21001990-2 -
In the second semester, It consists in the didactic foundation of the design excercise teaching the principle of indissolubility between plan, teaching intentions, tectonics, subject and location.
( syllabus)
The course aims to make the student aware of the problem of architectural space, gradually building up the typological, structural and aesthetic connections that define its peculiar characteristics. This process will be pursued through targeted lessons, readings of canonical examples and individual composition exercises that help to build a solid aesthetic awareness, and finally with exercises of reading of exemplary single-family houses.
( reference books)
B. Zevi, Saper vedere l'architettura. Saggio sull'interpretazione spaziale dell'architettura, Torino, Einaudi, 1953.
L. Quaroni, Progettare un edificio. Otto lezioni di Architettura, Milano, Mazzotta, 1977. P.O. Rossi, La costruzione del progetto architettonico, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996. H.Hertzberger, Lezioni di architettura, Bari, Editori Laterza, 1996. L. Altarelli et al., Forme della composizione, Roma, Kappa, 1997. G. Ponti, Amate l’architettura, Genova, Vitali e Ghianda, 1957, (ristampa in commercio: Milano, CUSL, 2004).
M. Bonaiti, Architettura è. Louis I. Kahn, gli scritti, Electa, Milano, 2002 R. Moneo, Inquietudine teorica e strategia progettuale nell’opera di otto architetti contemporanei, Electa,2005. B. Munari, Fantasia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1977. B. Munari, Da cosa nasce cosa, Laterza, Bari-Roma, 1981.
( syllabus)
This is the first part of an annual architectural design laboratory, in this first semester with 6 credits, 4 of architectural and urban composition and design and 2 of structures.
In the first half of the year, the commitment is 50 hours, dedicated to lectures, architectural visits and practical exercises of model building, drawing and design. The course contents are proposed and verified through lectures, exercises, educational visits, individual and collective reviews. The final exam mark takes into account all the activities carried out by the student during the course, the quality of the exercises is obviously crucial in assigning the mark itself. All processing of the work is done by hand, the use of the C.A.d.
1-Topography (Individual) Exercise with level curves to be played by model, is assigned a building volume of date size that must be housed on the ground by creating a digging, or a podium by land reconditioning and making an access path. Scale 1: 250 Area of intervention 75m x 50m, altitude 10m, making curves with cardboard from 1mm (4 curves per 1 meter of altitude) serve 40 curves to absorb the difference in height. The volume to be inserted is a generic residential volume of 5 m for 10 m, which can be inserted as shown in the examples shown, inserting it into the ground, creating a podium, lifting it on a pilot, or by adopting hybrid solutions.
2-Redesign and reconstruction of an architecture (group 3 people) Analysis, technical drawing and realization of a scale model 1: 100 or 1:50 of the following residences:
Le Corbusier, Maison Guiette, Anversa, Belgio, 1927
Le Corbusier, Ville Savoye, Poissy, Francia, 1928 - 1931
Alvar Aalto Casa sperimentale a Muuratsalo, Finlandia, 1952-1954
Alberto Campo Baeza, Casa Turegano, Madrid, Spagna, 1988
Louis Kahn, Fisher House, Hatboro, Pennsylvania, USA, 1960-1967
3-Building System (Individual) Project of a small hut, up to 20 sqm, everywhere students want, in a place well known to the designer, using a single constructive system between: reinforced concrete, brick, stone, wood, steel. Scale model 1:50, plants and sections in scale 1:50
4-Sketches and relief from true anthropometric (individual during visits) Draw on a drawing book A5 sketches of travel, prospects, plants, sections, portraits, and assonometries, paying particular attention to the proportions of the spaces and architectural elements represented. Booklet to be delivered.
( reference books)
LE CORBUSIER, Verso un architettura, Milano 1973
F. VENEZIA, Che cos’è l’architettura, Milano 2011
J. UTZON, Idee di architettura. Scritti e conversazioni, Milano 2011
A. Desplazes, Constructing architecture, materials processes structures, a handbook, Basel, 2005
F. Cellini, Manualetto, Norme tecniche, costruttive e grafiche per lo svolgimento di una esercitazione progettuale sul tema della casa unifamiliare, Palermo, 1991
( reference books)
Carlo Cassola, Il taglio del bosco, Editore: Bur, Anno edizione: 2008 E.H. Gombrich, La storia dell'arte, Editore: Phaidon, Anno edizione: 2008 George Leonard Hersey, Il significato nascosto dell'architettura classica, Editore: Bruno Mondadori, Anno edizione: 2001 F.Purini, Comporre l'architettura, Editore: Laterza Bari, Anno edizione: 2000 Colin Rowe, La matematica della villa ideale, Editore: Zanichelli, Anno edizione: 1992 Ulteriore bibliografia verrà fornita allo studente durante l’anno accademico. Instagram francesco_menegatti_students
Core compulsory activities
21001995-1 -
To be able to draw, in a correct and understandable form, in architecture it is prerequisite to dialogue with the outside world. The knowledge of grammatical and lexical basis of the architectural drawing allows the use of the availability of graphic language and architecture to express not only the objective reality and material / dimensional architecture itself but also to test and expose the formal thoughts, the geometric and proportional logic, the memories of historical language, the symbolic values, the underlying meaning that substantiate the ways of being of architectural objects. Objectives: development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills critical to proper use of techniques and methods of representation, meaning and value of graphic conventions needed for the transmission of the idea of architecture and his design for the project.
( syllabus)
The course consists of 6 Drawing credits and 2 credits of Digital representation, which will be closely integrated.
