Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
21201546 -
The course is aimed at deepening the issue of social security and welfare state in a dimension that embraces public and private social security, social assistance, unemployment protection, social safety nets and active policies, and also the issue of occupational safety, the social security protection for work accidents and occupational diseases.
( syllabus)
- Introduction to the study of social security law.
The social security boundaries; the Welfare State origins and development in Europe; social security models. The Italian model and its historical evolution; constitutional principles of security, social security and social assistance (Article 38 of the Constitution); notions of need, risk, solidarity, assistance, welfare, social insurance, social security. The recipients of protection; national and community sources; evolution perspective of the Italian Welfare model. From Welfare to Workfare. -Social security and welfare.
The legal system of social security; recipients and in need situations that are protected; the contributory system; the legal social security relationship; the pension protection for incapacity of work, old age and death; perspective of pension system reforming; the supplementary private pension; social assistance. -Health and safety protection and insurance against work accidents. Health and safety protection at workplace: constitutional principles and the duty to protect the employer; the evolution of the special legislation on health and safety. Legislative Decree n. 81/2008. The subjects involved in the protection of health and safety: duties, obligations, civil and criminal liability; the prevention and the employer’s responsibility. Insurance legislation against work accidents and occupational diseases: social security protection and limits on the employer's civil liability; work accident and occupational disease; social security benefits; biological damage. -The unemployment protection and active labor policies. Social safety nets and income support measures: unemployment benefits; salary supplement payments; protection against the employer’s insolvency; perspective of social safety nets system reforming and the problem of social protection of discontinuous work; the emergence of irregular work. Problems of connection between active and passive policies.
( reference books)
M. D'Onghia, M Persiani, Fondamenti di diritto della previdenza sociale, Giappichelli, 2016
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
2° anno- un insegnamento a scelta - (show)
21201711 -
Employment, income distribution and growth
The course will present different analytical perspectives along with empirical evidence on themes such as the relationship between labour market regulation, income distribution and employment growth, which are very relevant for economic analysis and current debates concerning economic policy.
( syllabus)
The course consists of two modules of 30 hours each, the first of which is taught in English Module I - alternative theories of primary income distribution and employment - Harrod and Solow's growth models and demand-led growth - Technical change. employment and growth Module II - the impact of labour market reforms and macroeconomic policies: theory and empirical evidence - the interpretation of the changes in income distribution and their impact on employment and growth - Employment and wages in Italy During the course, data and results of empirical literature will be presented along with theoretical approaches.
( reference books)
Various papers and essays collected in hand-outs available at the library. English alternatives to the Italian readings are suggested to foreign students. Below the detail:
INTRODUCTORY - FOUNDATIONS: hand-outs with copy of: Fabio Petri, "What capital theory can teach us" Pierangelo Garegnani "Two routes to effective demand" Antonella Stirati “Unemployment, institutions and the living standard in the classical theory of wages” Antonella Stirati “Employment theories from Adam Smith to the present: an overview” PART II PRODUCTIVITY EMPLOYMENT AND GROWTH: R. Harrod, "An essay on dynamic theory R. Solow, "A contribution to the theory of Economic growth Cesaratto, Serrano e Stirati “Technical change, effective demand and employment” N. Kaldor, On the causes of slow growth in UK A. Okun “Potential GNP: its measurement and significance” “Puzzles, paradoxes, and regularities: cyclical and structural productivity in the United States (1950-2005)” di Jeon e Vernengo, da pag. 237 a 243
Related or supplementary learning activities
21210178 -
Economia e Politiche dell’Innovazione
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of the Economics of Innovation and the related public policies. Particular attention will be given to the study of the economic and social effects of the digital transformation and of the diffusion of environmental technologies. The Italian case will be analyzed with reference to industrial, science and technology policies.
( syllabus)
General Part
- Introduction to the Economics of Innovation - Innovation and Performance: Growth, Employment, Productivity, Export, Environment - Diffusion and impact of digital technologies - The theoretical foundations of Science, Innovation and Technology Policies - Public policies for eco-innovation
The Italian case
- The characteristics of the Italian innovation system - The role of public enterprises in the technological and industrial development of Italy - Industrial Policy in Italy
( reference books)
Franco Malerba, Economia dell’Innovazione, Carocci editore M. Mazzucato, Lo Stato Innovatore, Laterza, 2014
Reading list
Amatori, F., Bugamelli, M., Colli, A. (2011). Italian firms in history: size, technology and entrepreneurship. Bank of Italy Economic History Working Papers, 13, pp. 1–53.
Antonelli C., Barbiellini Amidei F., Fassio C. (2014). The mechanisms of knowledge governance: State owned enterprises and Italian economic growth, 1950–1994. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, Vol. 31, pp. 43-63.
