Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
20702742 -
This course aims at introducing aspects of information technology that we expect to be of great impact for media professionals. Automated information processing enables analysis and management of information sources provided awareness of its potential and limits. New editors are creating new media and a completely new discipline has emerged: computational journalism. In this course we aim at providing basic computer skills necessary for understanding the issues related to the new media, addressing the following points: consolidate the basic knowledge of computer technology and of the methods of information science; consider specific solutions related to the automatic flow of information; to become familiar with technologies currently in use.
Core compulsory activities
20702741 -
The course is an introduction to the study of the English lexicon. In particular, it explores the evolution of English lexis, its morphological properties, the most productive mechanisms of word formation and the semantic relations between words. The course also aims at developing the student’s linguistic skills through the analysis of several types of texts. At the end of the course the student will have acquired i) the knowledge of the main aspects of the English lexicon and of the methods and procedures of lexicological analysis, ii) the techniques used to classify and analyse a wide range of text types.
Lessons are designed to include classroom activities, which will serve as a tool to favour the acquisition of theoretical contents and practical skills for linguistic analysis.
( syllabus)
The course is an introduction to the use of IT tools for the study of the English language. The module includes a theoretical part, in which the main themes of corpus linguistics will be described, in order to familiarize the student with quantitative and computational methodologies for the analysis of English linguistic data. In the second part, the main corpora and software for the study of the English language will be illustrated, and illustrative case studies will be proposed on the study of the lexicon and the syntagmatic properties of lexemes (e.g. collocations, multiword units), semantics (e.g. metaphor, metonymy, lexical polysemy) and the evolution of the English language (eg grammaticalization).
The following topics will be covered during the course: -) the study of the English language through corpora; -) word classes and their frequency in corpora; -) the concept of collocation; -) phrases and lexicon; -) recurrent syntactic structures and textual typology; -) metaphor and metonymy through corpora; -) grammaticalization; -) analysis of the text through the corpus; -) the web as a corpus.
( reference books)
PROGRAM A.Y. 2019/2020 (relating to the course to be held in the second semester)
1) Hans Lindquist, Magnus Levin, Corpus Linguistics and the Description of English, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2018 (all volume).
* 2) Anne O’Keeffe and Michael McCarthy (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics, Routledge, 2010 (chapters 16, 22) (copy shop)
Recommended texts: 1) Maria Freddi, Linguistica dei corpora, Roma, Carocci, 2014 (strongly recommended).
Core compulsory activities
20709687 -
The course aims to provide students with an in-depth analysis of the main topics of pragmatics and to discuss the relationship between discourse and text. At the end of the course students will be able to analyze conversations and written texts related to most of the problematic aspects of discourse grammar and of text linguistics.
( syllabus)
Language as communication and action, illocutionary act, performative, Grice’s cooperation principle, inferences, implicatures, presuppositions, text and discourse, deixis, anaphora, information structure.
( reference books)
1) C. Caffi, Pragmatica. Sei lezioni, Carocci 2009. 2) C. Andorno, Linguistica testuale, Carocci, 2003.
Core compulsory activities
20710322 -
The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of methods, tools and approaches characterizing sociolinguistics, taking also into account the epistemological problems concerning its adjacency to other branches of linguistic and social knowledge. At the end of the course, students will write an essay showing their competence in gathering data and analyzing them in sociolinguistic perspective.
( syllabus)
This is an introductive course to sociolinguistics. The epistemological setting of this branch of knowledge will be discussed, and its basic elements and tools will be introduced. Specific attention will be paid to two major sociolinguistic approaches, i.e. correlational and interactional sociolinguistics.
( reference books)
Berruto, G. – M. Cerruti, (2015), Manuale di sociolinguistica, Torino, UTET Additional material will be provided during the course.
Core compulsory activities
20710075 -
The course aims to illustrate how the historical perspective, the sociolinguistics, the pragmatics and the semiotics can analyze the language of newspapers highlighting the lexical, syntactic and morphological features and the intercultural aspects of different texts. A part of course will focus on the cognitive paradigm, the titles and the metaphors. There are no prerequisites. Specific activities could be organized to support the study of the foreign students and the working students.
( syllabus)
The course program of Lingustics and Journalism is divided in three parts, for linking the study of the journalistic language. in the same time, to the cognitive paradigma and to to the analysis of corpora. 1. The bibliographical references on the journalese and the communicative strategies of the news papers 1.a. The 5w of the journals origin (6h) 1.b. The approaches and the models for studying the articles and the para-texts (6h) 1.c. The grammar of the journalistic language (3h) 1.d.Trends between overspecitication and fake news(3h) 1.e. Reading Research and journals (3h)
2. The cognitive approach of the linguistic research 2.a. Prototypes, Frames and cognitive metaphores (6) 2.b. Profiling a trajectory (3h) 2.c. Corpora analysis and information retrivial (3h)
3. Analysis of texts and semantic maps of the articles and lexicons for special purposes: in particular, the study will be dedicated to relationships between behaviors and human body space, as medicine, food, fashion and sport. (3)
( reference books)
Catricalà M. . Linguistica e Giornalismo, Roma 2015 . Handout and a text of cognitive linguistics
Core compulsory activities
20710272 -
The course aims to illustrate how the historical perspective, the sociolinguistics, the pragmatics and the semiotics can analyze the language of advertising highlighting the lexical, syntactic and morphological features and the intercultural aspects of different texts. The linguistic variants and structures are linked to the functional aspects with the objective of explaining the meaning and the grammar of slogans, jingles and commercials. There are no prerequisites. Specific activities could be organized to support the study of the foreign students and the working students.
( syllabus)
The main features of the course are relating to the following arguments: -the theorical debat around the advertising language; -the analisys of the patterns of this important tool of communication. The messages are examined at the light of the most important concepts of the textual and pragmatic studies , as cohesion, coherence,implicatures, rhetorical strategies; -the structural characteristics of brand-names and on line order selling: comparison of texts in differtnt languages.
