Milanesi, A. Pinelli, La Galleria delle Carte Geografiche in Vaticano. Storia e iconografia, Roma 1996.
Palazzo Lateranense: C. Mandel, Golden Age and the Good Works of Sixtus V, in “Storia dell’arte”, 62 (1988), pp. 29-52.
Villa Peretti Montalto a Termini: P. Tosini, Immagini ritrovate. Decorazione a Villa Peretti Montalto tra Cinque e Seicento, Roma 2015, pp. 41-49; 55-76; 105-111.
Further bibliography could be indicated during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20709781 -
Knowledge of the main methodological approaches to the history and theory of photography; ability to investigate photographic objects in their contexts of production and conservation; ability to conduct art-historical research on photographers and photographic archives, collections, institutions, and publications; ability to share research questions and outcomes in different areas of scientific, educational, and informational communication.
( syllabus)
The course (second semester) is a reading, discussion and research seminar on the work of a contemporary Italian photographer. Teaching assistant: Adele Milozzi.
( reference books)
Weekly readings, including essays in Italian and English, will be announced shortly. For both regular and “non attending” students, the readings will be available at the art history library “Luigi Grassi” (Piazza della Repubblica 10) and via Moodle.
Bibliographic research for the final paper is part of the required work and will be evaluated as such.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20703344 -
in-depth knowledge of the history of restoration and of the theoretical and methodological problems that characterize this discipline; ability to learn independently and to deepen the discipline; extensive knowledge of the reference bibliography; ability to analyze and critically evaluate the entire cycle of conservation and restoration, through a consolidated interdisciplinary vision; ability to collect and analyze data and sources; ability to develop original ideas relating to historical events that will be the subject of ongoing exercises and possibly research at the end of the training course
( syllabus)
The didactic program, in the first part of the course, provides a deepening of the links between the aspects of the history of artistic techniques and those of the history of restoration, and a deepening of the literature of the restoration, produced in Italy and in the different european countries, since the beginning of the eighteenth century until the thirties of the twentieth century.
( reference books)
G. C, Argan, Introduzione, voce Tecnica in Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte, Novara, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1983, vol.XIII, pp. 686-692.
P. Mora, L. Mora, P. Philippot, La conservazione delle pitture murali, Bologna, 1999, pp. 69-172. B. Tosatti, Trattati tecnico-artistici, in "Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale", XI, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2000, pp. 316-319.
A:Conti, Storia del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d’arte, Electa, 1988: Cap. VI Venezia e Pietro Edwards, pp. 154-187; Cap. VII Tra Settecento e Ottocento, pp. 188-227; Cap. VIII Il restauro tra accademia e romanticismo, pp. 228- 275;C. IX Il restauro nell’Italia Unita, pp. 276-328.
M. Ciatti, Appunti per un manuale di storia e di teoria del restauro, EDIFIR, 2009, pp. 208-275.
M. Cardinali, M.B. De Ruggieri, C. Falcucci, Diagnostica artistica, Palombi ed. 2002, pp. 13-50.
P. Bensi, Scienziati e restauratori nell’Italia dell’Ottocento, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 25-32.
J. Anderson, Sir Charles Eastlake e i suoi restauratori italiani: Giuseppe Molteni e Raffaele Pinti, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.57-62.
C. Giannini, Giovanni Secco Suardo: gli anni del collezionismo, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.63-72.
M. Cordaro, Metodologie e tecniche del restauro nell’opera e negli scritti di Giovanni Secco Suardo: eredità, fortuna critica, innovazioni, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.73-77.
G. Bonsanti, Giovanni Secco Suardo e Ulisse Forni: tecniche e tradizioni a confronto, in Bollettino d’arte, supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp.79-82.
M. Marabelli, Le scienze chimiche per la conservazione dei dipinti nell'Italia dell'Ottocento. Il trattato del Conte Secco Suardo "Il restauratore dei dipinti", in “Kermes”, n. 81, 2011.
G.Perusini, Il dibattito sulla pulitura dei dipinti della National Gallery e del Louvre alla metà dell'Ottocento: alcune considerazioni generali, in La cultura del restauro. Modelli di ricezione per la museologia e la storia dell’ arte, M. B. Failla, S. A. Meyer, C. Piva, S. Ventra (a cura di), Atti del Convegno Internazionale La cultura del restauro. Modelli di ricezione per la metodologia della storia dell’arte, Roma 2015, pp. 335-350.
M. Micheli, Il restauro dei metalli antichi dalla metà del XIX secolo agli anni Sessanta del Novecento, in 1860-1970 Il restauro archeologico in Italia. Fonti storiche e pratiche disciplinari. A cura di M. Micheli, 2015, pp. 351-403.
Core compulsory activities
20703341 -
knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
( syllabus)
Course title: The Museum in the contemporary debate: traditions and contradictions
Never as intensely as today, and at any latitude in the World, the museum institution is at the center of a debate that constantly questions its traditional status as a place of conservation, study and protection of collections. This course aims to offer a broad overview of the museum and of the Museum Studies (definition, statute, structure, services, spaces, professions) and to analyze some themes dear to Critical Museology, such as decolonization, delocalization, the development of museums of memory and human rights, the relationship with social and economic sciences, etc. The second part of the course will take place in the form of seminars conducted in the museums by students based on individual research. Numerous inspections are planned in the Roman museums.
( reference books)
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has studied in depth:
a) at least one of the following texts: A Companion to Museum Studies, a cura di S. Macdonald, Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, linee guida per una museologia contemporanea, Milano Hoepli 2007 P.C. Marani, R. Pavoni, Musei, Trasformazioni di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006 M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005 D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008 D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004 A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998
b) at least one of the following texts: The Curation and Care of Museum Collection, a cura di B.A. Campbell, Ch. Baars, London ; New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 The contemporary Museum: shaping Museums for the Global Now, a cura di S. J. Knell, London, New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008 S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait (a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016 M. Ferretti e A.Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131. S. Verde, Le belle arti e i selvaggi, la scoperta dell’altro, la storia dell’arte e l’invenzione del patrimonio culturale, Venezia, Marsilio, 2019
c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course and published on the teacher's bulletin board;
d) he or she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of the following Roman museums: - Musei Capitolini - Musei Vaticani - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Barberini - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Spada - Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia - Museo di Roma - Museo Napoleonico - Museo Mario Praz - Museo della Centrale Montemartini - Museo Nazionale Romano - Museo delle Civiltà - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna - MAXXI - MACRO - Palazzo Merulana
In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose and study two further texts from points a) and / or b).
Core compulsory activities
20703345 -
Core compulsory activities
20710684 -
Derived from
20710684 ARCHIVISTICA DIGITALE in Storia e società LM-84 DI SIVO MICHELE
( syllabus)
The course builds knowledge and skills starting from the exegesis of sources for historical research: the impact of digitization on documentation originating in the pre-computer age and that of digital native documents on source critique is its focus. A second argument will be related to the management of digital documentation from its origin to its becoming as a cultural food and as historical documentation. The students will acquire knowledge to deal with historical research through the analysis of the document in the context of information systems, dissemination on the web, consultation and its limits. They will therefore be able to tackle a project of study, digitization and enhancement of documentary resources, within the framework of the critical issues related to the conservation and integrity of the digitized and digital document. They will access documentary sources also through the use of digital descriptive resources; will address the question of the interpretation of sources according to a methodology starting from their contextualization in the archives of origin. They will acquire the tools for their full interpretation in independent judgment. They will also know the reordering criteria of the documentation and therefore of their description, fundamental elements of a correct exegesis. Finally, they will address the issues of historical and archival disclosure, refining communication skills through logical and lexical rigor.
