Scientific Disciplinary Sector Code
Contact Hours
Exercise Hours
Laboratory Hours
Personal Study Hours
Type of Activity
20710645 -
MOdulo A
The aim of the course is to bring students to deepen their knowledge on the theory of linguistic change and comparative linguistics, making use of the of the results reached by linguistic typology.
Modulo B The course aims at providing students with a basic knowledge of methods, tools and approaches characterizing sociolinguistics, taking also into account the epistemological problems concerning its adjacency to other branches of linguistic and social knowledge. At the end of the course, students will write an essay showing their competence in gathering data and analyzing them in sociolinguistic perspective.
20710646 -
The teaching of Didactics of modern languages falls within the scope of the basic training activities of "Philology and general and applied linguistics" of the degree course in Languages and Linguistic-Cultural Mediation, specifically the activities aimed at providing basic training in the methods and in the tools of analysis and reflection proper to language teaching. The course aims to provide: Knowledge of the phenomena that characterize the language acquisition process (first, second and foreign), with particular attention to the linguistic aspects relating to the acquisition sequences and the development of the ability to use: variability, systematicity and internal and external factors to the individual that affect the acquisition process. Knowledge of the characteristics of the interaction between native and non-native speakers, and its effects on L2 acquisition: input modifications and negotiation, role of output and feedback. Knowledge of the development process of the competence to use a foreign language, with attention to the role of the context, of the input, as well as of the learning strategies involved. Knowledge of language skills development processes, through examples relating to the various languages taught at the Department and in Italian schools, including Italian for foreigners. Development of metalinguistic reflection, in a transversal way, giving particular emphasis to the comparison between languages and the enhancement of the linguistic repertoire of the learners. Knowledge of the role of teaching in language learning, with particular reference to the main teaching methodologies developed in research, to optimize and enhance learning processes, including through the use of new digital technologies. Expected learning outcomes: students will know the research on spontaneous and guided learning of foreign languages and aspects related to the order of acquisition; will be able to carry out metalinguistic reflections; they will be aware of their own linguistic repertoire and will be able to use the comparison between languages to optimize their learning; will know the processes of learning and using the foreign language, the role of the context and of learning strategies; they will know the processes of listening, speaking, reading and writing of foreign languages and Italian L2; they will know the main methodologies and technologies for teaching.
20710646-1 -
The teaching of Didactics of modern languages falls within the scope of the basic training activities of "Philology and general and applied linguistics" of the degree course in Languages and Linguistic-Cultural Mediation, specifically the activities aimed at providing basic training in the methods and in the tools of analysis and reflection proper to language teaching. The course aims to provide: Knowledge of the phenomena that characterize the language acquisition process (first, second and foreign), with particular attention to the linguistic aspects relating to the acquisition sequences and the development of the ability to use: variability, systematicity and internal and external factors to the individual that affect the acquisition process. Knowledge of the characteristics of the interaction between native and non-native speakers, and its effects on L2 acquisition: input modifications and negotiation, role of output and feedback. Knowledge of the development process of the competence to use a foreign language, with attention to the role of the context, of the input, as well as of the learning strategies involved. Knowledge of language skills development processes, through examples relating to the various languages taught at the Department and in Italian schools, including Italian for foreigners. Development of metalinguistic reflection, in a transversal way, giving particular emphasis to the comparison between languages and the enhancement of the linguistic repertoire of the learners. Knowledge of the role of teaching in language learning, with particular reference to the main teaching methodologies developed in research, to optimize and enhance learning processes, including through the use of new digital technologies. Expected learning outcomes: students will know the research on spontaneous and guided learning of foreign languages and aspects related to the order of acquisition; will be able to carry out metalinguistic reflections; they will be aware of their own linguistic repertoire and will be able to use the comparison between languages to optimize their learning; will know the processes of learning and using the foreign language, the role of the context and of learning strategies; they will know the processes of listening, speaking, reading and writing of foreign languages and Italian L2; they will know the main methodologies and technologies for teaching.
Derived from
20710579 FONDAMENTI DI DIDATTICA DELLE LINGUE MODERNE LM in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 BONVINO ELISABETTA
( syllabus)
The course is designed for students who are unfamiliar with the subject, and therefore aims to introduce the basic concepts of the subject. Specifically, the concepts of second language, second language acquisition, factors determining its outcome, interlanguage and the development of language skills for spoken and written communication will be discussed. Ample time will also be given to the concepts of plurilingualism, plural approaches and intercomprehension.
