Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
European history - caratterizzanti Storia generale ed europea - (show)
20703032 -
The first objective of the course is to answer a question / problem of medieval history that has been chosen previously, to which the knowledge of the topic will be explained in a seminar way. In terms of content, from the point of view of content, the aim is to foster medieval knowledge on the chosen topic, while from the methodological point of view to acquire a critical capacity, the necessary skills to be able to read the testimonies necessary to resolve the question, the knowledge of the history of the studies on the chosen topic. Finally, the course aims to develop the active protagonism of the individual student and his argumentative ability both in terms of the ability to speak in public and in terms of written elabation. Finally, wherever possible, he wants to encourage his ability to work in a group, in the belief that knowing how to work with others is now a high point in his cultural education and in the future a necessity for his professional future.
Derived from
20703032 STORIA MEDIEVALE II L.M. in Filologia, letterature e storia dell'antichità LM-15 N0 MICHETTI RAIMONDO
( syllabus)
Women and faith in Middle Ages: feminine protagonism or social compulsion? The lessons want to analyse the link between women’s experience and religious life in Middle Ages. Specifically, they question the objectives, the forms and ways of this participation. Is it a form of social compulsion in which women are submitted to men’s predominance – as in social dimension of family happens – or they are able to find a personal fulfilment thanks to religious dimension, also because they escape familiar contest? Which link is established with men, which are still present in religious and ecclesiastical contest like spiritual counsellors, religious Order’s founders or popes? We will try to ask these questions and others through the study of some of the most representative figures of the medieval period like Clare of Assisi, Frances of Rome, Catherine of Siena, Angela of Foligno and others. The lessons will be seminars in which we will dialogue and discuss different ideas.
( reference books)
1) Learning material - lecture notes and/or pdf depending on the evolution of the plague - will be elaborated during the lessons with attending students on the basis of: A. Bartolomei, Santità e mistica femminile nel medioevo, Spoleto 2013. Non-attending students must study all chapters of A. Bartolomei, Santità e mistica femminile nel medioevo, Spoleto 2013. For a deal with the publisher (CISAM) it is possible to buy the book online with a discount of 50%.
2) G. Vitolo, Medioevo. I caratteri originali di un'età di transizione, Sansoni 2000: only for students who have never taken an exam of medieval history
3) All students must develop a subject of medieval history in an essay that must be arranged with the teacher during the class for the attendees, in the teacher’s office for non-attending students.
Core compulsory activities
20706075 -
The course provides advanced skills for reading and critical interpretation of crucial issues in the political and cultural history of modern Europe, also read in terms of symbolic production. Specific attention is paid to the history of European historiography as a place of formation for the idea of Europe and a common identity consciousness.
( syllabus)
Never as in recent years has Europe been at the center of public debate: for some the only lifeline against nationalisms and wars, for others the ultimate cause of all our problems and malaises, especially from an economic point of view. In the political discourse Europe is automatically identified with the community bodies; nevertheless, it is a concept which possesses an extraordinary historical depth, the knowledge of which imposes itself as an essential necessity in order to correctly insert the events of our continent in the framework of world history and also in order to avoid falling into clichés and generalizations deriving from the flattening of the perspective solely on the events of the last seventy years. The course aims to analyze the evolution of the notion of "Europe" over the very long period, by deepening on the one hand its role in global history (colonialism, decolonization, etc.), on the other the conceptualization of its internal articulations, and in particular the Mediterranean sector, traditional and fundamental area of contact, communication and clash with the Arab and Ottoman world.
( reference books)
First unit: "History of Europe, World History" (6 ECTS)
Books: Lucien Febvre, L’Europa. Storia di una civiltà, Roma, Donzelli. Federico Chabod, Storia dell’Idea d’Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza. Serge Gruzinski, La macchina del tempo. Quando l’Europa ha iniziato a scrivere la storia del mondo, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore.
Second unit: "The Mediterranean: corsair wars, slavery, religious conversions"
Books: Salvatore Bono, Guerre corsare nel Mediterraneo. Una storia di incursioni, arrembaggi, razzie, Bologna, Il Mulino. Giovanna Fiume, Schiavitù mediterranee. Corsari, rinnegati e santi di età moderna, Milano, Mondadori.
Students not attending the course will have to study, for this unit, the following additional book: Bruno Pomara Saverino, Rifugiati. I moriscos e l'Italia, Firenze, Firenze University Press, 2018 (Open Access, free download:
Core compulsory activities
20710622 -
The course aims to analyze the fundamental themes of the social and economic history of the Middle Ages, through the study and comparison of case studies of particular interest. During the seminar-type lessons, extensive use will be made of the sources in the original language.
( syllabus)
Public Estates in Early Medieval Europe. Aim of this course is to analyse Public Estates in Medieval Europe, from 8th to 11th century. We will compare different Case Studies, from Lombard Kingdom to the North of Iberian peninsula.
( reference books)
V. Loré, Curtis regia e beni dei duchi. Il patrimonio pubblico nel regno longobardo, in Biens publics, biens du roi. Les bases économiques des pouvoirs royaux dans le haut Moyen Âge / Beni pubblici, beni del re. Le basi economiche dei poteri regi nell’alto medioevo, ed. F. Bougard and V. Loré, Turnhout, Brepols, pp. 31-78, and a choice of four others articles in the same volume (almost one necessarily in english, french or spanish); dossier of Medieval Sources or alternatively G. Vignodelli, Berta e Adelaide. La politica di consolidamento del potere regio di Ugo di Arles, "Reti medievali rivista", 13/2 (2012), pp. 247-294 (open access: and T. Lazzari, La tutela del patrimonio fiscale: pratiche di salvaguardia del pubblico e autorità regia nel regno longobardo del secolo VIII, "Reti Medievali Rivista", 18/1 (2017), pp. 99-121 (open access:
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
European history - caratterizzanti Storia dei paesi extraeuropei - (show)
20710169 -
Movements and trends in contemporary Islam
After a short historical and methodological overview, this course aims at presenting the main topics and currents of the intra-Islamic debate from the end of the 19th century until today. Among the topics covered students will find: Islam and modernity; the reformism of the salafiyya; Islam and Nationalism; the 'fundamentalist' current and its sub-groupings; Islamic Feminist Thought.
( syllabus)
After a short historical and methodological introduction, students will be introduced to the most relevant themes and trends of the Islamic debate from the end of the 19th century until today. Topics covered include: Islam and modernity; the Reformist Movement (salafiyya); Islam and Nationalism; Political Islam in its declinations; Islamic Feminism. Eventually, students will be invited to read primary texts, among those available, according to their languages knowledge.
( reference books)
Please check
Core compulsory activities
20706076 -
The course aims to provide the most current interpretations for understanding Latin American history, as well as indicate the access to sources of study, with a view centered on the major issues of contemporary period.
( syllabus)
Main topics covered in the course: Ancient and modern historiographical issues: the modalities of the Spanish conquest. The formation of contemporary Latin America: the abolition of slavery in the nineteenth century. Latin America in the twentieth century: economy, society, institutions, culture. The current geopolitical continental situation. Debate on economic development. Environment and access to resources. The indigenous minorities.
