Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
22910280 -
Progettazione didattica per l’e-learning e l’educazione mediale
Instructional design for e-learning and media education
Educational objectives: The course is structured as follows: a theoretical part (6 CFU), a seminar for further study (3CFU) and a part based on workshop (3CFU). The course is meant as an introduction to the theoretical and methodological foundations of learning design starting from the different models developed from the second half of the last century. More specifically, the course will focus on the role of ICT in the design and development of online learning environments with practical examples developed also through workshop activities. The main models of media education related to formal education contexts will also be presented and discussed.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: - knowledge of the main educational design models with particular reference to the integrated use of digital environments; - knowledge of and understanding the characteristics of environments and resources for online learning; - knowledge of and understanding educational principles, models and practices related to the different approaches to media education.
Applying knowledge and understanding: - design and implement examples of learning units for online learning environments; - knowing how to manage of the various resources of an online learning environment; - analysis of the forms of media experience of students and definition of an educational intervention strategies for a critical approach to the use of media.
Making judgements: - critically and independently evaluate the educational dimensions of digital environments for learning and multimedia products; - analyzing and critically evaluating the pedagogical, ethical and social dimensions involved in planning and management of online training interventions and in media education.
Communication skills: - promoting and managing effective communication processes in the context of socio-educational structures; - promoting communication relationship for the construction of a network between experts-professional figures of the educational and training services in carrying out coordination, supervision and management. functions; - Contributing to scientific dissemination processes in the field of e-learning and media education; - interacting face-to-face and online, creating networks with other training and education operators.
Lifelong Learning skills: - being able to identify the tools and training courses suitable for the development of students’ cultural and specialized knowledge and students’ professional skills. - being able to use the tools of analysis and applying the learning methods developed to deepen and update students’ knowledge independently.
( syllabus)
The course is structured in blended mode with educational activities that will take place half in the classroom and half online and includes: - a theoretical part (6 CFU) on didactic planning models with particular reference to the principles of multimedia learning and the design of environments and resources for online teaching; - a seminar on media education processes in formal education systems - an online laboratory on the design and implementation of didactic modules on the Moodle e-learning platform
( reference books)
Cisotto L., Psicopedagogia e didattica. Processi d'insegnamento e apprendimento, Roma, Carocci, 2005 Mammarella N., Cornoldi C., Pazzaglia F., Psicologia dell'apprendimento multimediale. E-learning e nuove tecnologie, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005 Roncaglia G., L'età della Frammentazione. Cultura del libro e scuola digitale, Bari, Laterza, 2018 Jenkis H., Culture partecipative e competenze digitali. Media education per il XXI secolo, Milano, Guerini scientifica, 2010
Core compulsory activities
22910283 -
Philosophy and ethics of technology
Philosophy and ethics of technology
Educational objectives: The course aims at giving the students awareness, understanding, and autonomy of judgment in regard to the ethical implications of the introduction of the new technologies in the field of media education and e-learning. In this light, we will discuss questions such as the pervasiveness of algorithmically-based decision-making, the right to privacy, the morally controversial advancements of Artificial Intelligence, and the risks that the infosphere poses to individual autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to understand the ethical dimensions and problems generated by the development of artificial intelligence.
Applying knowledge and understanding: the students will be able to figure out their way in the complex world of A.I, by identifying its most problematic features.
Making judgements: The students will acquire critical abilities in regard to the world of AI and will be able to understand both its potentialities and risks from the ethical point of view.
Communication skills: the students will be able to deal with and elucidate the information connected with the ethical problems of AI, in its various forms.
Learning skills: the students will be able to use the analytic tools and methods learned during this course in order to understand the ethical problems of the future development of AI.
( syllabus)
The course will be divided into two parts. In the first, we will address some of the main issues of the contemporary discussion on philosophy and technology, with particular regard for the connected ethical problems: the relationship between humans and machines; the perspectives and challenges of AI; communication in the age of the internet; machines as moral patients and agents. In the second part of the course, with the help of some European Commission officials, we will debate together some of these issues.
( reference books)
1. Tamburrini, Etica delle macchine, Carocci 2. Floridi, La quarta rivoluzione, Cortina
Core compulsory activities
22910282 -
Educational objectives: The course of Educational and E-Learning Psychology aims to analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, emotional, motivational and relational processes involved in multimedia learning and their role in developing the knowledge, skills and attitudes of learners. Adopting the perspective of the Developmental and Educational Psychology, the features of learning and teaching through the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) will be highlighted, as well as effective approaches and strategies in different educational contexts.
Expected learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding: • of the psychological processes involved in multimedia learning. • of the theoretical and methodological models of Educational Psychology explaining online and blended learning effectiveness. • of the teacher's competencies in instruction with the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).
Applying knowledge and understanding: • on the design of educational and instructional interventions with the use of ICT; • on the identification of educational models consistent with the characteristics and needs of the learning contexts. • on the construction of the educational relationship in online environments.
Making judgements: • in finding connections between psychological theories on distance learning and educational contexts; • in evaluating technological innovations as a function of the advancement of research in Educational Psychology; • in acquiring self-assessment competencies related to ICT skills.
Communication skills: • in the specialized language of online environments; • in modulating communication strategies in order to motivate and support learning and relationships; • related to active listening and feedback.
Learning skills: • related to basic and applied research in the field of Educational Psychology and ICT; • related to Lifelong Learning on the psychosocial aspects involved in multimedia learning.