( reference books)
Baldini M. Il linguaggio pubblicitario.Fantaparole, Roma, Armando, 1996. Capozzi M.R. Il linguagio della pubblicità, Milano, Franco Angeli. Catricalà M. One thousand and one ways of reading a brand, , in press.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710113 -
In the first part, the course aims at giving the students the basic concepts of neuroethics; in the second part, it is focused on the relation between ethics and communication, by looking in particular at films. The goal is that the students understand two of the main issues of moral philosophy. At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand and use the fundamental concepts related to these two issues.
( syllabus)
In the first part, the course aims at giving the students the basic concepts of neuroethics; in the second part, it is focused on the relation between ethics and communication, by looking in particular at films. The goal is that the students understand two of the main issues of moral philosophy. At the end of the class, the students will be able to understand and use the fundamental concepts related to these two issues.
( reference books)
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE - Magni, Bioetica, Carocci - De Caro-Lavazza-Sartori, Siamo davvero liberi?, Codice (seconda edizione) (Le parti indicate dal docente a lezione) - Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori
FOR THE STUDENTS WHO DON’T PASS THE TEST AT THE END OF THE COURSE OR DO NOT TRY IT - Magni, Bioetica, Carocci - De Caro-Lavazza-Sartori, Siamo davvero liberi?, Codice (seconda edizione) (the whole book) - Massarenti, Stramaledettamente logico, Mondadori (the whole book) - Ceri, Etica della comunicazione, Il Mulino - Roskies, Neuroethics,
Core compulsory activities
20710576 -
Persuasive communication
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of persuasive communication as it is conceived within the discipline that traditionally has focused on the persuasive uses of language: rhetoric. Specifically, the persuasive uses of language are analyzed with reference to a particular tool of communication: storytelling.
Through the discussion of case studies, such as scientific communication, marketing, advertising and political communication, the course aims to provide students with a general understanding of the fundamental cognitive mechanisms underlying storytelling.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710120 -
The aim of the course is to provide the basic concepts to understand the economic system. The course will allow the students to be familiar with the economic concepts most frequently used by websites, newspapers, televisions
( syllabus)
Gross National Product; Inflation; Growth; Economic Fluctuations; Labor Market.
( reference books)
Lieberman, M. e Hall R., 2015, Economia, Apogeo, Milan; chapters 12, 13 e 15 De Vito G.N., 2015, Economia politica, Strumenti ed esercizi, Apogeo, Milano. Chapters 7 and 8
Chapters in details Capitolo 12 Produzione, reddito e occupazione (except: “I problemi relativi al PIL” and “Applicare la teoria”) Capitolo 13 Il sistema monetario, i prezzi e l’inflazione (except from page 509 to page 520) Capitolo 15 Le fluttuazioni economiche (except: from page 590 to page 599) “La politica fiscale anticiclica”; “La recessione del 2001 negli Stati Uniti”)
Core compulsory activities
20710535 -
The teaching intends to provide students a basic knowledge of the field of public opinion and mass culture, taking into account the change of contemporary society. The main aim of the teaching is that students acquire knowledge and understand the role of public opinion and mass culture in the history of the twentieth century. At the end of the course, students will have acquired knowledge of the main themes of the historiographic debate on the history of public opinion and mass culture.
( syllabus)
The program includes a historical introduction to the formation of public opinion and mass culture in the twentieth century. The second part of the course will deal with the Italian case, in particular with the role of television in the formation of public opinion and mass culture. Finally, the third part will be dedicated to American mass culture, compared with "other" mass cultures, especially the Soviet one.
( reference books)
Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Carocci 2019 Alberto Maria Banti, Wonderland. La cultura di massa da Walt Disney ai Pink Floyd, Laterza 2017
Core compulsory activities
20710268 -
The course aims to give students chance of acquiring analytical skills in order to identify the many factors involved in the dynamics of historical processes and understand their interconnections. The students will also develop a research method and investigation abilities in order to discover the inner complexity of the present age in its historical depth; they will be educated on how to understand otherness disclosing in the study of human events that constitute historical development.
( syllabus)
NATIONALISM AND CONTEMPORARY HISTORY: THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT This course intends to investigate nationalism as a distinctive historical phenomenon of contemporary age, with a particular reference to European history. An analysis of several theories of nation and nationalism will serve as introductory part of the course, in which various elaborations of thinking on the idea of nation will be examined as well as the different interpretative hypotheses on nation and nationalism. European history from World War I to the post World War II era will be reconsidered stressing the topic of nationalism and its manifold influence on historical processes of the continent and its connections with other geopolitical areas. The dynamic relationship between globalization and internationalism trends and radicalization of nationalisms will be explored. A particular focus will be devoted to the revival of nationalisms after the end of the Cold War and in the first two decades of the 21st century.
( reference books)
1. Ian Kershaw, To Hell and Back: Europe, 1914-1949, Penguin Press 2016 2. Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, Verso Books 2016 (Revised edition) 3. Anthony D. Smith, Nationalism: Theory, Ideology, History, Polity Press 2010 (Revised edition) 4. Colin Crouch, The Globalization Backlash, Polity Press 2018
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710102 -
The Course provides an introduction to the main issues in the Environmental Humanities The Course is intended to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools both in reading and in debating. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
( syllabus)
Urban knowledges The course will investigate the relation between the urban spaces and the different forms of belonging and participation, that is citizenship. In order to update the couple city-citizenship, the course will provide the principal and transdisciplinary tools - in philosophy, legal studies, sociology, geography, politics - in a comparative approach.
Dal 28 febbraio al 17 aprile, ogni venerdì dalle 14 alle 17.
