Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
20710735 -
Religione, società e culture nel Medioevo
The class want to train students on the study of religious history in Middle Ages, with the aim to underline his peculiar character as part of historical studies and his role within medieval societies and cultures which helps to form. From the methodological and didactical point of view the lessons are seminars in which students can participate actively and give their original contribution.
Core compulsory activities
20710620 -
The goal of this course is to bring students closer to the history of medieval culture by illustrating the most recent debates on the problem of "culture" and analyzing cultural dynamics and processes (literacy, schooling, reading, text production and conservation) within a broad historical framework, therefore in their deepest links with politics, society, economics and religion.
( syllabus)
Papyrus in the Middle Ages: A Mediterranean History (4th-11th Centuries).
This course aims to address, through seminar-style approaches, the history of papyrus in the Middle Ages. It is a classic topic that, starting from Henri Pirenne's research, has been consistently investigated by scholars of written culture, who have viewed papyrus as a writing material, as well as by historians of economics, who have regarded papyrus as an indicator of trade relations across the Mediterranean.
Taking into account interpretations and debates surrounding this topic or related themes, the lessons aim to discuss studies (books, essays), and especially sources (translated into Italian) based on a specific questionnaire: in which areas of the Mediterranean was papyrus produced, and how? What were the logics, dynamics, and economic actors of its circulation across the Mediterranean after the fall of the Western Roman Empire (476)? Did circulation encounter obstacles after the 7th century due to religious differences between Islam and Christianity? What were its areas of usage? How did these areas of usage vary depending on the cultural, geographical, economic, and political contexts? What impact did the economic logic of papyrus have on European cultural dynamics? When did the history of papyrus end, and why? How does the history of papyrus interact with our understanding of the cultural and economic history of the medieval Mediterranean?
Note well: In addition to participating in the discussions during the lessons, in the final section of the course students will be required to prepare and discuss, individually or in groups, a brief written text.
( reference books)
For attending students, the exam is essentially based on the materials provided by the professor and discussed in class. For reference reading, one can consider D. Internullo, Il papiro, la pergamena e le origini della memoria archivistica dell’Europa occidentale (secoli VI-XI), in Segni, sogni, materie e scrittura dall’Egitto tardoantico all’Europa carolingia, ed. by A. Ghignoli, M. Boccuzzi, A. Monte, N. Sietis, Roma 2023, pp. 119-162 (it will be available in the proper Teams channel)
For non-attending students, the examination is based on the comprehensive study of: H. Pirenne, Maometto e Carlomagno, any of the many editions available - C. Picard, Il mare dei califfi. Storia del Mediterraneo musulmano (secoli VII-XII), Roma, Carocci, 2017 - D. Internullo, Il papiro, la pergamena e le origini della memoria archivistica dell’Europa occidentale (secoli VI-XI), in Segni, sogni, materie e scrittura dall’Egitto tardoantico all’Europa carolingia, ed. by A. Ghignoli, M. Boccuzzi, A. Monte, N. Sietis, Roma 2023, pp. 119-162 Note well: in addition to an integral study, non-attending students are also asked to make the three readings interact with each other, trying in particular to understand: a) how our knowledge of Mediterranean history has changed since Pirenne's book publication - thus paying attention to Picard's book in this regard; b) how the data on papyrus circulation (cf. Internullo's essay) interacts with our knowledge of the Mediterranean.
Note well 2: A remedial programme must be agreed with the lecturer for those who have never taken a basic Medieval History examination (M-STO/01).
Core compulsory activities
20706075 -
History of Europe and the Mediterranean
The course provides advanced skills for reading and critical interpretation of crucial issues in the political and cultural history of modern Europe, also read in terms of symbolic production. Specific attention is paid to the history of European historiography as a place of formation for the idea of Europe and a common identity consciousness.
( syllabus)
Never before in recent years has the idea of Europe been at the center of public debate: for some, it is the only lifeline against nationalism and war; for others, it is the ultimate cause of all our problems and woes, especially economic ones. The invasion of Ukraine by Vladimir Putin's Russia in February 2022 has not only revived the classic themes of war and peace in public discourse but also brought back into focus the issue of the eastern expansion of the concept of Europe, a question with extraordinary historical depth. Only a profound understanding of the long-term history of European civilization and its interactions with other civilizations around the globe can allow us to decode issues that only superficially appear to be purely contemporary. In the first part of the course, we will focus on the evolution of the notion of Europe, the various thoughts about Europe, and the long-term development of European consciousness. In the second part, we will delve into the phenomenon of exodus and internal migrations within the continent for religious reasons: whether voluntary or forced, they are the dramatic outcome of the process of confessionalization and the construction of modern statehood, characterized by the pursuit of purity through the expulsion and marginalization of religious diversity
( reference books)
First section: 'History of Europe: ideas, perspectives, reflections' (6 ECTS)
Reference books:
Lucien Febvre, L’Europa. Storia di una civiltà, Roma, Donzelli. Federico Chabod, Storia dell’Idea d’Europa, Roma-Bari, Laterza. Additional book for students who will not attend the lessons: Egidio Ivetic, Studiare la storia del Mediterraneo, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2024
Second section: "The Europe of exoduses and migrations 'religionis causa'".
Reference books:
Nicholas Terpstra, Purezza e fede. Esuli religiosi nell’Europa moderna, Bologna, Il Mulino. Bruno Pomara Saverino, Rifugiati. I moriscos e l'Italia, Firenze, Firenze University Press, scaricabile gratuitamente dal sito:
Those who only need to take 6 ECTS are required to study the first teaching unit. IT IS POSSIBLE TO USE THIS BIBLIOGRAPHY STARTING FROM JUNE-JULY 2025, EXCLUSIVELY.
Core compulsory activities
20710655 -
The course aims to offer students the conceptual and methodological tools essential to understand the political, economic, social and cultural processes which presided over the development of European political systems in the 20th century. General objective of the course is to provide the student with the ability to contextualize and understand the problems of the period, with a comparative analysis between the Italian political system and the political systems of other European countries.
