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22910091 -
Cultural and social Anthropology
The objectives of the training are: a) retrace some conceptual nodes of the debate and ethno-anthropological research, successful completion of the concept of race to the formulation of culture, to the deconstruction of the contradictions of multiculturalism, from the perspective of a new contemporary ethnography of the worlds; b) provide critical elements to address issues and problems of contemporary globalization as a complex Web of local and transnational processes; c) develop the perspective of studies of political anthropology, historical analysis of the contradictions related to the concept of ethnic identity as in reflections that define the scope of multiculturalism, placing them in connection with the reality of migration and in the study of the different forms in which old and new racism, along with other exclusionary practices, articulate processes of social construction of difference.
( syllabus)
The main course of 6 credits in presence proposes a survey of themes and central problems of cultural and social anthropology. After having retraced some hubs of research - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, some research lines will therefore be studied in depth: the first is related to migration and citizenship also in relation to services, in which the results of a research in a peripheral Roman territory will be presented, a second one dedicated to gender and body, finally the third connected to the analysis of new parental and family realities.
( reference books)
1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino, (Fourth edition revised and extended) 2. F. Pompeo, (edited by) Pigneto-Banglatown, Meti, Torino 2011 + research materials Municipio V (the materials correspond to a lesson of the autumn course; they will be presented again in a special lesson on 11 April 2019)
one to choose from the two routes
a) Gender and body: M. Fusaschi, 2018, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo/logiche di genere nella globalizzatione, Cisu, Roma (Revised and enlarged second edition).
b) new kinship / family forms: C. Mattalucci (edited) Antropologia e riproduzione, Edizioni libreria Cortina, Milano 2017
Elective activities
22910086 -
Metodi e tecniche della scrittura in educazione
General objective of the course will be that of endowing students with those tools necessary to project and write teaching and learning materials in different disciplinary and educational settings, being them formal and informal. Students will be asked to reflect on the lexicon and syntactical structures to be used for an effective teaching, according to the addressees’ profile, with specific reference both to teaching and learning and cultural and scientific communication in school and museum context. Students are asked as well to reflect on the level of difficulty of the texts proposed in order to transfer contents, on the choice of the kind of language used and to be used, and on the ways of representation of a certain content. They will have, then, to work on the analysis of the writing techniques related to the disciplinary fields identified, in projecting and defining a methodology of work and in the draft of texts for teaching and learning, solving educational problems submitted to their attention. Meta-objectives will be the possibility to increase both literacy abilities, often lacking as regards grammar and syntaxes and writing argumentation skills, critical thinking skills and creativity. To this aim the course is articulated in a main module (face to face and distance) and a creative writing lab where main tools for analysis and production of fiction texts (stories, novels and scripts) and non-fiction texts (press articles and short essays) will be explained.
( syllabus)
General objective of the course will be that of endowing students with those tools necessary to project and write teaching and learning materials in different disciplinary and educational settings, being them formal and informal. Students will be asked to reflect on the lexicon and syntactical structures to be used for an effective teaching, according to the addressees’ profile, with specific reference both to teaching and learning and cultural and scientific communication in school and museum context. Students are asked as well to reflect on the level of difficulty of the texts proposed in order to transfer contents, on the choice of the kind of language used and to be used, and on the ways of representation of a certain content. They will have, then, to work on the analysis of the writing techniques related to the disciplinary fields identified, in projecting and defining a methodology of work and in the draft of texts for teaching and learning, solving educational problems submitted to their attention. Meta-objectives will be the possibility to increase both literacy abilities, often lacking as regards grammar and syntaxes and writing argumentation skills, critical thinking skills and creativity. To this aim the course is articulated in a main module and a creative writing lab where main tools for analysis and production of fiction texts (stories, novels and scripts) and non-fiction texts (press articles and short essays) will be explained.
( reference books)
Descartes, Discourse sur la Méthode (available on the platform) POCE A., Verba sequentur. Thinking and Writing. Franco Angeli: Milano, 2017. Further references: Garavelli B.M., Prontuario di punteggiatura, Laterza: Bari, 2003, ISBN 978-88-420-7027-6 Serianni L., Leggere, scrivere, argomentare, Laterza, Bari, 2013, ISBN 978-88-581-0663-1 Serianni L., L’ora di italiano. Scuola e materie umanistiche. Laterza, Bari, ISBN 978-88-420-5994-3 Santambrogio M., Manuale di scrittura non creativa, Laterza, Bari, 2006 ISBN 978-88-420-8640-6
( syllabus)
n particular, the laboratory aims to develop students ' knowledge and skills associated with the following contents:
• Learn different creative writing forms and their peculiarities • Analyse narrative structures (three-act structures, tales of travelling heroes…) • Explore the ways of applying creative writing to different media • Analyse all types of narrative mechanisms • Destructure a creative text in order to highlight its strengths and weaknesses • Use the appeal of creative texts for non-fiction • Use narrative mechanisms to make non-fiction texts flow more easily • Learn to single out and exploit the strengths of the idea underlying a text of fiction/non fiction • Use the same elements in a text of fiction as in one of non-fiction (from news to fiction and from a biography to a biopic)
( reference books)
Gotham Writers' Workshop, Lezioni di scrittura creativa. Un manuale di tecnica ed esercizi della più grande scuola di formazione americana, Dino Audino Editore, Roma, ISBN: 978-88-7527-125-1 Chatman, S., Storia e discorso. La struttura narrativa nel romanzo e nel film, Il Saggiatore, ISBN: 978-88-5650-185-8
Elective activities
22910090 -
General Sociology
Se si pensa alla sociologia come pensiero riflessivo sull’uomo, sul suo agire in società, si potrebbe affermare che sia esistita da sempre: dalla filosofia, nella letteratura, tra gli studiosi di ogni epoca, nei più svariati ambiti. Una scienza nasce dal bisogno degli uomini di soddisfare determinate necessità, proponendo delle risposte, soluzioni pratiche a determinati problemi o esigenze conoscitive. Le prime elaborazioni sociologiche furono dei tentativi di raggiungere una comprensione del come, e attraverso quali attori, la società andava trasformandosi, e di fornire una qualche guida nello stabilire nuovi ordini sociali. Man mano che i problemi delle società urbane e industriali si aggravarono, sia per dimensioni che per complessità, man mano che si sviluppava il sistema capitalistico, che nuovi movimenti politici emergevano e con essi i movimenti collettivi, la sociologia assunse il compito di indagare e di tentare di risolvere i molteplici problemi di una società moderna. Oggi, il sociologo, deve saper analizzare e rispondere ad altre questioni della convivenza sociale: la globalizzazione, l’ecologia, il genere e la sessualità, le migrazioni… grandi tematiche che portano in sé le trasformazioni delle relazioni sociali, della famiglia, della stratificazione, dell’istruzione, della religione, delle arti, dell’utilizzo dei mass media. Il corso intende dunque affrontare le forme e i mutamenti del vivere in società, secondo diverse teorie e metodi di indagine. Sarà prestata una particolare attenzione ai temi più vicini al percorso professionale del Corso di Laurea.