( reference books)
The examination is composed by two part: general part; monographic part. General Part. One of the following books: -De Giuseppe M., La Bella G., Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019; -Zanatta, L., Storia dell’America latina contemporanea, Roma, Laterza, 2015 (or new edition).
Monographic part. One of the following books: -Carmagnani, M., Le connessioni mondiali e l’Atlantico 1450-1850, Torino, Einaudi, 2018. -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., La questione indigena in Perù, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010 (L’antologia di testi è parte essenziale del libro). -Rojas Mix, M., I cento nomi d’America, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2005. -Vangelista C., Scatti sugli indios. Ricerche di storia visiva, Aracne, Collana “America e Americhe. Storia, relazioni, immagini”, Roma, 2018. -Vargas Llosa, A., Libertà per l’America latina. Come porre fine a cinquecento anni di oppressione dello Stato, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007. -Nocera R., Wulzer, P., L'America Latina nella politica internazionale. Dalla fine del sistema bipolare alla crisi dell'ordine liberale, Roma, Carocci, 2020
Core compulsory activities
20710170 -
History and politics of the Middle East and North Africa
The course examines the historical and political trajectory of the Middle East and North Africa from the Colonial Era until today. A particular focus will be on the post-colonial era. Among the topics covered there will be: The debate on Orientalism; State formation, the role of ideologies (both secular and religious) in the shaping of the region, the intra-regional and international relations of the Region and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’.
( syllabus)
The course examines the historical and political trajectory of the Middle East and North Africa from the Colonial Era until today. The students will be introduced to the debate on Orientalism, its role in the colonial era, and its relevance until today. A particular focus will be on the post-colonial era. Among the topics covered there will be: State formation, the role of ideologies (both secular and religious) in the shaping of the region, the intra-regional and international relations of the Region and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Students are expected to actively participate to the course.
All the available teaching materials, the announcements and all that is related to this course will be circulated to the registered students via e-mail, and posted on the lecturer’s departmental webpage (
( reference books)
1. R. Owen, State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, Routledge: London & New York: 2004. 2. J. Chalcraft, The Arab Uprisings of 2011 in Historical Perspective in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History, 2016 (available as a pdf file on the course website).
3. One of the following, except for students enrolled in International Studies, or International Relations (Dept of Political Science), who will choose two:
a. G. Achcar, The People Want. A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, London: Saqi, 2013. b. L. Anceschi, G. Gervasio & A. Teti (eds), Informal Power in the Greater Middle East. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge, 2014 & 2016. c. A. Bayat, Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2017. d. F. Cavatorta & L. Storm (eds), Political Parties in the Arab World: Continuity and Change, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. e. S. Cook, False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017. f. F. A. Gerges, ISIS: A History, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2017. g. A. Khalil (ed), Gender, Women and the Arab Spring, London & NY: Routledge, 2015. h. H. Kraetzschmar & P. Rivetti (eds), Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. i. R. Owen, The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2014. j. Ch. Tripp, The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East, Cambridge, Cambridge UP, 2013.
Students may propose books not included in the list, according to their personal interest.
IMPORTANT! Students without any prior knowledge of the History of the MENA, must read one of the following textbooks:
a. W. Cleveland & M. Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, Boulder: Westview Press, 2016, b. Betty Anderson, A History of the Modern Middle East, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2016.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
European History - caratterizzanti - discipline storiche, sociali e del territorio - (show)
21201502 -
Derived from
21201502 ECONOMIA DELL'AMBIENTE in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 SPINESI LUCA
( syllabus)
1. Introduction to environmental economics 1.1 The origins of the problem 1.2 Interdependency economy-environment 1.3 GDP growth and welfare measure 1.4 Sustainability 1.5 Pollution extension and types 1.6 Natural resources
2. Ethics and economics 2.1 Natural philosophy 2.2 Libertarian philosophy 2.3 Utilitarianism 2.4 Critique to utilitarianism
3. Social welfare and environmental sustainability 3.1 Pareto efficiency 3.2 Social welfare function 3.3 Kaldor- Hicks-Scitovsky compensation tests 3.4 Market failures 3.5 Second-best theorem
4. Environmental policy 4.1 Public goods 4.2 Externalities 4.3 Environmental pollution models 4.4 Flow and stock of polluting emissions 4.5 Emission efficiency in static models 4.6 Emission efficiency in dynamic models
5 Environmental policy: instruments 5.1 Tax and subsidy 5.2 Command-and-control 5.3 Permits
6 Monetary valuation 6.1 Contingent valuation method 6.2 Hedonic price method 6.3 Cost-Benefit analysis
( reference books)
Title: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. 4th Edition, 2011 Authors: Perman Roger, Ma Yue, Common Micheal, Maddison David, McGilvray James. Editor: Pearson Given the actual Covid-19 emergency lecture notes in substitution of the main text are available on Moodle.
Core compulsory activities
20710172 -
history of women in the West
The course focuses on the shaping of gender identity as a social and cultural construct in Western countries. Analyzing some major themes and events of women’s history of the last two centuries, it will provide students with the basic skills useful in order to employ gender as a category of interpretation in any historical and historiographical context.
( syllabus)
The course adopts an international and comparative approach to women’s history in the contemporary age. It will encompass both methodological issues, such as the use of gender as a category, or of biographies, and aspects of the condition of women and the process of their emancipation in Italy and in other western countries. Students will be able to analyze themes of interest to them through discussion and individual or group presentations during classes, and choose most of the texts for the final exam.
( reference books)
Two volumes among the following ones:
Georges Duby and Michelle Perrot, Storia delle donne in Occidente, Laterza, Roma-Bari 1992: 8 chapters in total present in the two volumes “L’Ottocento” e “Il Novecento”
Tiziana Plebani, Le scritture delle donne in Europa. Pratiche quotidiane e ambizioni letterarie (secoli XIII-XX), Carocci, Roma 2019
Leila J. Rupp, Worlds of Women. The Making of an International Women’s Movement, Princeton University Press, Princeton 1997
Karen Offen, European Feminisms 1700-1950. A Political History, Stanford University Press, Stanford 2000
Daniela Rossini, Donne e propaganda internazionale. Percorsi femminili tra Italia e Stati Uniti nell’età della Grande Guerra, FrancoAngeli, Milano 2015
Alessia Lirosi, Libere di sapere. Il diritto delle donne all’istruzione dal Cinquecento al mondo contemporaneo, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, Roma 2015
Gisela Bock, Le donne nella storia europea, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2003
Fiamma Lussana, Il movimento femminista in Italia. Esperienze, storie, memorie, Carocci, Roma 2012
Liviana Gazzetta, Orizzonti nuovi. Storia del primo femminismo in Italia (1865-1925), Viella, Roma 2018
Alessandra Pescarolo, Il lavoro delle donne nell’Italia contemporanea, Viella, Roma 2019
and also one essay chosen between the two following ones:
Gisela Bock, “Women’s History and Gender History: Aspects of an International Debate”, in Gender and History, vol. 1 N. 1, Spring 1989, pp. 7-30; or Joan W. Scott, “Il genere. Un’utile categoria di analisi storica”, in Altre storie. La critica femminista della storia, a cura di P. Di Cori, Clueb, Bologna 1996, pp. 307-347) or in J.W. Scott, Genere, politica, storia, a cura di Ida Fazio, Viella, Roma 2013
Core compulsory activities
20706084 -
Introducing the analysis of the social construction of space. Provide tools and concepts useful to the interpretation of collaborative and competitive dynamics in the use of space.
