Optional group:
20703343 -
basic knowledge of the history of the discipline and related technical aspects. ability to understand the typology of artistic and historical underwater heritage; basic knowledge about in situ conservation and retrieval of finds; basic knowledge of conservative restoration and parameters for museum display, ability to communicate ideas and information in written and oral form to specialists and non
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703344 -
in-depth knowledge of the history of restoration and of the theoretical and methodological problems that characterize this discipline; ability to learn independently and to deepen the discipline; extensive knowledge of the reference bibliography; ability to analyze and critically evaluate the entire cycle of conservation and restoration, through a consolidated interdisciplinary vision; ability to collect and analyze data and sources; ability to develop original ideas relating to historical events that will be the subject of ongoing exercises and possibly research at the end of the training course
Derived from
( syllabus)
The didactic program, in the first part of the course, provides a deepening of the links between the aspects of the history of artistic techniques and those of the history of restoration, and a deepening of the literature of the restoration, produced in Italy and in the different european countries, since the beginning of the eighteenth century until the thirties of the twentieth century.
( reference books)
G. C, Argan, Introduzione, voce Tecnica in Enciclopedia Universale dell’Arte, Novara, Istituto Geografico De Agostini, 1983, vol.XIII, pp. 686-692.
P. Mora, L. Mora, P. Philippot, La conservazione delle pitture murali, Bologna, 1999, pp. 69-172. B. Tosatti, Trattati tecnico-artistici, in "Enciclopedia dell'arte medievale", XI, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 2000, pp. 316-319.
M. Ciatti, Appunti per un manuale di storia e di teoria del restauro. Dispense per gli studenti, Firenze, 2008, pp. 208-275.
A. Conti, Storia del restauro e della conservazione delle opere d'arte, Milano, 2002, pp. 154-328.
P. Bensi, Scienziati e restauratori nell'Italia dell'Ottocento. una difficile convivenza, in Giovanni Secco Suardo La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell'opera d'arte, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Bergamo 9-11 marzo 1995, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 25-32. J. Anderson, Sir Charles Eastlake e i suoi restauratori italiani: Giuseppe Molteni e Raffaele Pinti, in Giovanni Secco Suardo La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell'opera d'arte, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Bergamo 9-11 marzo 1995, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 57-62. C. Giannini, Giovanni Secco Suardo: gli anni del collezionismo, in Giovanni Secco Suardo La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell'opera d'arte, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Bergamo 9-11 marzo 1995, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 63-72.
M. Cordaro, Metodologie e tecniche del restauro nell’opera e negli scritti di Giovanni Secco Suardo: eredità, fortuna critica, innovazioni, in Giovanni Secco Suardo La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell'opera d'arte, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Bergamo 9-11 marzo 1995, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 73-77.
G. Bonsanti, Giovanni Secco Suardo e Ulisse Forni: tecniche e tradizioni a confronto, in Giovanni Secco Suardo La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell'opera d'arte, Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Bergamo 9-11 marzo 1995, Bollettino d’Arte, Supplemento al nr. 98, 1998, pp. 79-82.
M. Marabelli, Le scienze chimiche per la conservazione dei dipinti nell'Italia dell'Ottocento Il trattato del conte Secco Suardo "Il Restauratore dei Dipinti", in Kermes, 2011, nr. 81, pp. 33-49.
M. Cardinali, M. B. De Ruggieri, C. Falcucci, Diagnostica artistica. Tracce materiali per la storia dell'arte e per la conservazione, Roma, 2007, pp. 13-57.
