Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910173 -
The course aims to provide the basic scientific-disciplinary skills, concerning the study of the main functions (cognitive, emotional and motor) through which the individual interacts with the environment. It also offers basic knowledge about the history of psychology and the methods and techniques of psychological research. Through laboratory activities and seminars, students will be able to make direct experience of the techniques of investigation applied to topics relevant in educational settings.
By the study of General Psychology the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding - Understand the epistemological basis of General Psychology; - Understand the main theoretical approaches and methods for the study of cognitive and affective systems; - Understand the research methodology of General Psychology;
Applying knowledge and understanding - Apply knowledge on typical cognitive functioning in educational settings; - Use research methodology and ethics knowledge to design, implement and discuss research data in educational settings
Making judgements - -Develop a critical thinking and make comparisons between the different approaches for educational scopes; - -Conceptualize theoretical approaches on cognition according to the modern perspective of neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience;
Communication skills - Read and understand a scientific article; - Disseminate research data to expert (colleagues, professionals, clinicians) and non-expert (e.g., parents) audiences;
Learning skills: - Apply research methods to foster problem solving in educational contexts (e.g., bibliographic search skills, hypothesis formulation and testing, data analysis, etc.) - Promote the use of scientific research in educational settings.
A - N
( syllabus)
The first part of the course will address the historical foundation of Psychology as a scientific discipline, the principal theoretical approaches and the research methods of psychology. The second part will deepen understanding of the cognitive and affective functioning within the framework offered by experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The third part of the course will focus on application of theory and procedures of general psychology through laboratory activities.
Main contents: 1) Historical introduction and research methods: It will be illustrated the historical origins of psychology as a scientific discipline, as well as the classic theoretical frameworks to the study of psychology. The research methods of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience will also be presented. 2) Brain and behavior: It will be introduced some basic concepts about the functioning of the brain, discussing how this knowledge has influenced the study of behavior in psychology. 3) Sensation and perception: Presentation of the main theoretical models to the study of sensation and perception; In-depth analysis of the mechanisms that control perception across sensory modalities for understanding our environment. 4) Attention: Introduction to the main theoretical models and mechanisms involved in the process of selecting information from the environment for subsequent processing. 5) Conditioning and learning: Introduction to the main theoretical models and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that make it possible learning processes. 6) Memory: Introduction to the main theoretical models (i.e., memory systems) and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that regulate the processing, storage and retrieval of information. 7) Thinking and reasoning: Introduction to the main theoretical models and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that fulfil functions related to concept formation, decision making and problem solving. 8) Language: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of language functions that allow communication and sharing of knowledge. 9) Intelligence: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of the factors that determine intelligence, the component of the intelligence and instruments for measuring intelligence. 10) Motivation: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of the main forms of motivation that guide the individual behavior. 11) Emotions: Introduction to the main theoretical models and mechanisms by which affective systems modulate human behavior. 13) Personality: Introduction to the main theoretical models describing and defining personality. Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children
( reference books)
Required textbooks
1) Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O. (2020 -in corso di stampa- Edizione italiana a cura di Stefano Mastandrea e Sabrina Fagioli). Psicologia generale. UTET, Torino
ATTENTION! Students are not required to study some parts of the primary textboox “Psicologia Generale”, di Coon & Mitterer (Edizione a cura di S. Mastandrea e S. Fagioli). Please check in the table below chapters and/or paragraphs that may be skipped:
CAPITOLO 2, Cervello e comportamento Only the following paragraphs are required: All 2.5, including : 2.5.1 Gli emisferi cerebrali 2.5.2 La specializzazione emisferica 2.5.3 I lobi della corteccia cerebrale Study also 2.6.4 Il sistema limbico
CAPITOLO 3, Sensazione e realtà Only the following paragraphs are required: 3.2 La vista 3.3 Percezione dei colori 3.4 Adattamento al buio 3.5 L’udito
CAPITOLO 5, Percepire il mondo All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 5.9 Percezione extrasensoriale e fenomeni paranormali CAPITOLO 6, Stati di coscienza This chapter is NOT required
CAPITOLO 7, Condizionamento e apprendimento All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 7.7 Rinforzo Parziale: Las Vegas, la gabbia di Skinner per l’uomo?