Derived from
20710655 STORIA DEI SISTEMI POLITICI EUROPEI in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 MATTERA PAOLO
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to analyse the history of European systems in the second half of the 20th century from the angle of Italy, highlighting common challenges and national specificities.
For bureaucratic-administrative reasons the course is divided into two modules of 6 CFU each. Despite this, the lectures will follow a thematic pattern common to both modules. The topics of the books in the second module (‘Berlusconism’ and one of the countries of choice) will in fact already be addressed in the lectures on the first module. In short, the distinction is purely bureaucratic and not one of content. Attendance is therefore recommended to all for the entire duration of the course, regardless of the number of Cfu to be recorded.
In any case, since the bureaucratic subdivision is there, then in defining the syllabuses and course books the distinction should be made
( reference books)
TEMA: L’Europa nella seconda metà del XX secolo e l’emergere dei movimenti populisti TESTI: - Leonardo Rapone (a cura di), "L’Europa del novecento", Carocci, 2020, da pag. 149 a pag. 436 - Marco Tarchi, L’Italia populista, Il Mulino, 2015
In più, A SCELTA, UNO dei seguenti temi, con relativi testi
TEMA: "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni internazionali tra la fine del XX secolo e l'inizio del XXI secolo" TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. I, "Fine della guerra fredda e globalizzazione" a cura di Silvio Pons, Adriano Roccucci, Federico Romero Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Federico Romero, "L'Italia nelle trasformazioni sociali di fine Novecento", pp. 15-34; - Silvio Pons, "La bipolarità italiana e la fine della Guerra Fredda", pp. 35-53, - Valerio Castronovo, "L’Italia nel mercato globale", pp. 71-83; - Antonio Varsori, "Dalla caduta del Muro di Berlino a Tangentopoli: la dimensione internazionale della crisi della Prima Repubblica”, pp. 209-222; - Daniela Preda, "Il lungo travaglio istituzionale europeo (1992-2012)", pp. 299-315
TEMA: "Mutamento sociale e cambiamento dei costumi nell'Italia tra la fine del XX e l'inizio del XXI secolo. TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. II, "Il mutamento sociale", a cura di Enrica Asquer, Emanuele Bernardi, Carlo Fumian. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Chiara Saraceno, "Famiglie, rapporti di genere e generazioni, politiche sociali", pp. 81-97 - Paolo Capuzzo, "I consumi tra economia e cultura nell’Italia del dopo boom (1973-2008)", pp. 179-197, - Emanuela Scarpellini, "Consumi e attori sociali: le nuove identità dei consumatori italiani", pp. 199-210, - Stefano Cavazza, "Consumi, società e politica in Italia (1980-2000)", pp. 211-225 - Giovanni Gozzini, "La televisione tra due repubbliche", pp. 227-242
TEMA: Il Sistema politico degli anni Ottanta, la crisi e il crollo, "Tangentopoli", l'avvento di Berlusconi, il nuovo sistema politico bipolare tra fine XX e inizio XXI secolo TESTO: "L’Italia contemporanea dagli anni Ottanta a oggi", Carocci, Roma, 2015 - Vol. III, "Istituzioni e politica", a cura di Simona Colarizi, Agostino Giovagnoli, Paolo Pombeni. Chi sceglie questo volume deve studiare i saggi di: - Simona Colarizi, "Politica e antipolitica dalla Prima alla Seconda repubblica", pp. 333-347; - Paolo Segatti, "La nascita della Lega: un capitolo di una storia che ci appartiene", pp. 351-360; - Filippo Sbrana. Nord non chiama Sud. Genesi e sviluppi della questione settentrionale", pp. 361-381 - Gianfranco Baldini, "Forza Italia: un partito unico", pp. 423-435; - Andrea Possieri, "Un riformismo incompiuto: il primo governo Prodi", pp. 509-528.
I tre volumi da cui sono estratti i saggi, oltre ad essere acquistabili nelle librerie, sono disponibili presso la Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, la Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea di Via Caetani, nonché le biblioteche dei principali istituti culturali, la cui collocazione è immediatamente rilevabile sul sito del sistema bibliotecario Nazionale, SBN. In più, ne è stata fatta richiesta di acquisizione presso il Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo di Roma Tre. Nel caso ci fossero difficoltà a reperirli, una copia in Pdf sarà caricata sulla piattaforma Moodle
Per il MODULO DUE, vanno studiati i seguenti temi, coi relativi testi
1) Il “Berlusconismo”, come fenomeno sociale e politico in una prospettiva comparativa internazionale TESTO: Giovanni Orsina, "Il Berlusconismo nella storia d‘Italia", Marsilio, Venezia, 2013
2) Un approfondimento sulla storia politico sociale di uno dei principali paesi europei. TESTI: portare UNO A SCELTA fra i seguenti testi: - Riccardo Brizzi, Michele Marchi, "Storia politica della Francia repubblicana", Le Monnier, 2011, dal cap. 5 alla fine; - Giulia Guazzaloca, "Storia della Gran Bretagna 1832-2014", Le Monnier, 2015, dal cap. 9 alla fine; - Gustavo Corni, "Storia della Germania", Il Saggiatore, Milano, 2017, dal cap. 8 alla fine; - Carmelo Adagio, Alfonso Botti, “Storia della Spagna democratica”, Bruno Mondadori, 2006
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710169 -
Movements and trends in contemporary Islam
After a short historical and methodological overview, this course aims at presenting the main topics and currents of the intra-Islamic debate from the end of the 19th century until today. Among the topics covered students will find: Islam and modernity; the reformism of the salafiyya; Islam and Nationalism; the 'fundamentalist' current and its sub-groupings; Islamic Feminist Thought.