( reference books)
Archivistica. Teorie, metodi, pratiche, a cura di Linda Giuva - Maria Guercio, Roma, Carocci, 2020 (Chapters 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15)
Stefano Pigliapoco, Progetto Archivio digitale, Lucca, Civita editoriale, 2018.
Two volumes from the following:
Marc Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Torino 2009, pp. 3-169 Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Archivi e memoria storica, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1987 Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Andare in archivio, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2009 Teresa Numerico - Domenico Fiormonte - Francesca Tomasi, L’umanista digitale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2010 Federico Valacchi, Diventare archivisti: competenze tecniche di un mestiere sul confine, Milano 2015
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710735 -
Religione, società e culture nel Medioevo
Core compulsory activities
20710679 -
Core compulsory activities
20710639 -
History of the Age of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation MD
Derived from
( syllabus)
The origins of the Theatine order
The course will initially investigate principal questions regarding the political, religious, cultural and social structures that resulted in the breakdown of Christian unity, in the first decades of the sixteenth century. This will be followed by a study of the way in which the Roman church reacted to the Reform movement focusing in particular on the proto-inquisitorial activities of the Theatine order, which was founded in 1524 by Gian Pietro Carafa, the defender of Catholic orthodoxy.
( reference books)
Testi di riferimento:
1) L. Felici, La Riforma protestante nell’Europa del Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci 2) A. Vanni, Gaetano Thiene. Spiritualità, politica, santità, Roma, Viella 3) A. Vanni, Dalla riforma delle ordinazioni sacerdotali alle origini dell’Inquisizione romana. La carriera ecclesiastica di Gian Pietro Carafa, in Europa e America allo specchio. Studi per Francesca Cantù, a cura di P. Broggio, L. Guarnieri Calò Carducci e M. Merluzzi, Roma, Viella, pp. 43-66.
4) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- L. Addante, Eretici e libertini nel Cinquecento italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza - E. Bonora, Roma 1564. La congiura contro il papa, Roma-Bari, Laterza - M. Firpo - F. Biferali, Immagini ed eresie nell'Italia del Cinquecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza - M. Firpo, Juan de Valdés e la Riforma nell’Italia del Cinquecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza - G. Fragnito, La Bibbia al rogo. La censura ecclesiastica e i volgarizzamenti della Scrittura (1471-1605), Bologna, il Mulino - G. Romeo - M. Mancino, Clero criminale. L’onore della Chiesa e i delitti degli ecclesiastici nell’Italia della Controriforma, Roma-Bari, Laterza - A. Prosperi, Tribunali della coscienza. Inquisitori, confessori, missionari, Torino, Einaudi - U. Vincenti, Lo studente che sfidò il papa. Inquisizione e supplizio di Pomponio de Algerio, Roma-Bari, Laterza
Core compulsory activities
20710656 -
Derived from
20710656 STORIA DEI CONFLITTI E DIPLOMAZIA CULTURALE in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 BENADUSI LORENZO
( syllabus)
The first part of the course will be dedicated to explore the role of cultural diplomachy as a tool for managing international conflicts. The idea of the war as a clash of civilizations will be analyzed from the nineteenth century up to the present day. The second part of the course will focus on the period between the two world wars, and in particular on the methods used by fascism for overseas promotion of Italian culture.
( reference books)
1) Tommaso Detti (a cura di), Le guerre in un mondo globale, Viella, Roma 2017, p. 320 2) Gaetano Castellini Curiel, Soft power e l’arte della diplomazia culturale, Le Lettere, Firenze 2021, p. 147
3) A book of your choice between: a) James Sheehan, L’età post-eroica: guerra e pace nell'Europa contemporanea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009, p. 330 b) Jeremy Black, Le guerre nel mondo contemporaneo, il Mulino, Bologna 2006, p. 238. c) Lorenzo Benadusi, Ufficiale e gentiluomo. Virtù civili e valori militari in Italia, 1896-1918, Feltrinelli, Milano 2015, p. 397 d) Frances Stoner Saunders, La guerra fredda culturale. La Cia e il mondo delle lettere e delle arti, Fazi, Roma 2004 e) Fabio Ferrarini, L’«asse spezzato». Fascismo, nazismo e diplomazia culturale nei paesi nordici (1922-1945), Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2021, p. 288 f) Silvia Salvatici, Nel nome degli altri. Storia dell’umanitarismo internazionale, il Mulino, Bologna 2015, p. 332 g) Enzo Traverso, Il secolo armato. Interpretare le violenze del Novecento, Feltrinelli, Milano 2012
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710036 -
in-depth knowledge of the history of restoration and of the theoretical and methodological problems that characterize this discipline; ability to learn independently and to deepen the discipline; extensive knowledge of the reference bibliography; ability to analyze and critically evaluate the entire cycle of conservation and restoration, through a consolidated interdisciplinary vision; ability to collect and analyze data and sources; ability to develop original ideas relating to historical events that will be the subject of ongoing exercises and possibly research at the end of the training course
( syllabus)
Each student will deepen a historical text and will be guided in writing of a final paper. All the student's contributions will be presented and discussed at the end of the course.
( reference books)
Each student will receive a historic bibliographic source and a selected bibliography useful for the start of the individual research
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703341 -
knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA
( syllabus)
Course title: The Museum in the contemporary debate: traditions and contradictions
Never as intensely as today, and at any latitude in the World, the museum institution is at the center of a debate that constantly questions its traditional status as a place of conservation, study and protection of collections. This course aims to offer a broad overview of the museum and of the Museum Studies (definition, statute, structure, services, spaces, professions) and to analyze some themes dear to Critical Museology, such as decolonization, delocalization, the development of museums of memory and human rights, the relationship with social and economic sciences, etc. The second part of the course will take place in the form of seminars conducted in the museums by students based on individual research. Numerous inspections are planned in the Roman museums.
( reference books)
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has studied in depth:
a) at least one of the following texts: A Companion to Museum Studies, a cura di S. Macdonald, Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, linee guida per una museologia contemporanea, Milano Hoepli 2007 P.C. Marani, R. Pavoni, Musei, Trasformazioni di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006 M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005 D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008 D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004 A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998
b) at least one of the following texts: The Curation and Care of Museum Collection, a cura di B.A. Campbell, Ch. Baars, London ; New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 The contemporary Museum: shaping Museums for the Global Now, a cura di S. J. Knell, London, New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008 S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait (a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016 M. Ferretti e A.Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131. S. Verde, Le belle arti e i selvaggi, la scoperta dell’altro, la storia dell’arte e l’invenzione del patrimonio culturale, Venezia, Marsilio, 2019
c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course and published on the teacher's bulletin board;
d) he or she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of the following Roman museums: - Musei Capitolini - Musei Vaticani - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Barberini - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Spada - Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia - Museo di Roma - Museo Napoleonico - Museo Mario Praz - Museo della Centrale Montemartini - Museo Nazionale Romano - Museo delle Civiltà - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna - MAXXI - MACRO - Palazzo Merulana
In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose and study two further texts from points a) and / or b).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710442 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The Roman Forum in the Middle Ages and its churches (6th-14th centuries)
The course proposes an unprecedented journey through the Roman Forum between the 6th and 14th centuries. We will observe together how the square of the Forum in the course of these centuries changes physiognomy and undergoes a process of resemantization through the progressive Christianization of its monuments and its public spaces. We will enter inside the churches of: S. Maria Antiqua, Ss. Cosma e Damiano e la Rotonda, S. Adriano, S. Francesca Romana, S. Sebastiano al Palatino, S. Cesario in Palatio e S. Pietro in Carcere. The course will be held in the classroom and in the field with the goal of learning to read the architectural and pictorial palimpsests that characterize these monuments and to visualize how the landscape between the Capitol and the Colosseum changes over the centuries examined. We will discuss together the following topics: the transformation of the Forum from the Byzantine reconquest (6th-8th centuries) to the Rome of the Popes (8th-14th centuries); the churches of the Forum and their pictorial decoration; the religious and secular patronage; the Roman Forum and the great processions along the Via Sacra.