1. 1. Drawing from True and survey at Palazzo Spada in Rome, with in situ campaigns and subsequent classroom work. 2. 2. Drawing for the architectural project with theoretical lessons and laboratory experiences
All the sections indicated below will be accompanied by the theory that will allow the acquisition of the fundamentals of the design discipline and the achievement of the course objectives, to be verified during the examination.
General issues 0. Sketching 1. The direct survey drawing. Methodologies and graphic constructions 2. The drawing for the architectural project: from the concept to the codified technical drawing 3. The drawing of the Masters 4. Graphical analysis of architectural values 5. Drawing between art and science: ancient drawing, tools, representation theory 6. Perception and visual communication Specific topics In order to develop the themes indicated above, the following topics will be covered:
1. Measurement theory (book chapter) 2. The theoretical foundations of the survey. Direct architectural survey. Eidotypes and procedures (for the plan and elevation of a family environment) (book chapter) 3. The design of the building elements (stairs, fixtures). (food storage) 4. Symbolic representation. Graphic codes and their use. (chap. book) 5. Dimensioning systems for survey and project graphs. (pantry and book chapter) 6. The architectural project drawing: types of works, methods and graphic process of elaboration. (chap. book) 7. Graphic analysis for knowledge of the architectural work. To be applied to the theme provided by the teacher. (food storage) 8. Perception and visual communication. The elements of representation. Point, line, surface, structures, textures and formal laws and graphic composition. (chap. and pantry) 9. The design of the Masters: the values of design between rule and graphic artifice. (chap. book and handouts) 10. The design of classical orders. Five easy pieces by R. Migliari (magazine extract) 11. The design of the ancient between art and science. The art of drawing at Palazzo Spada. Borromini's solid perspective: design and construction. Closing lesson. (book and essay in volume)
( reference books)
Bibliografia (Corso e modulo)
1. Canciani, Marco. I disegni di Progetto. Costruzioni tipi e analisi. Roma: Città Studi, 2009 2. Architectural Graphic Standards / Student edition /Hedges ; link al catalogo SBA di Ateneo 3. Cervellini, Franco, Partenope, Renato (a cura di). Franco Purini. Una Lezione sul disegno. Roma: Gangemi editore 4. Docci, Mario, Maestri, Diego. Manuale di rilevamento architettonico e urbano. Roma: Laterza, 1994 5. Docci, Maestri, Chiavoni, Emanuela. Saper disegnare l’architettura. Roma: Laterza, 2017 6. De Carlo, Laura e Paris, Leonardo. Le linee curve per l'architettura e il design. Roma: Franco Angeli, 2019 https://www.francoangeli.it/Ricerca/scheda_libro.aspx?id=25781 7. De Fiore, Gaspare. Corso di disegno. Roma: Fabbri editore, 1983 8. Farroni, Laura. L'arte del disegno a Palazzo Spada. Roma: De Luca editori d'arte. 2019 9. https://www.academia.edu/4746450/Disegno_come_Modello_Drawing_as_Model_
10. Fasolo, Vincenzo. L’analisi grafica dei valori architettonici. Roma
11. Migliari, Riccardo. Il disegno degli ordini http://www.descriptivegeometry.eu/0_dati/pdf/Migliari/1991_Disegno_ordini.pdf
( syllabus)
Drawing proposes itself as a quest for an individual aesthetics, one which is subjective, which is one’s own and in some sense unique; and hence a conquest of one’s own autonomy, of one’s own freedom of expression. Graphic operations have, as a matter of fact, the quality of indissolubly marrying execution techniques, understood as manual operability, and abstract thought. From this marriage flows the exceptional condition of drawing as concerning all of the arts, and in some way as well, the multidisciplinarity of its teachings which run through all of the professional training or university degrees in the creative disciplines. Drawing should be understood, in keeping with its most ancient academic traditions, as a project metalanguage (shared amongst the arts), namely how to know that which concerns the figurative dimension - and hence communicative (representative) of architectonic construction. Learning how to draw contributes, in the didactic process, to the formation of a precise figurative culture of architecture and is inescapably situated between design and history. This course proposes to deepen, to experiment with techniques of representation, aimed at the knowledge, reading, direct surveying, analysis, and conception of architecture. One shall not be able to draw flawlessly in the little time at our disposal; the practice of drawing and the learning of this is an absorbing and constant effort which one must do on one’s own and which should accompany us throughout our entire life; the course shall however seek to lay the groundwork which shall allow you to understand and strengthen your own expressive modalities through drawing: and to apply the various techniques, thanks to the direct and practical indications given during the supervised practice sessions, by means of the study, observation and the redrawing of the emblematic cases of both classical as well ascontemporary architecture and art. Through these practice sessions, the definition of your own graphic expressivity shall be furthered, thus helping you to grasp how crucial drawing is in order to express your own ideas as well as for the project. Studying texts dedicated to the masters of architecture, from Palladio to Aldo Rossi, from Leonardo to Le Corbusier, our running from sketches to the more aseptic computerized renderings, is a kind of knowledge, which is absolutely indispensable for the architect in order to carry out the precise rendering of his or her own ideas. That architecture is learnt and communicated by drawing architectures is for all intents and purposes obvious, but not at the same time the consciousness of drawing as the expression of the mind and soul. The first part of the course shall therefore deepen knowledge of free hand drawing, a procedure which alludes to the past but which has also has illustrious contemporary admirers, and a particular space shall be dedicated to drawing from reality, to the sketches, to prospective drawing and on-sight relief. In the second part we shall experiment with the various techniques of contemporary representation and not, as a complex exercise in the interpretation of reality, we shall pass from ink to pencil, from charcoal crayon to watercolours, from sanguines to pantones on supports which differ from time to time. Every lesson shall be preceded by practice sessions conducted in the classroom or outside in the presence of a teacher who shall provide practical clarifications on the execution. Intermediate verifications will take place and attendance in the lessons and in the practice tasks is required.