Carry out research and products for a social atlas of the city of Rome
20706084-2 -
( syllabus)
Quantitative and qualitative researches for the analysis of socio - spatial relations in the city of Rome
( reference books)
Texts for the module 2 (+6 CFU/ECTS: for those who must acquiree 12 CFU/ECTS)1) M. PICONE e F. SCHILLECI, Quartiere e identità. Per una rilettura del decentramento a Palermo, Firenze, Alinea, 20122) U. ROSSI e A. VANOLO, Geografia politica urbana, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010.
Core compulsory activities
20706084-1 -
Introducing the analysis of the social construction of space . Provide tools and concepts useful to the interpretation of collaborative and competitive dynamics in the use of space .
( syllabus)
Programme of the module 1 (6 CFU/ECTS: for all)Basic definitions, especially with special reference to the concepts of space and territory, the processes of territorialization and its effects, the basis of the concept of limit/boundary and its applications. Main disciplinary and transdisciplinary methods of investigation used in geographical research.
( reference books)
Texts for the module 1 (6 CFU/ECTS)1) - C. CERRETI, I. DUMONT, M. TABUSI (a cura di), Geografia sociale e democrazia. La sfida della comunicazione, Roma, Aracne, 2012 (alternatively either all the texts in Italian or all the texts in French - communicating it to the teacher before the exam)2) I. DUMONT (a cura di), Per una geografia sociale. Proposte da un confronto italo-francese, fascicolo monografico del «Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana», 2009, 1
Core compulsory activities
20702506 -
he course aims to investigate the environmental questions nowadays of great relevance which are becoming a fundamental challenge for the future of our planet. The course insists on both environmental problems and on possible solutions to address them.
( syllabus)
Environmental policy and sustainability. The course presents a brief overview of the main schools of thought in environmental matters, following their development especially in recent decades. The course discusses then about methods and tools of environmental policy, illustrates the geography of environmental resources and examines the role of the actors in environmental policy at different geographical scales, from global to local. The problems are also analyzed through some case studies related to different parts of the world. There will be lectures, an excursion and eventual workshops.
( reference books)
MADAU Caterina, 2014, «Entro i limiti del nostro pianeta Teorie e politiche della questione ambientale» Bologna, PÀTRON
Documentary by Nicolas Dall’Olio, «Il suolo minacciato (full)» (
Core compulsory activities
20710488 -
The course provides advanced abilities in undestanding and make use of the notions of cultural diversity, relativism, ethnicity, globalization, in order to: develop a critical knowledge of the relation between different societies, the ability to contextualize societies and cultures, the ability to interpret cultural phenomena and processes though space and time, the ability to manage cultural complexity
( syllabus)
The first part of the course is an introduction to cultural anthropology: basic features of anthropological reasoning, the notions of relativism, culture, ethnic identity, and ethnographic method, the different subjects of anthropological knowledge, and processes of globalization will be introduced in a historical view. The second part will focus on magic and witchcraft, through the notion of history, power, body and relatedness. In particular lessons will address belief between spirituality and matter, rationalities and systems of belief, the role of historical and colonial aspects.
( reference books)
Testi d’esame (gli studenti che hanno già sostenuto un esame di antropologia culturale possono concordare con la docente un testo alternativo):
Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012 (disponibile anche in versione digitale).
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
Bellagamba, Alice, L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica, Laterza, 2008. Evans-Pritchard, Edward, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Raffaello Cortina, 2002. Taussig, Michael T., Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi 2017.
Gli studenti non frequentati dovranno aggiungere: Fabietti, Ugo, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Mondadori, 2015, parte quarta (sistemi di pensiero): cap. 1. Sistemi chiusi e aperti, cap. 2. Pensiero metaforico e pensiero magico, cap. 3. Il pensiero mitico (pp. 141-166).
Core compulsory activities
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
Derived from
21210060 Energy economics and climate change policy in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 COSTANTINI VALERIA
( syllabus)
Course Learning Objectives and Skill Acquisition This course consists in two modules. The first deals with basic concepts in Energy Economics as the distribution of sources and consumption patterns at the geographical level, the analysis of demand and supply of different energy sources and the use of energy by sectors. World energy outlook scenarios are deeply investigated. The second part of the course allows students gathering main analytical tools to consider jointly energy issues and climate change impacts. The economic analysis of policy impacts over the long term and burden sharing issues in the international bargaining process are also analyzed. At the end of the course students will be able to understand global energy and climate reports, conduct their own impact analysis and be familiar with main simulation models.
Assessment The course assessment will be based on two small dissertations that the students will write and present after the end of each part of the course, one on Energy Economics and one on Climate Policy issues, and on a final written exam formed by 5 open questions.
Course general schedule Part I: Energy Economics 1. World Energy Outlook 2. Energy security and energy poverty 2. Fossil fuels economics 3. Energy price mechanisms 4. Alternative energy sources and clean energy technologies Part II: Climate Change Policy 5. The science of climate change 6. Climate change impacts 7. Vulnerability and adaptation 8. Mitigation policies 7. The European low-carbon strategy
Detailed Teaching Agenda Lecture #1: Introduction, practical information, data collection of participants Part I: Energy Economics Lecture #2: Introduction to the energy markets, composition of the energy mix Lecture #3: Demand and supply, peculiarities of the energy markets Lecture #4: How to read an energy balance: dimensions, sectors, sources Lecture #5: Global energy markets and scenario building Lecture #6: Energy price mechanisms: substitution elasticities Lecture #7: Energy price mechanisms: the rebound effect Lecture #8: Energy security and energy poverty Lecture #9: Renewable sources: introduction and taxonomy Lecture #10: Renewable sources: technological innovation and policy support Lecture #11: The biofuels case: pros and cons of an eco-innovation Lecture #12: Energy efficiency and policy support Lecture #13: The EU Energy strategy: targets and policy instruments Lecture #14: Dissertation on Energy Economics (Part I of the course, intermediate assessment) Lecture #15: Dissertation on Energy Economics (Part I of the course, intermediate assessment) Part II: Climate Change Policy Lecture #16: The science of climate change Lecture #17: Climate change impacts and economic damage Lecture #18: Vulnerability and adaptation concepts Lecture #19: The international institutional architecture for climate change Lecture #20: Political bargaining at the international and level Lecture #21: Mitigation actions and policy instruments Lecture #22: The Emission Trading System and the EU experience Lecture #23: The linkages between mitigation and economic performance Lecture #24: Flexible mechanisms and developing countries Lecture #25: The EU long-term low-carbon strategy Lecture #26: Scenario building and policy impact evaluation Lecture #27: The case of the EU long-term low-carbon strategy Lecture #28: The case of the Green Climate Fund Lecture #29: Dissertation on Climate Change Policy (Part II of the course, intermediate assessment) Lecture #30: Dissertation on Climate Change Policy (Part II of the course, intermediate assessment)
( reference books)
Teaching material will be available to students in a dedicated Dropbox folder. Textbooks (available in the corresponding folders for Lecture number) Bhattacharyya S.C. (2011), Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance, UK: Springer-Verlag. Chapters: 1, 2, 3 (pp. 41-61), 4 (pp.77-81), 5 (sect. 5.1.1-5.1.5), 6 (excl. 6.5), 7 (Appendix excluded for all chapters). IEA (International Energy Agency) (2017), World Energy Outlook 2017. Chapters: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. IEA (International Energy Agency) (2016), Energy Efficiency Indicators. (pages 5-10). IPCC (2014), Climate Change 2014 – Synthesis Report. (pages 1-31). IPCC (2014), Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Part A. (pages 1-32). IPCC (2014), Climate Change 2014 – Mitigation of Climate Change (pages 41-107). Tol R.S.J. (2014), Climate Economics: Economic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy, Edward Elgar Publ. Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Core compulsory activities
20710641 -
( syllabus)
We will explore the origins of the advent of fossil fuels with the emergence of the age of coal, the shift to hydrocarbons, and the most recent trends towards alternative and renewable energy sources and "peak demand" for oil. This will be done by analysing great power politics, political and economic debates on energy, the expansion of Fordism and consumerism, the role of multinational oil companies, the pressures for decolonization and the emergence of the environmentalist debate from the 1970s up to the more recent debate on the "Anthropocene". Questions and concepts such as “resource curse”, “conservationism”, “Dutch disease”, “limits of growth”, "peak oil", "sustainable development", "extractivism", will be discussed and informed by relevant literature (and possibly archival material), images and documentaries.