Derived from
20710169 Movimenti e tendenze dell'Islam contemporaneo in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GERVASIO GENNARO
( syllabus)
After a short historical and methodological introduction, students will be introduced to the most relevant themes and trends of the Islamic debate from the end of the 19th century until today. Topics covered include: Islam and modernity; the Reformist Movement (salafiyya); Islam and Nationalism; Political Islam in its declinations; Islamic Feminism. Part of the course will be dedicated to the Orientalist Representations and Distorsions of Contemporary Islam and Muslims. Eventually, students will be invited to read primary texts, among those available, according to their languages knowledge.
( reference books)
C. Texts:
1. M. Campanini, Il pensiero islamico contemporaneo, Bologna: Il Mulino, 2016. 2. P. Caridi, Hamas. Dalla resistenza al regime. Nuova edizione, Milano: Feltrinelli, 2023. 3. One of the following (see teaching mode) :
- Sayyid Qutb, La battaglia tra Islam e capitalismo, Venezia: Marcianum Press, 2016; - Sayyid Qutb, Milestones, disponibile a - Sadik al-Azm, La tragedia del diavolo. Fede, ragione e potere nel mondo arabo, Roma: LUISS Press, 2016, - Ruhollah Khomeyni, Il governo islamico, Il cerchio, 2006. - Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd, Islam e storia, Torino: Bollati Boringhieri - Tariq Ramadan, Islam e libertà , Torino: Einaudi, 2008 - T. Ramadan, Essere musulmano europeo, Troina (EN): Città Aperta, 2002 - T. Ramadan, Il riformismo islamico. Un secolo di rinnovamento musulmano, Troina (EN): Città Aperta, 2004. - T. Ramadan, Islam and the Arab Awakening, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. - Hasan Hanafi, La teologia islamica della liberazione, Milano: Jaca Book, 2018. - Abdou Filali-Ansary, Reformer l'Islam, Paris: La Découverte, 2004 - Mehran Kamrava (ed), The New Voices of Islam, London: IB Tauris, 2006, - Mohammed ‘Abid El-Jabri, La ragione araba, Milano: Feltrinelli, 1995, - Fatema Mernissi, Islam e democrazia, Firenze: Giunti, 2002 - F. Mernissi, L’harem e l’Occidente, Firenze: Giunti, 2006 - F. Mernissi, Le donne del profeta. La condizione femminile nell'Islam, Genova: ECIG, 1992. - Amina Wadud, Il Corano e la donna. Rileggere il testo sacro da una prospettiva di genere, Cantalupa (TO): Effata’, 2012 - Amina Wadud, Inside the Gender Jihad. Women’s Reform In Islam, Oxford: Oneworld, 2006. - ‘Ali ‘Abd el-Raziq, Islam and the Foundations of Political Power, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2012 (1925). Disponibile a: - Muhammad ‘Abduh, Trattato sull’unicità divina, Bologna: il ponte, 2003. - Asef Bayat, Making Islam Democratic, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2007 - Khaled Abou El-Fadl, Islam and the Challenge of Democracy, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2004 - Khaled Abou El-Fadl, The Great Theft, NY: Harper, 2007 - Farid Esack, Qur’an: Liberation and Pluralism, Oxford: Oneworld, 1996; - Mohammad A. Lahbabi, Il personalismo musulmano, Milano: Jaca Book, 2017. - Hamid Dabashi, Islamic Liberation Theology: Resisting the Empire, London & NY: Rouledge, 2008. - Jawdat Said, Vie islamiche alla nonviolenza, Zikkaron, 2017
Students can propose books not included above.
IMPORTANT: Students without prior knowledge of Islam, MUST read also:
- L. Declich, L’Islam in 20 parole, Roma-Bari: Laterza, 2016; - P. G. Donini, Il mondo islamico. Breve storia dal ‘500 ad oggi, Roma-Bari: Laterza, ultima edizione.
or an an introductory textbook to Islam to choose among:
A. Bausani, Islam, Rizzoli, ultima edizione;
- G. Filoramo (a cura di), Islam, Laterza, ultima edizione.
- Carole Hillenbrand, Islam. Una nuova introduzione storica, Torino: Einaudi, 2016.
Core compulsory activities
20706076 -
History of Latin America LM
The course aims to provide the most current interpretations for understanding Latin American history, as well as indicate the access to sources of study, with a view centered on the major issues of contemporary period.
( syllabus)
Main topics covered in the course: Ancient and modern historiographical issues: the modalities of the Spanish conquest. The formation of contemporary Latin America: the abolition of slavery in the nineteenth century. Latin America in the twentieth century: economy, society, institutions, culture. The current geopolitical continental situation. Debate on economic development. Environment and access to resources. The indigenous minorities.
( reference books)
The examination is composed by two part: general part; monographic part. General Part. One of the following books: -De Giuseppe M., La Bella G., Storia dell’America Latina contemporanea, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019; -Zanatta, L., Storia dell’America latina contemporanea, Roma, Laterza, 2015 (or new edition).
Monographic part. One of the following books: -Carmagnani, M., Le connessioni mondiali e l’Atlantico 1450-1850, Torino, Einaudi, 2018. -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., La questione indigena in Perù, Roma, Bulzoni, 2010 (L’antologia di testi è parte essenziale del libro). -Rojas Mix, M., I cento nomi d’America, Firenze, Le Lettere, 2005. -Vangelista C., Scatti sugli indios. Ricerche di storia visiva, Aracne, Collana “America e Americhe. Storia, relazioni, immagini”, Roma, 2018. -Vargas Llosa, A., Libertà per l’America latina. Come porre fine a cinquecento anni di oppressione dello Stato, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino, 2007. -Nocera R., Wulzer, P., L'America Latina nella politica internazionale. Dalla fine del sistema bipolare alla crisi dell'ordine liberale, Roma, Carocci, 2020
Core compulsory activities
20710170 -
History and politics of the Middle East and North Africa
The course examines the historical and political trajectory of the Middle East and North Africa from the Colonial Era until today. A particular focus will be on the post-colonial era. Among the topics covered there will be: The debate on Orientalism; State formation, the role of ideologies (both secular and religious) in the shaping of the region, the intra-regional and international relations of the Region and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’.