The material will be indicated by the teacher during the lessons.
( reference books)
- R. Arnheim, arte e percezione visiva, milano 1965 - Licisco Magagnato-Paola Marini (a cura di), Andrea Palladio. I quattro libri dell’architettura, Il polifilo, Milano 1980 - M. De Simone, Disegno, rilievo, progetto. Il disegno delle idee, il progetto delle cose, Roma 1990 - F. Moschini e G. Neri, Dal progetto. Scritti teorici di Franco Purini 1966-1991, Roma 1992 - G. Anceschi, L’oggetto della raffigurazione, Milano 1992 - E. E. Viollet Le Duc, Storia di un disegnatore, Venezia 1992 - aa.vv., Teorie e metodi del disegno, città-studi, Milano 1994. - aa.vv., Il disegno come idea, Roma 1996 - G. De Fiore, Storia del disegno, Milano 1997 - M. Docci e D. Maestri; Scienza del disegno, Torino 2000 - aa.vv., Il disegno dell' architettura fra tradizione e innovazione, Roma 2002 - Anna Sgrosso, Rinascimento e barocco, in De Rosa-Sgrosso-Giordano, La geometria nell’immagine. Storia dei metodi di rappresentazione, utet, Torino 2002 - M.G. Cianci, La rappresentazione del paesaggio. strumenti e procedure per l' analisi e la rappresentazione del paesaggio, firenze 2008-i materiali (immagini, schemi, riferimenti e approfondimenti tematici). sito web: 100disegni.blogspot.com
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
COMUNE Orientamento unico DISCIPLINE A SCELTA DELLO STUDENTE 2022/2023 - (show)
21002135 -
The class introduces students to complexity in Architectural Design. The class proposes and explains the digital means, the procedures, the uses and the organization of contemporary Design Offices mroe oriented toward innovation and integration of different instances in the design. The class is oriented as a small Laboratory, even is its results are evaluated in the understanding of the theory and the new concepts introduced. Students produce a series of small designs, based on the direct experimentation of digital procedures in BIM software, conceived in its parametric core identity. So there is a strict relationship between technology introduced and design topics, thanks to a careful selection and filter of the proposed functions. The basic assumption of the class is that there is a strict need of facing new technologies, deeply understanding them and their power, but in a day to day effort to engage them in a design based thinking. The aim is to prepare students to a mindset that is fruitful in the contemporary professional and cultural context.
( syllabus)
The class aims at building awareness on the relationship between object oriented modeling and a tectonic approach to design. Students are exposed to te full range of digital innovation applied to architectural design, from simulation, to numeric fabrication, to operation, through the presentation of several examples of contemporary design, including a historical perspective on its evolution in the past 30 years. But all along the class students will also be constantly using BIM software directly, since the class thinks direct experience on software a crucial aspect of a full and sincere awareness on the real meaning of digital culture.
( reference books)
Stefano Converso, SHoP Architects. Collaborazioni costruttive in digitale, Collana IT Revolution in Architettura, Edilstampa, Roma, 2008
Maurizio Gargano, Forma e materia. Ratiocinatio e Fabrica nell’architettura dell’età moderna, Officina edizioni, Roma, 2007
Elective activities
21002134 -
Derived from
21002134 ARTI CIVICHE in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 N0 CARERI FRANCESCO
( syllabus)
The aim of the course is the exploration and re-appropriation of the city through the arts. It will take place entirely in the urban space using walks, performative actions, installations. The Course teaches us to get lost, to recognize the arts of discovery, of the encounter with the Other. It proposes walking as a research method, with the intent to reactivate in the students and in the inhabitants their innate capacity for creative transformation of the space in which they live, to remind them that they have a body and the desires with which they can modify it. In the first days of the course there will be an introductory phase on the relationship between arts and cities, between arts and nomadism, on the practices conducted by Francesco Careri together with Stalker in Rome in the last twenty years. Then the peripatetic phase will begin, through long, aimless walks, with the intention of consciously get lost in the city. At this stage there will be some rules to follow: we don’t walk on sidewalks or asphalt; we can never go back; we don’t believes in private property; but above all: who waste time gain space. We will try to stay behind the built city, along the margins and borders, to reconstruct a unitary thread to the fragments of separate cities in which we live. But we will proceed in a cross-eyed way, towards a goal and towards what diverts it from the goal, disposing itself to road accidents, to the possibility of stumbling and of making a mistake. We will try to take the city by surprise, indirectly, sideways, playful, non-functional, to stumble into unexplored territories where new questions arise. Students will be asked to try to look at reality "with their heads under their legs", to overturn their points of view, to produce places through their actions, to transform their own living spaces with material and immaterial interventions, to find new ways to tell them.
( reference books)
a lot of information about the contents and results of courses in recent years can be found in the blog: http://articiviche.blogspot.com/
basic Bibliography:
Elective activities
21002138 -
To give the students the basic skills for a critical understanding of urban problems and to compare these with the role of architectural approach
Derived from
21002138 STUDI URBANI, SPAZIO E COMUNITA' in Architettura - Progettazione urbana LM-4 CAUDO GIOVANNI
( syllabus)
The aims of Urban Studies course are to provide students with the essential theoretical framework for a critical understanding of urban issues and to be able to compare these with the more large vision of the urban project. The structure of the course and the issues proposed will allow the student to put his university training experience in dialogue with the themes of architecture and those of urban studies by establishing interconnections to build a more global picture of urban skills.