Venerdì 28 febbraio Dario Gentili (Docente di filosofia morale, Roma Tre), Federica Giardini (Docente di filosofia politica, Roma Tre) – Ripensare la selva con le Environmental Humanities – filosofia, etica, politica
Venerdì 6 marzo – Tiziana Villani (Docente di filosofia, Università Paris 8; docente di «Fenomenologia dell’arte contemporanea», Accademia NABA di Milano) – La selva e il deserto
Venerdì 13 marzo – Sara Marini (Docente di architettura, IUAV, Venezia) – Sulla selva
Venerdì 20 marzo Daniela Angelucci (Docente di estetica, Roma Tre) – Selva, sublime e perturbante
Venerdì 27 marzo pomeriggio a cura di Ilaria Bussoni (casa editrice DeriveApprodi)
Venerdì 3 aprile Stefano Oliva (Docente di estetica, Quasar Design University) – Selve sonore
Venerdì 17 aprile – Carlo Hintermann ¬(Regista e produttore cinematografico) - La selva nel cinema
( reference books)
Luce Irigaray and Michael Marder, Through Vegetal Being. Two Philosophical Perspectives, Columbia University Press 2016 Reference texts will be published at the beginning of the course. See:
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710270 -
To provide knowledge on main theoretical approaches on social psychology, on cognitive, affective and communicative processes of social interaction, on social cognition and social identity, on the construction and change of opinions and attitudes, on social influence and persuasion either on face to face and distance interaction, and in interpersonal and public communication, with particular attention to political field. To describe recent study on aggressive, prosocial and inter-group behaviors and relations. To foster competences in the application of acquired knowledge in communication work and research
Derived from
20710270 PSICOLOGIA SOCIALE - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 D'ERRICO FRANCESCA
( syllabus)
Introduction to the main theoretical approaches and constructs of social psychology. Social Cognition, Socio-Constructivism. Social Cognition, Social Identity and Social Emotions. Attitudes, social influence leadership charisma and persuasion. Groups, Majorities and Minorities, conformism and divergence. Prosocial and Aggressive behaviors. Intergroup relations. Verbal and multimodal communication in personal, organizational, educational and media contexts.
( reference books)
1. Hogg & Vaughan. (2016). Psicologia sociale. Teorie e applicazioni. Pearson. Milano (da cap 4 a 9). 2. Uno a scelta tra: a. Mucchi Faina A., Pacilli M.G., Pagliaro S.: L’influenza sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012.; b. Cavazza N. (2006) La persuasione. Il mulino, Bologna;
3. Leone G. (2002) Fare ricerca in psicologia sociale. (primi 3 capitoli)
4. Partecipazione a ricerca descritta durante il corso + due articoli di ricerca - D’Errico, F., & Poggi, I. (2019,). Tracking a leader’s humility and its emotions from body, face and voice. In Web Intelligence (Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 63-74). - Poggi I. and D’Errico F. (2010) Dominance in political debates. In A.A. Salah et al. (Eds.): Human Behavior Understanding, LNCS 6219, pp. 163--174. Springer, Heidelberg. (entrambi reperibili su
1. Hogg & Vaughan. (2016). Psicologia sociale. Teorie e applicazioni. Pearson. Milano (fino a cap. 9). 2. Uno a scelta tra: a. Mucchi Faina A., Pacilli M.G., Pagliaro S.: L’influenza sociale. Il Mulino, Bologna 2012.; b. Cavazza N. (2006) La persuasione. Il mulino, Bologna;
3. Quattrociocchi & Vicini (2018). Misinformation. Guida alla società dell'informazione e della credulit. Franco Angeli
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710537 -
The teaching intends to provide students a basic knowledge of the field of digital publishing, taking into account the change in the forms of textuality, in the evolution of reading devices and in reading practices.
The main aim of the teaching is to allow students to understand and differentiate various forms of digital storytelling, the main forms of digital textuality and of reading devices.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand practices, tools and models used in the field of digital publishing, and will possess the competencies required to analyze its main features.
Roncaglia Gino
( syllabus)
The course is organized in two modules: Module A - Institutional part - Introduction to digital publishing Module B - Monographic part - From the reader's point of view: changes in reading media and forms
( reference books)
Module A - Maria Teresa Lupia, Mirko Tavosanis e Vincenzo Gervasi, Editoria digitale, UTET 2011 Module B - Gino Roncaglia, La quarta rivoluzione, Laterza 2010 - Chiara Faggiolani e Maurizio Vivarelli (eds.), Le reti della lettura, Editrice bibliografica 2016
Non-attending students and those who have not passed the written test will be able to integrate these texts with - Gino Roncaglia, L'età della frammentazione, Laterza 2018
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710538 -
The course aims to illustrate the evolution of the forms, of the themes and of the creative processes of contemporary TV storytelling, with particular reference to TV series. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the ways in which contemporary TV storytelling has changed as a result of a new environment, characterized by the intensification of transnational flows, by the increased number and diversification of TV content providers, and of the diffusion of new viewing practices. Upon successfully complete the course, students will have acquired an in-depth understanding of contemporary TV series market, of the factors determining the success of some productions as well as their enhanced capability to act as popular narrations that effectively represent social reality, its actors and processes.
( syllabus)
The course aims to illustrate the evolution of the forms, of the themes and of the creative processes of contemporary TV storytelling, with particular reference to TV series. The course aims to provide students with an understanding of the ways in which contemporary TV storytelling has changed as a result of a new environment, characterized by the intensification of transnational flows, by the increased numbers of TV content providers, and the diffusion of new viewing practices.
FIRST PART This part illustrates the features of contemporary TV environments, which both at national and International levels have rapidly been changing with the rise of ‘quality cable channels’ (HBO, Showtime, etc.), of pay TV, and of VOD e SVOD, that is, video on demand and subscription video on demand services, which are offered by OTT (over-the-top) platforms such as Netflix, Amazon, Hulu. It will be shown how these new players have improved the productive, aesthetic and narrative standards of TV series. Finally, key analytical categories for understanding contemporary TV storytelling will be described (narrative complexity, extended narrations, narrative ecosystems).