CAPITOLO 9, Pensiero e immagini mentali All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 9.4.4 Ciclo inferenziale 9.6.3 Sillogismi lineari
CAPITOLO 12 Motivazione All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 12.2.2 Meccanismi cerebrali della fame
2) Cannoni Eleonora. Il disegno dei bambini. Carocci Editore
O - Z
( syllabus)
The first part of the course will address the historical foundation of Psychology as a scientific discipline, the principal theoretical approaches and the research methods of psychology. The second part will deepen understanding of the cognitive and affective functioning within the framework offered by experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The third part of the course will focus on application of theory and procedures of general psychology through laboratory activities.
Main contents: 1) Historical introduction and research methods: It will be illustrated the historical origins of psychology as a scientific discipline, as well as the classic theoretical frameworks to the study of psychology. The research methods of experimental psychology and cognitive neuroscience will also be presented. 2) Brain and behavior: It will be introduced some basic concepts about the functioning of the brain, discussing how this knowledge has influenced the study of behavior in psychology. 3) Sensation and perception: Presentation of the main theoretical models to the study of sensation and perception; In-depth analysis of the mechanisms that control perception across sensory modalities for understanding our environment. 4) Attention: Introduction to the main theoretical models and mechanisms involved in the process of selecting information from the environment for subsequent processing. 5) Conditioning and learning: Introduction to the main theoretical models and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that make it possible learning processes. 6) Memory: Introduction to the main theoretical models (i.e., memory systems) and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that regulate the processing, storage and retrieval of information. 7) Thinking and reasoning: Introduction to the main theoretical models and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms that fulfil functions related to concept formation, decision making and problem solving. 8) Language: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of language functions that allow communication and sharing of knowledge. 9) Intelligence: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of the factors that determine intelligence, the component of the intelligence and instruments for measuring intelligence. 10) Motivation: Introduction to the main theoretical models and analysis of the main forms of motivation that guide the individual behavior. 11) Emotions: Introduction to the main theoretical models and mechanisms by which affective systems modulate human behavior. 12) Personality: Introduction to the main theoretical models describing and defining personality. Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children
( reference books)
1) Coon, D., Mitterer, J.O. (2020 -in corso di stampa- Edizione italiana a cura di Stefano Mastandrea e Sabrina Fagioli). Psicologia generale. UTET, Torino. 2) CANNONI ELEONORA. Il disegno dei bambini. Carocci Editore
All relevant information will be available on the teacher's main page. Additional online facilities including other recommended readings, internet websites and other materials are available on the “Formonline” platform at:
ATTENTION! Students are not required to study parts of the primary textboox “Psicologia Generale”, di Coon & Mitterer (Edizione a cura di S. Mastandrea e S. Fagioli). Please check in the table below chapters and/or paragraphs that may be skipped:
CAPITOLO 2, Cervello e comportamento Only the following paragraphs are required: All 2.5, including: 2.5.1 Gli emisferi cerebrali 2.5.2 La specializzazione emisferica 2.5.3 I lobi della corteccia cerebrale Study also 2.6.4 Il sistema limbico
CAPITOLO 3, Sensazione e realtà Only the following paragraphs are required: 3.2 La vista 3.3 Percezione dei colori 3.4 Adattamento al buio 3.5 L’udito
CAPITOLO 5, Percepire il mondo All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 5.9 Percezione extrasensoriale e fenomeni paranormali CAPITOLO 6, Stati di coscienza This chapter is NOT required
CAPITOLO 7, Condizionamento e apprendimento All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 7.7 Rinforzo Parziale: Las Vegas, la gabbia di Skinner per l’uomo?