Archibugi D. and Filippetti A., (2015). Knowledge as Global Public Good. In: The Handbook of Global Science, Technology, and Innovation, First Edition. Daniele Archibugi and Andrea Filippetti (eds). DOI: 10.1111/b.9781118739068.2015.00025.x.
Archibugi D. and Filippetti A., (2017). The retreat of public research and its adverse consequences on innovation. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Article in Press.
Calvino F. and Virgillito M. E., (2017). The innovation-employment nexus: a critical survey of theory and empirics. Journal of Economic Surveys, DOI: 10.1111/joes.12190.
Centro Economia Digitale (2020), Libro Bianco sull’Economia Digitale.
Centro Economia Digitale (2019),Il ruolo dell’innovazione e dell’alta tecnologia in Italia nel confronto con il contesto internazionale.
Cerulli, G., Poti, B., 2012. Designing ex-post assessment of corporate RDI policies: conceptualization, indicators and modeling. World Rev. Sci. Technol. Sustain. Dev. 9, 2–4.
Valeria Cirillo, Rinaldo Evangelista,⁎, Dario Guarascio, Matteo Sostero (2020). Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task- based data, Research Policy.
Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Martini, C., Pennacchio, L., (2015). Demand-pull and technology-push public support for eco-innovation: The case of the biofuels sector, Research Policy, Vol. 44, pp. 577-595.
Costantini V., Crespi F., Palma, A., (2017), Characterizing the policy mix and its impact on eco-innovation: a patent analysis of energy-efficient technologies, Research Policy, Vol. 46, pp. 799-819.
Costantini, V., Crespi, F., Marin, G., Paglialunga, E. (2017). Eco-innovation, sustainable supply chains and environmental performance in European industries. Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 155, pp. 141-154.
V Costantini, F Crespi, E Paglialunga (2018), The employment impact of private and public actions for energy efficiency: Evidence from European industries, Energy Policy 119, 250-267
V Costantini, F Crespi, E Paglialunga, G Sforna, System Transition and Structural Change Processes in the Energy Efficiency of Residential Sector: Evidence from EU Countries, SPRU Working Paper 2018.
Goldstein A., (2003). Privatization in Italy 1993 - 2002: Goals, Institutions, Outcomes, and Outstanding Issues. CESifo Working Paper Series No. 912. Available at SSRN:
Guarascio D., Pianta M., Bogliacino F., (2016). Export, R&D and new products. A model and a test on European industries. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, Vol. 26 (4), pp. 869-905.
Munari F., Roberts E. B., Sobrero M., (2002). Privatization processes and the redefinition of corporate R&D boundaries. Research policy, Vol. 31, pp. 31-53.
Sabrina Pastorelli, Lo stato imprenditore e la qualificazione tecnologica dello sviluppo economico italiano: l'esperienza dell'iri nei primi decenni del secondo dopoguerra, Banca d’Italia, Quaderni dell’ufficio ricerche storiche, 12 , Dicembre 2006.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
21201566 -
( reference books)
- Emanuele Ciani and Roberto Torrini, The geography of Italian income inequality: recent trends and the role of employment, Bank of Italy-Occasional Papers, No. 492, April 2019. Available online at:
- Foster J., S. Seth and M. Lokshin (2013). A Unified Approach to Measuring Poverty and Inequality: Theory and Practice. Washington, World Bank Publications (esclusi capp. 3, 5 e Appendice). Free download:
- Todaro M. P. and S. C. Smith (2012). Economic development. Boston, Mass., Addison-Wesley. Solo cap. 5 (esclusi Caso Studio e Appendici). Book available in the library of "Scuola di Economia e Studi Aziendali".
- Ruggeri Laderchi C., R. Saith and F. Stewart (2003). “Does it Matter that we do not Agree on the Definition of Poverty? A Comparison of Four Approaches”, Oxford Development Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, September. Online access to the article from the website of SBA Roma Tre.
- Eurostat (2019) People at risk of poverty or social exclusion.
- World Bank (2019), PovcalNet: Methodology,
- Roser M. (2016). Global Economic Inequality.
Core compulsory activities
21210179 -
Economia applicata
( syllabus)
NOTA BENE: • Tutte le slides delle lezioni saranno rese disponibili, insieme a tutti gli altri materiali rilevanti, esclusivamente sulla piattaforma moodle del corso.
• I paragrafi da studiare dei capitoli di riferimento riportati tra parentesi verranno meglio indicati durante le lezioni e coincideranno con le parti che verranno trattate in aula e nelle slides.