CASE STUDY N. 1 The contents of this part will be illustrated through a particular case study: the international success of the TV series falling into the Nordic Noir genre, a subgenre of "procedural" crime from Scandinavia, which has influenced global television and given a drive to the establishment of the so-called European Crime Drama. The Nordic Noir parable is particular since it is a subgenre initially produced by public broadcasters and later widely practiced by Netflix. It properly highlights the drastic reformulation of series and miniseries in more compatible directions with the characteristics of the new television environment dominated by SVODs. We will show how the success of Nordic Noir series and of its followers, produced in many other European countries, has been determined by a mix of factors. These involve the visual level (with the prominent role of landscape and the unprecedented interactions between the visual and narrative levels), the format of these productions (more compatible with binge watching and on-demand practices than with the broadcasting environment), and the narrative structure, readable according to the category of "narrative complexity", which leads the viewer to question narrative and textual mechanisms. The following series will be analyzed: Forbrydelsen/The Killing (2007–2012, Denmark: DR); Broen/The Bridge (2011–2018, Sweden/Denmark: DR/SVT); The Tunnel (2013, UK/France: Sky Atlantic UK/Canal+); Broadchurch (2013-2017, UK: ITV); True Detective (2014-present, USA: HBO); The Fall (2013–2016, UK: BBC); Trapped (2015-present, Iceland: RUV); La forêt/La foresta (2017, France: Netflix); Dark (2017-present, Germany: Netflix).
SECOND PART The second part of lectures is dedicated to sociologically focused aspects and aims to highlight the ability of contemporary television series to amplify what has always been the prerogative of fiction, and in particular of TV drama: the ability to talk about social changes, the emergencies of private and collective life, contemporary processes and actors, contributing to the processing of fears and the shaping of desires, social imagery and shared identities.
CASE STUDIES N. 2 AND 3 This part is illustrated by two case studies First, we will examine how the USA series produced in different years deal with the phenomenon of bullying and violence, illustrating how the narrative models of recent productions permit to draw - thanks to the narrative complexity and the interweaving of vertical and horizontal storylines - these phenomena in a much more complete and multifaceted way; the second case study is the growing presence of young and very young people, and in particular of girls, within television series attributable to genres once traditionally male: science fiction, action-adventure, fantasy (and hybridizations of these). By analyzing several productions, among which Hanna (Amazon, 2019), The 100 (CW, 2014-present), and Humans (Channel 4, 2015-2018), it will shown how contemporary series produced in different cultural contexts bring on stage adolescents and adolescents as a metaphor, a symbolic transposition of a broader socio-political agenda, and of themes and issues that not only concern young people.
( reference books)
. READINGS FOR ATTENDING AND NON ATTENDING STUDENTS Please, be aware that the readings from books that are not available in the University Library, will be provided by the teacher and shared in this folder:
• Introduzione e Capitolo 1 di “Platform Society. Valori pubblici e società connessa”, di van Dijck, José. (a cura di G. Boccia Artieri e A. Marinelli), Guerini 2019. • Capitolo 2 “La crisi del capitalismo digitale”, da Arvidsson, Adam. “Changemakers: il future industrioso dell’economia digitale”, 2020 (lettura presentata in coppia da studenti) • Capitolo 4 “Il capitalismo industrioso”, da Arvidsson, Adam. “Changemakers: il future industrioso dell’economia digitale”, 2020. • Capitolo 11 “Netflix e i suoi fratelli”, da Menduni, Enrico, “Videostoria. L’Italia e la TV 1975-2015”, Bompiani 2018 (pp. 230-242) (lettura presentata da studente 1) • Capitolo 1 “introduzione. Un medium in cerca di una nuova casa” da Andò, Romana e Marinelli, Alberto, “Television(s). Come cambia l’esperienza televisiva tra tecnologie convergenti e pratiche sociali”, Guerini, 2018 (pp.7-20) (lettura presentata da studente 2) • Capitolo 1 “La complessità e il suo contesto”, da Mittell, Jason, “Complex TV. Teoria e tecnica dello storytelling delle serie TV”, Minimum Fax 2015. • Capitolo 1 “Dalle narrazioni estese agli ecosistemi narrativi”, da Pescatore, Guglielmo, “Ecosistemi narrativi. Dal fumetto alle serie TV”, Carocci, 2018 (pp.19-30) (lettura presentata da studente 1). • Capitolo 5 “Tecnologia, istituzioni, industria. L’ambiente economico e normativo degli ecosistemi narrativi”, di P. Brambillla, da Pescatore, Guglielmo, “Ecosistemi narrativi. Dal fumetto alle serie TV”, Carocci, 2018 (pp.92-105) (lettura presentata da studente 2). • Carini, Stefania “Radici e sviluppi del Nordic Noir”, in “Link”, n. 21, 2017, disponibile al link • Mabritt Jensen, Pia “Fiction 1/C’è del drama in Danimarca”, in “Link”, n. 21, 2017, disponibile al link • Mabritt Jensen, Pia “Fiction 2/Le basi per una crescita internazionale”, in “Link”, n. 21, 2017, disponibile al link • Creeber, G. [2015], Killing us softly: Investigating the aesthetics,philosophy and influence of Nordic Noir Television, in «Journal of Popular Television», 3, 1, pp. 21-35 • Marit Waade, A., Melancholy in Nordic noir: Characters, landscapes, light and music, «Critical Studies in Television», First Published December 19, 2017 (presentato da studenti) • Capitolo 5 “Media e violenza femminile”, da Giomi, E., Magaraggia, S. “Relazioni brutali”, Il Mulino 2017, pp. 135-158 (presentato da studenti). • Giomi, Elisa “(Young) Sisters in Arms. La girlification dei generi audiovisivi tradizionalmente maschili”, in “Zapruder. Rivista di storia della conflittualità sociale”, n. 50, pp. 80-97 • Capitolo 5 “Donne armate nelle serie Tv: Non uccidere, Forbrydelsen/The Killing, The Fall, True Detective 2 a confronto”, da Giomi, E., Magaraggia, S. “Relazioni brutali”, Il Mulino 2017, pp. 175-195. • Wakeman, S. (2018). The ‘one who knocks’ and the ‘one who waits’: Gendered violence in Breaking Bad. Crime, Media, Culture, 14(2), 213–228. Disponibile al link:
ADDITIONAL BOOK FOR NON ATTENDING STUDENTS: Rossini, G., Le serie tv, Il Mulino, 2016
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE - Non è possibile inserire tra gli esami a scelta ulteriori “Idoneità di lingua” conseguite al CLA - (show)
20710040 -
The Course provides for an introduction to the main periods, issues, and authors, in feminist and gender studies and movements. The Course is intended to the acquisition of historical and analytical tools, both in reading and in debating. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Feminist keywords. For a political and theoretical genealogy and an update of the latest advances in feminism, gender and difference.