G. Perusini, Il dibattito sulla pulitura dei dipinti della National Gallery e del Louvre alla metà dell'Ottocento: alcune considerazioni generali, in La cultura del restauro. Modelli di ricezione per la museologia e la storia dell’arte, M.B. Failla, S. A. Meyer, C. Piva, S. Ventra (a cura di), Roma, 2013, pp. 335-349.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703341 -
knowledge of museological problems at advanced level and of specific subjects and problems of the discipline; reading ability of works of art in their historical context; ability to collect and analyze sources and historical-critical literature; acquisition of methodological skills for autonomous learning of the discipline; ability to apply the acquired knowledge to argue, debate and present the different historical-critical positions in writing; ability to communicate data and concepts to specialist and non-specialist interlocutors
Derived from
20703341 MUSEOLOGIA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 CAPITELLI GIOVANNA
( syllabus)
Course title: The Museum in the contemporary debate: traditions and contradictions
Never as intensely as today, and at any latitude in the World, the museum institution is at the center of a debate that constantly questions its traditional status as a place of conservation, study and protection of collections. This course aims to offer a broad overview of the museum and of the Museum Studies (definition, statute, structure, services, spaces, professions) and to analyze some themes dear to Critical Museology, such as decolonization, delocalization, the development of museums of memory and human rights, the relationship with social and economic sciences, etc. The second part of the course will take place in the form of seminars conducted in class by students based on individual research. Numerous inspections are planned in the Roman museums, Covid 19 permitting.
( reference books)
To pass the exam, the student must demonstrate that he/she has studied in depth:
a) at least one of the following texts: A Companion to Museum Studies, a cura di S. Macdonald, Malden, Mass., Blackwell, 2006 L. Cataldo, M. Paraventi, Il Museo oggi, linee guida per una museologia contemporanea, Milano Hoepli 2007 P.C. Marani, R. Pavoni, Musei, Trasformazioni di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006 M.V. Marini Clarelli, Che cos’è un Museo, Carocci, Roma 2005 D. Poulot, Musei e museologia, Jaka book, 2008 D. Jallà, Il museo contemporaneo, nuova edizione aggiornata, Torino Utet 2004 A. Mottola Molfino, Il libro dei musei, Torino, Allemandi, 1998
b) at least one of the following texts: The Curation and Care of Museum Collection, a cura di B.A. Campbell, Ch. Baars, London ; New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 The contemporary Museum: shaping Museums for the Global Now, a cura di S. J. Knell, London, New York, Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2019 M.T. Fiorio, Il museo nella storia. Dallo “studiolo” alla raccolta pubblica, Milano, Mondadori, 2011 F. Haskell, The ephemeral museum. Old master painting and the rise of the art exhibition, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2000 (trad. it. La nascita delle mostre. I dipinti degli antichi maestri e l’origine delle esposizioni d’arte, Milano-Ginevra, Skira, 2008 S. Costa, D. Poulot, M. Volait (a cura di), The period rooms: allestimenti storici tra arte, collezionismo e museologia, Bologna, Bononia University Press, 2016 M. Ferretti e A.Buzzoni, Musei, in Capire l'Italia. Il Patrimonio storico-artistico, TCI, Milano 1979, pp. 112-131. S. Verde, Le belle arti e i selvaggi, la scoperta dell’altro, la storia dell’arte e l’invenzione del patrimonio culturale, Venezia, Marsilio, 2019
c) the dossier of articles that will be made available during the course and published on the teacher's bulletin board;
d) he or she must also have visited and analyzed spaces and services of the following Roman museums: - Musei Capitolini - Musei Vaticani - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Barberini - Galleria Nazionale d’arte antica di Palazzo Corsini - Galleria Spada - Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Venezia - Museo di Roma - Museo Napoleonico - Museo Mario Praz - Museo della Centrale Montemartini - Museo Nazionale Romano - Museo delle Civiltà - Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna - MAXXI - MACRO - Palazzo Merulana
In addition to what is indicated here, the non-attending student will have to choose and study two further texts from points a) and / or b).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159 -
20710159-1 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710442 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702742 -
Related or supplementary learning activities
21002040 -
Design and Architectural Restoration
Derived from
21002040 PROGETTO DEL RESTAURO ARCHITETTONICO in Architettura - Progettazione architettonica LM-4 CANALE I PORRETTA PAOLA
( syllabus)
The course program is composed of three sections. 1) History of archaeological restoration culture, with specific focus on Rome (Roman Forum, Palatine Hill, Imperial Fora). The lectures aim to highlight the history of changes and re-use which have led to the loss of the original architectural identity up to the time of its intentional “re-creation”, starting from the second half of the Eighteenth Century. This new culture and its different outcomes developed during the last two centuries will be analyzed: excavations, restorations, reconstructions, anastylosis and enhancement projects. 2) Lectures on the restoration culture relating to its interdisciplinary point of view. 3) Small group activities (critical analysis on design projects strictly related to cultural heritage).