Parte I – Economia Regionale Testo di riferimento: Capello R. “Economia Regionale”, seconda edizione, Il Mulino.
Parti selezionate tratte da:
1. Introduzione: Economia e spazio (pag. 25-39) 2. Teorie della crescita regionale a. Struttura produttiva e sviluppo (cap. IV) b. La domanda (cap. V) c. La dotazione fattoriale (cap. VI) 3. Teorie dello sviluppo locale a. Competitività territoriale e sviluppo esogeno (cap. VII) b. Competitività territoriale e sviluppo endogeno: le economie di agglomerazione (cap. VIII) c. Competitività territoriale e sviluppo endogeno: le economie di agglomerazione (cap. IX) 4. Politica regionale Europea (materiali distribuiti durante le lezioni)
Parte II – Economia Industriale Testo di riferimento: Lynne Pepall, Daniel J. Richards, George Norman e Giacomo Calzolari “Organizzazione Industriale” terza edizione, Mc Graw Hill Education
Parti selezionate tratte da:
1. Fondamenti di micro (solamente slides delle lezioni) 2. Oligopolio statico (capp. 8 e 9) 3. Ricerca e sviluppo e brevetti (cap.18) 4. Big data, piattaforme digitali e antitrust (articolo: G. Colangelo “Big data, piattaforme digitali e antitrust”, Mercato concorrenza regole/a. XVIII, n. 3, dicembre 2016)
Esercitazioni: Durante l’orario di lezione sono previste esercitazioni pratiche che prevedono utilizzo e di banche dati ed elaborazioni
( reference books)
Complete reading list will be available at the beginning of the course Class slides Roberta Capello, “Economia Regionale”, seconda edizione, Il Mulino Lynne Pepall, Daniel J. Richards, George Norman e Giacomo Calzolari "Organizzazione Industriale" terza edizione, Mc Graw Hill Education articolo: G. Colangelo “Big data, piattaforme digitali e antitrust”, Mercato concorrenza regole/a. XVIII, n. 3, dicembre 2016
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
21210156 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
Planning and managerial control (English version):
- The information system for the managerial decision-making process - Development of planning and budgeting functions - The decision-making process - Strategic planning: definition of strategy, levels of strategy (corporate strategy, business area/unit strategy, business strategy), phases of the strategic process, portfolio analysis, portfolio matrix, critical success factors - Models of organizational growth and development. Planning topics: external growth and globalization, flexibility, just in time model, outsourcing, total quality management, cost leadership, business process reengineering, benchmarking - From strategic planning to budgeting. The budget and its elements. - A systemic approach to control: goals and principles. Operating control, managerial control and strategic control. Effectiveness and efficiency: definitions and indicators. - Control requirements: methods, accounting systems (financial accounting, cost accounting, standard cost, budget, variance analysis) and organizational structure (responsibility centers). Costing systems: Direct costing - full costing Activity Based Costing. - Reporting. Performance Evaluation Models (Balanced Scorecard, Performance Prism, Common Assessment Framework) - Case Study
( reference books)
Garrison, Norreen, Brewer, Managerial Accounting, 16th Edition, McGraw-Hill International Edition (all chapters)
Slides and articles on Moodle
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Un Insegnamento a scelta libera (di seguito gli ins. consigliati): - (show)
21210176 -
L’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite per lo sviluppo sostenibile e gli studi economici e sociali
21201500 -
The course explores the main topics of administrative law: organization and structures of public administration, privatization of public bodies and services. Much attention will be paid to civil service issues and management discipline; administrative procedures under rule of law, discretion, fairness, and regulatory unreasonableness.
The student must achieve: 1) knowledge of the general theory of administrative law; 2) knowledge of the traditional approach of administrative law studies; 3) awareness of the significant changes in the reference regulatory framework concerning the public administration.
Elective activities
21201713 -
Foundations of Political Economy
21210058 -
Sociologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni
To provide the basic concepts and the theoretical framework of the sociological, employment and organizational disciplines. To analyze the interconnections with other disciplines which have as their object the study of labour, production organizations, human resource management and industrial relations.