Course schedule:
On Frydays, 2.00-4.30 p.m.
28 febbraio A cura di Federica Giardini Autrice: Carla Lonzi Parole Chiave: liberazione, differenza Testo: Rivolta Femminile, Manifesto di Rivolta Femminile, disponibile online:
6 marzo A cura di Federica Castelli Autrice: Simone de Beauvoir Parole Chiave: emancipazione, liberazione Testo: S. De Beauvoir, Il secondo sesso, qualsiasi edizione (Introduzione; Parte seconda: Miti; Parte terza: Formazione, situazione, giustificazioni; Parte quarta: verso la liberazione; Conclusioni)
13 marzo A cura di Ilaria Boiano Autrice: Tamar Pitch Parole Chiave: diritti fondamentali, differenze, devianza Un testo a scelta tra: T. Pitch, La devianza, qualsiasi edizione T. Pitch, Un diritto per due, qualsiasi edizione T. Pitch, I diritti fondamentali: differenze culturali, disuguaglianze sociali, differenza sessuale, qualsiasi edizione
20 marzo A cura di Roberta Paoletti e Ingrid Colanicchia Autrice: Angela Davis Parole Chiave: militanza, intersezionalità Testo: Angela Davis, Donne, razza, classe, Alegre 2018
27 marzo I parte A cura di Ilenia Caleo Autrice: bell hooks Parole Chiave: intersezionalità, femminismi Testo 2: bell hooks, Elogio del margine, qualsiasi edizione II parte A cura di Isabella Pinto Autrice: Elena Ferrante Parole Chiave: narrazioni, visioni Testo: E. Ferrante, La Frantumaglia. Edizione ampliata, e/o, Roma 2016.
3 aprile I parte A cura di Serena Fiorletta Autrice: Chandra Talpade Mohanty Parole Chiave: intercultura, decoloniale, postcoloniale Testo: C. T. Mohanty, Femminismo senza frontiere. Teoria, differenze, conflitti, Ibs 2012 II parte A cura di Alessandra Chiricosta Autrice: Angela Putino Parole Chiave: forza, conflitto Testo: A. Putino, Amiche mie isteriche, Cronopio 2018
6 aprile (aula DAMS) A cura di Elisa Giomi e Francesca Lopez Autrici: Michela Murgia, Chiara Tagliaferri, Marta Perrotta Parole Chiave: popular culture, stereotipi, controstereotipi Testo: M. Murgia, C. Tagliaferri, Morgana, Mondadori, Milano 2019.
( reference books)
One text among the following: S. De Beauvoir, Il secondo sesso, qualsiasi edizione (Introduzione; Parte seconda: Miti; Parte terza: Formazione, situazione, giustificazioni; Parte quarta: verso la liberazione; Conclusioni) Rivolta Femminile, Manifesto di Rivolta Femminile, disponibile online: Angela Davis, Donne, razza, classe, Alegre 2018 T. Pitch, La devianza, qualsiasi edizione// oppure T. Pitch, Un diritto per due, qualsiasi edizione// oppure T. Pitch, I diritti fondamentali: differenze culturali, disuguaglianze sociali, differenza sessuale, qualsiasi edizione M. Murgia, C. Tagliaferri, Morgana, Mondadori, Milano 2019 bell hooks, Elogio del margine, qualsiasi edizione E. Ferrante, La Frantumaglia. Edizione ampliata, e/o, Roma 2016 C. T. Mohanty, Femminismo senza frontiere. Teoria, differenze, conflitti, Ibs 2012 A. Putino, A. Putino, Quale forza?, in “Madrigale”, n. 3, 1989. Funzione guerriera e inaddomesticamento, in A.A.V.V., Imparare dalle donne, ed. Centro Culturale V. Woolf Università delle donne, Terni 1992. Donna guerriera, in "DWF", n. 7, 1988. Il concetto di forza nel pensiero politico di Simone Weil, in AA.VV., Il pensiero di Simone Weil nella politica del rapporti tra donne, Centro-Donna-Comune di Venezia, Venezia, 1989. La funzione guerriera e la sua forma originaria femminile, in Forcina-Prontera-Vergine, Filosofia, Donne, Filosofie (Atti del Convegno Internazionale 27-30 aprile 1992), ed. Milella, Lecce, 1994. Androgina/Amazzone (con Lina Mangiacapre)
Suggested introductory readings: - A. Cavarero, F. Restaino, Le filosofie femministe, Mondadori, Milano 2002; Il pensiero femminista. Un approccio teorico, 78-115. - A. Rossi Doria, “Ipotesi per una storia del neofemminismo italiano” In Dare forma al silenzio. Scritti di storia politica delle donne, Viella, Roma 2007, pp. 243-265. - Libreria delle donne di Milano, Non credere di avere dei diritti, Rosenberg & Sellier 1987 J. Scott, Il “genere”: un utile categoria di analisi storica In "Rivista di storia contemporanea", n. 4, 1987 ( - Robert J. C. Young, “Introduzione. Montaggio” In Id. Introduzione al post-colonialismo, Meltemi, Roma 2005, pp. 7-15.