( reference books)
I testi sono quelli che saranno oggetto delle letture svolte in aula, e saranno indicate di volta in volta. A titolo esemplificativo: Massimo Cacciari, La città, Pazzini Leonardo Benevolo, La cattura dell'infinito, Laterza Giovanni Ferraro, Il libro dei luoghi, Jaka book Roberto Esposito, Communitas, Einaudi Michel Foucault, Spazi altri, i luoghi delle eterotopie (a cura di) S. Vaccaro, Mimesis Francesco Remotti, Contro l'identità, Laterza
Elective activities
21010027 -
The course of Complements on design of timber structures involves the participation of experts in timber structures. The main focus is the acquisition of basic knowledge about the mechanical behavior of timber used as construction material and of the main elements and structural systems made with it. Basic tools for evaluation of the structural safety and design criteria for structural elements, aimed to simplified constructions design. To this aim is required the development of a simple design of a timber foot bridge.
Derived from
21010027 COMPLEMENTI DI PROGETTAZIONE STRUTTURALE - STRUTTURE DI LEGNO in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 FOLLESA Maurizio
( syllabus)
• Physical and mechanical properties of wood, defects and grading methods, anisotropy and wood-water relationships, durability, biodegradation and preservation. Inspection and diagnosis on existing buildings. • Wood and wood products for structural use. • Structural types. Multi-storey buildings with a timber structure, structural behavior and design criteria. Sustainability and short supply chain. Case studies of building construction. • Design and verification (ULS and SLS) of structural elements and joints. • Fire and earthquake resistance. Scientific research on wooden buildings: experimental tests and experiences carried out. • Timber elements on masonry buildings: consolidation and structural retrofitting.
( reference books)
1. Linee guida per l’edilizia in legno in Toscana – AA.VV. Regione Toscana 2009. 2. Powerpoint slides of lectures 3. Book "Appunti per le Costruzioni in Legno: normativa, progettazione e buone pratiche di cantiere" 4. Desing manuals 5. Reference standards (NTC 2018 and Circolare, Eurocode 5, CNR-DT 206: 2018, scientific paper on the new version of Eurocode 8)
Elective activities
21010042 -
The Course confirming the idea that man, in his broadest sense, must be placed at the centre of the project. The concepts of accessibility and availability will be integrated into those ones concerning comfort, safety and multisensory.
( syllabus)
The Course deals with the study of architectonic barriers and design and technological solutions able to overcome them, in order to guarantee for all the people the accessibility to settings, facilities and furniture. The town and transport system’s planning, the new and existing building’s design must provide for all that solutions able to allow a free berries spaces, promoting orientation and both settings and hazardous situations recognition, at the same time. Therefore, confirming the idea that man, in his broadest sense, must be placed at the centre of the project, the concepts of accessibility and availability will be integrated into those ones concerning comfort, safety and multisensory.
( reference books)
Tatano, V. [2018]. Atlante dell’accessibilità urbana a Venezia, Conegliano: Anteferma edizioni.
Elective activities
21010043 -
The knowledge of historic architecture is very important to help the students improve their capacity of understanding the buildings and their design and technical features; this knowledge is gained through the study of the whole of buildings’ motivations, historic context and design features. The wide variety of courses dealing with history of architecture comes from this conviction. The course of History of Architecture and Methods of Analysis aims at critically retracing the composition process -either ideological, methodical or procedural- at the basis of every architecture; it is directed towards the students of the fifth year of course, that are already aware of the role that history of architecture plays in the design process. In particular, the very role of history in relation to architectural design during centuries is at the basis of the disciplinary orientation meant for the topics at hand, avoiding to take into account the use of simple stylistic issues as repertoire-catalogue and preferring the methodological lesson from the past. Once the intention of considering above all the historical evolution of the design method has been stated, the language will be dealt with closely during the classes, together with the programmatic criteria and the motivations -even ideological- found in the period of time between the Fifteen century and today.
( syllabus)
The course of History of Architecture and Methods of Analysis aims at critically retracing the composition process - either ideological, methodical or procedural- at the basis of every architecture. Lessons in chronological sequence, from the Italian Quattrocento to the XX century, are dedicated to masterworks or lesser known architectures, discussing the sources required by selected "history making" processes. This section of the course aims at presenting a series of different historical analysis and interpretations, considered of significant value with respect to the scientific background of the author, to her/his methods of investigations, to research goals, patronage and chronological context. Written sources, such as texts and visual representations, as well as built architectures and urban complexes, are discussed in a critical perspective. A special focus is dedicated to the selection and interpretation of historical sources and to the use of "diagrams" in architectural representations.
( reference books)
ESSAYS (Required Reading of at least of TWO of the followings): - James Ackerman, La villa. Forma e ideologia, Torino - Rafael Moneo, La solitudine degli edifici e altri scritti, vol 1, Torino 1999. - John Summerson, Il linguaggio classico dell’Architettura, Torino 1970.
- Manfredo Tafuri, Progetto e utopia, Roma-Bari, 1973.
SOURCES (required excerpt at least ONE among the following collections, with reference to the topic of "Parallel & Contrasts" elaborate): Ulrich Conrads (a c.d.), Manifesti e programmi per l'architettura del 20. secolo, Firenze 1970.
Joan Ockman (ed.), Architecture, culture 1943-1968. a Documentary Anthology, New York 1993.
Elective activities
21010044 -
The course aims to: - consolidate the students' knowledge on the topic of the collective housing, with particular reference to the experimentations proposed by architectural culture in Rome and Madrid from the beginning of the 20th century and more recent years; - strengthen students' consciousness of the role that collective housing has had and can have for the quality of urban space, capable of inspiring in the inhabitants a sense of identification and belonging; - promote the comparison between different architectural cultures and cities as a research method useful for architectural design; - promote exchanges between European students and the internationalization of teaching.
