Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20711657 -
Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalle origini al Rinascimento)
the course aims to provide students with a basic preparation on the history of italian literature, developing general history, literaly and critical problems. Its goal is the acquisition of the ability of a correct historical-critical interpretation of the works of the most important writers and on the transformations of the various genres
"Le Temps Revient": the Italian literary tradition of the early centuries and culture at the court of Lorenzo the Magnificent.
(reference books)
The course aims to deepen knowledge of Italian literary history from the Origins to the sixteenth century, with a focus on major genres and authors. In addition, in the second part of the course, a more comprehensive survey of 15th-century Tuscan culture and in particular that at the court of Lorenzo the Magnificent will be offered. Bibliography:
Required Text Books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) 1) Primary Works: Lorenzo de’ Medici, Opere, ed. by T. Zanato, Milan, Mondadori, 2023; 2) Primary Works: *Texts selected by the teacher. 3) Criticism: G. Alfano, C. Gigante, E. Russo, Il Rinascimento. Un’introduzione al Cinquecento letterario italiano, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2016; 4) Criticism: *A. Decaria, Il lauro folgorato. La congiura dei Pazzi, le ‘Stanze per la giostra’, il ‘Morgante’, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2023; free book: 6) 5) Criticism: * M. Martelli, Firenze, in Letteratura italiana Einaudi. Storia e geografia. II/1, L’età moderna, Torino, Einaudi, 1988 pp. 25-201; 6) Criticism: *E. Pasquini, Il «secolo senza poesia» e il crocevia di Burchiello, in Id., Le botteghe della poesia. Studi sul Tre-Quattrocento italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991, pp. 25-86. 7) Textbook of italian literature: G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Dalle Origini a metà Cinquecento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, vol. 1 Additional readings for non-attending students (one of the following books): 1. G.M. Anselmi, Letteratura e civiltà tra Medioevo e Umanesimo, Roma, Carocci, 2011; 2. D. Canfora, Prima di Machiavelli. Politica e cultura in età umanistica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005 3. M. Martelli, Letteratura fiorentina del Quattrocento. Il filtro degli anni Sessanta, Firenze, Le Lettere, 1996; 4. R. Bruscagli, Il Quattrocento e il Cinquecento, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005; 5. A. Quondam, Rinascimento e classicismi. Forme e metamorfosi della modernità, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013; 6. M. Villoresi, La letteratura cavalleresca. Dai cicli medievali all’Ariosto, Roma, Carocci, 2015. Items 2, 4, 5, and 6 will be provided by the teacher. |
12 | L-FIL-LET/10 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702399 -
The course aims to illustrate the process of formation and development of the Italian language from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, with particular reference to the formation of the vernacular (and therefore with the acquisition of the foundations of historical grammar), to the relationship between Latin and vernacular and between Tuscan and other dialectal and regional varieties, the constitution of the literary language and of the written tradition, the establishment of the rule, the history of the linguistic debate, the processes of literacy and Italianisation.
12 | L-FIL-LET/12 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702408 -
Derived from
The course ‘Latin language and literature’ is aimed at giving a thorough and integral knowledge of some important Latin authors and literary works, read in original and explicated as regards both the language and the contents. It consists of:
(reference books)
(1) A number of lectures about the so-called ‘Literary Space’ of ancient Rome, minded in particular (a) to underline the links between literature and politics (and between men of letters and society) in Rome, (b) to illustrate tipology and development of the literary genres in Rome, (c) to understand the range of different levels and functions of the latin written texts. Problems of preservation and transmission of the corpus of the latin classics will be envisaged also, even as regards their medieval and modern heritage. (2) Some lectures about main features of latin language. (3) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of: - (a) Lucretius, De rerum natura, book I; - (b) Tacitus, De origine et situ Germanorum; - (c) Virgilius, Aeneis, book VI. As for (1):
- G. B. Conte, Letteratura latina, Firenze (ed. Le Monnier, 2002 and reprints), parts I-IV (from the Beginnings to the II sec. C.E.). - E. Norden, La letteratura romana, Bari (Laterza, 1958): only the appendix titled «Le fonti antiche», available on line at the url of the course (Teams). - An hand-out for the lectures (“Profilo di storia della letteratura latina. Testi di supporto: dalle Origini alla morte di Silla. Edited by Mario De Nonno”), available on line at the url of the course (Teams). As for (2): - R. Oniga, Latin. A Linguistic Introduction. Edited & Translated by N. Schifano (Oxford University Press, 2014). As for (3): - Lucrezio, Le leggi dell’Universo (La natura, Libro I), a cura di L. Piazzi, con testo a fronte (ed. Marsilio, 2011). – For those who want to have a complete text of the Lucretian poem (books I-VI), among the editions available on the market (with insufficient commentary for the purposes of preparing for the exam), the one edited by G.B. Conte-I. Dionigi (Milano, BUR), the ones by E. Narducci-G. Milanese (Milano, Oscar Classici Mondadori) and by F. Giancotti (Milano, Garzanti). - Tacito, Germania. Saggio introduttivo, nuova traduzione e note, a cura di S. Audano, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi Libri (“Collana Classici greci e latini”), 2020. - Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, Traduzione a cura di A. Fo. Note di F. Giannotti, Torino (ed. Einaudi), 2010, only book VI (in Teams will be available the “.pdf” of Vergil’s Book VI, edited by R. Sabbadini - C. Marchesi, Loescher, 1967). |
12 | L-FIL-LET/04 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20711658 -
Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalla Controriforma all'Età moderna)
the course aims to provide students with a basic preparation on the history of italian literature, developing general history, literaly and critical problems. Its goal is the acquisition of the ability of a correct historical-critical interpretation of the works of the most important writers and on the transformations of the various genres
Title: The narrative tradition and the circulation of the novel in literary history.