( reference books)
1) Coates-Stephens 2011 = R. Coates-Stephens, The Forum romanum in the byzantine period, in Marmoribus vestita. Miscellanea in onore di Federico Guidobaldi, a cura di O. Brandt e Ph. Pergola, Città del Vaticano: Pontificio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana 2011, pp. 385-408. 2) Serlorenzi 2016 = M. Serlorenzi, All'origine del Medioevo : passeggiando nel Foro romano, in Santa Maria Antiqua tra Roma e Bisanzio, a cura di M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti, Milano 2016, pp. 110-124. 3) Parlato 2000 = E. Parlato, Le icone in processione, in Arte e iconografia a Roma. Da Costantino a Cola di Rienzo, a cura di M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Milano 2000, pp. 69-92. 4) Santa Maria Antiqua - Bordi 2021 = G. Bordi, The apse wall of Santa Maria Antiqua (IV-IX centuries), in E. Rubery, G. Bordi, J. Osborne, Santa Maria Antiqua. The Sistine Chapel of the Early Middle Ages, London-Turnhout, 2021, pp. 387-422. - Bordi 2016 = in M. Andaloro, G. Bordi, G. Morganti (a cura di), Santa Maria Antiqua. Tra Roma e Bisanzio (Catalogo della mostra, Roma 17 marzo-11 settembre 2016), Milano, Electa, 2016, pp. 260-277; 278-287; 300-315. - Andaloro 2016 = M. Andaloro, L’imago antiqua e il ritorno nella sua chiesa, ivi, pp.190-196. - Bordino 2016 = C. Bordino, Nella cappella dei santi Anargyroi, in Santa Maria Antiqua, ivi, pp. 200-211. 5) Ss. Cosma e Damiano e Rotonda - Foletti 2015 = I. Foletti, Maranatha: spazio, liturgia e immagini nella basilica dei Santi Cosma e Damiano sul Foro Romano, in Setkávání. Studie o středověkém umění věnované Kláře Benešovské, Jan Chlíbec, Zoe Opacic ed., Praga, Nakladatelství Artefactum 2015, pp. 68-86. - Bordi, Quadri 2012 = G. Bordi, I. Quadri, 44. I dipinti ai Santi Cosma e Damiano, in S. Romano (a cura di), Il Duecento e la cultura gotica. 1198-1287 ca., Corpus V, Milano 2012, pp. 266-273. - Bordi 2014 = G. Bordi, Un monumento per due. Memorie di cardinali nella Rotonda dei Santi Cosma e Damiano (XII-XIII secolo), in Il potere dell’arte nel Medioevo. Studi in onore di Mario D’Onofrio, a cura di M. Gianandrea, F. Gangemi, C. Costantini, Roma, Campisano Editore, 2014, pp. 355-366. 6) Bordi 2011 = G. Bordi, Committenza laica nella chiesa di Sant’Adriano al foro romano nell’Altomedioevo, in Medioevo: i committenti, Atti del XIII Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Parma, 21-26 settembre 2010), a cura di C.A. Quintavalle, Bologna 2011, pp. 63-75. 7) S. Maria Nova / S. Francesca Romana - J. Enckell Juillard, S. Romano, 58. I mosaici dell’abside e dell’arco absidale in Santa Maria Nova, in S. Romano (a cura di), Riforma e tradizione. 1050-1198, Corpus IV, Milano 2006, pp. 335-343. - J. Enckell Juillard, 59. La decorazione perduta della facciata di Santa Maria Nova, ivi, pp. 344-345 - G. Bordi, Basilica di Santa Maria Nova. Il mosaico dell’abside (1143-1161), in Mosaici medievali a Roma attraverso il restauro dell’ICR 1991-2004, a cura di M. Andaloro e C. D’Angelo, Roma, Gangemi editore international 2017, pp. 327-329. - K. Queijo, 14. Il volto duecentesco dell’icona di Santa Maria Nova, in S. Romano (a cura di), Il Duecento e la cultura gotica. 1198-1287 ca., Corpus V, Milano 2012, pp. 96-97. - W. Angelelli, 18. I frammenti della decorazione della parete absidale di Santa Maria Nova, in S. Romano (a cura di), Il Duecento e la cultura gotica. 1198-1287 ca., Corpus V, Milano 2012, pp. 110-112. 8) S. Pietro in Carcere - Saggi di P. Fortini e G. Bordi in: Carcer-Tullianum. Il carcere mamertino al foro romano, a cura di P. Fortini e A. Russo, Roma-Bristol 2022 (in corso di stampa).
Further insights will be indicated during the course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159 -
20704133 -
20709782 -
The course, dedicated to students of the Master's Degree, is aimed at implementing the knowledge and critical understanding of figurative art and culture in Italy and Europe in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This is a period wrought by the studies of the last century only starting around the 1920s. The course therefore aims to provide critical and historiographical tools to address this segment of the history of art. It also intends to provide knowledge about the artists and the works performed in this period through a history of figurative production in the main Italian centers, studied both from the point of view of the client and of patronage, and, no less important, from the stylistic point of view. formal. One of the main objectives of the course is in fact the acquisition by the students of the ability of stylistic analysis and consequently of the attributive ability of the works executed in these two centuries.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710443 -
Students who attend this course will acquire knowledge of the History of Flemish and Dutch Art in the early modern age, especially with regard to the aspects of the Social History of Art, History of Patronage and Collecting. Students will be given the opportunity to learn about the sites, the artists, the standard works of the History of Flemish and Dutch Art in the seventeenth century and the ability to use the main tools for the interpretation of the data (sources and historiographical debate).They will also be able to apply the method acquired in the art-historical investigation to other authors, works and contexts than those dealt with in class. They will also be able to communicate their knowledge, acquiring specialised vocabulary. Finally, the students of the course will be able to acquire a study method based on the specificity of the historical-artistic discipline aimed at interpreting and commenting analytically works and contexts of the modern age.