( syllabus)
The course includes a series of lessons centered on the topic of collective housing, with particular reference to the experimentations proposed by architectural culture in Rome and Madrid from the beginning of the 20th century to more recent years. The lessons will tend to highlight the forms assumed by collective housing over the different periods and in the research of the protagonists of the architectural scene who have worked in these two cities, with a specific attention to the topic of urban form and the relation between dwelling and city. The case of Rome assumes an emblematic value in this context. In fact Rome was a particularly fertile field of experimentation during the 20th century, in which the collective housing took on extreme and original forms ranging from the emphasis on domestic and individual scale in the Ina Casa neighborhoods, to monumental scale of the great projects of the Seventies in which the collective dimension prevails. But during the 20th century Rome was also a field of spontaneous practices of "colonization" of urban spaces, through which domestic elements infiltrated the ancient monuments of its huge territory. The ambiguity of the relations between domesticity and the material persistence of monuments, which the city itself has promoted in the course of its history, can be considered one of the specific characters of Roman dwelling, a consequence of practices that can be analyzed and codified as a source of inspiration for contemporary projects. The long phase of experimentation on collective housing in Rome ended in the Eighties. Although the city continued to grow through the construction of residential units, there were no significant architectural researches (except for sporadic cases). On the contrary, Madrid has been interested in the last decades by a ohase of rich experimentation on the topic of the collective housing, which has involved the local and international architectural culture in the design of whole urban areas. The practices promoted by the Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y el Suelo (EMVS) through open competitions and invitations to international architects consolidated the role of the city as a laboratory of experimentation and reflection on the new forms of collective housing. The most well-known, and even the most controversial, outcomes, such as the Mirador building in Sanchinarro or the projects by Tom Mayne (Morphosis), David Chipperfiled, Wiel Arets or Ricardo Legorreta, appeared as elements of comparison and renewal for a research in which important local architects such as Amann, Cánovas and Maruri, Soto and Maroto, Espegel and Fisac, Burgos and Garrido, Blanca Lleó, Ábalos and Herreros, or Frechilla and Peláez, participated with significant contributions. The Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid – ETSAM, also stood out for its research on this topic, in particular through the activities of the GIVCO Research Groups (Grupo de Investigación en Vivienda Colectiva) with Carmen Espegel as principal researcher and with the relevant participation of professors such as Andrés Cánovas and José María de Lapuerta, and NuTAC (Nuevas Técnicas Arquitectura Ciudad), with José María Ezquiaga as principal researcher and contributions of works directed by Sergio Martín Blas. The parallel relation between research and practice built by these and other professors in the field of contemporary collective housing makes it possible to identify Madrid, and the Departamento de Proyectos of ETSAM, as a partner of extraordinary interest in promoting student training in the housing project.
( reference books)
M. Farina (a cura di), Studi sulla casa urbana. Sperimentazioni e temi di progetto, Gangemi, Roma 2009 A. Cánovas, C. Epegel, J. M. De Lapuerta, C. Martínez Arroyo, R. Penjeam, Vivienda Colectiva en España. 1992- 2015. TC cuadernos, Valencia, 2017 S. Martín Blas et al. (Editores). Holanda en Madrid: social housing and urban regeneration. Mairea libros, Madrid, 2014
( syllabus)
The case of Rome assumes an emblematic value in this context. In fact Rome was a particularly fertile field of experimentation during the 20th century, in which the collective housing took on extreme and original forms ranging from the emphasis on domestic and individual scale in the Ina Casa neighborhoods, to monumental scale of the great projects of the Seventies in which the collective dimension prevails. But during the 20th century Rome was also a field of spontaneous practices of "colonization" of urban spaces, through which domestic elements infiltrated the ancient monuments of its huge territory. The ambiguity of the relations between domesticity and the material persistence of monuments, which the city itself has promoted in the course of its history, can be considered one of the specific characters of Roman dwelling, a consequence of practices that can be analyzed and codified as a source of inspiration for contemporary projects. The long phase of experimentation on collective housing in Rome ended in the Eighties. Although the city continued to grow through the construction of residential units, there were no significant architectural researches (except for sporadic cases). On the contrary, Madrid has been interested in the last decades by a ohase of rich experimentation on the topic of the collective housing, which has involved the local and international architectural culture in the design of whole urban areas. The practices promoted by the Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y el Suelo (EMVS) through open competitions and invitations to international architects consolidated the role of the city as a laboratory of experimentation and reflection on the new forms of collective housing. The most well-known, and even the most controversial, outcomes, such as the Mirador building in Sanchinarro or the projects by Tom Mayne (Morphosis), David Chipperfiled, Wiel Arets or Ricardo Legorreta, appeared as elements of comparison and renewal for a research in which important local architects such as Amann, Cánovas and Maruri, Soto and Maroto, Espegel and Fisac, Burgos and Garrido, Blanca Lleó, Ábalos and Herreros, or Frechilla and Peláez, participated with significant contributions. The Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid – ETSAM, also stood out for its research on this topic, in particular through the activities of the GIVCO Research Groups (Grupo de Investigación en Vivienda Colectiva) with Carmen Espegel as principal researcher and with the relevant participation of professors such as Andrés Cánovas and José María de Lapuerta, and NuTAC (Nuevas Técnicas Arquitectura Ciudad), with José María Ezquiaga as principal researcher and contributions of works directed by Sergio Martín Blas. The parallel relation between research and practice built by these and other professors in the field of contemporary collective housing makes it possible to identify Madrid, and the Departamento de Proyectos of ETSAM, as a partner of extraordinary interest in promoting student training in the housing project