( reference books)
Section 1 - I. Insolera, Roma moderna. Un secolo di storia urbanistica 1870-1970, Roma 1962. - R. Krautheimer, Roma. Profilo di una città, 312-1308, Roma 1981 (1° ed. 1980). - I. Insolera-F. Perego, Archeologia e città. Storia moderna dei Fori di Roma, Bari 1983. - M. Jonsson, La cura dei monumenti alle origini. Restauro e scavo di monumenti antichi a Roma 1800-1830, Stockholm 1986. - S. Settis, Continuità, distanza, conoscenza. Tre usi dell'antico, in S. Settis (a cura di), Memoria dell'antico nell'arte italiana, vol. III, Dalla tradizione all'archeologia, Torino 1986, pp. 373-486. - S. Casiello, Problemi di conservazione e restauro nei primi decenni dell’Ottocento, in Id. (a cura di), Restauro tra metamorfosi e teorie, Napoli 1992. - E. Pallottino, Roma 1846-1878: restauro di monumenti antichi tra rappezzi mimetici e ricostruzioni semplificate, in Ricerche di Storia dell'arte, 52, 1994, pp.69-71. - P. D'Orsi, Roma: Pantheon, Portico degli Dei Consenti, Colosseo. Tre monumenti antichi restaurati a metà Ottocento, in Ricerche di Storia dell'arte, 52, 1994, pp.72-77. - E. Pallottino, Restauro e ricostruzione dell'antico, dopo le esperienze del Governatorato di Roma e i loro precedenti ottocenteschi, in L. Prisco (a cura), Architettura moderna a Roma e nel Lazio, 1920-1945. Conoscenza e tutela, Roma 1996, pp. 55-62. - S. Casiello (ed.), Verso una storia del restauro. Dall'età classica al primo Ottocento, Firenze 2008. - P. Porretta, Antonio Muñoz e via dei Fori Imperiali a Roma, in E. Pallottino (ed.), Architetti e archeologi costruttori d’identità, in Ricerche di Storia dell’arte, 95, 2008, pp. 30-43.
Sections 2 e 3 - A. Ricci, Attorno alla nuda pietra. Archeologia e città tra identità e progetto, Roma 2006. - E. Pallottino (ed.), Architetti e archeologi costruttori d’identità, in Ricerche di Storia dell’arte, 95, 2008, pp. 30-43. - D. Manacorda, R. Santangeli Valenzani, L. Franciosini, E. Pallottino, S. Picciola, A. Carlini, P. Porretta (eds.), Arch.it.arch, dialoghi di archeologia e architettura, seminari 2005|2006, Roma 2009. - E. Pallottino (ed.), Roma, Torre dei Conti. Ricerca, formazione, progetto, in Ricerche di Storia dell'arte, n. 108, 2012. - P. Porretta, L'invenzione moderna del paesaggio antico della Banditaccia. Raniero Mengarelli a Cerveteri, Roma 2019.