( syllabus)
Course title: 17th-century Dutch Painting. Works and contexts from Frans Hals to Vermeer
( reference books)
For the preparation for the exam it is necessary the critical study of
a) At least one of the following text: Ghislain Kieft, I Paesi Bassi settentrionali: arte, mestiere e committenza nel secolo d'oro, in La pittura nei Paesi Bassi, a cura di B.W.Meijer, Milano, Electa, 1997, tomo II, pp. 409-522 (scaricabile) or Mariette Westermann, The Art of the Dutch Republic. 1585-1718, New York, Harry Abrams, 1996.
b) at least one of the followings bools (or better all!): Svetlana Alpers, Arte del descrivere. Scienza e pittura nel Seicento olandese, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, ed. 1999; Simon Shama, Il disagio dell'abbondanza. La cultura olandese dell'epoca d'oro, Milano, Mondadori, ed.1993 o successive; Svetlana Alpers, L'officina di Rembrandt. L'atelier e il mercato, Torino, Einaudi, ed.2006; Daniel Arasse, L'ambizione di Vermeer, Torino, Einaudi, ed. 2006; Marco Mascolo, Rembrandt. Un artista nell'Europa del Seicento, Roma, Carocci, 2021. c)At least one of the following text: - Eric Jan Sluijter, How Rembrandt surpassed the Ancients, Italians and Rubens as Master of “the Passions of the Soul”’, in, Batavian Phlegm? The Dutch and their Emotions in Pre-Modern Times, a cura di H. Roodenburg and C. Santing, "BMGN-Low Countries Historical Review", 129, no. 2 , 2014, pp. 63-89. (scaricabile sul sito - Eric Jan Sluijter, On Brabant Rubbish, Economic Competition, Artistic Rivalry and the Growth of the Market for Paintings in the First Decades of the Seventeenth Century, in "Journal of the Historians of Netherlandish Art", 1, 2009, n. 2 ( ) - A.McNeil Kettering, Ter Borch’s ladies in satin, in Looking at seventeenth-century Dutch art, a cura di W.Franits, 1997, pp. 98-115. oppure, in alternativa, una tesina su un dipinto presentato nelle lezioni (concordata con la docente e consegnata per mail almeno una settimana prima dell'appello d'esame) d) didactic material, consisting of the ppts of the slides projected during the lessons and available on the blog at the address, following the research indications contained there (for example: the lessons on Rembrandt should be studied by checking the site, those on Vermeer by exploring, and you will enjoy, the site Students taking the course for 6 CFUs may avoid point (c). Non-attending students must add to this syllabus (with the exception of item d which is precluded to them) the in-depth study of a second text from those listed in item b) and must read all the essays listed in item c).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20709152 -
The course aims to provide an highly specialized knowledge about the main historical and artistic phenomena in Rome during the early modern age, investigated under the different aspects of the historical context, the historiography of the art history, and the stylistic analysis. At the end of the course, the student should be able to present the contents learned through the frontal lectures, the reading of the bibliography and the visits to the artistic monuments, with clarity and competence, demonstrating the ability to relate, through an independent judgment and a critical awareness, different historical and artistic phenomena in Rome in the early modern age.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course will investigate the great fresco decoration in Roman palaces in the Late Renaissance, from the pontificate of Paul III (1534-1549) to Sixtus V (1585-1590). Trough a selection of some case studies of the Roman Maniera, we will examine papal patronage, and that of Roman families, the artists responsible of these decorations, the iconographic programs and and the evolution of the different types of wall decorations in the Maniera age. Classes will be supported, whenever possible, by visits of the monuments considered during the course, with the active participation of the students, trough seminars and oral papers.
( reference books)
G. Sapori, Maestri, botteghe, équipes nei palazzi romani: Perino del Vaga, Salviati, Vasari e Zuccari, in “Bollettino d’arte” (Numero speciale: Palazzi del Cinquecento a Roma, a cura di G. Sapori, C. Conforti), 2016, pp. 1-52. G. Sapori, Decorare i palazzi da Raffaello a Zuccari, Roma 2020, pp. 59-75 (chapters 3 e 4). Frustrations about Friezes: Themes, Functions, Accessibility, in Frises peintes. Les décors des villas et palais au Cinquecento, actes du colloque international a sous la direction de A. Lemoine, A. Fenech Kroke, Roma, Accademia di Francia, 16-17 dicembre 2011, Paris 2017, pp. 27-41.
Castel Sant’Angelo: E. Gaudioso, F. Aliberti Gaudioso, Gli affreschi di Paolo III a Castel Sant’Angelo. Progetto ed esecuzione, exhibition cat., Roma 1981-82, Roma 1981, I, pp. 23-46; II, pp. 104-117.
Palazzo della Cancelleria: Palazzo della Cancelleria in Oltre Raffaello. Aspetti della cultura figurativa del Cinquecento romano, Roma 1984, pp. 127-142. C. Robertson, Il Gran Cardinale Alessandro Farnese Patron of the Arts, New Haven-London 1992, pp. 53-74. J. Kliemann, Gesta Dipinte. La grande decorazione nelle dimore italiane dal Quattrocento al Seicento, Cinisello Balsamo 1993, pp. 35-68.
Palazzo Farnese: I. Cheney, Le premiéres décorations: Daniele da Volterra, Salviati et les frères Zuccari, in Le Palais Farnèse, I.1, Roma 1981, pp. 243-267. J. Kliemann, L’immagine di Paolo III come pacificatore. Osservazioni sul “salotto dipinto”, in Francesco Salviati e la Bella Maniera, ed. by C. Goguel, Ph. Costamagna. M. Hochmann, Roma 2001, pp. 287-310. C. Acidini Luchinat, Taddeo e Federico Zuccari fratelli pittori, I, Firenze 1998, pp. 244-255.
Palazzo Spada Capodiferro: Palazzo Spada. Arte e Storia, Roma 1992, pp. 25-38. Palazzo Spada. Le decorazioni restaurate, Milano 1995, pp. 13-31. S. Urcioli, Palazzo Spada, Roma 2017.
Palazzo Ricci Sacchetti: J. de Jong, An important Patron and an Unknown Artist: Giovanni Ricci, Ponsio Jacquio, and the Decoration of the Palazzo Ricci Sacchetti in Rome, in “Art Bulletin”, 74 (1992), pp. 135-156. V. Catalucci, La decorazione del piano nobile del palazzo Ricci Sacchetti a Roma, in “Ricerche di Storia dell’arte”, 91-92, 2007 (Reverse engineering. Un nuovo approccio allo studio dei grandi cicli rinascimentali), pp. 93-105. N. Dacos, Artisti stranieri a Roma nel ‘500: il decoro di palazzo Ricci Sacchetti, Milano 2016, pp. 11-20.
Appartamento di Belvedere di Pio IV: P. Tosini, Federico Zuccari, Pirro Ligorio e Pio IV: la sala del Buon Governo nell'Appartamento di Belvedere in Vaticano, in “Storia dell’arte”, 86 (1996), pp. 13-38.
Villa d’Este a Tivoli: D. R. Coffin, Villa d’Este at Tivoli, Princeton 1960, pp. 41-68. P. Tosini, Girolamo Muziano e la nascita del paesaggio alla veneta nella Villa d’Este a Tivoli: con alcune osservazioni su Federico Zuccari, Livio Agresti, Cesare Nebbia, Giovanni de’ Vecchi e altri, in “Rivista dell’Istituto di Archeologia e Storia dell’arte”, 22, 1999 (2000), pp. 189-231.
Palazzo Farnese di Caprarola: I. Faldi, Il palazzo Farnese di Caprarola, Torino 1981, pp. 15-72; 93-96; 136-137; 177-178; 209-210; 241-242; 261-263; 283-284; 305-307. P. Tosini, entry with bibliographical updates about Caprarola.
Galleria Carte Geografiche: L. Gambi, M. Milanesi, A. Pinelli, La Galleria delle Carte Geografiche in Vaticano. Storia e iconografia, Roma 1996.
