Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
Optional group:
BASE - Metodologia e fonti della ricerca storica - (show)
20707006 -
Medieval History
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Western European Middle ages history, with reference to the most up to date historiographical debate.
20707006-2 -
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Western European Middle ages history, with reference to the most up to date historiographical debate.
( syllabus)
The first module of the course aims to illustrate the main historical processes concerning Europe and the Mediterranean in the medieval millennium (500-1500), taking into account the most recent historiographical debates and some of the written sources in question. The focus will be on the main aspects of human action between society, economy, religion, politics, and culture. The main topics of the course are: written and material sources, solids and voids; economy, religion, and culture in Late Antiquity (4th-6th centuries); the emergence of the Roman-Barbarian kingdoms (5th-6th centuries); early medieval empires (8th-9th centuries); the countryside: from the manorial system to incastellamento (7th-12th centuries); cities: urbanism, demography, economy from the inheritance of Rome to the new expansion (7th-12th centuries); the Reform of the Church (11th-12th centuries); political reorganizations, between cities and kingdoms (11th-13th centuries); cultural and religious paths between the early and late Middle Ages (6th-13th centuries); conjuncture and crisis of the 14th century (14th century); the new features of the Renaissance (15th century).
( reference books)
G. Albertoni, S. M. Collavini, T. Lazzari, Introduzione alla storia medievale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2020; G. Sergi, L'idea di Medioevo. Fra storia e senso comune, Roma, Donzelli, 1998; V. Loré, R. Rao, Medioevo da manuale. Una ricognizione della storia medievale nei manuali scolastici italiani, in RM Rivista, 18/2 (2017), pp. 305-313 only (free download here:
Non-attending students are advised to study A. Cortonesi, Medioevo. Profilo di un millennio, Rome, Carocci, various editions, instead of Albertoni-Collavini-Lazzari, Introduction to Medieval History.
Basic compulsory activities
20707006-1 -
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Western European Middle ages history, with reference to the most up to date historiographical debate.
( syllabus)
Urban landscapes and heritages: a political and cultural history. The second module aims to retrace some moments in the history of Euro-Mediterranean cities in the Middle Ages, focusing in particular on two thematic axes: 1) presence, uses, and reuses of material structures inherited from Antiquity and Late Antiquity (walls, gates, public palaces, temples, basilicas, squares, bridges); 2) the symbolic, ceremonial, and political values attributed to those structures, then paying further attention to monuments such as statues and columns, and the various memorial narratives attributed to them over time. From this point of view, medieval cities present themselves as an important laboratory of experimentation: indeed, from that laboratory emerged the concept of «urban decorum», which is now at the center of political and cultural debate. The module will involve a cross-analysis of material and written sources, among which inscriptions and the so-called «city praises» (laudes urbium) will be favored.
( reference books)
For attending students, the exam is based on a) the materials provided by the teacher and discussed in class; b) the study of the following works: - C. La Rocca, Cassiodoro, Teodato e il restauro degli elefanti di Bronzo della Via Sacra, in RM Rivista, 11/2 (2010), pp. 25-44 - D. Internullo, «Decus Urbis». Un'altra prospettiva sui «Mirabilia» di Roma e le origini del «decoro urbano» (secoli XII-XV), in Quaderni Storici, 163/1 (2020), pp. 159-183 - A. Fiore, La pietrificazione dell'identità civica (Italia centro-settentrionale, 1050-1220 c.), in Construir para perdurar. Riqueza petrificada e identidad social (siglos XI-XIV), Pamplona 2022, pp. 185-211 The three works will be made available by the teacher on the course's Teams channel.
To the above three essays, non-attending students should add the integral study of the following volume: - R. Rao, I paesaggi dell'Italia medievale, Carocci, Rome, 2015
Basic compulsory activities
20702421 -
The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Western European Middle ages history, with reference to the most up to date historiographical debate.
( syllabus)
I Part: Introduction to medieval history
Teaching plan: I semester: 6 CFU
Description I Part
The class will deal with, firstly, the crisis of the Roman empire and the characteristics of the “late antiquity”, in particular the birth of Christian churches and the claim of Christianism as religion of the empire. It will continue reflecting on “barbarian invasions” and on their effects on the construction of new political and religious assets up to IX century. It questions the characteristics and impact of Islam between East and West. Then, it will focus on the political and religious dimension before the Carolingian and, then, Ottonian empire. It will analyse also the rise, starting from XI century, of new social classes and new needs of leadership of Italian and European cities studying its effects on the construction of political systems, on the economic changes, on the religious and ecclesiastic life. Furthermore, it will question the birth, after the Gregorian reform, of new religious movements which would become religious Orders (in particular the Order of Friars Minor of Francis of Assisi and the Order of Friars Preacher of Domenic of Caleruega) or would be rejected by the Church as heretical movements. The class will follow, also, the birth of the national monarchies and the progressive decline of the role of the Empire and of the papacy until the transfer of the Roman Curia in Avignon at the beginning of the XIV century. It will define also the political-territorial constructions of the XV century and the importance of Humanism for the religious and cultural life of the Quattrocento.
During the class some time will be dedicated to the reading of some written testimonies which can help the comprehension of the medieval cultures and mentalities.
II Part: Religious history in Middle Ages: Approaches, sources and historiography
Teaching plan: I semester: 6 CFU
It deepens the subjects of the first module focusing on the ones less analysed.
Between the subjects which could be chosen we can list: the role of monachism in the process of Christianisation; the eremitic experiences, the feminine Religiosity, the protagonism of lay people, heresies and inquisitions, the role of the cult of saints and of the miracles, the XIII century Religious Orders, the ways of predications and the role of the prophets and of the prophetical texts in the organisation of the historical present. If the number of students allows is it possible working in small study groups.
( reference books)
For the first part (6 CFU)
1) M. Bloch, Apologia della storia o Mestiere di storico, Einaudi, 2009 (several editions) 2) G. Vitolo, Il medioevo. I caratteri originali di un’età di transizione, Sansoni (with introduction)
To have 12 CFU the students must study ALSO: 1) Marina Benedetti (a cura di), Storia del cristianesimo II. L’età medievale (secoli VIII-XV), Carocci Editore, capp. I, II, III, V, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIV
It is recommended, but non mandatory, that non-attending students go to the teacher’s office to know useful information for their study.
Basic compulsory activities
20702481 -
Early modern history
This course provides to give the students a general knowledge about themes, methodologies, sources concerning early modern history and modern history, from the second-half of the XV century to the second-half of the XIX century. By focusing on the interactions and connections between local and global, the aims of this course is also to analyse the main issues of this period from a political, social and cultural perspective.
( syllabus)
The course focuses on the main themes of early modern history and modern history (from XV century to XIX century), with particular attention to the historiographic categories, the use of sources and the interpretative approaches of the historians. The different political, cultural, social, economic and religious aspects of the modern age will be studied from a local and global outlook, with a certain regard to the relations between the Italian peninsula, the European continent and extra-European realities. The second part of the course focuses on the conceptual (and methodological) aspects that revolve around the historiographic category of the Renaissance. Against the background of the political events that have characterised the European history from the first half of the fifteenth century to the first half of the seventeenth century, the course also focuses on the main cultural, artistic, religious and social issues of the time.
( reference books)
Testi di riferimento 1) R. Bizzocchi, Guida allo studio della Storia moderna, Roma-Bari, Laterza
2) C. Capra, Storia moderna (1492-1848), Firenze, Le Monnier
3) E. Garin, L’umanesimo italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza
4) O. Niccoli (a cura di), Rinascimento al femminile, Roma-Bari, Laterza
5) Un testo a scelta tra i seguenti: - E. Bonora, Aspettando l’imperatore. Principi italiani tra il papa e Carlo V, Torino, Einaudi - E. Cassirer, Individuo e cosmo nella filosofia del Rinascimento, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri - G. Fragnito, Rinascimento perduto. La letteratura italiana sotto gli occhi dei censori (sec. XV-XVII), Bologna, il Mulino - P. Murray, L’architettura del Rinascimento italiano, Roma-Bari, Laterza - E. Panofsky, Rinascimento e rinascenze nell’arte occidentale, Milano, Feltrinelli - M. Pellegrini, La crociata nel Rinascimento. Mutazioni di un mito 1400-1600, Firenze, Le Lettere - G. Ricci, Appello al Turco. I confini infranti del Rinascimento, Roma, Viella
Basic compulsory activities
20710669 -
The aim of the course is to grasp the meaning of the great processes of transformation occurred in the Western world between the Second Industrial Revolution and the end of the Cold War. Both the features of these processes and their consequences within and outside the Euro-American region are considered, stressing in particular the emergence of a mass society and a global world. A discussion of the main trends in contemporary historiography is included.
