Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
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Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20810163 -
The aim of the course TRANSPORT PHENOMENA IN FLUIDS (9 CFU) is to provide advanced knowledge on the dynamics of transport-diffusion-dispersion phenomena in surface waters, with particular reference to the coastal and estuarine environment. The course is aimed at giving the competencies needed for the the development of mathematical models of main relevant phenomena and for their application to the simulation and the investigation of realistic cases. The main skills acquired by the students are: to understand and model the dynamics of transport-diffusion-dispersion phenomena in surface waters, to apply suitable mathematical models to realistic cases, to get and manage numerical data.
Montessori Andrea
( syllabus)
1) Pure diffusion equation .Concepts and definitions .Dimensional analysis and Pi-theorem .Fickian diffusion .Formal derivation of the pure diffusion equation .Self-similar solution of the 1d pure diffusion equation.
2) Advection diffusion equation (ADE) .Concepts and definitions .Heuristic derivation of the ADE .Formal derivation of the ADE .Analytical solutions for the advection diffusion equation .Definition and physical meaning of the main non-dimensional governing parameters
3) Turbulent diffusion and advection dispersion equation .Turbulence: main concepts .Derivation of the turbulent ADE . Turbulent diffusion coefficients: longitudinal, vertical e transversal .Derivation of the advection dispersion equation (Taylor approach)
4) Advection diffusion equation with reactions .Concepts and definitions .Chemical kinetics: concepts . First order reactions .Second and higher order reactions .Derivation of the advection diffusion reaction equation (homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions)
5) Atmospheric mixing .Concepts and definitions .Turbulence in the atmospheric boundary layer . Turbulent ADE in 3D . Derivation of the solution for the steady Gaussian plume
6) Mixing in estuaries .Concepts and definitions .Taylor-Aris dispersion: Asymptotic analysis derivation .Turbulent flows in estuaries .The turbulent kinetic energy equation for estuarine flows .Stratification: Brunt-Vaisala frequency and Richardson number
7) Sediment transport .Concepts and definitions . Sediment properties in coastal areas . Falling velocity .Shield Theory .Bed load transport: Einstein theory and Bagnold correction .Vertical distribution of sediments in a steady current .Vertical distribution of sediments in a pure oscillatory flow
8) Numerical solution to the ADE with applications .Concepts and definitions .Finite difference method . Accuracy of a numerical scheme with the modified wavenumber approach . Taylor table method .Stability, accuracy and consistency . FTCS scheme for ADE .Von Neumann analysis .Upwind schemes
( reference books)
1) Special topics in Mixing and Transport Processes in the Environment, S. Socolofsky and G. Jirka 2) Chemical fate and transport in the environment, HF Hemond, EJ Fechner 3) Mechanics of coastal sediment transport, J. Fredsoe and R. Deigaard
Core compulsory activities
20810164 -
20810164-1 -
The objective of the course of Ocean Dynamics-A (General Theory) is the knowledge of atmospheric and marine/oceanic flows at a meso- and large-scale and with and without stratification. The course aims at developing the skills needed for the development of suitable schemes and mathematical models simulating the dynamics of the oceans. In addition, the course aims at improving the knowledge of the numerical and experimental models used to simulate such flows. The course aims at defining conceptual models with different complexity levels for the simulations of atmospheric and marine/oceanic flows. At the end of the course, the students will be able to: understand the complex dynamics of atmospheric and marine/oceanic flows occurring at different spatial scales with and without stratification; select the suitable models for the simulation of the different flows; understand and use the data obtained by laboratory and /or numerical experiments simulating stratified flows.
( syllabus)
Governing equations for viscous and turbulent flows Viscous flows and Navier-Stokes equations, turbulent flows and Reynolds equations.
Governing equations for rotating flows Rotating framework of reference, Unimportance of the centrifugal force, Acceleration on a three-dimensional rotating planet, Equations of Fluid Motion (Mass budget , Momentum budget, Equation of state, Energy budget, Salt and moisture budgets) Boussinesq approximation, Scales of motion, Important dimensionless numbers, Boundary conditions.
Rotation effects Geostrophic flows and vorticity dynamics, cyclonic and anticyclonic flows, the bottom Ekman layer and the surface Ekman layer.
Ocean Oceanic General Circulation; What drives the oceanic circulation; Large-scale ocean dynamics (Sverdrup dynamics). Western boundary currents. Thermohaline circulation; Abyssal circulation;
Atmosphere: generalities (structure and physical characteristics), definition of standard atmosphere and standard lapse rate. Atmospheric stability: dry and wet adiabatic lapse rate and atmospheric stability, conditional stability. Planetary Heat Budget.
Large scale Dynamics in atmosphere: Generalities(main sources of global scale circulation, effects of the Coriolis forces, direct and indirect cells, prevailing winds). Governing equations for large scale dynamics in atmosphere. Thermal wind relation, large-scale circulation in Hadley and Ferrel cells (theoretical analysis).
The Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL): generalities and definitions. Turbulent phenomena in the ABL: Mechanical and thermal turbulence, the turbulent cascade, statistical approach to turbulence in ABL (turbulence intensity and turbulent fluxes). The Turbulent kinetic equation, analysis of atmospheric stability from the vertical turbulent flux of temperature. Closure relations: local closures and K-theory, zeroth order closures based on similarity theory. Definition of the main length, time and velocity scales in ABL flows. Vertical structure of the boundary layer. Derivation of the potential temperature from the 1st law of thermodynamics. Day-night cycles of ABL in fair weather conditions. Dynamical Evolution of the ABL: entrainment zone, daily variation of the entrainment zone. Cloud-topped boundary layer overland.
Anabatic and katabatic winds. Hydrodynamic phenomena in presence of synoptic scale forcing.
Cloud physics: Generalities and definitions on cloud and rain droplets. Main Mechanisms for rain formation. Effect of curvature on condensation and evaporation (Kelvin theory). Solute effect on rain formation (Raoult's Law). Köhler theory and formation conditions for a rain droplet. Vapor deposition and early-stage growth of cloud condensation nuclei.
( reference books)
- A. Cenedese, 2006, Meccanica dei fluidi ambientale, Mc Graw-Hill. - B. Cushman-Roisin, 1994, Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics, Prentice Hall.
Core compulsory activities
20810164-2 -
Numerical and statistical methods for Civil Engineering aims at providing students with fundamental knowledge on numerical and statistical methods for civil engineering problems, and at developing the competences required for designing and coding simple numerical and statistical models, also to learn how apply high level softwares for engineering analysis. The course aims at providing in depth knowledge of 1) a technical/scientific programming language; 2) main numerical methods for the solution of ordinary and partial differential equations; 3) descriptive and inferential statistics. Students shall be able of: 1) using a technical/scientific programming language to develop numerical models and to carry out statistical analyses; 2) designing, developing, validating and applying algorithms for the integration of ordinary and partial differential equations of interest for the civil engineering field; 3) carrying out statistical analysis on large datasets; 4) designing and carrying out statistical analyses; 5) finding and understanding scientific publications for specific problems of interest, also using scientific search engines/databases (Scopus, Web Of Science)
( syllabus)
1-Introduction to programming in Matlab 2-Ordinary differential equations 3-Partial differential equations 4-CFD for maritime hydraulics
( reference books)
-Lecture notes -Chapra S., 2018. Applied Numerical Methods with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists, 4th Edition, McGrawHill Education. -Chapra S., Canale R., 2015. Numerical Methods for Engineers 7th Edition, McGrawHill Education.
Core compulsory activities
20810165 -
The aim is to provide the basic knowledge on the measurement methods applicable in the marine environment, specifically on coastal/satellite remote systems and in-situ devices (buoys, currentmeters, anemometers, tidal stations). After the course students will have basic knowledge of satellite measurement systems and will have developed competences on image analysis. Students will also be able of obtaining and analysing Copernicus program products and of using these data to help solving practical problems in coastal and ocean engineering, with special focus on the study of hydrodynamic fields and water quality.
( syllabus)
Space and timescales of physical oceanographic phenomena. Shape and topography of ocean basins. Continental shelf, slope and rise. Physical properties of seawater: pressure, temperature, heat, salinity, density. Equation of state.
Basic sampling characteristics: interval, duration, accuracy. Burst sampling versus continuous sampling. Temperature measurement. Salinity/Conductivity/Temperature-Depth Profilers. The practical salinity scale. Sea-level measurements: tide and pressure gauges. The case of Italian National Tidegraph - Rete Mareografica Nazionale (RMN). Eulerian currents measurements: Acoustic Doppler Current Meter. Lagrangian current measurements: modern drifter, subsurface floats (ARGO floats), Gliders and Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV). Wind and waves measurements: buoys. The case of Italian National Wavemeter Network - Rete Ondametrica Nazionale (RON). Chemical tracers: Dissolved oxygen and nutrients.
Definition of remote sensing. Satellite orbits and their applications. Geosynchronous and Sun-synchronous satellites. Imaging techniques: cross-track, hybrid cross-track and along-track scanners. Resolution. The nature of electromagnetic radiation. Plank’s Law and Blackbody Emission. Atmospheric properties and radiative transfer: absorption, emission and scattering. Reflection, transmission and absorption at the atmosphere/ocean interface: absorption and scattering properties of seawater. Ocean color: absorption and scattering by phytoplankton, particulates and dissolved material. Infrared observation of Sea Surface Temperature (SST). Radar and oceanic backscatter. Altimetrics satellite. Satellite imaging radars: synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and side-looking radar (SLR).
Copernicus EU Earth Observation Satellites: The Sentinel and Contributing Missions. Copernicus Services: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMEMS). Access and use of CMEMS products and services.
Integration of in-situ and satellite observing system in oceanic and costal hydrodynamic modelling. Downscaling and upscaling. Planning of in-situ monitoring programme with integration with CMEMS products for coastal and off-shore infrastructures design.
Related or supplementary learning activities