Palazzo Lateranense: C. Mandel, Golden Age and the Good Works of Sixtus V, in “Storia dell’arte”, 62 (1988), pp. 29-52.
Villa Peretti Montalto a Termini: P. Tosini, Immagini ritrovate. Decorazione a Villa Peretti Montalto tra Cinque e Seicento, Roma 2015, pp. 41-49; 55-76; 105-111.
Further bibliography could be indicated during the course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710035 -
20710598 -
20709781 -
Knowledge of the main methodological approaches to the history and theory of photography; ability to investigate photographic objects in their contexts of production and conservation; ability to conduct art-historical research on photographers and photographic archives, collections, institutions, and publications; ability to share research questions and outcomes in different areas of scientific, educational, and informational communication.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710654 -
Derived from
20710654 ANTROPOLOGIA CULTURALE E SOCIALE in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GRIBALDO ALESSANDRA MARGHERITA MATILDE
( syllabus)
After briefly introducing the different objects of anthropological knowledge from a historical perspective, the course will focus on the themes of the supernatural, magic and witchcraft between history, power, body, disease and society. In particular, the lessons will focus on rationality and belief systems, on the role of the historical and colonial dimension, on the symbolic, on power relations, on the notion of contagion in its social and cultural implications.
( reference books)
Testi d’esame (gli studenti che hanno già sostenuto un esame di antropologia culturale possono concordare con la docente un testo alternativo):
Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012 (disponibile anche in versione digitale).
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
Bellagamba, Alice, L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica, Laterza, 2008. Evans-Pritchard, Edward, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Raffaello Cortina, 2002. Douglas, Mary, Purezza e pericolo, Il Mulino, 1996. Kitta, A. The Kiss of Death: Contagion, Contamination, and Folklore, Utah State University Press, 2019. Quaranta, I. Corpo, potere e malattia. Antropologia e Aids nei Grassfields del Camerun, Meltemi, 2006. Taussig, Michael T., Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi 2017.
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with 4 essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class.
Non attending students will add: Fabietti, Ugo, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Mondadori, 2015: parte quarta (sistemi di pensiero) e parte settima (dimensione religiosa, esperienza rituale).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702456 -
Derived from
20702456 LETTERATURA LATINA MEDIEVALE L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 DI MARCO MICHELE
( syllabus)
TITLE OF THE COURSE: The pseudo-Augustinian treatise De spiritu et anima (late 12th-early 13th century).
DESCRIPTION: First of all, the course intends to outline, in broad terms, the developments of a theme - that of the soul - dear to the tradition of Western thought since its beginnings, and capable, in addition to incessantly nourishing high-level philosophical and religious reflection, also to have a singular impact on mentalities, on the imaginary, on life conduct, on the self-perception and representation of man in Western culture, and in particular in the Latin Middle Ages. A work will then be analyzed - the De spiritu et anima - of uncertain attribution, datable between the end of the 12th and the beginning of the 13th century, which enjoyed great success in the Middle Ages, and which - due to its eclectic character, but not lacking of originality - is well suited to provide a complex and problematic status quaestionis on the subject, before the most complete elaborations of Scholasticism. - As part of the module will also be activated exercises designed to guide the knowledge and use of the main electronic resources for the study and research on the Latin authors of the Middle Ages.
( reference books)
- Alcherus Claraeuallensis (dubium) [= ps. Augustinus], De spiritu et anima, PL 40, coll. 779-832. - Anima e corpo nella cultura medievale, a cura di C. Casagrande e S. Vecchio, Ed. SISMEL, Firenze 1999 (Millennio medievale, 15).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710439 -
Derived from
20710439 STORIA E CIVILTA' BIZANTINA L.M. in Religioni, Culture, Storia LM-64 RONCHEY SILVIA
( syllabus)
This section of the Byzantine Civilization teaching, addressed to graduate students of History and Art, Archaeology, and Religious Sciences, aims to investigate the reasons behind the fall of Constantinople and the way in which it fell in the hands of the Osman Turks, along with the direct and indirect consequences brought by this fall to the history of the Mediterranean civilization. Firstly, this module shall deal with a topographical investigation of Constantinople, based on literary and figurative attestations that Byzantine writers and especially foreign travellers of the 14th and the 15th century offer on the city’s monuments, neighborhoods’ organizations and location and on the defensive structure, which includes but it is not limited to the great Theodosian walls. Secondly, it shall reconstruct the final phases of the siege as well as the final battle. Then, it shall unbiasedly analyse what was, contrary to popular belief, a not-so-predictable Turkish victory, which was the consequence of a superiority both numerical and of the military means or, with the words of Braudel, of the voluntary ‘will to fall’ of a politically exhausted Byzantium. On the contrary, the battle outcomes was unpredictable until the end, and what happened at last left speecheless and disoriented political observers from all around the world.
( reference books)
A) Mandatory texts - S. Ronchey, Lo Stato bizantino, Torino, Einaudi, 2002 - A. Pertusi (a c. di), La caduta di Costantinopoli, 2 voll., Fondazione Lorenzo Valla / Mondadori, Milano 1976
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710387 -
Derived from
20710387 FORME DELLA MESSA IN SCENA. CINEMA, TELEVISIONE, VIDEO in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 ZAGARRIO VITO
( syllabus)
The course aims to provide students with the tools of film grammar, through the analysis of the forms of the mise en scene, i.e. the authorial strategies, the style also linked to the production dynamics and the historical context. Through a review of the history of cinema, the course offers a theoretical tool on how to analyse the film.
( reference books)
V. Zagarrio, Francis Ford Coppola. Un sogno lungo il cinema, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2020.
V. Zagarrio (cura di), Per Kubrick. Storia romanzo sguardi, Roma, Dino Audino, 2020.
V. Zagarrio, A occhi chiusi e spalancati. La regia in Stanley Kubrick, Roma, Dino Audino, 2021.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710144 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
L'Orlando furioso opera mondo
Orlando furioso is a true “world-system”: a great masterpiece that goes beyond its age but at the same time allows us to observe and reflect on that age from various angles. Through the reading of the poem, the course aims to address a number of central issues in the literature, culture, history and politics of the Renaissance.