This course is taught in English.
( reference books)
For each student: - Bruce Pobodnik, "Global Energy Shifts. Fostering Sustainability in a Turbulent Age" (the complete book)
For "non frequentanti" (in addition to Pobodnik): - Leonardo Maugeri, "The Age of Oil: The Mythology, History, and Future of the World's Most Controversial Resources" (the complete book)
For 8 credits (in addition to Pobonik): - A choice of one text among the reference books
Core compulsory activities
20710580 -
Derived from
20710580 STORIA DEL CAPITALISMO in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 CONTE GIAMPAOLO
( syllabus)
The course deal with the birth of capitalism from the Middle Ages up to the contemporary age. It analyses the three main forms of capitalism: merchant, industrial and financial.
( reference books)
Attending students (all of them):
F. Braudel, Afterthoughts on Material Civilization and Capitalism, Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimora 1977. J. Kocka, Capitalism: A Short History, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2016. P. Bowles, Capitalism, Routledge, London / New York 2014
Non-attending students (plus one of the two below):
L. Pellicani, La genesi del capitalismo e le origini della modernità, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2013 (no the chapters 2, 3, 8 e 10). L. Gallino, Finanzacapitalismo, Einaudi, Turin 2013.
Core compulsory activities
20710647 -
History of religion - A MA
( syllabus)
this course aims to offer a deep knowledge e about the history of some subjects and approaches about religion and in particular about authors, works and approaches on the study of the relationship between religion and space (form the geography of religion to the geography of religions)
We will discuss competences about theories, concepts, terminology and methodologies in the study of religions places and the localization of the sacred in the space, through materiality and relations of planning
This course provides students with theoretical knowledge of religious space/site, but also with results of some empirical researches about religious sites in spaces that are increasingly heterogeneous because of human migration and diaspora phenomena. The main case study that will be examined is case of multi-faith places in the Mediterranean area, in urban and extra-urban spaces.
( reference books)
For attending students: 1. Notes taken and readings suggested during the course (see uploaded materials)
2. G. Filoramo, M. Giorda, N. Spineto, Manuale di scienze della religione, Morcelliana, Brescia 2019. M.Giorda M. Burchardt, Materializzare la tolleranza: luoghi multireligiosi tra conflitto e adattamento. “Annali di Studi Religiosi” 20.
Non-attending students have to replace point 1 with one of the following books: S. N. Eisenstadt, Civiltà Ebraica. L'esperienza storica degli Ebrei in una prospettiva comparativa, Donzelli Editore, Roma, 1993. G. Flood, L'’induismo. Temi, tradizioni, prospettive, Einaudi, Torino, 2006. J. Jensen, Che cosa è la Religione, Bulzoni, Roma 2017. G. Filoramo Che cosa è la religione, Einaudi, Torino 2004.
Core compulsory activities
20710648 -
( syllabus)
An historical perspective on religions must take into consideration their multi-layered presence on the territory and must be able to analyze dynamics and strategies: since 2007 more than a half of the global population lives in urban areas and cities have become the privileged space of contestations, conflicts, negotiation of interests, creation of symbolic and capital resources concerning religions. In cities innovations, waves and tendencies concerning beliefs and religious practices are produced and reproduced. The pandemia in which we have been deeply immerged, has made visible a concept which is typically linked to history of religions: the fear. The fear, almost touchable in the streets of the cities all over the world, is related to religion in a double way; from one side every religion was born from the fear of the loose/impossibility of controlling life, death, illness, pain, the end and often it is an answer to this feeling and to worries; for these reasons, 2020 lockdown did not affirmed the end of religion but a reformulation and adaptation to the time we are living. From the other side, religions produce fear, in the case of violence which arises in their name but also due to collective imaginaries which feed clichés, stereotypes, in particular towards minorities. This course offers some historical examples of religion such as an antidote to fear and religion such as virus of fear, in particular related to the topic of religious fundamentalisms (on line – at school in prisons and in religious places) and simplifications, stereotypes and fears related to religion. This course is interconnected with “Movimenti e tendenze dell’islam contemporaneo” L-OR/10 of Professor Gennaro Gervasio
( reference books)
Studenti frequentanti: 1. Notes taken and readings suggested during the course (see uploaded materials) 2. C. Russo, A. Saggioro, Roma città plurale, Bulzoni, Roma 2017. or M. Bombardieri, M. Giorda, S. Hejazi, Capire l’Islam, Morcelliana Brescia 2019.
Non-attending students have to replace point 1 with the following: G. Filoramo, R. Parrinello, Guarire dal contagio, Morcelliana Brescia 2020 or M. Graziano, Guerra santa e santa alleanza, religioni e disordine internazionale nel XXI secolo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2014.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
European history - affini e integrative - (show)
20710063 -
The master's course allows you to acquire specific analytical skills to read and critically evaluate the sources relating to travel from a geographical point of view. Understand strengths, limitations and defects of the sources used and usable by Geography in order to reconstruct the environmental, social and cultural frameworks of the past. Understand and enhance the cultural context in which the odeporic sources were created and the importance of the biographies of their authors. Draw information from these sources, even if not explicitly provided, and organize the geographic data as a function of a cognitive question, a goal (scientific, practical).
( syllabus)
Travel’s reports of the past are a preferred source for the construction of geographical thought and culture. Particularly between the late Middle Ages and Modern Age, travel’s relations allows to retrace the complex process of widening of Europeans’ geographical horizon. In western society the relationship between geography and travel’s reports has changed over the centuries, to the need to sort and reprocess the information gathered, to create a geographical knowledge built on valid rules, correlations between phenomena and rational criteria for classification. During the course will be analyzed practices of travel, travelers and travel’s reports, in their various types. Will also be considered some examples of travel’s reports that, throughout history, have marked the collective imagination and the construction of the world’s modern image. Testimony of travel’s experiences, travel literature has become ever more an instrument of knowledge of the territory and of human communities, through understanding the other and the elsewhere, but also the culture that looks at the other and at the space, for as this was and still is organized on the basis of many human needs (exploration, knowledge, tourism, etc.).