( reference books)
M. Farina (a cura di), Studi sulla casa urbana. Sperimentazioni e temi di progetto, Gangemi, Roma 2009 A. Cánovas, C. Epegel, J. M. De Lapuerta, C. Martínez Arroyo, R. Penjeam, Vivienda Colectiva en España. 1992- 2015. TC cuadernos, Valencia, 2017 S. Martín Blas et al. (Editores). Holanda en Madrid: social housing and urban regeneration. Mairea libros, Madrid, 2014
( syllabus)
The course includes a series of lessons centered on the topic of collective housing, with particular reference to the experimentations proposed by architectural culture in Rome and Madrid from the beginning of the 20th century to more recent years. The lessons will tend to highlight the forms assumed by collective housing over the different periods and in the research of the protagonists of the architectural scene who have worked in these two cities, with a specific attention to the topic of urban form and the relation between dwelling and city. The case of Rome assumes an emblematic value in this context. In fact Rome was a particularly fertile field of experimentation during the 20th century, in which the collective housing took on extreme and original forms ranging from the emphasis on domestic and individual scale in the Ina Casa neighborhoods, to monumental scale of the great projects of the Seventies in which the collective dimension prevails. But during the 20th century Rome was also a field of spontaneous practices of "colonization" of urban spaces, through which domestic elements infiltrated the ancient monuments of its huge territory. The ambiguity of the relations between domesticity and the material persistence of monuments, which the city itself has promoted in the course of its history, can be considered one of the specific characters of Roman dwelling, a consequence of practices that can be analyzed and codified as a source of inspiration for contemporary projects. The long phase of experimentation on collective housing in Rome ended in the Eighties. Although the city continued to grow through the construction of residential units, there were no significant architectural researches (except for sporadic cases). On the contrary, Madrid has been interested in the last decades by a ohase of rich experimentation on the topic of the collective housing, which has involved the local and international architectural culture in the design of whole urban areas. The practices promoted by the Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y el Suelo (EMVS) through open competitions and invitations to international architects consolidated the role of the city as a laboratory of experimentation and reflection on the new forms of collective housing. The most well-known, and even the most controversial, outcomes, such as the Mirador building in Sanchinarro or the projects by Tom Mayne (Morphosis), David Chipperfiled, Wiel Arets or Ricardo Legorreta, appeared as elements of comparison and renewal for a research in which important local architects such as Amann, Cánovas and Maruri, Soto and Maroto, Espegel and Fisac, Burgos and Garrido, Blanca Lleó, Ábalos and Herreros, or Frechilla and Peláez, participated with significant contributions. The Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid – ETSAM, also stood out for its research on this topic, in particular through the activities of the GIVCO Research Groups (Grupo de Investigación en Vivienda Colectiva) with Carmen Espegel as principal researcher and with the relevant participation of professors such as Andrés Cánovas and José María de Lapuerta, and NuTAC (Nuevas Técnicas Arquitectura Ciudad), with José María Ezquiaga as principal researcher and contributions of works directed by Sergio Martín Blas. The parallel relation between research and practice built by these and other professors in the field of contemporary collective housing makes it possible to identify Madrid, and the Departamento de Proyectos of ETSAM, as a partner of extraordinary interest in promoting student training in the housing project.
( reference books)
AA. VV., L’INA-CASA al IV congresso Nazionale di Urbanistica, Società Grafica Romana, Roma 1953 L. Beretta Anguissola (a cura di), I 14 anni del Piano INACASA, Staderini, Roma 1963 R. Venturi, Complessità e contraddizioni nell’architettura, Dedalo, Roma 1966 L. Quaroni, Immagine di Roma, Laterza, Bari 1969 B. Regni, M. Sennato, Innocenzo Sabbatini: architetture tra tradizione e rinnovamento, Kappa, Roma 1982 A. Clementi, F. Perego (a cura di), La metropoli «spontanea». Il caso di Roma 1925-1981: sviluppo residenziale di una città dentro e fuori dal piano, Dedalo, Roma 1983 AA.VV., Case romane. La periferia e le case popolari, CLEAR, Roma 1984 C. Cocchioni, M. De Grassi, La casa popolare a Roma. Trent’anni di attività dell’I.C.P., Kappa, Roma 1984 AA.VV., L’attuazione dei piani di edilizia residenziale pubblica. Roma 1964-1987, Officina edizioni, Roma 1998 AA.VV. (a cura di), Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa, Gangemi, Roma 2002 AA.VV., Abitare la periferia. L'esperienza della 167, Camera di Commercio, Roma 2007 M. Farina (a cura di), Studi sulla casa urbana. Sperimentazioni e temi di progetto, Gangemi, Roma 2009 M. Farina (a cura di), Housing conference. Ricerche emergenti sul tema dell'abitare, Gangemi, Roma 2009 M. Farina, L. Villani, Borgate romane. Storia e forma urbana, Libria, Melfi 2017
A. Cánovas, C. Epegel, J. M. De Lapuerta, C. Martínez Arroyo, R. Penjeam, Vivienda Colectiva en España Siglo XX (1929-1992). TC Cuadernos, Valencia, 2013. A. Cánovas, C. Epegel, J. M. De Lapuerta, C. Martínez Arroyo, R. Penjeam, Vivienda Colectiva en España. 1992- 2015. TC cuadernos, Valencia, 2017. S. Martín Blas et al. (Editores). Holanda en Madrid: social housing and urban regeneration. Mairea libros, Madrid, 2014. S. Martín Blas, I. Rodríguez Martín. A pie de calle: vivienda social y regeneración urbana. Arcadia Mediática, Madrid, 2018. S. Martín Blas, I. Rodríguez Martín, et al., I+D+VS: futuros de la vivienda social en 7 ciudades, Fundación Arquitectura COAM y Ministerio de Fomento (ISBN: 978-84-96656-74-1), 2011. S. Martín Blas, I. Rodríguez Martín. Arquitecturas VIS: vivienda de interés social en seis ciudades iberoamericanas. Lampreave, Madrid, 2018.