(reference books)
The course aims to deepen the knowledge of literary history, with particular attention to the narrative tradition in Italy, from the Tasso's poem of Gerusalemme Liberata to the phenomenon of the prose novel of the 17th century up to its affirmation in the 19th century. Furthermore, in the second part of the course, it will be possible a more careful reading of Foscolo, Manzoni and Nievo through the analysis of the issues raised and the solutions offered by their novels. Bibliography:
1. Texts: - U. Foscolo, Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis, a cura di A.M. Terzoli, Roma, Carocci, 2012 - A. Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi. Storia della Colonna infame, dir. F. De Cristofaro, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014 - I. Nievo, Le Confessioni d’un italiano, a cura di S. Romagnoli, Venezia Marsilio, 1998 2. Critical studies: - S. S. Nigro, la funesta docilità, Palermo, Sellerio, 2018 - R. Colombi, La verità della finzione, Storia e romanzo da Manzoni a Nievo, Roma, Carocci, 2022 3. Literary history: - G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Da Tasso a fine Ottocento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, Vol. 2 Gli studenti NON frequentanti aggiungeranno, ai punti 1, 2 e 3 - Manzoni, a cura di Paola Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2020 |
12 | L-FIL-LET/10 | 72 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20709853 -
The aim of the course is the acquisiton of methodological, historical and critical abilities for the understanding of the basic moments of contemporary Italian literature and for the knowledge of its main authors and their works, focusing them in their historical context.
Nuovo canale
The course, starting from the beginning of 20th century, will follow the development of Italian literary history on both the lyrical and narrative side. Each author will be studied in its historical and geographical context, by some examples of reading and textual analysis of his major works, also through the constant reference to the contemporary context.
(reference books)
For students attending the course are required to read and analyze 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of their choice among the listed authors, also the exam book (see general bibliography). For students who do not attend the course in addition to the examination texts, the full reading of 2 poetic collections and 2 narrative works of listed authors is required, also the exam book (see general bibliography); for Erasmus students the full reading of 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of listed authors (see general bibliography). General Bibliography:
The history of Italian literature from 1900 to the 1970s is to be prepared on a manual of Italian literature (we recommend: M. Tortora, Letteratura italiana contemporanea. Narrativa e poesia dal Novecento a oggi, Carocci, 2022). A good knowledge of the following authors, is required: Pirandello, Aleramo, Svevo, Tozzi, Gadda, Moravia, Pavese, Vittorini, Fenoglio, Calvino, Primo Levi, Pasolini, Elsa Morante, Ortese. It also requires a profile of the 20th century, as well as a good knowledge of the following authors: d’Annunzio, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Rosselli. Exam Book: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, edizione diretta da S. Costa, Scialle nero, La vita nuda, La rallegrata, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021; or L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 3, Tutt’e tre, Dal naso al cielo, Donna Mimma, Il vecchio Dio, edizione diretta da S. Costa, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021.
Nuovo canale 2
During the course, students will be offered close readings of various lyrical texts, starting from Leopardi and arriving at our contemporary age. The aim of the course is to provide students with the first methodological tools for interpreting a work in verse of literary modernity.
(reference books)
Adopted texts:
- Paolo Giovannetti, La letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea. Guida allo studio, Carocci, Rome 2016 (or subsequent reprints). - History of contemporary Italian literature, from the early nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. Those who do not attend the lessons will also study the volume by Cesare Segre, La letteratura italiana del Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004 (or subsequent reprints). |
6 | L-FIL-LET/11 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702396 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of the the fundamental elements of textual criticism (manuscript census, collation, construction of the stemma, constitution of the text and of the apparatus) through the analysis of various types of critical editions of works of Italian literature from the Origins to the contemporary age, with attention also to the genetic-evolutionary path of the texts.
(reference books)
The course will illustrate the fundamental elements of textual criticism (manuscript census, collation, construction of the stemma, constitution of the text and of the apparatus) drawing examples from Italian Literature. The course will focus on the methodologies of different philological schools, primarily those developed by Lachmann and Bédier, as applied to the works of Italian Literature, from the the Origins to the contemporary age. The textual criticism of autographs will also be considered. - P. STOPPELLI, Filologia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2019, pp. 1-179.
- *F. BRAMBILLA AGENO, L’edizione critica dei testi volgari, Padova, Antenore, 1984, 39, 41, 80, 205-209, 211-215 - *L. LEONARDI, Introduzione, in Il Canzoniere Laurenziano, Firenze, Sismel, 2000, pp. I-XII); ID., Introduzione, in Il Canzoniere Vaticano, Firenze, Sismel, 2000, pp. I-XX; ID., Introduzione, in Il Canzoniere Palatino, Firenze, Sismel, 2000, pp. I-XI. - * M. FIORILLA, Nota al testo, in G. BOCCACCIO, Decameron, Milano, BUR, 2017 2, pp. 109-124. - *M. FIORILLA, Sul testo del ‘Decameron’: per una nuova edizione critica, in Boccaccio letterato, a cura di M. MARCHIARO e S. ZAMPONI, Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 2015, pp. 211-237. The articles marked by an asterisk will be included in the DISPENSE DEL CORSO (course materials assembled by the lecturer), together with further materials, essays, reproductions of manuscripts and printed texts, and samples of diplomatic and critical editions. Notes and other materials will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE). Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly. Students unable to attend are required to contact the lecturer. |
6 | L-FIL-LET/13 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702721 -
The course aims to provide specific knowledge in the field of Literary Theory, with reference to the epistemological acquisitions produced in the last century. The student will be able to recognize in the literary criticism the various theoretical orientations and, in general, to consciously manage the metaliterary discourse.
One of the most solid achievements of literary theory during the last century concerned the identification of the nuclear structures of the narrative text. The 20th century, the century of theory, in fact inaugurated a branch of study exclusively dedicated to enucleating the essential elements of narrative: narratology. The discipline, which had its beginnings in ethnographic studies on folk tales, in Russia and Italy, and was then launched by Vladimir Propp, author of a study dedicated to the historical roots of fairy tales, underwent its greatest development during the 1960s, thanks above all to the contribution of French scholars such as Roland Barthes, Claude Bremond, Algirdas Greimas, Tzvetan Todorov and Gerard Genette.