Slides will be available to all students. Further bibliographical references will be suggested during the course.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20702461 -
Derived from
20702461 STORIA DELLA LINGUA LATINA L.M. in Religioni, Culture, Storia LM-64 LUCERI ANGELO
( syllabus)
On the basis of documents and contemporary testimonies to the different linguistic phenomena, the course will illustrate some aspects of linguistic communication in Latin, considered in its diachronic development (from protohistory to the Romance) and in its various registers (standard and informal). The reading and analysis of various texts regarding Latin technical-scientific and didactic literature is aimed at providing the tools to grasp the specificities of the historical evolution of the Latin language and to identify its morphosyntactic and stylistic peculiarities. For this purpose the course consists of: (1) A number of lessons minded in particular to offer an overview of the history of the Latin language from its origins up to the 6th century A.D., through the reconstruction of its evolution in the dimension of language of everyday use and literary language; (2) Setting, reading, italian translation and commentary of texts included in Latin technical-scientific (by Cato, Varro, Celsus, Apicius, Vitruvius, Mela, Seneca, Plinius senior, Frontinis, Vegetius) and didactic literature (by Virgilius, Anonymous of Aetna, Columella, Grattius, Nemesianus).
( reference books)
Point 1: - (a) I. Mazzini, Storia della lingua latina e del suo contesto. Linguistica e lingua letteraria, Vol. 1, Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2007. - (b) Further bibliography and tools about the texts in the syllabus will be given during the course, and made available on line at the url of the course.
Point 2: - (a) P. Parroni, La poesia del mondo naturale, in A. Fusi-A. Luceri-P. Parroni-G. Piras (a cura di), Lo Spazio Letterario di Roma antica, vol. VI (I Testi. 1 – Poesia), Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2009, pp. 214-269. - (b) A. Luceri-P. Parroni-G. Piras, La letteratura tecnico-scientifica ed erudita, in A. Fusi-A. Luceri-P. Parroni-G. Piras (a cura di), Lo Spazio Letterario di Roma antica, vol. VII (I Testi. 2 – Prosa), Roma, Salerno Editrice, 2012, pp. 597-798.
Non-attending students will integrate the program with the individual study of the following text:
- Elena Malaspina, La comunicazione linguistica in latino. Testimonianze e documenti, Seconda edizione riveduta e ampliata con la collaborazione di Ermanno Malaspina, Alessandria, Ediz. dell’Orso, 2014.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710439 -
Derived from
20710439 STORIA E CIVILTA' BIZANTINA L.M. in Religioni, Culture, Storia LM-64 RONCHEY SILVIA
( syllabus)
This section of the Byzantine Civilization teaching, addressed to graduate students of History and Art, Archaeology, and Religious Sciences, aims to investigate the reasons behind the fall of Constantinople and the way in which it fell in the hands of the Osman Turks, along with the direct and indirect consequences brought by this fall to the history of the Mediterranean civilization.
Firstly, this module shall deal with a topographical investigation of Constantinople, based on literary and figurative attestations that Byzantine writers and especially foreign travellers of the 14th and the 15th century offer on the city’s monuments, neighborhoods’ organizations and location and on the defensive structure, which includes but it is not limited to the great Theodosian walls.
Secondly, it shall reconstruct the final phases of the siege as well as the final battle.
Then, it shall unbiasedly analyse what was, contrary to popular belief, a not-so-predictable Turkish victory, which was the consequence of a superiority both numerical and of the military means or, with the words of Braudel, of the voluntary ‘will to fall’ of a politically exhausted Byzantium. On the contrary, the battle outcomes was unpredictable until the end, and what happened at last left speecheless and disoriented political observers from all around the world.