Derived from
20710170 History and politics of the Middle East and North Africa in Strategie culturali per la cooperazione e lo sviluppo LM-81 GERVASIO GENNARO
( syllabus)
The course examines the historical and political trajectory of the Middle East and North Africa from the Colonial Era until today. The students will be introduced to the debate on Orientalism, its role in the colonial era, and its relevance until today. A particular focus will be on the post-colonial era. Among the topics covered there will be: State formation, the role of ideologies (both secular and religious) in the shaping of the region, the intra-regional and international relations of the Region and the so-called ‘Arab Spring’. Students are expected to actively participate to the course. All the available teaching materials, the announcements and all that is related to this course will be posted on the course webpage (
( reference books)
R. Owen, State, Power and Politics in the Making of the Modern Middle East, Routledge: London & New York: 2004. J. Chalcraft, “The Arab Uprisings of 2011 in Historical Perspective” in The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History, 2016 (available as a pdf file on the course website). G. Achcar, “The Seasons after the Arab Spring”, Le Monde Diplomatique, June 2019 (available as a pdf file on the course website). A. Shatz, "Israel's Descent", London Review of Books, June 2024, as a pdf file on the course website)
One of the following:
G. Achcar, The People Want. A Radical Exploration of the Arab Uprising, London: Saqi, 2013. G. Achcar, Morbid Symptoms. Relapse in the Arab Uprisings, London: Saqi, 2016. L. Anceschi, G. Gervasio & A. Teti (eds), Informal Power in the Greater Middle East. Hidden Geographies, London: Routledge, 2014 & 2016. M. Aouragh & H. Hamouchene (eds), The Arab Uprisings. A Decade of Struggles, TNI & RLS, 2021, available online at: The Arab uprisings: A decade of struggles - Longreads A. Bayat, Revolution without Revolutionaries: Making Sense of the Arab Spring, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2017. A. Bayat, Revolutionary Life. The Everyday of the Arab Spring, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2021 F. Cavatorta & L. Storm (eds), Political Parties in the Arab World: Continuity and Change, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. S. Cook, False Dawn: Protest, Democracy, and Violence in the New Middle East, Oxford: Oxford UP, 2017. Corrao FM - Redaelli R (eds), States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean. Perspectives on the New Centrality in a Changing Region, PalgraveMacMillan, 2021. F. A. Gerges, ISIS: A History, Princeton: Princeton UP, 2017. Sune Haugbolle and Mark LeVine (eds.), Altered States: The Remaking of the Political in the Arab World, London, Routledge, 2022. Marc Owen Jones, Digital Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Deception, Disinformation and Social Media, Hurst/Oxford University Press, 2022. A. Khalil (ed), Gender, Women and the Arab Spring, London & NY: Routledge, 2015. H. Kraetzschmar & P. Rivetti (eds), Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2018. Mark LeVine, We'll Play till We Die: Journeys across a Decade of Revolutionary Music in the Muslim World, University of California Press, 2022. Shamiran Mako and Valentine M. Moghadam, After the Arab Uprisings: Progress and Stagnation in the Middle East and North Africa, Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press, 2021. R. Owen, The Rise and Fall of Arab Presidents for Life, Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2014. J. Saab (ed.), A region in revolt: Mapping the recent uprisings in North Africa and West Asia, Ottawa: Daraja Press, 2020. R. Stephan and Mounira M. Charrad (eds), Women Rising: In and Beyond the Arab Spring: New York, New York University Press, 2020. I. Szmolka (ed.), Political Change in the Middle East and North Africa: After the Arab Spring, Edinburgh, Edinburgh UP, 2017. Ch. Tripp, The Power and the People: Paths of Resistance in the Middle East, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2013.
IMPORTANT! Students without any prior knowledge of the History of the MENA, must read one of the following textbooks:
W. Cleveland & M. Bunton, A History of the Modern Middle East, Boulder: Westview Press, 2016, Betty Anderson, A History of the Modern Middle East, Stanford: Stanford UP, 2016.
Core compulsory activities
20711690 -
( syllabus)
The course analyzes the historical evolution of China and its relations with the surrounding region, focusing on the main processes that occurred in the Far East. The course will discuss specific aspects of the history of the Chinese continent, and then focus on the recent transformation of the People's Republic of China. That transformation will be discussed in-depth, to understand the political, economic, social and cultural processes it produced, and its global and regional impact.
By the end of the course, students:
1. will master the fundamental turning points in the history of China from 1911 to 2020 2. will be aware that to understand historical phenomena and historical figures it is necessary to place them in their respective temporal and spatial contexts 3. will be able to reason about the causal relationships that link the different periods of the history of contemporary China, and which juxtapose the different realities of Sinic civilization 4. will be aware of the factors that have led and still lead to the existence of often widely divergent narrations, interpretations and perceptions
By the end of the course, students:
1. will be able to use their knowledge of Chinese history to identify the root of different narratives, representations and arguments 2. will be able to independently organize the study of a period, a phenomenon, a figure linked to the history of contemporary China 3. will be able to use the history of China to enrich their arguments and the knowledge acquired through attendance of other courses 4. will be able to undertake a course of specialized studies in the field of area, historical or international studies
Autonomy of judgement
By the end the course, students:
1. will be able to compare even very divergent interpretations of the same period, phenomenon, historical figure and evaluate them, arriving at their own opinion 2. will be able to identify narratives and representations of Chinese history inspired by different historiographical approaches and currents
Communication skills:
By the end of the course, students:
1. will be able to take part in a discussion regarding controversial or highly divisive issues by supporting their point of view through a calm and reasoned argument, formed on the basis of their readings 2. will be able to listen to the reasons of those who hold very different points of view, arriving at their own evaluation and expressing their opinion in a manner that respects the opinion of others 3. will be able to communicate in a clear and well-organized way, using a linguistic register appropriate to an academic context
( reference books)
1. Guido Samarani, La Cina contemporanea. Dalla fine dell’Impero ad oggi, Torino, Einaudi, 2017 2. (alternatively or in addition to the former textbook) R. Keith Schoppa, Revolution and its Past. Fourth Edition. New York and London: Routledge, 2020.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20706084 -
Introducing the analysis of the social construction of space. Provide tools and concepts useful to the interpretation of collaborative and competitive dynamics in the use of space.