( reference books)
Books: • Elisabetta Bonvino, Diego Cortés Velasquez, Anna De Meo e Elisa Fiorenza (2023) "Agire in L2. Processi e strumenti nella linguistica educativa". Milano: Hoepli. • Elisabetta Bonvino e Sandra Garbarino (2022) "Intercomprensione" . Bolgna/Cesena: Caissa. • Documents and handouts provided by the professor
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
Optional group:
20710451 -
Plasmar las ideas. textualidad y argumentación en la prosa en español
Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation acquire knowledge and understanding skills in all the sectors covered by their training in order to 1) achieve a high level of literary and cultural competence in the context of European and American civilizations, with particular attention to those of specialization; 2) deepen the knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, with the achievement of a high level of proficiency in the first language and a perfecting of the level in the second language; 3) achieve a high level of knowledge of the linguistic problems of the language chosen as a biennial, knowing how to evaluate its developments and characteristics in a diachronic and synchronic key; 4) achieve adequate knowledge of the most up-to-date literary text analysis methodologies; 5) acquire the theoretical-practical tools useful for teaching and translation.
Teaching Plasmar las ideas. Textualidad y argumentación en la prosa en español is one of the characteristic training activities of the Degree Course. The aim of the course is to refine advanced level communication and argumentative skills in Spanish in written and oral production, through the analysis of Spanish and/or Hispano-American prose texts of different types and through reflection on the linguistic and argumentative strategies present in them . At the same time, the student will be guided both in the translation analysis, also from a diachronic or transmedia perspective, and in the translation practice, limited to a selection of texts, on which he will be able to apply the skills he has acquired. Furthermore, the course provides knowledge and advanced critical methodologies of the Spanish language aimed at developing a critical awareness, an autonomous learning capacity and drafting skills applicable to specialist and non-specialist contexts, in an intercultural perspective.
Derived from
20710451 Plasmar las ideas. textualidad y argumentación en la prosa en español in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 MARCELLO ELENA ELISABETTA
( syllabus)
The focus of the course is non-fiction prose in the Spanish language. After an introduction to the historical and cultural context, the themes, argumentative techniques and linguistic strategies of some of the essays in the bibliography will be analysed. Students will be able to apply the knowledge and skills acquired through a series of assignments, mainly aimed at the writing of short essays and, occasionally, at the analysis of translation problems related to the textual typology under study.
( reference books)
Teaching material (To be studied for the finals) 1) Textbooks and critical essays Montolío, Estrella, Manual de escritura académica y profesional, I. Estrategias gramaticales, II. Estrategias discursivas, Barcelona, Ariel, 2014. Disponible edizione ebook della versione in due volumi. Alcaide Lara, Esperanza R., La argumentación lingüística y sus medios de expresión, Madrid, Arco Libros, 2010. Vicente Cervera, Belén Hernández - Mª Dolores Adsuar (eds.), El ensayo como género literario, Murcia, Universidad, 2005 (articoli di Pedro Aullón de Haro, Elena Arenas Cruz, José María Pozuelo Yvancos). Disponibile online: Gracia, Jordi – Ródenas de Moya, Domingo, Pensar por ensayos en la España del siglo XX, Barcelona, UAB, 2015, pp. 31-261. Juliá, Santos, Historia de las dos Españas, Madrid, Taurus, 2015, capp. 2-5.
Eventual other bibliographical references will be provided during the course. 2) Texts Ayala, España a la fecha, Buenos Aires, Editorial Sur, 1965. Raccolti in: Ensayos políticos y sociológicos, volume V delle Obras completas, Barcelona, Círculo de Lectores / Galaxia Gutenberg, 2009. Oppure in Ayala, Francisco, Transformaciones. Escritos sobre política y sociedad en España, ed. Alessio Piras, Granada, Universidad de Granada, 2018. Ortega y Gasset, José, Mirabeau o el político, in José Ortega y Gasset – Jesús Reyes Heroles, Dos ensayos sobre Mirabeau, México D. F., Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1993 oppure in Obras completas, III, Madrid, Revista de Occidente, 1966 (6ª ed.). Ortega y Gasset, José, El tema de nuestro tiempo, Barcelona, Espasa Libros, 2010. Benet, Juan, La sombra de la guerra. Escritos sobre la guerra civil española, Madrid, Taurus, 1999. Marías, Julián, La guerra civil. ¿Cómo pudo ocurrir?, Madrid, Fórcola Ediciones, 2012. Paz, Octavio, Tiempo nublado, Barcelona, Planeta, 1995 (o altra edizione). Rico, Daniel, ¿Quién teme a Francisco Franco? Memoria, patrimonio, democracia, Barcelona, Nuevos Cuadernos Anagrama, 2024.