The 20th century was also the century that saw the birth of creative writing schools, first in US universities - a degree in ‘creative writing’ was already active in the University of Iowa in the 1930s - and only later, also in Europe and Italy. What is the relationship between narratological studies and the courses given by creative writing schools, assuming that their objective is to make the aspiring writer aware of the fundamental mechanisms for constructing a narrative text? The course intends to tackle this issue by proposing readings from some authors of narrative ‘manuals’ - from E. M. Forster to Giuseppe Pontiggia - not without identifying the prodromes of the ‘genre’ in some early 20th-century writings not yet linked to ‘creative writing’ courses, such as Rainer Maria Rilke's Letters to a Young Writer or the ‘Prefaces’ fired by Henry James to introduce the public to the reading of his novels. Particular attention will be paid to the reading of The Writer's Craft and His Technique, a handbook licensed in the 1920s by a writer-theorist, one of the founders of Russian formalism and author of a fundamental Theory of Prose. |
6 | L-FIL-LET/14 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702393 -
Obiettivo del corso è l’acquisizione degli strumenti necessari all’analisi critico-testuale delle opere di Dante (dalla fase di progettazione a quella di divulgazione) e della loro fortuna ed esegesi nei secoli, attraverso l’uso di metodologie prevalentemente filologiche e letterarie.
20702393-1 -
The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment. |
6 | M-GGR/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702393-2 -
The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment. |
6 | M-GGR/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702882 -
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge for the use of IT tools, in accordance with the basic program of the ECDL Core**. During the meetings we will cover topics related to information technology and their application areas, with special attention to multimedia, Internet and the new opportunities offered by cloud computing.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20703175 -
The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of a paper written under the guidance of a supervisor.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Final examination and foreign language test | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702399 -
The course aims to illustrate the process of formation and development of the Italian language from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, with particular reference to the formation of the vernacular (and therefore with the acquisition of the foundations of historical grammar), to the relationship between Latin and vernacular and between Tuscan and other dialectal and regional varieties, the constitution of the literary language and of the written tradition, the establishment of the rule, the history of the linguistic debate, the processes of literacy and Italianisation.
12 | L-FIL-LET/12 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702393 -
Obiettivo del corso è l’acquisizione degli strumenti necessari all’analisi critico-testuale delle opere di Dante (dalla fase di progettazione a quella di divulgazione) e della loro fortuna ed esegesi nei secoli, attraverso l’uso di metodologie prevalentemente filologiche e letterarie.
20702393-1 -
The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment.
Derived from
20702393 GEOGRAFIA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 (docente da definire)
Acquisition of the knowledge on Earth system functioning and on the interactions between its different components (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere); develop skills for understanding the earth's physical phenomena, their origins and the reasons for their geographical distribution.
(reference books)
The course is divided into two modules. The first (Geography I) held by prof. Carla Masetti; the second (Geography II) by Dr. Sara Carallo. Students who need to register 6 ECTS will take the exam on the first part (or first module) Students who need to reach 12 ECTS will have to do both parts (first and second module) The first module (6 cfu) will provide an introduction to the knowledge of those physical environmental characteristics of our planet that constitute the natural component of the landscape. Top topics to be covered during the I Module: Basic Concepts of Astronomical Geography; The planet Earth; The representation of the Earth's surface; The lithosphere: minerals and rocks; Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic phenomena; Seismic phenomena; The Plaque Tettonica and the Evolution of the Earth; Marine hydrography; Continental hydrography; The terrestrial atmosphere; Elements and factors of the climate; Modeling the Earth's surface. GEOGRAPHY 6 cfu (Geograpy I module)
Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: 1. ELVIDIO LUPIA PALMIERI, MAURIZIO PAROTTO, Scienze della Terra. Quarta edizione, Milano, Zanichelli, 2024 (ISBN: 978-88-08-69091-3). GEOGRAPHY 12 cfu (Geography I + Geography II)(6 + 6 cfu) Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: 1. ELVIDIO LUPIA PALMIERI, MAURIZIO PAROTTO, Scienze della Terra. Quarta edizione, Milano, Zanichelli, 2024 (ISBN: 978-88-08-69091-3). 2. A.L. GREINER, G. DEMATTEIS, C.LANZA,Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Torino, UTET, 2023 NB: cfr. Pagina docente, dott.ssa Sara Carallo, Geografia II) |
6 | M-GGR/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702393-2 -
The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment.
Derived from
20702393 GEOGRAFIA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 (docente da definire)
The program of the Geography II module is ONLY for those who must complete 12 CFU (Geography I + Geography II). To know the Program of the first module (Geography I) see the teacher's page, Prof. Carla Masetti.
(reference books)
The second module (6 cfu) will emphasize the different aspects of the territorial organization of the relationship between man and the environment, interpreted in a space-time dimension. A series of lessons will be directed in particular to the deepening of the physical-anthropic evolution of Italian landscapes. Main topics to be addressed during the second module: What is human geography; Spatial interaction and spatial behavior; Population and migration; Ethnic Geography; Urban systems and urban structures; Territorial economic structures: primary, secondary, tertiary and beyond; Environmental challenges. Objectives: to provide basic knowledge on the key concepts of human geography and on the tools for territorial analysis; to develop skills aimed at understanding and interpreting the different aspects of spatial and territorial organization, of the relationship between man and the environment, in a diachronic perspective. For the first 6 credits of GEOGRAPHY I (6 CFU) see the professor Carla Masetti's teaching page)
Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: - A.L. Greiner, G. Dematteis, C. Lanza. Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, UTET, 2023. |
6 | M-GGR/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702409 -
This course is aimed at every student interested in ancient literature (not only classical antiquity students) and no preliminary knowledge of Greek language is required. The purpose of this course is to show how Greek culture and Greek literature represent the keystone and the model of modern European literature, analyzing different aspects and considering specific cases of this complex relationship.