Carry out research and products for a social atlas of the city of Rome
20711691 -
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
21201502 -
The course considers the concept of sustainable development, climate change and efficiency in the use of natural resources. To this aim, the main economic theoretical foundations are presented jointly with the fundamental practical issues of climate change, pollution, and sustainable development. The main market failures climate change and environmental pollution generate, externalities and public goods, are presented. The main theoretical and actual policy instruments used to face such phenomena, such as emission tax, emission abatement subsidy, marketable permit instruments, are deeply analyzed from both a normative and a positive point of view. Finally, environmental project appraisal and empirical methods for valuing the environment are introduce
Derived from
( syllabus)
• Integrated approach between economics and environment • Sustainable development • Environmental degradation and market failures • The Coase's Theorem • Environmental taxes and environmental standards • Tradable permits • Other policy instruments: environmental subsidies and liability • Cost-benefit analysis • Economics of climate change • Economics of natural resources • Economics of natural disasters • Circular economy and the just and sustainable transition
( reference books)
Turner KR, Pearce DW, Bateman I (2003) Economia Ambientale, Il Mulino.
Additional teaching material prepared by the lecturer (e.g. slides, lecture notes, publications on scientific journals) will be available on the Moodle platform.
Core compulsory activities
21210060 -
Energy economics and climate change policy
This course consists in two modules. The first deals with basic concepts in Energy Economics as the distribution of sources and consumption patterns at the geographical level, the analysis of demand and supply of different energy sources and the use of energy by sectors. World energy outlook scenarios are deeply investigated. The second part of the course allows students gathering main analytical tools to consider jointly energy issues and climate change impacts. The economic analysis of policy impacts over the long term and burden sharing issues in the international bargaining process are also analyzed. At the end of the course students will be able to understand global energy and climate reports, conduct their own impact analysis and be familiar with main simulation models.
Derived from
21210060 Energy economics and climate change policy in Economia dell'ambiente, lavoro e sviluppo sostenibile LM-56 COSTANTINI VALERIA
( syllabus)
Course Learning Objectives and Skill Acquisition This course consists in two modules. The first deals with basic concepts in Energy Economics as the distribution of sources and consumption patterns at the geographical level, the analysis of demand and supply of different energy sources and the use of energy by sectors. World energy outlook scenarios are deeply investigated. The second part of the course allows students gathering main analytical tools to consider jointly energy issues and climate change impacts. The economic analysis of policy impacts over the long term and burden sharing issues in the international bargaining process are also analyzed. At the end of the course students will be able to understand global energy and climate reports, conduct their own impact analysis and be familiar with main simulation models.
Assessment The course assessment will be based on two small dissertations that the students will write and present after the end of each part of the course, one on Energy Economics and one on Climate Policy issues, and on a final written exam formed by 5 open questions.
Course general schedule Part I: Energy Economics 1. World Energy Outlook 2. Energy security and energy poverty 2. Fossil fuels economics 3. Energy price mechanisms 4. Alternative energy sources and clean energy technologies Part II: Climate Change Policy 5. The science of climate change 6. Climate change impacts 7. Vulnerability and adaptation 8. Mitigation policies 7. The European low-carbon strategy
Detailed Teaching Agenda Lecture #1: Introduction, practical information, data collection of participants Part I: Energy Economics Lecture #2: Introduction to the energy markets, composition of the energy mix Lecture #3: Demand and supply, peculiarities of the energy markets Lecture #4: How to read an energy balance: dimensions, sectors, sources Lecture #5: Global energy markets and scenario building Lecture #6: Energy price mechanisms: substitution elasticities Lecture #7: Energy price mechanisms: the rebound effect Lecture #8: Energy security and energy poverty Lecture #9: Renewable sources: introduction and taxonomy Lecture #10: Renewable sources: technological innovation and policy support Lecture #11: The biofuels case: pros and cons of an eco-innovation Lecture #12: Energy efficiency and policy support Lecture #13: The EU Energy strategy: targets and policy instruments Lecture #14: Open laboratory and intermediate assignment for Part I Lecture #15: Open laboratory and intermediate assignment for Part I Part II: Climate Change Policy Lecture #16: The science of climate change Lecture #17: Climate change impacts and economic damage Lecture #18: Vulnerability and adaptation concepts Lecture #19: The international institutional architecture for climate change Lecture #20: Political bargaining at the international and level Lecture #21: Mitigation actions and policy instruments Lecture #22: The Emission Trading System and the EU experience Lecture #23: The linkages between mitigation and economic performance Lecture #24: Flexible mechanisms and developing countries Lecture #25: The EU long-term low-carbon strategy Lecture #26: Scenario building and policy impact evaluation Lecture #27: The case of the EU long-term low-carbon strategy Lecture #28: The case of the Green Climate Fund Lecture #29: Open laboratory and intermediate assignment for Part II Lecture #30: Open laboratory and intermediate assignment for Part II
( reference books)
Teaching material will be available to students in a dedicated Dropbox folder, whose link is given on the Moodle platform. Textbooks (available in the corresponding folders for Lecture number) Bhattacharyya S.C. (2011), Energy Economics: Concepts, Issues, Markets and Governance, UK: Springer-Verlag. Chapters: 1, 2, 3 (pp. 41-61), 4 (pp.77-81), 5 (sect. 5.1.1-5.1.5), 6 (excl. 6.5), 7 (Appendix excluded for all chapters). IEA (International Energy Agency) (2017), World Energy Outlook 2017. Chapters: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. IEA (International Energy Agency) (2016), Energy Efficiency Indicators. (pages 5-10). IPCC (2014), Climate Change 2014 – Synthesis Report. (pages 1-31). IPCC (2014), Climate Change 2014 – Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability Part A. (pages 1-32). IPCC (2014), Climate Change 2014 – Mitigation of Climate Change (pages 41-107). Tol R.S.J. (2014), Climate Economics: Economic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy, Edward Elgar Publ. Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6.