( syllabus)
In addition to the main learning theories, the course will be devoted to blended learning. Specifically, the lessons will focus on the characteristics and processes involved in blended learning, as well as on the strategies for its design, implementation and evaluation in various educational contexts through the lens of developmental and educational psychology. The presentation of the aforementioned contents will be divided into three sections: 1. cognitive development, the main theories and learning processes (cognitive, metacognitive, motivational, volitional and emotional) involved in learning; 2. the key concepts and theoretical approaches underlying blended learning, teaching with the use of technologies, structure and evaluation of blended learning in the school, academic and business contexts; 3. serious games and their application in the educational and training contexts.
( reference books)
Woolfolk, A. (2020). Psicologia dell'educazione. Teoria, metodi, strumenti. Milano-Torino: Pearson (Only chapters: 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10 e 11). Ligorio, M. B., Cacciamani, S., Cesareni, D. (2021). Didattica blended. Teorie, metodi ed esperienze. Mondadori Education: Milano. Additional readings about serious games will be provided by the teacher.
Core compulsory activities
22910290 -
English language (advanced course)
Educational objectives: The course aims to allow the development of the linguistic skills necessary to enact relational as well as communicative, and organisational abilities and competences acquired within the educational path of the CdLM on media education and distance learning. Furthermore, the course will propose the enhancement of linguistic skills and abilities allowing to understand, critically interpret, and use in original ways the languages of the technologies of communication, in order to analyse social texts and practises, to produce communicative texts, and to plan training and education paths.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: the student will acquire the linguistic structures to sustain him or her in understanding: documentary sources of the mediatic production; contaminations of new narratives and new languages; cinema texts and audio-visual texts. Applying knowledge and understanding: this student will be able to produce and analyse audio, video and cross-media texts, developing the ability to recognise and analysie gender formulas in cinema and audio visual texts, and to critically evaluate the linguistic medium in the conscious use of mass-media in the educational field.
Making judgements: the student will acquire linguistic competences aiming to: acquire critical sense, orientation autonomy, as well as capacities of analysing texts and audio-visual and multimedia products; formulate judgments on the planning, managing, and evaluation phases of educational interventions in media education perspective; perfecting the linguistic instruments of critical analysis of mass-media production.
Communication skills: the student will acquire linguistic competences aiming to: manage and spread information through efficacious communication processes; promoting communicative relationship; interacting in presence and online.
Learning skills: students will be able to: use language analysis tools and to apply them to learning methods developed to autonomously deepen and update their own knowledge; spot linguistic instruments and tools adequate to the synergic development of their linguistic, cultural and specialised competences in their professional field.
( syllabus)
The course is meant to provide a pragmatic approach to the language, showing in particular the cultural specific aspects of several different texts. The main aim of the course is to stimulate a reflection on some specific use of the language.
The reading of different types of narrative texts will allow the student to enrich his/her lexical and grammar-syntactical competences through constant exercise (pre-reading and post-reading activities, reading and listening comprehension), stimulating the students’ reflection and discussion on general-interest themes and providing useful topics for class-work both at written and oral level.
* N.B.: Due to the particular modality of the exam and to the learning needs in terms of time, the student will be allowed to undertake the test only once per exam session. * N.B.: All changing concerning the program or the lessons, or any other news will be posted on the teacher’s page on the Department website.
For more information or further details, or to ask for an appointment, please contact the teacher via e-mail [].
( reference books)
R. Leproni (ed.) (2021). Women on Women. De-gendering perspectives. Milano, FrancoAngeli (Chapters of interest will be indicated during the course)
K. Robinson (2013). How to escape education's death valley.
K. Robinson (2010). Changing education paradigms | TED Talk
M. Edgeworth (1817). Harrington (ch. 1-2-3) [any edition; free text available at]
** further reading and methodology texts and materials (mandatory) will be implemented on the course on formonline
Core compulsory activities
22910288 -
Strumenti e metodologie informatiche per l'e-learning
Computing tools and methodologies for e-learning
Educational objectives: The course aims to provide students with the notions of IT technologies and methodologies in the field of e-learning and media education. In particular, the course introduces students to basic IT notions that allow them to understand the mechanisms and software underlying the development and utilisation of systems for e-learning, distance learning, promotion and communication of socio-educational activities, cultural animation and digital publishing. Aspects of artificial intelligence related to education will also be covered.
Expected learning outcomes: Knowledge and understanding: Solid knowledge of IT methodologies and tools to be applied in e-learning and media education, knowledge and utilization of new media and the role of artificial intelligence in innovating teaching and learning processes.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Application of knowledge related to IT methodologies and technologies in an effective and intelligent way in the fields of e-learning and media education and development of awareness of the use of these tools.
Making judgements: Development of self-assessment and selection of the most suitable teaching strategies and intelligent solutions that can be proposed in the field of e-learning and media education.
Communication skills: Communicating, conveying and developing knowledge and skills in the field of education using appropriate vocabulary.
Learning skills: Being able to navigate the constant innovations in technology and intelligent systems for distance learning, e-learning and media education.
( syllabus)
theory of computatio. While language. Information encoding. Binary positional encoding, character encoding, image and sound representation. Computer networks. Local area Networks (LAN). Internet protocols: ip, tcp/udp, http. Operating systems cand client-server architectures. Web servers Formal languages: python, html, css, php. Systems and languages for database management. Database design and SQL language.
( reference books)
Teacher's lecturer notes
( syllabus)
Introduction to e-learning: history and development The roles in e-learning The role of the instructional designer Technologies for e-learning: CMS and LMS Designing an e-learning course Content creation and storyboard Development and delivery of an e-learning course E-learning and artificial intelligence
( reference books)
Online material, lecturer's handouts.
Core compulsory activities
Core compulsory activities