CAPITOLO 9, Pensiero e immagini mentali All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 9.4.4 Ciclo inferenziale 9.6.3 Sillogismi lineari
CAPITOLO 12 Motivazione All the chapter is required EXCEPT: 12.2.2 Meccanismi cerebrali della fame
Basic compulsory activities
22910172 -
Design and organize educational activities in childcare services, preparing appropriate interventions for users and territory; use educational-didactic strategies and methodologies oriented to the promotion of skills, respecting the times and styles of development and learning of each; monitor and self-evaluate the effectiveness of one's educational activity; develop critical skills for quality assessment of early childhood interventions; use computer tools and new technologies applied to educational contexts.
By the study of "Instructional design and evaluation processes" the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding - Understand theories and operational skills of methodological-didactic nature related to the planning, organization, implementation, documentation and evaluation of educational interventions - Understand models, tools and strategies for observing children in socio-cultural and educational contexts.
Applying knowledge and understanding - Design, plan and evaluate educational interventions, recognizing their theoretical assumptions and intervention logics, coherent with the needs of children in different contexts - Know how to detect data with a variety of tools, also using technologies for recording, processing and transmitting information.
Making judgements - Develop the ability to document, observe and detect information that allows an ecological, dynamic, orientative evaluation - Develop the capacity of the research-action potentials as a functional strategy to increase the quality of the educational and training processes and results, to the professional development of educators and teachers and to organizational learning.
Communication skills - Acquire the expressive use of written language in the educational field with particular reference to the design, documentation and evaluation of educational processes and reporting of the results achieved
Learning skills - Be able to observe the contexts in which they operate and to reflect critically on the dynamics that characterize them - Be able to access the scientific literature of the sector, identifying reliable sources - Be aware of the importance of learning from the comparison with operators and experts of the same professional profile and with the other figures operating in the sector.
M - Z
( syllabus)
Introduction of the teaching
The course aims to provide useful elements for the design, implementation and evaluation of educational and evaluative projects and interventions in educational contexts for children, through the use of appropriate educational and teaching strategies and methodologies aimed at the full development of potential, respecting the times and styles of growth and learning of each childe. It is also proposed to promote the use of IT tools and new technologies for the elaboration of an ePortfolio as a tool for the reflection and self-evaluation of the educational path of future educators.
( reference books)
1. Catarsi E., Fortunati A. (2017). Educare al nido. Metodi di lavoro nei servizi per l’infanzia. Roma: Carocci 2. Mantovani S., Siva C., Freschi E. (2016). Didattica e nido d’infanzia. Metodi e pratiche d’intervento educativo. Parma: edizioni junior. 3. Bondioli A., Savio D., Gobbetto B., TRA 0-6. Uno strumento per riflettere sul percorso educativo 0-6. San Paolo d’Argon (BG): Zeroseiup
Basic compulsory activities
22910174 -
The course aims to offer theories, techniques and methods for motor education aimed in particular at the early childhood age group. Knowledge of motor development with reference to the developmental age.
The student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives: -to acquire basic knowledge about motor activities with particular attention to psycho-physical development and motor learning in developmental age; -to diversify the educational proposals to be applied to the age group 0-6 to consolidate and strengthen types of educational intervention through movement.
( syllabus)
The historical journey of rights to leisure and play for children, through actions promoted at an international, national and local level by political and philanthropic organizations (IPA, SO, UNICEF, WLO); The evolution of motor abilities, capacity and competences in the developmental age, including learning, creativity and fun; The main types of motor activity in childhood, from play activities to play-like activities; Analysis, study and reflection on the roles played by adults and contexts (equipment, toys, technologies, etc.) within motor activities both in external and internal environments; Designing and implementing motor activities in formal and informal contexts, with particular attention to triggering and enhancing inclusive, prosocial, and universal behaviors; Motor activities as privileged places for observing and evaluating learning and behavior.
( reference books)
Casolo, A. (2018). From motor games to the life, through motor sport activities: the FIDAL Project. Formazione & Insegnamento XVI, 1, 2018, ISSN 1973-4778 print - 2279-7505 on line Supplemento 11-19
Bianquin, N. (2017). LUDI – Play for Children with Disabilities: multidisciplinarity in support of a new intervention model for the play of children with disabilities. Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion anno V, n. 1, 2017, 15-31.