Core compulsory activities
20710580 -
The course of history of capitalism is part of the program in Philosophical Sciences (MA level) and is included among the characterizing training activities. The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth understanding of some aspects of the essential issues and debates connected to the field of the History of Capitalism. The course provides students with essential knowledge of the capitalist society. Specifically, the course analyses the the evolution of this economic system at national, European and international level from the decline of the Middle Age to the crisis of 2008. Students are expected to analyse, understand, interpret and critically evaluate the themes analysed giving them the essential tools to overall comprehend the main times of the history of capitalism until the XXI century. Students are expected to acquire the following skills: - Advanced capability to overall interpret economic and social macro-phenomenons of the main themes analysed; - Advanced capability of historical ‘sense of direction’ concerning the main themes of the history of capitalism; - Language and argumentation capabilities regarding the main themes analyses.
Derived from
20710580 STORIA DEL CAPITALISMO in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 CONTE GIAMPAOLO
( syllabus)
Through a critical-thinking approach, the course analyzes the emergence of capitalism in the medieval age up to contemporary society by covering the main forms of capitalism (merchant, industrial and financial) and the thought of Smith, Marx, Weber, Schumpeter, Keynes and Hayek.
( reference books)
Attending students:
Michel Beaud, A History of Capitalism, 1500-2000, Monthly Review Press, New York 2002.
plus a further book:
Fernand Braudel, Afterthoughts on Material Civilization and Capitalism, Johns Hopkins Univiversity Press, Baltimora 1979.
Core compulsory activities
21210063 -
Industry and innovation policies in developing countries: theory and practice
Derived from
21210063 Industry and innovation policies in developing countries: theory and practice in Economia dell'ambiente, lavoro e sviluppo sostenibile LM-56 PIETROBELLI CARLO
( syllabus)
Industrial development and innovation are the essential forces that determine growth, development and structural change. In particular, innovation plays an essential role in the developing world and its role will be increasingly important. This course will give students the tools and analytical methods to think systematically about industrial development and innovation in developing countries, and provide them with a practical understanding of these phenomena. Part one of the course lays the theoretical foundations of industrial development, including traditional, as well as, new and unorthodox approaches, with a focus on the theory of the firm and of innovation in emerging countries. Part two of the course explores in detail the tools and mechanisms frequently implemented in industrial and innovation policies and programs, and analyzes the approaches followed by some governments and international organizations using concrete empirical examples from policies and projects implemented.
( reference books)
Selected Chapters from: Szirmai A. (2015) Socio-Economic Development: Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed.., chapters 8 and 9. Crespi G., Fernandez-Arias E. and Stein E. (Eds.), 2014, Rethinking Productive Development: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Development in the Americas, London: Palgrave for Inter-American Development Bank. Chapters 1, 2 and 3. Cirera X. and Maloney W.F., 2017, The Innovation Paradox: Developing Country Capabilities and the Unrealized Promise of Technological Catch-Up, Washington DC: The World Bank, chapters 1, 2, and 4. Articles: 1. Bell M.R. and Pavitt K., 1993, ‘Technological Accumulation and Industrial Growth: Contrasts between Developed and Developing Countries’, Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.2 No.2. 2. Casaburi G., Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C., 2014, Policies to Promote Coordination among Interlinked Firms, in Crespi et al., Rethinking Industrial Policy: Sound Policies and Institutions for Productive Transformation, Palgrave, chapter 7. 3. Fagerberg J., 2006, “Innovation. A Guide to the Literature”, in J.Fagerberg and D.Mowery (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Gereffi G., Humphrey J., Sturgeon T., 2005, “The governance of global value chains”, Review of International Political Economy, 12:1, 78-104. 5. Giuliani E., Pietrobelli C. and Rabellotti R. (2005) “Upgrading in Global Value Chains: Lessons from Latin American Clusters”, World Development, Vol.33(4), pp. 549–73. 6. Hallward-Driemeier, M. and Pritchett L., 2015. "How Business Is Done in the Developing World: Deals versus Rules." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(3): 121-40. 7. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D. (2006) “Doomed to Choose: Industrial Policy as a Predicament”, Harvard Kennedy School Working Paper. 8. Hausmann R. and Rodrik D., (2003), “Economic Development as Self Discovery,” Journal of Development Economics, Vol.72, Issue 2, pages 603-33, December (also NBER Working Paper No. 8952). 9. Lall S. and Pietrobelli C., 2005, “National Technology Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa”, International Journal of Technology and Globalization, KSG, Harvard, Vol.1 No.3-4, 2005. 10. Lall S., 1992, "Technological Capabilities and Industrialization", World Development, Vol.20 No.2 11. Lin J. and Chang H.J., 2009, “Should Industrial Policy in Developing Countries Conform to Comparative Advantage or Defy it? A Debate Between Justin Lin and Ha-Joon Chang”, Development Policy Review, 2009, 27 (5): 483-502 12. Lundvall B‐Å. (2007) “National Innovation Systems—Analytical Concept and Development Tool”, Industry and Innovation, 14:1, 95-119, DOI: 10.1080/13662710601130863 13. Maffioli A., Pietrobelli C. and Stucchi R., 2016, The Impact Evaluation of Cluster Development Programs, Washington D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank, Chapter 1. 14. McMillan, M., Rodrik, D., Verduzco-Gallo, I., 2014, “Globalization, Structural Change, and Productivity Growth, with an Update on Africa”. World Development 63: 11-32, doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2013.10.012 15. Nelson R.R., 2008, “Economic Development from the Perspective of Evolutionary Theory”, Oxford Development Studies Vo.36 No.1 March, pp.9-22 16. Pietrobelli C., 1997, ‘On the Theory of Technological Capabilities and Developing Countries’ Dynamic Comparative Advantage in Manufactures’, Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, Vol.XLIV, No. 2, June. 17. Pietrobelli, C. & Staritz, C., 2017, “Upgrading, Interactive Learning, and Innovation Systems in Value Chain Interventions”, European Journal of Development Research, 18. Rodrik D., 2013, “Unconditional Convergence in Manufacturing”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, pp.165-204, doi:10.1093/qje/qjs047