Elective activities
20710128 -
Within the framework of the Dublin Descriptors (, the Course has the following objectives:
The Advanced Marketing Course aims at transferring the knowledge of Digital Marketing and its basic features. Therefore, its main learning outcomes are: Contributing to build a cultural vision of IT Understanding technological, economic and social reasons of the development of digital marketing and related issues Full understanding of the relationship between digital marketing and value Understanding the concept of disruptive innovation and its marketing implications Knowledge of digital marketing planning and implementation by organizations Knowledge of communication management in digital marketing and its evaluation tools Ability to frame digital marketing knowledge as to concepts such content, usability, user centered design, user experience design, interaction design Course topics will be dealt with constant reference to the publishing and information industry. The Course will therefore include a workshop in which changes in book cover in marketplace and marketspace will be explored.
Ability to correlate among them and with other disciplinary approaches the marketing, strategy and communication knowledge acquired during the Course
Strengthening of linguistic competence (general and sectoral) both in Italian and English (acquisition and pertinent use of technical terminology, improvement in oral and written communication)
Ability to draw and develop the essential aspects of digital marketing and communication plans
Soft skills
Awareness of the complexity of digital technosphere and of its evolutionary trends Capacity of a critical and original approach in setting and solving new problems with an interdisciplinary approach Capacity to take one’s own responsibilities within the framework of a set of shared rules and of a learning community Active and inclusive listening Sharing and discussion of opinions Critical and original approach to problem setting and solving Learning from the experience of other people Digital information organization and management Clarity in oral and written communication.
( syllabus)
Marketing as a social process: from the orientation to production to digital marketing Disruptive innovation and its marketing implications Marketing 4.0 according to Philip Kotler The (social) media system and its impact on the marketing changes The evolution of devices and its impact on marketing A new concept for content: The Content Challenge Web usability definition and user centered design User experience design and interaction design Planning in digital marketing Evaluation of results Customisation, personalisation and user profiling Promotion and communication: SEO, SEM and digital PR Word of mouth and social media within the framework of the network theory Evaluation of marketing initiatives: classical and advanced tools New forms of content: infographics On- and offline integration: QR and geolocation Microdata and Big data: opportunities and threats Co-creation collaborative platforms: hitRECord and Wattpad The book between marketplace and marketspace: two case histories
( reference books)
Paola Peretti, Marketing digitale, Apogeo 2011 Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Dal tradizionale al digitale, Hoepli 2017 (also available in original edition in English: Marketing 4.0. Moving from Traditional to Digital, Wiley 2017) Readings selected by the professor (both for attending and non attending students) Papers and slides (only for attending students), to be distributed via email at the end of the Course The Course will include two interventions by professionals/managers of digital marketing.
Non attending students only: additional reading(s) to be chosen with the teacher
N.B. - Students who will not attend classes are requested to send a mail to the address at least 3 months before the beginning of the session in which they want to make the exam, in order to inform the teacher and to define a specific program.
Elective activities
20710194 -
The course has the following learning objectives: • Getting to know the historical trends characterizing contemporary age in Russian and Eurasian territories that first were part of the Russian Empire and then of the USSR; • Understanding the major questions and interpretations of Russian and Eurasian history in contemporary historiography; • Appreciating how cultural, political, religious, social, geopolitical elements have constantly been intertwined in the historical development of the area; • Becoming aware of how that characteristic ‘Russian otherness’ has been shaped in contemporary age through the relation with global events and concurrent differentiation processes .
( syllabus)
RUSSIA, AN EMPIRE The course will focus on empire as a peculiar element of continuity in contemporary Russian history despite the radical changes that the country has undergone. The unique characteristics of Russia’s imperial model will be analyzed in its various forms and manifestations, along with the diverse political strategies of Russian governors between 1800 and 1900s, from the Russian Empire through the USSR to the Russian Federation. The national question, the broader geographical dimension, the forms of government, foreign policies and international geopolitical visions will be studied in depth. The different imperial ideologies will also be examined.
( reference books)
1. Andrea Graziosi, L’Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011; 2. Andreas Kappeler, La Russia. Storia di un impero multietnico, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 2006.
Elective activities
20710207 -
Laboratory of environmental and territory analysis
The course is devoted to the profiling of a new field of research - through the contribution of political philosophy, aesthetics, history of economics, environmental justice, social geography, urban studies, etc.- to the acquisition of analytical and interpretative conceptual tools in relation to the general dimensions of “environment” and “territory”. International students can ask for a final exam in their native language or in English.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Urban knowledges The course will investigate the relation between the urban spaces and the different forms of belonging and participation, that is citizenship. In order to update the couple city-citizenship, the course will provide the principal and transdisciplinary tools - in philosophy, legal studies, sociology, geography, politics - in a comparative approach.
TIMETABLE Dal 28 febbraio al 17 aprile, ogni venerdì dalle 14 alle 17.
Venerdì 28 febbraio Dario Gentili (Docente di filosofia morale, Roma Tre), Federica Giardini (Docente di filosofia politica, Roma Tre) – Ripensare la selva con le Environmental Humanities – filosofia, etica, politica
Venerdì 6 marzo – Tiziana Villani (Docente di filosofia, Università Paris 8; docente di «Fenomenologia dell’arte contemporanea», Accademia NABA di Milano) – La selva e il deserto
Venerdì 13 marzo – Sara Marini (Docente di architettura, IUAV, Venezia) – Sulla selva
Venerdì 20 marzo Daniela Angelucci (Docente di estetica, Roma Tre) – Selva, sublime e perturbante
Venerdì 27 marzo pomeriggio a cura di Ilaria Bussoni (casa editrice DeriveApprodi)
Venerdì 3 aprile Stefano Oliva (Docente di estetica, Quasar Design University) – Selve sonore
Venerdì 17 aprile – Carlo Hintermann ¬(Regista e produttore cinematografico) - La selva nel cinema
( reference books)
As a preliminary suggestion, see:
Elective activities
20710323 -
The course aims to provide students with the conceptual tools characterizing the study of language in a cognitive perspective. In particular, the course aims at providing knowledge about the processes underlying a specific aspect of language: the ability to tell stories.