Antonacci, F., Riva, C., Rossoni, E. (2017). Play and Disability. Swinging between Border and Pleasure. Italian Journal of Special Education for Inclusion anno V, n. 1, 2017 © Pensa MultMedia Editore srl ISSN 2282-5061 (in press) ISSN 2282-6041 (on line), pp. 147-159
Pennazio, V. (2015). Disability, play and robotics in kindergartens. TD Tecnologie Didattiche, 23(3), 155-163.
Lucattini P., Jayousi S., Martinelli A., Mucchi L., Lombardi G. (2019) Social Inclusion for Children with Disabilities: The Role of ICT in Play and Entertainment Activities. In: Mucchi L., Hämäläinen M., Jayousi S., Morosi S. (eds) Body Area Networks: Smart IoT and Big Data for Intelligent Health Management. BODYNETS 2019. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 297. Springer, Cham, pp. 281 - 300, ISBN: 978-3-030-34832-8
Lombardi, G., & de Anna, L., Gardou, C., Roche, R., Ricci, C. (2014). Educating in differences for a prosocial culture in Revista Educação e Políticas em Debate. 3, 115-131.
Bortolotti, A., Ceciliani, A. (2007). Play with care, «RICERCHE DI PEDAGOGIA E DIDATTICA», 2007, 2, pp. 1 - 47.
Chiappetta Cajola, L., Rizzo, A.L. (2014). Play and disability: ICF-CY in inclusive educational planning in nursery and kindergarten. Form@re, Open Journal per la formazione in rete ISSN 1825-7321 - DOI: Numero 3, Volume 14, anno 2014, pp. 25-42. Firenze University Press
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
un esame a scelta M-PED/02-I ANNO - (show)
22910169 -
Children's literature
With the course of Children’s literature, students will be able to achieve the following educational goals: In terms of knowledge and understanding: - knowledge in the field of children's literature, with particular attention to the historical development of this discipline and the aspects of research and the interpretative criticism of literary text for children - knowledge of the prospects and theoretical models of children’s literature - knowledge of the main models of didactic design and evaluation methods of the child-narrative-book relationship. - knowledge of IT tools and technologies for innovation-based teaching, in particular relating to the use of paper and digital texts In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - ability to create an authentic educational relationship aimed at emotional-emotional, socio-cultural and cognitive maturation gained through a conscious use of pre-reading and reading; - ability to design and realize training paths that use narrative and book with a variety of methodologies and organizational solutions appropriate to child development and learning progression; In terms of autonomy of judgment: - Attitudes to problematize situations and educational events, to analyze them deeply and to elaborate them in a reflective way, putting children in the condition of always elaborating a personal reading perspective; - Aptitude to consider alternative solutions to problems and to make decisions that respond to the children’s training needs, stimulating them, for example, from switching from verbal to graphic language when approaching narratives; - Aptitude to renew didactic practices through openness to research, experimentation and innovation through the use of appropriately selected editorial products. In terms of communicative abilities: - ability to expose in an organized manner the objectives and the nature of the educational activity through educational planning, with particular reference to the use of illustrated stories; - the ability to entertain positive relationships with families, showing openness and genuine interest in dialogue and adopting the humanistic-affective log of communication, with particular reference to families of different culture or religion; - the ability to use digital communication tools in educational contexts. In terms of learning ability: - Aptitude to always extend their knowledge of editorial novelties in the field of literature for children.