OPTIONAL SUPPLEMENTARY READINGS Chatterji A., Glaeser E.L., Kerr W.K., 2013, “Clusters of Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, NBER Working Paper 19013 EIU, “Innovation Clusters: Understanding life cycles”, The Economist Intelligence Unit, London Fernández-Arias E., Sabel C., Stein E., Trejos A., 2017, “Two to Tango: Public-Private Collaboration for Productive Development Policies”, IDB Working Paper IDB-WP-855, Washington D.C.: The Inter-American Development Bank. Fu X., Pietrobelli C., Soete L., 2011, “The Role of Foreign Technology and Indigenous Innovation in the Emerging Economies: Technological Change and Catching-up”, World Development Vol. 39, No. 7, pp. 1204–1212 Humphrey J. and Schmitz H. (2002) “How does insertion in global value chains affect upgrading industrial clusters?”, Regional Studies, Vol. 36, No.9. Podcast on Structural Change, Interview to Dani Rodrik, IMF Podcast, Schmitz H. and Nadvi K., (1999). "Clustering and Industrialization: Introduction”, World Development, Vol. 27, No.9., pp. 1503-14. Szirmai A., 2011, “Manufacturing and Economic Development”, UNU-WIDER Working Paper No. 2011/75, November,
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710063 -
The master's course allows you to acquire specific analytical skills to read and critically evaluate the sources relating to travel from a geographical point of view. Understand strengths, limitations and defects of the sources used and usable by Geography in order to reconstruct the environmental, social and cultural frameworks of the past. Understand and enhance the cultural context in which the odeporic sources were created and the importance of the biographies of their authors. Draw information from these sources, even if not explicitly provided, and organize the geographic data as a function of a cognitive question, a goal (scientific, practical).
( syllabus)
Travel’s reports of the past are a preferred source for the construction of geographical thought and culture. Particularly between the late Middle Ages and Modern Age, travel’s relations allows to retrace the complex process of widening of Europeans’ geographical horizon. In western society the relationship between geography and travel’s reports has changed over the centuries, to the need to sort and reprocess the information gathered, to create a geographical knowledge built on valid rules, correlations between phenomena and rational criteria for classification. During the course will be analyzed practices of travel, travelers and travel’s reports, in their various types. Will also be considered some examples of travel’s reports that, throughout history, have marked the collective imagination and the construction of the world’s modern image. Testimony of travel’s experiences, travel literature has become ever more an instrument of knowledge of the territory and of human communities, through understanding the other and the elsewhere, but also the culture that looks at the other and at the space, for as this was and still is organized on the basis of many human needs (exploration, knowledge, tourism, etc.).
( reference books)
The exam program will be valid from the 2025 summer session.
Not attending - Guglielmo Scaramellini, La geografia dei viaggiatori. Raffigurazioni individuali e immagini collettive nei resoconti di viaggio, Milano, Unicopli, 1993 o 1998, solo la Parte seconda, pp. 55-111. - Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Dall’esperienza del viaggio al sapere geografico, in Geotema, n° 8 (1997), Il viaggio come fonte di conoscenze geografiche, pp. 3-12 ( - Annalisa D'Ascenzo, Il viaggio prima del viaggio. Credenze, miti e desideri dalle esperienze odeporiche terrestri a quelle extraterrestri, in Annalisa D’Ascenzo (a cura di), I viaggi e la modernità. Dalle grandi esplorazioni geografiche ai mondi extraterrestri, Roma, CISGE, 2021, pp. 265-297 (
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711527 -
Methods of diffusion of constitutional culture – LM
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
20711243 -
Religion and Society in Global Perspective
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710639 -
History of the Age of the Reformation and Counter-Reformation MD
The course proposes to explore some of the significant themes of European history between the late 15th century and the first half of the 17th century. Special attention will paid to religious, political and social, structures, which lead to the birth, affirmation and development of the Protestant movement, to the fracture of Christianity and to attempts that were made to limit and heal this fracture.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20707004 -
In the Early Modern Age, the themes of war, peace and negotiation with internal and external actors of the different political communities were particularly important and they extended from the European continent to the non-European worlds. It was a phenomenon that involved the society as a whole and not only diplomats and soldiers. The tools and practices adopted by the societies of the ancien régime constructed a complex web of actions and theories that ranged from the construction of the diplomatic system to private negotiation in and out of the judicial sphere.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710656 -
The course of History of Conflict and Cultural Diplomacy offers an overview of the rule that culture plays in relationships between states, particularly in time of crises, tensions and wars. By combining frontal teaching, group work and individual presentations, the course will introduce students to the different characteristics of war, and to the different forms of propaganda, including the tools used to promote its image abroad and the public diplomacy. The core of the investigation will be the balance between soft power and hard power, from the 19th Century until the present day.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710662 -
The course aims to provide the elements of method for the analysis of the construction of individual and collective memory and for all public (and political) uses of the past.
In particular, we will discuss those historiographical currents which, especially in Italy, constitute the theoretical basis of the discipline: oral history and cultural history.
Finally, some examples of "good practices" of Public History will also be provided.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710647 -
History of religion - A MA
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is to provide an in-depth knowledge of the history of certain disciplines and approaches related to the field of religion and religions through a multidisciplinary and methodological history of studies. In particular, we will explore:
History Anthropology Sociology Juridical apporaches Geography Cognitive sciences
Comparison is also one of the themes addressed in the construction of studies and research on religion The course deals with the stages through which religion and religions have gained independent ground in academia and become an object of study: through the creation of the 'religion' model and through a process of retro-projection into the past of what is considered a religion at a given historical moment, we deal with how different prototypes found in the contemporary and subsequently in the past, in a plurality of forms, have been assumed.