Derived from
22902268 SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO E DELLE ORGANIZZAZIONI 6 CFU LM 57 in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 COCOZZA ANTONIO
( syllabus)
The course is developed in three parts: an institutional module, an in-depth module; seminars and meetings with the protagonists. The institutional module aims to provide the basic concepts and the theoretical framework of the sociological work and organizational disciplines and to analyze the interconnections with other disciplines which have as their object the study of work, production organizations, human resource management and industrial relations. There will be an in-depth analysis of the change of work in the world, in relation to the development of innovative organizational and managerial cultures, with particular attention to the aspects related to the constant demand for an increase in flexibility and productivity and the strategic importance assumed of soft and transversal skills in the new production processes. The in-depth module, instead, aims to analyze the concepts and evolution of the negotiation and industrial relations in Italy and on an international level: 1. The transformations of work from a sociological point of view and the conceptual framework relative to the evolution of organizational models and cultures: from Taylor-Fordism to Total Quality Management and networking organizations; 2. The evolution of human resource management policies and tools in search of a new paradigm of reference: the person at the center of the processes; 3. Leadership and management of social-organizational processes in innovative enterprises and virtuous Public Administrations: The Strategic Role of Communication and Lifelong Learning; 4. The development of industrial relations in Italy: the sociological dimension of the economic, legal and institutional framework; the actors of industrial relations; the evolution of collective bargaining; industrial relations and participatory model; labour relations in Public Administrations. In the final part of the course, seminars will be organized with the protagonists (corporate executives and managers of organization and development of human resources, representatives of trade unions) on issues of organization, training and development of skills, negotiation and regulation of employment relationships in innovative companies and virtuous public administrations.
( reference books)
COCOZZA A., Comunicazione d’impresa e gestione delle risorse umane, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012 (solo Capitoli V, VI e Conclusioni). COCOZZA A., Organizzazioni. Culture, modelli, governance, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2014. COCOZZA A., L’Agire inatteso. Etica, razionalità, competenze, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2020.
For students of SDE e FSRU: “Organizzazioni. Culture, modelli, governance” is substituted by COCOZZA A., Persone, organizzazioni, lavori. Esperienze innovative di comunicazione d'impresa e valorizzazione delle risorse umane, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2010.
( syllabus)
Given the complexity of contemporary organizational contexts, increasingly characterized by network structures with high organizational and technological complexity, the advanced Sociology of Organizations module intends to dwell in particular on the thrusts introduced by the whirling digital innovation process. In continuity with the course of Sociology of the organization (6 - CFU Prof. Cocozza), which presents the theoretical frame of reference of the sociological organizational disciplines and the new organizational models that tend to increasingly recognize the person as a strategic lever of development, the advanced module focuses in particular on the complicated relationship between organization, technological transformations and society with the intent to understand the implications for organizations and for work. The advanced module looks at organizations and works in the information and knowledge society which stands out, as suggested by Castells, for its being: informational, global and reticular. The module aims to offer students in addition to the necessary theoretical framework of reference also the possibility of measuring themselves with a working methodology that increasingly requires subjects to be active and decisive carriers of conditions of tumultuous change and uncertainty that characterizes modern organizations in the global scenario. For this reason the laboratory privileges the active and dialogical methodology where the students themselves become protagonists of the "discovery" and the sharing of the acquired knowledge; useful methodology to develop communicative, relational and reflexive competences, today fundamental for living and working in a complex society. The course, therefore, includes in-depth thematic analyzes through individual and/or group project work. Non-attending students will be able to select a text from those indicated and prepare a critical summary (written analysis) to be sent to the teacher two days before the exam and discuss during the interview.
( reference books)
1 book of your choice for the final summary from:
Gallino L., Il denaro, il debito e la doppia crisi, Einaudi, 2015 Gallino L, Tecnologia e democrazia, Eibaudi, 2007 Gallino L., L’impresa irresponsabile, Einaudi, 2005 Latouche S., L’invenzione dell’economia, Bollati Becchetti L., La felicità sostenibile, Saggine, 2005 Stark D., The sense of dissonance, Pricenton, 2011 Floridi L. La Quarta rivoluzione. Come l’infosfera sta trasformando il mondo, Cortina, 2017 Greenfield, Tecnologie radicali. Il progetto della vita quotidiana, Einaudi, 2017 Carol Lee Graham, The Economics of Happiness Ferrarotti F., Il capitalismo, Newton & Compton, 1999 Stiegler B. La società automatica. L’avvenire del lavoro, Meltemi Srnicek, 2017 Capitalismo digitale J. VadDijck, The Platform Society
Elective activities
21201569 -
The aim of this course is to develop a critical interpretation of the transformations, between 19th and 20th century, of the labor organization, social conflicts, industrial relations, social security and welfare policies, with particular reference to the Italian case.
21201569-1 -
The aim of this course is to develop a critical interpretation of the transformations, between 19th and 20th century, of the labor organization, social conflicts, industrial relations, social security and welfare policies, with particular reference to the Italian case.
Elective activities
21201569-2 -
The aim of this course is to develop a critical interpretation of the transformations, between 19th and 20th century, of the labor organization, social conflicts, industrial relations, social security and welfare policies, with particular reference to the Italian case.
Elective activities