Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21201460 -
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the pursuit of sustainable development intended as an enhancement of the of social, environmental and economic well-being . The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics and sustainable development, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: legal (Prof.ssa Bellisario), economic (Prof. De Muro) and managerial (Dott.ssa Di Pietro). The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt sustainable and ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices.
21201460-3 -
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the pursuit of sustainable development intended as an enhancement of the of social, environmental and economic well-being . The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics and sustainable development, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: legal (Prof.ssa Bellisario), economic (Prof. De Muro) and managerial (Dott.ssa Di Pietro). The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt sustainable and ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the creation and enhancement of the social welfare. The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: economic, managerial and legal. The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices. The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics: - Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources - Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions - Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards - Social rules and juridical relevance - Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation - The principle of subsidiarity - The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR - CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system
The second module of the course deals with the organizational and managerial aspects related to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, with the aim to provide traditional and innovative tools to manage the ethical issues. In particular, this module faces the following topics: - The CSR evolution - Stakeholder theory - Stakeholder Dialogue - AGENDA 2030 & 17 SDGs - The CSR instruments - Certification - SA 8000 and Certification Process - ISO 26000 - Social Accountability
The third module focuses on the relation between ethics, economics, and business, both in economic analysis and management. To do so, it makes three simple points. First, economics necessarily involves ethics, and economists and managers cannot engage in economic analysis and decision-making without making value judgments. Second, individuals have ethical values that shape their behavior and affect what happens in the economy as a result of their interactions. Third, ethical values are involved in evaluating how an economy is doing and in making and appraising business decisions.
( reference books)
Managerial Module: Standards: SA8000 and ISO 26000, students who do not speak Italian may contact Dott.ssa Di Pietro for English textbook
Core compulsory activities
21201460-2 -
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the pursuit of sustainable development intended as an enhancement of the of social, environmental and economic well-being . The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics and sustainable development, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: legal (Prof.ssa Bellisario), economic (Prof. De Muro) and managerial (Dott.ssa Di Pietro). The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt sustainable and ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the creation and enhancement of the social welfare. The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: economic, managerial and legal. The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices. The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics: - Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources - Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions - Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards - Social rules and juridical relevance - Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation - The principle of subsidiarity - The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR - CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system
The second module of the course deals with the organizational and managerial aspects related to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, with the aim to provide traditional and innovative tools to manage the ethical issues. In particular, this module faces the following topics: - The CSR evolution - Stakeholder theory - Stakeholder Dialogue - AGENDA 2030 & 17 SDGs - The CSR instruments - Certification - SA 8000 and Certification Process - ISO 26000 - Social Accountability
The third module focuses on the relation between ethics, economics, and business, both in economic analysis and management. To do so, it makes three simple points. First, economics necessarily involves ethics, and economists and managers cannot engage in economic analysis and decision-making without making value judgments. Second, individuals have ethical values that shape their behavior and affect what happens in the economy as a result of their interactions. Third, ethical values are involved in evaluating how an economy is doing and in making and appraising business decisions.
( reference books)
Managerial Module: Standards: SA8000 and ISO 26000, students who do not speak Italian may contact Dott.ssa Di Pietro for English textbook
Core compulsory activities
21201460-1 -
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the pursuit of sustainable development intended as an enhancement of the of social, environmental and economic well-being . The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics and sustainable development, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: legal (Prof.ssa Bellisario), economic (Prof. De Muro) and managerial (Dott.ssa Di Pietro). The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt sustainable and ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Since many years the debate on "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) takes center stage for companies, institutions, consumers, labor unions, and NGOs, which consider corporations as pro-active agents for the creation and enhancement of the social welfare. The course examines principles, models, and tools concerning business ethics, through a triple approach that integrates three different perspectives: economic, managerial and legal. The course aims to promote among the students the awareness about ethical issues and the ability to recognize and adopt ethical behaviour in carrying out the managerial practices. The course consists of three complementary modules: legal, economic and managerial. Each module provides 3 credits and constitutes a component of a single exam.
The aim of the first part – juridical – is to analyse the impact of CSR on the evolution of the sources of law and the relationship between the social and the juridical responsibility. In particular, it will deal with the following topics: - Globalisation and the crisis of traditional law sources - Multilevel regulation of CSR. Definition, principles and functions - Main instruments of CSR: codes of conduct, standards - Social rules and juridical relevance - Complexity and alternative methods of government: soft law, self-regulation, co-regulation - The principle of subsidiarity - The role of ethics in the regulation of CSR - CSR rules and enforcement. The role of legal system
The second module of the course deals with the organizational and managerial aspects related to the principles of Corporate Social Responsibility, with the aim to provide traditional and innovative tools to manage the ethical issues. In particular, this module faces the following topics: - The CSR evolution - Stakeholder theory - Stakeholder Dialogue - AGENDA 2030 & 17 SDGs - The CSR instruments - Certification - SA 8000 and Certification Process - ISO 26000 - Social Accountability
The third module focuses on the relation between ethics, economics, and business, both in economic analysis and management. To do so, it makes three simple points. First, economics necessarily involves ethics, and economists and managers cannot engage in economic analysis and decision-making without making value judgments. Second, individuals have ethical values that shape their behavior and affect what happens in the economy as a result of their interactions. Third, ethical values are involved in evaluating how an economy is doing and in making and appraising business decisions.