( syllabus)
The course will take place both in the first and in the second semester. The Children's Literature course is aimed at future nursery educators and childcare services to provide them with hermeneutical, didactic, historiographical, linguistic, ludic and iconographic tools useful for dealing with, with due pedagogical awareness, the reading of texts intended for children's public. The lessons in attendance will be devoted mainly to the identification of strategies and methods to educate children to read and to stimulate the necessary motivational processes in them. Reading aloud, the animated reading, the construction of the reading environment, the physical relationship with the object-book, the reading of the images, the places where to carry out reading promotion (nest, school, library, playroom, house etc.), the creative relationship between storytelling, reading and writing: these are just some of the great themes that go through and determine the complex relationship of the child with the literary and iconic text and which must be tackled with care and pedagogical professionalism to counteract the serious problem the removal of young people from reading practices and the use of literary texts. Alongside these theoretical aspects the lessons of prof. Cantatore will be characterized by: 1. appropriate historical focus to identify the most important steps of the progressive formation of a literary tradition specifically dedicated to early childhood;
2. practical demonstrations of how to read a book to / with children (in this case students are actively involved). During the course, cinematographic transpositions of literary texts for children will be projected and writers, illustrators, critics, publishers, booksellers, educators, teachers specialized in children's literature will be invited to lecture. The course also includes virtual meetings between the lecturer and the students via e-mail (exchange of educational materials, urgent notices, information on events related to children's literature in which it is possible to participate as exhibitions, shows, exhibitions, etc. .). It is therefore essential that all students register for the Roma Tre formonline platform.
( reference books)
Storia e critica della letteratura per l’infanzia: • Lorenzo Cantatore (a cura di), Primo: leggere, Edizioni Conoscenza • Susanna Barsotti, Lorenzo Cantatore (a cura di), Letteratura per l’infanzia: forme, temi e simboli del contemporaneo, Carocci
Albi illustrati (obbligatori): • Leo Lionni, Piccolo blu e piccolo giallo¸ Babalibri • Maurice Sendak, Nel paese dei mostri selvaggi, Adelphi • Roberto Innocenti, Rosa Bianca, La Margherita
Albi illustrati (quattro a scelta): • Emanuela Bussolati, Tararì tararera, Carthusia • Nicola Grossi, Orso buco, Minibombo • Hervé Tullet, Il gioco della luce, Phaidon-L’Ippocampo • Chiara Carminati, A fior di pelle, Lapis • Antonella Abbatiello, Case così, Donzelli • Mem Fox, Helen Oxenbury, Dieci dita alle mani, dieci dita ai piedini, Il Castoro • Gek Tessaro, Il fatto è, Lapis • Wolf Erlbruch, La notte, Edizioni e/o • Alessandro Sanna, Hai mai visto Mondrian?, Artebambini • Lele Luzzati, Alì Babà e i quaranta ladroni, Interlinea • Giovanna Zoboli, Mariachiara Di Giorgio, Professione coccodrillo, Topipittori
Un romanzo a scelta fra i seguenti: • David Almond, Skellig, Salani, Firenze • Anne Laure Bondoux, Le lacrime dell’assassino, San Paolo • Aidan Chambers, Cartoline dalla terra di nessuno, Rizzoli • Roald Dahl, Gli Sporcelli, Salani • Neil Gaiman, Coraline, Mondadori • Philip Pullman, La bussola d’oro, Salani • Brian Selznick, La straordinaria invenzione di Hugo Cabret, Mondadori • Jerry Spinelli, La schiappa, Mondadori
Un romanzo a scelta fra i seguenti: • Ermanno Detti, Estrella, Giunti • Luca Doninelli, Tre casi per l’investigatore Wickson Alieni, Bompiani • Antonio Ferrara, Batti il muro, Rizzoli • Luigi Garlando, Per questo mi chiamo Giovanni, Piemme • Luisa Mattia, Dimmi quello che non so, Libri Volanti • Angela Nanetti, Io dentro gli spari, Einaudi Ragazzi • Bianca Pitzorno, Ascolta il mio cuore, Einaudi Ragazzi • Roberto Piumini, Lo stralisco, Einaudi Ragazzi • Guido Sgardoli, “The Stone. La settima pietra”, Piemme • Bruno Tognolini, Rime di rabbia, Salani • Paola Zannoner, Voglio fare la giornalista, De Agostini
Un classico a scelta fra i seguenti (sono ammesse solo edizioni integrali): • Lewis Carrol, Le avventure di Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie • Collodi, Le avventure di Pinocchio • Hector Malot, Senza famiglia • Ferenc Molnár, I ragazzi della via Pál • Johanna Spyri, Heidi • Robert Louis Stevenson, L’isola del tesoro • Mark Twain, Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn • Vamba, Le avventure di Gian Burrasca
Basic compulsory activities
22910170 -
The History of Pedagogy Course’s program is focused on the history of children through the examination of theories on education. One the main objectives of this course is understanding the history of sentimental education, as new issue that emerged recently in the field of historical-educational studies. The course’s program included a first part devotes to the history of theories on education and second part- during which movies projection and meeting with will be provide, where specific themes, coherently with objectives formatives.