( syllabus)
The course includes a series of lessons centered on the topic of collective housing, with particular reference to the experimentations proposed by architectural culture in Rome and Madrid from the beginning of the 20th century to more recent years. The lessons will tend to highlight the forms assumed by collective housing over the different periods and in the research of the protagonists of the architectural scene who have worked in these two cities, with a specific attention to the topic of urban form and the relation between dwelling and city. The case of Rome assumes an emblematic value in this context. In fact Rome was a particularly fertile field of experimentation during the 20th century, in which the collective housing took on extreme and original forms ranging from the emphasis on domestic and individual scale in the Ina Casa neighborhoods, to monumental scale of the great projects of the Seventies in which the collective dimension prevails. But during the 20th century Rome was also a field of spontaneous practices of "colonization" of urban spaces, through which domestic elements infiltrated the ancient monuments of its huge territory. The ambiguity of the relations between domesticity and the material persistence of monuments, which the city itself has promoted in the course of its history, can be considered one of the specific characters of Roman dwelling, a consequence of practices that can be analyzed and codified as a source of inspiration for contemporary projects. The long phase of experimentation on collective housing in Rome ended in the Eighties. Although the city continued to grow through the construction of residential units, there were no significant architectural researches (except for sporadic cases). On the contrary, Madrid has been interested in the last decades by a ohase of rich experimentation on the topic of the collective housing, which has involved the local and international architectural culture in the design of whole urban areas. The practices promoted by the Empresa Municipal de la Vivienda y el Suelo (EMVS) through open competitions and invitations to international architects consolidated the role of the city as a laboratory of experimentation and reflection on the new forms of collective housing. The most well-known, and even the most controversial, outcomes, such as the Mirador building in Sanchinarro or the projects by Tom Mayne (Morphosis), David Chipperfiled, Wiel Arets or Ricardo Legorreta, appeared as elements of comparison and renewal for a research in which important local architects such as Amann, Cánovas and Maruri, Soto and Maroto, Espegel and Fisac, Burgos and Garrido, Blanca Lleó, Ábalos and Herreros, or Frechilla and Peláez, participated with significant contributions. The Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos of Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid – ETSAM, also stood out for its research on this topic, in particular through the activities of the GIVCO Research Groups (Grupo de Investigación en Vivienda Colectiva) with Carmen Espegel as principal researcher and with the relevant participation of professors such as Andrés Cánovas and José María de Lapuerta, and NuTAC (Nuevas Técnicas Arquitectura Ciudad), with José María Ezquiaga as principal researcher and contributions of works directed by Sergio Martín Blas. The parallel relation between research and practice built by these and other professors in the field of contemporary collective housing makes it possible to identify Madrid, and the Departamento de Proyectos of ETSAM, as a partner of extraordinary interest in promoting student training in the housing project.
( reference books)
AA. VV., L’INA-CASA al IV congresso Nazionale di Urbanistica, Società Grafica Romana, Roma 1953 L. Beretta Anguissola (a cura di), I 14 anni del Piano INACASA, Staderini, Roma 1963 R. Venturi, Complessità e contraddizioni nell’architettura, Dedalo, Roma 1966 L. Quaroni, Immagine di Roma, Laterza, Bari 1969 B. Regni, M. Sennato, Innocenzo Sabbatini: architetture tra tradizione e rinnovamento, Kappa, Roma 1982 A. Clementi, F. Perego (a cura di), La metropoli «spontanea». Il caso di Roma 1925-1981: sviluppo residenziale di una città dentro e fuori dal piano, Dedalo, Roma 1983 AA.VV., Case romane. La periferia e le case popolari, CLEAR, Roma 1984 C. Cocchioni, M. De Grassi, La casa popolare a Roma. Trent’anni di attività dell’I.C.P., Kappa, Roma 1984 AA.VV., L’attuazione dei piani di edilizia residenziale pubblica. Roma 1964-1987, Officina edizioni, Roma 1998 AA.VV. (a cura di), Guida ai quartieri romani INA Casa, Gangemi, Roma 2002 AA.VV., Abitare la periferia. L'esperienza della 167, Camera di Commercio, Roma 2007 M. Farina (a cura di), Studi sulla casa urbana. Sperimentazioni e temi di progetto, Gangemi, Roma 2009 M. Farina (a cura di), Housing conference. Ricerche emergenti sul tema dell'abitare, Gangemi, Roma 2009 M. Farina, L. Villani, Borgate romane. Storia e forma urbana, Libria, Melfi 2017
A. Cánovas, C. Epegel, J. M. De Lapuerta, C. Martínez Arroyo, R. Penjeam, Vivienda Colectiva en España Siglo XX (1929-1992). TC Cuadernos, Valencia, 2013. A. Cánovas, C. Epegel, J. M. De Lapuerta, C. Martínez Arroyo, R. Penjeam, Vivienda Colectiva en España. 1992- 2015. TC cuadernos, Valencia, 2017. S. Martín Blas et al. (Editores). Holanda en Madrid: social housing and urban regeneration. Mairea libros, Madrid, 2014. S. Martín Blas, I. Rodríguez Martín. A pie de calle: vivienda social y regeneración urbana. Arcadia Mediática, Madrid, 2018. S. Martín Blas, I. Rodríguez Martín, et al., I+D+VS: futuros de la vivienda social en 7 ciudades, Fundación Arquitectura COAM y Ministerio de Fomento (ISBN: 978-84-96656-74-1), 2011. S. Martín Blas, I. Rodríguez Martín. Arquitecturas VIS: vivienda de interés social en seis ciudades iberoamericanas. Lampreave, Madrid, 2018.