( syllabus)
Introduction: the transition from the 'Old Regime' to contemporary society. The first industrial revolution. The revolutions of 1848. The Idea of Nation. Mid 19th century Europe: the capitalist-industrial society. The liberal and constitutional system: the British model. A new political model: the France of Napoleon III. New world balances and the domination of Europe. The 'great divergence': Europe, China and India in the mid-19th century. The birth of a power: the United States between the Civil War and expansion to the West. The 'second' industrial revolution. The advent of mass society. Mass politics. The labour movement and Marxism. Nationalism. Democratic and authoritarian political systems. The condition of women in 19th century society. Imperialism. The Great War as a 'total' war: contingent causes, long-term causes and effects. The revolution in Russia. The advent of fascism in Italy. The fragile stability of the 'roaring' 1920s. The great crisis of 1929: causes and consequences. Roosevelt's 'New Deal' in the United States. The rise of Nazism and the Third Reich. The Fascist Regime in Italy. Stalinism. Totalitarianism and democracy. The Second World War: the causes of the war. The end of the war: the reasons for the Axis defeat and the victory of the Allies. The Shoah. The Cold War: the origins and early developments. Decolonisation: an overview and the basic features. Communisms: the Chinese Revolution and 'destalinisation' in the Soviet Union. The 'welfare society': new consumption and customs. The United States as a world power: from Eisenhower to Kennedy's 'New Frontier' to the war in Vietnam. The new youth culture: rock, pop and new customs. Feminism. 1968 and the season of the 'movements'. The 1973 oil crisis and the contradictions of the 1970s. The so-called 'neo-liberal' turn and the new consumer society of the 1980s. The crisis of communism. The fall of the Berlin Wall, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
( reference books)
1) First Module: 6 CFU
- Alberto Mario Banti, Vol. 1 “L’età contemporanea. Dalle rivoluzioni settecentesche all’Imperialismo” (chapter. 1 and from chapter. 7 to the end), Laterza, Vol. 2 "L’età Contemporanea. Dalla Grande Guerra a oggi", Laterza; - Lucio Caracciolo, Adriano Roccucci, "Storia contemporanea", Le Monnier Università, 2017; - Tommaso Detti, Giovanni Gozzini, “Storia Contemporanea”, Vol. 1 - L’Ottocento (chapter. 2 and from chapter 6 to the end) Pearson e Vol. 2 - Il Novecento, Pearson
2) SECOND MODULE: 6 CFU. Testi: a) Ian Kersaw, “Hitler e l’enigma del consenso”, Laterza b) Mario Del Pero, “La Guerra Fredda”, Carocci
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
BASE - Discipline geografiche - (show)
20710332 -
Cultural Geography
modulo 1 Introduce to the analysis of the relationship between cultural systems and territorial production. Provide tools and concepts useful for interpreting dynamics of cultural valorisation in space use.
modulo 2 Examining forms of reading of dynamics and geocultural approaches both in real territory and in literary, visual, artistic representations etc
( syllabus)
Programme of the module 1 (for those who must acquire only 6 CFU/ECTS and for those who must acquire 12 CFU/ECTS)
Basic principles in geographical systemic reading, with particular reference to the concepts of environment, ecosystem, territory, region, landscape, with reference to the cultural organization of space - population, migration, settlement, languages, religions, economic exploitation, development, scale, trans-scalarity etc. It is essential for all the systematic use of an updated school atlas.
Programme of the module 2 (+ 6 CFU/ECTS: for those who must acquire 12 CFU/ECTS)
Application of the principles of geocultural analysis to the production and reading of literary, film and artistic representations in general, both educated and popular. Identification of geocultural elements in the forms of the anthropic landscape, in the symbolic valorisation of the territory, in the toponomastics etc.
( reference books)
In the absence of a basic knowledge in geography, the study of a school textbook of general geography and geography of the States of the world is strongly recommended. The systematic use of an updated school atlas is essential for all students.
Texts for the module 1 (6 CFU/ECTS) 1) A.L. GREINER, G. DEMATTEIS, C.LANZA, Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Torino, UTET, 2023 2) G. DEMATTEIS, Geografia come immaginazione. Tra piacere della scoperta e ricerca di futuri possibili, Roma, Donzelli, 2021 3) M. d’ERAMO, Il selfie del mondo. Indagine sull’età del turismo, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2022
Texts for the module 2 (+6 CFU/ECTS: for those who must acquire 12 CFU/ECTS) 1) B. CHATWIN, Le vie dei canti, Milano, Adelphi, 1995 (o altra edizione) 2) I. CALVINO, Le città invisibili, Torino, Einaudi, 1972 (o altra edizione) 3) I. CALVINO, Palomar, Torino, Einaudi, 1983 (o altra edizione)
Basic compulsory activities
20702477 -
The course aims to introduce students to political and economic geography and to offer the basic tools to understand the organization of societies and their spaces in particular: evolution of geographical thought and keys to understand the current world system.
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - Discipline letterarie e storico artistiche - (show)
20705285 -
Basic knowledge of XIXth- and XXth-century Western Art
Basic compulsory activities
20705283 -
Basic compulsory activities
20702398 -
the course aims to provide students with a basic preparation on the history of italian literature, developing general history, literaly and critical problems. Its goal is the acquisition of the ability of a correct historical-critical interpretation of the works of the most important writers and on the transformations of the various genres
Derived from
( syllabus)
Course title: The narrative tradition and the affirmation of the novel in the italian literary history. The course aims to deepen the knowledge of Italian literary history from its origins to the 19th century, with particular attention to the narrative tradition in its various forms. Furthermore, in the second part of the course, a more careful reading of the nineteenth-century affirmation phase of the novel will be offered through the analysis of the issues raised by the genre and the solutions offered by Foscolo, Manzoni and Nievo.
( reference books)
1. Texts:
- A. Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi. Storia della Colonna infame, dir. F. De Cristofaro, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014 - I. Nievo, Le Confessioni d’un italiano, edited by S. Romagnoli, Venezia Marsilio, 1998
2. Critical studies:
- Manzoni, a cura di Paola Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2020 - R. Colombi, La verità della finzione, Storia e romanzo da Manzoni a Nievo, Roma, Carocci, 2022
3. Literary history
- G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Dalle Origini a metà Cinquecento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018. Vol. 1 - G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Da Tasso a fine Ottocento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, Vol. 2
Students NOT attending will add, in points 1, 2 and 3,
- A. Frare, Leggere i promessi Sposi, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2016.
Basic compulsory activities
20709853 -
The aim of the course is the acquisiton of methodological, historical and critical abilities for the understanding of the basic moments of contemporary Italian literature and for the knowledge of its main authors and their works, focusing them in their historical context.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course, starting from the beginning of 20th century, will follow the development of Italian literary history on both the lyrical and narrative side. Each author will be studied in its historical and geographical context, by some examples of reading and textual analysis of his major works, also through the constant reference to the contemporary context.
For students attending the course are required to read and analyze 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of their choice among the listed authors, also the exam book (see general bibliography). For students who do not attend the course in addition to the examination texts, the full reading of 2 poetic collections and 2 narrative works of listed authors is required, also the exam book (see general bibliography); for Erasmus students the full reading of 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of listed authors (see general bibliography).
( reference books)
General Bibliography: The history of Italian literature from 1900 to the 1970s is to be prepared on a manual of Italian literature (we recommend: G. Langella, La Modernità letteraria, Pearson, 2021). A good knowledge of the following authors, is required: Pirandello, Aleramo, Svevo, Tozzi, Gadda, Moravia, Pavese, Vittorini, Fenoglio, Calvino, Primo Levi, Pasolini, Elsa Morante, Ortese. It also requires a profile of the 20th century, as well as a good knowledge of the following authors: d’Annunzio, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Rosselli.
Exam Book: M. Venturini, L'Unità discontinua. Poesia e identità nazionale nel Novecento, Perugia, Morlacchi, 2016; or L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, edizione diretta da S. Costa, Scialle nero, La vita nuda, La rallegrata, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021.
Basic compulsory activities
20702399 -
The course aims to illustrate the process of formation and development of the Italian language from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, with particular reference to the formation of the vernacular (and therefore with the acquisition of the foundations of historical grammar), to the relationship between Latin and vernacular and between Tuscan and other dialectal and regional varieties, the constitution of the literary language and of the written tradition, the establishment of the rule, the history of the linguistic debate, the processes of literacy and Italianisation.
Derived from
( syllabus)
From vernacular Latin to Contemporary Italian (72 hours; 12 ECTS).
( reference books)
- Claudio Marazzini, La lingua italiana. Storia, testi, strumenti, 2. ed., Bologna, il Mulino, 2010. - Paolo D’Achille, Breve grammatica storica dell’italiano. 3. ed., Roma, Carocci, 2019 - Paolo D’Achille, L’italiano contemporaneo, 4. ed., Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019.