( reference books)
- S. Ronchey, Lo Stato bizantino, Torino, Einaudi, 2002
- A. Pertusi (a c. di), La caduta di Costantinopoli, 2 voll., Fondazione Lorenzo Valla / Mondadori, Milano 1976
Related or supplementary learning activities
20703200 -
Greek epigraphy
Related or supplementary learning activities
21201502 -
Derived from
21201502 ECONOMIA DELL'AMBIENTE in Economia dell'ambiente e dello sviluppo LM-56 SPINESI LUCA
( syllabus)
1. Introduction to environmental economics 1.1 The origins of the problem 1.2 Interdependency economy-environment 1.3 GDP growth and welfare measure 1.4 Sustainability 1.5 Pollution extension and types 1.6 Natural resources
2. Ethics and economics 2.1 Natural philosophy 2.2 Libertarian philosophy 2.3 Utilitarianism 2.4 Critique to utilitarianism
3. Social welfare and environmental sustainability 3.1 Pareto efficiency 3.2 Social welfare function 3.3 Kaldor- Hicks-Scitovsky compensation tests 3.4 Market failures 3.5 Second-best theorem
4. Environmental policy 4.1 Public goods 4.2 Externalities 4.3 Environmental pollution models 4.4 Flow and stock of polluting emissions 4.5 Emission efficiency in static models 4.6 Emission efficiency in dynamic models
5 Environmental policy: instruments 5.1 Tax and subsidy 5.2 Command-and-control 5.3 Permits
6 Monetary valuation 6.1 Contingent valuation method 6.2 Hedonic price method 6.3 Cost-Benefit analysis
( reference books)
Title: Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. 4th Edition, 2011 Authors: Perman Roger, Ma Yue, Common Micheal, Maddison David, McGilvray James. Editor: Pearson Given the actual Covid-19 emergency lecture notes in substitution of the main text are available on Moodle.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20410054 -
Environmental Physics
Derived from
( syllabus)
The course is designed to provide students with the fundamental information for understanding the interactions between the atmosphere, the ocean, and the earth's surface, the main physical-chemical processes connected, and the impacts on air and sea quality. The course intends to deal with the interconnection and inter / multidisciplinary aspects of the phenomena involved and to provide information on the measurement principles of various properties of the atmosphere and the ocean.
Course program Structure and composition of the atmosphere. Atmospheric dynamic processes. Main gases and trace gases. Particulate matter and clouds. Emissions and chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Chemical reactions relevant to air quality. Planetary limit layer and its evolution. Structure and composition of the ocean. Salinity, temperature, density. Oceanic dynamic processes. Scrambled layer, thermocline. Chemical composition and marine pollutants. Exchanges of energy and matter between atmosphere, ocean, earth. Elements on the hydrological cycle and the carbon cycle. Techniques and methods of measurement of some atmospheric and oceanographic parameters.
( reference books)
Hartmann, D.L., Global Physical Climatology. Elsevier, 2016.
Stewart, R. H., Introduction to physical oceanography, 2008. http : / /hdl .handle .net /1969 .1 /160216.
Wallace, J.M., e P. V. Hobbs, Atmospheric Science: An Introductory Survey. Academic Press, 2006.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710488 -
Derived from
( syllabus)
The first part of the course is an introduction to cultural anthropology: basic features of anthropological reasoning, the notions of relativism, culture, ethnic identity, and ethnographic method, the different subjects of anthropological knowledge, and processes of globalization will be introduced in a historical view. The second part will focus on magic and witchcraft, through the notion of history, power, body and relatedness. In particular lessons will address belief between spirituality and matter, rationalities and systems of belief, the role of historical and colonial aspects.
( reference books)
Testi d’esame (gli studenti che hanno già sostenuto un esame di antropologia culturale possono concordare con la docente un testo alternativo):
Fabietti, Malighetti, Matera, Dal tribale al globale. Introduzione all'antropologia, Bruno Mondadori, 2012 (disponibile anche in versione digitale).
Più un testo a scelta tra i seguenti:
Bellagamba, Alice, L'Africa e la stregoneria. Saggio di antropologia storica, Laterza, 2008. Evans-Pritchard, Edward, Stregoneria, oracoli e magia tra gli Azande, Raffaello Cortina, 2002. Taussig, Michael T., Il diavolo e il feticismo della merce, Derive Approdi 2017.
Gli studenti non frequentati dovranno aggiungere: Fabietti, Ugo, Elementi di antropologia culturale, Mondadori, 2015, parte quarta (sistemi di pensiero): cap. 1. Sistemi chiusi e aperti, cap. 2. Pensiero metaforico e pensiero magico, cap. 3. Il pensiero mitico (pp. 141-166).
Related or supplementary learning activities
20402025 -
Bioindication and Environmental Monitoring
Related or supplementary learning activities