( reference books)
Not attending - Numa Broc, La Geografia del Rinascimento. Cosmografi, cartografi, viaggiatori, Modena, Franco Cosimo Panini, 2007 (except capp. IX and XII). - Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Dall’esperienza del viaggio al sapere geografico, in Geotema, n° 8 (1997), Il viaggio come fonte di conoscenze geografiche, pp. 3-12 ( - Annalisa D'Ascenzo, Lo schema (immaginare-)trovare-cercare-scoprire applicato alle rappresentazioni del Giappone (metà XIV-metà XVII secolo), in ANNALISA D’ASCENZO (a cura di), Geostoria. Geostorie, Roma, CISGE, 2015, pp. 65-95 (
Attending Materials provided during the lessons.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20401644 -
20710011 -
The objective of the course is to provide students with a thorough understanding of the development of Italian and European diplomatic institutions from the fifteenth century to the Napoleonic era.
( syllabus)
The course will mainly tackle the following topics: the origins of local diplomatic representation; Italian models; social careers and roles of ambassadors and apostolic nuncios; treaties on the diplomatic profession; critical investigation of diplomatic sources; duties and regulations of the diplomatic profession; the actual practices of diplomacy at work in modern-era historical contexts.
( reference books)
Exam texts 1) S. ANDRETTA, L’arte della prudenza. Teorie e prassi della diplomazia nell’Italia del XVI e XVII secolo, Biblink, Roma 2006. 2) 2) Esperienza e diplomazia. Saperi, pratiche culturali e azione diplomatica nell’età moderna (XV-XVIII secc.)- Expérience et diplomatie. Savoirs, pratiques culturelles et action diplomatique à l’époque moderne (XV-XVIIIe siècle), a cura di S. Andretta, Lucien Bély, Alexander Koller, Géraud Poumarède (Introduction and 8 essays chosen by the student), Roma, Viella, 2020
Non-attending students must study in addition to the texts indicated above: G. ALONGE, Ambasciatori. Diplomazia e politica nella Venezia del Rinascimento, Donzelli, Roma 2019 or as an alternative the book: E. PLEBANI, E.VALERI, P.VOLPINI, Diplomazie. Linguaggi, negoziati e ambasciatori far XV e XVI secolo, ( a cura di), Franco Angeli, Milano 2017
Related or supplementary learning activities
20706067 -
Educational objectives The course of the History of the Risorgimento falls within the scope of the educational activities (Affini e integrative) of the Master's Degree course in History and Society (LM84) and aims to integrate the skills provided by the general history courses on the Italian nineteenth century. By critically analyzing a specific theme, different each year, the course aims: a) to guide students to understand the long process of forming a national consciousness, starting from the Jacobin republics of the late eighteenth century until the First World War; b) to deepen the path of diffusion of new ideas, cultural, social or political changes in the period of transition from the pre-unification States to the new unitary State; c) to address significant problem areas that the new State was faced with. Considerable space will be given to reading sources, historiographical debates and the use of research tools and aids.
( syllabus)
The Risorgimento seen by foreigners Inside a general framework of events and debates related to the history of the Risorgimento,, the course intends to deepen the positions that foreigners took towards the events of the Risorgimento, conveyed both by journeys to Italy, and by diplomatic relations, and by the testimonies of the exiles who found hospitality in several European and American countries especially between 1820 and 1860. The aim is to understand also what influence foreigners' attitudes and their active participation had on Italian events. Ample space will be given to reading and commenting on essays and documents, to start the students with a critical approach to literature and sources.
( reference books)
1) Dossier of documents provided from the teacher (download from website Moodle). 2) MARIO BELARDINELLI, Il Risorgimento e la realizzazione della comunità nazionale, Roma, edizioni Studium, 2011. 3) Il Risorgimento visto dagli altri, a cura di MATILDE DILLON - GIULIO FERRONI, Roma, Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 2013 (Temi e testi, 117), pp. 1-319.
Attending students will be given further information during the lessons.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702521 -
( syllabus)
Environmental History Unit I - 36 hours - 6 cfu. Socio-economic changes and environmental alterations from the eighteenth century to the new millennium. The course consists of two parts, perfectly complementary. The first part, introductory, intends to provide an essential framework of environmental history. The second part is much wider and intends to illustrate and analyze the environmental changes that with increasing intensity and importance have marked the history of the last three centuries, in their inseparable relationship with the contemporary socio-economic dynamics and with a particular reference to the Italian experience.
( reference books)
Environmental History Unit I – 36 hours - 6 cfu. Socio-economic changes and environmental alterations from the eighteenth century to the new millennium. - S. Mosley, Storia globale dell’ambiente, il Mulino, Bologna 2013. - P. Bevilacqua, Tra natura e storia. Ambiente, economia, risorse in Italia, Donzelli, Roma 2000. - G. Corona, Breve storia dell’ambiente in Italia, il Mulino, Bologna 2015. - P. Tino, Le radici della vita. Storia della fertilità della terra nel Mezzogiorno (secoli XIX-XX), Seconda edizione, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2015. - M. Forti, Malaterra. Come hanno avvelenato l’Italia, Laterza, Bari-Roma 2018. One of the following books at the choice: - J. R. McNeill e P. Engelke, La Grande accelerazione. Una storia ambientale dell’Antropocene dopo il 1945, Einaudi, Torino 2018. - P. Bevilacqua, Il cibo e la terra. Agricoltura, ambiente e salute negli scenari del nuovo millennio, Donzelli, Roma 2018. - P. Acot, Storia del clima. Dal Big Bang alle catastrofi climatiche, Donzelli, Roma 2004 (in particolare la Parte seconda e la Parte terza). - A. W. Crosby, Lo scambio colombiano. Conseguenze biologiche e culturali del 1492, Einaudi, Torino 1992. - M. Armiero - S. Barca, Storia dell’ambiente. Una introduzione, Carocci, Roma 2004. - S. Adorno e S. Neri Serneri (a cura di), Industria, ambiente, territorio. Per una storia ambientale delle aree industriali in Italia, il Mulino, Bologna 2009 (in particolare il saggio introduttivo di S. Adorno e S. Neri Serneri, Per una storia ambientale delle aree industriali in Italia, e i saggi di S. Neri Serneri, R. Tolaini, M. Ruzzenenti, A. Ciuffetti, M. G. Rienzo, S. Ruju, S. Adorno). - S. Luzzi, Il virus del benessere. Ambiente, salute, sviluppo nell’Italia repubblicana, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2009. - S. Neri Serneri, Incorporare la natura. Storie ambientali del Novecento, Carocci, Roma 2005 (in particolare il capitolo introduttivo e la Parte prima). Additional bibliographical references will be provided during lessons.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703005 -
The aim of this classi s understading the interactions and the different formse of meeeting among religions in urban spaces in order to ameliorate the models of participation, social inclusion and access to services. A micro-aim will concern the history of religious places (in particular mosques in the space, their relationship with social and political/national, but also international movements.