Basic compulsory activities
20703169 -
This course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of selected periods in the development of Italian literature, with a specific attention to the historical and European context.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Fairytale Paths: the magical and marvellous tale from the origins to the present day
The fairy tale is only apparently aimed exclusively at a child audience: instead, it conveys values and messages important to the community and constitutes an underground presence in literature from its origins, eventually making its "official" appearance in the mid-sixteenth century. The course will follow the fairy tale in prose and verse from the fourteenth to the twentieth century, in a path that ranges from blending with other literary genres (such as short stories and chivalric poems) to the autonomous form and from anonymous tales to author's fairy tales.
( reference books)
Syllabus for attending students
Essays supplied by the professor and downloadable from Teams/Moodle or available from the photocopy shop in front of the Department of Studi Umanistici: - C. Stromboli, L’invenzione della fiaba, in Le forme brevi della narrativa, a cura di Elisabetta Menetti, Roma, Carocci, 2019, pp. 81-106 - D. Pirovano, Introduzione a G. Straparola, Le piacevoli notti, Roma, Salerno - M. Rak, Introduzione a G. Basile, Lo cunto de li cunti, Milano, Garzanti - I. Calvino, Introduzione a Le fiabe italiane - M. Lavagetto, Dal buio delle notti invernali Handouts with excerpts from: Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron; Fiore di leggende, a cura di Ezio Levi; Francesco Cieco da Ferrara, Mambriano; Francesco Straparola, Le piacevoli notti; Giovan Battista Basile, Lo cunto de li cunti; Carlo Collodi, La storia di un burattino; Luigi Capuana; Guido Gozzano; Piero Calamandrei; Antonio Baldini; Tommaso Landolfi; Italo Calvino
Syllabus for not-attendig students
Non-attending students are required to add to the syllabus one of their choice of the following books: Sarah Cruso, Guida alla lettura di Italo Calvino Fiabe Italiane, Roma, Carocci, 2007 Claudio Marazzini, Le fiabe, Roma, Carocci, 2004
Basic compulsory activities
20709106 -
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - Antropologia, diritto, economia, sociologia - (show)
21810429 -
The course aims at highlighting the main evolutionary steps of economic theory, from 18th century until nowadays. A special focus will be on the theoretical contributions of the most important economists and on major issues as: the theory of value, the theory of income distribution, economic development, markets, money, and the role of public authorities in the economy.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims at providing an outline of the evolution of economic theorizing from Antiquity to the most recent developments. A special attention will be devoted to the works of F. Quesnay, A. Smith, D. Ricardo, T. R. Malthus, K. Marx, A. Marshall, V. Pareto, J. M. Keynes. As concerns the most recent developments of economic theory a particular attention will be devoted to theories concerning money, business cycle, unemployment, financial crises. The course further aims at providing a critical awareness on the relationships among economic theory and its practical implementation in terms of public policies.
( reference books)
For those who attend the lectures: notes made available both at the library and at 4Appunti shop in front of the Dep.t. For those who cannot attend the lectures, please add J.M. Keynes's General Theory, whatever edition.
Basic compulsory activities
Optional group:
storia, fonti e metodi - storia antica e medievale - (show)
20703154 -
The student will acquire the cultural and methodological assumptions of the study of Roman history and a solid knowledge of its entire development (until the 6th century AD). It will also acquire knowledge connected with the treatment in a monographic sense of specific themes and problems of Roman history.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Roman History DISCIPLINARY FIELD: L-ANT/03 (Roman History) Bachelor course in Roman History (72 hours = 6+6 ECTS) Lecturers: Prof. P. Porena & Prof. A. Marcone [First Semester]; Prof. A. Angius [Second Semester].
Premise: the Roman History course (2 modules 6+6 = 12 ECTS) for the Bachelor’s degree can be attended by students either in the First or Second Semester. ■ First Semester: the teacher of the first module (Roman History I = 6 ECTS), is Prof. P. Porena: his classes run from the first week of October to the second week of November 2023, and are supposed to take place on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, 1-3 p.m. (in recent years in Room 18) and on the Teams platform. The teacher of the second module (Roman History II, 6 CFU) is prof. A. Marcone: his classes will run from the third week of November to the end of December 2023, and will take place in the same classroom and according to the same schedule as the first module. ■ Second Semester
Both the first module (Roman History I, 6 ECTS) and the second module (Roman History II, 6 ECTS) are taught by prof. A. Angius: the first module classes will run from the last week of February to the last week of March; the second module classes will run from the first week of April to the second week of May 2024 (classroom and schedule to be defined) also on the Teams platform. Students are free to choose whether to attend the course modules in the First Semester (with exams starting in the winter session, mid-January 2024), or in the Second Semester (with exams starting in the summer session, from the end of May 2024). Students who want to follow a course and take a 12 ECTS exam must follow the two 6 ECTS modules in their chronological order either in the First or Second Semester: they cannot attend a 6 ECTS module in the First Semester and a 6 ECTS module in the Second Semester. You are advised to check whether in your curriculum the 6 or 12 CFUs can be acquired in only one of the two semesters.
Description of the First module of the course of ROMAN HISTORY (prof. P. Porena): "Critical paths of Roman History" It is hardly possible to summarize Roman history, since it extends along a long time frame and involves different and wide geographical and cultural spaces. Moreover Roma egemony has produced a variety of experiences and transformations. The course aims to underline, through the analysis of literary, epigraphic and artistics sources, the original characters of Roman history, in order also to neutralize some chichés and commonplaces about the ancient Rome, which depends on deeply rooted preconceptions. The course also provides a critical understanding of the events of Roman history, but also of the problems, of the themes and of the historical and cultural processes which affected the transformation of Roman society, the evolution of its institutions, and the formation, consolidation and deconstruction of its Mediterranean empire created at the crossroads of three continents.
( reference books)
▪ TEXTS for students who attend the course: - G. GERACI, A. MARCONE, Storia romana, Le Monnier, (nuova edizione) Firenze 2011 (editio minor), then 4th ed. 2016; - G. GERACI, A. MARCONE, Fonti per la storia romana, Le Monnier, Firenze 2006, then 2nd ed. 2019 ; - Atlante Storico, De Agostini, Novara 2003 or another edition; (further suggestions for optional in-depth bibliography will be provided by the teacher at the beginning of the course)
▪ ADDITIONAL TEXTs for students who do not attend the course: - A. Giardina (a cura di), L’uomo romano, Roma-Bari (Laterza) (1989) 2008.
It is possible to ask for bibliography in English, French and German and take the exam in one of these three languages.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - storia moderna e contemporanea - (show)
20710672 -
Metodologia e fonti della ricerca storica
the course will focus on a critical view on some of the most important topics of the historical knowledge, how it is contructed, how the historian works, the epistemological aspects and the narrative ones.
( syllabus)
In the Historian Lab: topic, issues, methods The course aims to make students reflect critically on the characteristics of historical knowledge, on its hermeneutic values, on the different types of sources and their use, on the relationship between history and other human and social sciences, on the various methods and concepts of historical research, showing a wide range of works that are significant for historiography. In the first part of the course focus on a critical reflection on the forms of historical knowledge and the organisation of work in the historian's laboratory: time, the relationship between history and memory, the historical dimension of human existence, the space of historical knowledge, the sources, the new historiographic studies between hermeneutics and social sciences.
a) Two books of your choice: • J. Topolski, Narrare la storia, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 1997 • M. Bloch, Apologia della storia, Einaudi, Torino, 2009 • S. Rogari, La scienza storica, UTET, Torino, 2013 • S. Morgan, K. Jenkins, A. Munslow, Manifestos for History, Routledge, New York-London, 2007 • Munslow, Narrative and History, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, 2007
b) One book of your choice: • P. Bevilacqua, Sull'utilità Della Storia, Donzelli, Roma, 2000 • P. Burke, La storia culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006 • H. White, Forme di storia. Dalla realtà alla narrazione, Roma, Carocci, 2006 • B. Bonomo, Voci della memoria, Roma, Carocci, 2013 • M. Ridolfi, Verso la public history. Fare e raccontare storia nel tempo presente, Pacini, Pisa, 2017 • S. Gruzinski, Abbiamo ancora bisogno della storia? Il senso del passato nel mondo globalizzato, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2016
( reference books)
a) Two books in the following list: • J. Topolski, Narrare la storia, Bruno Mondadori, Milano, 1997 • M. Bloch, Apologia della storia, Einaudi, Torino, 2009 • S. Rogari, La scienza storica, UTET, Torino, 2013 • S. Morgan, K. Jenkins, A. Munslow, Manifestos for History, Routledge, New York-London, 2007 • Munslow, Narrative and History, Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, 2007
b) One book in the following list: • P. Bevilacqua, Sull'utilità Della Storia, Donzelli, Roma, 2000 • P. Burke, La storia culturale, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006 • H. White, Forme di storia. Dalla realtà alla narrazione, Roma, Carocci, 2006 • B. Bonomo, Voci della memoria, Roma, Carocci, 2013 • M. Ridolfi, Verso la public history. Fare e raccontare storia nel tempo presente, Pacini, Pisa, 2017 • S. Gruzinski, Abbiamo ancora bisogno della storia? Il senso del passato nel mondo globalizzato, Raffaello Cortina, Milano, 2016
Core compulsory activities
20710618 -
Politica e società nel mondo moderno
the course aims at understanding the interconnections between the institutional frameworks and the socio-cultural frameworks of the political and institutional history of the early modern age.