3) Reference Bibliography Odicino, Raffaella – Campos, Cecilia – Sánchez, Majorie, Gramática española. Tercera edición, Torino, Utet, 2022. Barbero Bernal, Juan – Bermejo, Felisa – San Vicente, Félix, Contrastiva. Grammatica della lingua spagnola. Spagnolo Italiano, Bologna, Clueb, 2012. Tam, Laura, Grande dizionario di spagnolo con CD-ROM, Milano, Hoepli, 2009 (2ª ed.) Arqués, Rossend – Padoan, Adriana, Il grande dizionario di spagnolo, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2012.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710349 -
Greek Literature I LM Some general Greek metric problems will be addressed. In the second part we will analyze the songs of the Medea of Euripides.
( syllabus)
The course “Greek Literature I LM” (“Materials for a cognitive criticism of literary texts in ancient Greece”) is intended for students who wish to combine deepening their knowledge of Ancient Greek with acquiring valid critical tools for interpreting literary texts. The course includes: (A) a series of lectures aimed at illustrating the assumptions and methods of a cognitive-based literary criticism calibrated on the forms of ancient Greek literature; (B) reading, translation, and commentary in class on a selection of texts (both in poetry and prose). Part of the texts to be worked on in class will be assigned to students so that they can be the subject of personal elaboration and presentation in class. Attendance at the course is optional. Attending students must ensure attendance at at least two-thirds of the classes (24 out of 36 hours). For attending students, a reduction of the program is provided (see section C in Bibliography).
( reference books)
(A) An essential bibliography will be indicated by the teacher at the beginning of the course; it is strongly recommended to study T. Cave, Thinking with Literature: Towards a Cognitive Criticism (Oxford University Press: Oxford 2016); (B) The selection of texts to be examined in the course will be distributed by the teacher through e-learning channels (Teams); (C) M. Fantuzzi - R. L. Hunter, Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry (CUP: Cambridge 2004). Attending students are not required to prepare on this volume.
Core compulsory activities
20710371 -
Latin LM Didactics The student will acquire knowledge related to the masterly analysis of one or more Latin literary texts, with a focus on formal aspects and interaction of a seminarian character with frequenters
( syllabus)
This course focuses on practice of teaching Latin language in the schools with reference to morphology, metrical analysis and prose text translation
( reference books)
Didactic handouts available on the teacher's online page
Core compulsory activities
20703620 -
Contemporary Italian literature LM The student, already able to master the diachronic framework of contemporary literature, through the deepening of authors, moments and themes of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, will have to master the non-unique methodological tools of textual analysis, such as to allow a solid specialized background of critical knowledge in several fields of investigation: historical, philological, linguistic, structural, metric-stylistic, rhetorical.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Contemporary poetry. Trends, research, experiences - II semester Description: The aim of the course is to explore, by an interdisciplinary perspective, the relationship between Italian poetry and the European literature in the twentieth century and in the new millennium, also by analyzing the intellectual function of poets and women poets in contemporary age. The course will be structured in seminars and discussion-based lessons. The course requires attending students to deliver a written work, previously agreed with the Professor. This paper should be sent fifteen days before the oral exam. Attending students have to study two critical essay of their choice and two poetic works to be analyzed. The oral examination will be focused on the written work, on the texts analyzed during the course, on the critical essays and on the two poetic works. Students who do not attend have to read three critical essays in addition to the two poetic works of their choice. Erasmus students have to read a critical essay and two poetic works to be analyzed.
Bibliography: P. Giovannetti, Modi della poesia italiana contemporanea. Forme e tecniche dal 1950 a oggi, Carocci, 2005 F. Giusti, D. Frasca e C. Ott (a cura di), Poesia e nuovi media, Cesati, 2018 Costellazione parallela. Poetesse italiane del Novecento, a cura di I. Leardini, Vallecchi, 2023 F. Moliterni, Una contesa che dura. Poeti italiani del Novecento e contemporanei, Quodlibet, 2021 M. Paino, Concordanze liriche. Studi sulla poesia italiana del Novecento, Marsilio, 2022 N. Scaffai, Poesia e critica del Novecento. Da Montale a Rosselli, Carocci, 2024
G. Simonetti, La letteratura circostante. Narrativa e poesia nell'Italia contemporanea, Il Mulino 2018
T. Spignoli, La parola si fa spazio. Poesia concreta e poesia visiva, Patron, 2020
Venturini M., L'Unità discontinua. Poesia e identità nazionale nel Novecento, Morlacchi, 2016
M. Venturini, Il terzo tempo. Saggi sull’Ungaretti intellettuale negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, Bulzoni (in corso di stampa)
"Il tramonto d'Europa". Ungaretti e le poetiche del secondo Novecento, a cura di T. Spignoli, G. Manghetti, G. Lo Monaco, E. Caporiccio, Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna (BSFM), Firenze University Press, 2023
Authors: Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Fortini, Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli, Biancamaria Frabotta, Jolanda Insana, Valerio Magrelli, Patrizia Cavalli, Patrizia Valduga. Ulteriori precisazioni sulla bibliografia saranno fornite nel corso delle lezioni.