( reference books)
Textbooks for attending students: - Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando furioso (recommended edition: Ludovico Ariosto, Orlando furioso, introduzione e commento di Emilio Bigi, a cura di Cristina Zampese, Milano, BUR, 2012) - Lecture notes
Textbooks for non-attending students Add to textbook for attending students: - Sergio Zatti, Leggere l’Orlando furioso, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2018 - Supplementary lecture notes
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702531 -
development of acquired knowledge; specific knowledge of the historical and artistic development of the Greek world concerning the first millennium BC acquisition of specific skills on artistic and craft production, monumental achievements and urban planning of the Greek world; ability to collect and interpret data; ability to analyze and read the work of art; development of a methodological competence that allows independent study; ability to communicate information and ideas to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course is divided into subunits, each of which dedicated to a "marginal" aspect of Greek society that will be critically analyzed. Some hours will be reserved to pottery production system from the Archaic age to the Hellenistic age. We will talk about Women, gender and sexuality; Work and society The course will consist of lectures, class discussion, educational visits
( reference books)
The bibliography will be discussed during the first lesson
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710374 -
The course aims to show the development of Roman artistic production, between the middle republican age and the early Constantinian age, in particular classes of materials chosen from year to year. The theme of the 2018/2019 course is painting, and classroom lessons are necessarily accompanied by educational visits to museums, monuments and sites, in Rome and the surrounding area, that still offer the opportunity to appreciate this form of artistic expression, which has also influenced later european art, both for continuity and for rediscovery by the Renaissance artists
Related or supplementary learning activities
20705275 -
20710642 -
In-depth knowledge of the methodologies and techniques of the discipline of landscape archeology and ability to put them into practice. Ability to critically deal with the reading of data from territorial contexts of ancient settlement. Ability to analyze regional systems in diachrony. In-depth knowledge of the rural segment of archaeological landscapes to be read in close connection with urban dynamics. Basic knowledge of paleodemography
Derived from
20710642 ARCHEOLOGIA DEI PAESAGGI - LM in Scienze umane per l'ambiente LM-1 FARINETTI EMERI
( syllabus)
LANDSCAPE ARCHEOLOGY: between collective MEMORY, COMMUNITY and PROJECT. Landscape archaeology approaches the communities and the history of their territories, and it contributes to the definition of criteria for sustainable development. Various case studies will be examined relating to more or less successful experiments of integration of archaeological and historical landscape studies with the design and planning of contemporary landscape contexts. The legislative stages of the regulations on the protection of territorial contexts will be retraced, up to the Faro Convention (2005), its implications and its recent implementation in Italy. Guidelines will be drawn up for the application of forms and initiatives of public archaeology, on the basis of solid 'participatory' and shared research paths. Particular attention will be given to the dynamics of perception of the historical memory of the territories, to forms of active protection of the contemporary landscape (as a product of diachronic interactions between man and environment), to the public dimension of research on the cultural values of a landscape.
( reference books)
Reading in Italian: -G. Volpe, Un patrimonio italiano. UTET 2016 (pp.29-180). -G.Volpe, Archeologia Pubblica. Metodi, tecniche , esperienze. Carocci ed. 2020 (cap.1-4-5-6 + introduzione). -F. Baratti, Ecomusei, paesaggi e comunità. Esperienze, progetti e ricerche nel Salento. Franco Angeli ed. 2012.
-C. Megale - S.Monti, Management per l’archeologia, pp. 145-211 -C. Broodbank, Il Mediterraneo. Piccola biblioteca Einaudi, pp.44-53 -E. Zanini et al., Uomini e cose a Vignale: bilancio di un decennio di archeologia pubblica, condivisa e (forse) sostenibile, in L'archeologia pubblica prima e dopo l'archeologia pubblica, supplemento 09, 2019, pp.473-525 -E. Farinetti, I segni delle trasformazioni del paesaggio antico tra città e campagna, in C. Travaglini (a cura di) Ricerche sul patrimonio urbano tra età tardo antica e moderna tra Testaccio e Ostiense, «Roma moderna e contemporanea», XX, 2012, 2, pp. 499-509 -E. Farinetti, I paesaggi in archeologia: analisi e interpretazione, Carocci ed. 2012, pp. 44-53 (è consigliata la lettura integrale del volumetto a chi non ha sostenuto l'esame di archeologia dei paesaggi LT)
Reading in English is available on the Moodle platform. Please contact
Related or supplementary learning activities
21201502 -
Derived from
21201502 ECONOMIA DELL'AMBIENTE in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 SPINESI LUCA
( syllabus)
1. Introduction to environmental economics 1.1 The origins of the problem 1.2 Interdependency economy-environment 1.3 GDP growth and welfare measure 1.4 Sustainability 1.5 Pollution extension and types 1.6 Natural resources
2. Ethics and economics 2.1 Natural philosophy 2.2 Libertarian philosophy 2.3 Utilitarianism 2.4 Critique to utilitarianism
3. Social welfare and environmental sustainability 3.1 Pareto efficiency 3.2 Social welfare function 3.3 Kaldor- Hicks-Scitovsky compensation tests 3.4 Market failures 3.5 Second-best theorem
4. Environmental policy 4.1 Public goods 4.2 Externalities 4.3 Environmental pollution models 4.4 Flow and stock of polluting emissions 4.5 Emission efficiency in static models 4.6 Emission efficiency in dynamic models
5 Environmental policy: instruments 5.1 Tax and subsidy 5.2 Command-and-control 5.3 Permits
6 Monetary valuation 6.1 Contingent valuation method 6.2 Hedonic price method 6.3 Cost-Benefit analysis
( reference books)
Title: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. 4th Edition, 2011 Authors: Perman Roger, Ma Yue, Common Micheal, Maddison David, McGilvray James. Editor: Pearson Given the actual Covid-19 emergency lecture notes in substitution of the main text are available on Moodle.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
Attività a scelta dello studente - (show)
21210090 -
With reference to the Dublin Descriptors for the second cycle, through the learning process (readings, discussions, work on a case study, research-action) students will be able to:
§ know the historical evolution of the relevance of the concept of sustainability in a global perspective, and understand its possible different declinations in different contexts of application;
§ conceiving cultural awareness as strictly interrelated with self-awareness, organizational awareness and environmental awareness;
§ understand the role of the different dimensions of cultural awareness in designing sustainable solutions for issues of communication, enhancement, policies and governance;
§ understand the strategic role of the phygital dimension for the cultural development of an organization;
§ design organizational guidelines for a sustainable digital presence, taking into account the organizational objectives, the involvement of the community, the enhancement of specific cultural issues and the importance of storytelling for the involvement of different audiences;
§ explore different governance models that involve communities and their knowledge of places and their memories within a metropolitan dimension, understood as a specific cultural landscape;
§ discover and manage different sources of information (oral, visual and written) to enrich the cultural physiognomy of a cultural artefact and improve the opportunities to make it accessible to different audiences (residents and tourists);
§ combine knowledge from different disciplinary fields (in particular; architecture, humanities, communication, management) to build a more complete understanding of a given cultural environment;
§ strengthen their ability to design different types of results for their individual and group work (documents and portfolios);
§ strengthen their ability to master and combine different languages (text, image, video, sound, but also technical information and narration) in a communication product;
§ strengthen their ability to evaluate individual and group learning processes.
21210090-1 -
With reference to the Dublin Descriptors for the second cycle, through the learning process (readings, discussions, work on a case study, research-action) students will be able to:§ know the historical evolution of the relevance of the concept of sustainability in a global perspective, and understand its possible different declinations in different contexts of application;§ conceiving cultural awareness as strictly interrelated with self-awareness, organizational awareness and environmental awareness;§ understand the role of the different dimensions of cultural awareness in designing sustainable solutions for issues of communication, enhancement, policies and governance;§ understand the strategic role of the phygital dimension for the cultural development of an organization;§ design organizational guidelines for a sustainable digital presence, taking into account the organizational objectives, the involvement of the community, the enhancement of specific cultural issues and the importance of storytelling for the involvement of different audiences;§ explore different governance models that involve communities and their knowledge of places and their memories within a metropolitan dimension, understood as a specific cultural landscape;§ discover and manage different sources of information (oral, visual and written) to enrich the cultural physiognomy of a cultural artefact and improve the opportunities to make it accessible to different audiences (residents and tourists);§ combine knowledge from different disciplinary fields (in particular; architecture, humanities, communication, management) to build a more complete understanding of a given cultural environment;§ strengthen their ability to design different types of results for their individual and group work (documents and portfolios);§ strengthen their ability to master and combine different languages (text, image, video, sound, but also technical information and narration) in a communication product;§ strengthen their ability to evaluate individual and group learning processes.