Derived from
20710271 SCIENZE COGNITIVE DEL LINGUAGGIO - LM in Scienze Cognitive della Comunicazione e dell'Azione LM-92 FERRETTI FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the relationship between language and narrative from a cognitive and evolutionary point of view. In contrast to the theories considering the sentence as the essence of language, the course suggests an interpretative hypothesis based on the priority of discourse over sentence; specifically, it is suggested that the ability to tell stories is the distinctive trait both of language and human nature. The course includes experimental activities aimed at supporting the theoretical model proposed.
( reference books)
- Scott-Phillips (2017) Dì quello che hai in mente. Le origini della comunicazione umana, Carocci, Roma - Caruana F., Borghi A. (2016) Il cervello in azione, Il Mulino, Bologna
Elective activities
20710389 -
The course deals with the analysis of images. It refers specifically to the social factors intervening in the construction of their meanings. The first part of the course will provide analytical and methodological tolls to the students in order to analyse the images and, more specifically, the photos. The second part of the course will focus on the social and public use of images, especially in relation to photos of controversial pasts (wars, natural disasters, violence, terroristic attacks).
Derived from
20710389 COMUNICAZIONE VISUALE in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 TOTA ANNA LISA
( syllabus)
The course deals with the study and analysis of images and it refers particularly to the social aspects that affect the meaning construction. The first part of the course will provide the analytical and methodological tools to analyze images and photos (Roland Barthes' and Susan Sontag's theories will be considered). The second part will focus on the public and social uses of photos, devoting a special attention to the images of controversial pasts (wars, natural disasters, violence, terrorist attacks). Moreover the following topics will be illustrated: a) the relation between memory and photography; b) the digital photography; c) selfie and social identities; d) photography as art; e) photography and fashion.
( reference books)
1) Roland Barthes (1979), La camera chiara. Nota sulla fotografia, Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, Torino. 2) Susan Sontag (1973), On Photography, Chapter 1 "In Plato's Cave, RosettaBooks, New York, pp. 1-19. 3) David Bate (2017), Il primo libro di fotografia, Capitolo 7 "Fotografia e Arte", Piccola Biblioteca Einaudi, Torino, pp. 193-211. 4) Barbie Zelizer (2004), The Voice of the Visual in Memory, in Phillips R. Kendall (Hg.), Framing Public Memory, University of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, pp. 157-186. 5) Anna Lisa Tota (2013), A Photo that Matter: The Memorial Clock in Bologna and its Invented Tradition , in Olga Shevchenko (ed.), Double Exposure: Memory and Photography, Transaction Publishers, pp. 41-64. 6) André Gunthert (2016), L'immagine condivisa. La Fotografia digitale, soltanto capitoli 11 e 12, Contrasto Edizioni, Roma, pp. 135-173. 7) Susie Linfield, La luce crudele. Fotografia e violenza politica, Contrasto Edizioni, pp. 10-46. 8) Nicholas Mirzoeff (2002), Introduzione alla cultura visuale, Capitolo Secondo, Meltemi, Roma, pp. 111-144.
The articles and essays will be available for the students on the website (personal webpage).
Elective activities
20709120 -
public communication
The course focuses on the public communication and it provides to the students the analytical tools necessary to analyze how the public discourse is socially constructed and culturally shaped.
Derived from
20709120 COMUNICAZIONE PUBBLICA in Cinema, televisione e produzione multimediale LM-65 DE FEO ANTONIETTA
( syllabus)
The course is divided in two. The first part is a general introduction to the basic concepts of public communication. The topics included are: Forms and Devices of Public Communication, Features of the Public Space in Global Communication Networks, and the Development of Public Opinion. The second part of the course explores the relationship between public communication and the media. The media will be approached as a space for negotiation between civil society and its institutions. Students can take part in an exercise focused on case studies on how old and new media platforms contribute to the narratives of public and political phenomena.
( reference books)
M. Castells (2017), Comunicazione e potere. UBE Paperback, Milano 2017 (nuova edizione) (Capitoli: Le reti digitali e la cultura dell’autonomia; Il potere nella società in rete; La comunicazione nell'età digitale; Intervenire sulle reti di comunicazione: politica mediatica, politica dello scandalo e crisi della democrazia; Riprogrammare le reti di comunicazione: movimenti sociali, politica insorgente e nuovo spazio pubblico).
Elective activities
20710540 -
The teaching intends to provide students with a basic knowledge of the main topics and problems in the field of Digital Humanities, with a specific focus on topics of more direct relevance for philosophy, and on the relationship between Digital Humanities and Philosophy.
The main aim of the teaching is to allow students to understand the theoretical debate on the nature and definition of Digital Humanities, and to understand the philosophical relevance of many among the problems dealt with in that field.
At the end of the course, participants will be able to read and understand papers and research work done by the Italian and international community of Digital Humanists, and to connect them with the work done in the field of Philosophy of Information.
Roncaglia Gino
( syllabus)
The course will discuss the relationship between digital humanities and philosophy. Among the topics discussed, the concept of representative omnipotence of digital encoding (and its history), basic concepts of the philosophy of information; introduction and philosophical relevance of Artificial Intelligence; the relationship between media studies and philosophy; simulism; an introduction to computer ethics.