( syllabus)
This course will explore themes related to the Conquest of America and the evangelisation of the New World in the early modern age. Using a cultural, religious and institutional perspective, we will consider the challenges generated in Europe by the "discovery" of the New World and the debates about the humanity of the Indians, the missionary religious orders, and the creation of political and religious institutions to support evangelisation. During the course there will be lectures on specific topics and in-depth studies by the students, agreed upon with the lecturer. It is recommended (but not compulsory) to have taken the modern history course.
( reference books)
For the attending students: • F. Cantù, La Conquista spirituale, Viella, Roma 2007 and one of: • T. Todorov, La conquista dell’America la scoperta dell’”altro”, Einaudi, Torino 2014. • S. Gruzinski, La macchina del tempo. Quando l’Europa ha iniziato a scrivere la storia del mondo, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2018 • M. Livi Bacci, Conquista: la distruzione degli indios americani, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005. • F. Cantù (ed), L’Identità del Nuovo Mondo, Viella, Roma 2007 • F. Cantù, Coscienza d’America, Coscienza d'America. Cronache di una memoria impossibile, Edizioni associate 2001 • C. Ferlan, Sbornie sacre, sbornie profane. L’ubriachezza dal Vecchio al Nuovo Mondo, il Mulino, 2018 • G. Marcocci, Indios, cinesi, falsari. Le storie del mondo nel Rinascimento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2016 • P. Broggio; M. Merluzzi,; L. Guarnieri Calo' Carducci, Europa e America allo specchio. Studi per Francesca Cantù, Viella, Roma, 2017 • L. Guarnieri Calo' Carducci, Idolatria e identità creola in Perù. Le cronache andine tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Viella, Roma, 2007 • L. Guarnieri Calo' Carducci, Nuovo Mondo e ordine politico. La Compagnia di Gesù in Perù e l’attività di José de Acosta, 1997 • M. Merluzzi, Politica e governo nel nuovo mondo. Francisco de Toledo vicerè del Perù (1569-1581), Carocci, Roma 2003 • P. Broggio, Evangelizzare il mondo. Le missioni della Compagnia di Gesù tra Europa e America (secoli XVI-XVII), Carocci, Roma, 2004 • J. Muldoon, The Spiritual conversion of the Americas, University Press of Florida [da chiedere alla docente]
For not attending students, both: • F. Cantù, F. Cantù, La Conquista spirituale, Viella, Roma 2007 • T. Todorov, La conquista dell’America la scoperta dell’”altro”, Einaudi, Torino 2014. and one of: • S. Gruzinski, La macchina del tempo. Quando l’Europa ha iniziato a scrivere la storia del mondo, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2018 • M. Livi Bacci, Conquista: la distruzione degli indios americani, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005. • F. Cantù (ed), L’Identità del Nuovo Mondo, Viella, Roma 2007 • F. Cantù, Coscienza d’America, Coscienza d'America. Cronache di una memoria impossibile, Edizioni associate 2001 • C. Ferlan, Sbornie sacre, sbornie profane. L’ubriachezza dal Vecchio al Nuovo Mondo, il Mulino, 2018 • G. Marcocci, Indios, cinesi, falsari. Le storie del mondo nel Rinascimento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2016 • P. Broggio; M. Merluzzi,; L. Guarnieri Calo' Carducci, Europa e America allo specchio. Studi per Francesca Cantù, Viella, Roma, 2017 • L. Guarnieri Calo' Carducci, Idolatria e identità creola in Perù. Le cronache andine tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Viella, Roma, 2007 • L. Guarnieri Calo' Carducci, Nuovo Mondo e ordine politico. La Compagnia di Gesù in Perù e l’attività di José de Acosta, 1997 • M. Merluzzi, Politica e governo nel nuovo mondo. Francisco de Toledo vicerè del Perù (1569-1581), Carocci, Roma 2003 • P. Broggio, Evangelizzare il mondo. Le missioni della Compagnia di Gesù tra Europa e America (secoli XVI-XVII), Carocci, Roma, 2004 • J. Muldoon, The Spiritual conversion of the Americas, University Press of Florida [da chiedere alla docente] Per i non frequentanti si consiglia di contattare la docente per la definizione del programma.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - storia moderna e contemporanea 2 - (show)
20702493 -
The course is divided into three parts, corresponding to three different training objectives. The first part offers a general picture of the subject; the second focuses on a specific monographic theme; the third provides the methodological foundations of political history, through the analysis of the different historiographical schools and through the comparison with the different types of sources.
20702493-1 -
Storia dei movimenti e dei partiti politici - 1
The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the italian political history and on the Italian party system.
( syllabus)
Summary of the history of the Italian political system from its formation to the collapse of the "first Republic"
( reference books)
P. Carusi, I partiti politici italiani dall'Unità ad oggi, ed. Studium 2015
Core compulsory activities
20702493-2 -
Storia dei movimenti e dei partiti politici - 2
The course aims to provide a basic preparation on the italian political history and on the Italian party system.
( syllabus)
In-depth study on the history of Christian democracy from the end of the seventies to the collapse of the "first Republic"
( reference books)
P. Carusi, Mario Segni e la crisi della cultura politica democristiana 1976-1993, ed. Viella 2023
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - Discipline filosofiche, pedagogiche, psicologiche e storico religiose - (show)
20702496 -
The course will provide a basic knowledge of the principal events and problems on the Church history in modern age, also in connection with another religious Christian confessions. It will pay particular attention to the space-time placement of the discussed subjects, to the exact terminology and to the religious institutions’ significance and role. It will introduce to the sources’ critical reading and to understand the debates of the historiography,
Derived from
( syllabus)
Main topics discussed: - French Revolution and Christianity; - Napoleon's religious policy; - Consalvism; - The attitudes of the Catholic world in the age of the Restoration; - Vatican Council I; - Leo XIII; - Pius X and the condemnation of the modern world; - the Church and political modernities: fascism (in Italy and Europe), communism - the crisis of intransigent culture in the second half of the 20th century and the Second Vatican Council. Two lectures will also be dedicated to the in-depth study of the methodology of gender studies and women's history through some case studies and some models of female religiosity in Southern Italy at the end of the 19th century (Marianna Farnararo, Caterina Volpicelli).
( reference books)
Attending Students: - Lecture notes - Dossier of sources and handouts provided by the professor. In parallel, I recommend reading "History of the Church", vol. 4, edited by D. Menozzi, EDB, Bologna 2019. Further studies and research will be recommended during the lectures. Non-attending students (please contact the professor by email): "Storia del cristianesimo", vol. 4: L’età contemporanea (secoli XIX-XXI), a cura di Giovanni Vian, Roma, Carocci 2015 (capp. 1-6);
And one book of your choice from:
G. Miccoli, Fra mito della cristianità e secolarizzazione, Marietti, Casale Monferrato 10985. D. Menozzi, La Chiesa cattolica e la secolarizzazione, Einaudi, Torino 1993. G. Rocca, Donne religiose, contributo a una storia della condizione femminile in Italia, Paoline, Roma 1992. G. Alberigo, Breve storia del concilio Vaticano II, Il Mulino, Bologna 2005.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - Discipline storiche, politiche, economiche e socio-antropologiche - (show)
20710059 -
History of Latin America
The objective of the course is to provide the students with the foundations necessary to reconstruct, in the light of more recent historiography- the essential elements of the historical development of Latin America within the broader context of the events that characterised the history of the Western world.
20710059-1 -
The course aims to provide the knowledge for understanding the historical and current Latin America, as well as indicate the access to the main sources of study. Although with a diachronic character, treating the main events and dealing with the key issues of Latin American history from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, most of the lessons are on the formative historical period from the cultural point of view of the continent, XVI-XVIII centuries.