( reference books)
Managerial Module: Standards: SA8000 and ISO 26000, students who do not speak Italian may contact Dott.ssa Di Pietro for English textbook
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
21210146 -
Advanced Corporate Finance
To complete and deepen/improve the theoretical and practical fundamentals of corporate finance provided in the under-graduate course of Corporate Finance, in order to develop competences and skills for understanding the capital markets functioning, the investment and financing decisions of non-financial firms, their ownership structure and their corporate governance systems. The course includes the following items: 1. the decision theory under uncertainty and the measurement of risk premium 2. financial options: definitions, typologies, fundamentals and pricing 3. contingent claim theory applied to corporate finance: a. models à la Merton for estimating the credit risk b. options and agency costs c. real options for evaluating investments/companies d. credit derivatives and CDS 4. economics and finance of M&As 5. beyond the Capital Asset Pricing Model: advanced formulations and multifactor models for estimating the cost of capital 6. determinants of capital structure choice: theories and empirical evidence 7. financial structure of the Italian firms, in comparison with European and US companies 8. IPOs and relevant implications 9. systems of corporate governance in Italy, Continental Europe and USA/World: international comparisons 10. finance of small business.
Derived from
21210146 Finanza aziendale - corso avanzato in Scienze Economiche LM-56 VENANZI DANIELA
( syllabus)
A) Investment decisions 1. decision theory under uncertainty and risk premium measures 2. financial options: theory, pricing models, risk-return 3. contingency theory analysis applied to corporate finance: a) corporate capital in terms of options, betas and debt agency costs; b) risk-credit models à la Merton; c) credit derivatives and credit default swap (CDS) 4. real options: types (growth, scope-down, downsizing, defer-learn, etc.), valuation techniques and examples in evaluation of investment projects and firms 5. mergers and acquisitions: theory, determinants, international empirical evidence, performance B) Capital market 1. CAPM in imperfect markets: taxes, transitional costs, not homogeneous expectations 2. how to empirically test CAPM 3. beyond CAPM: multi-factor models (Fama-French approach) C) Financing decisions 1. key determinants of the capital structure choice 2. international empirical evidence: research strands and main empirical findings 3. international comparisons on real corporate financial structure, worldwide 4. IPOs and main features 5. dividend policy: theories and financing relationships D) Ownership models and corporate governance 1. types of ownership and CG system 2. cross-country and trend comparative analysis about CG systems in USA, Europe and World and respective empirical evidence 3. the finance of small business.
( reference books)
1. Berk J., De Marzo P., 2017, Finanza aziendale 1, IV Edition, Pearson, ch.17 and §§ 13.1, 13.6, 13.7 (pp.496-497) 2. Berk J., De Marzo P., Morresi O., Venanzi D., 2018, Finanza aziendale 2 –Teoria e pratica della finanza moderna, IV Edition, Pearson, chs. 1-2-3-4-6-7-10-11-13-14 e § 12.8.
In addition, slides, notes, exercises, cases, data and other teaching materials provided from the teacher on the course website (the requested passwords are provided). The program includes the exercises/problems and other materials at the end of textbook chapters or downloadable from both course and textbook websites.
Related or supplementary learning activities
21201422 -
20810227 -
Presentation of models, methods and tools for the definition, design and development of software systems that manage large sets of data. A student who has passed the course will be able to: (i) develop software applications that make use of databases of even high complexity, (i) design and built autonomously databases of medium complexity, and (iii) be involved in the project and development of large databases of high complexity.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
2-STRATEGIA E MANAGEMENT - Insegnamento a scelta libera - (show)
21210146 -
Advanced Corporate Finance
To complete and deepen/improve the theoretical and practical fundamentals of corporate finance provided in the under-graduate course of Corporate Finance, in order to develop competences and skills for understanding the capital markets functioning, the investment and financing decisions of non-financial firms, their ownership structure and their corporate governance systems. The course includes the following items: 1. the decision theory under uncertainty and the measurement of risk premium 2. financial options: definitions, typologies, fundamentals and pricing 3. contingent claim theory applied to corporate finance: a. models à la Merton for estimating the credit risk b. options and agency costs c. real options for evaluating investments/companies d. credit derivatives and CDS 4. economics and finance of M&As 5. beyond the Capital Asset Pricing Model: advanced formulations and multifactor models for estimating the cost of capital 6. determinants of capital structure choice: theories and empirical evidence 7. financial structure of the Italian firms, in comparison with European and US companies 8. IPOs and relevant implications 9. systems of corporate governance in Italy, Continental Europe and USA/World: international comparisons 10. finance of small business.