( syllabus)
Course ProgramThe topics dealt with during the Course are: ▪ Sustainability in its historical development and in different contexts, from the internal/organizational to the external/social one up to the SDGs, i.e. from the sustainability of a role (in terms of values, knowledge, skills and soft skills) within an organizational contest to the sustainability of an organizational (cultural) identity, both at a strategic and a relational (communication) level (mission, vision, values and the ways of sharing them within a given context), up to the concept of sustainable society. ▪ Cultural (self-)awareness as a self-developmental, organizational and community awareness process to be implemented through: a) a growing consciousness of one’s own cultural identity; b) the acquisition of leadership and management skills, to be built and constantly upgraded;c) the setting up of activities and policies to set up educational/cultural projects aiming at social cohesion and inclusiveness, at different forms of cultural entrepreneurship, at innovative approaches to curatorial practices; ▪ the role of content marketing and content co-creation in organizational strategies, and the ability of building sustainable, value(s)-based models of content management with the engagement of different audiences and communities. The methodology is based on discussions about readings and presentations with an active participation of students. The main project of the Course will be developed with the action research methodology: students will carry out research activities on a theme assigned by a cultural institution based in Rome in which to develop a cultural leadership approach with reference to an Objective of the 2030 Agenda. In this perspective, the cultural awareness of the participants will be the subject of reflection from the beginning of the Course.
( reference books)
Bibliographical references WCED, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future , 1987 (“Brundtland Report”), Part I.1 and I.2, II.9.I, II.9.II.1,2,3. 1. Kent E. Portney, Sustainability , Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, Chapter 1 “The Concepts of Sustainability”, pp. 1-56. Leena Lankoski, Alternative conceptions of sustainability in a business context , in «Journal of Cleaner Production», 139 (2016), pp. 847-857. Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, Faro, 27.X.2005 (Faro Convention; Council of Europe, European Landscape Convention ( Arnold van der Valk, Introduction: sharing knowledge – stories, maps and design , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - histori cal Landscape and its European Dimension , Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp. 365-85 2. Theodore Zeldin, An Intimate History of Humanity , Harper Collins Publishers, HarperPerennial, 1996, pp. vii-viii and chapters 8 (How respect has become more desirable than power) and 9 (How those who want neither to give orders nor to receive them can become intermediaries). The Festival of the Middle Ages. Short presentation for the Master’s Degree “Cultural Leadership” Spring School of the Universities of Groningen and Roma Tre, The Royal Netherlands Institute of Rome, April 6, 2017 Chris Wickham, Medieval Europe. From the Breakup of the Western Roman Empire to the Reformation , Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 20161, 2017 paperback edition pp. 1-21 and 252-7, plus maps Georges Duby, The Three Orders. Feudal Society Imagined, The University of Chicago Press, 1980, pp. vii-viii, 1-9 and 354-6. Marc Prensky, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants , in On The Horizon, MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, Oct. 2001 and No. 6, Dec. 2001 Marc Prenksy, Homo Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom, «Innovate: Journal of Onlie Educations», Vol. 5, Issue 3/2009, Art. 1. Erin Kissane, The Elements of Content Strategy, A Book Apart, New York, 2011, pp. 1-37. S. Addamiano, Living and Communication in a Changing Information Society: The Relevance and Impact of Big Data, «Journal of Media Research», Vol. 10, Issue 2(28), 2017, pp. 5-17 ( of the following readings: Alister Scott, Beyond the conventional: Meeting the challenges of landscape governance within the European Landscape Convention? , in «Journal of Environmental Management», 92 (2011), pp. 2754-62 Marie Stenseke, Local participation in cultural landscape maintenance: Lessons from Sweden , in «Land Use Policy», 26 (2009), pp. 214-23 Sebastian Eiter, Marte Lange Vik, Public participation in landscape planning: Effective methods for implementing the European Landscape Convention in Norway , in «Land Use Policy», 44 (2015), pp. 44-53.One of the following readings: Carsten Paludan-Müller, Actors and orders: the shaping of landscapes and identities , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - historical Landscape and its European Dimension , Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp.53-66 2. (for those fond of archaeology): Graham Fairclough and Heleen van Londen, Changing landscape of archaeology and heritage , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - historical Landscape and its European DimensionFurther/alternative readings could be indicated during the Course.
Elective activities
21210090-2 -
With reference to the Dublin Descriptors for the second cycle, through the learning process (readings, discussions, work on a case study, research-action) students will be able to:§ know the historical evolution of the relevance of the concept of sustainability in a global perspective, and understand its possible different declinations in different contexts of application;§ conceiving cultural awareness as strictly interrelated with self-awareness, organizational awareness and environmental awareness;§ understand the role of the different dimensions of cultural awareness in designing sustainable solutions for issues of communication, enhancement, policies and governance;§ understand the strategic role of the phygital dimension for the cultural development of an organization;§ design organizational guidelines for a sustainable digital presence, taking into account the organizational objectives, the involvement of the community, the enhancement of specific cultural issues and the importance of storytelling for the involvement of different audiences;§ explore different governance models that involve communities and their knowledge of places and their memories within a metropolitan dimension, understood as a specific cultural landscape;§ discover and manage different sources of information (oral, visual and written) to enrich the cultural physiognomy of a cultural artefact and improve the opportunities to make it accessible to different audiences (residents and tourists);§ combine knowledge from different disciplinary fields (in particular; architecture, humanities, communication, management) to build a more complete understanding of a given cultural environment;§ strengthen their ability to design different types of results for their individual and group work (documents and portfolios);§ strengthen their ability to master and combine different languages (text, image, video, sound, but also technical information and narration) in a communication product;§ strengthen their ability to evaluate individual and group learning processes.
( syllabus)
The topics dealt with during the Course are: ▪ Sustainability in its historical development and in different contexts, from the internal/organizational to the external/social one up to the SDGs, i.e. from the sustainability of a role (in terms of values, knowledge, skills and soft skills) within an organizational contest to the sustainability of an organizational (cultural) identity, both at a strategic and a relational (communication) level (mission, vision, values and the ways of sharing them within a given context), up to the concept of sustainable society. ▪ Cultural (self-)awareness as a self-developmental, organizational and community awareness process to be implemented through: a) a growing consciousness of one’s own cultural identity; b) the acquisition of leadership and management skills, to be built and constantly upgraded;c) the setting up of activities and policies to set up educational/cultural projects aiming at social cohesion and inclusiveness, at different forms of cultural entrepreneurship, at innovative approaches to curatorial practices; ▪ the role of content marketing and content co-creation in organizational strategies, and the ability of building sustainable, value(s)-based models of content management with the engagement of different audiences and communities. The methodology is based on discussions about readings and presentations with an active participation of students. The main project of the Course will be developed with the action research methodology: students will carry out research activities on a theme assigned by a cultural institution based in Rome in which to develop a cultural leadership approach with reference to an Objective of the 2030 Agenda. In this perspective, the cultural awareness of the participants will be the subject of reflection from the beginning of the Course.