( syllabus)
The formation of Latin America: the colonial era (XVI-XVII-XVIII centuries). Spanish America, Portuguese America: the geographical environment, the populations encountered. The stages of discovery. The stages of conquest. The consequences in Europe. The modalities of colonization. The evangelization of the Indians, the role of religious orders. Institutions during the Iberian domination. State and Church in America. Economy, trade, transport. Colonial society. The changes of the eighteenth century. Reforms and revolts. Independence, phases and main events. Thought and action of Simón Bolívar. The political and economic structure in the nineteenth century. The liberal order and progress. The secularization of society. The great migrations between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The impact of European ideologies. The crisis of the thirties. Populism. The problem of economic development. The creation of the Organization of American States and Latin America in the Cold War. Dictatorships, transition, democracy.
( reference books)
The examination is composed by two part: general part; monographic part. General part: Carmagnani, M., L’altro Occidente. L’America Latina dall’invasione europea al nuovo millennio, Torino, Einaudi, 2003, or following editions. Or: Williamson, E., The Penguin History of Latin America, London, Penguin Books, 2010. Or: Malamud, C., Historia de América, Madrid, Alianza editorial, 2010.
Monographic part. One of the following books: -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., Idolatria e identità creola. Le cronache andine tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Roma, Viella, 2007. -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., Il Perù nella storia e nella storiografia, Roma, Bulzoni, 2013. -Livi Bacci, M., Conquista. La distruzione degli indios americani, Roma, Carocci, 2013. -Klein, H., Il commercio atlantico degli schiavi, Roma, Carocci, 2014. -Nocera, R., Stati Uniti e America latina dal 1823 a oggi, Roma, Carocci, 2009.
Core compulsory activities
20710059-2 -
The course aims to provide the knowledge for understanding the historical and current Latin America, as well as indicate the access to the main sources of study. Although with a diachronic character, treating the main events and dealing with the key issues of Latin American history from the sixteenth to the twentieth century, most of the lessons are on the formative historical period from the cultural point of view of the continent, XVI-XVIII centuries.
( syllabus)
The formation of Latin America: the colonial era (XVI-XVII-XVIII centuries). Spanish America, Portuguese America: the geographical environment, the populations encountered. The stages of discovery. The stages of conquest. The consequences in Europe. The modalities of colonization. The evangelization of the Indians, the role of religious orders. Institutions during the Iberian domination. State and Church in America. Economy, trade, transport. Colonial society. The changes of the eighteenth century. Reforms and revolts. Independence, phases and main events. Thought and action of Simón Bolívar. The political and economic structure in the nineteenth century. The liberal order and progress. The secularization of society. The great migrations between the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The impact of European ideologies. The crisis of the thirties. Populism. The problem of economic development. The creation of the Organization of American States and Latin America in the Cold War. Dictatorships, transition, democracy.
( reference books)
The examination is composed by two part: general part; monographic part. General part: Carmagnani, M., L’altro Occidente. L’America Latina dall’invasione europea al nuovo millennio, Torino, Einaudi, 2003, or following editions. Or: Williamson, E., The Penguin History of Latin America, London, Penguin Books, 2010. Or: Malamud, C., Historia de América, Madrid, Alianza editorial, 2010.
Monographic part. One of the following books: -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., Idolatria e identità creola. Le cronache andine tra Cinquecento e Seicento, Roma, Viella, 2007. -Guarnieri Calò Carducci, L., Il Perù nella storia e nella storiografia, Roma, Bulzoni, 2013. -Livi Bacci, M., Conquista. La distruzione degli indios americani, Roma, Carocci, 2013. -Klein, H., Il commercio atlantico degli schiavi, Roma, Carocci, 2014. -Nocera, R., Stati Uniti e America latina dal 1823 a oggi, Roma, Carocci, 2009.
Core compulsory activities
20710173 -
History of North America
The course intends to provide an overview of the history of North America. It is centered on the United States from its formation to present day but also includes outlines of the preceding centuries as well as the evolution of Canada. In the course we will analyze pivotal aspects of U.S. and Canada national history and international relations.
21801026 -
The prime objective is an evolution and enlightenment in the conception of Africa’s history from the sixteenth century to the present day. A part of the course will concentrate on difficulties associated with recording the history of Africa and the continent, with particular emphasis on how to preserve its oral history. Along the same lines of thought: fundamental aspects of modern and contemporary history of Africa concentrating on the slave trade; the impact of Africa on European commerce; colonial domination; resistance within the colonies; and African independence and the emergence of independent states. The course hopes to give an overall view of the history of the African continent and the problems it faces today, placing it within its diverse historical contexts.
Core compulsory activities
21810353 -
This course focuses on the contemporary history of international relations in East Asia. Particular attention will be devoted to the positions occupied by Japan and China during the Cold War years, as well as to their interactions both with the other regional actors, the two Superpowers and Europe. The analysis of the factors generated by the bipolar order will facilitate the identification of continuity and discontinuity lines in the broader context of globalization.
Derived from
21810353 STORIA E ISTITUZIONI DELL'ASIA in Politiche, cooperazione e sviluppo L-37 FRATTOLILLO OLIVIERO
( syllabus)
This course focuses on the contemporary history of international relations in East Asia. Particular attention will be devoted to the positions occupied by Japan and China during the Cold War years, as well as to their interactions both with the other regional actors, the two Superpowers and Europe. The analysis of the factors generated by the bipolar order will facilitate the identification of continuity and discontinuity lines in the broader context of globalization. A seminar will address the issue of the construction of the political identity in China through the Communist Party rhetoric in the post-Maoist period.
( reference books)
The syllabus for attending students is the following:
1) A. Fiori, M. Milano, A. Passeri, Asia. Storia, istituzioni e relazioni internazionali, Le Monnier Università 2022. 2) O. Frattolillo, Il Giappone tra Est e Ovest, FrancoAngeli 2014. 3) F. Mazzei, V. Volpi, Asia al centro, EGEA 2014 - second edition (Chapters: 2, 3, 4, 10, 12).
The syllabus for non-attending students is the following:
1) A. Fiori, M. Milano, A. Passeri, Asia. Storia, istituzioni e relazioni internazionali, Le Monnier Università 2022. 2) O. Frattolillo, Il Giappone tra Est e Ovest, FrancoAngeli 2014. 3) F. Mazzei, V. Volpi, Asia al centro, EGEA 2014, second edition (the full book). 4) One of the following books (free choice): - Frattolillo, Diplomacy in Japan-EU Relations, Routledge 2013; - Frattolillo, Interwar Japan beyond the West, Cambridge SP 2012; - Frattolillo, L’etica dell’interessere, Mimesis 2013.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Storia, fonti e metodi - affini - (show)
20702476 -
The course provides the necessary basis for understanding the growth process of geographical knowledge and the geographical horizon from prehistory to the present day, from the first hypothesis and measurements about the shape and measurement of the Earth to the birth of Geography, from ancient astronomical tables to the cartografia nautica, from the first travel experiences to the time of the great voyages of discovery and exploration, to travels into the cosmos, from medieval summe to the geographical sciences.
20702476-1 -
Storia della geografia e delle esplorazioni - 1
The course provides the necessary basis for understanding the growth process of geographical knowledge and the geographical horizon from prehistory to the present day, from the first hypothesis and measurements about the shape and measurement of the Earth to the birth of Geography, from ancient astronomical tables to the cartografia nautica, from medieval summe to the geographical sciences., from the first travel experiences to the time of the great voyages of discovery, from migrations to travels of exploration into the cosmos.
( syllabus)
Teaching Unit I - 6 credits (36 hours) Exploration and geographical knowledge from ancient to modern
The concepts of geographic horizon and geographical discovery. Travel and Geography in ancient and medieval times. The medieval nautical cartography. The maritime republics. Spain and Portugal from the Middle Ages and Modern Age. The Portuguese on the route to India. Great geographical discoveries: premises and consequences. Humanism and Renaissance. The XVI century. The Illuminismo. The “construction” of geographical science in the nineteenth century. The modern exploration. The history of discovery and its exploitation. The Geography and contemporary society.
( reference books)
Teaching Unit I-6 CFU • Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Al di là di altrove, Milano Mursia, 2009; • Historical Atlas.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702476-2 -
Storia della geografia e delle esplorazioni - 2
The books, documents and proposals readings allow you to explore topics and issues tackled in the basic module.
( syllabus)
Teaching Unit II - 6 credits (36 hours) Travels and geography: from homination to space exploration
The materials on the CD-ROM attached to the manual (Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Al di là di altrove, Milano, Mursia) allow to deepen the historical and social processes analyzed in the basic module. Essays, taking the structure of the manual, reconstruct migration, travel and exploration, trade and commercial networks, the circulation of people, goods and ideas between the various continents, as well as the biographies and works of the Protagonists of The expansion of the geographic horizon to our day.
( reference books)
Teaching Unit II-6 CFU Depth cards from the CD enclosed with the manual (Ilaria Luzzana Caraci, Al di là di altrove, Milano Mursia, 2009): see list on page Bacheca ( ATTENTION: the manual must be equipped with an attached CD-Rom (available at the Petrocchi Library). Attending students will discuss with the teacher.