20702409-1 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of knowledge of Greek literature, considered in its historical development, in its articulation in literary genres, against the background of economic and political evolution and in relation to the progressive transformations of the communication system; moreover, through the study and translation of a short text or a limited anthological selection of different texts in the original language, he will be able to acquire hermeneutical skills especially from the linguistic point of view but also fundamental historical-literary notions.
The course aims to frame the literary phenomenon in ancient Greece in a historical-literary perspective firmly rooted in the linguistic dimension. The course includes:
(reference books)
I) A cycle of lectures that focuses on genre as a central aspect of the literary fact, both in the relationship that is established between authors and the public and from the more general point of view of the historical dimension of literature itself. The framework drawn by the teacher must be integrated independently by the students with the systematic study of the textbook. II) A general overview of the principles underlying the interpretation of literary texts that also takes into account the cognitive approaches that characterize the most recent criticism. III) The reading, translation, and critical discussion of a selection of passages from Homer's Iliad. Ample space will be given to the representation of heroic passions in Homeric epic: this thematic approach allows us to explore the centrality of Homer in ancient Greek culture from a perspective - that of emotions - that continues to pose complex challenges to humanistic research. Attendance of the course, although optional, is strongly encouraged. For attending students, a reduction in the bibliographic load and the exam test (see below) is foreseen. Attending students must guarantee attendance at at least two-thirds of the lessons (24 hours out of 36). (A) It is essential to study a comprehensive textbook on the history of Greek literature from among those on the market; (B) a specific bibliography on Homer will be provided during the course; (C) a translation of the Iliad with the Greek text is necessary; (D) A. Ercolani, Omero. Introduzione allo studio dell’epica greca arcaica (Carocci: Roma 2006).
6 | L-FIL-LET/02 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702409-2 -
The aim of the course is, through the assimilation of the basic hermeneutical notions as well as through the study and translation of a text or a selection of different texts in the original language, the acquisition of skills to face a correct linguistic exegesis of the texts of one or of more Greek authors and to interpret them by inquiring them also from the point of view of the different problems that they may entail (historical, literary, philological and performative and / or dramaturgical).
6 | L-FIL-LET/02 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702408 -
The course ‘Latin language and literature’ is aimed at giving a thorough and integral knowledge of some important Latin authors and literary works, read in original and explicated as regards both the language and the contents. It consists of:
(reference books)
(1) A number of lectures about the so-called ‘Literary Space’ of ancient Rome, minded in particular (a) to underline the links between literature and politics (and between men of letters and society) in Rome, (b) to illustrate tipology and development of the literary genres in Rome, (c) to understand the range of different levels and functions of the latin written texts. Problems of preservation and transmission of the corpus of the latin classics will be envisaged also, even as regards their medieval and modern heritage. (2) Some lectures about main features of latin language. (3) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of: - (a) Lucretius, De rerum natura, book I; - (b) Tacitus, De origine et situ Germanorum; - (c) Virgilius, Aeneis, book VI. As for (1):
- G. B. Conte, Letteratura latina, Firenze (ed. Le Monnier, 2002 and reprints), parts I-IV (from the Beginnings to the II sec. C.E.). - E. Norden, La letteratura romana, Bari (Laterza, 1958): only the appendix titled «Le fonti antiche», available on line at the url of the course (Teams). - An hand-out for the lectures (“Profilo di storia della letteratura latina. Testi di supporto: dalle Origini alla morte di Silla. Edited by Mario De Nonno”), available on line at the url of the course (Teams). As for (2): - R. Oniga, Latin. A Linguistic Introduction. Edited & Translated by N. Schifano (Oxford University Press, 2014). As for (3): - Lucrezio, Le leggi dell’Universo (La natura, Libro I), a cura di L. Piazzi, con testo a fronte (ed. Marsilio, 2011). – For those who want to have a complete text of the Lucretian poem (books I-VI), among the editions available on the market (with insufficient commentary for the purposes of preparing for the exam), the one edited by G.B. Conte-I. Dionigi (Milano, BUR), the ones by E. Narducci-G. Milanese (Milano, Oscar Classici Mondadori) and by F. Giancotti (Milano, Garzanti). - Tacito, Germania. Saggio introduttivo, nuova traduzione e note, a cura di S. Audano, Sant’Arcangelo di Romagna, Rusconi Libri (“Collana Classici greci e latini”), 2020. - Publio Virgilio Marone, Eneide, Traduzione a cura di A. Fo. Note di F. Giannotti, Torino (ed. Einaudi), 2010, only book VI (in Teams will be available the “.pdf” of Vergil’s Book VI, edited by R. Sabbadini - C. Marchesi, Loescher, 1967). |
12 | L-FIL-LET/04 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702882 -
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge for the use of IT tools, in accordance with the basic program of the ECDL Core**. During the meetings we will cover topics related to information technology and their application areas, with special attention to multimedia, Internet and the new opportunities offered by cloud computing.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20703175 -
The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of a paper written under the guidance of a supervisor.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Final examination and foreign language test | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702399 -
The course aims to illustrate the process of formation and development of the Italian language from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, with particular reference to the formation of the vernacular (and therefore with the acquisition of the foundations of historical grammar), to the relationship between Latin and vernacular and between Tuscan and other dialectal and regional varieties, the constitution of the literary language and of the written tradition, the establishment of the rule, the history of the linguistic debate, the processes of literacy and Italianisation.
12 | L-FIL-LET/12 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702393 -
Obiettivo del corso è l’acquisizione degli strumenti necessari all’analisi critico-testuale delle opere di Dante (dalla fase di progettazione a quella di divulgazione) e della loro fortuna ed esegesi nei secoli, attraverso l’uso di metodologie prevalentemente filologiche e letterarie.
20702393-1 -
The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment.
Derived from
20702393 GEOGRAFIA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 (docente da definire)
Acquisition of the knowledge on Earth system functioning and on the interactions between its different components (lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere); develop skills for understanding the earth's physical phenomena, their origins and the reasons for their geographical distribution.