Derived from
21210146 Finanza aziendale - corso avanzato in Scienze Economiche LM-56 VENANZI DANIELA
( syllabus)
A) Investment decisions 1. decision theory under uncertainty and risk premium measures 2. financial options: theory, pricing models, risk-return 3. contingency theory analysis applied to corporate finance: a) corporate capital in terms of options, betas and debt agency costs; b) risk-credit models à la Merton; c) credit derivatives and credit default swap (CDS) 4. real options: types (growth, scope-down, downsizing, defer-learn, etc.), valuation techniques and examples in evaluation of investment projects and firms 5. mergers and acquisitions: theory, determinants, international empirical evidence, performance B) Capital market 1. CAPM in imperfect markets: taxes, transitional costs, not homogeneous expectations 2. how to empirically test CAPM 3. beyond CAPM: multi-factor models (Fama-French approach) C) Financing decisions 1. key determinants of the capital structure choice 2. international empirical evidence: research strands and main empirical findings 3. international comparisons on real corporate financial structure, worldwide 4. IPOs and main features 5. dividend policy: theories and financing relationships D) Ownership models and corporate governance 1. types of ownership and CG system 2. cross-country and trend comparative analysis about CG systems in USA, Europe and World and respective empirical evidence 3. the finance of small business.
( reference books)
1. Berk J., De Marzo P., 2017, Finanza aziendale 1, IV Edition, Pearson, ch.17 and §§ 13.1, 13.6, 13.7 (pp.496-497) 2. Berk J., De Marzo P., Morresi O., Venanzi D., 2018, Finanza aziendale 2 –Teoria e pratica della finanza moderna, IV Edition, Pearson, chs. 1-2-3-4-6-7-10-11-13-14 e § 12.8.
In addition, slides, notes, exercises, cases, data and other teaching materials provided from the teacher on the course website (the requested passwords are provided). The program includes the exercises/problems and other materials at the end of textbook chapters or downloadable from both course and textbook websites.
Elective activities
21210163 -
The course aims to provide students with an adequate preparation on the technical aspects of Quality Systems & Operations Management. The course will provide ideas and examples related to production, processes and system organization and related international standards Quality Systems & Operations Management is generally important for understanding the business experience: – It is strategic and it allows to better understand companies and their operations – ISO standards are a complex phenomenon developed worldwide Course Goal : Identifying and evaluate the increasing importance of Operations Management and Quality Systems in the manufacturing and service sectors; Examining the operations management field; Understanding the role of voluntary certification worldwide through ISO standards; Understanding the holistic view of an organization provided by ISO 9001 standard focused on «quality». The teaching methodology promotes an interactive approach. The course will include representatives of companies. The teaching methodology used includes group work, external interventions and discussions in the classroom. The course is in English.
21201420 -
The course aims to provide the necessary tools for the design, processing and analysis of data in the field of management. The course introduces the student to statistical methodologies for market research, satisfaction analysis and business decisions. The theoretical part will be accompanied by a part applied to real data and case studies from marketing and management through the use of appropriate statistical software (such as Minitab, SPSS).
Students will be taught not only the theoretical aspect of the models but also the main application contexts and their use through appropriate statistical software.
The course in Statistics for Management teaches how to manage a statistical survey from its planning to the analysis and commentary of data.
Derived from
21201420 STATISTICA PER IL MANAGEMENT in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 VICARD PAOLA
( syllabus)
- Recalls of basic statistics and statistical inference - Hypothesis test on a parameter (mean, proportion, variance) - Hypothesis test for the difference between means and proportions in the case of independent and paired samples - independence tests - Variance Analysis (ANOVA) - Non-parametric tests (Wilcoxon, Mann-Whitney, Kuskal-Wallis, Spearman sign tests) - Simple and multiple linear model - Factorial analysis - Cluster analysis - Logistics regression - Elements of sampling techniques and websurvey
( reference books)
Agresti A., Finlay B.(2015) Metodi statistici di base e avanzati, Pearson Editore Zani S., Cerioli A. (2007) Analisi dei dati e data mining per le decisioni aziendali, Giuffrè Editore. Notes and handout (in Italian) are available at the web page of the course.
Elective activities
21210081 -
Final examination and foreign language test
Optional group:
Tirocinio - (show)
21210075 -
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
21210076 -
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)
21210077 -
Per stages e tirocini presso imprese, enti pubblici o privati, ordini professionali (art.10, comma 5, lettera e)