Appendici al capitolo terzo L’orizzonte geografico dell’antichità 1. I miti della creazione nelle antiche civiltà 3. Hatshepsut e la spedizione alla Terra di Punt lez. 3 5. Le città fenicie 6. Il viaggio dei Fenici al servizio del faraone Neco II 7. I viaggi di Imilcone e Annone 8. L’Impero persiano
Appendici al capitolo quarto La geografia greca. Da descrizione a scienza della Terra 3. Erodoto di Alicarnasso e le sue Storie 4. Eratostene 7. La geografia in Aristotele
Appendici al capitolo quinto L’Età romana 1. Le spezie orientali 2. I rapporti tra Roma e la Cina 3. Il Periplo del Mare Eritreo 4. Strabone 5. La geografia in Seneca e Plinio 6. Claudio Tolomeo 7. Il De reditu suo di Rutilio Namaziano
Appendici al capitolo sesto I secoli «bui» 3. San Brandano e la sua Navigatione 4. Cosma Indicopleuste
Appendici al capitolo settimo «Il piacere per chi si diletta di girare il mondo»: la geografia dell’Islam 6. Ibn Bāttūtā
Appendici al capitolo ottavo Precursori di Colombo? L’epopea vichinga 1. La Vinland Map 3. Le saghe 4. Le altre «prove» della scoperta vichinga dell’America 5. I Vichinghi e la «Terra del Vino»
Appendici al capitolo nono Il risveglio dell’Occidente 1. La cultura geografica del Basso Medioevo 3. Francesco di Balduccio Pegolotti e la sua Pratica della mercatura
Appendici al capitolo decimo Missionari e mercanti sulle vie dell’Oriente 1. Il Prete Gianni 2. Le relazioni di viaggio di Giovanni da Pian del Carpine e Guglielmo da Rubruck 3. Il Milione 4. Selezione di passi dal Milione 6. Il mappamondo di Fra Mauro 7. I viaggi di Niccolò dei Conti 8. Gerolamo da Santo Stefano e Gerolamo Adorno
Appendici al capitolo undicesimo La via marittima alle Indie 1. Il De Canaria di Giovanni Boccaccio 2. Enrico il Navigatore 3. I navigatori italiani al servizio del Principe Enrico 6. I padrões 7. Vasco da Gama 8. L’arrivo di Vasco da Gama in India
Allegati al capitolo dodicesimo Le premesse della scoperta dell’America 1. Le vie transasiatiche e le vicende politiche dell’Asia centrale tra XIV e XVI secolo 2. L’ambiente umanistico fiorentino 3. Paolo dal Pozzo Toscanelli 5. John of Mandeville
Allegati al capitolo tredicesimo Buscar el Levante por el Poniente. Cristoforo Colombo e i suoi viaggi 1. La cultura di Colombo 2. La scoperta del Nuovo Mondo 3. Il Trattato di Tordesillas 4. La scoperta del continente
Appendici al capitolo quattordicesimo Ma chi ha scoperto l’America? 1. Fernando Colombo e le Historie della vita e dei fatti dell’Ammiraglio Don Cristoforo Colombo 2. I documenti colombiani dell’Archivio di Stato di Genova
Appendici al capitolo quindicesimo I primi viaggi esplorativi in America 4. Il viaggio di Pedro Álvarez Cabral 5. La questione vespucciana
Appendici al capitolo sedicesimo Dalla scoperta alla conquista 1. Alonso de Ojeda e i suoi viaggi 3. Gli effetti della conquista nell’Istoria del Mondo Nuovo di Gerolamo Benzoni 4. Bartolomé de Las Casas 5. L’incontro tra Cortés e Montezuma
Appendici al capitolo diciassettesimo I Portoghesi in Oriente e il viaggio di Magellano 2. Lodovico de Vartema 3. Giovanni da Empoli 5. Ferdinando Magellano 6. La sosta nella Baia di San Giuliano 7. La morte di Magellano
Appendici al capitolo diciottesimo L’Europa del Cinquecento e i nuovi mondi 1. Le raccolte di viaggi dei secoli XVI-XVII 4. Giovanni Battista Ramusio e la sua opera
Appendici al capitolo diciannovesimo Le esplorazioni moderne 1. Giovanni da Verrazzano 2. Jacques Cartier 3. La fondazione della Compagnia di Gesù e San Francesco Saverio, «Apostolo delle Indie» 4. Matteo Ricci 5. Martino Martini
Appendici al capitolo ventesimo I passaggi alle Indie e l’esplorazione dell’Oceano Pacifico 1. Sebastiano Caboto, la «sfinge della storia americana» 2. Henry Hudson 3. I viaggi di Vitus Bering 4. William Edward Parry 5. I viaggi di Tasman 6. I Diari di Cook 7. Le grandi spedizioni oceaniche francesi della seconda metà del Settecento
Appendici al capitolo ventiduesimo Esplorazioni e conquiste in America e in Asia 1. René Robert de La Salle 2. Alexander Mackenzie 3. Le donne viaggiatrici 4. I Viaggi di Pietro Della Valle 6. Nicolay Przhevalsky
Appendici al capitolo ventitreesimo Il secolo d’oro della geografia 1. Mungo Park 2. La ricerca delle sorgenti del Nilo 3. Livingstone e Stanley 4. Charles Darwin e il viaggio della Beagle
Appendici al capitolo ventiquattresimo Viaggi e geografia tra Ottocento e Novecento 1. La conquista dei Poli 2. Robert Falcon Scott 3. La Transiberiana 4. La geografia tedesca di fine Ottocento 5. La geografia italiana tra Ottocento e Novecento 6. Sven Anders Hedin
Conclusioni Tra passato e futuro. Il Novecento 1. La conquista dell’Everest 2. Le spedizioni italiane nel Karakorum
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702382 -
OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: acquiring basic knowledge of LIS, and the history and development of the book and libraries; main principles of communicational mediation to be implemented by a library.
Objectives: Becoming aware of the strategic relevance of information literacy and of the role played in it by libraries, in the informational and learning process in complex societies.
Knowing the theoretical basic fundamentals and acquiring the techniques of Bibliography, Librarianship and Documentation, in particularly concerning: - Information and documentation - technologies and tools (web 2.0, database etc.) to access information, to promote and deliver library services - planning, organization and management of library services
Derived from
20702382 BIBLIOGRAFIA E BIBLIOTECONOMIA in Lettere L-10 Eleuteri Beatrice
( syllabus)
- History of reading and books - History of libraries - Types of libraries and legislative framework - Elements of bibliography - Cataloging, classification and subjectification - Library placement and communication - Library, community, advocacy - Purchases, donations, discards - Monitoring and evaluation - Functional literacy reading skills - The state of reading in Italy - The Reference Service - Reading education and promotion
( reference books)
G. Granata, Introduzione alla biblioteconomia. Bologna: Il Mulino, 2009.
P. Parigi, Contro la lettura: per una pedagogia del semianalfabetismo. Milano: Bietti, 2014.
1 book of choice:
L. Ferrieri, La lettura spiegata a chi non legge. Milano: Bibliografica, 2011.
C.I. Salviati, La biblioteca spiegata agli insegnanti. Milano: Bibliografica, 2012.
D. Crepaldi, Neuropsicologia della lettura. Roma: Carocci, 2020.
D. Pennac, Come un romanzo. Milano: Feltrinelli, 2008.
A. Chambers, Siamo quello che leggiamo: crescere tra lettura e letteratura. Modena: Equilibri, 2011.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710265 -
The course intends to present the main features of documents in the Western legal tradition, with particular regard to their value for historical studies. In this perspective the external and internal characteristics of the document will be examined, as well as the cultural panorama of the times and places of production of the main documentary types, in order to place them in relation with the juridical and cultural traditions typical of the history of the West. In this way, diplomatics is understood as a historical science capable of acting as a fundamental critical support for the historical disciplines, which find an important part of their primary sources of study in the handwritten documentation. In particular, attention will be paid to illustrating documentation of medieval Latin origin, which is particularly complex in its evaluation as a historical document; a study dedicated to the medieval documentary system of the city of Rome is also planned. The course includes both the examination of reproductions of documents and the direct examination of manuscripts and writing materials, through visits to archives and libraries. Knowledge of Latin is recommended.
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course aims to present the main characteristics of documents in the Western legal tradition, with particular regard to their value for historical studies. In this regard, the external and internal characteristics of the document will be examined, as well as the cultural landscape of the times and places of production of the main types of documents, linking them to the legal and cultural traditions of Western history. In this way diplomacy is understood as a historical science capable of acting as a fundamental critical support to historical disciplines, which find in manuscript documentation an important part of their primary sources of study. In particular, attention will be paid to the illustration of documentation of medieval Latin origin, which is particularly complex in its evaluation as a historical document; there will also be an in-depth study of the medieval documentary system of the city of Rome. The course will include both the examination of reproductions of documents and the direct examination of manuscripts and writing materials through visits to archives and libraries.