By the study of the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: -The epistemological and methodological dimension of the subject matter
Applying knowledge and understanding: -History of childhood and History of the most innovative pedagogical thinking
Making judgements: -The close relatonship between history of childhood and contemporaney society
Communication skills: -Cooperative learning in the class-room
Learning skills: -Ability to perform critical-historical analyses of educational phenomena -Developing the aptitude to making research in history of education.
( syllabus)
The History of Pedagogy Course's program is focused on the history of children through the examination of the theories on education (with special attention to the revolutionary thinking of J.J. Rousseau) as well as of real life histories of children and girls and the educational models devoloped for them. Special attention will be devoted to the history of sentimental education, a new issue that emerged recently in the field of historical- educational studies. The program, therefore, includes a first part devotes to the historyof theories on education and second part -during which movies projection and meeting with experts will be provied - where specific issues are explored, such as history of women's education and history of education to sentiments.
( reference books)
) S. Santamaita, Storia dell'educazione e delle pedagogie, Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2013; chapters 5,6,7,8, 2)J.-J. Rousseau, L'Emilio o dell'educazione, Mondadori, Milano 2014 (Capitoli 1, 2 e 5); 3)C. Covato, Idoli di bontà, Milano, Unicopli 2014; 4) L. Alcott, Piccole donne (una edizione a scelta) o alternatively: E. Gianini Belotti, Dalla parte delle bambine, Milano, Feltrinelli
Basic compulsory activities
22910171 -
The course aims to retrace the history of cultural and educational processes in Italy in a critical-reflective key, with particular reference to the 20th century educational currents. The course aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of the cultural and educational transformations of the complex society and its educational institutions.
By the study of History of cultural and educational processes the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding: - define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline; - know and understand the cultural and educational processes, with particular reference to the main educational agencies.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - analyze cultural and educational processes, with particular reference to the "pedagogies" of the Twentieth century; - identify, from a historical perspective, cultural and educational phenomena.
Making judgements: - develop critical-interpretative processing capacity of cultural and educational processes with reference to different educational theories.
Communication skills: - develop relationship strategies within the class; - know and use the disciplinary vocabulary.
Learning skills: - be able to build an independent path of study of specific issues addressed in the course through the use of historical and historiographical sources, as well as through a bibliographic research and the construction of appropriate reading paths.
( syllabus)
The course aims to retrace the history of cultural and educational processes in a critical-reflective key, with particular reference to the 20th century educational currents. The course aims to develop an in-depth knowledge of the cultural and educational transformations of the complex society and its educational institutions. In the first part of the course, which will take place in the first semester, the educational models developed during the twentieth century will be examined; the second part of the course, which will take place in the second semester, is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational contexts for children through an in-depth study of the main lines of the history and languages of children's literature.
( reference books)
F. Cambi, Le pedagogie del Novecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2014 (Introduction and chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16). S. Barsotti, L. Cantatore (a cura di), Letteratura per l'infanzia. Temi, forme e simboli della contemporaneità, Roma, Carocci, 2019 (l'Introduzione e i capitoli 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15). C. Lepri, Aedi per l'infanzia. Poeti e illustratori di oggi, Pisa, Pacini, 2015.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
un esame a scelta L-LIN-I ANNO - (show)
22910160 -
French language
Acquire/improve the ability to understand written and oral French texts related to Education issues. Acquire/improve the ability to read aloud such texts and the linguistic tools allowing to re-elaborate them, thus producing autonomously simple and correct texts in French, written or oral. Reinforce the interest in cooperation and debate within a French language context, and increase the level of motivation, skills and autonomy in activities carried out through this language.