( reference books)
Bibliography: P. Giovannetti, Modi della poesia italiana contemporanea. Forme e tecniche dal 1950 a oggi, Carocci, 2005 F. Giusti, D. Frasca e C. Ott (a cura di), Poesia e nuovi media, Cesati, 2018 Costellazione parallela. Poetesse italiane del Novecento, a cura di I. Leardini, Vallecchi, 2023 F. Moliterni, Una contesa che dura. Poeti italiani del Novecento e contemporanei, Quodlibet, 2021 M. Paino, Concordanze liriche. Studi sulla poesia italiana del Novecento, Marsilio, 2022 N. Scaffai, Poesia e critica del Novecento. Da Montale a Rosselli, Carocci, 2024 G. Simonetti, La letteratura circostante. Narrativa e poesia nell'Italia contemporanea, Il Mulino 2018 T. Spignoli, La parola si fa spazio. Poesia concreta e poesia visiva, Patron, 2020 M. Venturini, L'Unità discontinua. Poesia e identità nazionale nel Novecento, Morlacchi, 2016 M. Venturini, Il terzo tempo. Saggi sull’Ungaretti intellettuale negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, Bulzoni (in corso di stampa) "Il tramonto d'Europa". Ungaretti e le poetiche del secondo Novecento, a cura di T. Spignoli, G. Manghetti, G. Lo Monaco, E. Caporiccio, Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna (BSFM), Firenze University Press, 2023
Authors: Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Fortini, Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli, Biancamaria Frabotta, Jolanda Insana, Valerio Magrelli, Patrizia Cavalli, Patrizia Valduga. Ulteriori precisazioni sulla bibliografia saranno fornite nel corso delle lezioni.
Nuovo canale 2
Derived from
( syllabus)
Contemporary poetry. Trends, research, experiences - II semester Description: The aim of the course is to explore, by an interdisciplinary perspective, the relationship between Italian poetry and the European literature in the twentieth century and in the new millennium, also by analyzing the intellectual function of poets and women poets in contemporary age. The course will be structured in seminars and discussion-based lessons. The course requires attending students to deliver a written work, previously agreed with the Professor. This paper should be sent fifteen days before the oral exam. Attending students have to study two critical essay of their choice and two poetic works to be analyzed. The oral examination will be focused on the written work, on the texts analyzed during the course, on the critical essays and on the two poetic works. Students who do not attend have to read three critical essays in addition to the two poetic works of their choice. Erasmus students have to read a critical essay and two poetic works to be analyzed.
Bibliography: P. Giovannetti, Modi della poesia italiana contemporanea. Forme e tecniche dal 1950 a oggi, Carocci, 2005 F. Giusti, D. Frasca e C. Ott (a cura di), Poesia e nuovi media, Cesati, 2018 Costellazione parallela. Poetesse italiane del Novecento, a cura di I. Leardini, Vallecchi, 2023 F. Moliterni, Una contesa che dura. Poeti italiani del Novecento e contemporanei, Quodlibet, 2021 M. Paino, Concordanze liriche. Studi sulla poesia italiana del Novecento, Marsilio, 2022 N. Scaffai, Poesia e critica del Novecento. Da Montale a Rosselli, Carocci, 2024
G. Simonetti, La letteratura circostante. Narrativa e poesia nell'Italia contemporanea, Il Mulino 2018
T. Spignoli, La parola si fa spazio. Poesia concreta e poesia visiva, Patron, 2020
Venturini M., L'Unità discontinua. Poesia e identità nazionale nel Novecento, Morlacchi, 2016
M. Venturini, Il terzo tempo. Saggi sull’Ungaretti intellettuale negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, Bulzoni (in corso di stampa)
"Il tramonto d'Europa". Ungaretti e le poetiche del secondo Novecento, a cura di T. Spignoli, G. Manghetti, G. Lo Monaco, E. Caporiccio, Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna (BSFM), Firenze University Press, 2023
Authors: Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Fortini, Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli, Biancamaria Frabotta, Jolanda Insana, Valerio Magrelli, Patrizia Cavalli, Patrizia Valduga. Ulteriori precisazioni sulla bibliografia saranno fornite nel corso delle lezioni.