( reference books)
Testi adottati:
F. Castro (a cura di G.M. Piccinelli), Il modello islamico, Giappichelli, Torino, 2007.
V. M. Donini, D. Scolart, La sharī‘a e il mondo contemporaneo, Carocci, Roma, 2015.
S. Borrillo, Femminismi e Islam in Marocco: attiviste laiche, teologhe, predicatrici, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, Napoli, 2017.
Altri testi di approfondimento:
Z. Mir-Hosseini, M. al-Sharmani, J. Rumminger, Men in Charge? Rethinking Authority in Muslim Legal Tradition, Oneworld, 2015.
J.J. De Ruiter, M. Hashas, N. V. Vinding (eds.), Imams in Western Europe. Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges, Amsterdam University Press, 2018.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710079 -
Presented within the frame of ‘early modern history’ and ‘cultural history’, this course explores early-modern Europe through the three main historiographical categories with which it is usually associated: Renaissance, Reformation, and the Age of Discovery. It investigates the people, events, and ideas that shaped early modern Europe. While roughly adhering to a chronological structure, and focusing on the period 1450–1750, the overall approach will be thematic. The course introduces students to the foundational themes, methods and skills necessary for the study of upper-level history. With a particular focus on the study of primary sources, including site visits in the city of Rome, it enables students to explore for themselves the characteristics of early modern Europe. The assessment schedule for this course is set out in stages to allow for the incremental development of core skills in the study of history. It is student-centred and involves short written essays about set primary and secondary readings for the course (with feedback), seminar leadership, site visit leadership, and an examination.
( syllabus)
Course Schedule: Tuesday 5pm-7pm Aula 12; Thursday 5pm-7pm Aula 12. Classes start on Tuesday, March 9 at 5pm
Course Syllabus: (days, topics and readings)
T 9 March - Course Intro: Historical Thinking and Cultural History
- M. C. Lemon, Philosophy of History: A Guide for Students, pp. 290-303 (“The What is History Debate”) - Alessandro Arcangeli, Cultural History: A Concise Introduction, pp. 1-17 (“In search of a definition”); pp. 30-48 (“Interwoven paths”)
TH 11 March - No Class Today! We will make up for it on 6 May
T 16 March - Popular Culture?
- Peter Burke, Popular Culture in Early Modern Europe, pp. 3-22 (The Discovery of the People)
- Aron Gurevich, Medieval Popular Culture: Problems of Belief and Perception, pp. 78-103 (Popular Culture in the Mirror of the Penitentials)
TH 18 March – Francis Petrarch and Humanism
- Kenneth Bartelett, The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance, pp. XIX-XX; 1-8 (Introduction; Quintilian); pp. 25-34 (Petrarch: Introduction; Letter to Posterity; The Ascent of Mount Ventoux; Letter to the Shade of Cicero)
T 23 March - The Humanist “Revolution” and the Renaissance
- Kenneth Bartelett, The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance, pp. 66-86 (Coluccio Salutati, Letter to Peregrino Zambeccari; Vespasiano da Bisticci: Life of Poggio Bracciolini; Life of Niccolò Niccoli; Lorenzo Valla, The Glory of the Latin Language)
- Lauro Martines, Power and Imagination (Ch."Humanism: A Program for Ruling Classes")
TH 25 March - Women of the Renaissance
- Bartelett, The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance pp. 111-133 (Marriage, the Family, and Women: Intro; Francesco Barbaro; Leon Battista Alberti)
- Carolyn James, “Politics and Domesticity in the Letters of Isabella d’Este and Francesco Gonzaga, 1490 –1519”, Renaissance Quarterly 65 (2012): 321–52
T 30 March - The “Universal Man” of The Renaissance
- Bartelett, The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance, pp. 97-104 (Florentine Neoplatonism and Mysticism: Intro; Marsilio Ficino); pp. 104-108 (Giovanni Pico della Mirandola)
- Leonardo da Vinci, Selections from the Notebooks, in The Italian Renaissance Reader, ed. by Bondanella and Musa, pp. 185-195
TH 1 April - An Exercise of Critical Thinking: Lorenzo Valla’s Reading of The Donation of Constantine
- Bartelett, The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance, pp. 206-210 (Lorenzo Valla: The Principal Arguments from the Forged Donation of Constantine)
- The Donation of Constantine:
2-7 April: Spring Break
TH 8 April - Political Thought: Niccolò Machiavelli
- Starn, Seeing Culture in a Room for a Renaissance Prince, in Biersack, Aletta, The New Cultural History, pp. 205-232
- Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, in Bondanella and Musa (eds.), The Italian Renaissance Reader, pp. 258-264; 273-274; 291-293
T 13 April - Pope Sixtus IV, Conspiracies, and the Making of the Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel
- Joseph H. Lynch and Phillip C. Adamo, The Medieval Church: A Brief History, pp. 318-327 (“Crisis and Calamity”); pp. 329-342 (“The Church in the Fifteenth Century”)
- Marcello Simonetta, The Montefeltro Conspiracy: A Renaissance Mystery Decoded, selected pp.
TH 15 April – The Age of Geographical Explorations
- Cristopher Columbus, Journal of the First Voyage, paragraphs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 50-54:
T 20 April - Witchcraft: A Renaissance Contradiction?
- Brian Levack, The Witch-Hunt in Early Modern Europe, Ch. 2 (The Intellectual Foundations)
- Charles Zika, Images of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe, in Levack, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe and Colonial America
TH 22 April - Heinrich Kramer’s Malleus Maleficarum and Related Traditions
- Kors and Peters, Witchcraft in Europe, 400-1700, pp. 176-228 (“The Hammer of Witches”)
- Gianfrancesco Pico della Mirandola, “Strix”, in Witchcraft in Europe, ed. by Alan Charles Kors and Edward Peters, selected pp.
T 27 April - Carlo Ginzburg’s Benandanti
- Carlo Ginzburg, The Night Battles: Witchcraft and Agrarian Cults in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, selected pp.
TH 29 April - Civic Rituals and Popular Cultures: The Case of the Carnival
- Peter Burke, Popular Culture in Early-Modern Europe, pp. 178-204 (The World of Carnival)
T 4 May - Paper due today Protestant and Catholic Reforms
- Lisa Jardine, Erasmus: Man of Letters, selected pp.
- Martin Luther, Address to the Christian Nobility:
- Paolo Giustiniani and Pietro Querini, Booklet to Pope Leo X on the Reform of the Church, selected pp.
TH 6 May - Science, Theology, and Authority
- The Index of Forbidden Books:
- Giordano Bruno, On the Infinite, the Universe, and the Worlds, selected pp.
- Galileo Galilei's Indictment and Abjuration (1633):
T 11 May – Current Cultural Trends
- James Hankins, How Not to Defend the Humanities:
- Yuval Noah Harari, Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow, selected pp.
TH 13 May - Course Recap and Final Exam Preparation
Final Exams
( reference books)
All readings will be made available by the professor on Moodle. The Prof.’s lectures as well as class discussion will be based on those readings.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710492 -
the course will provide a specialisation in twenty and twenty one centuries mass society and a detaileknoledge of the political and social development in this period.
( syllabus)
The consumption of popular culture and policies aimed at influencing popular culture became increasingly salient in 20th century Western societies. Also Italian political parties and governments became aware of the importance of controlling and manipulating popular culture, and started developing sophisticated and effective forms of propaganda. Concurrently, popular culture itself became politically engaged, as militancy started to be conveyed in various forms of popular art, as writings, drawings, songs, radio and TV broadcasts and movies. The relationship between propaganda from above and popular cultures from below must not be interpreted in terms of a rigid opposition, but rather of a conflictual relationship capable of influencing each other.