(reference books)
The course is divided into two modules. The first (Geography I) held by prof. Carla Masetti; the second (Geography II) by Dr. Sara Carallo. Students who need to register 6 ECTS will take the exam on the first part (or first module) Students who need to reach 12 ECTS will have to do both parts (first and second module) The first module (6 cfu) will provide an introduction to the knowledge of those physical environmental characteristics of our planet that constitute the natural component of the landscape. Top topics to be covered during the I Module: Basic Concepts of Astronomical Geography; The planet Earth; The representation of the Earth's surface; The lithosphere: minerals and rocks; Stratigraphy and Tectonics; Volcanic phenomena; Seismic phenomena; The Plaque Tettonica and the Evolution of the Earth; Marine hydrography; Continental hydrography; The terrestrial atmosphere; Elements and factors of the climate; Modeling the Earth's surface. GEOGRAPHY 6 cfu (Geograpy I module)
Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: 1. ELVIDIO LUPIA PALMIERI, MAURIZIO PAROTTO, Scienze della Terra. Quarta edizione, Milano, Zanichelli, 2024 (ISBN: 978-88-08-69091-3). GEOGRAPHY 12 cfu (Geography I + Geography II)(6 + 6 cfu) Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: 1. ELVIDIO LUPIA PALMIERI, MAURIZIO PAROTTO, Scienze della Terra. Quarta edizione, Milano, Zanichelli, 2024 (ISBN: 978-88-08-69091-3). 2. A.L. GREINER, G. DEMATTEIS, C.LANZA,Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, Torino, UTET, 2023 NB: cfr. Pagina docente, dott.ssa Sara Carallo, Geografia II) |
6 | M-GGR/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702393-2 -
The aim of the course is to provide the student with i
contents of geographical knowledge and, in particular, of introducing to the systematic knowledge of the processes that regulate the dynamics of the human society relationship - natural environment.
Derived from
20702393 GEOGRAFIA in Storia, territorio e società globale L-42 (docente da definire)
The program of the Geography II module is ONLY for those who must complete 12 CFU (Geography I + Geography II). To know the Program of the first module (Geography I) see the teacher's page, Prof. Carla Masetti.
(reference books)
The second module (6 cfu) will emphasize the different aspects of the territorial organization of the relationship between man and the environment, interpreted in a space-time dimension. A series of lessons will be directed in particular to the deepening of the physical-anthropic evolution of Italian landscapes. Main topics to be addressed during the second module: What is human geography; Spatial interaction and spatial behavior; Population and migration; Ethnic Geography; Urban systems and urban structures; Territorial economic structures: primary, secondary, tertiary and beyond; Environmental challenges. Objectives: to provide basic knowledge on the key concepts of human geography and on the tools for territorial analysis; to develop skills aimed at understanding and interpreting the different aspects of spatial and territorial organization, of the relationship between man and the environment, in a diachronic perspective. For the first 6 credits of GEOGRAPHY I (6 CFU) see the professor Carla Masetti's teaching page)
Attending students: - lesson notes and supplementary learning material that will be provided during the course. Non-Attending Students: - A.L. Greiner, G. Dematteis, C. Lanza. Geografia umana. Un approccio visuale, UTET, 2023. |
6 | M-GGR/01 | 36 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20709853 -
The aim of the course is the acquisiton of methodological, historical and critical abilities for the understanding of the basic moments of contemporary Italian literature and for the knowledge of its main authors and their works, focusing them in their historical context.
Nuovo canale
The course, starting from the beginning of 20th century, will follow the development of Italian literary history on both the lyrical and narrative side. Each author will be studied in its historical and geographical context, by some examples of reading and textual analysis of his major works, also through the constant reference to the contemporary context.
(reference books)
For students attending the course are required to read and analyze 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of their choice among the listed authors, also the exam book (see general bibliography). For students who do not attend the course in addition to the examination texts, the full reading of 2 poetic collections and 2 narrative works of listed authors is required, also the exam book (see general bibliography); for Erasmus students the full reading of 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of listed authors (see general bibliography). General Bibliography:
The history of Italian literature from 1900 to the 1970s is to be prepared on a manual of Italian literature (we recommend: M. Tortora, Letteratura italiana contemporanea. Narrativa e poesia dal Novecento a oggi, Carocci, 2022). A good knowledge of the following authors, is required: Pirandello, Aleramo, Svevo, Tozzi, Gadda, Moravia, Pavese, Vittorini, Fenoglio, Calvino, Primo Levi, Pasolini, Elsa Morante, Ortese. It also requires a profile of the 20th century, as well as a good knowledge of the following authors: d’Annunzio, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Rosselli. Exam Book: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, edizione diretta da S. Costa, Scialle nero, La vita nuda, La rallegrata, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021; or L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 3, Tutt’e tre, Dal naso al cielo, Donna Mimma, Il vecchio Dio, edizione diretta da S. Costa, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021.
Nuovo canale 2
During the course, students will be offered close readings of various lyrical texts, starting from Leopardi and arriving at our contemporary age. The aim of the course is to provide students with the first methodological tools for interpreting a work in verse of literary modernity.
(reference books)
Adopted texts:
- Paolo Giovannetti, La letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea. Guida allo studio, Carocci, Rome 2016 (or subsequent reprints). - History of contemporary Italian literature, from the early nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. Those who do not attend the lessons will also study the volume by Cesare Segre, La letteratura italiana del Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004 (or subsequent reprints). |
6 | L-FIL-LET/11 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702721 -
The course aims to provide specific knowledge in the field of Literary Theory, with reference to the epistemological acquisitions produced in the last century. The student will be able to recognize in the literary criticism the various theoretical orientations and, in general, to consciously manage the metaliterary discourse.
One of the most solid achievements of literary theory during the last century concerned the identification of the nuclear structures of the narrative text. The 20th century, the century of theory, in fact inaugurated a branch of study exclusively dedicated to enucleating the essential elements of narrative: narratology. The discipline, which had its beginnings in ethnographic studies on folk tales, in Russia and Italy, and was then launched by Vladimir Propp, author of a study dedicated to the historical roots of fairy tales, underwent its greatest development during the 1960s, thanks above all to the contribution of French scholars such as Roland Barthes, Claude Bremond, Algirdas Greimas, Tzvetan Todorov and Gerard Genette.