( reference books)
The final exam will include the knowledge of the material provided during the course. Students are required to add the study ofthe following texts: - Alessandro Pratesi, Genesi e forme del documento medievale, III edizione, Roma, Jouvence, 1999 (Guide, 3); - Two essays among those distributed during the course
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702408 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
(1) A series of lectures aimed at offering an organic picture of authors and trends in the "literary space" of ancient Rome, with particular attention to relationships with political and institutional history, to typology and development of literary genres, to the literary-society nexus, and to the differentiation of levels and functions of Latin written production; croblems of survival and transmission of the corpus of the latin classics will be envisaged also, even as regards their medieval and modern heritage. (2) Lectures about some main features of latin language. (3) Setting in context, reading in latin, italian translation and commentary of: - (a) Petronius, The Dinner of Trimalchio (Satyricon, from chapter 26, 7 to chapter 78); - (b) Sueton, The Life of the Emperor Claudius; - (c) Virgil, Aeneid, book IV.
( reference books)
As for (1): - G. B. Conte, Letteratura latina, Firenze (ed. Le Monnier, 2002 and reprints), parts I-IV (from the Beginnings to the II sec. C.E.). - E. Norden, La letteratura romana, Bari (Laterza, 1958): only the appendix titled «Le fonti antiche», available on line at the site of the course. - A hand-out for the lectures (“Profilo di storia della letteratura latina. Testi di supporto [dalle Origini alla morte di Silla])”, and further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and/or made available on line at the site of the course.
As for (2): - R. Oniga, Latin. A Linguistic Introduction. Edited & Translated by N. Schifano (Oxford University Press, 2014).
As for (3): - Petronio Arbitro, Satyricon. Introduzione, traduzione e note di A. Aragosti, Milano (Ed. Rizzoli), or La cena di Trimalchione: dal ‘Satyricon’ di Petronio, a cura di G. F. Gianotti, Acireale-Roma (Ed. Bonanno) - Gaio Svetonio Tranquillo, L'imperatore Claudio (Vite dei Cesari, V), a cura di G. Guastella, Venezia (Marsilio). - Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, Traduzione a cura di A. Fo. Note di F. Giannotti, Torino (Einaudi), Booh IV only (in the site relating to the course will be made disposable a “.pdf” copy of the edition of Book IV with italian commentary by R. Sabbadini - C. Marchesi, Torino, ed. Loescher, out of print). - further bibiography would be given during the course ().
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703279 -
The teaching of Philology 1, linked to the first language, is part of the basic training activities of "General and Applied Philology and Linguistics" of the degree course in Languages and Linguistic Mediation-Cultural, specifically activities aimed at providing the tools for analysis and theoretical reflection proper to philology, as well as knowledge of cultural heritage, specifically literary and philological, related to the foreign language. The course aims to provide a clear and sufficiently thorough picture of the novel cultural horizon/ Germanic in its historical-linguistic and historical-literary aspects, and the processes through which the ways were determined, the forms and conventions of the relevant tradition. Knowledge of peculiar linguistic and literary elements in relation to basic cultural situations. Knowledge and understanding of the correct methodological norms in order to recover or reconstruct the genuine form of texts. Expected learning outcomes: students will have a sufficiently in-depth knowledge of the historical-linguistic and historical-literary aspects of the novel/Germanic cultural horizon and the ways and conventions of its tradition; will know the specific elements relating to basic cultural situations; they will know and will include rules for the recovery and reconstruction of the genuine forms of the texts.
Derived from
20703279 FILOLOGIA E LINGUISTICA ROMANZA 1 in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 MOCAN MIRA VERONICA
( syllabus)
Il modulo presenterà le tappe salienti nella formazione della civiltà romanza, a partire dall’evoluzione delle lingue romanze, con illustrazione delle prime testimonianze scritte (l’Appendix Probi, l’indovinello veronese, le glosse di Reichenau, i decreti del Concilio di Tours, i Giuramenti di Strasburgo, i Placiti campani ecc.). Saranno inoltre analizzati dal punto di vista linguistico e letterario alcuni dei testi più rappresentativi della tradizione epica, lirica e cortese-cavalleresca delle Origini, con particolare attenzione alla continuità culturale e storica fra tarda antichità e Medioevo.
( reference books)
• Au. Roncaglia, I primi passi del volgare, in Le origini della lingua e della letteratura italiana, Torino, UTET, 2006, pp. 157-214; • Piero G. Beltrami, La filologia romanza, Bologna, il Mulino, 2017; • Di Girolamo, I trovatori, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri, 1989 (Introduzione e capp. I, IV); • M. L. Meneghetti, Le origini delle letterature medievali romanze, Roma, Laterza, 2019 (o edizioni precedenti).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711235 -
The aim of the course is to give at the student the basic knowledge of the history of collecting and Museology from both a historical excursus and on the point of view of the cultural Heritage. The course also intends to pay particular attention to the history of the formation of museum institutions between the age of Enlightenment and the birth of modern states. Students will be involved directly in exercises aimed to developing both skills in tradimento historical-critical contexts and ability to read a work of art preserved in museum institutions
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course, in addition to providing the basic knowledge of museology, from the formation of museums in the early modern age to their activities in the contemporary age, will focus on the formation of major museums in Rome between the late 15th and late 18th centuries. The most important private and public antiquarian and art collections in the Urbe, some of which have become today's major museums in the capital, will be considered with particular attention.
( reference books)
Introduction M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo studiolo alla raccolta pubblica, 2° ed., Milano-Torino 2018.
C. De Benedictis, Per la storia del collezionismo italiano. Fonti e documenti, 2° ed., Firenze 1998, pp. 1-144.
M. V. Marini Clarelli, Il museo nel mondo contemporaneo. La teoria e la prassi, Roma 2011, pp. 1-67.
F. Haskell, La dispersione e la conservazione del patrimonio artistico, in Storia dell’arte italiana, X (parte III, vol. III, a cura di F. Zeri), Torino 1981, pp. 5-35.
A. Mottola Molfino, Museologia vs. Museografia, in Il libro dei Musei, Torino 1991, pp. 129-146.
R. Fontanarossa, Collezionisti e musei. Una storia culturale, Torino, 2022, pp. 5-122, 323-325.
Antiquarian collecting in Rome in the 15th-16th centuries: C. Franzoni, Le collezioni rinascimentali di antichità, in Memoria dell’antico nell’arte italiana. I. L’uso dei classici, pp. 299-360.
A. Cavallaro (a cura di), Collezioni di antichità a Roma fra ‘400 e ‘500, Roma 2007, Introduzione e capitoli relativi alle raccolte Galli, Della Valle, Sassi, Cesi.
F. Arata, Il Campidoglio come luogo espositivo di antichità, in Idem, Il secolo d’oro del Museo Capitolino 1733-1838, Roma 2016, pp. 11-69.
Roman museums between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries: A. Coliva, La Galleria Borghese: la storia, le opere, in Galleria Borghese, a cura di A. Coliva, Roma 1994, pp. 28-238.
F. Cappelletti, A.G. De Marchi, Il palazzo Doria Pamphilj al corso e le sue collezioni, Firenze 1999, pp. 7-81.
One text of your choice from: P. Wescher, I furti d’arte. Napoleone e la nascita del Louvre, rist. italiana, Torino 1988.
J. Von Schlosser, Raccolte d’arte e di meraviglie del tardo Rinascimento, rist. italiana, Firenze 2000.
F. Haskell, Mecenati e pittori, ed. Torino 2000.
W. Liebenwein, Studiolo. Storia e funzione di uno spazio culturale, a cura di C. Cieri Via, Modena 2005.
V. Conticelli, Guardaroba di cose rare e preziose: Lo studiolo di Francesco I de’ Medici. Arte, storia e significati, Lugano 2007, pp. 1-177.
La Tribuna del Principe: storia, contesto, restauro, a cura di A. Natali, A. Nova, M. Rossi, Firenze 2014, saggi di F. de Luca, D. Pegazzano, V. Conticelli, F. Paolucci, F. Jonietz, A. Massinelli, V. Saladino, K. Pomian, M. Rossi.