( syllabus)
If you think of sociology as reflective thinking about man, on his acting in society, one can say that he has always existed: from philosophy, literature, scholars of all ages to the most diverse fields. A science stems from the need for men to meet certain needs, proposing answers, practical solutions to certain problems or cognitive needs. Early sociological elaborations were attempts to reach an understanding of how, and through which actors, society was transforming and provide some guidance in establishing new social orders. As the problems of urban and industrial societies worsened, both in size and complexity, as the capitalist system developed, new political movements emerged and with them collective movements, sociology assumed the task of investigating and try to solve the multiple problems of a modern society. Today, the sociologist has to be able to analyze and respond to other issues of social coexistence: democracy, globalization, ecology, gender and sexuality, migrations, symboliism ... great themes that bring in the transformations of social relationships, family, stratification , education, religion, the arts, the use of mass media. The course intends to address the forms and changes of living in society, according to different theories and methods of investigation. Particular attention will be paid to the topics closest to the professional path of the Degree. During the course seminars will be organized.
( reference books)
Texts suggested for 6 credits:
1) Neil J. Smelser, Manuale di Sociologia, Il Mulino
2) one text to choose beetwen: E. Goffman, La vita quotidiana come rappresentazione o I rituali dell’interazione, L. Berger, T. Luckmann, La realtà come costruzione sociale, M. Weber,Lo spirito protestante e le origini del capitalismo o La scienza come professione. La politica come professione, , E. Durkheim, Il Suicidio, P. H. Marcuse, L’uomo ad una dimensione, W. Adorno, La personalità autoritaria Bourdieu, Il dominio maschile, Feltrinelli, C.W. Mills, L'immaginazione sociologica, Il Saggiatore, Hannah Arendt, Vita activa o Le origini del totalitarismo, qualsiasi edizione, Franco Ferrarotti, La sociologia alla riscoperta della qualità/oppure/ La sociologia .
3) Milena Gammaitoni, Storie di vita di artiste europee, dal Medioevo alla contemporaneità, Cleup, Padova
4) one text to choose beetwen: : M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Le arti e la politica. Le risposte della sociologia, Cleup, 2015, M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Per una sociologia delle arti. Storia e storie di vita, Cleup, 2012 Milena Gammaitoni, Le Compositrici, Storia e storie di vita, SEdM, in corso di stampa, M. Gammaitoni, L'Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, storie e storie di vita, in corso di stampa i libri dell'editore Cleup si possono ordinare direttamente a redazione@cleup.it oppure on line su ibs libri.
For 9 credits another text to choose between: For 9 credits uno text to choose:
Mary Wollstonecraft, I diritti delle donne, A. De Toqueville, La democrazia in America, Erich Fromm, Fuga dalla libertà, Franco Ferrarotti, La tentazione dell’oblio oppure Vite di Baraccati, Z. Bauman, Amore liquido, A. Giddens, Sull’intimità, R. Sennet, Insieme, Simone Weil, La prima radice, E. Morin, Insegnare a vivere. Manifesto per cambiare l'educazione, F. Berardi, Futurabilità, I. Illich, La convivialità, L. Irigaray, Condividere il mondo, V. Zolberg, Sociologia dell’arte, R. Cipriani, La religione diffusa, M. Ambrosini, Migrazioni, Egea, M. Orioles, La seconda generazione dei migranti, M. D’Amato, Telefantasie, per una sociologia dell’immaginario , Agnes Heller, Paradosso Europa, , M. D’Amato a cura, Immaginario e satanismo, G. Turnaturi, Immaginazione sociologica e immaginazione letteraria, Laura Verdi, Il corpo al centro, 2016, K. Carnà, S. Rossetti, Kotha. Donne bangladesi nella Roma che cambia, Ediesse, 2018, F. Antonelli, a cura, Genere, sessualità e teorie sociologiche, Cedam, 2018, A. Romeo, Per una sociologia del corpo, Mondadori, 2018, Ignazia Bartholini, Violenza di prossimità. La vittima, il carnefice, lo spettatore e il «grande occhio».
Basic compulsory activities