( reference books)
Bibliography: P. Giovannetti, Modi della poesia italiana contemporanea. Forme e tecniche dal 1950 a oggi, Carocci, 2005 F. Giusti, D. Frasca e C. Ott (a cura di), Poesia e nuovi media, Cesati, 2018 Costellazione parallela. Poetesse italiane del Novecento, a cura di I. Leardini, Vallecchi, 2023 F. Moliterni, Una contesa che dura. Poeti italiani del Novecento e contemporanei, Quodlibet, 2021 M. Paino, Concordanze liriche. Studi sulla poesia italiana del Novecento, Marsilio, 2022 N. Scaffai, Poesia e critica del Novecento. Da Montale a Rosselli, Carocci, 2024 G. Simonetti, La letteratura circostante. Narrativa e poesia nell'Italia contemporanea, Il Mulino 2018 T. Spignoli, La parola si fa spazio. Poesia concreta e poesia visiva, Patron, 2020 M. Venturini, L'Unità discontinua. Poesia e identità nazionale nel Novecento, Morlacchi, 2016 M. Venturini, Il terzo tempo. Saggi sull’Ungaretti intellettuale negli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta, Bulzoni (in corso di stampa) "Il tramonto d'Europa". Ungaretti e le poetiche del secondo Novecento, a cura di T. Spignoli, G. Manghetti, G. Lo Monaco, E. Caporiccio, Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna (BSFM), Firenze University Press, 2023
Authors: Ungaretti, Montale, Quasimodo, Luzi, Caproni, Sereni, Pasolini, Fortini, Zanzotto, Amelia Rosselli, Biancamaria Frabotta, Jolanda Insana, Valerio Magrelli, Patrizia Cavalli, Patrizia Valduga. Ulteriori precisazioni sulla bibliografia saranno fornite nel corso delle lezioni.
Core compulsory activities
20710602 -
Through the analysis of specific and prominent cases, this course aims to provide an in-depth knowledge of some features of the history of Italian literature.
( syllabus)
Reality of the world and literary imagination: from Marco Polo's Million to Calvino's Invisible Cities. The course includes the complete and commented reading of Marco Polo's Milione and the work that revived its imaginary and exotic dimension in the twentieth century, Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities. In addition to in-depth studies on the two authors and their literary language, the circumstances and contexts of the two works will be examined, the structure and stylistic peculiarities of the Milione, its weight in the literary tradition linked to explorations, travels and relationships with other realities, and the profound influence of Marco Polo's account on Calvino's work dedicated to fantastic cities. The final part of the course will be dedicated to the creation of critical and educational paths based on the two works considered.
( reference books)
Texts: Marco Polo, Il milione, a cura di Marcello Ciccuto; saggio introduttivo di Giorgio Manganelli; con le miniature a colori del codice Bodleian 264 di Oxford, Milano, BUR, 2020. Italo Calvino, Le città invisibili, Milano, Mondadori, 2022 (Oscar classici). Bibliography: Laura Di Nicola, Un’idea di Calvino. Letture critiche e ricerche sul campo, Roma, Carocci, 2024. Gherardo Ortalli, Dall’Europa a scoprire l’Oriente. Da Gengis Khan a Marco Polo, Roma, Viella, 2021. The following articles will be made available on the Teams channel of the course unit. Andrea Battistini, Le città visibili e invisibili di Italo Calvino, «Esperienze letterarie», 2001, pp. 21-37. Marcello Ciccuto, L'immagine dello spazio nelle "Città invisibili" di Italo Calvino, «Italianistica», 2002, pp. 77-84. Cesare Segre, "Le citta invisibili" di Calvino e la vertigine epistemica, « Strumenti critici», 2004, pp. 43-53. Those who do not attend the course will add: Marco Polo. Storia e mito di un viaggio e di un libro, a cura di Samuela Simion, Eugenio Burgio, Roma, Carocci, 2024. Any further bibliography will be indicated on the Teams channel of the course
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
22910222 -
Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione
The course aims to provide the student with both a set of conceptual knowledge on human development in different fields (cognitive, social, affective and emotional), and the operational tools to apply this knowledge to educational contexts, with particular reference to the 0- 6. Furthermore, it aims to provide the student with a set of theoretical and applied knowledge on research methods used in developmental psychology.