K. Pomian, Il museo una storia mondiale. I. Dal tesoro al museo, Torino 2021.
K. Pomian, Il museo una storia mondiale. II. L’affermazione europea, 1789-1850, Torino 2022.
In addition, direct (or virtual, in the case of museum closures) knowledge of at least the following Roman museums is required: Vatican Museums, Capitoline, Barberini and Corsini Museums, National Galleries of Ancient Art Palazzo Galleria Borghese, Doria Pamphilj Gallery, Palazzo Venezia Museum, Colonna Gallery, Spada Gallery.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711459 -
History of the nineteenth century: empires, nations and revolution
( syllabus)
The course will tackle the analysis of the political, cultural and social process in the "long XIXth century", combining the traditional national approach to the unification process with new studies on the nineteenth century, which propose a global reading of the issues concerning nations and empires in the Age of Revolutions. At the same time, the course provides thematic insights that include: - the spectacularisation and mediatisation of 19th century politics; - the relationship between social identities and political conflict; - the symbolic and literary forms of political cultures and romantic nationalisms.
( reference books)
Students attending the course will be required to study: a) - Giovanni Sabbatucci, Vittorio Vidotto, Storia contemporanea. L'Ottocento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018
This book should be combined by one monograph to choose among: b) - Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi, Torino 2019 - David A. Bell, Men on Horseback. The Power of Charisma in the Age of Revolution, Farrar, Stratus and Giroux, New York 2020 - Alessandro Bonvini, Risorgimento atlantico. I patrioti italiani e la lotta internazionale per le libertà, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2022 - Christophe Charle, La cultura senza regole. Letteratura, spettacolo e arti nell'Europa dell'Ottocento, Viella, Roma, 2019 - Linda Colley, Navi, penne e cannoni. Guerre, costituzioni e la creazione del mondo moderno, Rizzoli, Milano 2022 - Sebastian Conrad, Verso il mondo moderno. Una storia culturale, Einaudi, Torino 2022 - Antonio De Francesco, Repubbliche atlantiche. Una storia globale delle pratiche rivoluzionarie 1776-1804, Raffaele Cortina Editore, Milano 2022 - Maurizio Isabella, Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2023 - Carmine Pinto, La guerra per il Mezzogiorno. Italiani, borbonici e briganti. 1860-1870, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2019 - Lucy Riall, Garibaldi. L'invenzione di un eroe, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007 - Carlotta Sorba, Il melodramma della nazione. Politica e sentimenti nell'età del Risorgimento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2015 - Giulio Tatasciore, Briganti d'Italia. Storia di un immaginario romantico, Viella, Roma 2022 - Ignazio Veca, Il mito di Pio IX. Storia di un papa liberale e nazionale, Viella, Roma 2018
c) Written activity (compulsory) - attending students will produce a summary (max. 2 pages) of the text of their choice (sect. b), to be sent to
Students not attending the course will be required to study: a) - Giovanni Sabbatucci, Vittorio Vidotto, Storia contemporanea. L'Ottocento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2018
This book should be combined by two monographs to choose among: b) - Cemil Aydin, Il lungo Ottocento. Una storia politica internazionale, Einaudi, Torino 2019 - David A. Bell, Men on Horseback. The Power of Charisma in the Age of Revolution, Farrar, Stratus and Giroux, New York 2020 - Alessandro Bonvini, Risorgimento atlantico. I patrioti italiani e la lotta internazionale per le libertà, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2022 - Christophe Charle, La cultura senza regole. Letteratura, spettacolo e arti nell'Europa dell'Ottocento, Viella, Roma, 2019 - Linda Colley, Navi, penne e cannoni. Guerre, costituzioni e la creazione del mondo moderno, Rizzoli, Milano 2022 - Sebastian Conrad, Verso il mondo moderno. Una storia culturale, Einaudi, Torino 2022 - Antonio De Francesco, Repubbliche atlantiche. Una storia globale delle pratiche rivoluzionarie 1776-1804, Raffaele Cortina Editore, Milano 2022 - Maurizio Isabella, Southern Europe in the Age of Revolutions, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2023 - Carmine Pinto, La guerra per il Mezzogiorno. Italiani, borbonici e briganti. 1860-1870, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2019 - Lucy Riall, Garibaldi. L'invenzione di un eroe, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2007 - Carlotta Sorba, Il melodramma della nazione. Politica e sentimenti nell'età del Risorgimento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2015 - Giulio Tatasciore, Briganti d'Italia. Storia di un immaginario romantico, Viella, Roma 2022 - Ignazio Veca, Il mito di Pio IX. Storia di un papa liberale e nazionale, Viella, Roma 2018
c) Written activity (compulsory) - non attending students will produce a summary (max. 2 pages) of the two texts of their choice (sect. b), to be sent to
Related or supplementary learning activities
20711460 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
ulteriori abilità, laboratori e tirocini - (show)
20710127 -
further skills
Other activities
20702725 -
further skills
Ulteriori abilità, laboratori, stages e tirocini
further skills
Other activities
further skills
Other activities
20710568 -
Ulteriori abilità - Esperienza lavorativa- Servizio Civile
further skills
Other activities
20707007 -
Read the Mediterranean: sources and new technologies to monitor the Arab world
Other activities
20707001 -
Photography signals contemporary emergencies and memories of our past. It is a process and a form of identity communication, a continuous and ever-changing investigation, which also deals with the evolution of photographic technique and language. Through the projection and contextualization of the most significant examples of Italian and international photography from the mid-nineteenth century to the present day on topics of strong social value, students will be guided in carrying out a research simulation and collection of photographic material in the online archives of institutions and photo agencies, as well as in their own family albums.
This year's theme is entitled MIGRANT PEOPLES.
Other activities
20710134 -
Methods and intruments to explain religious events
The seminary will be a propaedeutic subsidy to religious studies, because the religions have a rule always more important in the modern world. The principal purpose is the acquisition of the competences for read the religious phenomenon in its fundamental expressions and for confront to specialist studies. The seminary will provide to students keys for reading, methods and hermeneutic, cultural and linguistic tools, useful to understand the religious fact in its today’s manifestations, in its historical development since the ancient period, and in its world diffusion.
Other activities
20202021 -
english language - B2 level
Other activities
20202022 -
french language - B2 level
Other activities
20202023 -
spanish language - B2 level
Other activities
20202024 -
german language - B2 level
Other activities
20710574 -
Comprendere e interpretare la storia contemporanea. Immagini, strumenti, analisi.
The aim is to provide students with different moments to deepen the knowledge and methodology necessary for research in contemporary history.
( syllabus)
The cycle of seminars is intended for students who have completed at least the basic course in contemporary history and aims to offer concrete and up-to-date tools to study the 1970s, the social, civil and political movements that developed in Italy during the decade, with a further in-depth look at the phenomenon of political terrorism, from Piazza Fontana to the kidnapping and murder of Aldo Moro. The seminars therefore aim to offer a historical framework of the period based on the most recent historiography and the current scientific bate, in order to reflect on the categories used in the public debate to talk about the 1970s and terrorism ('civil war', 'anni di piombo', 'strategia della tensione', 'dietrologia', 'Strage di Stato'). Secondly, the cycle of seminars will propose a critical examination of the sources with which to study the phenomenon of terrorism, with a twofold aim: both to disentangle oneself from the highly dispersed mare magnum of online sources, and to assess the methodologies for approaching Ministry of the Interior and judicial sources in a thoughtful and aware manner.
( reference books)
The essays will be given during the course
Other activities
20711392 -
Laboratorio scrittura tesi per Storia, territorio e società globale A
thesis writing workshop dedicated to students of the three-year degree in historical sciences/history.
Other activities
20710649 -
The United Nations 2030 Agenda and the revitalization of marginal areas
Derived from
20710649 L’Agenda 2030 delle Nazioni Unite e la rivitalizzazione delle aree marginali in Scienze umane per l'ambiente LM-1 DUMONT ISABELLE
( syllabus)
This workshop aims to be an introduction to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and will be structured in two parts, one more theoretical and one more applied. The first part will give a general presentation of the 2030 Agenda, its origins, signatory and non-signatory countries (etc.) but above all the 17 Sustainable Development Goals commonly known as the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda will be examined. Ample space will be devoted to the critical discussion of the structure of the Agenda and of the links between its various objectives, both in terms of complementarity and in terms of possible contradictions. The second part will then explore some of the Agenda's objectives, with a particular focus on the revitalization of marginal areas. Depending on the specific interests and/or the chosen study plans, questions will be asked about the "dimensions" of the marginality of people and geographical areas and about the various forms of exploitation that can arise from them. This analysis can be conducted both in Italy and in other European countries or on other continents. At the same time, those who follow the workshop will be guided in the collective creation of audiovisual products, to promote the dissemination of the research carried out.
( reference books)
Identification of material during the laboratory.
Other activities
Optional group:
Abilità linguistiche - (show)
20710682 -
Insegnamenti a scelta dello studente
The student can choose the courses to be included in this section.
Elective activities
20705270 -
final test relating to the achievement of the degree.
Final examination and foreign language test