( reference books)
Attending Students
1. Notes and readings indicated in the course (see online teaching materials and additional material to be distributed by the lecturer during lectures)
2. G. Filoramo, M. Giorda, N. Spineto, Manuale di scienze della religione, Morcelliana, Brescia 2019.
3. Geertz Armin W., Approcci cognitivi ed evoluzionistici alla religione Patron 2020 OR G. Lapis, Dopo le “religioni mondiali”, Morcelliana 2022 OR Brent Nongbri, Prima della religione. Storia di una categoria moderna, traduzione di Alessia Piana, Claudiana 2022.
Not attending students will replace point number 1 with:
G. Filoramo, Che cosa è la religione, Einaudi, Torino 2004.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710660 -
The course of study aims to: - to transmit the knowledge of the main lines of the history of Christianity in the contemporary age; - present the specificity of the historical-religious dimension in the context of globalization; - provide knowledge of the main themes proposed and the related historiographical debate; - introduce students to the analysis of sources for religious history (press, documents, images, audiovisual sources).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710648 -
( syllabus)
A historical perspective on religions must grasp the stratification of their presence on the territory and reconstruct their dynamics and strategies: since 2007, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas and cities have become the privileged space of contestations, conflicts, negotiation of interests, creation of symbolic resources and capital concerning religion. Innovations and trends concerning religious beliefs and practices are created in cities. Theoretical knowledge will be provided on the concept of religious space/place, the results of empirical research on the presence of religious places in increasingly plural spaces also due to migration movements and diaspora processes.
The main case study will be that of shared religious places. In particular, places where religions coexist in public spaces and in urban and suburban contexts will be analysed. In particular, studies on the relationship between space and religion: from the geography of religion to the geographies of religions.
Theories, concepts, terminology, methods related to the study of religious places and the location of the sacred in space through materiality and planning relations will be exposed and discussed.
( reference books)
Attending Students
1. Course notes and readings indicated in the course (see online teaching materials and additional material to be distributed by the lecturer during lectures)
2. C. Russo, A. Saggioro, Roma città plurale, Bulzoni 2018 or M.Giorda, M. Burchardt, Materializzare la tolleranza: luoghi multireligiosi tra conflitto e adattamento. “Annali di Studi Religiosi” 20, 2019 (open access - on line). or D. Albera, M. Couroucli, I luoghi sacri comuni ai monoteismi. Tra cristianesimo, ebraismo e islam. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013. or M. Giorda, La Chiesa romena in Italia, Viella 2023
3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (curato da B. Nuti)
Not attending students: 1. C. Russo, A. Saggioro, Roma città plurale, Bulzoni 2018 and M.Giorda, M. Burchardt, Materializzare la tolleranza: luoghi multireligiosi tra conflitto e adattamento. “Annali di Studi Religiosi” 20, 2019 (open access - on line).
2. D. Albera, M. Couroucli, I luoghi sacri comuni ai monoteismi. Tra cristianesimo, ebraismo e islam. Brescia, Morcelliana, 2013.
3. Sessione monografica di Humanitas 2021 su “Ecologia e religioni” (ed B. Nuti)
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711232 -
Post-development sociology
Development is the architrave of modernity. Regardless of the changing political contents, values of justice and institutional frames, modern society primarily bets on the logic of unleashing economic and social forces and on unlimited valorisation of material and immaterial resources. This logic has not only marked Western history but has also informed the relationship between Western countries and the rest of the world, echoing today in the epic of the new regional powers framing the global arena. Although the myth of development continues to haunt our societies, much of the problems on the agenda stem from its long compulsion as well as from its apparent exhaustion. The anthropological, psychological, political, social, economic, environmental and systemic consequences of development are becoming increasingly unsustainable. The course aims, on the one hand, at analyzing and discussing these drifts, on the other, at imagining a post-development society, freed from the automatisms of the unleashing logic.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the crisis of the "developmentist" modernity, analyzing its original features and its institutional and regulative evolutions, in connection with the changing characters of social theory. In the final part, we will try to imagine the features of a post-development society, taking inspiration from the "meridian thinking" by Franco Cassano. Teaching language: English.
( reference books)
- O. Romano, "The sociology of knowledge in a time of crisis. Challenging the phantom of liberty", Routledge, New York & London 2014. - F. Cassano, "Southern thought. And other essays on the Mediterranean", Fordham University Press, New York 2012.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711681 -
history of gender and sexuality
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
ambito F - altre conoscenze utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro - (show)
20710185 -
Laboratory GIS and Cultural Heritage
The Laboratory aims to offer a theoretical and practical knowledge on tools for recognition, enhancement and capitalization of cultural heritage, through the acquisition of technical and computer skills. In particular, each student will be introduced on the use of GIS software for the realization of a geodatabase for the census and the geolocation of the case studies, that takes into account also the processes of territorializzation that have occurred over time in the geographic context investigated.
Derived from
20710185 Laboratorio GIS e Beni culturali in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 CARALLO SARA
( syllabus)
The Laboratory aims to offer theoretical and practical knowledge on the tools for the recognition, enhancement and capitalization of cultural heritage, through the acquisition of technical and IT skills. In particular, each student will be introduced to the use of GIS software for the creation of a geodatabase for the census and geolocation of the assets under study, which also takes into account the territorialization processes that have taken place over time in the geographical context investigated.
( reference books)
Grava Massimiliano, Camillo Berti, Nicola Gabellieri e Arturo Gallia (2020), Historical GIS. Strumenti digitali per la geografia storica in Italia. Trieste, EUT. Disponibile al seguente link:
Other activities
20711293 -
Laboratorio di "Storia orale"
The course aims to provide participants with a basic theoretical knowledge of oral history and to give their opportunity to practice an interview working in a team.
Other activities
Optional group:
Ambito F - Tirocini e seminari - (show)