( reference books)
Bibliographical references WCED, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future , 1987 (“Brundtland Report”), Part I.1 and I.2, II.9.I, II.9.II.1,2,3. 1. Kent E. Portney, Sustainability , Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, Chapter 1 “The Concepts of Sustainability”, pp. 1-56. Leena Lankoski, Alternative conceptions of sustainability in a business context , in «Journal of Cleaner Production», 139 (2016), pp. 847-857. Council of Europe Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, Faro, 27.X.2005 (Faro Convention; Council of Europe, European Landscape Convention ( Arnold van der Valk, Introduction: sharing knowledge – stories, maps and design , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - histori cal Landscape and its European Dimension , Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp. 365-85 2. Theodore Zeldin, An Intimate History of Humanity , Harper Collins Publishers, HarperPerennial, 1996, pp. vii-viii and chapters 8 (How respect has become more desirable than power) and 9 (How those who want neither to give orders nor to receive them can become intermediaries). The Festival of the Middle Ages. Short presentation for the Master’s Degree “Cultural Leadership” Spring School of the Universities of Groningen and Roma Tre, The Royal Netherlands Institute of Rome, April 6, 2017 Chris Wickham, Medieval Europe. From the Breakup of the Western Roman Empire to the Reformation , Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 20161, 2017 paperback edition pp. 1-21 and 252-7, plus maps Georges Duby, The Three Orders. Feudal Society Imagined, The University of Chicago Press, 1980, pp. vii-viii, 1-9 and 354-6. Marc Prensky, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants , in On The Horizon, MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5, Oct. 2001 and No. 6, Dec. 2001 Marc Prenksy, Homo Sapiens Digital: From Digital Immigrants and Digital Natives to Digital Wisdom, «Innovate: Journal of Onlie Educations», Vol. 5, Issue 3/2009, Art. 1. Erin Kissane, The Elements of Content Strategy, A Book Apart, New York, 2011, pp. 1-37. S. Addamiano, Living and Communication in a Changing Information Society: The Relevance and Impact of Big Data, «Journal of Media Research», Vol. 10, Issue 2(28), 2017, pp. 5-17 ( of the following readings: Alister Scott, Beyond the conventional: Meeting the challenges of landscape governance within the European Landscape Convention? , in «Journal of Environmental Management», 92 (2011), pp. 2754-62 Marie Stenseke, Local participation in cultural landscape maintenance: Lessons from Sweden , in «Land Use Policy», 26 (2009), pp. 214-23 Sebastian Eiter, Marte Lange Vik, Public participation in landscape planning: Effective methods for implementing the European Landscape Convention in Norway , in «Land Use Policy», 44 (2015), pp. 44-53.One of the following readings: Carsten Paludan-Müller, Actors and orders: the shaping of landscapes and identities , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - historical Landscape and its European Dimension , Amsterdam University Press, 2010, pp.53-66 2. (for those fond of archaeology): Graham Fairclough and Heleen van Londen, Changing landscape of archaeology and heritage , in Tom Bloemers, et al. (eds.), Cultural Landscape & Heritage Paradox: Protection and Development of the Dutch Archaeological - historical Landscape and its European DimensionFurther readings could be indicated during the Course and selected on the basis of individual needs.
Elective activities
20710662 -
Derived from
20710662 PUBLIC HISTORY in Storia e società LM-84 CARUSI PAOLO
( syllabus)
Aim of the course is to provide the basic elements of Public History and its practices. A specific study will be conducted on popular music and the processes of construction of memory.
( reference books)
L. Bertucelli, La Public History in Italia. Metodologie, pratiche, obiettivi, in Public history. Discussioni e pratiche, a cura di P. Bertella Farnetti, L. Berucelli, A. Botti, Mimesis 2017, pp. 75-96
S. Noiret, "“Public history” e “storia pubblica” nella rete, in «Ricerche Storiche» XXXIX, 2009, n. 2-3, pp. 275-327 (Numero speciale dal titolo: Media e storia, a cura di F. Mineccia e L. Tomassini)
P. Carusi, Viva l'Italia. Narrazioni e rappresentazioni della storia repubblicana nei versi dei cantautori "impegnati", Firenze, Le Monnier, 2018
P. Carusi, M. Merluzzi (a cura di), Note tricolori. La storia dell'Italia repubblicana nella popular music, Pisa, Pacini, 2021
Elective activities
20710686 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The teaching is an introduction to ethnography as a practice and theory of the description of social and cultural phenomena. The first part will focus on field research through a historical examination of the methods and reflection on them: from the expeditions season, to participatory observation, to the most recent and innovative forms. A second part will focus on ethnography as a space for reflection on the narrative strategies put in place in the human and social sciences, thus providing critical awareness around discursive rhetoric and ethnographic writing. Particular attention will be paid to the construction of the research question, the identification of the object of analysis, its empirical development, the role and relationship with the informants, the questions that ethnography formulates and the answers it provides, through its specific modalities. Classroom readings and presentations of classical and more recent anthropological ethnographies will provide an overview of the potential of the approach.
( reference books)
Testi d’esame: Piasere, L., L'etnografo imperfetto. Esperienza e cognizione in antropologia, Laterza 2002.
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti: Abu-Lughod, L., Sentimenti velati. Onore e poesia in una società beduina, Bollati Boringhieri, 2004. Bourgois, P., Cercando rispetto. Drug economy e cultura di strada, Derive Approdi, 2005. Crapanzano V., Tuhami. Ritratto di un uomo del Marocco, Meltemi, 1995. Griaule, M., Dio d’acqua. Incontri con Ogotemmeli, Bollati Boringhieri 2002. Malinowski, B. Argonauti del Pacifico Occidentale. Bollati Boringhieri, 2011. Mead M., L’adolescenza a Samoa, Giunti, 2007. Shostack, M., Nisa. La vita e le parole di una donna!Kung, Meltemi, 2017. Tsing Lowenhaupt, A. Il fungo alla fine del mondo. La possibilità di vivere nelle rovine del capitalismo. Keller, 2021.
For those attending, it is possible to replace the text of your choice with 4 essays (which the teacher will make available to the students during the course) of which one or two will be chosen and presented by the attending student and discussed collegially in class, from the following texts (see "bibliografia di riferimento").
Non attending students will add 2 chapters from: Fabietti, U. (a cura di), Etnografia e culture. Antropologi, informatori e politiche dell’identità, Carocci, 2001.
Elective activities
Optional group:
20704182 -
The Laboratory is aimed at providing the bases on methods and norms for the processing of texts in the historical-artistic field, both scientific and popular, and on practical knowledge and procedures for the use of tools and programs to work on images and elaborate texts and images in the same.
Guido Sante
( syllabus)
The course will be set up in two different ways and moments: a first more theoretical part with lessons in which some preparatory notions of artistic technique will be addressed in relation to the degradation of works of art alongside examples of applied diagnostics; the second part will include guided tours and exercises. For exercises we mean the direct viewing of some works and the live analysis of their technique and their degradation as well as their restoration. In addition, a 15-minute PowerPoint presentation will be presented on a topic agreed with the teacher.
( reference books)
The texts will be recommended based on the individual exercises that students will have to present by means of a 15-minute PowerPoint on a topic agreed with the teacher.
Other activities
20704176 -
The Degree Course provides for the assignment of credits to the student who participates in Internship and Internship activities organized by the Course itself, by public or private Bodies or Institutes officially recognized by the Degree Course.
Other activities
20702114 -
It involves the presentation and discussion of a written paper written under the guidance of a Rapporteur and a Co-supervisor.
Final examination and foreign language test