Derived from
22910222 Psicologia dell'educazione e della formazione in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 ZAVA FEDERICA
( syllabus)
The course will analyze the concepts of cooperation, starting from early manifestations of spontaneous cooperative behavior observed in infancy to the promotion of cooperative dynamics in educational and training interventions in later stages of life. Specifically, after an introduction to interpersonal motivational systems, the lessons will focus on the psychological mechanisms underlying prosocial and cooperative behaviors, as well as their broader role as a foundation for integration and interculturality. Additionally, methods for fostering dialogue and effectively managing conflict situations will be examined. The course will conclude with the presentation of the key elements of interventions in educational and training contexts.
( reference books)
Gordon, T. (1991). Insegnanti efficaci. Firenze: Giunti. Tomasello, M. (2010). Altruisti nati. Perché cooperiamo fin da piccoli. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri. Torre, E. M. (2022). Dalla progettazione alla valutazione. Modelli e metodi per educatori e formatori. Roma: Carocci Faber.
Core compulsory activities
Optional group:
20710420 -
LM Geography Didactic Introduce to the analysis of the social construction of space. Provide tools and concepts to help you interpret collaborative and competitive dynamics in the use of space.
Derived from
( syllabus)
Sources, tools and methods for teaching geography. The Didactics of Geography course, through the study of the main issues related to the processes of learning/teaching geography, highlights the relationships that exist between research and the didactics of the discipline, and identifies methodologies and didactic tools capable of promoting in students an appropriate use of the lexicon and interpretive categories of the discipline in order to understand and contextualise the environmental and anthropic characteristics of the territory. As an in-depth study, the course will focus on the sources, tools and methods for the study and teaching of different themes such as the sea, island territories and inland areas. Course topics: Geographical knowledge in teaching and research; development of geographical skills; geographical education, territorial education; Agenda 2030; geography in schools and universities; national references and textbooks; geotechnologies and didactics.
( reference books)
• De Vecchis G., Pasquinelli d'Allegra D & Pesaresi C., Didattica della Geografia, Utet, 2020. • Predrag Matvejević, Breviario mediterraneo, Garzanti • Sabatini F., Geografia delle aree interne. Discorsi e pratiche turistiche nella Sicilia fredda, Guerini, 2024. • Materiali distribuiti dal docente.
Suggested readings: Giovanni Verga, I malavoglia Vito Teti, Il senso dei luoghi Marilena Maffei, Donne di Mare Ernesto Franco, Storie fantastiche di isole vere
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
20704133 -
History of modern art LM The course is aimed at deepening aspects of art in Rome in the sixteenth century, examining sources, studies, methodologies
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710597 -
In-depth knowledge of post-war art history, with particular attention to Italian artistic events.
Derived from
20710597 STORIA DELL'ARTE DEL XX SECOLO - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 IAMURRI LAURA
( syllabus)
Reading Self-Portrait by Carla Lonzi The publication of the book Autoritratto marked the high point and conclusion of Carla Lonzi's professional activity as an art critic. Fifty-five years after its first release, and on the occasion of its republication as part of an extensive reissue of the art critic and feminist's writings, this course offers an updated and in-depth reading of a capital text of 20th-century Italian art criticism. The book is the result of the editing of a series of conversations in which an exceptionally intelligent art critic and some of the leading artists working in Italy in the 1960s are brought together in an imaginary “banquet.” Carla Accardi, Getulio Alviani, Enrico Castellani, Pietro Consagra, Luciano Fabro, Lucio Fontana, Jannis Kounellis, Mario Nigro, Giulio Paolini, Pino Pascali, Mimmo Rotella, Salvatore Scarpitta, Giulio Turcato; completing the group was Cy Twombly, who Lonzi's (written) questions had never been answered. The conversations had been recorded over the previous years, some intended from the outset for publication in a magazine or exhibition catalog, others remained unpublished, and still others caught in the context of sharing of ideas among friends. The informal nature of the conversations means that everything is talked about in the book, that the artists are questioned more often on a personal level than on a professional one, as it is also evident from the illustrative set, composed largely of photographs from family albums.
( reference books)
_ C. Lonzi, Autoritratto, in any edition: De Donato, Bari 1969; et al. edizioni, Milano 2010; Abscondita, Milano 2017; La Tartaruga, Milano 2024. The book has been translated in French (Autoportrait, JRP | Ringier, Paris 2012), English (Self-portrait, Divided Publishing, Bruxelles 2021) and German (Selbstbildnis, Gachnang & Springer, Bern 2000).