The course aims at providing a general overview of the main trends in the history of italian popular culture from the early to the late 20th century, as well as at introducing students to key arguments in historical scientific research on the topic. In this way, students will develop skills to critically read, think, discuss and write about a set of historiographical arguments and a multiplicity of historical evidence.
In this sense, the course will detect how mass communication, literature and the visual arts determined the attitudes, moods and mentality of Italian society during the twentieth century.
The first part of the course will focus on the analysis of the concepts of "Popular Culture", "Propaganda", “Consensus Building” and "Political Religion”, with special references to the so-said “cultural turn”, which changed many perspectives in Contemporary History.
The second part of the course will deal with the role of Italian media as, at one hand, a pillar of ideological consensus and social stability and, to the other, as antidote to social conformism and State power. The connection between Italian Media, Popular Culture and Political History will be stressed through main periods of Italian history, observing continuity and fractures from Liberal Italy to Fascist regime and from the Cold War to the Second Italian Republic.
( reference books)
Students attending AND not attenting classes will have to refer to the following essays for the final oral exam:
- R. Moro, Mosse, the Cultural Turn, and the Cruces of Modern Historiography, (in George L. Mosse’s Italy, pp. 131-136)
- Holt N. Parker, Toward a Definition of Popular Culture, in “History and Theory”, May 2011, v. 50, pp. 147-170
In the oral exam, Students attending classes have to refer also on lessons contents. Students not attending classes must to refer instead to the following textbook:
- Matthew Hibberd, The Media in Italy: Press, Cinema and Broadcasting from Unification to Digital, New York, 2008.
In the last part of the course and before oral exam Students attending classes will have to present a paper on one of the following “blocks”. Students not attending classes will have to choose one of the “blocks” for their oral exams as well, besides essays and textbook suggested above.
Block 1: Poetry and Journalism in Early XX Century - Pierluigi Allotti, The Style of a Revolutionary Journalist (in Mussolini 1883-1915. Triumph and Transformation of Revolutionary Socialist, pp. 225-256) - Enrico Serventi Longhi, The Triumph of the Noble People: Gabriele d’Annunzio and Populism between literature and politics (in “Qualestoria”, XLVIII, N. 2, December 2020 : [24])
Block 2: Totalitarian Radio and Music - Philip V. Cannistraro, The Radio in Fascist Italy (in “Journal of European Studies, vol. 2, 1972, pp.127-154) - Marilisa Merolla, Jazz and Fascism: Contradictions and Ambivalences in the Diffusion of Jazz Music under the Italian Fascist Dictatorship (1925-1935) (in Jazz and Totalitarism, pp. 31-44)
Block 3: PostWar Italian Cinema and Glamour -- Maurizio Zinni, Entertainment, Politics and Colonial Identity in Post-War Italian and British Cinema (1945-1960) (in Images of Colonialism and Decolonisation in Italian Media, pp- 67-80) - Stephen Gundle, Hollywood Glamour and Mass Consuption in Postwar Italy, (in “Journal of Cold War Studies”, vol. 4 n. 3, 2002, pp. 95-118)
Block 4: Women and 70’s -Andrea Hayek, A Room of One’s Own. Feminist Intersections between Space, Women’s Writing and Radical Bookselling in Milan (1968-1986) (in “Italian Studies”, vol. 73:1, pp. 81-97) - Ruth Glynn, Press Representation of Italian Women Terrorist (in Women, Terrorism, and Trauma in Italian Culture pp. 39-72)
Block 5: TV fiction and Popular Culture - Mauro Resmini, ‘Il senso dell'intreccio’: History, Totality, and Collective Agency in Romanzo criminale (in “The Italianist”, vol. 36(2), pp. 243-265) - Luca Barra, Massimo Scaglioni, Saints, Cops and Camorristi. Editorial Policies and Production Models of Italian TV Fiction, (in “International Journal of TV Serial Narratives, vo. 1, spring 2015, pp. 65-76)
Block 6: Berlusconi and the Second Republic - Cinzia Padovani, ‘Berlusconi’s Italy’: the media between structure and agency (in “Modern Italy”, vol. 20:1, pp. 41-57) - Philip Schlesinger, Berlusconi Phenomenon (in Culture and Conflict in Postwar Italy, pp 270-285)
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710176 -
history of television and mass communications
The main goal of this course - of historical character, rather than technical or media studies - is to provide students with the elements of knowledge on the history of the mass media (especially radio, television and the internet, in chronological order), that are essential for understanding Western society of the XX and early XXI century. Students will then be able to better understand a historical era in which mass media have gained such an undisputed centrality. This course also aims to help students by helping them to hone their analytical skills and critical spirit in their daily use of the aforementioned mass media. Similarly, they will also be able to contextualize the contents and developments of said media in relation to their strong links with the politics, culture, and evolving social identities of the respective countries.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710194 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
RUSSIA, AN EMPIRE The course will focus on empire as a peculiar element of continuity in contemporary Russian history despite the radical changes that the country has undergone. The unique characteristics of Russia’s imperial model will be analyzed in its various forms and manifestations, along with the diverse political strategies of Russian governors between 1800 and 1900s, from the Russian Empire through the USSR to the Russian Federation. The national question, the broader geographical dimension, the forms of government, foreign policies and international geopolitical visions will be studied in depth. The different imperial ideologies will also be examined.
( reference books)
1. Andrea Graziosi, L’Unione Sovietica 1914-1991, Bologna, il Mulino, 2011; 2. Andreas Kappeler, La Russia. Storia di un impero multietnico, Roma, Edizioni Lavoro, 2006.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710420 -
The geography teaching course, addressing the main topics concerning the processes of learning / teaching of geography, highlights the relationships between research and disciplinary teaching e identifies teaching methodologies and tools capable of promoting in the students an appropriate use of vocabulary and interpretative categories of the discipline in order to understand and contextualize the environmental and anthropic characteristics of the territory.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710639 -
History of the Age of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation MD
( syllabus)
The origins of the Theatine order
The course will initially investigate principal questions regarding the political, religious, cultural and social structures that resulted in the breakdown of Christian unity, in the first decades of the sixteenth century. This will be followed by a study of the way in which the Roman church reacted to the Reform movement focusing in particular on the proto-inquisitorial activities of the Theatine order, which was founded in 1524 by Gian Pietro Carafa, the defender of Catholic orthodoxy.