The 20th century was also the century that saw the birth of creative writing schools, first in US universities - a degree in ‘creative writing’ was already active in the University of Iowa in the 1930s - and only later, also in Europe and Italy. What is the relationship between narratological studies and the courses given by creative writing schools, assuming that their objective is to make the aspiring writer aware of the fundamental mechanisms for constructing a narrative text? The course intends to tackle this issue by proposing readings from some authors of narrative ‘manuals’ - from E. M. Forster to Giuseppe Pontiggia - not without identifying the prodromes of the ‘genre’ in some early 20th-century writings not yet linked to ‘creative writing’ courses, such as Rainer Maria Rilke's Letters to a Young Writer or the ‘Prefaces’ fired by Henry James to introduce the public to the reading of his novels. Particular attention will be paid to the reading of The Writer's Craft and His Technique, a handbook licensed in the 1920s by a writer-theorist, one of the founders of Russian formalism and author of a fundamental Theory of Prose. |
6 | L-FIL-LET/14 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702382 -
OVERALL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: acquiring basic knowledge of LIS, and the history and development of the book and libraries; main principles of communicational mediation to be implemented by a library. Objectives: Becoming aware of the strategic relevance of information literacy and of the role played in it by libraries, in the informational and learning process in complex societies. Knowing the theoretical basic fundamentals and acquiring the techniques of Bibliography, Librarianship and Documentation, in particularly concerning: - Information and documentation - technologies and tools (web 2.0, database etc.) to access information, to promote and deliver library services - planning, organization and management of library services
Derived from
20702382 BIBLIOGRAFIA E BIBLIOTECONOMIA in Lettere L-10 Eleuteri Beatrice
(reference books)
- Montecchi, G. & Venuda, F. (2022). Nuovo manuale di biblioteconomia. Editrice Bibliografica
- Santoro, M. (2012). Lezioni di bibliografia. Editrice Bibliografica - Parigi, P. (2014). Contro la lettura. Per una pedagogia del semianalfabetismo. Bietti. 1 chose between: - Pennac, D. (any edition). Come un romanzo. - Crepaldi, D. (2020). Neuropsicologia della lettura. Carocci. - Chambers, A. (2015). Il lettore infinito. Educare alla lettura tra ragioni ed emozioni. Equilibri. - Eleuteri, B. (2023). Educare e motivare alla lettura nella biblioteca scolastica. Uno strumento per docenti e bibliotecari. Editrice Bibliografica. |
6 | M-STO/08 | 36 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702396 -
The aim of the course is the acquisition of the the fundamental elements of textual criticism (manuscript census, collation, construction of the stemma, constitution of the text and of the apparatus) through the analysis of various types of critical editions of works of Italian literature from the Origins to the contemporary age, with attention also to the genetic-evolutionary path of the texts.
Derived from
(reference books)
The course will illustrate the fundamental elements of textual criticism (manuscript census, collation, construction of the stemma, constitution of the text and of the apparatus) drawing examples from Italian Literature. The course will focus on the methodologies of different philological schools, primarily those developed by Lachmann and Bédier, as applied to the works of Italian Literature, from the the Origins to the contemporary age. The textual criticism of autographs will also be considered. - P. STOPPELLI, Filologia della letteratura italiana, Roma, Carocci, 2019, pp. 1-179.
- *F. BRAMBILLA AGENO, L’edizione critica dei testi volgari, Padova, Antenore, 1984, 39, 41, 80, 205-209, 211-215 - *L. LEONARDI, Introduzione, in Il Canzoniere Laurenziano, Firenze, Sismel, 2000, pp. I-XII); ID., Introduzione, in Il Canzoniere Vaticano, Firenze, Sismel, 2000, pp. I-XX; ID., Introduzione, in Il Canzoniere Palatino, Firenze, Sismel, 2000, pp. I-XI. - * M. FIORILLA, Nota al testo, in G. BOCCACCIO, Decameron, Milano, BUR, 2017 2, pp. 109-124. - *M. FIORILLA, Sul testo del ‘Decameron’: per una nuova edizione critica, in Boccaccio letterato, a cura di M. MARCHIARO e S. ZAMPONI, Firenze, Accademia della Crusca, 2015, pp. 211-237. The articles marked by an asterisk will be included in the DISPENSE DEL CORSO (course materials assembled by the lecturer), together with further materials, essays, reproductions of manuscripts and printed texts, and samples of diplomatic and critical editions. Notes and other materials will be uploaded in PDF format during the course in the lecturer’s web page (MOODLE). Students are strongly advised to attend classes regularly. Students unable to attend are required to contact the lecturer. |
6 | L-FIL-LET/13 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702408 -
12 | L-FIL-LET/04 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20711657 -
Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalle origini al Rinascimento)
the course aims to provide students with a basic preparation on the history of italian literature, developing general history, literaly and critical problems. Its goal is the acquisition of the ability of a correct historical-critical interpretation of the works of the most important writers and on the transformations of the various genres
Derived from
20711657 Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalle origini al Rinascimento) in Lettere L-10 CRIMI GIUSEPPE
"Le Temps Revient": the Italian literary tradition of the early centuries and culture at the court of Lorenzo the Magnificent.