_ L. Conte, “La critica è potere”. Percorsi e momenti della critica negli anni Sessanta, in L. Conte, V. Fiorino (a cura di), La duplice radicalità: Carla Lonzi dalla critica militante al femminismo di Rivolta, ETS, Pisa 2011, pp. 87-109. _ L. Iamurri, Intorno a Autoritratto: fonti, ipotesi, riflessioni, ivi, pp. 67-86. _ L. Iamurri, Un margine che sfugge. Carla Lonzi e l’arte in Italia, 1955-1970, Quodlibet, Macerata 2016. _ T. Kittler, Reimaging the Family Album: Carla Lonzi’s Autoritratto, in F. Ventrella, G. Zapperi (eds), Feminism and Art in Postwar Italy. The Legacy of Carla Lonzi, Bloomsbury, London 2020, pp. 181-208.
Since a written paper is required for the exam, additional specific bibliography may be required. This will be indicated on a case-by-case basis in relation to the topic of the paper.
Related or supplementary learning activities
20710159 -
History of medieval art and history of Byzantine art LM It is intended to examine a segment of the artistic manifestations of the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences between the architectural types, the decorative apparatuses, theological and aesthetic conceptions of the two geographical areas. Both modules, therefore, in parallel with the buildings, will analyze mosaics, murals and icons from the 5th to the 12th century, investigating iconographic themes and systems, stylistic-formal structures and commissions, respectively in Rome, Constantinople and other territories of the Byzantine Empire. Visits to some churches in Rome and Lazio will be an integral part of the examination programme. There will be some visits with the teacher that will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
20710159-1 -
History of medieval art and history of Byzantine art LM It is intended to examine a segment of the artistic manifestations of the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences between the architectural types, the decorative apparatuses, theological and aesthetic conceptions of the two geographical areas. Both modules, therefore, in parallel with the buildings, will analyze mosaics, murals and icons from the 5th to the 12th century, investigating iconographic themes and systems, stylistic-formal structures and commissions, respectively in Rome, Constantinople and other territories of the Byzantine Empire. Visits to some churches in Rome and Lazio will be an integral part of the examination programme. There will be some visits with the teacher that will be communicated at the beginning of the course.
Derived from
20710159 STORIA DELL'ARTE MEDIEVALE E STORIA DELL'ARTE BIZANTINA - LM in Storia dell'arte LM-89 (docente da definire)
( syllabus)
The course includes 2 joined modules, equivalent to 12 CFU. The two modules will investigate significant episodes in the artistic production in the West and the East, highlighting similarities and differences in architectural types, decorative systems, concepts in theology and aesthetics from both areas. Therefore, both modules will be addressed, along with buildings, to mosaics, wall painting and icons from 5th to 13th centuries, investigating iconographic themes and systems, formal and stylistic structures, commissions in Rome, Constantinople, and other regions of the Byzantine empire. Visits to some historical complexes in Rome will be an integral part of the exam programme: surveys led by the professor are planned, which will be announced promptly. Direct knowledge of a group of roman churches is also required for the purpose of the exam (see list below). The active participation of students is expected with presentations in class and during visits
( reference books)
Attending students Module I History of Medieval Art Bibliography • R. Krautheimer, Architettura sacra paleocristiana e medievale e altri saggi su rinascimento e barocco, Torino, Bollati Boringhieri 1993, pp. 66-89 e figg. 10-27. • M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Arte e iconografia a Roma, Milano, Jaca Book 2000: M. Andaloro, S. Romano, L’immagine nell’abside, pp. 93-132. • M. Andaloro, L’Orizzonte tardo antico e le nuove immagini 312-468, v. I, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: F.R. Moretti e Liverani, pp. 87-91; G. Leardi, pp. 358-361; M. Viscontini, pp. 366-378 e 411-415; G. Bordi, pp. 379-407 e 416-418. • G. Gandolfo, La basilica sistina: i mosaici della navata e dell'arco trionfale, in Santa Maria Maggiore a Roma, a cura di C. Pietrangeli, Firenze 1990, pp. 85-123. • G. Curzi, I mosaici dell’Oratorio di S. Venanzio nel Battistero Lateranense: problemi storici e vicende conservative, in “Atti del V colloquio dell’AISCOM”, Ravenna 1998, pp. 267-282. • M. Andaloro, I papi e l’immagine prima e dopo Nicea, in Medioevo: immagini e ideologie, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Parma, 23-27 settembre 2002), a cura di A. C. Quintavalle, Milano-Parma, Electa 2005, pp. 525-540. • S. Romano, Riforma e Tradizione. 