( reference books)
Testi di riferimento:
1) E. Bonora, La controriforma, Bari-Roma, Laterza 2) A. Vanni, «Fare diligente inquisitione». Gian Pietro Carafa e le origini dei chierici regolari teatini, Roma, Viella
3) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
L. Addante, Eretici e libertini nel Cinquecento italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza L. Felici, La Riforma protestante nell’Europa del Cinquecento, Roma, Carocci M. Firpo - F. Biferali, Immagini ed eresie nell'Italia del Cinquecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza M. Firpo, Juan de Valdés e la Riforma nell’Italia del Cinquecento, Roma-Bari, Laterza G. Romeo - M. Mancino, Clero criminale. L’onore della Chiesa e i delitti degli ecclesiastici nell’Italia della Controriforma, Roma-Bari, Laterza A. Prosperi, Tribunali della coscienza. Inquisitori, confessori, missionari, Torino, Einaudi
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710640 -
teaching of history
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the communication of history built on the critique of sources and on different languages: teaching at school, network communication, documentary, film and television narration. The document at the center and its contextualized dissemination are the basis of two laboratory paths of "Public History"about modern history and contemporary history: the first one is on witchcraft trials in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries and the second one is on the massacres in Italy in the sixties and eighties of the twentieth century. The distinction between history and memory, between primary and secondary sources will be the basic concepts of the course and its practical activity.
( reference books)
Marc Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Torino 2009, pp. 3-169;
Walter Panciera - Andrea Zannini, Didattica della storia. Manuale per la formazione degli insegnanti, Milano 2013.
Two other works (for non-attending students, three) will be chosen by students from the following reference bibliography: Hilda Girardet, Vedere toccare ascoltare. L’insegnamento della storia attraverso le fonti, Milano 2005; Giuseppe Zanniello, La didattica tra storia e ricerca, Roma 2016; Prima lezione di metodo storico, a cura di Sergio Luzzatto, Bari-Roma 2019;
Pietro Corrao - Paolo Viola, Introduzione agli studi di storia, Roma 2020.
The Public History laboratory will have as general reference the following works:
Michele Di Sivo, Bellezza Orsini. La costruzione di una strega, Roma 2016
Aldo Moro, Lettere dalla prigionia, a cura di Miguel Gotor, Torino 2018-2019.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710620 -
«The goal of this course is to bring students closer to the history of medieval culture by illustrating the most recent debates on the problem of "culture" and analyzing cultural dynamics and processes (literacy, schooling, reading, text production and conservation) within a broad historical framework, therefore in their deepest links with politics, society, economics and religion».
( syllabus)
The course aims to present an updated and comprehensive picture of medieval culture (fifth-fifteenth century), framing Italy within a broader Euro-Mediterranean context. Taking into account the most recent historiographical debates and acquisitions, lessons will try to bring students closer to different aspects concerning cultural phenomena, starting from definitions and categories such as "culture", "written culture" and "intellectual" to analyze then school practices, literacy, production and circulation of texts in their relations with society, politics, economics and religion. More precisely, the lessons will focus on the following aspects: "culture" as a historiographic problem between theoretical debates and research; written sources: qualitative and quantitative aspects; the problem of literacy and school in the early Middle Ages; book culture in the early Middle Ages; documentary culture in the early Middle Ages; the eleventh and twelfth centuries between juridical renaissance, textual discoveries and school transformations; book culture of the late Middle Ages; documentary culture of the late Middle Ages; language: Latin and vernacular in the late Middle Ages; the fourteenth century and the relationship between crisis and cultural production; Humanism. Lessons will alternate between frontal explanations and direct exercises on the sources or on specific bibliography.
( reference books)
Textbook: - Ronald Witt, "L’eccezione italiana. L’intellettuale laico nel Medioevo e l’origine del Rinascimento", transl. by Anna Carocci, Roma, Viella, 2017 (or. ed. Cambridge 2012)
Further bibliography (exercitations): - A. Petrucci, C. Romeo, "«Scriptores in urbibus». Alfabetismo e cultura scritta nell’Italia altomedievale", Bologna, il Mulino, 1992 - Clémence Revest, "The Birth of the Humanist Movement at the Turn of the Fifteenth Century", «Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales» 68/3 (2013), pp. 665-696 - "Le culture del Regnum e le radici dell’umanesimo di Ronald G. Witt", ed. Amedeo de Vincentiis, «Storica» 59 (2014), pp. 89-130 - "The Italian Exception: A Debate on Ronald Witt’s «Two Latin Cultures of Medieval Italy»", ed. Giacomo Vignodelli, «Storicamente» 14 (2018)
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
ambito f altre attività non disciplinari - (show)
20710105 -
Other activities
20710106 -
Other activities
20704008 -
The course aims to present the various ways in which history is "communicated" and told, analyzing various types of sources - including photography, audiovisuals, novels, official documents, material sources. Through the analysis of them, students will be invited to think about the relationship between the source and the narration of the story, and about the different genres that can be used (essay, review, journalistic article, short story). There will be written exercises guided by the teacher during the lessons; a final contribution is required.
Other activities
20710134 -
Other activities
20710490 -
Diversità religiosa e città: movimenti e percorsi di cittadinanza
Other activities
20710395 -
( syllabus)
The laboratory is an introduction of ethnography as the specific method of anthropological knowledge. Frontal lessons on the history of this methodology will be followed by ethnographic cases, discussions on thematic issue and laboratory proposals to experiment observation, participation, written reports. The laboratory is aimed at acquiring a method and at the same time at fostering an ethnographical sensibility in understanding the social.
( reference books)
Texts to be discussed in class will be given during the course.
Other activities
20710567 -
Ulteriori abilità - Esperienza lavorativa- Servizio Civile
Other activities
20710649 -
The United Nations 2030 Agenda and the revitalization of marginal areas
Optional group:
European History - caratterizzanti fonti e metodologie, tecniche e strumenti della ricerca storica - (show)
20704014 -
The course aims to provide basic theoretical knowledge about archives in the phase of their formation, as well as the treatment of historical archives, linking the principles of archival tradition to the new context determined by the evolution of information and communication technologies. It also offers an opportunity for contact with historical documentation both as a first approach to the problems of historical research in the archive. The course also aims to introduce the historical evolution of the archive as an institute or archives intended not only as a system of theoretical principles but also as a material tradition of organization and conservation of documentation and to refine the knowledge of the mechanisms of production of the documents and to verify the evolutionary stages of the protection legislation developed over time.
( syllabus)
The course examines the following topics: - the concept of the archive: the archival bond and the relationship between creator and archive; - archives and other cultural heritage complexes: libraries, museums, collections; - phases of archive life: current records and semi-current records: characteristics and management tools; - records appraisal for preservation and disposal; - elements of the history of the archives; - elements of archival legislation.
( reference books)
General texts
1) Federico Valacchi, Diventare archivisti, Milano, Editrice bibliografica, 2015;
2) Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Gli archivi tra passato e presente, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2005.
Articles on specific topics
- Giorgio Cencetti, Scritti archivistici (in particolare, Il fondamento teorico della dottrina archivistica; Sull'archivio come "universitas rerum"; Inventario bibliografico e inventario archivistico), Roma 1970, pp. 38-69; - Claudio Pavone, Ma è poi tanto pacifico che l'archivio rispecchi l'istituto?, in "Rassegna degli Archivi di Stato", 1970, pp. 145-149; - Arnaldo D'Addario, Lineamenti di storia dell'archivistica (secc. XVI-XIX), in "Archivio storico italiano", 1990, pp. 3-35; - Stefano Vitali, Memorie, genealogie, identità, in Il potere degli archivi. Usi del passato e difesa dei diritti nella società contemporanea, a cura di Linda Giuva, Stefano Vitali, Isabella Zanni Rosiello, Milano, Mondadori, 2007, pp. 67-134.
Core compulsory activities
20705051 -
Final examination and foreign language test