(reference books)
The course aims to deepen knowledge of Italian literary history from the Origins to the sixteenth century, with a focus on major genres and authors. In addition, in the second part of the course, a more comprehensive survey of 15th-century Tuscan culture and in particular that at the court of Lorenzo the Magnificent will be offered. Bibliography:
Required Text Books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) 1) Primary Works: Lorenzo de’ Medici, Opere, ed. by T. Zanato, Milan, Mondadori, 2023; 2) Primary Works: *Texts selected by the teacher. 3) Criticism: G. Alfano, C. Gigante, E. Russo, Il Rinascimento. Un’introduzione al Cinquecento letterario italiano, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2016; 4) Criticism: *A. Decaria, Il lauro folgorato. La congiura dei Pazzi, le ‘Stanze per la giostra’, il ‘Morgante’, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2023; free book: 6) 5) Criticism: * M. Martelli, Firenze, in Letteratura italiana Einaudi. Storia e geografia. II/1, L’età moderna, Torino, Einaudi, 1988 pp. 25-201; 6) Criticism: *E. Pasquini, Il «secolo senza poesia» e il crocevia di Burchiello, in Id., Le botteghe della poesia. Studi sul Tre-Quattrocento italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991, pp. 25-86. 7) Textbook of italian literature: G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Dalle Origini a metà Cinquecento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, vol. 1 Additional readings for non-attending students (one of the following books): 1. G.M. Anselmi, Letteratura e civiltà tra Medioevo e Umanesimo, Roma, Carocci, 2011; 2. D. Canfora, Prima di Machiavelli. Politica e cultura in età umanistica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005 3. M. Martelli, Letteratura fiorentina del Quattrocento. Il filtro degli anni Sessanta, Firenze, Le Lettere, 1996; 4. R. Bruscagli, Il Quattrocento e il Cinquecento, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005; 5. A. Quondam, Rinascimento e classicismi. Forme e metamorfosi della modernità, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013; 6. M. Villoresi, La letteratura cavalleresca. Dai cicli medievali all’Ariosto, Roma, Carocci, 2015. Items 2, 4, 5, and 6 will be provided by the teacher. |
12 | L-FIL-LET/10 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20711658 -
Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalla Controriforma all'Età moderna)
the course aims to provide students with a basic preparation on the history of italian literature, developing general history, literaly and critical problems. Its goal is the acquisition of the ability of a correct historical-critical interpretation of the works of the most important writers and on the transformations of the various genres
Derived from
20711658 Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalla Controriforma all'Età moderna) in Lettere L-10 COLOMBI ROBERTA
Title: The narrative tradition and the circulation of the novel in literary history.
(reference books)
The course aims to deepen the knowledge of literary history, with particular attention to the narrative tradition in Italy, from the Tasso's poem of Gerusalemme Liberata to the phenomenon of the prose novel of the 17th century up to its affirmation in the 19th century. Furthermore, in the second part of the course, it will be possible a more careful reading of Foscolo, Manzoni and Nievo through the analysis of the issues raised and the solutions offered by their novels. Bibliography:
1. Texts: - U. Foscolo, Le ultime lettere di Jacopo Ortis, a cura di A.M. Terzoli, Roma, Carocci, 2012 - A. Manzoni, I Promessi Sposi. Storia della Colonna infame, dir. F. De Cristofaro, Milano, Rizzoli, 2014 - I. Nievo, Le Confessioni d’un italiano, a cura di S. Romagnoli, Venezia Marsilio, 1998 2. Critical studies: - S. S. Nigro, la funesta docilità, Palermo, Sellerio, 2018 - R. Colombi, La verità della finzione, Storia e romanzo da Manzoni a Nievo, Roma, Carocci, 2022 3. Literary history: - G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Da Tasso a fine Ottocento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, Vol. 2 Gli studenti NON frequentanti aggiungeranno, ai punti 1, 2 e 3 - Manzoni, a cura di Paola Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2020 |
12 | L-FIL-LET/10 | 72 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702882 -
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge for the use of IT tools, in accordance with the basic program of the ECDL Core**. During the meetings we will cover topics related to information technology and their application areas, with special attention to multimedia, Internet and the new opportunities offered by cloud computing.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20703175 -
The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of a paper written under the guidance of a supervisor.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Final examination and foreign language test | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702399 -
The course aims to illustrate the process of formation and development of the Italian language from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, with particular reference to the formation of the vernacular (and therefore with the acquisition of the foundations of historical grammar), to the relationship between Latin and vernacular and between Tuscan and other dialectal and regional varieties, the constitution of the literary language and of the written tradition, the establishment of the rule, the history of the linguistic debate, the processes of literacy and Italianisation.
12 | L-FIL-LET/12 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20709853 -
The aim of the course is the acquisiton of methodological, historical and critical abilities for the understanding of the basic moments of contemporary Italian literature and for the knowledge of its main authors and their works, focusing them in their historical context.
Nuovo canale
The course, starting from the beginning of 20th century, will follow the development of Italian literary history on both the lyrical and narrative side. Each author will be studied in its historical and geographical context, by some examples of reading and textual analysis of his major works, also through the constant reference to the contemporary context.
(reference books)
For students attending the course are required to read and analyze 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of their choice among the listed authors, also the exam book (see general bibliography). For students who do not attend the course in addition to the examination texts, the full reading of 2 poetic collections and 2 narrative works of listed authors is required, also the exam book (see general bibliography); for Erasmus students the full reading of 1 poetic collection and 1 narrative work of listed authors (see general bibliography). General Bibliography:
The history of Italian literature from 1900 to the 1970s is to be prepared on a manual of Italian literature (we recommend: M. Tortora, Letteratura italiana contemporanea. Narrativa e poesia dal Novecento a oggi, Carocci, 2022). A good knowledge of the following authors, is required: Pirandello, Aleramo, Svevo, Tozzi, Gadda, Moravia, Pavese, Vittorini, Fenoglio, Calvino, Primo Levi, Pasolini, Elsa Morante, Ortese. It also requires a profile of the 20th century, as well as a good knowledge of the following authors: d’Annunzio, Saba, Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Rosselli. Exam Book: L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 1, edizione diretta da S. Costa, Scialle nero, La vita nuda, La rallegrata, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021; or L. Pirandello, Novelle per un anno, vol. 3, Tutt’e tre, Dal naso al cielo, Donna Mimma, Il vecchio Dio, edizione diretta da S. Costa, a cura di M. Venturini, F. Tomassini, F. Miliucci, Mondadori, Oscar Moderni, 2021.
Nuovo canale 2
During the course, students will be offered close readings of various lyrical texts, starting from Leopardi and arriving at our contemporary age. The aim of the course is to provide students with the first methodological tools for interpreting a work in verse of literary modernity.