Knowledge and understanding - Knowledge of grammar, phonetics and syntax of the French language; - Knowledge of the main educational contexts of the French linguistic area.
Applying knowledge and understanding -Use the French language for understanding and producing texts; -Use the French language for the main communication exchanges.
Making judgements -to be able to evaluate and use independently textual materials in French; -to be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the educational field.
Communication skills -understanding and production of written and oral texts in French; -manage group activities and collaboration in French.
Learning skills -acquire autonomy in self-learning vocabulary and content in French on educational issues; -improve the ability to select content in French on the basis of specific educational goals.
Derived from
22910129 Lingua francese in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 GEAT MARINA
( syllabus)
The 36 hour/6 Cfu course will take place in the second half of the year. The commitment to attend the course must be assumed in a rigorous and continuous manner, as it provides a structured study path, in-progress checks, individual and group work with weekly deadlines. Attending students are those who are present at least 2/3 of the hours of the course and who participate assiduously in all activities, both individual and collective, both carried out in the presence and carried out through the multimedia platform Formonline. Anyone who, for whatever reason, cannot ensure such continuity of attendance and/or participation, may also attend the course by reporting their particular situation to the Teacher and in any case referring to the program and the examination test provided for non-attendants. The course includes the study of the fundamental structures of the French language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, syntax) applying them to specific exercises and to the reading, re-elaboration, in-depth study, written and oral, of the fairy tales of Charles Perrault. Compared to the students of the course for 9 CFU, the students of the course for 6 cfu will be exempted from the essay.
( reference books)
Grammar part: French grammar book and exercises: Grammatica francese, Lingua in pratica, con esercizi di autoverifica, CD audio per l’ascolto e esercizi online (seconda edizione), Zanichelli, 2015 (ISBN 978-88-08-13657-2),
Testo di lettura e approfondimento: Charles Perrault, Contes, Présentation, notes et dossier par Fabrice Fajeau, Flammarion, 2017 Il libro è acquistabile tramite amazon o altre librerie online (costo euro2,80).
Text of reading and deepening: Charles Perrault, Contes, Présentation, notes et dossier par Fabrice Fajeau, Flammarion, 2017 (you can bay on Amazon or other online bookshoop). Il libro è acquistabile tramite amazon o altre librerie online (costo euro2,80). At the link there is the classic text reproduced online, which you can use instead of the book. The site will also be used, where students will be able to find, in addition to comments and insights, both a version of the fairy tales rewritten in a more modern French and abbreviated versions for children. There is also an audio reading of the fairy tales, very useful to practice listening and pronunciation. During the course all these materials will be used and compared.
Core compulsory activities
22910175 -
The aim is to provide a mainly pragmatic introductory approach to English language learning, paying particular attention to the cultural specificity of certain types of text. The main objective is to stimulate reflection on some specialist languages of English, including communication. With the study of English the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives. In terms of knowledge and comprehension: - to know the grammatical, phonetic and syntactic structures of the English language; - to know the main educational contexts of the English language area. In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding: - use the English language for comprehension and production of texts; - use the English language for the main communication exchanges. In terms of autonomy of judgement: - be able to evaluate and use independently text materials in English; - be able to select and manage interpersonal relationships in the field of education. In terms of communication skills: - understanding and production of written and oral texts in English; - English language management of group and collaborative activities. In terms of learning ability: - Gain autonomy in self-directed vocabulary and English language content on educational issues; - Improve the ability to select English language content on the basis of specific educational objectives.
( syllabus)
The book English for Educators is used to enhance students’ familiarity with a specific vocabulary for social studies and education. Together with it, you will find a selection of TED talks dealing with the teaching of English.
( reference books)
Facchinetti, Roberta e Belladelli, Anna. English for Educators, MILANO: CEDAM. Unità: 1 (Freud); 2 (Piaget); 13 (Dewey); 14 (Montessori); 15 (Freire); 18 (Dalai Lama); - TED TALKS (list available in a word document on the professor dashboard);
Core compulsory activities