1050-1198, v. IV, Milano-Roma, Jaca Book-Palombi 2006: S. Romano, pp. 129-150 (S. Clemente, affreschi); J. Croisier, pp. 209-218 (S. Clemente, mosaico absidale); J. Croisier, pp. 305-311 (Santa Maria in Trastevere, mosaico absidale). • E. Parlato, S. Romano, Roma e il Lazio. Il Romanico, Milano, Jaca Book 2001; pp. 29-43 (S. Clemente); 60-75 (S. Maria in Trastevere); 143 (S. Cecilia in Trastevere). • M. Righetti, La nuova facies della basilica: tra Arnolfo e Cavallini, in AA.VV., Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Roma, Palombi Editori 2007, pp. 84-111. • S. Romano, Il Duecento e la cultura gotica (1198-1287 ca.), v. V, Milano, Jaca Book, 2012: K. Queijo, pp. 77-87 (San Paolo f.l.m., mosaico absidale). • S. Romano, Apogeo e fine del Medioevo.1288-1431, v. VI, Milano, Jaca Book 2017: V. Giesser, pp. 49-57 (San Giovanni in Laterano, Jacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 80-93 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, affreschi navata e controfacciata); V. Giesser, pp. 116-127 (Santa Maria Maggiore, Iacopo Torriti, mosaico absidale); V. Giesser, pp. 171-182 (Santa Cecilia in Trastevere, Pietro Cavallini, Storie della Vergine, mosaico absidale). • The following text is strongly recommended: - M. Andaloro, Atlante. Percorsi visivi, v. I, Jaca Book, Milano-Roma 2006, especially: S. Pietro; S. Paolo f.l.m.; S. Agnese f.l.m.; S. Clemente; Complesso lateranense: San Giovanni in Laterano, Battistero lateranense and Oratorio di S. Venanzio; Santa Maria Maggiore; S. Stefano Rotondo.
Non-attending students Must add to the above texts: - M. Andaloro, S. Romano, Roma. Arte e iconografia a Roma. Da Costantino a Cola di Rienzo, Milano, Jaca Book 2000 (whole book).
N.B. Apart from whole books, which can be either found at public libraries or bought, and additional readings for non-attending students, any other materials, including the slides, will be available at the end of the course as PDF to all the properly registered students, both attending and non-attending, on the Team channel of Storia dell’arte medievale e storia dell’arte bizantina LM a.a. 2024-2025 prof.ssa Maria Luigia Fobelli, in the section File, folder Materiale del corso.
Related or supplementary learning activities
Optional group:
AMBITO F - (show)
20710001 -
training workshops and internships
Other activities
20711250 -
The student will acquire knowledge related to biblical texts intended as an expression of ancient Jewish religious culture. He will also learn the rudiments of the Hebrew language.
Other activities
20710071 -
The student will strengthen and expand his skills in the field of uses of the written language through the production of texts of various types, with particular regard to those typologies necessary for his study path.
Derived from
20710071 LABORATORIO DI SCRITTURA TESTUALE in Lettere L-10 Altissimi Elisa
( syllabus)
The course aims to convey a solid knowledge of written Italian, addressing, with a practical approach, various topics related to the structure of the text and the different textual typologies. It will also address topics useful for the acquisition of a correct writing method and the creation of texts, with particular attention to the typologies necessary for one's course of study.
Other activities
20710134 -
Methods and intruments to explain religious events
The workshop aims to be a preparatory aid in facilitating the study of religions, given the increasing importance they have assumed in the contemporary world. The main aim is to enable students to read the religious phenomenon in its fundamental expressions and subsequently to undertake more complex specialist studies. It is intended to provide students with the keys to reading, hermeneutic, cultural and linguistic methods and instruments, which are useful for understanding the religious fact in its present-day manifestations, in its historical developments -since Antiquity- and in its spread throughout the world.
Other activities
20710151 -
Purpose. Students will acquire the essential skills to deal with the translation of ancient and late-antique Christian texts, belonging to various literary genres (gospels, epistles, apocalypses, apologies, eresiological texts, exegetical commentaries, homilies, church histories, hagiographies, normative books, etc.): they will be able to know and use the most important tools for lexical, morphological and syntactic analysis (specialized dictionaries and grammars) and semantic analysis of the texts (monographs and encyclopaedias that allow the historical understanding, historic-ideological and functional of a text).
Other activities
20710068 -
The student will acquire a knowledge of the Greek language that allows him to understand and translate texts of medium difficulty.
Other activities
20710067 -
The student will arrive at a morphological-syntactic competence of the Latin language sufficient to decode a Latin text in prose.
Other activities