(reference books)
Adopted texts:
- Paolo Giovannetti, La letteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea. Guida allo studio, Carocci, Rome 2016 (or subsequent reprints). - History of contemporary Italian literature, from the early nineteenth century to the end of the twentieth century. Those who do not attend the lessons will also study the volume by Cesare Segre, La letteratura italiana del Novecento, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2004 (or subsequent reprints). |
6 | L-FIL-LET/11 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20711220 -
Introduzione alla Bibbia
The course aims to introduce students, according to the historical-critical method, to literary and historical-religious issues related to the composition, selection, transmission and interpretation of the texts that converged in the Hebrew and Christian Bible. The course will be structured in three sections:
(reference books)
Literary history and formation of the Hebrew canon of Scripture. The Old Testament text and ancient translations (Caterina Moro). Historical Jesus and the construction of memory: traditions and gospels (Carla Noce) Acts, letters, apocalypses. Formation of the New Testament canon, apocryphal books. The New Testament text and ancient translations (Alberto D'Anna) Materials concerning the course will be made available by teachers.
6 | L-OR/08 | 36 | - | - | - | Related or supplementary learning activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702408 -
12 | L-FIL-LET/04 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20711657 -
Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalle origini al Rinascimento)
the course aims to provide students with a basic preparation on the history of italian literature, developing general history, literaly and critical problems. Its goal is the acquisition of the ability of a correct historical-critical interpretation of the works of the most important writers and on the transformations of the various genres
Derived from
20711657 Istituzioni di letteratura italiana (dalle origini al Rinascimento) in Lettere L-10 CRIMI GIUSEPPE
"Le Temps Revient": the Italian literary tradition of the early centuries and culture at the court of Lorenzo the Magnificent.
(reference books)
The course aims to deepen knowledge of Italian literary history from the Origins to the sixteenth century, with a focus on major genres and authors. In addition, in the second part of the course, a more comprehensive survey of 15th-century Tuscan culture and in particular that at the court of Lorenzo the Magnificent will be offered. Bibliography:
Required Text Books (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7) 1) Primary Works: Lorenzo de’ Medici, Opere, ed. by T. Zanato, Milan, Mondadori, 2023; 2) Primary Works: *Texts selected by the teacher. 3) Criticism: G. Alfano, C. Gigante, E. Russo, Il Rinascimento. Un’introduzione al Cinquecento letterario italiano, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2016; 4) Criticism: *A. Decaria, Il lauro folgorato. La congiura dei Pazzi, le ‘Stanze per la giostra’, il ‘Morgante’, Roma, Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 2023; free book: 6) 5) Criticism: * M. Martelli, Firenze, in Letteratura italiana Einaudi. Storia e geografia. II/1, L’età moderna, Torino, Einaudi, 1988 pp. 25-201; 6) Criticism: *E. Pasquini, Il «secolo senza poesia» e il crocevia di Burchiello, in Id., Le botteghe della poesia. Studi sul Tre-Quattrocento italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1991, pp. 25-86. 7) Textbook of italian literature: G. Alfano – P. Italia – E. Russo – F. Tomasi, Letteratura italiana. Dalle Origini a metà Cinquecento. Manuale per studi universitari, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, vol. 1 Additional readings for non-attending students (one of the following books): 1. G.M. Anselmi, Letteratura e civiltà tra Medioevo e Umanesimo, Roma, Carocci, 2011; 2. D. Canfora, Prima di Machiavelli. Politica e cultura in età umanistica, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2005 3. M. Martelli, Letteratura fiorentina del Quattrocento. Il filtro degli anni Sessanta, Firenze, Le Lettere, 1996; 4. R. Bruscagli, Il Quattrocento e il Cinquecento, Bologna, il Mulino, 2005; 5. A. Quondam, Rinascimento e classicismi. Forme e metamorfosi della modernità, Bologna, il Mulino, 2013; 6. M. Villoresi, La letteratura cavalleresca. Dai cicli medievali all’Ariosto, Roma, Carocci, 2015. Items 2, 4, 5, and 6 will be provided by the teacher. |
12 | L-FIL-LET/10 | 72 | - | - | - | Basic compulsory activities | ITA |
Course | Credits | Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code | Contact Hours | Exercise Hours | Laboratory Hours | Personal Study Hours | Type of Activity | Language | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702397 -
Acquisition of the knowledge of ancient Christian literature in its historical development with particular reference to the thematic and formal relationships with the contemporary literatures of the ancient Greek and Latin world and with the Jewish heritage. Acquisition of critical skills in the collection and interpretation of data, which allow the expression and communication of independent judgments.
Second semester.
(reference books)
Hours: 4 hours/week. Beginning of the course: March 2025. Also available online, in synchronous and recorded mode. The course examines the main data of ancient Christian literary production, from the first to the fifth century, of which will be highlighted both the peculiarities, as well as the relationship with Jewish, Greek and Latin literatures. Main topics: Proto-Christian literature (letters, evangelical literature, apocalypses), formation of the New Testament canon, writings from the sub-apostolic period, Greek apologists, "heretical" and heresiological literature, martyrial literature, Tertullian, Cyprian, exegetical literature, Origen, historiography, authors from Cappadocia, ancient literature, Hilarius, Ambrose, Jerome, Rufin, hagiographic literature, Augustine. M. Simonetti - E. Prinzivalli, Letteratura cristiana antica, Casale Monferrato: PiemmeReligio, 2003 (selected textes).
The texts commented in the classroom not present in the anthology will be provided by the teacher. |
6 | L-FIL-LET/06 | 36 | - | - | - | Core compulsory activities | ITA | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20702882 -
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge for the use of IT tools, in accordance with the basic program of the ECDL Core**. During the meetings we will cover topics related to information technology and their application areas, with special attention to multimedia, Internet and the new opportunities offered by cloud computing.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Other activities | ITA | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
20703175 -
The final exam consists in the presentation and discussion of a paper written under the guidance of a supervisor.
6 | 36 | - | - | - | Final examination and foreign language test | ITA |