( reference books)
- Hand-out and recorded lessons (available on-line) - Luciano Floridi (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Computing and Information, Blackwell 2004
Not- attending students and if the written text is not passed: add Mirko Tavosanis, Lingue e intelligenza artificiale, Carocci 2018
Italian textbooks can be replaced by English textbooks if needed; indications on the replacement textbooks will be given on request.
Elective activities
20710562 -
The course aims to deepen the authors, moments, genres and themes that caracterize the italian literature of our time, from the early twentieth century, in the context of the evolution of publishing methods in the same period.
At the end of the class, the student will be able to orient him/herself in italian contemporary publishing system.
Elective activities
20710561 -
The course aims to deepen the authors , moments , genres and themes that characterize the Italian literature of our time , from the early twentieth century , taking into account also , as much as possible , the links with the other systems of literary expression , other arts , the literatures of other countries , as well as the history and geography of our country. Critical and analytical tools that will be used during the course will also help , the student , to hone their reading mode .
( syllabus)
Narrative spaces: Travel
( reference books)
(a) a text group, by choice, among: Goffredo Parise, Lontano, Milano, Adelphi, 2009 + Id., Guerre politiche, Milano, Adelphi, 2007 + Id., L’eleganza è frigida, Milano, Adelphi, 2008 or Giorgio Manganelli, Esperimento con l’India, Milano, Adelphi, 1992 + Id., La favola pitagorica, Milano, Adelphi, 2005 + Id., L’isola pianeta, Milano, Adelphi, 2006 or Gianni Celati, Narratori delle pianure, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2003 + Id., Verso la foce, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2002 + Id., Avventure in Africa, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2008
b) a critical text about the choosen author: Goffredo Parise, edited by Marco Belpoliti and Andrea Cortellessa («Roga» 36), Milano, Marcos y Marcos, 2016 or Graziella Pulce, Giorgio Manganelli. Figure e sistema, Firenze, LeMonnier, 2004 or Gianni Celati, edited by Marco Belpoliti and Marco Sironi («Riga» 28), Milano, Marcos y Marcos, 2008 c) Luigi Marfè, Oltre la «fine dei viaggi». I resoconti dell’altrove nella letteratura contemporanea, Olschki 2009
d) to give a context in 20th and 21st century italian literary history: Giulio Ferroni, Storia della letteratura italiana, quarto volume: Il Novecento e il nuovo millennio, Milano, Mondadori Università, 2012
Filmografia: Gianni Celati, Strada Provinciale delle Anime (1991); Id., Case sparse. Visioni di case che crollano (2003: included in Id., Cinema all’aperto, Roma, Fandango, 2011); Id., Passar la vita a Diol Kadd (Milano, Feltrinelli, 2011)
Elective activities
20703166 -
20703166-1 -
Elective activities
20703166-2 -
Elective activities
20710123 -
The course of Ecomic Geopolitics part of the program in Philosophical Sciences (MA level) and is included among the characterising training activities. The course aims to introduce students, in a historical perspective, to the most important contemporary phenomena of economic and social integration between the different areas of the world. Particular attention will be given to the development cooperation and regional trade arrangements in Latin America, Mediterranean and Far East. Students are expected to analyse, understand, interpret and critically evaluate the themes analysed giving them the essential tools to overall comprehend the research work associated to each theme. Students are expected to acquire the following skills: - Advanced capability to overall interpret political and economic macro-phenomenon of the main geographical areas analysed. - Advanced capability of comparative analysis regarding the themes analysed - Research methodology capabilities. - Written essay and oral exposure (in Italian and in a foreign language chosen).
Derived from
20710123 GEOPOLITICA ECONOMICA in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 CONTE GIAMPAOLO
( syllabus)
The course deals with the processes of cooperation for development and the formation of trade regional agreements in Latin American, in the Mediterranean area, in the Near and Far East areas from the early twentieth century to the present.
( reference books)
Non-attending students:
H. Van der Wee, L’economia mondiale tra crisi e benessere, Milano, Hoepli, 1998, capp. 1-2 e 7-12. G. Feliu, C. Sudrià, Introduzione alla storia economica mondiale, Padova, CADEM, 2013, capp. 12-18. R. Gilpin, Economia politica globale. Le relazioni economiche internazionali nel XXI secolo, Milano, Università Bocconi Editore 2008.
Elective activities
20710539 -
The aims of course is to analyze the different models of television information in the Italian context focusing on in-depth journalism. The formats of the news will be analyzed: news, talk shows, infotainment, reportage and documentaries. Analyzing the narrative, the "actors": journalists, anchorman, guests, stars, including the role of the public. We will also analyze the convergences with social media platforms. To complete we will make a comparison with the journalistic narrative models of the printed press and social media.
Biagiotti Francesca
( syllabus)
First part. Presentation and analysis of the news sector in Italy, in terms of production structure and consumption dynamics. Attention to the main journalistic genres in the formats of television information: politics, economics, news, foreign affairs, culture, sports. Second part of the course will be dedicated to the specifics of the talk show, the reportage and the documentary: topics treated, role of the presenter / narrator, storytelling style, management of guests and interviewees, possible involvement of the public in home and interconnection with other media. The laboratory includes an analysis part and an ideation and realization of television product. During the course there will be meetings that will take advantage of the presence of information professionals in the areas analyzed.
( reference books)
Reference books:
Aldo Grasso, Radio e televisione. Teorie, analisi, storie, esercizi, Milano, Vita e Pensiero, 2000 Enrico Menduni, Televisione e radio nel XXI secolo, Laterza, 2017
Elective activities
20705052 -
The Laurea Magistrale in Informazione Editoria e Giornalismo (Master's Degree in Information, Publishing and Journalism) is awarded after passing a final examination, which consists of the presentation and discussion of a thesis written in an original form by the student under the guidance of a supervisor and a co-rapporteur in one of the scientific-disciplinary sectors included in the regulations of the degree course for which at least 6 CFU have been obtained.
Final examination and foreign language test