Elective activities
21010051 -
To train students in the project activity by dealing, on an experimental basis, with themes focused on the design and restoration of historical or archaeological buildings, with particular consideration to the preservation of pre-existing structures and without renouncing the contemporary project, in the belief of the uniqueness of the working method of the two disciplines usually separated in university programs.
( syllabus)
The course aims to offer students a methodological path to deal with, with full attention, the restoration as well as the contemporary use of buildings offered of historical-architectural or archaeological value. This will be done through individual or group design exercises carried out on multi-layered buildings dating back to different historical periods (from Roman times, up to buildings of the twentieth century). In the part of Architectural and Urban Design, special attention will be paid to the deepening of the knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary architecture, in particular in the analysis of compositional, constructive and technical solutions, also innovative, compatible with the conservation of values and meaning of historic buildings; values and meaning that must also be maintained in its effective reintegration into contemporary life and needs. In fact, conservation and transformation (or addition of parts, equipped structure, plants) are not incompatible activities if they are guided by a project that is intended as part of an unfinished historical process but, on the contrary, in continuous evolution.
( reference books)
C. Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro, Bulzoni, Roma 1970. G. Carbonara, Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996. M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Restauración. Método y proyectos, Editorial técnica Avicam, Granada 2018. M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Método y práctica de la restauración arquitectónica. Efesto editore, Roma 2018. F. Cellini, Francesco Cellini, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2011. L. Puija (a cura di), Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellini, Clean 2019.
( syllabus)
The course aims to offer students a methodological path to deal with, with full attention, the restoration as well as the contemporary use of buildings offered of historical-architectural or archaeological value. This will be done through individual or group design exercises carried out on multi-layered buildings dating back to different historical periods (from Roman times, up to buildings of the twentieth century). In the part of Architectural and Urban Design, special attention will be paid to the deepening of the knowledge of the history of modern and contemporary architecture, in particular in the analysis of compositional, constructive and technical solutions, also innovative, compatible with the conservation of values and meaning of historic buildings; values and meaning that must also be maintained in its effective reintegration into contemporary life and needs. In fact, conservation and transformation (or addition of parts, equipped structure, plants) are not incompatible activities if they are guided by a project that is intended as part of an unfinished historical process but, on the contrary, in continuous evolution.
( reference books)
C. Ceschi, Teoria e Storia del restauro, Bulzoni, Roma 1970. G. Carbonara, Trattato di restauro architettonico, Utet, Torino 1996. M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Restauración. Método y proyectos, Editorial técnica Avicam, Granada 2018. M. M. Segarra Lagunes, Método y práctica de la restauración arquitectónica. Efesto editore, Roma 2018. F. Cellini, Francesco Cellini, Mondadori Electa, Milano 2011. L. Puija (a cura di), Trentaquattro domande a Francesco Cellini, Clean 2019.
Elective activities
Elective activities
21010052 -
Introduction to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for sustainable development in its unity and in its general articulation Analysis of the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) Critical discussion of the agenda and the links between its different objectives, both in terms of synergies and possible trade offs Insights on some Agenda objectives, in connection with the specific interests and / or study plans of the individual students of the Department of Architecture
( syllabus)
The Course is divided in two part. The former consists of 18 lessons (a general one and 17 on the 17 goals of the UN Agenda 2030). The latter consists of a guided exercise agreed with the Teacher tutor for the Department of Architecture, concerning topics related to architecture, building technologies, urban developmet, cities, smart cities, energy efficiency, NZEB...
( reference books)
Agenda 2030 ASVIS online module, uploaded on MOODLE
Elective activities
21010178 -
The purpose of the morphological studies proposed by the course is the knowledge of the characters of the built environment and the recognition of its formation and transformation having as ultimate goal the architectural design open to multiple esthetic synthesis. lt aims to teach a method of reading the built form through the understanding of the forming process common to urban fabrics and buildings. The basic notions of urban organism and process will be provided. The term "reading" not indicates the neutral recording of phenomena, but an awareness which requires the active and dynamic contribution of the reader.
( syllabus)
The course in Urban Morphology, optional, in English, provides 4 credits and is open to all students, including Erasmus ones. The purpose of the morphological studies proposed by the course is the knowledge of the characters of the built environment and the recognition of its formation and transformation having as ultimate goal the architectural design open to multiple estetic synthesis. It aims to teach a method of reading the physical form of the city through the understanding of the forming process common to urban fabrics and buildings, The term "reading" not indicates the neutral recording of phenomena, but an awareness which requires the active and dynamic contribution of the reader. The basic notions of urban organism and forming process will be provided.
( reference books)
Basic text in online format (in English) 1. G. Strappa, L’architettura come processo (translated chapters), Franco Angeli, Milano 2015 The main chapters translated into English (useful to take the exam) can be found on the teacher's website (http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/) and are indicated below: - Notes on base building - http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8400 - Learned language/everyday language . http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8340 - The aggregation process and the form of the fabric, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8380 - Special nodal building, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8159 - Architectural knotting, http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8414 - Territory as architecture - http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/?p=8355 (text not incuded in the book) Basic text in paper format (in English) 2. G. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Interpreting basic building (pages. 53 –164) , Altralinea, Firenze 2017 A good translation in French (on line) is: G. Caniggia, G.L. Maffei, Composition architectural et typologie du bati. 1 lecture du bati de base, traduit par p. larochelle, Université Laval, 2000 -http://www.giuseppestrappa.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/G.-Caniggia-Lecture-du-b%C3%A2ti-de-base-traduit-par-P.-Larochelle.pdf
Elective activities